Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1947, p. 1

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kzy r 4 w 1 j j a v s 7 j i lir ti scvehty 4 act6n-ontario-thursdayvapril-17th-tlm7- n- eigbihomcprintprcs fivecental lock of ten houses for erection inleiskmarisurvev council midkcft plaint for watcr- workt exlfhhiottft tosrve new swtiow of acton being built up repair a arena roof fire under oiftcuftflion the wartime wouhine sit tft be chowen thw week adjourned seaaion last ed until after midnight councillor c cook j ii crelghton wm coon andr m ayisworth were present tuesday evening nt the ad- journed meeting of acton council nnd reeve f j mccutcheon presided mr h e mckeown submitted a quotation for roof inn the west nee ho in of the nrenn over die hand stnnd nnd waiting roomi totalcost of matohal and labor wits u3ft4 on his in spection of t he work done last fall he noted ice hntl marked the roof nnd this- would be repnlred mr mckeown had also made nn inspection of tht roof of the main nrenn and submitted recammenda- tlonb-on-nlumlnium-nfl-4ilaok-rounh- mhtorlnl the hlnck nsphnlt mntihnl was guaranteed wnterproof for ten years while the aluminium pnlnt im runrnnteed ngnlnst chipping or peel ing for three yeqrsj he gave quota- tlons on holh materials council arreed to rive the matter consider- ntlon the clerk rend correspondence in connection with securing lnwn mow- ens for rutting the grass in the park mr wilson was present to explain whnt had taken place nt the meeting of acton puhlir utilities commission lnengagingir secretary kasu roister replace fjed turner who had resinn ed by motion the commission had enffajjcdmrvvmi will inms- for- tlu position and mr wlllinmswns present formal dance heijd ry preside chapter iodjb the lakeside clmpter iode held a formal dance in acton town hnllhon lheevninkoffridny7aprhllthr receiving were miss marguerite ryder repent nnd the two convenors if the dance mrs helen otterbeln nnd miss jessie coles the hnll urns tastefully ilecornted in easter shades winners fthe spot dnnces were mrs l klgtisind mrs j held halfway through the evenlnr in the balloon dance dozens of multicolored balloons were loosen ed from n iiuro lag in the centre of the floor and cascaded down on the dtmeers the catcher of- a specially marked balloon wns mrs b hlnton there wns also n luncli served nt in termission 4o meet bouh c k gouti ell gave oi sldemtlnn to his nppolntment as muni cipal treasurer bylaws nre requir ed to mnke this appointment nnd these were not ready for this meeting messrs vnnglles and jones had made enquiry regarding hultdlng ten housefrin actonunderthelntregnted housing plan they required infor- i motion regnrdlng the municipality approval of the town the muni report submitted oiiwalerlisedt in municipal system wn williamti appointeo secre tarytreasurer to succeed fred turner who hbh resigned the regular meeting of acton pub lic utilities commission was held nn mondnyevenlngwthreevefjme cutrheon commissioner j r mac- arthur being present and chnlrmnn c m hansen presiding the resignation of mr fred turner ht-nff-fieoretnrv- trennuriwf aoton- clpnllty must he prepared to instnl tl wnter services these riion had alli ready purchased ten building lots in l lf the lolshmnn survey council gav npprovnl and information required another inquiry was made foi- water service to a property in th- crlpps survev widen required an px- tension r co other enquiries wen made for new buildings nnd consideration was given to the lotnl amount of new water- mains required for this years build ing and securing the labor for laying the mains council also discussed the sites for wartime housing it was finally de cided to meet owners of the proper ties the following evening nnd make n choice between the two locnlohs aaeavjjlan far the section nt the of baxter laboratories which was n fonnjrr pond was submlted with n letter from the deportment of plan ning to lmv this land properly am- veyed from mr amos mason to bax ter laboratories thjs plan submitted must be npproved council gave thv npprovnl and supplied the department of planning with the information re quired tlctwasrcevedfrom the hos pital for sick children of admittance of nn indigent patient it was decided to purchase steel cul verts for approaches to new resid ences and other drainage along th streets council considered insurance cover age of town properties for lire et it was felt some items should be in creased some deleted and some cov ered that wen not now insured it was arranged to have mr f i wright nt the next meeting to discuss the insurance further a letter was read from the county assessor outlining the advantages of the annual convention to be held lp sudhurytbis nr heurged thn-tth- nssessor be sent to the convention the letter wns hied another 4ejter from the county as sessor suggested that the assessor be supplied with a written authordv to- enable him to carry out his duties council passetl the necessary motion a letter from the secretary of the recreation committee requested r joint nieetlng of the commltttm and the council it was agreedto haw this meeting at the next regular sos- sion of council organization for- the british flood relleicamixilcn was left to the next meeting council ndioumed shortly after midnight public utilities commission was ceptpri a letter from the central mortgage and housing- commission requested details about the instnllntinn of flat rate watr beaters in the proposed wartime houses tin commission specified strapon heaters supplied nnd installed by the owners and if hepc- rules permitted ttjhc w6uld be prpbytetirystistaitis call l5 minister iriacion cbuwli the 4reshvteij of ouelph net in st andrews presbwerliin chprrb fjuelph inst week mid sustained a un animous call from knox church ac ton to cnplthe rev john m ander- soh mc and- bar late of the chnp- inlncy service nnd nn overseas chap lain to the highland llrhh infnntryof cannda capt anderson accepted the call nnd the induction will take place in acton on thursday evening april 24th he succeeds the rev r forhon thomson now of mncnnb street church hamilton a unnnlmous call from st pauls church ouelph nnd eden mills nnd rock wood churches to the rev fred willlnmson wns also approved by thf presbytery mr willlnmson who has been supplying these pulpits sine may 194c will bo inducted in rock- wood church on tuesday evening april 2fltb7 a resolution whs receivd from st pnuls congregation highly commending their former minister dr w tr mrlvnr wlin tsnow in ire- inn d mr weali showed hohl home garden can br beautiful a small group enjoyed immenslv the flrsl of n eries of gatherings- to learn nbiut bautifying jiomes and gnrtlens in acton and district thq meeting was helfl in the council chamber last night under the misplc- es of the full fair committee on home anil garden competition mr tohnweall of the oac ouelph was the speaker and on tills occasion be dwelt with the small backyard flpwer nnc shrubhery plnnting to matcnhntpinrnntonlyn joy tnthe- owner but a beauty spot for the dis trict mr wenll illustrated his talk by a drawing of nlsmall bnck gnrden surrounded by other buildings in n ii com highest mark in province at the easter exams jorepbine boyd grade 1ja general has lwvn selected hy mr f a ham ilton principal of thegcvi nnd stnff ns being the sluijent fq laut week josephine wns horn in auckland new zenlnnd but enme to cnnnda 1m- fore starting to school rfbe first at tended the act oh public school nnd remnlned there for five years com ing to guelph from there she attend ed central school before entering 1110 ocvt jnwplilne wnirhosen studenl- of the week for obtaining such out standing mnrks on the easier report her pecenlnge war 935 nt easter ami 928 at clirlstmas mr hamil ton remarked that her enster per centage is one of the highest in the province on leaving school she plans to enter university and follow along literary lines -700- attend junior farmers at home last thursday gucsla from3eichborinccounucfi enjoy social nicht at brunt inn county council dekaf e loan 16 county engineer easter thank offering mfjsting of knox w m society the secvnd annual at ftomi the hat i on junior fiirmetjt agaiii- proved to b one of the outstiindlng vociai events of the junior farmer year between fifwwind 700 juniors at- knox presbyterian church wms held their easter tlinnkoffering meet- ihginthcclaiikrturninnaprll 10th mrs blow wns in charge nnd opened the meetlnr with n short talk the scripture lesson lien ring on the res urrection of our saviour was read by mrs e- j hansard miss blanche mckinnon thertr f a vorjeduic society with a solo which wns much enjoyed miss ruby clarke gnve nvery won derful reading which she said was written by n lady who had experienc ed n very long period of illness mrs blow gave n tnlk nnd welcomed all visitors afltrwhleh prayer wns glvon by mrs cordiner a request wts mnde for nny one wishing to send any nooks to miss nellie andersui miss ionary in british gulnnn to please leave them with mrs h mnlnprlze miss isnbelle andersongnve nvery interesting nddress on the triumph of fnrth mishblnnchomclcinnon ngaln sang thjstime the beautiful hymn ilp the gnrden miss dora hnnsen nrcompaniertlier on the pinno the offering was taken and the e- jdirnikn prayer was mnde by mrs g ijnl m blow closed the meeting nnected at flat rnteslo gunr- n n tee could he given ahoutvkp length time these would be continued a notice was received tfajwbe am erican waterworks assnvtntlon if their annual convention lejng held in montreal this week letter from the wallace tierny riktiested n date when their rep resentative could come to acton to supervise the installation of jhe new chloririntor it was decided that it would be neor june 1st before the road would be sultqbleifor n truck to get down to the pumwuse a motion wns passotygtving miss jessiewalker authority to sign checks continued on page five his finished picture showed o henu- tlful arrangement of suitable shrubs and trees n horder with a fine blend ing of color nnd an arrnngement that gave n beautiful scene froirulhco with ers windows nndihllternted the un sightly objects surrounding it ts hoped thnt acton home owners muy have the benefit in new and old home gardens of such practical advice owia mica avlf matiikmat1cs ground sufficient to produce ten tons of grass will support 1000 field mice with a total weight of about fif piunds an owl weighing half a pound or so can devour 1000 mice in one season owls obligingly count their own mouse consumption by means or regurgitated pellets con taining the skeletal remnins of the rodents neatly packed in nn envelope of fragmentary fur owls of all species their pellets nnd the tiny bones enclosed therein make a strik ing display at the royal ontario museum with prayer all were invited to re main for lunch when n phvisnnt half hou wn smqt teen towners hold a social night tended the record setting event held nt the brant- inh last thursday even ing the halton group is the only tuitocriav ljivimirtnohiarrcrcr7iritsuchan j 1iam i-hljkwal- evening of entertainment n ontnrio nnd during the evening played host lu representatives from neighboring uu ocular bimonthly do junior farmer organizations guests vjwfh tll iraitotjeltlc the patrons and patronesses nnd the county executives music for rinncing wns supplied by jack ryan and his orchestra which also entertained during ji short in termission fast president george s atkins wns master of ceremonies for the lucky draw while mrs 1loyd craw ford sxerted the winners the fol- lowlng is the list of winners miss ttomi tlflarf geotg7rownpmlejrmnt guerlte murray ingersoilken gam ble wenckorth miss mildred lucas of appleby miss jenn chester nor- al nnd mrs r i dnvidson of acton the patrns and patroness of the dance were mr and mrs a h martin mr and mrs j k whitelock mr and mrs 11 yd crawford nnd mr and mrs p a fsher the executive in charge of the evening lnhljdaed geo rge s atkins past president edna aitken president cfttneron wilson first vicepreside jmey kenn sec ond xjcepresiderit and gordon a les lie secretary last thursday the local teenagers in the vmca there wns n inrge niwil- an the p w qultu a motion vakftcd for 100 iaam fof new car jml held till nt mtinjir ryijiw approved foif salary increase retroactive to jartuar lutcgranta to ijonte stfiriuhauithhrenneti written exclusively for the acton free pres nod the canadian ciinmplon by uosu peareni whether the county will enter lh held of hnanclngthe purcbase of new cars by employees will be decided u- on at the next meeting members of halton county council decided at the regular monthly meeting held at the court house last vuesday this decision was renrhed after the matter wasreopenedhy a membr of the council dsking that the former motion approving of such nri net be rescinded earlier n motion sponsored by w h blggnr reeve of trafalgar and f mccutcheon reeve of acton was np proved with only four dissenting vote thai utc- treasure ib authorized to advance- the county engineer j100 on a promissory note to be applied on his purchase of n new car to be pale for by december 31 1917 very little discussion took place be- fore the moti w npproved wi reeve mrs mary pettlt asking if there was nnylhlng illegal about the transaction warden norman craig said iho jnolion was prepared by- the treasurer nnd she is not tripped up very easily i wonder where this will lead us interjected depijty reeve e w smrw alter further business wns trans- success dancing began on the gym floor at nine oclock to the notable orchestras like vaughn monroe harry james charlie splvnk and other notables of the prrfession via mr arblcs records and recoixlilaycra- yellow- spotlight provided the lighting and- created an appropriate atmosphere there was a large representation of the junior teen agers which is quite encourag ing of course dancing was or major im- portnnce but those ping pong sharks found plenty of- enjoyment on the green tnhle top and then too there was the coke bar for the ones the ping pong finished nnd dancing made thirsty s- intermission came at cleveniclck and the teeners nil rushed for the bottom floor to receive their allot ment of coffee and cake then back to the dancing the smooth mellow sound of the home waltz ended another evening if pleasant times among the younger group acted reeve a mclaren of george town asked members to approve- of n motion asking them to rescind the mntiontoflhfsw loaififfffhecounly engineer introduction of this motion proven that there was not enough discussion on the origlnnl resolution declared warden crnlg i think we should find out the legality ot thl remarked deputy reeve armstrong no council ithould be lp the loan- inp business to anyone including our employee i why shouldnt n ratepay- erzlcnmcjnnrlnck fnr n irwin p thfy at halton tioumtv junior tarniers annual at home lat week fuhlng dates for the coming uet- on duclosed by ontario same uf- flculs are us follows black baxs frorojuly 1 to october 13 muikel lunge july 1 to octobr 1 tpckld trout brown trout rainbow trout and auror trout from may 1 until sejt- emhr 15 may take ndvnntnge pf ourrat injected deputy reeve george ciutie adding its not our businem to be in the loan business in anffcer- to a question clerk wil liam deans r there was nothing in the statutes to say that we eannot do it it is a matter ofpollry reeve mclaren id like to get the special ratethat the county doe if we have to buy a car we can pay- for it ourselves but if hes purchasing one and were paying his expends ho should be able to pay for it himself deputy reeve hall it doesnt look to me as the right thing to do reeve whitaker id say that if you set n precedent in assisting th school nuk you rah do it for the other employees reeve geo cleave thought a month should elapse before t he rescinding motion be brought in while the clerk concurred warden craig ruled council will haver to wait another month before the motion is tabled concluding the discussion member felt that if the original motion wan still in force the treasurer could pay over ihe monoy then ltwouwhav to be paid back to us they aald th warden suggested the treasurer b requested not to act on the motion until it was settled bylawi given a third reading in cluded increasing the salaries of th council members warden to 500 par year and each member to 7 a coun cil meeting and committee meeting with mlloage at ten cents mile the increase will be retroactive to january 1st the bylaw read a bylaw was amended to increase the salary of the treasurer tol850 a year and the clerk to lo50 dating hack to january 1st council unanimously approved of 3 by respecting the cutting of trees cononutd on psge eight r coming events anntiiinrrmrnt if urttinftt cm rtrt or othr eiita unur lhi lirdinif r rhrgcd w pr in ilti niinun rhrct lof annoitntcmrt of jar imwhii ilx and wven hotasrwl young people atuiuwd the halton junior farmora annual at horn at humnt inn in burlington laattliursujiay evanlng yu above photo ofuhe danco oln the lido deck shows a amah portion of the dance door and orchestra as seen from the upper deck young people from all sections of halton joined in this bkg annual event as well as guests from other junior farmer organlxatlons throughout southern ontario staff photo womens institute birthday parly 1 thursday april mlh in unltm church at 230 everyone welcome dance friday april 18th town hall acton gib jordans orchestra admission 50c auspices acton lo ba 1101 the last- regular nieetlag of th acton junior farmers will be held in the lome school thursday april 24th a 843 pm everyone welcome lunch provided r h

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