Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1947, p. 9

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thursday may ut twt thu acton free press ixrk mini nuc qiarrkimr trio when you hark to the voleo of the kttocker am you list to hi hammer full kemcmhejr the fact that the knocking net itequlrvit no hrnlm ni nil when you llt to the urowl of tin arowler am you lltt to hw i cnhclfim arow- 1 you will ploaw recall tht t dftc u nil it takei for on ontllrk how i as ou watch fm the kit k of lie kleker ac voti rmwe his strenuous kick youll observe the ruli that u sduhhnrn imile la rent at the snuu ofil trik the knoeker the crowh r the kl kr knuit- linden lnrip and fcinall what do thev need for earh tlnvv need 1w each riav s deed no brains no seme- jmt ual annual ta day pqr buno to r iib iem inauton x on intunto matrd l hi nnnul tnc dn ah behitlf of tho canadian nntlonnl instltutt for hip mind will ik im id in aitori undt i tin spnnor- nhlp of impe pi dor of mm ibitiftlv- ten ifthtl mplre this will hi tho onl npp nl made on bilnlf of siuhtlivh people durln the veai it will hi the one occasion upon whbh tht hiens will lie ejven the oppoimmtv of pn ssrnji ther appreciation of the prei inuq elft of slpht h uiitrlltutlnt to the orrnnlzat- inn whit h provides si nlns to tho less tnrtuh the canadian nntlonnl institute is the akni whlih light hie inmp for those who will in in tht world of darkness coum d h lots of vision the cnnndlnn nntlonnl institute for th blind is the onk ntfenev in ctniid i thnt is oquippi d to n ndt r tho follow inc const urtl servhes to sljrhtleas peopu hi trnlninir nnd employment of emplov utile blind people the 110 of n torn h tvpe lihrnry service the provision of n nles room service which enables blind people to puict- ase rnu matt rlnls in the making of handicrafts nnd to dispose of the finished nrtirlrs advice nnd flnnnclil assistance whore necessary ns well ni n host of othi r si r icon nil of whlh are freeh nvahahle to hllnd people the nlue of tho service procnm outlined nhoc mnj not be vnlued in dollnrs nnd cents hut dollnra nnd cents nre itnl to its maintenance nnd the ritunis of at ton m iv share in us malntennm e b contrlbutlnc to the tnc dn o h forwarding n donntlon to the tn mnvenor mrs c mnt uv otlnwn miv ri mine one of its p irks after bnrhan ann cott kikinc cuban up time 1 hu in ths hn of yenr when cll- lonm will im ihltiklnu of clennnu up their nrdt tcnrdnu rellnrti nttku 1i1 of the wlnteru m cumulation of ruhhuh kxtreme enre hhotild im taken in dlupt kill of thlu materlnl eivedally hy the bonfire methml lie careful no thnt hpnrkii und flwuwyt do not upiend to kiirnueit fiiueu bur nit homeu ctl or creep by mentis of dead nml dry uiii-it- it in ktihinuly uiced that you um prom inrlnorntt ra or metal bnv- reli to bufji midi ruhhluh and mnki taire thnt the lam cm1mi k evllnuuhdi- ed nfli r burn in i n mnluihil outnlde the majority of ciass flies aie tausid h 1 hlhliiii plnjlnn with luatiheh ami paiealk nve ured to wntth them nnd warn them of danger to life and pro perty bv an innutenlly marled ftro kettini out of hand the fire depart ment mny im intently needed else- where while puttlnj nut n grniu fire amitlmi thine oftm m ulei ted at thl linn of ni is nn esnmlnrithm of smoke pipes am hlmne nfter win lei s use i here k n iffiilcm y to mnltc thim last -unwl- it 1h time to h t the fires out loi thht n nson then is the most dniu roin time of the yenr for flies fmni thise cnusi n therefoie 1 herk 011r hntlni onlpment nnd pi oil it 0111 hom nnd alio vour ni ijjhhouis fio eposun to spnrlth nnd ftrrm the sunday seh ool lehstn minuai 1iav 4lh 1 hm hoi 4k ilws imm ihoiisand blue pilnts and about liuhhi nffm 1 piintid slntts of huihl hi pi ins and tli 1 11k wit mallt tl dliitt to hhu uppliinnts b the al hitut s otoco 1 nt 1 ni i pi rlnu nt il 1 um ottawa dunn hil rtnaiu 1 il nnr nth mntih list 1010 1 he th mand for faim ihum plans nn foi live stink poult iv md siivici lmibp lut s is liri md im 11 nslnn tlir plnns ini infoi motion shiets mi des- iiu tl pnrtlt ulai lv foi sinnll faims and an nviillablt foi k u ml dlstilhutlon ihirluk the eir the aihltetts of- lli 1 pitiartd pi ins spi 1 lib allmis ami ski ti im s fnrmv laro njri ultuml antl ti t link nl buildings on can borrow to pa tarn ujww1 imiaiiom siinphhes uiiwivmcnt main pis ph who link the 1 1 ah nsli to j off tb hahinn of last 111s tiis iwivo wiliomid the 1 on vinnmo of 1 h of m 1iisonal iojmi william tln-vtnn- louil mnitiikt r f tin hunk of mimtnnl ald m dk us iik llu hiink s 1iisonnl loan plan sqimris op national con flict oblon lot a mans pride minll hiluu him low hut he lhar is of u tow1 rplrlt sbnll obtain hnnr irnv xt jl i isson iet 1 mm u 1 r u it ii jn lime 7 11 c pint e si hi 1 hi m i posltloa i lit h ibonm n follv 1- t k 1 he kiutdi m of israt i had reached the enlth of its nhti uiuli r solomon hut theie win inltimil 1 1 emeriti or dua at woik ilh liurense of wi a lib and jmiwv i had ivnne nwnl- whh lumiij liixim ss 1 ppn ksion of thi jioor lust and dt t a of n jnrd for ml md liher ihl v in n llrhm ad vitse 1 linnet hurl taki n plan in the fori u n nlllnm s be dynasty of pibsilv lhaiohs with whith solom m vmm illli d bv miartiitt had tmen ov 1 1 1 inown and ih son and sin 1 e sm f iflimii solmuons ti h ad bail im 11 iotijuuimi at lyil uiiiulumnl initi onu f the split in tw 1 n linlah 11ml 1 si in 1 11 1 01 1i1 d in l his h sson u is 1 im 1 upliv ttv and ilispi 1 slon ol both n lions l haboaitrw jis f l id sloik on bis niolb ls sib fih it 21 tin foi t hut mm p opb wrebeaill h 1 1 ib 1111 s j tt whin th v lann to itihoboim shows that ih v wiie nnfav n jibh dkpomil low ml him from hit oiiisi f 11 jh ho isi it i s 1 onipla nt i ji w is noi ill liik lln r just 11i1 1 7 0 22 jt 2 1 m ii 22 tl in so fin ns it wa tiu im 11 1 was i il 11 apinp w hnt it hit i sown m sjim s 7 ims in i h d i of most human monan lis k 1 a v oiis thtte in but one king whose vike u iuilv llnht matt ii jl h il is not llki lv that isrn i s i offi r v 1 was madi in i lie deep st sim 1 i ii v itehi boom w i w isi in taking counst 1 with ibe old nn u u m i in counsel of the oltt men w 13 jood v 7 i lie lend to renl 1 roitni is is servue mk 10 h 1 if wv serve ol hi rs tin v w 111 in their tun serve us ii is mver a wise plan tt se k j einms n of t nf and projuduos with oxirselves i here is a slrnilltant different 1 the wording of h hohonms quest lo t ns he uit it to the ouiik irn n nnd ns in put it to the old mm us fl 1 isnlb ehebobf nm nmlhfmoplehad tnv thoiint of doils plnn ot puipo e in tlnn plottiiiks i was pun si lfsh m ss on both suits fiom sliul to fin old lklrophot ahljah eh 11 to ll or utlii t onlempl for it it te- veahtl also i link n lrtllmiry om- mon mint iiudit word was fulftllih lo the vi iv utter ivx im jo f 11 u jmb women better drivers than men au online to a irofesuvor from tho inultute of ihihlf kafoty peotuyl vanla stale college who recently vu llid toronto women car driver fall into lwiv dt finite 1 lakwu pool or had hut men all the way from poor jlho said profehsoi ijt not a piejudlced wo man drlv 11 hut in a numlur ot tho mule hjuiiiw nnd he hnu all kludu of uliiiih to support his claims 1 he 1iofeuwr had nscertnlntd that ulionllnir to insiiinmu flcurca tho rent est numlhr of kevero atcldenu k iiuiiil by male motor vehkle drlv- em- wtimi n di ivors were found res ponsible for mut of the ulluhl accld j nlm umi jis pushing in fi ndt n and inadlluhts id ilalnutl that when a man wi tics a lai he reall does a mnslilni 1 ootl job nt doubt this olh k offx hi i liinlliu wire baxid on llnitid sinlis motorlslu untuf r- llonabl the saim will nppti to an- iidl m itir di i vers it wi til invirid thnt ynnren m v hospitalization surgical benefits income proyection how al wm r bracken jyil wltk uiil aotomokiijinhiiuanck hhii ht atton hlolrtf t milton welding electric and aiot1ene wclduix kepnlr welding of all type portable equipment phone 34s mit t bt lintom i 1 intuit nu in v nfli t all is oiti in sun ss mi 1 lav ton point d out ml wo in klnii to it nil for anv 1 1 inomihle puipos if 1 p rson is in 1 po ition to i p iv i in t iwi is 1 low tor ins1 lib vuu 1 in boir w si do npavibli ill twili in nlhl inst iliin nts for ojik ji 1 monih hni loins itnilin jhm loiuii 01 shoiitr peiioils f h moii 01 h ss ii m mini the ost l 1 mtionitilv t lit- sum equ it lo i p 1 milium md then ire no i ln ihllkts if v m in 1 d mom v to jwiv tni s 1 1 foi mv poisonal nquirenunt pav a visit to mi clavton or to mr hill ni mnt nit it the hank of montr 1 who will hi lnd to disi uss vour pi ins mil n quiri mrpts with vou you vv 1 i iiiiiijiiitjf nnf prnpni um 1 tlun s mom v foi v m ni tin u of m ml oil hi thmilkh ih h isoti fn i7 tttl if ouliue t fmvil an iliiorprnf ou km liou ilikrtalii it 1- lo pit nlt-f- wu fur urjjiiil ciln utituinlht thr niatt r nilr nv unto otlirr ds j on uonlil lili tlirm to do for ou anil u it tiri w j300000 imik kiu lln rar aloiu- ill promilr inori rtiril linr- iml mean fvt partu on fluli hue ro ust msum ntom you nuraone s h keep colls brief space your colli avoid listening in give rightofway to urgent calls the ieil telephone company of canada 1 h ii i hohoim s iminishnn nt l l lln k of all itiliobt am s f llv lav tin lmitptt nntl woi 1 of ifhovnh tv 1 hut thai jbd nrtl in hit h 1st li ssi n his f llv ot his kuitt ai 2 2 hnt im did ho dlil ft k nn i of his own liiuill luds purpi s ih 1 nil wis that lb mljlu i stahll lv ijis word 1 vi rv w nl of lod is sine uus n iirpass to the 1 tier in 1- of nu u itid s iiis purpos to turn aw iy tin kingdom fiom the hmrsi of sol moii was bit in si solonion bad tumid iw iv his in fionr him h 11 n 11 u notlu how nuinv thin s had wntl nl tokithir lo fulfill 1 od won whin 1 tiui pinplut spi iks m 1 ml who pi iks it is his word r lln oiitiom v is in ixn t irinttwltlrw h l h 1 11 bv lb prophi t ibllnh di ii 31 i 1 1 ilw ivs fulfils prophi sv 111 i 1 illv 1 in re in t kii it ni mv in our d iv who in s1v111k ou must noi inliipe luophi llti 1 illv but th nlv vv iv in whlih ve nn judje how tht unfulfill d pioplntlts are to h fuuilltd is to lo k it bo tin fuulll d piopht n s b ni ih n futlllhd win ti havi tin sumo 1 ham o to iwiomo hoik ih kits ns men i he 1roft ssor wi of tin otinion that if a womnti ni vt i siinu tininlnu in tht hnndtlnp nf 1 enr he win smnck up wi 11 aj iln t anv man jind that no s for 1im ft m ral tiafflcnnd mad in- loiniiilon too hi miikishd that if wonitn wen timid on the rond it u tin f tu it of men mostly bnsbnnda nnd i lamn d thai it vvnsnntte tom- nion to in ir n woman hny im so in iv mis whin 1 dilve my husband i iiiuhl jump out the window hut i unt il i his dt iv inj sn t so jood nis nnd w onu n- drlv 1 rs jjivi nturc signals than do tin male spin its aa lln ii 1111 male colletfe ihrector stabs nt hast from it woman on nets a signal to inilit nte sonuthillk is eolnt to happen although when it dot s it mnv imvi little lo do with i he su mil still it is a hlktuil which is moii thnn tan be said for theaveraie mab hlvi 1 inking up the battle on tin side of tin womn the profi vsor palil tlum this tribute when jou c t n r worn n d ynuvc leally kot sometblnk i he ilofissoi nindf n sujirestloit hnt inipri ssui us and one that should he put into ffect in ohtnrlo nnd cnn- ndn ns a wholi ho stated thnt one w ttvhrun 1 ettm wift ty on tin tond w lo stnit teat hink imijs nnd rlrla driv ing while thev nre nttentllnjj- coler- iilkh si ikwii ihls k n spleii- nh a complete optical service hy wm shilman ro thursday june 5th i at iaibjiowjni ml mill strtft l1li dunl to rcc press nftk acton rillst tii1ksiay llh month imv hmirs ii if i liiins hy nppnintinnt llrnd office llntliurnl su toronto kcpiurs promptly iniulcd iliahliabhhabailmbiibaiiliahmiimhhhhailhhhiiahm v j did ld t tin ii me coursus in i lie ii ilti d st ids width provide for elht hours hi hind tin w hi el with n totnl of 12 horns in tin motor vihlile it hits in i n found hint ousters re- n kin this tralnlnj ln the united si iles wore involvid lij fewir nccld- v lnhr vi huh mtiitints nre on the iiiiieiise in ontario and unless some tontiiti at lion is tnken to stimulate n ill i tan md lonuiion si nse on ihi pnl of the pi rson behind the vvbi ol sm h nci uknts nre bound to in- t re isi i in ontario department has in i n uri iiik cri it r snfet nn tin hlhw ivs foi some time hut too in m motoiisls have ignored the pli is ii rhnps tin findings of the ii s pi oft ssor will sh tnn male niitor tsts into improving tin ir driving h- nn priitice sifti whin in conirol of n motor vihtile s identify the voice ol mr f t watts well known canadian radio personality for full particulars tune in ckoc 1150 on your dial commencing sunday may 4th throuqh to may 10tk mcluvye the voice of mr f t watts wultbe- broadcast at various times duly thioughout the week along with full particular of the contest 4ii1i i ll 5000 wnsm i mm nmtlncis in st rrr nytmrn iitpriinp- iii f so it i- nit nn tbit hie unfulfill id ttph t n s in duo tune w be ful fillitl with tin m si i ii t nnd minub lid r tint vs 1 hi outt onn of ileh hi rim s proud nnd foolsh winds illus traits iht truih if nnnv pioviihs wi th hi fuhtr hid titikht him but whlih in ind not laid to heart t p pr n 1- 7 js j jn jt n i utholhini s bistorv should be nnd n tht bht of his fatbiis words in provtrbs his iuin w is br niht up hv bis pi idt irov it is if h s f illn i s t s inn lo h nl hi t n as d as his ti nhitik dnubth sh ui hoi o im hisi iv w ul l invi bt n d ffi r nt in n s ow n sm w is tht i ni n an or ib il v s n f isi ii 1 i h 11 1 t m h nu m i f il t f t in s i uik ind n i n hi s hi oiiiiiik to i ulin luthoinv who tb i 1 in s hi f 11 it ik f in ltll- n an h s is i tllsi is thi nn do v il ihs ti a itu nth i fl it in t puhtirntinn entitled ire- t 1 1 i i 1 w im h is tn in math iv u il i llirouh oviipnunl heilth di p iiinit nts this ispiii advlsis spi iiil i in f tin splines ajnl ndoption if foitwim whuh piimits fn e fumtioi iiik ot nil tin horn s in the ft t ii ii ljis tb pint list of putting id in sh m s to bmld up hit an his ailni s i re i cnrk n ill istt it i ft ilv ini ie of t m i si in 1th is nlv int il- f i wkx i iiutn in i eh b n h s i foi h s t nn 1 ifi s f i thf i urs4 d for his f tlu rs u f tlihfuin ss but nil n tb s ns it um is it hi ii nt lien i h ib im hi ard f i t ir trettnn nt f his ri t ri i nt itiv e his h tuhtv pri k sit 1 ion hft hiii mil wi s htm in su fi ind nh u us flight f r ttriis th ni v li ln was t sudtun i mi d iwr fr u the swl 11 ng words of v h hut t mm who deals in hrivil and hluj i will ilwtvs t ike to bis hi i k s u r or later th nun v h rul ovir otbi rs with i rod of non an r ireh if i ver thoe w h bvist tint thv ore n inr to do t it w t i tupul nit on u nobonm art lo si ml lln t dbitlon of trlhute to th st v ho had nvolted from him it not onlv show id ilihir unpardon- i able iknornnie of whit om had fort hydro 15 hour laaps joy the paints brighten isfykneewei imiotkc t j b mackenzie son coal iumlmr and huildmc supplieu atton is koiuktown as

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