Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1947, p. 8

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f 1 r page eight the acton phee press iiiiihwiav may ui iwr of interest to w omen the bowl 6w hello honit makers i lit n ut a irm iti in the mount of lnli iliuhath tui nn use lit pies and puddings yt t if there 4 ihubnib growing tiuwuy gniden ou will nnt wjihi iuriv t f tt in jo in wnsle and nnnintttl how surfeited 3 our meats have hi i n willi thllhlirb ii i h h i 4 vll 1 theie will he umefcnealfnll when von will weuoiile a rhubnrlvsjellv 01 rhulmrh jam with a plete of toast wi tonsldei rhub arb envy to grow in mil garden if you hu tt ii is heap it is also easy to put some down in jiiis without sujfar tci lie enjoved next winter meanwhile use your sugni wisely in i lie reel pes given tvetmv iuii iiakit rimtt imuvn akk 2 cup rhubarb diced 2 iflpi rented orange rind 2 ihsps melted butler 1 ttp white sugni 1 w shortening s tsp vnnllla eggs well beaten 1 uipbslfftrt pnstrj ftnur txp tall ups baking powder tup milk combine rhubarb nnnge rind but ter and l tup white sugar spiead on bottom of greased k by ineh pan cretfm the n mid uuuiilla and remnlnlnr i up sllgui hllml wwi and add wellheaten eggs add sifted drv ingredients nlternnleh with hie milk pour nn top of rhiibiub mix ture bake in n preheated elechlt oven ar t0 legs for l mills i t stnnm in parr r nuns linn invert serve wni ni w itli orniire snure serves fi in- r kiiiltaiuc lastriks 1 t iis finnlv ut rhubiitb 3 i up white sugni i tsp tinnumnn 1 tbsp tornstknh 2 ups fit ur t lisps brown siirir tsp sail up vlini l- wing 1 egg i up stun cream cup fi irumhs 1 tbsp rub milk prepare rhubarb mid mis with white surar t innnninn ind in nstnn h sift flnui brow siirnr and salt iut in horlenlng until mixture is like eonrse ontnienl heat eggs nd mk with uiur- cueam then pour into flour mixture mix lirhtlv and thill mkh m i nsks retipe fm i hub- n jam 1 tuns ihnhaih j tup ugai in j jilp ionkil fiiul 2 ups pillillpple 1 up wat r cook f i li i c mid waier togiihtt until soft mciimiie tnoued fruit add sugar unit k the jellvillg polnl then bit tie and seal with parnffkn i idnliil suawicvstioiis on farm garden divide hatter in j pails roll ttuttfkt half into a rectangle about eighth inch thick ln on grened cake pan spttnwlew4th up dry crumbs and hilling decided on the inintlon of the home vegetable gniden sin it loc ation beirir wllhout shhde nel tomes i hi preparation of the soli whit h should prefeiahl be n rlt h ham nnd well dtnined hetlei lesults j be expected if the ground was ploughed a dug up in the fall and glvirun cl iressliir uf tmrnyiudmanure wiys without iviriison dlvliiloii of hortu- ulture cent ml ui inientnl parni ottawa when plannlnr the inyihit if the riuden u should he done lo pit vide for a vmlet of verelables before stattllir to plant the home kiirden il is well in heal in mind that i he i all grow iiir plants should be it ihi nnrllr side nt hie raideil where thev will ntit hhadi the sntnller plants 1 he soil should be well v oi k- i up hefoie sowiiir or planlinr kows shuuld he nihlked pjj ferahly with i hn pi reil into tin rtound l iijtli end d the row if power i mm hnu s u hnisediawn tulitvntnrs ian in in list d the i nw s must be silf- iflhntl foi apait to a ommodile jibe eipjipnii nt bill if the riirden is to he woiked b hand the rows may be onsideiiiblv loser so as to snve sli k and labor 1 he tool riowuir vmlelies ot ver etnhles should bt sown ns silm as the liounil t an be prepared in the spi iiir those imlude the salmi iops mirtnrs mdislt lei t ut e and spinach pens shuuld also be sown em 1 of ten much labor and good set d are wasted h not sowing properly seid when i win i he sweep i the ituleol change 11 u j mketuliitihli llnw fllhl in jve move plhap i loiuhl put it hit nthei way ihv fml do wt move nvti a ioiir pt i ind ut thin i nnkim slnw bill i mehtimi u the ears one pliihl mv h moiiim al gave me i new he lemoiked at it that vh pnirie i in iihiutailve ii cnltiei tno- wi move afoiir and vv tt ti u hi t fin ntirhi tvi i a hiih- l laiidmd of living mole leliiuie to iln hie ibliir we waul in do i ivhu live ii j j meiillolietl in a pitvlbu stojy tall anthlnft hint 1k70 llu nvnae faiiory wpiker i havent heard iflutr itnlvetl wnl v-s- i mtl 1 1 ai nlng i ik leasi d vj pt t yeai om- poundiwl aiitiiuilu ihev wdutd he douhlt d evt iv ii viit ami uf hut veins the wuiilil h dnuhli d kevi it thins hihuliik biial up li hih pei uliku pi i tin we i mill haidlv htii in ai iii- vi dial h vi i hut ii fchnwn hnu fat alniig in mud lealy mtjit tnks a mall nt a nation if we aipl hie haute prngl h i in aniid- lan ttade lhat would happi n ltnnjlily n ih7i out exports wen valued ut sprend the rhubarb on roll out sec nml hnlf of dough and place on top of fruit pinch edges together and prick top with a fork brush with the milk nnd bnke in nn electric oven at 425 deg for 15 mlns then reduce hent to 350 degs nnd hake 25 mlns cut in squnres n s nllghtly warm canned riiitrarn selnct youngtender btalks wnsi and trim but do not rentove skin cut into j to inch lengths method 1 pack rhuhnrb in sterile inrs force cold vvnttm into every mmer seal with hot ring and tops wrap jnrs in newspaper and stme in ool pine method 2 add cm ugh witer lo ihubarb in large kelut to pvctmr hurnlng about 1 tup cook until soft using low heat as soon ns it begins in steam add sugir to taste alwmt cup sugnr to lquart raw fruit pill stertll7cdjnrs seal tightlv an in imi-um- sinink plants per hll the hills t nn in i t itte nveti niehented to l utiitt nt put prise ntit an uni u inip p- lo plnnl nn- nlso sa out whenj wo hn h la frost is ovtr uu illv 2 ot t feet np- h tn lllirv tnunoiin n rinnarbonlov rfijsh tuh her sow imrs of beans beets perl p tovwlshl a mmru rhtiiim b nuiris cooklnc neans neeis fnii niomo of flftv at res or i ven ntn2rrimu ma 0r tiuncli a living tribute to the men onions h cups vinocar i dtps mown juu an bv mm0 so jjjp 2 quarts rliubatb 2 quirts cooking unions fi cups inokr 1 cups hi own migar i tups dark tout svrup 2 sps rliinnmon 2 tsm afjsplec 2 isps sjilt tsps ptppet t- tsji doves v wash rhubaih and tut into small pieces antl measure chop onions ind measure put all ingredients in io inrrc pit serving kettle biing to hoi stirring ui astonallv boll 1 hour pour into stetllied jam and en makes quarts and 1 pint this ueekn iijmirks cooked dandelion greens we sel- tted fron n big basket of tlean oung leaves ind served with a sprinkling of vinegat attd melted butter 1 it king off the spoon if tt r we mnde a t reantv lemon pie filling ihe uuk of the sjonge t loet nftei hid fnldtil t si ihe- i lean woollens and nuked the moth bulb among i hent tyie pleasitie gilned bv nmem bering to soak ill the preparation dishes- hefoie we sat down to eaeh meat llie balanced hudget showing that menls for two averaged tfi cents inch without estimating the milk and ggs from the farm thf qfkstfov uo lx t h wks helpe foi rhuhtih ind pine ipple conserve 1 hrgt pin iippti i ups diced rhubarb r ups sugir 2 i ups light torn svrup 2 oiangjs juji pulp and grattd rind 1 upi ilsins up w il 11111- chopped olt tsiltble putlon of pueipple in tonmill plees mil hop fine td dhed rhubatb mh u light i it n sviup orange nnd juki ind pulp tlr he ingregleots thorougnlv ami let st ind overnight lit themomlng add the r ilslns and t ok slowlv until thlik add mtts ind took five min ute long t should he sown wi f trtmmut i il ttitr proper depth the proper depth foi radish nnd lettuce is quarter inch for spinach half inch peas 2 inches onlonueed thtee quartets inch m on ion sets sown 1 inch potato sets 1 inches beets carrots svvlss chnrd and parsnips nre nil sown hntf inch deep seed of into cabbage nwytilso be sown enrly to a deptli of nu inch in a small row young plnnts of early cabbage w hlch should have been started under glass in hie march or which jnnv be bought as vounfi plnnts from commercial gardeners should be set out nt the same time m the late tnbbage is sown as soon iis danger of fiost lias pass- t d sow beans anfl corn 2 im lies deep t ueumber inlf inth and squash three tjuhrterb inch cut umber squasli nn t from jnii for a few dny iiowh eveij thliut now i knew thai he had a hilt t on the itlsh sweep and ii had bt en jim a few dnjs bt foie no i lentatk- dbv wn nf nqilv imi tlltlii t i a imi se no he said i dhln t hdl i r t my monevs wni tit jm di nmlng ithniit ii dreaming wihitj wuuhl dn with the mnne and dad i did a mighty fine jnb npendlng it years ago i had n ticket on llw 1hmmi0mh if we inuld double that same show and i too tlld some dream- t very fnuitet n yenm our expat ih hy ing i lived in ihe township of how- 1070 wnuld he f loruhfkh imm sti nriy ick in ihe county of huron three gmwth impounded annually takes miles from the village of gorrl all a nation il long way in a hiurio n- ihnt ountry in the old days wns onojtutv great forest mostly hardwood maplo but we have our ups and down in and elm mnuntalnnus ttees they weie canada mi othei oiinlilih vn the pioneers who hewed homes out ni n l per annum hit rense iom- of ha wilderness were robmtt men pmmded yenrly lh wage rule- would of mlghly valor iht re ate few llke double in jo years in a idu years them today where now could you starting from a wage of jjjf in 1h70 find men who with the tools these w would leaih an inrnine per wniki nun used would fne the pioblcm of over 7wm ot sharing a farm in tondltions such j tlnftrtunalelv llnie art ihlngi iisthen existed vvhlilt hold us ha k one is a period jn ho ycais as lltey passed rpon- ifdi jn t smioii with ii has the hnht of dered these thini in my mltwl wb i hnd this ihkei i thtamed ihi would win the iiweip tlml i w have 51mhm with the 100000 i would bu bat k the i id fatm plant it in lites it turn it to fnnst a tep- lldi so fin as i could make ii of what it ont i wan heie loo ihe trets were mostly maple and t lm along fne lllgliei it vils basswnol with lit iv and theie ji butternut in the lower anas haw trees giew in the bt av- t mwidow lose in ihe i ret k lbw gnrgi nus the wet in ma in the feme t tuners when i knew it theie wire a few t lumps nf wild plum nnd ihukeiheirv 1 1 1 es wt robbed them evt rv vear and bioke i lie hi am lies whin i hail il all planted and hit trets growing i would tlonntt it lo ln a while an war stimulat hjmt u jiiny- si i ni to go wtdl with t woilftr but win lisutilly h avt s behind it n long period of inslabllltv we have junt i inh d ihe giealt si war in hlsloi llu futiut depends on ihe wl dom of tlmsi w ho dlrei t out affan s hut at t inn s our i nut so of in linn may la di lirmintd not bv our own will but by wnt id ondilion progre s i sometimes undilmtnd and n t ri tt d hy the at lion of individual i hlthi wns i pi i f 1 1 1 illustration of thl t pinhnhllilv prom this inn fot howi v t hit re tin be no est apt ihe vvagi s we i tin he volutin of oiu trade the si mdartt of living will he dt termlned bti ca majti bmautiul jad kendricks hairdressing ioli aiiointmrnjs imiqnb274 acton machink maciiinhijk coljooyave permanents priced lo ijuu your iotkctbook solutions blended to suit your half miwmm and kxlkwknhjkll hxuv1ck we lnvile your patronage immmhmhhmmmmmmhiimhmmmhiimmhmuhmmmhiihmmhia tin township tf ilnwltlc to ho nmln- hy our pnnlnkthn lhat is a hhsan i until as a prrmanont foiost as a taught hy fad if wl produip more mhiniinl to the- min who in n lift- wi- shall kit mini- nullum oulil lio hint- nnonipuslu i tin imposslhlo i h aror than thli oil i unnol k t moio lluirtil tho land hullt homis nnd if all proilut i loss hams llvid to ihntlkc n wlldcrntss j into n rknt fnrmlnr nifii tluy wiuo imttliu utlnts in tho lirui f of whnl could ho tloni by him- cvi n woiso than to onjoy ost toil a tilnk which todny lliorc 18 uronkduini itnilon t d tluui arc im- for wnys of kottlnr rich now nt least ui think thico nre i wonder if i there nre better wnys of making n i life how lonr would it tnke for thes plnnteil treei to jrow inton forest n it was in the dnyi of my father i danllkjtow ilsecma tojne that 100 venrs would do the trick its a hort sikice time in the life of n people once the treei stalled to grow nnd their purpose beonme visible it would i beonic n llvinr mpirtfment whlrli would help uitrferpember- at lenst one of the kront thlnrs well worth re- memtjerltlk so the dream lemalns t still hnve to win the sweep jjtinc in im- inlnnllon phmttd n treat many farms lit ihnl have jsiomil them in the grand opening huttonville park saturejr3- music by norm kiiss and his moonlight jvfoods iancinr i 12 admission 50c conltnuotih dancini tlirouliout the season u every wednes and saturday come to peels popular playground jf imilat vegetables nre usually sown in lulls with i or r seeds per bill af- tei the oung pluiili are up the weak est should he lemoved leaving 2 or 3 plnnts per hill the hills aieas w bote nowtnete ttothlnp but sand i have vvondered if theie wtie treeoatlng in other tountrus whieh vvoulld be more sult- i able than the ones we now have in and thrrots in late mav tune tan bt made so as to tin it picking season buuutaie laltclhalf of juntvl lite cnblnge plnnts whlih were sown em hei should be tt ansplnnted to the plot w here the lie to be flnallv grown at the sime time rutabaga or j swede turnip seed should be sovvn j quii ter lm h deep sd of chinese tabtwige should be sown half inch deep about mtdjttlv itadlth and spinach for fall use should be sown bet w ten midjulv nnd earlv august nlltitj rkvkr as near as your phone renfrew cream-separators- woorys isiedricftl farm equipment at your door see roy w goodwin or phone acton 10r in n people f el tin d ind langui i ahobt this timt of vunr with a dtsire tm loaf and wander thev are som- timet said tn im nfhiitid with spring ftver ihe svarm das of the spring limit to human natuie with i tt- tssing balm 1 hev inv itt pt nple to take it imisv to wantlei almlevsl in the blight sunshine to njoj thealni- ing intlutrue of mild wiathtr it sums gntid to he ahvt and out dooi s m this baujiful world pel haps the vive of natuie is an j element in this ftillng int wotut r out door set nis si lvtl uc this bright wtnt th lon to get out untb r the sun mv njov the scents about thtm llttv uke to look at the gieen shoots springing up in the gardi n when tht btnls bt gin o sing and tlu hutls on vies ind bushet begin to swell then ts i magnet i will in this n v iv ing picture that makts hum a hit dtsionttnted with ordmuiv indoor life a wjiliv in the sunshine on l nu spring d iv has w iv if i ut ing thi- prtng fever i a floyd smith si n ivvs i sk i jeweler tks clotk8 jk kljclly 7s qui imo stnet weil ilkuii ont 1- t utliiyil ull s s ut h ikl t mini iti u- f till ms i nli m ulmsit hi imiitl if it i siskins li in il il i u m is u unst i s f u um tins in tlii ivi i just rn uh n i u 1 in llu rst 1 lie i u d n u i h mm i i iiu i ms i rv i ill u mil s il lilts 1 1 1 iwm tlll oki fi in hi 01 s i i iist ins sini i ilu in sum i ix i s su uul hi ill iint iturinr hiiulwht ihtlids of an assortment of dress lengths shantuns printed crepes v yard ends corduroy tini cord wine nay tircen tuniuome itroun scarlet ib wide vird piece qoodi it ml il89 simplicity patterns kuttnnu thread fastenern and other sew inn aecehsoriea tyull qajum jlauiy nylons new iower irlcem 140 165 childrens dresses plastic raincoats for ladies and children ind min other sprinj cmdri on dtspla 3e5 acton ontvr10 33

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