Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1947, p. 1

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tr wht jvjrttfit sttt tt seven lyscconkl year no 43 acton on1akio thursday may 1st 1147 twelve homeprint pages pive cent high school district gets approval at milton meeting gorerlwn only dementing mun icipality in north halton dis trict and keaffitm their un- fcheraue position other twun- idpalities decide to proceed ttilb thin ncthprojcl question- now- goee to county council and de partment of education at a mo tine in milton on monday evening a resolution uns passed that u new hig sch district he estab- 1 lotted in north halton at some locat ion hoar spojtido decision of tho exact location for favorable ground to bo loft to tho high school board to be set up l this was tho fourth moot inn jf school boards nnd councils held to discuss the problem in north hnlton and was held nt the- milton inn v hen the wproiumtatlvci were guests of tho -tawo-ofmlllon- at delightful din ner and maor cordon govs land wel comed the visitors mr k harrop chairman of milton high school board presided halton jersey rreeders hold karn meeting hnlton jersey breeders recently staged n barn meeting at tbe farm of w c ron yrliuowtttrfttlgnttrxprnw iridhroktrtrtrhnirt township jersey breeder an excel lent turnout of halton jersey enthun- ihsts greeted pror ceo e ralthby of tho ontario agricultural college a ho gave an evcellent demonstration on herd classification tlic moet ingwas in charge of president jack fontheratone of the hnlton club as sisted hv agric rep j e whitelock harold butcher secretary of the ontario jcrse cluh una also in at tendance both terser nnd howtetn hreedois of hnlton will be interested to lcam that tho big annual field day for hnlton and pool holstein and jersey breeders and their families li sched- drunk charges were hoard yesterday at cottfilv police court still in a nervous nnd nlmoit hy sterical condition when she np pen rod tieforo magistrate konnotlr m lang- don in county nglstrntor court at milton yesterday mnrgallce grnhnm 20 hillshurg unk plncel on suspend ed sentence for six months nnd wns ordered to pny 514 ut in costs you hne put the offlcem toironsldoinbtn ihursdii april 4ili the ac ion vs mtiit club held their i nut regular meeting of the ljr7 season ultli close to a hundred jor rent attend ance the ijkmoh auxlllnry who have nlwnvs held an important spot in the opinion of all ys men maintained their high standard by produclngfor the last time this season nn excellent i mal wns charged with a public place on reminded mis grnhnm being drunk in mill street in acton rucrrtay night according to constable cecil gibbons the accused wns brought into 1he poliot office in nn intovieated condit ion by nn acton taxi she had ordered the taxi to pick her up in guelph but did not hne tlic money to pny for it the office i slated i railed cftiefhnrrop nnd nrrringementir wcro mode to send her home she cnncelled the taxi nfl r leaving nnd uont to n locnl hevernge room she was finishing a rlnss of beer whon i walked in she was quite hysterlcnl uled for saturday june7th nnd ngnin used abusive- inngunge nnd broke will im bold on the beautiful grounds of the ontario agricultural collej rhf foll the presentation of n iipoit from in spector i i- skuce when he told of receiving reques from acton coun cil and school board with the nor essa ry forms for a new high school district a peqqest from nassngnwea township necessary forms and re quest from the town of milton nnd a copy of a resolution from esqueung township recording tbe tnvoring of a high school district a letter from the georgetown school board expressed t he feeling that the high school should remnln in georgetown nnd n resolution from the town council of georgetown re affirmed their unnlternhlo opposition unites georgetown wns chosen ns the site of the school after rending the report the chairman said it appeared the now district would have to get along with geo and in answer to a question mr skuce gave n review of the estimates when georgetown was included nnd an estlmnte leaving georgetown out of the group tho previous estimate was for h levy of a mills on the tax rate for high schools with georgetown out the cost to the taxpnver wns estimat ed nt 4 8 mills complete figures were presented for comparison purp oses populating assessment figures and grants representatives from ernmosa and erin were present to listen to the discussions nnd consid r the ndvisalv- iht of jolningthc area tluit would serve the district best reeve 7 a swnckhnmer deputv reeve bur mr hull of erin spoke and clerk dnv of ernmosa eiln wns definltt ly n prospective customer for the hnl ton dutriet ns thev et rtnlnlv wanted to nvold the northern snow belt nnd tome south hie improve nit nt of toads 1 nding t tivinn nnd mr hull made mqulajg jegniding tin set imn in fsepjoslng lownship fiom the ft in kumdnrv to no 7 hlghwnv reeve geo cleave of isquesing a- sured h nn that this mud would be ttnt nnd the hill nt down just ns soon ns ptisiblt si tustonfcadies at nirthday party legion auxiliary twentvtwo memhers of acton branch of the lndics auxiliary of tie cnnndlnn legion enjoed the fifth hlr- thdn party oflhe oakvilte branch inst night a splendid evening of en tertainment and soclnl time topped b ji fine lunch wns greatly enjoyed mrs pegg past president of the pro vincial commnnd wns nsslsted by zone representative mrs grieve of geor getown in cutting and serving the hirtbdny enke siipl wilson asks tobe relieved oi waleiwkssupervrm i nut new secretarytreasurer takes oer duties- other items of commission lujwinww i he ttulni meetink of acton pub lic utilities commission was held on mondnv tvennik chairman c m llimnn piesided and reeve f j mt- chlrben tint commissioner j it chair in the cell you couldnt reason with her witness said in answering n ques ns to her condition chlcfiiarrop said tu woman wns not normal nnd hnd all the nppenr- nnce of a wrson who wns intoxicnt- ed when asked if she jiad nnthlng to say lha accused unvvrnpped hnndnres from two of hr flnrers stating- i wns in the snn i shouldnt hnve been thrown in there i have hlnck mnrks all over me the way thev used me she charged jnmcs enrlv nnssnunwev n was sent to jail for seven days had his driver s license suspended for three months nnd his enr impounded for n similar period when he pleaded guilt v to a charge of driving while intoxi cated enrlv declined to say anything in his own behalf after the court warn ed iilm there wns no other alternative than a jail sentence nnd hnv e his license su however he told court he was the father of two children nnd operated n 25mlle route out of campbollville according to prov incinl constnhle e r icmon who investignted le found the accused hod driven his enr into a bridge in the first line trn- fnlgnr township saturday night he swore the accused wns unstendv hjs feet nnd in nn intoxicated con dition new executive at last meeting of avton ys mens wartime houses lo be built on north ducket i property modem new store euals anything found in cities i bin wjek- issue of t ho free ux contains ivwlve pages on pnues fo tlte meetinp started i ight on the dot or six thlrt nnd nn hmnrious i n five businiss associates with mr time followed during which president rjnrl cnopet hnve plated messnnes or led hi last time in the thalr grnsp- congratulations on the omnlnr of til ed tha opportunity to levy fines nn i f n0 store on pnge eleven or established n new record hy rollectlng jhis issue will also he found a shoit 4 jo yesben haeblin wnsnt atone derripttvenrttrle nnd some ttem nf council confer with khgincei- and enimgisi armhtmonit ander- hon and co to tay out mainh and arrange stipeetvgradinir surey to le made and start a soon as 1otftible special meeting held ltkt night maeaittiur were present miss j wnlker was present ns w 11 n- the sec ieliiri reojurer j mi- iu hit and superintendent wilson miss nlkr assisted in turning ovi tin imkjks to mi j mcgeaihic duo tct tilt peav v list of nctounts due ft r pnvmtnt the commission ui ihotiod tho tushink of j5km worih of honds to iiui i expends a motion was p ism d xpressinu pretiatioti to mivs ilk r foi nitntu r in v hit h sin- iliitmi hnrip t hi uri oth r speak t w ns put v oro fore tin rt hdent on ctjtiw n 1 i mnvnr on ttionison f dtmald of a ofgettrgtow n inp art and inspcjor kui information roqm st d advantages uf tht new ibnnks to he town ipli stion v a o k m mi gibbons toi m stow t supplied th and set forth district of milton for their hospjtalilv w s extended in ar hdeiu on n- 1 u asiiii i supt w inon tt mien nu lo tin t i m iiismiin sup rinti ndt nl h din o th pn ss of wi ap- th d m ht i ls i r tir p ii lull nts tot ti indto lltat tht w inn i nil h hi i u ind w- oik v i tinu nt u h t nl t hvdio vott 1 iininj this sum iisnlt i ntilt tit inns and lu ft is t hill in iti tl his 1 1 signal is v lit rwnrks spl tined th i i k m both tit 1 not do justn t to ji supt rvislnn titt gouiurthoi d i lib th propos 1 ulda n t onsti ut urn of ii ht should l jiilu dipur it nl it w o tli on i vote bv sun rbe matter will now go tiefoie the halt on count v council nnd tho de partment of education nnd when ap proval is given the board for the new hlfih school district can be st t up newly weijs honored by their friends at woodide school a ver enjovable function wan hold in wvhhbud sihootbnfridav night april isth whtn citizen of the com- munitv hunoixtl mr and mt lv le milott clam swntkhunier with shower of gill mr arthur si khumer nc teel as chairman anc the following program wa given duet loren grav and delia mcintre reading bv sadie mi jnlyrc solo bv freddu- gordon n it rumen tal b olga iocker reading dorn colo muswal numbers bv si j speer ontt himv shot till lending hv mlka xacliugnll lo hvwivhn mi int r instrumental man kt rr sadie milntvn vyajihtn nlled on to read an ntwress mr ami mr malott were prountt tl uilh main beautiful miscellaneous gift both mr and mm malott made fitting re- pllea after unging tho national an- tham lunch was served and a oclil hour was spent in dancing lti idid to it tvt this mall r ovtt lo anothei nutting so as to ar rive nt a sntlsfm torv agreenie it about relieving mi lis n of some of hih duties r a numlkt nl watt i service iuih oocks lia f bet n damage t hv trui ks nnd grading of lawn and strees hie commission felt that tbe proo eitv owner should be in id respoiuihle in un- thes are damaged hv him i- his woiktrs an agreemont of tht duties of the scretai 11 ensure r was signed sv mr j mdienchie nnd the chairman liie t- hanging of tju authuxii tu c njyr the safot deposit tt was ar ranged ttie following accounts w foi pa m nt hydro department r pc of out powei etc lltghwnv carage gas storage packnrd electric supplios 1 ino a catilo act supplies macdonald electric ltd supplies can lino matonau supplies noitherrt tec trii co sup pi lei fed ml wire a cahle co supplies mrs h palmer fpres nnd transport f torrv prstmnittr lnx re nt hi- pc troo trimming hoysfirainclub girls garden krigade for acton fair i he acton agricultural society under the leadership of president howard switzer is this enr sponsor ing a bob rain club nnd a girls tnrden bngndt fourteen v vount indies hnve enrolled in the garden c tub and twentv voung men in tiam cluh woik i he voung men 1 it euh in nt supplied with two i lv n 4 becr oats which were secured bv agricul tural repre stntntive j l whitelock fr m rtnfjew countv both the voung nun and the voung lndieswill liold ul ii rt spot tive nchit vement jl at the acton inir irt early oct oiu r 1 he u rain c lub mi mbers h id then flist muhiig nt milton on snt- uidav april 11th whtn the following officers were ileiled president roywnrne acton vice president st unit alex r eorgetown setretaiv treisurtr 1 aw rt nee nt honv limehouse 1 eadt r- howard swltzer when he wnlked in late thin time 1 he nominating committee with chnrles klrkness ns ehnirmnn jnck cielghton and bui benson membeis preentml t beli blnteof new -eiffithb- for the coming enr nnd led forct luindod the gavel over to mike ben nett the new president foi the 10-17- h season 1 he old sslem in whl h lhe vice president automatically nu ves into the hnlr has been dlscnrd- el in the future the president will in aajiillnd fijmi amongst the direct ors nnd the immediate pnst pretadnnt will iwm omov ice piesldent inthis office he will he of grent nsslbtnnce to th new president the nominating committee chsp well when thev selected the other members of the new executive as fol lows don jlvder secretory taking over fiom garnet mckcnele duke hall trensurer who is doing a lepent in this office nnd ben rnchllp serg- eantatnrms tnking over from jnt k greer a henttv vote of thanks wns given to the nomlnntlng committee for their excellent choice in he new executive a rousing vote of appro intion wns extended to the outgoing executive foi the fine piece of work thej hnd done during their term in office ted force spoke briefly hut serious- lv when he thanked nit ys men for the sterling manner in which thev hnd supported him ns president he said had he not been given this sup port the job would havr been much more difficult ted concluded h ask ing nil ys men to support their new pi esident mike in n like mnnner aftei the meeting the executive sat down and appointed their mw slate of directors who ore chnirmen- of the following committees jnk treer joung people dick bean ciulj extension ken mckenzie pr gram director john grn mem- her councllllng bill denny box s woik don mclean editor of cit b paper mac symnn house commit tee wc s wolfe membership bill clayton projects don mclenn woi id out look tohn grav public historical interest concerning this oil chlnhlishod ihihlness in acton phut of t hi new stoie me h the fi pros i amorn the store wns npenod foi btrtn last thursdav and it is one of the fin- lsr est j uk stores in nnv 4yw n or ivin in the tniger citiis congrntulnti are indeed in unlet on the opening of this new stoie and with others join in extending ours to enrl cooj rtt this oetnsion a special meeting of acton council was held inst evening to consult with engineer anderson regarding tbe sie i foi wartime housing j all members nf the council wote present nt ibii meeling nnd reeves mcutoheon presided i mr apdc tson hnd tonforrid with mr mehlrim of wirtune housing rt gareling rt uiiomcnts for the suhdiv- hun ailnnwiikiiiuitrcdftr svz trillion of the prope rt and war- housing would lay out the fellowjworkmen make -presentation- to irel crewkon sr on fridn night ns the worknn were preparing to ii ave the factorv the employe os of the machine slop called on mi fred c icwson ahd pi rnted him witha ir line w n nnd pencil set a ronson lightei nnd a purse of mum mr w fottlt in a few wellchosen words expressed their regiet in losing fred ns n fellow workman mi robert cross made the presentnticn free has wqrki d for tbe benrdmore compnnv for 11 years ii is ii yours mnese mr nnd mrs crew son moved into their home on wellington street they exp el to move in the neai futuie to dund is or district rev john anderson inducted at service in knox church new minister to succeed re thomson sred in ist war with distinction knox church wnsrowdod foi th john andeis n in ac ton inst itv showing cancelled when fire found at gregory theatre tj had two calls k hut ft rtunalt lv m litii i m glass tf at x the vest t nt threat in tl the rt neb of tit it in tht town induction of captain into his new chnigo i hursdnv e v ning rev w -j- walker modrrntor- of the proshvteri w ho piesided at lie tivitt was ministt r at the niagara falls pit sbvteiian cffurch when lotn anderson ame to camilla fl om hi hnthpliut hnburgh it was fi v walker who fitst intinstid anil int r tiuouriged th voung siotiish lid to siudv foe tht mimstrv lohn andtisiti took his nts t on wst m t nivtsue owl ihtoliv dtgit iyhni ctdl loionto i hi advantages if the two propc iv as gone in tn t horougbl y slimat piepnred of the cost of lading filling rocids laving of wnt- i rrmnins elr as wi11 as tbe purchase pint of tht no lies nnd duckett pro- trties the i nginee i eonsideied that drainngejnr septit tanks wtottld be mm h better onthe dulkejjproper i v win n total 1 1 sts of the two prop el ins foi pun has and improvements w ere set un d it w as found thnt tti dutkotf prnpeit wis almost mmu 1au than the nol es prop rtv mr aiiihisein iitfimtmnfltd thnt this pioimrlv he heist n foi the group o fiflv liousi s not onlv tn account nl tin saving in pine hut aslning he- r sun d i hi ftdlnwing r solution was unan- imouslv passed bv council tlint the c orhinlion take nil necessary tegil sti ps to nler into an igreement to pin chase the due kelt property i i atiordant with iholntest ffer tt sell for wllflll for the pui pose of wni- tune housing containing 1j acres logethei with road extension f ro n north end o wnllnc street to the dm kott proper v and jnrmlssion tt use tht due kett lane from the nnrmt oast angle of the piopcitv to tie third mn t to jiniieep pkiiv were tnnde to have nn lmm d- tate surv of the projieitv mnde s thai wtuk could im started mr and rsun ntso advistd securing uf ttndtis fni th wholt oork pht itirk wns instrui led to write wartime housing on the proceeding thus fm mnde nnd inform them that selection of the propel tve jad been ttbtrte anutht i ie solution wns olso pnvsod as follows hint the corporntlo i r tain armstrong anderson and co of toionto out is consulting ngin- urs in iit piojttt of laving wntt maitis and toads to ind on the wnr- tinn lb using projtt t including t plan fin properlv mil as gem i tl sup iv ning oiurim i s mi ht half of t i irpoi itioii in this tmniition at a fie of p i i nt of tht total i ost nf iiti nts in linlitu thoi mil m iter mis w is found thnt of the rt koi v a smould ring t at i e mt i s had nssomhlt il how that night and th was filled all left the luli fhe fiiomtmi founel lb ml xtinguished tin fire which f rtunitelv was discovered onsllv m tlum was tantelld foi the tven ing lluh innri of it st ivmg as a win path jjr f it s i apt am ruit i son w is w it h h highland i ieht infantry ki th veirv tnd saw nitron w it l this fan it mint ui from ihe is mi d l i thn i tish ove i th 1hin whi i chinas i v-i- dav i ht firsl pioltstattt pniiuith tl fust aiithiik ik it rh aptain audi imhi has tht iitd d tl tlnrtnm f he ing ihe onlv p ulr t it t it two m s tht soi i ondut t at boiont tin se i oiul w on at hi manv man h im i he tl war old mi nisi w ho u e his it v forbe s i hompson had i pit vious iiihim at pott r igul also parti pitting in itv anths un s indui lion service were rtv h indlav stevi ai i kitt ht ner foi m i war patln it v utwf rd smlh tuelph rev 1 j bivnnt puslin h and rev t m veil amphollv ille a rtttptioji folhwd the sorv i t whtn tin ladlts of ttu hurch tin- til a iltllg hi fill juinquu u all ix i il sd sid f mill si et tnd i tt is vi i w ill t iiu ni rmnndt ht at ukh th hist fust aw ai it d lulv ttll mil t hwald i r 1 ii ti i 1 to in ikinr n ii i nuetl ind vool fl i f land is t i ii i aiiidings i fin sutxlivi ntttt o th wh 1 h n rh prop- ii is r building 1 it nlso hit h lend iir t in i i b pi ms id ivv in oil plans lion will b alban i i hursdnv v u tin in pariah 1st at hu 2 i ht l auxibui will tending and ai ranged a mm inl houi ut v antlwson u mnrrjtd and hi one tlaukhtt r ttuee vent old marg ti loai lil a u hr h ill it m lo n mm itn nt tlo dm yihn pul i pr i waterworks department waltnee tlernan ltd 570 ivj 1 mlu eleanor mcdougttll and ernest west of acton junior farmers club who lust friday evening won ihe debating contest fur halton clubs in milton nnd were awarded the w i dirk trophy free press photo ueijh minstreis iuay to gooa allllence in acton minstrel shows an nlwni p with aeton nudie n4 s and the ontation last fridav vning hv tht m n s cluh of chalmers chun n flu iph tfrew a full hnll nnd the r gram was enjovid bv nil a chorus of twentv vidth ix ml nn n and intt rlo uter alf itajefl k t tiie audience wtill entertaliud a i i mixed in sonie t hnttt r that hd m f of the imal welt known pretty w i labelled ihte wire sott s quartotten and choruses that were all well given and thorohh rnjoed 1 he presen- 1 tat ion was under tho au spues if li- i young inclfs friendlv cir le of a iintl- lhll 4 rrubi s i hi ht m nioiial ar is nl admission iv i i hik of i it vi of the ioih will it mo ting at mrs ii it av t nut- on ma fith i irn mn i n m b v i ev in i nd ivd llvllllt id thi inrki chapt i m uthiv r s i a k sai nf homo baking rltthnnti sponsoittl t it utde m tt fie i wn hap nt 1 p m and whit t the scout association n urdiiv mav it 1 ton i nited chun h i a h s annual adel dance at t i iuik pavilion mnv lmh ilobbv in hv s oithestra canada t most popular teenage rchotrn admission by tlrket onl j wr nupt dt kets obtajnad from joan coles acton

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