Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1947, p. 3

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thursday may hlh 1mt 1 he acton free press paqb muni of interest to women hollo teenagers it will oon be mothers day mi occasion when we want to iw particularly hlec to monu and there l sgeh a thrill to doing nomothlne for liar on sunday thnt wo have written tbl column to you of the many thine y c rnothor will appreciate you preparlne the meois most because that u her jon rt ih un d out it will be a wonderful diversion for yburimd moth or hfkcxal llkjnciwon riave 1 season 2 cups medium white sauce with t tap salt and an elfthth tap popper add 2 tsps vinegar and 1 lap worcestershire ttauce 2 add 2 cups cooked cubed ham j cup drained poaa and 1 allce of onion 3 serve heiwoen and on top of tpllt tea hlsculu 4 decorate with a sprig of wator cress msa hmotwfl 2 cupa flour 4 taps baking powilei 1 tps salt 2 tbsps shortening cup foot ailments treated miss allan her cfclrepedlat treats foot ailments for both ladles and centlemen open man than aai sat vetuags tlu 0 oclock all hy appointment phone ismj s7 arthur bt guelph smunaiamasmmbbnsi your eyes should be examined at regular intervaln consult robl r hamilton r07 72 st georges ha guelph ont am optltrtl ki pairs hnncllpd in an lfficle nt itonomlcnl manner wallpaper i ipf if its the jery newest in wallpaper denlcns be eure anclmspeclinn- snnnikfl the unrest stock in western ontario youll find it at chapples bookstore 155 wytuustn fit gaelpk angus kennedy liquid nil milk or iiulf milk and hair water mix dry uignadlenu and sift twice work in shortening with tine of the fingers or cut in with two knives add the liquid gradually mixing with knife to a soft dough owing to dlffotssncc in flour it is not always possible to deterrnlne the exact amount of liquid tow on a flouwd board patand roll ligh to onehalf inch in wckhu shape with a biscuit cutter bake in hot electric ovfcn 150 degs 12 to 13 mlns orange inpudk cake 1 tbap shortening v4 cup cran su- car w cup boiling water cup or ange julco 2 tsps crated rind 1 thsp hortonlng cup granulated uucar fl cup iilfted pastry flour 1 up bak ing powder m cup milk nh1nnd rirat 3 ingredients to gcthor and pour into a greased eako pan or individual class linking dudus j cream 1 ibsp shortenlne and add f cup sugar gradually 3r mix and sift dr ingredients twice and ad i alternate with milk to cream d mixturt co drop in upoonfuls on top of orange mixture t bake in a prene ate de lee trie oven of 100 d it for mlns then reduce hent to mod el nte 150 des nnd hake for nhout t5 mlns yield six rprvlngs ih lhmlon4 vhtir tetsagfrsi question how should i serw a cup of ton to mothejs friend vilun he ronns on sunrjify afternoon ansuor take tin cup and saucci with serviette under it in y ur right hand making sure that the handle n towards our lift hand present it to lu r w llhout st pming nw fcwai d she should tnki it in lu r lift haul thtn she ik iead to lift the handle with her rijjlit or unfold tin seivh itt qutstioti should 1 lav ilu cream and ugnr on o tra or put them hi ewe h cup nt the airvlntt t rn ansutr if ou nn i nurtalnlnc a smnll kroup of 8 to 1j people 31 i nion hospltnhlt to ask whether th y would tiki t r am oj sujiir in their ton nnd thtn tilt the iiusti as who is pourlnr t a question should 1 put n p on on tin aut r if ht kutit does not take upai answer it is not mitsyin to do so and eifttn it is ihrmwnhnt quostioa- m s p aiul radishes em the satulw it h trn or in a rellsji dish answer rndisheh iur and sw t it kits make tie sandwkh hoard it tnutiw hut pitkted emions dills and iron flavond e tris should lit s i i si jtaratt 1 qufstioa- whldi d i pais fust mall take h or tarts answci small e nkt s question winn ifjlitnp re fr sh mint of ehtuolate take nut br ii pn am md tea an jilanned h ln t yn illfflltrtln iktni iimm recommendations for hie control of tomato bhkiu owlnu to die uerlotii euitbroak of iate nilght ot tomatoes in jtmfi it is recommendi d that crowers pro tect theiantk in the iuhki immik by spraying or by dusting anil also he prepared to spray or dust in the held sea bcki spray or dunt doperullhtf on equip ment avallhhle with a fixed copper for spraylrifir tnt such compound ai copper a compound cuproclde t o c s basicvvn or trlcop trlbslc coppr sulphate for dust inn use such compounds ucocs ortrox follow manufacturer a d 130 sure the plants art thoroughly covered liwblullna the undersides pf i he leaves spraying is more effect ivc if a high pressure sprayer is used vdn not brlns the tpray nozzle closerstlian 4 ft to tlu plants apply the llrst spray or dust when thi fin l true leaves are well formed if transplanting is done before the llrst true leaves are well formed de- la the hrtrt application for about one uttkafler trfinsplantlnff urpeat applloatlons every 7 tpscr days ttie last application should be made 1 or 4 rihys before plant ing in the field v vuia- it is recommended thnt all tomatoes in plnnie d in rew fi ft apart with thn plants m ft apart in the rows tlii- will rre4itl fniitltntt spraying w he n m ci suiry uiti might may lu tontrolliel in the held h siialn or by dukldu spramng i more efftttlvu use h wed toppers indicated nbotc for use in the s tml ht d i h eiffi ttiv the sprajlng or rlustint must 1m done in sui h a wn as to thoiouht divir all ahovt grou id pat t f the plants inrtuding hoth si ii if the it at s applv the ihst spra or diut win n the elisi ast rs first te peirtt d in the dihtritt ciinluui nppluations at 7 to ii da intti uls trsjnciall durlni eiieis of tool wtt weatlnr lro loiik d pirietds of hot elr winthr retard the spit ad of ilu eflswim and tit ik tin interals htlwien ap ii eations ma he lengthened arrant mints in 1m ing niatle to inf mi grow- is whtn to in jm spray or dust appll t alimis note tu sureio destroy all plants t used in the tie id bemuse they may a louree of the ellh ase now eay t frteze lodktmffhia hom i- mi zing farm products in tht htinit is now hi ing elone h man canatllan house holdi is ijim of pro- epviini impnupti qutihl and food miiul are tin e hit f advaotats says it phillips pulsion or hortl ul- turt nttal h xn rime ntal arm ottawa ont lh first recjuh me nl i ir h mi fie 7ing is a fnelnj compartment f rflrqatt si nd fretin tapac i vision ef hort ulturc the pathway of progress lly it j ofachman otuvr bark hcunt x utmve wdth tn edd friend of mine em a farm in which hi father came almout h hundred tsiirs nuo my friend pointed to a tomblne working a field 40 revels away from whoio we stood iook he utld the first year my fathei eanu jo this farm be cleared a little coiuec nnd sowed wheat apt on g the 11 urn it was cut with a sickle ibr ahmt nwrrspllt loysj ground til an old fashioned hand turned coffee mill now see the com blue it cuts and thivahek the grain in that peri od almost in the hh of one human life we have moved from the stckle to the cradle from the cradle to the reaper from the reaper to the binder and now the combine there la the plrtuie of agriculture in canada a eentury of magnificent progress w here next w here do u e go from here in the first census of industry in canada in ltt70 the average factory worker received 220 per year b 19u the scone had changed the can ndlnn worker was now receiving some 1 iso a year ifow was the change brouiiht about the fingers of our forefathers were as de ft as out within the limitations of their lives their minds were askeen ttiey work id much longer hours what brought about this increased capacity for production- the shorteir hour of toil the answer is that lo- rin man effort to priuluce is in citaseel by the vower eif tin mighty mnthlnes ht lias siimmmuhtto ils aid for every factory worker in canada in iy7tv tlioci was a mpital invest ment wr workti of jijo in 11u th capital invi slme nl pel work i was 5 000 more than 1j time so ninth in tin edd dnvs h uiel piwer was n fnrteir in proeluetlon neiw man has talk el to his aid lluse gre fit ma hints eliiven main h eltetnt i owe t nnd utu d te lit lite n tin hind n of toll t incriise his eapaeltv to i r ulute now nil this would ih quite im i issihle of arc oniprislime nt b an tin i means prog re us in tin future will tome fiom the use of still mor une slid capital the higher the in vestment the greater will h the volume of produrtinn the higher the v lump of production tin higher will imv tin earnings of inbor hut mm h eapltnl has 4een dslroeei hy war ilia world is hungry for more capital an increase in investe d capltji will ralsp the stnndnid of living through nut the world make tills and e verv ther tountrv happier rle hei moi t i lospi rous wanted men and wome n- warel aiekh orderlios cleaners pantry maieln dihvaslie kitche help special training ulven ward aides and orderlies 1mu hajiv kxoeijjcnt wokkino oondlxionb f ensure your future kvrtuiutpkif ktoplbyiii4ii wlt4 nenroim vtmtaltul ipiau health supervision oilloltiuya with- py ailbqitnte time for recreation write far imutfcuurtt rivln- aiaiu abduf your4f to kuperintknoknt tottonto iiohimtat wcmloit ontario ihwno jllnipn 1162 i hi reas n thnt fhihin u p l t rlstlnc than an other form of ilt- inture to those of us who really like the people is that in fiction tin auth or enn re nlly till ibe truth without hurting anyone nnd without humllla- ing himself too mm h riennor ito se velt duro besrttytesf ef vmm mmh to operate ilctausc durts eicclubive fcjcurev permit ureubi ccifreciiinj upit nv jne rccnrrjtmg facilities it actually costietij io tijvrjtc j imirt cnir first teist with durt littdjlljran invest ment pjing dimilcmu nor only in better livings bur in reduicc snayrhrii longqr life tir wislumc clothed sheets teiels cliiniiutitin eif cosilv repjirs to veiur heutini pfjnt rctiulcd fuel hills for deiinc- tlc vjtcr hcjting htu joday yet duro softeners arc not expensive there is a duro price jihi sic to fit jour huclgct sec tnir local plumhing inncrjunr tojay anil lcjrn how ejy it th for you to enjov duro softened water in your home pltlckd as low au j40 m poo london canada duro water sofrntn r mad ncnca from tfte fin est mjftfai obtain fa be giving high quality prformsnc with joflo troub-r-iiuicj- ihjmpsani 1 0 h d 0 h rtftnirs unite cljuv 7 0 h t a 1 0 a witve favtpr i aiihwe r seive i tij s bf tevi on n tra with serviettes plns cieam and suljii of r a trajr of buttered nut bread then it move u a cups and pass a serving of ehofolate take and ui cuarn on indlvieluil plates with n f ik en the side j question is it corrt ct to place n t able bout uet on a fen w agon when t i ntiul f p i im ntal farm ottawa has pic aicd a pamphh i on tin sub jtet nititlcd household t rctzct and stotam win h tii scribe tin method if toiistiue lion and operatun of two ujwk cf unit one is a combination frei e r hulk storage and house hold 1 sierile unit hu other is merely a i combination fntnr and house hold tt a is served answer yes if the b uquet is low it will make an attractive t abler question should i awns serve tin- elde stiix the group flrt even if tin person ls gentleman answe r nc the eldest lady flrat unless there ls onlv ont elderly m nth man among i voung group floor sanding and finishing phone56wilton reverse the charges clement and mountain j re trie rat or nofli lpes have betn in operatiein under clos observation for 4vttul voarv and have provon sjitisfai t rv hiis pamphlet will b sent to mi one hy writing to dornm im itparlnu nt f agriculture ot tawn as will as inning a satisf ie tory freezing unit can should he taken to prepare the food proper im fore freezing freshness of product is the njain undtrling principle iavlne fruits or vee tables in a wurm plate after harvest will resu t in liss of flavor und dete ru ration it is ver important to prepare and plats the produrts in the freezer as tun kly as possible egetables and some fruits have to be blanched this is done by expoa- issssh 1 rrrrr 3 i n ssspafc hospitalization surgical benef11 1ncme protecti bow at r wm r bracken urt ftoe and airtomoboe enbtmanclt mux 8t actov pilone l ing the material to boiling tempera upis for a short interval the pur- j pom bi to ant t ehemirjil prore sse tliat cause objectionable flavors or discoloration while v the freezer after blanching cooling is done by immersion in cold water i whether blanched or not the pro ducts for freezing should be placed in suitable packages ease of frees ing moisture proof next and conven ience of filling and storage- are lb rrrain considerations in selecting m pac kage f ttie packaum mntenal should be j frozen solid within fourteen hours this can be done if the packages are small i pint ilze and are well spaced in a freezer operating at 0 degrees f it is important too that the f r e n r operate chit to this temper- atun throughout the storage period if these und some other simple in structions given in detail an follow ex high qualtt frozen fruits and vegetables can be enjoyed b anvone who can procure the equipment i it mohky afo vision as a chartered banit our fin duty u to tafefuard the drpasiton moo so i ic work at useful fobs where its future will be secure thai responiimlirf calls for critical fudmenlt cr banliog cmll for that and something morm vision sad a wflltnjoe to skarc the borrower t point of view the koowledfe and experieace to recognise a good credit rule sod the ehejtity to help it prosper thar the land of ksnlinj today i business need the lusd of backlog we like to do fj eo tt together s the bank of nova scotia w k graham manager acton ont

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