Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1947, p. 1

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jf ffrfefitt seventyspconu year no 12 acton ontario thursday april 2lllit t47 ihriic homouniitpanei five cents halton county has first musicestimlsiiiceffi rev j m anderson tkuhkof bxpeftlisncks in mission fields 1 lu ywa nf knox chimb held i spi ing thnnkofferlng meeting llajuon presbytery kleeted offieers at iyeorgeiown meeting prize vinnerh at the halton county school event held in milton ijwt thursday and fri day jpinn tojentarge content nescl year to include many solo inhlriimenlh urban and rural pupilh show fiood training following n fnui year interval in which the halton mukic fontlvnl waa discontinued during the war yonro tho igth festival wuw hold in knox prehbytorlnn church milton inst thursday and friday although the crowd wim not what was expected during the nftornoon session the auditorium wn pnckoumo ca for the evening ah honors wore eveniydivuier among the dlf- feroht counlyfcchoolson the flrnr day nnsmignweya township scoring with honorfl on tho second dn there were not as many entries nn in prcwai years hut officials said thi wan due to t discontinuance during the wni years 1 a lock- hnrt treasure explained mint lnirtru- mtmtnr numbprs were not included on tho progtam this yeor hut the comp etition covered nil phases of music aa taught in the schools g boy fenwlck toionio provlnc- li supervisor of musk was ndjudlc- ntor during the twoday festival he paid tribute l nil tfintesinnts and t hcli supervisors who spent toiiblder- nblc time training the young ramli- ijuib addinft our standard of mush has slipped somewhnt during the past few years hut i wouldnt let it worry yoil too mm li as oung people nre unpredictable medals were awarded flrstr second and third prize winners ofsulos and duet classes t ups and shields went to first and second place for trio nnd choir classes l i skuco psi was in charge pf the presentation with members of the executive nnd representatives from various organiz ations making the awards the following arc the standing of contestants in the vnrlous classes vocal solo urban girls 710 years- batty mne fosbury acton b5 june eaion georgetown 81 eileen hunt oakvllle conlrnl 83 elizabeth perk- ins burlington central 82 carole graham east burlington 81 bever ley castle bronte 79 vivian ivor- enko east burlington 79 sandra scott georgetown 70 peggy onkes acton 78 elsie springle strathconn 78 myrlenc shower burlington central 78 nancy lewis oakvllle central 77 dalzell barrowmnn strathconn 7g carol stevenson mil ton 76 anne plcknrd bronte 75 muriel mcdowell mlltoft 75 vocnl solo urban girls 11 yenrs nnd over elizabeth ireland georgetown 8g lois mcmillan burlington 85 joan trimble milton 84 marjorte fountnln acton 83 ruth mlllwnrd oakvllle central 82 isabel currle oakvllle central 81 sylvia vnn- hickle strathconn 70 margaret cyo- rler mlltnn 7 frnnees prpwftyi burlington central 79 beverley orr bronte 79 beverley easter east burlington 79 betty breckon strnth- cona 78 marilyn bell j georgetown 78 lois frith burlington central 78 carolyn oakes acton 78 barb ara mcdermott bronte 78 vocnl solo urban boys 11 years nntl continued on page five acton vs men visit kitchener fokannlversary to m ing a pian kluhener last mmidny night h i m i offeiing on ftundfiv evening april 1 tth after ihe president mr f anderson had j wflt omed the gin sts the dt vol inns utf taken hy miy- rtlo ami mrs it ohnra mrs how en gave a solo which was enjoyed by al ntwl m tfosctl guv 1ht aeton yv men club unveiled a readme- follnw- jolo hy miss m brown somerv hie diwfii a ted the hus to attend the setond anniversniy of the k w ys mens tub th big night wns held in the kltehonoi- wateiloo ymca to add a rittle fanfare nnd to let tho kitctienei people know we were in town a ton and guelph y s mens cluhs met n hloek awny from the y nnd from there paraded into the huitdlng led by the guelph air force cadet bugle bnnd who were inntiucted to really blow those buglefl it avns n great evening for yr men with nn attendance of some two hun dred representing cluhs from wood stock ingersoll guelph nnd the oth er two kitchener clubs pnn polltei nnd xcrltus a- very nice chicken dlnnei was served during tvhlch a great denl of fun developed out of hie traditional fine perl ml i jiii buckley executive secret nt of the kitchener ymca 4tnd jo conneh a memhtfr of tho stnff were mrs anderwm intinduied the guest i i speaker for pie evening utjv 1 m andeison ba he smke on hln ox- peiiineeh on the the different mission fields where he sen ed ns n student minister he recalled many amusing incidents nnd his talk was mont in teresting following the address n solo by mlssb rtoszell wns enjoved and the meeting closed with prayer hy mrs f blow mrs b mussellc nnd her oammtittee served n dejfghiful lunch at the clnsvof ihr meeting thieves broke into the ein crenmer owned h auburn wright latetuesdnv nlglit or enrlv next morn- ing nnf escaped with 2 gasoline engln- i es nnd two elettrle motor tin mot ors hnd been on dlsplav in the frnnt window of the erenmrv i he setond reculai rm eling foi lntv of halton resh1eit ol the tnited tliunli of cnnnd i wis held at geoit town intted churi h ami hth um iim turn of oifieers wits helu lesultlng in one t hnnge hint pei lim ing lo uieofflre of chairman iinlimnn kv g w pntlpima hp of milton stceinrv he n 1 ti un of carlisle trenstm r mi it f snnderson of oakvllle convener of chiislinn ediuntion itev it t todd ba of georgelown ctinvenei of evangelism anil social service hev u b hnre of mill- grove itevs a w foshurv nnd g w poitei were elected to the settlement committee of conference considerable time wns spent dls- tnssink certain eetjons of the report of the deneinl council commlsslon on christian marringe nnd the christ- inn home three resolutions were mloptcrt 1 we deplore weddings the setting of which makes them puhlieltv stunts theivhv demean ingthimiari incr err- monv and destroying its snlemnitv arena to be repainted wartime housing unsettled hit jkan miiikk speaker at unitei1 wmsrbahtbk mektinit l o i v till upon the provlnrinl in- liltlzcnsnip oorvlcc nmnl l onnn locklntlnn roqulr- m i ink inl n nlre mnriln ovnminalion both prospnt nl tnr- liond inlilf nun w-m- inlir prrsntml will n gift by j ix 1 i ilwaltl parlculnlv thr- wioiiikk i- k w rluh fr thoir nllln ihc jllluor u to jpluls h hal th- ksulnc tt a mntringe license be granted onlv on ntisfving f tbeso health n intei natlnnnl officers were on hand m vim llltl 5 vfitliill illy ttiircments in the persons of gord henrv rcg- i 1 vve retuiest the piovineinl gov ernment tt make provision for the pi rformnnce of civil marriage in the work nnd assistance in helping when ever help wns needed farmers gathering lonnl dlrertor archie tamer who k evrension director for canada nnd roup of 17 younjr people hrom llm kendrlck from guelph wio is world outlookdirector nnd lost hut not lenst dick bean from acton who is district governor guest fcpenkor for the evening was mr kittle who is superintendent of the gait train ing school for boys- he spoke onthe job done nt his school for delinquent boys acton ys men will hold thejr last regular meeting for the senson on thursday april 24th and nt that time plans will he made for the lad ies night this is an annual event nnd is put on for the undies auxil- ary who during the year plan and prepare the supper for the regular ys mens meetings nnd t might they nre super duper mcnls eleven mile strip is again passable halton take part fn cere mony at guelph province so as to relieve mlnlsteis lof nnv obligation to pniticipnto in mnr- j rinne proceedings which are not tn at an impressive induction cere- ocroidance with the tenchlngs of the mony held in memorial hnll on the nls lo naa the necessity of persons not desiring christian mnr- hh i nslei i hankoffeiinr muling f the worn n s misiimniv sot let f i he i nitttl liun h wns held in ihe b a s htwil itoom on i uesdiv apnl nlh vvilli tin piesldoit mi cnldwt 11 piesidliv the divotitinni poind was taken h mis a 1 ilmwn and mrs f leave asiiteil hv mis it i lohnson mrs h mown mrs mnclinnld mr- g knmlmit nnd mis h wiko i ihe theme for this interesting review was ods hook of life during ihe piogram we weie fnvoietl with a siiln hvmiss dorotln simmons nnd n duet hv mis bveldhuls and miss anmitii i vnns hnth these ntuiiheis were in ihe fnstei theme the members f kno chun h mls- sionmv siitletv wen guets for the lvening andgur sot let wns repres ent l at thin lfisti v miankorferlng merlin ihursdnv april kith i lie kuist spepker wns tt1 j ill milh i nfgtielph who hnd spinl t iuinilm1 of enis in chinn nsa tenc in r and mission n dot tni she gnve an nut line of the woik dining the w ir inis and 1 1 id when eviicuatink the thildrin in sjifttv 7tines the well org- ini d plans vveit carried out without loss of lire ii mhier left roi china inst week in plane a trip nf four dnvs nnd she lold us hi r fitsi i lp look weeks hv stenmt r nil and rlckshnvv best wishis for n m essful trip were ex tended to hei ah presnntenjnjed her talk nnd miss m v bennett extended smctrwonk of grader t nmpus of th ontario agricultuinl college guelph lnst mondnj in con- junction with the ontario junior far mer conference seventeen joung men and women from nil parts of halton county repented the oath of allegi ance nnd were presented with cana dian citizenship certificates by his honor judge munro judge for lhi county of halton the ceremony followed a series of five citizenship meetings held at pai- i rmo afon hnd ashgrove during the month of mnrch the were held for the purpose of learning young far mers what is required of them when they become of nge george s atkins chairman of the citizenship commit- uage with its obligations participating in such vow s-and- declarations ns the chuith reoijires it is iecogni7ed thnt in regnrd to divnrre it is better to try to prevent circumstances arising which lend to divorce thnn to stress reformation thr miviormry nnd maintenance ibjective will be higher for 1017 than for i m8 rev e w brenrley of rlmoce visited presbytery ns conference rep resentative of the victoria university finance campaign to present the claims tifvictorln v no changes in pastoral relations were announced by- the committee to dr miller n henrtv vote of thanks the ptesident mrs cnldwell closed the meeting with prnver hoe explained reallzlngthe b on monday the powcrgrnder start ed woik on tearing up the surface of highway 25 milton to acton and ns a result travel is much improved while the surface- is rough the deep holes are being eliminated and the eleven mile trip is not so hnrd on machine- nnd human bodies travel should be held to 30 miles per hour or less hut the prompt attention in mnk- tht induction ceremony in halton but ing the road passable again is no- rwpjest it was held in conjunction precinted with the annual provincial conference knowledge nmong the young people in the province in connection with tbc- functions of our federal provincial legislatures munlcpnl councils and courts the juhior farmers decided to carry out a progrnmof such teachings the ontario adult education board cooperated by sending instructors to vnrlous centres air atkins explain ed he said it uns planned to hold three successful teacher training schools were held within halton pres bytery during the last three months boys and girls band plan band tattoo for acton ai n joint meeting of representi- llves of the acton branch cnnndian ltkion nnd arton boys nnd girls rand it was derided to hold n band bride and groom v honored by friends with gift shower a number of friends nnd neighbors met nt the cedarvnle schtwil on mon day evening april hth to honor mr nnd mrs buit janus mr h i davidson ncied ns chair rfian and the following program wis kiven duet mrs sinclair and mr gnrncr instrumental mis olgn xocker solo sid speersrendlngtmr garner instrumental mrs c hur- ren duet mr lofthouse nnd mi garner mr smith griffin jr then rend nn nddress and mr ami mrs james were presented with a miscellaneous sluwer both mr and mrs james mnde fitting nplles a number were then called on for speeches the national anthem wns thn sung nnd lunch was iorved 1ditim to war memorial defer red llntil nem venr arena will h new hiw jtnd exterior nil repainted treasurer not yct- iksclded when apivolnlee terulh hehiknation ieion jranted iw f park for race meet on mn um coiim ilh rs k m aylhwntth 1 ii telkhton win conn and c coolc weie present on mondny wenlnu w licit adon count ii met in regulni mhioii and iteeve f j mt cutlheon piesid- ec at a spei lal meeting of council on lhuisdnvt apill 17th leeve nnd count ii hnd tnnfeiied with mi c nelles ngnnllng the pun base of pro perty for wnrllme housing thev hnd set it red nn ojitlon on 12 iiites of land nt n lower pi he al this meeting in laws hnd been pushed mtepting the leslgnntlon of f turner ns munldpnl trensurer nnd appointing win williams ns treasur ei the reeve reported that since tt ti m w411inm1in4lfehignml an roiin ii expreksed riirpiue ovor his infill mat ion vli s snow ietusted wntoi ser- vit in a new house he was building in the i elshman survey it was nejretl lo mlpplv w liter for- building pm poses and plans win- a i rend v made foi mains extension lo this sect ion messrs v dnuklns nnd j kovston on behalf of at ion athleti assoc at- inn lisked nunc ii s planu tor the park foi thimimmei impiovement nt the sn ft i will dinmond nnd placing of new linck itups were discussed somo li veiling nnd fill weie icqulred on the soflhnll tllnmoml and it wns desired to hnve n hue kdrop ftn the juvenile teams councillors aylsworth and owik wen to endeavor to secure mnt- eruil fur the backdrop vvmr geo mussel le submitted n plart continued on pngt flvu coming events aniiottnrrmi rrl or ollv tilailing arc linr with m annniintrmrnt la nf mrtinr con r lvenu iimlrr this harurl io renti per nimtim charge tor any of vc st attmns guild euchre in pariah hall thursday may 1st at 830 3 mlnstrel show acton town hall friday april 25th at 8 30 oclock sole of home baktng and whltf elephants sponsorj by the scout iuid guide mothers assocuitlon in the town hall on saturday may 3rd at 3 p m 422 t gathering of walker lodge there is not o mile in the whole strip of surfaced road thnt has not hod to be ripped up before repairs can he i is hoped thnt this year the deportment will stnrt some thing more permanent for this im portant link connecting the north nnd south of the county dlrectlv through the centre of the county teach i p sa june 21 plans are being prepared to make this the outstanding musical j treat of the season eighteen hands have been invited to participate council and the won h onoratmnsiorestival duhkjj ututjiiheh of young people from 2fl to 25 years ot nge were invited hut in future venrs we propose to plan programs for t hose whtyare turning 21 vears he stated ndding that he hoped n pnvincevide continuous prorrnm for tenching citiz enship training would be instituted w j robertson clerk of the coun ty court for halton presented the np- i if jifi f ammicciaal phennts tt the presiding judge and uhi1ijc viullllilloaluil assisted with the pnentntion bv receiving voui t it ienslil p ou iici u certain rights and pi iv lieges but on other hand ou have certain res no n- slbintes adved judge munro in his john mccieachie named to com group you will have x appoint treasurer i address to tin to txercise self coirtrol to maintain thoe restionsibilltles each one of vou tan now proudlv sav we are cit izens of no mean ctiontrv canadn challenging the group of applicant norman c lindsav sujierv imr of huinl adult education who assisted with the piogram detlnnnl citiz enship starts right nt home it is not just a piece of paper that counts but what happens in our heaitj that will citizens bined p ok it ion wateru orkk exteroionn to start at once moke us good canadian mr a sp t ml mteting of acton coui til ino public ttililies commlbslon was held nn tuesday ivenlng in the public l office all membeifc of both tiotlies wire pniienl and ouiii nuin hans4 n presided ihe application of mr wllha n illiunus for tbeposltlon of secretar- t although one of the teacher inasurei hud been withdrawn bv llelty mae fomuiry agl9ftc aotoiij one of the youngest contestants in the halton music festival irt wcik nd a pupil of acton pubtu school who won top honors for urban glrks vocnl eoio in the hven to ten year class 1 telegram photo by kpsv pearen duilng the ttalion program was one j of tho applicants to receive his cert if icate prof norman h high econ- i omlcs department of the oac w t kpatkil speaker during uic lemraunj he outlined the value f citizenship i nnd its effect oh world problems i tho tippllcftus receiving cert if te at e werx etfnn aitken hiomoi wil- i linm aldorscn james ward browft- rldge beatrice georgina burkholder george douglak currle john henry hunter mnrion mccill hunter joslah william i nmhsh end gordon alexand- i er leslie george edward pelletterio i elizabeth jun ruddell john joseph i ward huddell gordon wesley sov ereign arthur edwnrtl simncr hel en uenn spncer cornelius van vllet and norman charles lindsay applicants to receive certificates but unable to attend were kobert craig alexander janot bablon atkins john mclean bfrd edgar martin breckon agnes kuphemia foirbrother albert uewellv falrbrother cdrlc itarrop isniwykeen henrv craig held let i r and nnth r jippolntmenr had to h made aft r t nnsidering the applicants for the position the public ctihtits pasi u ixulution humg air- john mc dentine for the position of secret- vrvt leusuit r nt a siiif of 1600 per annum i he members of the council parsed a bv law appoinlink mr mcceachit s curpuiulmn lyeasurer and tax collet tor mlss j alkt r was appointed his deputv bv iisolulion of the council the cocnil nnd itihiic rtlv usud the proposed laving of water main tellhiolis and it wns deoidedfb have mrkwirtj and mr vines instnl tills iiixt foot extension beginning next week after council decides on wheie other extensions are to be laid tufwu will be prottseded with council decided jo finance the in stallation of these extensions until sue h time as debentures can be issued j if thr waterworks detriment can- j j nut finniie the extensions i above ale pictures cf the big masonic nieht at walkvr iidfie las1 ueek v lit n muuonu- belliren from tie dlstuit were nui its ut vvjlker 1odtfe lpinr iliotn vhuwh five pai1 4 masters with nn jlittrekate of over joo jeir of iuit muier iwrk of them they are v wor dro john kenne w bro iloy mclnloili wor dro a t hrovvn v wor bro k mrlntoli and v wor uro wni cuumr kaeli ha been a paiit master of walker lodtfe for ovor 40 yeara lower photo shows the officials of monday evening vl muster c f uutherland uic hi wor uio stonrr wol bro shumnkei junior warden w j beat blam photo z

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