Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1947, p. 3

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fttfel thursday may 1st 1947 thu acton fhee press f page three oaklville with avlew to leadline the youlttti at rs of on how to take mra 1 thomwdves in the wnlor the oakvlllo branch of tho hod cross socloty will undcrtnko n nwimmlnk nnd wa ter imfcty cfimpnlun of instruction during tho coming summer s1 apps captain of the vlctorloui maple leaf hockey loam winners of the stanley cup v ill be tho guest ipeskt at the banquet given in st judos parluji hnll on wednesday ev cnirir april 10 in honor of nil the hockey teams of oakvule record star burlington v tho first meeting of th ncwlv formed baiul committee uai held tuesday night nnd the entbuiiam tisplayed is n fttod ririi unt they art on the right track to tomethine tor our young folk in the community tnc nnnunl bov scouts tntlur and son night was held in trinity gymnasium on wednesday evening last and once again it proved n real trat for the bnvs nnd their dnds- there was n splendid turnout of scouts nnd cubs and their father arid about 100 sat down to the banquet tables about 9 10 on monday morning the fire department wre called to the gaiette office on brant street where flro hnd broken out in some packing crate piled outflde at the rear of the building tlic firemen made a quick run and on nrrlval found the crafts blnzlng mcrril and threatenlnp near- by buudingt g community uni1y 1 i a synjhw of various sport k and alhleuc activities a c imnco has been mime in the lnble- lennln mntph between the ac- on lofiion nnd the mca ihiii match was to ho played on ihurwlny mnv lit hut hns been changed to i rldny mny 2nd snmo time that is h00 jim at the the bnxter inl s irophv will also in plnyed off for this week ihls is a inhlo tennis ivophy plnyed for each vear by mem it is of the v i ho invitation open i able it nnis touim ii slated to rot ujuler wnv on snturdoy mny 3rd a joo pm we would like 1o see nvery on inteiostid in this tournament out on sntuidav i hnd the occasion to st e the ont irio i able tonnls champ mnsliips lilajfd off in toronto on the w 1 k i nd and i might say hero with out nnj question nt all tnble tennl is fist becoming a major sport a troup of acton glrli wont swimming a week ngo last wednesday night t cuclph nnd hnd a very good tinu i here were three enr londs with fle in each car would like to thank the drivers for giving tho ov- minp er to liking this group they w err- ted porre president a the tim now pnst president of the vff mens club trnnk terrv and bui ruddock the cnthuslnsm shown bv tin hnvs and girls for these swim mmg trips spcnkwell for o swimming 77o7il ln7fcton erin at a recent mtkllng of the officer nnd direct ni of trln agrlcutural ocli ly nhrimpllctlr buil f ilillhburg urn accopted na s cretarytrea urei of the society voting took place in inglowood police vllhje mnr h listen the by law to provide 2500 foi lepairingand renovating the vlllnre hnll and an nd- nillotjnl 2000 foi the purchnsoof a fii cngfnenjid appllanttm for fire protection puipoms 75 cltkrona went to the polls out of in avail tblo voting strenjrlh of 122 cify mniked their ballot ft fnvor of the hyinw nnd 23 recorded them evo as opposed two halms were rejected advocate georgetown counell ask d wat lime housing lo build 15 moie houses on the pnsi it sill council w iff it mod the 10 in conn il decision that counell is unilteinh iv opposed o establishing a dlstri 1 lijji sch6ol unlets it is located in ficirgelown the most central urban municipality in north hnlton pie dinner meeting of the 1 ions club in tho mcgibbon house on mon dnv was honnjed with an unofficial visit fiom deputy district governor arch mcdougall of hamilton in troduced by i ion chief ab tost ho spoke 1 few words urging 1110 club particularly to try and raise tlwnt tendance perentoge which wbi low in compntlson with othei clubs ii raid aubino squirrel started war on nuthmilv on camdi m plaee names tiacts tin origin of i estlg ouche nir and count in new brunswick and fnmiunr ns the nime of n famous snlin to tjie muimc word list gniig meaning th scene of hit meat quniri nliout tie squnrel in remott r das sis trad ition tie micmne and mohnwk inns met hi sidt tho rtstigouche riv er in f rlc ndlv c until children of loth trllies were nt plnv during t speech mnking hours nnd captured 1 white- alblna iqulirel a quart i arose over the possession of this ra ity the brnws of both i4bes inter ened tn lielmlf of their respective voungktrs nnd the dispute quicklv tlfgenernted into n wa foi forty years thereafter it is sni 1 tlu mlcmacs and mohawks continu d this war thnt started over the owmr ship of n while squirrel all through hlstorv nlblno animnls of nccidentil occurrence in mnnv spcclt s hit be n a source of wonder nnd fnsciniti n they still are one of the most pon ular exhibits at the roal ontario museum is a lnie tollecllon of albino specimens not onlv n white squlr rl is show n hut snow w lilti bli ds from the crow t peacock loon and house sparrow ht sides mnnv funv creatures normallv of dusky hue who mnsqueraded in white tx cause of an accidental plgm nt df flclencv in t ho 1 hod chemistry iw at ion display will he li m we hop in the acton arenn ibis veir thi elite hid been sot tfntitid for mnv lth but because j f tti uruerlnin conditions in the ar- 111 w ith icnrds to the installation j f tl flooi we havt hnd to chnnge tin d t j am sun bv next week we will be nble to announce something i nn r di finiti the displav this vear i will include t vents put on b the i ttn high s hool students und rl jih itndtrshiji of mrs orr nnd mr i mi i nn e have never hnd the op i oriunltv to show the acton people 1 ht vt r fast nnd exciting gnmo of floor hockiv which is verv much the j ami jis ir hockev this game will w plnved on the night of the dlsplnv 1 ont of the y bos classes i hvfthtqn ton acoorrnopaiue t t oidmp to tin preliminary t st innt tlu value of the record tobacco tiop of intfi is placed at m 10 000 ind shows n r per cent mt rt ns ovei the vnlue of the 1d15 t r p w hich was estimated at sior 00o0 i fe increase in value sns tin report is dm to a sub- snnti il itunase in the qunntiu of th tohacto hnrvested as well as to in advance of about v cent per iuind i lit 10 10 erop including nil t is t urrt ntk t ntimattd at 134- hihm poundsi lf pei cent moie 1 tnooo p und crop f ro t vt r h irvest d amid a bower of spring flower- miss jinn itimble oldt st daufhtci of mr and mrs harold trimble court st milton im came the lnide of don ild speers son of pi nnd mrs spoors of oakvule antl loronto at a quiet ceieraonv performed nt the n ctorv nt bronte snturdny nf tei noon pev e tdwnnls officiated the nnpunl met ting of the scotch block i wns held nt tho home of mis peter ptddie on april 10th with the president in tho chnir i he regu lar business was then tinnsacted th ro i call pavment of fees wns refs- pondtd to by 19 members present mi s c service gnve tho report of the meeting held at the court house on apill jnd for the ilalton hospital ization a donation of 525 00 wns to be sent to the crippleel children a motion was passed thnt the money it h in the war treasury bo used to buy clothing to be sent to britain the choir of st paul h church prtstnted excerpts from parts ii nnd iii of handel s oratorio messiah nt tin regular evening service inst sun- da and one vtteinn devotee of orn- toilo was hiard to remark that few uiril choirs could have equnlled the oxce llence of 1 he performance e an ullnn champion terra cotfa ii in tin nj inoiio i ii nul is tin i iro in m id lkwk cvo ilulikht tiiik i forkom i- 31 urn b7 ifi ajii 916 am 1151 am ioc pjn x to kitelimtr i id p m ttjti p m 1 u p ni ll i 11 p m iii a to-lomjon- 0 is ni u hum jfll p m till m v it nun and lliil 7 j 1 p rti bsjs pjn a23 p m 11js pjn to stratford oal and hot onl 111 s conmltlons at tokovto ku nktii1iv montukm ottvw v at ijimhin kok drtn uk v los h k i altr vltk 1 l itoiind trip ta inrlwltd toronto 5- j m t htr io i iii fontnll mtv i tit u vi ivctroit jl sorlli ltu tuuits did lufiiimutliiii it harold wiles phone 58 wi untu rstand that mr w i itutltdgt h ul sold his farm hero and mil ad movitik to our village shoi 1 to his bi u k house on main st f m ilv inown is thi pit w is home mi 1 i 1m h is puitlwisid a 1 ulld uik 1 t lit it fi in mr dividi f i i nt i antl mti 11 is buihlint n h usl n it tin s rnik mi mti airs mm rm in of wi application madk iialton cooperative mkoical services iiiumdul fotjlucuwok in milton la t iiulurtbiy the prov im lal board of directors of hnlton co opeintlvc medical sorvlici beu tlulr flist meeting at which tho seeitlaiy pifentel tho ncccuuy form lo make application for a chnv- tei to intorpoiatc tho hnlton co-op- erntlvl m dlcat service i under tho company act of tho province of ontario hie objects nnd by laws were drawn up and appiovtd the petitioners foi mi nnd memorandum of agreement duly signed nnd witnessed by nil novon members of the board nnd tho affld- avi is take n be foi e a commlssloner following which thesccretftiy wits in- stiucled to forwnrd same to the pro vincial setretnn of ontario theioby fulfilling tin duths cnlltd for in mak ing thib application foi the uiart r we understand from r s ilcnth erlngton the serretnrv thnt f 500 hundred npplieatlons hnv already ht eyijnnlh d lo those lnten stotl he statps thnt those interested will only bo nccoptod twice yoarlv tune 1st and dec 1st campaign rott the blind organized in halton county i ho hnlton county advisoiv board tothe canndinn national institute fiiithet31inr is now eommenclnglts innunl cimpnipn tin acton can- v ivs will ik under tin convenorshlp of mrs j c mntilaws at nomo- tnnln the near luturo a canvasser will he ca on the citi of n and thev will hi riven an oppor t unity of sharing in the great human ilirinn work being undertaken on oe- half of sightless persons contributions to the current camp aign mn he forwnided to the honoi- aiy tieasurer mr w k grahnm bank of nova scotln acton ontnrio a matter of form the spring packet from england brings the news that they are still mughlng over there about brigadier hairy mackensoa a tale of the parson vbo hired a ball the parson needed i he hnll for his trldny socials as the hall wns requisitioned government regulations required that a form he filled in each week when the lease was renewed one item in this form dealt with the size of the hnll the pnrson cirefully filled in this item but from week to week took to alter ing tie stated size of the hnll one wtk it would be as big as albert hnll another wtek the given dim ensions would be those of a postage stump i nobody noticed salada hands that see no 4 of a series mut ilo c n i b workshop acroii camda hundreds of skilled workers produce useful articles of the highest ausliiy j brooms furniture fsbrics clotliinjr they do their jobs cheerfully and well without the benefit of light to acquire such skill takes courage and determination it aljo takct help your help the canadian national insotutefor the blind which teaches to sightless canadians the skills that mean independence end self respect is well as providing many other serricea for them is dependent upon the generous support of every ciuien be true friend to tbose less lor- tunate than yourself give generously v qts thi mhsbith ntil bsswv ksfcv istituyi ion thi aiixo sf fti to help the bund n i sj nt tl t w k t mt at tlu li firm n tlu t w n lin mr i mt uilv m- t with a pilnfu i i 1 nt out tnnil v hilo riding his 1 in hi t iw n lb wns stru k w th i u whuh nn oti him h u is t ik a li pul mt mm inl ii spit il it brimpt n and is d mi as 11 imiii iiihl i mis 1 lavis who has bet n on th irk list is n w ibl h b at mind ij i n w u pit ised t it irn mr i i sir rik i w ho hns imn m tli s list du r ml tin i is w k s ill t 1 il nt u am mr r h i ns h ul i vt r u sful iw inu i n y rltl i nftt n n mi ii 1 mis mi if it of i nt nt tt w i nl at bib h u ht i mr inch ifliit i mil in m d i u i uupi nnnts on his t n i m u i min i u st mil hi 1 f ini v n 1 t mi i m uilv 1 i t it n m li w rlhv r rnent min tl it w h iv iti rv t i ii fi mi t i ik i un cinv vinj tti snutl ml si n tn t th i i mt it t tk t vn t il i i t t y in julai i s n i i un nob 1 1 n sh rtlv mi rank mkmu k hs ni i 1 ft n ul h s uxsuimi 11uu1 j i il w 1 j i t ii n c milt n l it it mt 1 i inm m iu u i hu lr ft un j ul s r 1 tl tr l tv i t l i t i ti i i n it it l i i i l m i i y1 i s t it 1 u i i i i i 1 f i i r 1 1 i i it but you fataw iris hay 1 i i ut i n utth i t 1 nt tor du nnlorc mo n i till lllu illi m ri i di i i h ii m irs in irlv h i if i mill i i iintiuis rt iliid li ll til l im ii uull 111 1 imil 111 n wi win t bit v m i 11 i t t ii ill it l m is s mind it tin t h it t a vi t nt it isu m j ki ihi tirnur put njiil thai du im mi tv him imii vis i i l 1 i li s i im 1 h it iu iki s a n illt impuruni llu n i i i it ilj is i m li mtirv t wt ii wjlir iiiliiuii uihu iiu l ftllnw ii j l ilui iuioiiu in thr pbnic wirnnr 3 ttrmrr mr- rhibi mttt rrntvnt the m wii is j lot t i mini irilv b iw 1 1 n in hi in hi iijtivv ami unponjiu ni mil nmnn in lit 1 auk lur the wim tannic moro hal lux just intiufh tir a iniul iimf hut eiuulli tor tin ini iim n m m v t ft mil vihi ilu uim tjwr ni lt i i h j i i on i v tor i lu i th lit ii s in a i t ih 11 in i r m iu tlu 1 ai k ilotsn i lit i 111 it i iks idihuillll 111 mo iv u it winks i r tin uur ami it av ork v li r n itiojial ro i nn pri it il i v li aik a il i ii vi mint in the t t il lb ii r i is unpli vimni it i iv in pro 1 i ill it j t f i un 1 1 i f v 1 i 1 i i x s i t st ht ii 1 u i ik f 1 f 1 i 1 i i it ll mm ii in t 1 t i v i f i i a livnk oi momri al iion iirtmlt ii i vmon miniir eqjj working with c n 0 i n in 1 l t tilt since iii

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