Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1947, p. 2

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u jv the acton freepress mortsday alhil 3rd 1947 j 4vtncc doth om pubhilirl tvrry tlminuy jl arlnit ontario aulhmunl il d pottwmf dlml olfwa suhsctttwion bati1wm tr r in ltd rw rfjrft liould i uivtii tlr ia cqiiflp4 advftttmnf rati- s- on ppurrlion n 1 fil in virion column lira linn alllioukh try prccinli n wh te i error tit lrr irtm ft cpn alvctliinir h iii coluwm o 0 jwlminiiiik hi- ti will n llw lor iny a iirmf ol wirh a lrirmci l f br the olvcrlikf arid rrturnm o tit 1 rr iv miin old duly nutiftl llirslvnliiw an i with luch error or c rrviiiir plainly notrl in wnuna ihrrrqn km fri lliat rac tl ny error noted i not corrected ly t1i re tre iti liahilitylull nnt ruvrtl iich proportion ol tlip entire coit mi li a vertimrnl a the pace cupiil b tlie note i err r 1 ear l lte whole apace occupied ly ucli advertirmet c aruop d1i ls editor tf1 fphom rdit rial and ihitinr ollue uoidence j the spirit or he thing it in snid the nazis lost the war when their pluti produced no landing barges t a time when they hud znfglnml at then yiiercy it would be truer to any tliey lost before hint when they produced n brutal l yojiilosophy that turned the world against them ip qjtwfly arl ln wow war of conflicting idea nwcncus plan is the return to free enterprise rui- ysins plan is totalitarian eontrol hrltiiin ig expen- rufmtuift wjih n halfway plan or socialism which plan will dominate akiiii it may be a question lets of pjnh than of philosophy tree ontirprisc in a philosophy of materialism n philosophy of cvcryfiody get for himself as much as he can always fivcrrcnclics itself the socialist plan tn a philosophy of materialism fails to ro far enough cutting off setjfmterest it does not call forth cnougrrselfgiying to seive the common irfterest cxeept throiirh moving furtliu on to totalitarian dictatorship totalitarianism in a philosophy of materialism incsto smother tin mitcrinlism but smothers it fort as ucll and has to resort once more to the old lures of selfishness i acht plan is sell defeating though not because of defects in the plan so much as defects in plnlosoph it is not n nm plan ue- need but a new philosophy not a nou sstem but a new spirit only the spirit spcaks to the spirit nntions which would win the world war of ideas must pioneer the spiritual way 01 life to replace incentics of materialism then wljat the plan will work r- looking back on the past season the ice on the arena is an uncertainty tttefooys have reached the end of the 1946 47 hockey season and perhaps we should make some editqrial c6mmcnt first let us say wc were proud of thehowing made by aclon players this year it didnt turn out to be a championship ycar but the interrrfcdiatcs went wellalong the way and in elimination they were certainly not disgraced we ore pleased too that in the season when i jchoice hft to bemndere resident or non-rco- ldcnt players that the management chose to go the route with the boys who are resident of acton and the district it does seem that if hockey is to suruve incoinnuinities such ns this withautbecomjng financial burden some group will have to be set up by the o ha that will offer a championship to an allresident team we dont believe communities enrh ns nnrs have rcachgdthe wh financ ial returns arc sufficient to use a professional seal of payment to participants in the game such as is used in maple leal gardens we feel there has been too much trend already in that direction and a new change of outlook is necessary if the sporr is to survivein the smollertownswejiopethis will be taken into consideration seriously before another season rolls around every visitor a salesman every canadian who visits the united states is i salesman for canada whether he realizes it or not one who does realize his responsibilities and oppor tunity is h g colebrook a director and merchandise manager of the robert simpson co while on holiday in north carolina he noticed that an editorial in one of the local newspapers de clared that only in america is enterprise still free ln a prompt but friendly letter o the editor mr colebrook pointed out that in canada free en- tfhfts matrwmca o terprise a canadian on the spot could handle a situation such as this and it is fortunate in this case that there was one to do so canadian visitors to the united states can do a great deal in building up further good will trad and tourist traffic wherever they go they are asked questions thul ranfiennj where from the condition of the road between some small hike and the nearest highway to momentous problems of empire relat ions on the answers giyen may often depend whe ther or not some new american capital will seek in vestment here financial post jl2l mark every grave mnnufnciiiretfi of distinctive monurnenls cemetery lettering corner iifl and markers t no alceliu t1lotltir vim no hajitwi amhtlmlcm to tmbs ltfti huhmlltal iaimie assortment in stock huy direct from us oakville monument works i commune st w on highway oakville a curd r lmtr wilt luriiifc our ktrvlrn to ywir door oiwii kvrtilnfcll business directory mk11icai dr w g c kenney 1hyaleuu mul burrfeou liiuccouor to dr la mcntveti offlci- in symon block mill street acton oflloo ihaiut ik ulnliunoo cfaorob hl 1hnno ik car round prccntion needed canadas estimated fire losses aggrcrntcd nearly 11000 000 in december of last year imdjanuary av this a figure which is causing fire preventing auth orities much concern according to an announcement by the canadian underwriters association despite appeals to the public during last fne prevention week for greater precautions against fire december 194g losses reached 6750000 an in crease of 2 2s0 km over december 1945 in january 1947 losses exceeding 0 000 000 were suffered a jump of 33 per cent over the january 1045 figure of 4500000 fotalities from fire since august last total 40 and it is feared that much higherdeath and loss fig ures will be recorded unless the country awakes to t1fis nnd makcastern effort to combat it fires will occur it is realized regardless of pre cautions but rtuman memories arc short iiyed and 4hewarnings anil appeals of eire jyvention wcqk seem soon to be forgotten tho- bajird statement said people do not remember that fire prevention week exists in reality 305 4y of the year precaution against fire the first line of de fence against the menace should be taken 21 hours of every day fromone fire prevcntiqnwceleltq the next statistics show the appeals for vigillrhce and care made during fire prevention week actually seem tojstnke home in the publics mind although as the months pass the effect appears to wear off it continued for instance last october when fire prevention week was last observed fire losses dropped 250000 below the figure of 3750- 000 for october 1945 while in november total lossea were 3 750 000 identical with those of november 1945 in the 20 years prior to arfd including 1945 fire jnyejiimt yrr w of canadian lawnmowers oil heaters if oti urc in netd of a new lawn mower place your order curly wlnle they inst we have n limited number to dispose of owink t btell sliortugi mwcrs arc likely to he tn short supply j axv hive a snnll and a medium oil hetter in stock gt fwivo wth us for quick delivery if interested nlso 0 jtrftrooder oitstnves just arrived tirst here first served these are in yry short supply so arc electric brooders so plcnsc be ndvftt accordingly jdistrict cooperative phone 127 milton dr d a garrett r khyklcimu 4nd ejurgfeod l- rpdcrlck si root acton form rly dr nolnons nfflca ontc phone jj8 ituldenc 243 i dkntai i i dr a j buchanan nmitw hurkron offlco irishman bto u mill strmt office hours d a m to 6 pltt x itay cas tci cpiionh 148 dk geokge a sirrs driiuu suvgeoa slill stree conn r frederick actott office ilouri 9 00 nm to 5 30 pja ti llpiione 19 isxtat property and took 5908 lives bdltorial notes to morrow is good friday and sunday iseaster sundae really a wonderful week for everyone purchaseof easterseals will not- only jour correspondence but they 11 help in 0 to many crippled children improve bringing spring and tuxett with the tax levies set for the murrrcipaiity rfld the province folks can concentrate qnd speculatersfw on what the federal budget has in store for them there was a time that main of us can remember when the average man and woman was not deeply concerned on the dominion lew it affected a small i group but we ve had two wars since those dmsi and while the levies from the tirst one were found excellent means for governments to raise moiiev th second world vv ir usesj all the tactics and found i some new methods which etraced something lroni cvcrvoiic so that cvcrvoiic now has a personal intettsri n the dominion budget und the news it contains we i sort of broadening our interests these davs at tb time of writing this article there is no indication ot when the budget will be presented fvidcntlv oni urio s premier docs not expect it soon mikc the leg islature is to have u holiduv and re isciule when the dominion s plitns are knoun and so it s spring wuh au air ot expeciancv about its a hopeful air uud while there liasn t bee i much sunshine in the tax levies banded down this year by other bodies hope alwavs springs in the hu man breast and it can do no harm to hope for a better trend when the dominion government nil nouneestts tax plans for jhc year march has gone but the 1047 variety has left oe hind it a remembrance that will linger for many vcars and be placed in the record breaking class for winter seventv roads are breaking up badly on all those except the hard surfaced ones and therell be some more weeks of driving with consideration before all the repairs ot winter damage can be hxed a notice in another column brings the reminder lb it there are still many goods an j services which are still under price control true the controls are giadujllv being lifted bui il s no run away progrini tnd wc suggest that re iders retain a eopv ot the list ot good still under rice control 4t irav sue ou sonic nioncv j- carrolls soup umy kquxb dinner uuy rtztuld mustakd fttu 9 aurmi fihcakks new llbby honoganlud baby foods 0ash0t8 mtl pwacr peis cabbotb 8pih acn vbarrahut iodt livnt toup vcarrabuu with wuar vuruuu wrrn baooh atfle sauce iuuurn pbirma attlvi ad arucota oukabb rcdduta ssoz tdjb libbvs atjoed ftd beets 2 ltbbts batteb kraut jftot tws sic hi hum mm i lobster 7 ot to qe ueoiai m 10 prunes 2 35c falls view ob lyhh valley pjeachesjs xlc mn atlmzb 0dbv cmw imwmiic raluouvb beauty soap cau ije lyhn val1xt dcaacbt peaks or-ni-17e- blbacii wlni javex k i4b chan arcco coat i7 vattloul bilahds oe eaapeebby with peotim uhtted quajititv jam caurobuia blace figs avlmeb dioed beets jab mcwt avlucb foods rt jumou tiw1 30z tim toe e00h0uv with elavob oasboll da1idee tea o 19 25c s7e red river cedeal fr 14c 4o bauce had hed ol ru ne uaiwo a 0 c atlce te rcmouckt ocutac cftkau tubc lc 4te quabeb uvnttl a i7o grapefruit juice o- xoc blended 8rburr juice x ta 5c prune nectar m ij w aui u li nwukb sing j eouim rmcrnu oaouwo isii aoluho uakd tdk fi8ht t s j c i- lkarill ulani ba acr itarriauir anil stollritor notary putiu iiluer of mnrrlacc llccnocs hi ulslrnr l blrtlis lrrlnkoa deaths offloi il ihonra itcaklmuur 1si langdon aylsworth narruuira solicitor etc offlccb acton coop r dulidlnr h maclntyro aylsworth bjc acton office 21sw thonra rsaldmiex 21u georgetown grocery tlieatro builds phono 88w lever hosk1n ctuartrih accoudtauiu succossonj to ten kins ft hahdv 1305 motropolilan bldg 44 victoria st toronto els 0131 vetkiunakv b d oung vs bvsc vrterlnary surknah otflce brookvllle ontorta phone milton 146 r 4 f g oakes v s bvsc vetrinry hurgeon office and residence knox avenu acton phone 130 real estate pillooghbyfarm agency largest and oldest agency ln cmisris head office kent bide toronto georgetown representative tom ilewaon phone georietovm u time tables gray coach lines coaches leave acton 1ut uivran thw eauitbeuilil 8 u ii 9lfralbbvt 1151 am 20fi p m 446 pj u pm 906 pm bllll pjn weatboubd y nl0 3s am yll 43 om x5 m- z5 13 pm 733 pm b833 eb x0 23pm yll 28 p m z to stratford a to london ipsundays findhotdaysdru x dolly except sundays and uau- day y io kitchener canadian national railways enmbound dully guillm 9 48 am 045 mm- sundny only 8 19pm drqi ptswu iorktown 10 11 p m westbound daily oxcupt monday 117 rjsl monduv only 12 09 urn daily ktfipt sunday 9 01 u in 0 40 p ro 1m p m saturday only j 16 pm p1yr at iulph txctpt saturday and siiriswy b- p m b mmiimtmim rm 1 vir tloud his i mjxlt iiiihir inj ours troptjt np this wcia libt kuk mc told you of the diflu ultitb tncouiitlrtd in rtiinn tuo shipments of utusprint utmost togctlur this week wt rcctivlij notill that the price lius inirtuscd by btx doll irs i tun und iru l are with tatk piled to the roof ut the old price ali ot whiih means thul buhslnbtrsy uon t hi fltfclttd here for the next bix mouths hy an inciliisl in the iost of their iohjj puper und perhui s by that titm the upwurd trend will hue stopped sihc au miiis o 1 ijiro vkl firm hip hajns lb thotce lurtfe size okimes ste 252 u hkvkts ijirue hunchen dot 41c 15c 59c 35c 23c nicol bros monuments and cemetery lettering associattd uiih a j corbett w mount fore onl i kncjulkkh w coles at aearsj coal office phone 120 alton x

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