Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1947, p. 8

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pace eight s 74ite- the acton free prfessi l t tttuilsday mauci27th 1047 r bturlnl la ihu coiumh ihoul uratorlim noti w x to f wmiim i lrf potry car j i imrm huaudto mr and mm jdnrn huard on saturday march lath 1047at the guelph central hos pital a iwui gilay mr hnirttffralcrnyr of acton are hnppy ro announce the arrival of their daughter bevwrlpy anne nttdie guelph control houplt- nl on thursday- mnrcli 13th 1m7- anthony mr and mri j h anthony pw kay beckett of tlb 1 umhimiie are very hnppy o announce- the imfe arrival oittjieh iton prank w j nt tlie nursing horn guelph slrecl arlon on march 25th both tint 3delaney mr and mrs w c del- nnty iltt 2 erin marguerite sinclair are very plenited to an nounce thr hlrth of their daughter anne ip nursing home guelph street acton orttfarcrrttflthi-bmh- dolng no manuio kastfbbrooktubneb on march 22nd 1017 in kpw bench united church toronto hy rev bruce grny elco daughter mf mr rind mrs item irwin turnpr to lloyd jnlln eftuurnvook st cnlh- nrlhik ontnrlo win of mr- nnd mm ttttitph ejihtcrbrook acton ont moudenfat his residence eramnsn toiynnhlp jnmoh i- mnrden on mnifdny march 21th lfl17 in hit bfith ypnr bbatda in gravcrc ttnly snturdny march- lstr 1m7- mnhn prnldn mother- ojeuencajpjnndjypr- ino brnidn acton in hit 81st yenr lowttey suddenly nt the residence of hu ron 103 college avenue guelph on monday mnrrh 24th 1di7 jnmeb inwrey hurhnml of the inte helieccn holmes- late of bock- wood ontnrlo denr fnther of bert cuelph in his 7fith year fosbitry- at t joaephk hospital cuelph cnrly wednesday morning mnrch 26th 1w7 alfred walter fonbury beloved husband of eliz abeth white and ilenr fnther of frank nf bnstnn pp rev wnler of acton nellie mrs hnrvev wood strntfnrd edith mrs a grout colllngwnod dennis and itohert of toronto the lute mr fosbury resting nt the johnstone uumlcv funeral home acton until frldny when run ernl service will lie held nt tun oclock interment at stratford flowers jrrntefullv neoltnfd w mhh wilijtam e smith the dualh inmt wwkot mnt- william e smith peel street came a a treat tdiock to her hxmbnnd ahd many f rlemfitlierermr smlni wail hhour nu utiunl but has for many yenni nuf- fered from a benrt ailment when mr smith returned from work last monday ounil ph had pabicilfiwny during the nfternom mr and mr smith haw been remldtmu of acton for tlio pant twenty yearn anl had resided in bracobrlflie prevlouly mni smuli wan before marriage jos ephine kilmunds nnd had taught kchool res idea lier luit4uind she itnver five brothers and two slaierk to mourn her low nnd revere her memory in tlielrhermvempnmhpy have the sym pathy of many friends hero the brot hers nnd ttistprh nre f b fdmunds toronto cordon edmunds toronto ieslle edmunilii toronto dr c ii edmunds miami fin rupert ed- car ano tkuck coludk- on saturday morning at had intimsisction a ylinrp rltur in the road and a lutd view of the inteixeatlon cnutul n colllulon on saturday mbrnunf bet ween the truck of wntiion jdalry nd n car owned and driven by alex near isjimcew tu t ot he bum p rand jrlll of the truck bqt the rajf wn tmdly damatfel on the nlde and the frame wan broken fortunately nei ther driver was injured tw accid ent happened at the fifth line inter red inn in nansacawejn auctfon sale paythc rtotk impi jgmrnts yaa- yrott kqtttrwnbnt orain hw recelvwl in- the underslrned hnvi ructlons from j ja- aijn to full by public nuclinn at bis firm- lot 20 con t sltunled on the ioth side rend nt mitt rolls school miinds vancouver drm t mrnmosn- ivp g miles north of ijk angeles cnl mm ashmore younsstown altn miss uuth ed munds toronto mrs smith attended st allwins anplicnn church actnn and the fun- erffrtytilcc on tliursdny niternonn jnalwns i the church in clinrco of rev e a pulker the rector ttve pnlllwarers vw meiwsra w k crn- ham e jhlissnrd f l wrlqht it it arnolds a b mkrlean and b morris itttcrlncnt wns in fnlrvlew cemetery acton i many tienutlful flornl frilmtesl bore testimony of sympnthy nnd esteem nnd nmonr them were ttiobe from tle hubhnnd mr nnd mnt c j crnhnm acton mnchlne shops mr nnd mrs 1eslle edmunds nnd ruth mrs d taylor mrs f s blow mm evn slhtiett nnd mr npd mrs cordon hill toronto mr nnd mm f b edmuniu mias m garvin mrs peter smith nnd miss penrl smith dr nnd mrs a 7 buchnnnn mr bruce ed munds mr nnd mrs roy arnold mr nnd mrs jos whlthnm mr nnd mrs e 1 hassnrd mr anil ms b morris nnd tomthy mr nnd mrs a u boitllon mr and uk u i j rock wood on saturday mawch sflth commencing nt 2ru oclock sharp the following horses bny mare percheron 0 yrs old grey mnro percheron ii vrs old grpv mare percheron ncd nwlwftnmtlp- shnrthorns hand mukivrrrrirrfrheifer enir nl footr fresh t wimks jted heifer cnlf nl fool fresh 1 weeks white cow cntf nt fool fresh weeks rnnn cow due nt lime of sole rnnn cow due becpre sale date red cow freh cnlf nt foot bonn cow due before snlc roan heifer bred jan 1st bonn heifer bred in feb -fat-cattle- 10 hpnd bulclier cntilr kno to 1000 lbs 1 babv eef young cattle choice yenr- unc shorthorn bull rising 2 yrs hogs 2 york sows due before sale dnte 2 york sows hred dor 25th 2 york sows hrd dec 27th nnd 28th 12 fat hors if not previous ly- sold sheep f prnde suffolk ewes c crude suffolk ewe ijmhs poultry 75 rock hampshire pullels gilson brooder stove brood er house 11x12 farm implements power h fil i trarjnr i h lfi fleury it lfi ejumnleltluit the weluht of enemy iwimbs and- v wonpohx propped on ixndon wni 12770 tons til itu v annvau auction sale n in townsiiiip okrin nkkot kowu voiinfl nan kjtvk jtxr hkko iualn jktcl tfio undjklkni itft rocplvwl in- wtrucllonti fvom ft xht jm i hon lo wdl 6y nuclinn nt uiovf fnrrri ijvi c corl i hluintod on the llrnt lino s inrtlli wst of- art on on tuav ai tt m comminomk nl j orhnu ilinjp tlin folkiuink mtclqi sows- york sow due may ilrvl wrnnd lllttr york sow duo mny sth wrond llltor york sow duo mny hlli sirond llllor york sow dm- juno nnl woond llttor york sow rtiro juno 1st yorkhnw dtrcr tm mth woond jlttor york svhv lirod mnnli kllli tlilrd -litter- 3- younu nrklnwu brl mnroli lsutjluiltalk nnd jlprtnd lhth 22nd itostorod yorkkltlro lionr ilonildn klnk iznv 2is5 cm yound pics in llirlriy rhunl ahoul tj llw 10 hirirty rhunks ntiout- 01 his 0 jlirifty rluinkk annul 7r ills in thirty ohunks nhoultki lbs 2s llirifty slionts cows dunl purposo sliortliorn cow 5 yrs old duo nlinut llrnp ol solo dual purposo shorthorn cw 4 ls old duo mny itith punl purposo shnrlhorn hoifor duo juno 0 hogis- torod null hosocnto llov 2sm2t imirn inn 21st ims lirod hy m alev- noixnl ont klkrkdltary jokafnew throughout his working life a teacher of the deaf alexamler gra- linm urll kftvcmuch llioukht to tlip nritlonal coniwuehceitofbnd handllnif of thv- denfmutt prolem yhen bell iwignn hu work many thought that deaf ikople could never communicate in n normal manner vtth their fellow men- children who could not learn to- talk becauselhcycol l j woincntto ihhtllutlonit when they were about twelve to learn the klitn innhuniio io that they could com municate with other dent muted ab h resulllildaf mutes met nnd com piun i en ted only with other deaf mutes nnd ueleeted their mate from iwoplewllh the same nffllcltot tlie number of conuenltnlly denf child ren prmlurei by such mnrrlnkrt was nlnnnlnk- bell wrote a pamphlet warning hint n ilenf vnrlety of the diuman raeewnr- being fornlwl nnd such nn outcome ould be nvnlded only by lenchlpk deaf children to tlie rnct lluii tlith innger hns been largely averted is in part din to tiiworkofalexnndrr ginhnm bell theres no luck in otir success neither ban there been mere favoritism our repu tation and success nre the result ornchinl thmvlcotulhepullle conslnnt and sincere devotion to thowe who come touii for kervlco nnd glasses has established a firm relationship betwoen our patronr nfidoiirselvon i heads glasses satisfy ejpuead optometrist nn fttrarxknnicfl rqiiahk- lhoni 1i9 41uiclp1i young cntf le rubber hudson isllnnlon mr nnd mrs r- noiible iise nearly new m richardson mr nnd mrs e e rnrr tooth power lift cultivator st albnns wa miss trude l ont roller 11 2 horse motors moore toronto emplovees or arlon horse drawn implements afnrrrrne g uncilltiininn m ii hinde frost and w co nnder young cathe 1 vnr obi tlegisteren oxford ewes poultry 1 breeding ewes due is may 3 ewe ijimhn to barred rock hens implements cockshutt 1 fur rowed tractor plow in good repair mccormirk deerlng- 11 hoe seed drill mnsseyun m s foot cut r seed grain ano hay 100 hus or cnrtier onts 20 bus reg no 1 gnlnre bnrlev in scaled twigs 10 bu chnncellor pens 10 bus tlmothv sfcd c s c 4fikwa com no 1 10 ions of mixed hay the nbove grnln is government grade cimmcrrlnl no 1 cleaned big- ged rind rendy to sow 250 bus mixed grnln for feed terms cash on day of sale sale held under cover in case of hnd weather wm a gibson auctioneer phnne gnmph 7jtr da m c v saturday all 1 march 29th and every saturday nigiitf town haiu acton 7 gib jordans orchestra ou tijhe ami modern mli4lc every thlril dance a square dance v admiriiloh 60c clork 182 miami sfln nlros nnd nopliows nt tj m o i ohv ktko jtihn iiimto sinjlo row corn ikaitlnn auction sale i ahii iii tiianrx- iliroh clitf mr nnd mrs tod tlir mr nnd mrs j m mnrrionnlcl tho molkliliirs mr nnd mrs gordon fm- rrrrmds mr wni r smith wishos to o- pross his sinroro thanks and npprooi- fltjnn to tho mnny frunds wlu wit- so kind to him during his rooont hor- onvoniont ksporiallv thanuini uov pulrhit aolon maihino shop onl- ployos thoso wlio loanod cars and ovoryono for tho bountiful horn tributes i s21031 acknowledged in aid to china tlind fob acton cullivalov m 11 prill pruni llavlr llako stool loiior h mntuiro sjuiail sootion hnrnms souffl unirows tuinip sower soalos trink ajon sto waknn noar now sloih hay hack crnvol hn k 5sooti n lojio it 1 wllo1 trail- waooh bos corn knik pir onto cuttor in- ttirnw pise hay fork iopos pul- i loys lot puljior fanning mill iloni fhotric fonro now iiainess sot of luoooliine hir- noss mi of plow ilarnosi pridlos collars oto chains nookvoki- haqs forks lloos shovnls bhrrols 11 -lis- foitlliiv dor- l ft num hoksks cikaiik iicklstrin toltun plow m i iwskv vs aniils clitass nonrlv now- attik x caivks timltoil i i aim imiikmfnts iiintv wji ii hay tilcain ititnit- irk th tiun linihl -i- ins frin- nil liavo ivoil ir- blindcraft our fimt shipment of work by tln canadian national institute for t bli fcaturinr clothes hampers i1askinettes ferneries childrens rockers at macnab hsz sont jf vaxkleet to firni hall sell hy public nudum at iik iolin con 5 escjiiesing twp- i nest to waterloo school on atidtihal the ml to cliina fuiul in acum was cairvsed lor hy the vurinu i churches of the cnmntunity and luire- j with is l he lllst list if ueknowledj- merits fumed in we will tu- glad te 4imbliahuilhcriisiivlmnutlvar frrc 10o0 husrl hoywis- matched team of brown d iliisoiir wn tuniwrtrrj mtvtirtrhtrrvtstttll wheat 100 ivrclicron maresgood workers single tenm vkinrkiay april 2ml commencing nt llh oclock sharp good frldny morrow snowdrops are in the stormy weather w what march wny of weather mentioning week from to- bloom despite nre hnvlng nnt dish up in the isnt really wortti tlie lucky door prize at tit patricks day keno of st ins church acton wns no 217 we win well be thankful that the snowbanks were well settled before thut terrfk blow came on tuesday i w a v foshury i mr arlof djlls mr l uivtll i acton citiimcrv mr m pallunt j mr h x farmer mrs rnchlin i eisens clothing store 1 mr bill 1av j mrs l agar mr f vanwyck mr 11 nf l phs mr c f leatheriund i mr h h hlnton mrs f krnnti 5t i bus ajax oats 11 oals 12 tons of hav 00 bus man golds tft ensilnge in silo furniture 2 bedrocm suites- sidebnrd chest of drawers dining f0 rtmim table buffet nrid china cnbin- it00 tteonihlned glimnx cook stove dishes tins etc m h cream sep arator new hm7 with horse mo tor milk pnlls terms cash on dnv of sale no reserve ns the form is sold lunch counter vanguard j or double ideal farm mr and mrs j h reed miss m z bennett i mrs when you buy your gitrden seeds i shirley kolston hl 200 5m 5h 100 t- 2 jo 100 2 00 albert gray clerk xvo l 2500 j 500 ap elli auctioneers phone erin or milton nt the local stores nsk ftn- jm entry blank fur the fall fair home and garden competition extensive iilteraalnus nie made in the interior furnishings hihirs ami nrrangeiuents al watsons lunch and for tin tiil three days w the week the store was closed while these changes were being made but will open lomorrfkv elmer hurt s of georgetown is recovering satisfactory iioni in jury received u hen he was bit by n4cr on no 7 highway satiftnlaj tlync- etdenr occurred during a ixfthtjdorm the injured man had liidlmvp walk ing alonj the lugh ay nejif rteorg- tow 11 uriver of the uutoincbile pi- ice- sii uus rhonui rtlnllhntync of erin will halton acce1t plan on aprilliul in tho court houso milton tho pooplo of halton will u- swor tho quostlon is haiton county to liavo llospitaluntlon a mwlionl ilonlth soriices mr a c snvnoo src y of the on- lurio co-oiuratl- union an author ity on this uhjoot will address tho numtinj nnd dlouss all ptuises of suh a ptnn mr and mrs it i johnston mr and mrs j k gardiner mr and mrs j boll mr ikinksliury r mj iiniiirit it niitns mi- itolhrt loavons mr nnd mrs n ii wilson mr- and mrs cordon johnstiyi nlr and mrs john lambert mr and mrs t itoidt miss muriel isolston mr and mn7wesley allan mis- i 1 clenlley mr and mrs h veldhuis anon nious mrs i taylor mis- m m veldhuis mrs n lambert mr ivan ham- mr and mis a t ilrown mrs k aver mr andmus d priestly mrs janis sviiiim mr and mrs m k burns le a- w and mrs fobui y 1 f c rnitod churrh churoh sebotil cnited church anonymous mrs joel leslie st albans chureh ifferiui 11v olkl lihl 2h1 rno 5m ltm l i1 lnti l ikl 1 ml ml j ml s t 2110 1 ml 100 jxl uti 01 1000 aim inn w 9lt 1110 farnworth lmejmorjals monummu at modcnuw prioaa cemetery lettering elorm ltd at cenket- gt e1jii ont t percheron filly 2 yrs old in october cows 1 holstein cows fresh not bred 1 rlnck cow fresh not bred 1 holstein cow due time of sale 1 black cow due time of sale 1 jersey cow fresh not bred 1 jer sey cow due time cf sale 1 holstein cow in full flow bred deo 23 1 hol stein cow due april 14 1 jersey- cow due may 28 1 blue cow milk ing not bred 2 holstein heifers due june 12 2 holstein heifers 1 yr ojd open th is n very pleasing lot of your eyes r kok a thorolgh eyk examination consult r m bell registered optometrist phone 22r2 erin xou a meal in five minxtes vekv itigent durin the telephone tieup in the united states only emergrncy calu were handled t want to call my mother at mrs kellyss house a llttl boy tald what is the nature of the eroer- jencthe nupervuor asked im beared the younsiter answer- iook about thre tjuarters of n pound tht call wu put through meat a united kiniftlom firm is now manufacturing n rndio oven which will eook a ramplete meal in five minutes or less all one has to do u place the food to be cooked between two thin metal plates or electrodes and switch on the oven the food is cooked so swiftly it nevev burnt heat in ihis oven fifces to 120 degrees tvntlgrade tn one minute this means that it wguld take two minutes to aiihiii 2 foot ailments s ttteated s miss allan m bee- odropdlat treats foot ailment for boui ladles and cntlemaa opaii twuv aaj bt g vealnxs ult lli ah hr m qalrttitwiit pita 1smj tt arthur tat gufxjpii hbbbhbhmhiilulillahhhul cows angus young cattle and calves 12 steers nnd heifers 1 yr old 12 last summer calves 3 baby calves anyone looking for good grass cattle be sure to nttend this sale poultity t 2 l browlers 500 chick- capacity 1 coal brooder 1000 chickcnpncity 2 brood- er houses 1012 1 brooxlej- house k10 1 chicken shelter quantity of chiekfjdandji fattening crate fakm and thacton implem ents lvplate bissell tractor dls- in good shape fleurj tractor plow 2furrow gnodrtihnpe mcd binder 7 ft mcd mower f ft m h mower fi ft tractor hitch dane hay lm1- r rubber tired wagon and hay ftack with tractor hitch loo ft drive belt m ii 11 grain grinder like new ro ft rt drive itet like new urow corn cultivator dunvp hake m h seed drill 11 disc m h cult i vat t wit h seeder set of sloop sleighs in good shipe fleury walking plow l sets harrows uot puiimt oil lrrnjis fanning mill electric fencer hac fork with car seuffhr 121 ft one inch hay bope force pump platform scales ikvi lbs blacksmith anvil deep wll pump j rolls snow fence cream separator stee writer lank 2 ho feedets speed- nek nn truck wheels ladder nuanttlv of v pip ing wheel borrow quantitv of pine 1umlfcr 1 and 2 imantitv of wise fencing and birb wire st of breeching hiuness odd hnrnes btck harness odd collars nird inmer sprayer extra heny taror loeging chain nnd odd chains fifrk iiims shovels pars etc hay gitain and potatoes lti ton mei hav fioo t mie grain if0 bus oats quantify of en- silar bnirs cobbler potatoes ftiinitcre- kitchen bange em- pire dvnnttt 2 hockers leather unhoisterv dining boom table odd crinut beds and firings box stove drtwr milk pnln strainer other sninl household effects tfttms cash settlement with clerk dav of sale jj no rewre as the proprietor has p nold hi farm and la giving up farm- jj hindley anpelliotr auctioneers phone erin or milton halton county health unit j applicatums for the followlnj poifiltaiw will be received by the tirulcrviirjnod up to april lgth 1917 1 mcdicitl officer of henlth with diploma in public health- 2 supervisor of public health nursing with public health certificate and experience in supervision v 3 public health nurses for staff position 1 sanitary inspectors with certificate in sanitary inspection miss m maxted secretarytreasurer milton ontario i- i c currio clerk farmers k yoir want more iwsttre per acre im you want reater profit from yolr livestock this year sow a lonjr term pasture mixture wc carry a full hue all pasture grasses and clover nt prices that will sut iu ov quality is tmh rest clovfclts altalta western grimm altai fa ontario variegiuej ked clover anike white dutch clover lajino clover sweet clover grasses brume parkland lironic common timotuy orchard grasn meadow fescue perennial kye grabs ked top grass creeping red fescue kccd canary grass canada blue grass kentucky blue grass sudan grass etc william c0use sons limited streetsv1lle phone 1hw

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