Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1947, p. 7

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tmjiuday may bnrnur the acton free press 1age seven 33ctx- fcommlfnity unity e 1 x g a synopefa of various sport and athletic activiuc theactnv teen age group will i ykyt nrrjnoh j me chanum of the foot includes spilngu and not atchis according to a lending authority who df dares that the old belief in fallen aiches li as i inliu a the medical theory that i l ho earth la flat in n publication entitled care of the feet which 1r being made avail able through government health do- pjiitmenth thin expert advises special cure of the springs arid adoption of hnvt n pmnltit free function ing of all the bones in ihc feet h deplores th practise of putting pndh in shoes to build up the archol together on may 0 two of the special intercut groups will mecrl at 711 pm for an bauand a half of music and drama there nre a good numbor of tccnngers interested in good music and we hnw to nee a crowd on hand drama han grodu- ally plrked up a number of interested b and girls and i unde they are planning a couple or akilirfotrnr frulny nlght do let have every teenage boy ami girl out fo the hlg ahow on friday iaut week n number of interesting tabic tennis ovonts weit run off the members touiney was hefd on tuesday night for the baxter trophy and wan won by tton salt the girls who mtwte fop t he cams trophy- have yot to doclaro n winner the wliihtr h trip boys uroup holds irnr trophy for hix monthn and the girl champion holds it for six months on friday rilght a tenm of mx y mom- bora played host to a six mnn team from the at ton legion and n very cn- joynhle evening wnu spent in a friendly contest or singles and doublet i he tenm came out on l5p in r pftyera tooktimeout uowiuoiomi mcnth with the tnnnervtown bridge group but were right hack playing shortly after jt uns the deslie of nil playera to hnve another such tourna ment some time within the next two weeks bud kentnei one of the younger up and coming table tennis stan won the junior boys e hnmplonshlp when he defeated ron and rson buds forehand smash proved n little too nicol bros monuments and cemnm jle1tering associated with a j corbett mount forest onl knquntkfl w coijs at attars coal office phonfe iso acton a little arithmetic i y in common at tin end of last december the um mployment insurant kami hn i on its iwiokj n eredll balance of sts7 222407 20 during the five and n half uii8 the fund has been in op e ration somh r10o0000 has been contributed to it by employers and employees while enough more has been jnkcn fiom the taxpayers at largi to bring total revenue for tin period up to more than 427 000 000 benefit payments for the period hnve totalled only rtlwiut seventy million dnllais of which fiftyone million wns paid out in 10lfi even thnt year benefit payments were on- h nkoiinifty live jwn rent or reven ue received so- tlje imlnnrc in ths fund grcw by some forlyono million dollars using simply nrlthmellr one dls covers thnt if unemployment was no worse than last year there a nough in the fund to take care of benefit pnvments foi heten years without ftiither onlrlbutlon h employers or emplojjeetlf n a m hour depress ion should not completely exhaust the fund in simple justice tin slie rf llw fund seem to constitute a good argument for llminnting further con tributions with all their ntterwutv nuisances oi reducing them to n lev i firniilmnlnh iho nmc nw thnt if pi evhnrilv word pnv me nts tlie printed watering trough a common wnteung trough is just not good c rioitgh for dairy cattle unlets every iinlmnl n healthy the common wnterlng plate serves an a in ceiling place for iuimmcuiokui ibis reminder comes fiom canada s ndlng veterinary director gcporal di ihomas child he aays that when testing a herd be miaa often found one w iwfltmmnl8 hadlly infected nnd next to them n the milking line several eactors if these renclors had lwen bred and raised on their owners farm the v t- erlnnrlnn concluded thnt it was there they bad been infected the unrein of the infection lie attributes to the common trough i nor is tuberculosis the only disease which cattle mny ncqulre in lil fnshlon actinomycosis or lump jaw mny he spread whan discharges from its ulcers fall into the trough from which all member of t herd d to pi event infection of these dnngerous expensive nnd sometimes fntnl dlsenses dr chttds re ommends indlvldunl drinking bowls more nnd jnare farmers nre installing these t not ns sntlsfnctory hut less exnen slvo is n metnl oi wood pall for each bmtu go maku bu4jjd jfau kendricks hair dressing jtok appointments phone 274 acton machine maciiineless cold wave permanents priced to suit your pocketboolc solutions blended to- suit your hair couhykous and kupkuikncko hk11vice wc invite your ialrotum hhhiimhhhhllhihhiihhihhuihmhlhiillhhihl i ou nn t i out to tht nntlon what ou lvixcnl lived out nt home much for hon on turdny arilr- noon nn open tournnment wni held doug davidson nnd bon salt ended up playing ngnlnst enih other for top honors with bon winning three straight games which were closely contested all the wn b doug dav idson the mca dlsplav will be held in the acton larena this year with nil v mwm tntrln pnr t ctqupi will perform in many different waya same putting on games othera folk dancing nnd two boys groups demon- sfrnflng tlie very faslnbct cxettlnn game of floor hockev the little nurser onus will agnln put on the bunny act which never falls to j please the spectators the high school hoys nnd girls who hnve h cm using the y facilities nil through the nnwhl puton a jjomonjitratlon-ni- rhythmlcs dnnclng npparntus work and club drill the hlith school fefrs arc under the leadership of mm orr and the boys under mr mcloan there will 1m clowns on hnnd to mnke you laugh when the put on thtir spollai routine of spills nnd fun mental development modern ufi clvts people plenl chnnce foi mental de ve lopment t do i ii t a a complete eye service by um shiuan ro ut a t browns next door to frei piess offiti nu s should be or neavy con strurtlon ns cows have the hnhli of pushing tlwm nround and ns n cow inn kl k over her drinking pall nt- most ns ensily nj kicking bver her milk pnll the bucket should be strong enough to stand n certain amount of this violence despite its limitation even an indl- jv ithjalbuche tj ia lmtter thonn com- v mnn wnterlng trough but individual di inking bowln are best acton lew mill st 206w every first thursday each month hours 11 fi eveninos b aprolntmenr next call june 5th rrpalm promptly mllrd head oitice s4 bathlltat st toronto come and enjoy the a h s annual cadet dance mondav mavt9th7t95t acton park pavilion- dnncing to i bojjtif qimmjfi gicjuajha canuiin s most popular tctn age orchtstm 13 pieces dress optional 1 x per person admission da ticket only lie kits mnv in ohttilmd from a h s pup is have given farineib million of trees iiti tiees arc supplii d to fnrmcrs in the prnlrii prov bites for shetter- jm1i plnntlng by ihc dominion forost nurvi r sintions nt indian head aflh sutherland snsk riiese tries are mimi and distributed by the stations ur ndliaf trees nre supplied tttc of hnrgi while n sniull i tiarge is mode for evergreen trtis the plnntera paving lxprlbs chnikcii on shipment up to nnd including the spring of 101g over 200 millions of hrondleaf trtes have txen dlstilbuttd to more than 1000 planters every enr nnd practically five million of e ve rnreen trels to mare than 80q plnntop nnnu nll for the most port the forest nurs 1 1 stallone and ihe jlntrrprs havi i nee ntrnted attention ort esfnbllsh ing fattn and home shelter bells for the pur mine of providing protection to pe ople ik cslock gardens nnd buildings but during the pnit 5 ytnrs many farmers have given some niientlon to plnntlng field shelter- improvlnj rrown under thnt the v hud no ihniue the news mh rs the radio nnd modern boot a present a constant sticiirti of infor mation and discussion through w hu b m opli enn grow in lnttllgentt iac turt s und dlstusslims nt the cliilw ehujehes nnd various organizations constant 1 present cdmatlonnl oppnr tunltiis disiussion of important subjects in simntl pinups of p pie k often vei developing l is nhelprul ttitng- tt ask pe ople w hut the think about tlie work nf the itnlttd nations th ae tton of the get rnme nt on tjisi s nnd the budget tw nn mii h ksu sue h hue stmns stii inti r sting talk nnd jwnpli nre therein induced t reud and fellow these km s and this helps mental development kpk1v clew iii time l tils ts th ue lis w 111 tie tin ir minis iti of the turn if vim w lit n i it thinking of 1 iann up arttt ns ci ihus atttes winters uii utnulution f lllbhisii tlitllie tate siiouiitth takj in tlihp sal of his mutiium epteiall b ttu ixnifin nuttuni be tare ful to thai spin ks atut flanits do tut spit id to tnruit s lums barns homt- etl or creep t nuans cf dead and dr gratb it is ntumtlv uiged that vod us preh i in burnt rb or nutnl bar rels to burn siiih rubbish and mak ur that the lust mix i is vanquish ed nft i burnint tv mattiinl outside the majorltv of muss fires nrr caused b children plaing with matches and parents are urged to watch them and uurn i hem of danitr to lift and pro ptrtv bv an lnnixtnllv marled fle getting out of hand 1 lu flrt depart ment max b urgtntl nenleej else- uhert while putting ut a grass fire anothtr thlnt often mglttttd at th time ef ear is an i samlnation of kmoke pims and ctuninevs after wn- tei s um tlu re is a tendencv to make them last until it is time to let tlu fires out for tiitk reason there is the most dange nut time of the xrar for fires from these causes therefore check our he at int equipment and prrftt c t ou r home and also your neighbours from exposure to sparks and flame belts fox the purpose conditions for c tops field conditions t i ull information on the subject lb given in publication 785 on planning and planting field shelterbelts by john wnker superintendent forest nurse r stotlon indian hend chap- le rs are devoted to benefits from field shelte rbelts planning w hnt to plant extent of plnntlng nnd seaion- al ran together with valuable in formation about trees a free copy of the publication mny be obtained r writing- i 1 drn d me nt of agriculture omnwn i t blluulng dwellings subject to hi lights of pre tenant- uncle t pie srntti ntul inntrols iteiukb nisi euitni on main street with three piece bath and ml age looms finnic house iooms hlabb ot inini good district ihiildlng lots in new ilpps survej foi present and future needs bin inn while then is te xl e holce nnd n nsonuble prli e s farms lis nc it s close to hlgbwuv 7 on gocul jrnvel count iond school on pi ope i tv 1 mile to store nnd post office 1 miles ench way to 2 large industrial towns 0 acres worknhle dark in im soil nil level fences kood well drained good house hydro installed barn wx70 sleel stanchions gc od wpter nupplv 40 miles fre m toronto successful fnimi r nnd hreeder of heavy typo horses and beef type cattle retiring pi ic i- jn 000 if you arc looking for something of this kind see this r ac it s consisting of 2 nc re s bush hard nnd soft jus ncres sodded sulinbli for sheep ranch nnd poultry farm well fenced with wire fenc- inl smn luirn or h s roofgoodhabltablcjiqugeconsldggab 1 it modi ucd 1 mlleh from town convenient to cjuelph hamilton and pornntc hdio mile possession immedjnlely irlce 1000 no dilapidated or unapproved properties handled or appointment to view these listings euntaft f l wright realtor and insurant phone s acton mhhbmhhbpbhhbiillhhhshbiibhbiililibiibhhhhhhhs forest fire dancer stiitlstn of forest fins show that april is one if tlie lunv m intlis for this fi i m i li st rue 1 1 n i robnblv the te nn mititv such fin ilso in la through the sumnu r th growth of jre i n travi ma have jojuh icndlni- to cheek iircx but in the siring im foie tin new rans gets st ii tnl di ad haves and dry pa s w hlch form th carpet of the forest are like iv to im dr and inflammnbl all who pnss through tlie woods shoukl be extremely i ireful that id bee db ss act of thelis should start i fire anv cnmpits or fishing partie that start a flrein or near wctodland should also he extreme iv cxireful ti mi t tint ihev dci not act the woods afire it mnv take n forest fft or one hundred year to gr w but n fir ma sweip through it in a sinjje day 1 he loss to the indivudual owner s heavy valuable property which s tpsnorre of ttie ft tmi nf rhe- h i kone up not hint t she n smoke w for it nnd thre li l mil hitv n talking f mail postage strang dc mi t sitm to nrousi plae s n t s rvt d hv leetue int n r to say thi resentmcnt in air mall no one stoj to think that thtmr are only about tw doin eitns on air lines a kid e fre m the pkiees wrved only bv the bush lines air mull is a rostlv thing its a luxury whether tht c st is paid in th- tostate or b a subsidv o make up for deficits or bv treasury loans o 1 r ini anuria an lines what the majontv of peewit bmd mort tlvttji locr air mall rte la a restoration of the 1 rent rate on or inarv mall and if the post offt has ni nev to spend it could improve rural di livisrlei businens interests that now uu afft ne i d air mall can stand present tosti others weild im better wret bv keeping first class malt on th reliable trains t the rewir rates of postage the printed word manning electrif agents for fiugidaire i i stoomheri cablson refrigerators i i sparton stoves i i radios ue sekvice fvfryrhing wf sfll e erv food its the right kind of cold in the nu frigidaire coldwall i oons stav nrshfci days longfk w ithout cover ing of any kind iti lhu txuutiful nt m f rikulaire comuall tef rlj2 ralor there th uf inimi uld lumjarliiniit utth ntw rust uoof one plrc alumlnujtt shilvti for tlir itorat of frifch food and it m qveft plua two rooaiy fnu nphl luting sur ttmlst ilyrirators tha ke frulta and uttfy t lt tabli s al 4 jtk uinlt n nptxaranri and freahneu lhme 2ugj mill su acton r rr

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