Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1947, p. 3

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thursday april 17th 1947 the acton free press page thrk gf interest to women mhton tht eflhter wckmd storm which touftht damage and autforlntf to many parts of ontario left 1u mark oa milton nnd jurroundinif country- mom sorlous damago wui cauudd by high winds when it blow off about one third of thtf grandstand roof at agricultural parle nearlyfortyfvel of the roof on tbsouthern aectfon was lifted in two pieces and blown across the race track one small sac hon colkattaed and was found lying on the peat tbe seating arrangement did not appear to be damaged a large tree wa blown over o the realdenoe of john tendon on oourt street in other sections oi the town trees were given their spring manicure as dead limbs were broken off overcome by coal gas fumes miss mary ellon mccallum was found dead in her bed by neighbor at her vic toria avenue home last thursday morning haltcst male choir organised in november made an auspicious debut on tuesday evening when they pres ented to an audience which packed st pauls united church in milton mr e stanley roper organist and composer at his majesty s chapels royal and gave oxceltent support with choral numbers in a program which was a delight to lovers olgood music the attendance was well over kkvand every- bit of available soiling capadtjrwai filled canadian tfcatmp- lon the bowl lfctb hoito9mkers erom washing dlshe three time a day ot the annual spring houmcleanlne the overlastlnff cleaning goes on it must hav been observation of womens endless attack on dirt thnt spurred manufacturers to make these perpetual motion clean- trs the vacuum cleano is a real juigviy have bkxn tflerk madam said the irate gentleman what do you menn jvy letting your child snatch off my wljf sir if it s just a wig think noth ing of it replied the harassed mot her i wns afraid thot the little devil hnd scalped you your eyes for a thorough ee examination consult r m bell reciiitcrcd optometrist phone 22rl2 erin nojsuit is better than its cleaning that will groomed well- suited look depends on met iculous cleaning wt give our suit fastcdious treat ment rtmovink all dirt- and odor we are t your service aluavh vanwyck cleaners main st jlcton help duriftg housecleanlng this mac hine cannot pick up sharp objects but does take the imbedded xllrt out of any fabric thorookwy when you dtf- moth the clothe clot and remove the accumulation atoov window frames and doorwy the- atysawrnohtli will do the work easily for you you may make mental notes of the above but the engagement of a decor ator should be done immediately by letter or phone in order that your schedule will be in accordance with his time table hope he will be abl to keep this date it is also time j select your wallpaper and pahr man people are reverting to the new ver satile papers for wai tjjusjt is wise to make- aneaibae1ectlon and you cjurteidowiitfarrtbjt to send the drapes and slipcovers to the cleaners so they win be back when your roomsj ore fresh with all this done you can clean out drawers and cupboards this job takes time as you know and it takes courage for me to nay this be ruth less in disposing of the bits of junk thnt accumulate in any house care and orkhation ov v actum cleaners to prove thnt a few minutes a duy sqent in caring for equipment will pay good dividends operation tl placelheelennor on tho run nnd v 1th hnndlo in operating position ndjust the nozzle no that there is a smnll rpare between it nnd the ruff hen tho motor is turned on tht rug will como to the no77leiftin agitator tpe the rug should ibrate just in front of the cleaner whrn the motor isluriyd on utomallc agitating machines do nit k quire this attention moit tho oloctrlr vacuum ch nner lengthwise on tho rug slowl tnrli section should bt gone oxer twice in oxdt r to lemovo tho imbedd rt i dirt tit cnn tho coid in vour free hand nnd avoid tangling it with fur nirtrrroi 6 clean off all attachments 1 the dust bag should be turned inside out and brushed off every four months 2 remove all hairs threads otr carefully once a week 3 oil the cleaner according to the chronicles ol ginger farm je writtoa hjerlatiy to qwendoumc p clamik mf there is an oduh lady in town whose birthday i tryoremybr xt- falls m atiril 10 jsefor that dy came ound this year x was hunting a card for her and suddenly remem- feered that last year lntttdaf aend- ihk a oahd i took her a bunch of daffodils and narcissi which i had picked from our own garden this year wbai a difference with tho first green shoots only now just about a couple of inches above the ground it will be some time yet before we can pjcttxiitounetoftrpring flowew- but the flowers thai bloom in the spring tralta have nothing to do with the case h is clearly a mat ter for the weatherman after all it is not only ffljjlowers that arc backward it wasmetually april 11- before we herd swamp frogs singing and according to the old saying the frogs must be shut up three ames before we cnn really look for spring but it will get here you 11 sec that is if we wait lohff enough the roblrjs think so any way there arc two of them making a nest somewhere near the house i am not quite sure where vet but cvory time i look out i c one and sometimes two cheery little red breasts hopping around or calling back and forth to each other from adjacent tree tons yes the birds and the baata are surely getting their ovn variety of spring fever one day last week as i set out for town three blue heron flew up from the creek near the road i wntched them ns they winged their way oxer ounrdk the bush nnd then to m urpriso one of them landed while the other tuo half circled and flew on tounrds town i wondered why i hoy pnrtod companj could it be thnt one of them wns n hon bird nnfi wniheinff escorted to n place of snfeh hv her tworontlomon friendfior wan the one juit n younff hird nnd not considered ohi enough f r distant hunting grounds agiln it mn hae boon sho hnd n fou chore to do nt home nnd wont hnck to u t on wlrti thorn ono tlnng t did di ior watching herons kn t onct n goo polic when one is drixing nnd tho tt nd ii tull ofhm nnd not hoh s to htrtttl 1 4 turn off tlu motor if there k nn intorruptionfurniture to bo mov t i door bell to be jjnsworod etc si alwnvs turn the miteh opf im f i u pulling out tho plug nt the out ut f attnchnunts should bt used fiist fmrr of the vaeuuin cleajtei- 1 h fore using tht ilietrlc ac j uum t u utii r pick up tntks pins and i shurj olijtcts as well ns lit mntrhts i tiu i mm cut or hum tht belt of i m not driven bt ush oi tlu mn punc tuu tht dust hng af tt i tmli ust tmpt tht dust rr f n vn r m 1 mnnuraclurrcatrwhlont lally 3 or 4 drops of graphite oil every four months is all that is necessary over- lubrication is harmful top 4 worn or frayed belt cord brjukof the agitator cover should b tsfplaced f yaattc a tip l try a small paintbrush for cleaning hard- to getat corners 2 a paste of equal portions oil salt and flour molenedxtilcvinegar will lend lustre jfcitno duteolored brass or copp- ilet the naste harden wrh off the water 3 bust walls from the floor up the fliit inroads of dust hang down best implement is a broom covered with flannel 4 the window sills will be easier to keep clean if you wax them after washing 5 hounecleanlng is notlmo to wtar jourself out cleaning silver by hand drop silverware into a pan where ench piece can touch an aluminum pie plate nnd covay silver with water to each quart add 1 up salt and 1 tsp of bnklng iodn bring the solution to a boll and tarnish should disappear in five or ion minutes g you may be storing several tin or iron utensils for the summer if this bo so mnke them rustproof h rubb inff with unsaltod fat 7 never dnshsnlt info cnstlalu pans it rnusis n pitted utensil i tiie question rox i mrs e n nsks how to protect woollens from moths i answtr ijannriejinff kills moth eggs nnd lnrrp woollons not used reg- i iilnrl in summei hut not stored khouldho nlied frequentk unless tionted to resisl dnmngo to store rnp fieshk inundeiod things lmmed i dioppid into one hole u utt lv n strong paper nnd si nl tightly i ii nnmh tj n clftw n w i i wonder the springs suriod and luro is t nnother sign nt spring it i tht unit of nrnunl me t ing lnsl week was our womrn institute annutl oh hlessod event how wo look forward to it sounds iither ns if i wore rcftrnhg to nn txnttttd birth in the nptrtthnrhnnd- doesn t it mnbc i nm not too far out at th it ceitainlv both an some times nt dt scribed ns painfuj long draw n out nff alr i low m or jtop milton welding lulectrie and acetylan waldtaat hapalr wcldina ol all typaa pdrtabla aiulpcnant phone sis mnx bt mton foot ailments treated miss allan treats toot allnwnts or i ladlss and kantlemaa mbn tin aack am a smj m goetpu salada borrowing can be i good business do you need money for taxes with gummt d tape or stort in n well mndc cedar oht st several now fnb- nis are now inhelltd moth resistnnt mr t j sns we hae found thnt n rug cushion adds romfort nnd in cruises tht lift of our rugs mn i nftpi st thpf hniiftplpn time is op oituno for turning around the be rugs wo nlso hac pi inned to pnlnt i ho scretn doors nnd window screens whilt the decorator is in tho house mrs m it sns if ou find rubbish ploos difficult to wenr while cleaning it s n good idon to wenr a pair of en n ont s urulerntath t1mf to i ea f so tint tlu dirt is not scattered nnm wind tht cord loost 1 so that tlu fmt wins insidt are not dnmagt d 1 dust off the cltantr after each i n t lik rin 1 havt i n 1 lik rim tlu m n 1 i h cirust that b to jo bat k to woi k 1 ut sda bt ause that s tstnunints wont give il am thin hut tod 1 d n i ukt w od i hntt dai tod heojjm inw on it is our annual mooting to whicu i am referring for some un known rt ason i was put in rs chair man foi the election of off it t rs good r f i though to imsclf huw am i itng lo mnke tht so womtn s- ts ou know how it is some ont sns oh no i tuulrin t possibl d thii ind then lint mgttiv at tttudt spn atls likt i jirum fiio in i 1 k t iprairu hu tht it is nothing 1 ft insts w ike htwtti n tl is hid fn it nn ng its w ike lit wt t i n oct pt for a few i nlf tht la ts in tovmi cl st down on w dnt sdn whintui i hat tht time mid tht mom j and the inclin at ion f i it hnirtut it turns out to be w dntsdn nftomoon i don t likt fririav htcluso the itvttuurnntb won t kim ou nnthlng hut finnnn hnddio i hntt finnan hnd dn i don t likt snturdnv bocaust ill tht storts and thtatrts and beer pai lorv jiro jammed blldeii the norsiip mvolf which the w t ma e1 live to rogrt t what do ou think mrs h m nis at tho bt ginning w nil rijht one office r told nit after wards thnt i just rail roadtd th i iriu s into their jobs which of tours was just a lot of nonsense tlu wtie fust good sports that was all after all ou cant rnilrond n w omnn into doing nn tiling if sho isn t so melinoil of cour i the wo mm ovntunll turntd tht tables on mi so that i ondpd up with a con proclamation bunks closi dwn at noon on sntur da whtneir i feel like going to tin bank it turns out to he saturdav aft moon i don t like ndav bemuse thr art so mjuiv things ou cnn t do on a tmint of ifbeing sundaj i tlu onh da in thewetk that 1 hk is lluisdi i can do what i punst in 1 hursdav but i ni nlwavs broke n ihurstlm htnnust i t t paid on fi kla jf you are abort of cash to paf your income or other taxes a b of m personal loan may be the answer to your need v see the manager or accountant of your neighbourhood b of m branch you will like their help ful approach to your problem personal loams itrtvary ttfhlpafhi 27t aawllimf mlathu q usui lourt f p3vmthiuti utt daylight saving time in acton uhicius u number of municipalities in tht thint about acton art udoptm u unitorm time for the adoption tit das light saving time and in order to avoid confusioo in travtl and business tht council ot tht orroration of aatonhas pusstd u bvlijw cstublishnil the penud for the observance of djslik saving time tn acton trom t slm pril27tlilt7 at 2 a m to si m vy sk1tember 28th 1 17 at 2 a m citizen arc requested tocomph uith thin b luu an j ajopt this time from the dates specified f j mccutqieon reeve dated at acton april 7th 1947 ihi iuu ll i g and 4 i i irs hhamn at this point i pnusi d to go down fir tht mail sind to look for more signs t f spring i found oui dallv pan r a machine nnd a locelptid at ount tlint was all no fan mnll this morninj much to mv disappoint i nn nt i like mv fan mall bv tho wji m t h thanks vor much fir tht pap rs it wns nht of vou si n i thtm nnd i w ns nls d to hal ts ti ti 1 in mflb urne aus n 1 i u i f v ht it s up tt i v t arb sxtlmn rieh to n harnrssku i i in ih i t sir i unit f h t i 1 t r l i i hi vi ir h i l w i i 1 i k ndim r j ct wh li in lt s irn s- i j il i v m r f h i ir in s mlimd ti l i 1 of his i nm hi i i t nlfst tin a d of the n itui il f r sin it inimn bnta n s it n r ir fm 1 1 fficult t s hav just it n irn ut is bv th n rth s t li 1 ihrtmil tru board it l tho 1 t rt til a id tion to n t r t v f b c j n ru i m il ri ji ts n nc und r- nki n t tht board to ensurt tht fuu 1 t i ss bit um of htlhlnrut waters i tht ctntiatiin of cloctrit power n t t tal annual output from the en tin scl me will reach 500 million units jwi r mrs n p vou f nin tw inttrtsiod to know that i it ivt d a 1 ttt r fr m n fr i rul of mint la i wetk whom 1 hnvi alwas tn d t w ritt nnd vi h n w mtflin with sum sun t s in fa t nnc itn lo whirl sh st nt a sh rt st rv siilpstetl tl it sit t rv i r hinl it writing n b k s ih s ju t w a she is 1 ing w l ploast dm t think i hivt f ru tun to nntr our 1 ttt r or tl n it n nnv w nv off nd d ni ttt fi i js t ntninnti nm h f d f n ih ugi t i wariii 1 t tike mv tirm in nnsuirij it- an 1 i si 1 mk t rwnrd t tt it t h asun iu ttt w iv i rdn i t nd i lv moe stns f t rn tti w for ih mil in la t w n i g it hack t 1 1 h us mv tirtt thuiht was to tut an tl r hunk f w v d on ihr fu nothing u lmpoaslblf it s just that j some things are m little more diffic ult than other i thos wbo hnt dt elded to give everything newt never fear the loss of anv thing a man obsesmd bv sin has no sales realstance to subversion kt current i m utile u mu p i t1u v m 4 dt howard graff representative all profits for policyholders i

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