Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1947, p. 1

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tht jvcttftr tftttrtss seven tvsecmid year no 4i acton ontario thursday may 8th llw7 ten home print piiuls five cents court ot revision dealt with 38 properties on tues dublin friends make presentation to mr and mra d mcdougall dublin community gathered in the hehool house to spend ft nollnl evening with mi nnd mrs duncnn mcdougnrl before they left tlu uctlnn mr o w j il a j i ijiwrenco gibbons read n nppropn- seauon held in the auditorium of mm m bii the town hull new con btmction given real encouragement esquesing council decide to levy for the federation 1 1r nddresi nnd messrs m steele unci elliott presented tlurni uilh nn cloctilc radio nnd clock at the jmrm time mm bnrbei read an address from dublin woman inill- acton council mot a n court of i n jn thq u itovulan on the supplemental aeuk mrfl mcdour ing wh all hit cquncl precunei fm lie remembrance reeve mccutchcon pldlnir mr d mrfl mcdournl hnve mov the uulon wau held in the audi- fnrminttton ncnr ornngevlllo rlt here hey will make their home fifty attended rwentyelglt nppoob wth thol mrt jonn nennlck were on the docket to be heard and the court wn one of tho liveliest wo hnve ever attended after hearing the presentation of the vnrlnuit property ownera the council adjourned to the council chamber where the following decis ions were concluded the appeal of i macswnln wai not granted tj j it lelflhman appeal on lot nn which snk was not completed re- t t verteel to the original tax as farm tedr for gravel is accepted and ubd iulih hugh fi r fh far- the appenl of stewart slnclnrrwnc not granted as the building wns ten an tabic g m hutt appeal wns not allowed alex m dinar nbaessment on gar age wa reduced from 100 to 50 the appeal of symon hnrdwnre m warehouae wan unchanged the lupplcmontnl luueument of r mceachorn was in error on tho roll and twice nwewsed it was reduced lie mnt thls council accept the tend- by 1100 to 2000 total er of c g rlddell nt n price of on the appeal of f toth sr the ctushlng nnd elevating to bin 60 bulldlnc was reduced by 200 and the lr ynrd hauling up to t miles 32c land owumwment was unchanged lw j hnullng over 1 miles 10c the colin mecoll property wns re p v subject to the npproval dueed b 200 made on tho property of th department of highways under construction nnd uncompleted cniried another croup of seventeen build moved by bird seconded by reld inga were clnsslmed n one that wen that the tender cheques of sim ire- in n state of construction nnd wore land nnd e armstrong be returned considered unner the clause of tlu carried alt which provide for hulldlngn on which there was no normal rental oi nu gular meeting of esnueing normnl salt value on these pro i council uns held monda pertles tht supplemental taxes npplu fti rnoon mn r ulll all members nble for 1947 wore w rllton off but tng nssp nn i nnd wntt r approval received on the wartime housing project council dihciihhcfl new sidewalks water main extennionh to four new sections and recreation ai sctwion that lated until 12 45 aan pipe ordered for water servtcefl and municipal board writes regarding annexation of property adjacent to town a speclnt moot inn of esqueslnu inwnfthlp council wns held tliursdny tvtnlnc members nil present reeve g e oeove presided lenden for crushinj nnd deliverlnc 10 000 ynrds of gravel on the town ship roads were rend moved by curric seconded by l present works frontnsi remains uincjannced- propertles accorded this adjustment were owned bv fred kentner torn nodvvtll e c vnre allan leishmtin sr mac symon f toth jr benrt more co ltd enrl cooptr lvlt crlpps owen mnsnles dnld hodgu normnn priie prlct ht iuk rson wnt stadden joe rnfkn percj elliott c e wuods thc court of revision ndjourned it 11 35 p m nnd council took into con sideration the possinp of the n oes snry resolutions covering the rttom- mendntiont of the court at i mints passed for payment m diifud ontario hthpltal woodblock ti im prov int i of skntcheu on tlinilt for ma j0x1 bell tele- phont co srlces 51 a v btn ton stnmps 7 00 brampton funeral st r let epenus n funeral mrs jno ktnnnij xison r r rnrt dip- 3600 fingerlings put in halt on str kinj jri e and nsslstanre 15 00 spt net r wuson she p alunior 4 00 it wns dtnided b motion to le y an nssismi nt of onelift h tf n mill on nil rnttpaers ns fnrmtrs for the ft di ration of agriculture and a b hm wns to be prepared iti lief ntcount of 58 4 nnd roqri n tounts of 1414 04 un pnssed for pa mi nt v i hi offti of h h tiompsn fir a lusil in unit fm tlu nuinicipnl nuili mj wns m i opt oil mmtd h ht id set nn lcslli- acton council met in regulnr session on mondny evening with councillors j h creighton w coon c cook and r m aylsworth present nnd reeve f j mccuteheon presided mi colin mecoll on behalf of roi idents of cnmoron slioet naked that a sidewalk be in id he presented a petition signed by most of the resid tnts of cameron street and along mill streit west grnding of cnm eron st ret t wns nlso requested council wcrentreed that sidewalks should be laid nnd ngreod to do the work as soon as mnterinl could oe wcured it was suecented thnt half the work might be done this year a huttinnjirijt tvl n letti r a property neni vlctorin avenue nnd cameron st council did not np prove messrs r l bean w h clayton g mckenzlc j rnyston and f daw kins of he physical fitness and recrention committee discussed the work of committee the history of bandsman ft mckehit milton plftksiiient 1 lorne scots rani i mil annual niin nnd i ik hon of otfktif of tlu j int sects bnnd was in id m tin tenrgttnwn arniauries on i uisdn a niny md n ports nhnvm d tin wi nt hnfl been n sue tissful nnd bus om ovir thlrtj i n mt mivnts hnd been carried nut oir a widesprend nren in addition i winning the first place in the wnter- ion bnnd rfslknl tn class no t umkr the lendcishlp of bnndmnsttr a ii pet rot i tlie officers electeil for tin coming jtnr art ns follnws honorni v mtmhers brig wnllnce schoojboard must provideextra room lor public school th halton county baseball league organizes for 1947 f ryder acton wns chosen presi dent of hnltcm county bnsehnll ion gue nt n meeting held in oakvillc on coytoumjns col ballnntvne messrs chapman pnsliltil tueulny night when representatives r nfrk j b mnekenzie a mnson of milton acton georgetown md n h wright oakvlllc attended vice president j committee to heport on tempikr- ary buildingralariefl are under consideration 1 rustic i iovil 1 jones g a dills a kiikniss nnd ir f w onks wen pnsint on i uesdny ev- i nmg when acton siliool biuiki nut nt the may nueting nnd clinlrmmi president bnndsmnitb r mckerr for 1047 is clarence rlddell milton milton nccl i nnd j f royston acton is secret ai treasurer this yenr towns under 3000 popu int ion will piny in intermediate t baseball the halton league will vice presidmt sm a c herbert eoigetown nccl i icnsurer bnndsmnn i kinf corrtlown nccl secret ary bandsman chns nsk nn interpretation of this rule to ijnn arton nccl nllow the onkville club to piny the rxicutke committee cpl i i senson gnmes in the hnlton lenkuo rmsjo bnndsmen j carter w fm- nnd if finishing in top position to s f p georgetown and advnnce into the intermediate b bandsman s a fn milton group a group with four teams could auditor bandsmen normnn j operate muchmorc satisfactorily than braldn acton nnd jns burns geor a three tonm group lcw n socinl committee bandsmen forgrnves ft peck e 1 hompson v heibert i i ibrnrian- bnndsmnn t herbert the lest selection for both the aiofflsrserajezramues- ofphotosvhich appear each week i rim ipnl mi ki ni shhmltted n iitiulsition of s jpplii s letjuired for the vnrloufi gindes this list was np- pioved mr mewnrt pilniljinl of tlu hifi si hon riportid thnt it nppesmd thnt tlie upp i sihool i inss mxl ini w ulil he lnigir mi stewn t tongrntulnted the uoiird on the foi ward stip in favoring tin north hnl ion high sehuol dint rut i he board wiie lnlted tt attend lh endet in secton nn monday may 12th mi stewart nlso dlseussed w ith the board clnsses for net yenr an application was received for n position on the htnff of tin puhllc school a letter from ilnllldny co- stntrd they eoutd not supply tempornry tiuidlnrh fm clnss rooms i hln n om was suggested ns n means to nccom evei possible but primnt ily our task the nppolntmcnt was reviewed mr i is newspaper publishing and print benn told how the account was mnde ing whenever possible we will nr up for the eor nnd gne the inform innge to supply copies of photos the ntlon he hadxecclved from mr tett i price for 8vl0 enlargements is 7 of the provincial department the j per cop nnd 50c for the 5x7 size whole question was thoroughly dls contnct prints nre tsx4 inch nl7o cussed by council nnd committee nnd innd cost 10c ench we cannot nlwnvs it wins suggested b the committee suppl prints os sometimes in the pro memhori that the present committee cess of hnving engravings made and be dissolved and a new organization haste in getling the picture into pnn formed to direct recrention in acton negatives become lost mr clnton wns named treasurer f the committee and the clerk wns in structed to pnv the amount of the j grnnt to the treasurer h rfv plnll the present committee was tof k 14111 onrrv on until nn orngnlzntion meet ing could be called to include nil tht locnl orcnnl77itjons and receive many of our renders have approach waterloo band festknl in june nnd rnodate public schoo pupils ed us for copies of local photographs the cnf competitions are on order hie secretary icported that then which appear in the free press froir nnd with other ingngements lining would likely be two vacancies on tin time to time we like to oblige when- p n busv saason nppenrs ahead public school staff this yenr the band will tnke pnrt in the ac the secretnry reported receipt rf ton b6s nnd ghls band tntloo publk school provlni inl and county in acton june 21st lorts messrs ewing nnd vines wen present to discuss the laying of water mnlns in town this jenr the could hi ing m n machine to do this work it wns estlmnted that there wns js50 fiit of wntermnlns to he lnid nnd in nririlllliretheriwould be the mnlns in thnt tin sulurv of tlu koad siierln- th wartime housing subdivision if vi huh armtsiong nnd anderson hnd chnrgi this was an addttionnl 1400 fei t the fallowing resolution was pass td thnt the acton public utilitl s commission order 2s40 feet of six imh vvter mains nnd 500 feet of fonr int h mains with mcoswr fitting nnd hvdrnnts it was riet ided to hold n specinl mutiny of touncil on ednesdav night nt b 10 p m to denl with the mtrmf for laving tht mniits bi junior farmer entertains i he acton junior farmers were in music festival association for n se eid justlv proud of their winning t time nt he annual meetingheld hockev nnd giants nnd provlnclnl grant of 52500 in part on the continuation school piovlnclnl grnnt to public school wis 5000 on nccounl fhe bonn dlst ussi d the problem of sctuiinj nn nddltl nnl room for the public school to t nre for tin st htxil at te ndnnt i i lie property ciimmittn nnd hnirmnn were ap pointee n committee to bring in n tepoit on i onstrut linu n temporal y miss maude m brown reelected noard instuud the secretny to urlu tlu stnff nf the publlcschonl nff re cnftaiitmlnl at lncreafs n s5i nnd 100 inth ihe secretory vhm mnude m broun freemin ndvirtke for thru new tiach ns elected presld nl of the hnlton lht puhlli school to fill vn- clllllll successful year is reported lor halton music festival president at annual meet- infaurtrveicin milfon lectedpi festival hit sittnrj wns instructed to dehntin teams or this nt milton puhlic school lost tteek al- r r k men in the hlih stnson hut inst fndnv evenin e though miss broun nl first declined sch0 off nl increniu of 200 for sou thnl not onls could the pln he honor she nccepted nddln the ht prim ipnl nnd jkm1 for ench of he hockei nnd dtbnk hut the could nlso rn opentlon she received from tho nskllnnts on the stnff ntertnin different commltteis hnd been moil atcunl8 win sscl for pnyment a cnnncllv crowd al l school krntifvlnc in the past with their njnved n soclnl evenln of euchre assistance this enr the burdens might u iph colle intltute iroprnm n delicious lunch with pie he so k she stnted 1 md ic cream for dess rt nnd dnnc in her rtporl miss edith i donkin b pp ww at ton- fre press hupplleb tfl 4 mnsnles dairy jtp milk 11 ht unison dniry kp milk 18 0i nle book co books 2 go v d talbot supplies 11 27 mnrdonnld co supplies v v cint scuntiflc supplies 1 stke s roofing c s ro if 5f3 it wnsexplnneel entrv fee were nb- u s rji co sup t lis ed this nr but rgnnjzntion ing winners of tht pri7ts for euchre burlington secretnr said that at were edna stewart and jack stew though there were not so mnn class an the program consisted of a mus- es this vtar it wns a most success irnl selection b clh jordan peter ful one adding there were 83 entr dvrk nnti ralph mckeown aple cit ici from urban centres 21 from high ing content wns won b rnv e schools nnd 70 winning entries from de ii n skit h tack stewnrt enrl the different townships mnsnles and ktn allan and a musical contest conducted bv eleanor mc mr spat nft rn and messrs ewlng and t r t j roprnm mr j stewnrt i i b nt spoke a fe ijii rndnv e ami wunlen dudl hltehox of onkvilu turned ionit t 00 spit kit it trout tinmi luii u tt sintttn milt crvk nnd blut spinas crttk m tlu uppermost part of hit ton l ountv i lun wire the first if pitktt ihiku the dlfferm- stt trims in the t mntv with sonu 20 otmi veiil ng trout nnd 5 tmhi bti n tontine tt tlu mim wartun into tlu splashing f tjut frtsl watt i tixnni tin finei hnts pnuit d hetituit toward tlu luud wuttrs woi d nn whttlui it vmtuw in tin r newlv fount h nu iniir one would dart forwnul into tlu rushing u rent evti i mou vkould i dlow wit it otht rs still ptiimtt litest fnik rlinj fish jin rnim d i tht diff it nt k hrnnit nt hntthen in om irtt f d and niisd tt te trans in rtiti sonittmus hnj distanct s i frt tl wntt i sttthims as tuut u kn wn t u tlu fin s ot fits w lit 1 fih ff rd uk shu men munx i ihrti hilton oun s strennis cm undnik vv t r rock trtmu h bush hinds rt an idtnl habitat vihu h sonit tmu nnkt tit s ortsnu n vxt i tier i tht ihh kled u nut it nr vv im r than tht v miiw halt n rt m iimt rfo not know of thi nautilus oouutrv w hit h ab i units tlu north rrn struhes of ns fcjlnweu and i- utsin t nnships it is nn ire i w 1 11 nblt to boconu sportsman- ptrutisi m fat mention has b n midt t hnvi it hmnthl v- a gnnu rtsn t in it rtivti fir hnlton nil ents it would nut tlu approva of sport sjiun within mi boundrus is anlt r and huntirs from tht m rt populated viv is i ik uuvntag f inlt n ni upil it tirv dun k th wt k mil nil i tour ii vkh tht nrihtri nit is v tv t ishernii i wr sv r tcsink thru kill e nu w ml i hi h v p ained ttwit nu nib t tit mwl fornithl hair n atult t i huntt r juitvn tion wr c pt m ik with tht dt lurtnn n r lorain of mnmim ii m undent be 1 400 00 pt r nnntim withj aould be present under the nu allowance of sji no per month nnd irrnnm mt nts mnchlnt s w uld tt i p i mill mlltnm win n using h 5 brought in t do the work 11 uiisidt tin townshij on townsh n t hit f harrtj vns instructed tn bus nes nnd n bv law in pupnitd n j nforee tl e tai bv law and see tint uiordnmt curried cwhm douirnl cordon cook manager of fh fl ua rhnlrmnn for ub through ut the d tf ns 1st touolv had been ask their financial nsslst pi es b 1 i it pi om pi ujntui s rmncjy n inni 1 i h bt ft r h 1 i plans have n en mnde bv thi lub to tnrtv on in th bn- bnll len t i tunifwi- an c wa such to make the annuil j ljhh t mni comm light words thanking fistivil thi 11 ttss n wns the sec- nml un forthefni co operation n tarv said h xir lunch dancing was enjoved 1wilin rn uk fimuk s f r th fyf sociitv be c k vi ni i a i khan burlington arl i hi r st st kink al trtisuitr sta 1 nee pts amo o p i sh3 j- a7tei nil rttsbursements had bt i n mndt tht rt wis 1 balance of 2f r 5e 43 09 18g 365 26 0 200 m halton mrrani kttthktrh gamr arden yl n tl e hank 1219 during n uurdtii dudl jr v in 1 blu t r up stix mi i s 11 tir 1 t ian 1 usl t tr ins 1 t t tlu s r m in- 1 n r i tyrhi 11 1 art4itrk tjfc4td their 1uik f ejakv 1 w is restoik n t ith itwivt 00 ijhhl fsj r ir im i -arm- a i i j t tit r kt t imt 1 1 1 irnl 1 rtt juurte mun f ilattons lis ut strt u 1 a arm u vr s rt n 1 f t s ttern n it e r k 1 t r n in tl e j tt rni it t e lift t ik r nrl n4 r ni 1 kt tan- litis jn rij y it ft i n rjnjbtf tvu 0 i blu i r i h hll membe rs f the eet ulive np- tecntid tie nfft r of the halton m1t1 o ir nnntt wo 550 sell t aishij tt tht bov and irl who in ic juihentnt f ht aitjudjeiitcu vv as mo t ut tun 1 rig at tl festival tin considrtl tl rul it the const itu tin id iiv tht m 1 we r tr nc t ei t su i 1 rant mr i klait thouk thiag sture vtxs v r in c n t ht part f lie malt ch ir i ut th fistivnl is operate for th bn fit of music in the s h is and if scholarshit s ui con s d red tht a c ati n was sufficli nt- 1 v und t a vard their n f inr ship t would suggest thnt wc grnte fullv d chne this er fine offer mnde h tit h ir he dt eland mrs i lod crawford presented mrt dnvtrt ifntttevrcith n boujut t iink flowtr for hr long service nnl as stnn with tie assor at inn with j i svinderon oakvillt in tit chair the following officeri were eh tied j m derives and mrs eorre atk n- h norpr presidents mil m brown fireman prt s d rt mrs i crawf rd campbelkiile knneth les trnfakar nnl nflsj i evani rkelejwn v ict president mil f donk n burlington sec re tarv mn 1 t f oodrhild milton ni t ec j a i ckhart burllncton treasurrr reprtnta ves from the var ous or muati ns w 11 be s t cttm later v i d f it rar it t the ar t r nent a c mm tlif r ssr ft pr 1 1 m t irv p s c m k m hon 1 a i vkart nni mrs f d craw f rd werv ch sen as a grt up to rvi the cnnstitution of te orcanlrat on f ihw it n m ton ef mr iccklart asking tit rv wi o male du o changes of the iilutfll ral adm n rat r r tl n ir rt h nl r nn f campbell vlib t hin in c ampbt livlll rec ntlv auu t a 1 lb 7 oz r ji 11 1 in 1 1 t tal atcl f il 1 1 11 d 10 sns thai tl 1 1 111 11 i nb ut mi vou loved i l s 1 in 1 ul ii it s all coming events f mrm i rf fvr i 1 fm 10 hunt brook v lilt hall ma htt is u i v d rcl etra a v n t b ojm ntng i tn n sat ur 1 iv m iv i irk 1 j 1 ij h mart i i 1 n hal i uhtt rujm muv 1 1 1 f r at iet on auxiliary v i n mjv at the i adm n sc i unci tr of st a l 1 1 ng n bakm n saturtu ck ty i ft 11 1 i hn j at bannockltijin t fr ii ma 1mb us i in n x kf urn u i admmvion j5c 1 vinin i rcxtsj- tt im uurd fiir th s 1 hi 11 nimuiul

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