Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1947, p. 1

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ts4 seventysecond year no 47 acton ontario thursday may 20th 1047 eight homeprint pages pivo cents commission order more water meiers for new services no ftecxaion made 0t engaging another helper for the hydro department on monday evening last the rogul- or meeting of acton public utilities commission wns hold reevo f j mccutchcou atulj r mncarthur wer present a letter from benrdmore nnd co requested that the poloa on elgin st y church st from their plant entrance be removed secrotary mc- geachle was to reply to this lottor hoalnithttthupolollnabwnihlyvo v thorhtilmrwry by thtf beti telephone co and tho hydro rentad the poles from that company it was pointed out that n line wan needed on this street to ser vice the users of electricity otic commission were notified thit mr e maddock of the he p c staff would be prelum t to discuss any matters pertaining to commission bus iness at the next regular meeting in june miss j walker requested n leave of ft4menefo altar the- billing period this request wasttranusd waterworks superintendent lam- bwt requested permission to buy a number of tools for his department this request wire granted it was derided to place nn nrdei for 25 water meters this will bring the number on order lo 50 the now style water henter is on display in the utilities orflre it wan decided to place two more on order and if more were wanted the order una to be increased ns needed all returns to the consumer of wi- ter and light deposits were in be made by cheque the commission ruled mr ma o rockwood who is it present employed by the hepc nnd who has been on thelrstfcff for the past four yeiira applied for n position on the local commission staff he had interviewed superintendent wil son and wns present at this meeting no action wns taken ns it wns felt n big race card promised for acton park saturday y sntuyday u ill sec another blj sum mer event in aclon park when acton rrnm h of iliecnnndlnn lotion hold their annual race meol tlie racing card for the nfternoon calls for hirer events the 2 22 nnd 2 2fl trot or price and the free for all with jiurses ot 750 offered 1ant year acton race meet attrac ted so many hwrses hint nn extra eventhndtohelnrludcd nndwe nre informed by tlje secretary that the entries nre coming in better and in dentions nre for nn even better racing enrd thlr year thnn inst season the trnck hnxjbeen graded and is in splendid condition were not llk- where on the inst event glven tine went her acton pnrk on saturday will he the mecca for a crowd not only of townsfolk but raring enthus iasts from nil over tbe district gifts i st albans dedicated sunday by archbishopr actoblwinsuopening game by 114 score irom milton milton moundkmen faltered in the eighth andacimi piled up hig iead firt game of seaw- t o wan typical opener oak- ville took georgetown by 32 score in laakenhore town inspired by a five lilt hurling per formance hy petei chnubun actons dlnmond nine christened the 1017 baseball season with nn 114 triumph over tlje milton fledglings in n nine inning tilt plnyed in acton park on snturdny inat cropping hghl fdjjglen mr and mra s bennett present pipe organ and church furnifdtings wimstjttdny mny 25th the third greap feast of the christian yenr wtlh commemorates the coming of 6 he hol spirit was observed with special services at s a than s church in the morning there were two cele brations of holy communion and in the eveningthe right reverendl w b broughnll ma d d lord bjshop of nlngnm wns present for the dedication of gifts and for conflrma- tion on behalf of the donors stunrt and violet bennett hie congregations tho church wardens nnd himself the rev t a pulker presented thp gifts the pipe orgnn two choir stnlitho piti ful 1 commission should be present tojp and the door to the choir vestry make this decision an early answer which were dedicated by the bishop to this application wnsnmmt the treasurer wns instructed pay the following accounts- hydro department northern electric co ltd supplies sangnmo cvj ltd supplies macdonnld electric ltd sup- plies o4iiccornaniauu4irmffualoon od ch w lost a n f qui 22 71 105 00 to grat ulnted the congregation upon re ceiving such fine gifts nnd expressed i hk personal thanks to the donors hs lordship nlso spoke on the power of the holy spirit which is essential to those who seek to live the chlstlnn life the sacrament of confirmation mis administered to 1he following can gen eloclrlc supplies packard electric supplies ellis howard ltd supplies c h wood st co supplies mcenchern electric supplied workmens comp bd mrs h palmer express nnd transport hjjc of ont aetun softball league schedule for 1947 season iixl karl oconnor hnrold adby mont 897 ague root william nellls david nel- jjlis donald perkins edward mchugh ronald anderson donnkl vangoozen john ware gordon 1nwson alfred eurlnger jolm irwin mrs elizabeth reld mrs isabel vangoozep irene nelle shlrle fryer yvonne brunelle vloln johnston eliznheth larson the choir sang the anthem come hnlv4jinst nnd the blessing vns pro- iiminced h th b the neyl confirmed will make their flrst r sunday 1 07 1r02 120 12915 1200 7 55 120 12 750 11 off the offerings of gorvals the milton portslder beside sauntering to the first snek on fourteen free trips the 47 triple a club crammed eleven runs down n hapless county town scjunds throat with npparenj ense notwithstanding the overbalanced numerical poweqrhnt milton wontlior- ed the game was a tight fisted nffalr until the eighth inning when south paw gervalses tempting hooks caught the wrath of hickory in actons ren dition of murderers row llnd- ny mrn t twu hags initialed the spree mosaics llndsnyr rolilnsin evan and ohnubun were scorers nndnlin wns startoff hatter for milton after the play ball sign h clouted a single to left field nevt in order grenke was walked and bllnco loaded the bases ns clement singled to score the leadoff hatters in actons end of the innugurnl masters and mnsnles took free trips morton nnd lindsay both were hit hy pitched bolls nnd masters counted the first acton run with three ducks on th pond fotitt brought the crowd fo irs feet ns he rapped n double an i mn sales nnd morton scored snappylnfleld drill enlivened the gnme until the eighth inning aclon scored in the third nnd sixth frwmcs while milton counted n single in th fourth nnd fifth this count held for the county town gervnls had dif ficulty locating the whereabouts of the plate throughout the game and the eighth inning found htm concprn- pleaded guilty to theft from fellow employee jtowlandcorbtu i8ofottnwa- whor had been working at benrdmoie tannery two days pleaded guilty to stealing n sultcnse nnd a mantel rnd- lo frcrn john leighfon a fellow em- ployeet was remnrmed in custody a week for sentence when he nppeared before magistrate kenneth m lang lakeside chapter esrabliph bursary for act on school baptist minister here concludes 50 j years next sunday f he regulnr rneellng of the lake side chaptet lopi ahh weld in the legion hajon tiiehdny may 27th 25 was voted lo the lucy mori i on tund and olso lo he endowment i fund a bursary wis established foi j tbe hleiisrhnnl of 25 to help any i fai ell services of rev w h needy student of mm keel ability 5 waiine in aclon bnplut church list was to the shipping fund sunday will mnik ths cioko of a half mr d mclean on beh o the tenlury of this fine christian geule- rev w 11 wallace ww reure from work farewell serv ice on sunday don in county magistrates court nv milton yesterday v after accused said he could find lhe place nt sunnysldc whore he hold the nrltcles the court ordered accus ed be placed on suspended sentence if restitution was made along with costs of the court and constables ex penses for bringing him bnck from ottawa hnd been paid chief hurrop told the court it cost nbout 45 to bring the nccused hack to acton according to chief a suitca a iimnlci radio valued at 7 hutt been taken from irflghtons cubicle at tho nyderjijyiijriijnlrto he nlso found the nccuscd who had been working there about two dnvs wrffl nlso missing his investigation located the youth nt ottawn the necused admitted to officers tnking the nrtlcles nnd selling them to n motorist who hnd giver him a ride ns fni ns sunnysldn for 12 ulghtnn testified he hnd paid 15 foi the radio nnd 20 for the suitcase last year he snd there was nothing else in the sultcnse when it wis taken xtfhen questioned by the court nc- c used snid he wns one of n fnmlly of elgja who lived in ottawn he said he had never been in trouble before nnd offered to gnwlth police to tor- onto to locate the nrtlcles i chief harrop or other officers will assist you to locate those articles they may take you from jail to tor onto for thnt purpose but you will be i responsible for the costs tho bench department thus the splurge he notched seven strlkeouts during the course of the game peter chaubun actons starboard deliverer struck out on equal number nnd allowed only four wnlks acton hnd five errors mainly due to wild throws while miltons 4 were william k ilnwke of burlington was g ven n weeks rcmnnd nt his own request he is chnrged with stealing 17 arid nlso g5 in milk tickets from ldkeslrie dairy in bur hngton william neilson burlington mca gave n eiy cnllghteamg tnlk man in hie nervii e nthln church the on the current drive in connection evening tervlres of the united and with the world youth fund the ob- preshyteilnn lunches will be wlth- jective of which is fi f50000 with drawn ho thnt fi lends cati attend this the aid of pictures he graphically 11- wrvlce mr wnllnce has ministered luntvnted the tragic need for this ser- j i t baptist church here and in vice in the devastated countries of this community for the past three rnrknnt rmd oo yerndlin8 undeaiwl himself lo plained their three point prngrnm to many in thin community he is s2 rehnbllirnte to rebuild and to provide ywirs old and sunday marks the 50th for ttuuions of needy youngktors annlversniy of his ordination as a eight new members were welcomed into the chapter 25 was donated i e h r tu ts to the save the children fund of of ftmokt hlx fcm lhl whlt greece and also 25- to the canadian bated dynamic mini ter of uie gos- natlonal institute for the blind who wbb clally superannuated t four years ago refuses to sit idle in after the meeting a delicious lunch ch cornor of hli walmer wnsserve nnd a social tim spent f aparlmenl toronto for the last three years he hns made weekend trips regularly to acton pionchlng eveiy sunday an n pulpit supply i born nnd reared in the preshtyorian fnirtn he becnme- baptist through roniction nnd study a rugged set ting nnd rich in utoned romance was jlhe bleuiplnce of the veteran mlnlil- c r i was bom nt arbronth scot land he dalm wilh prlcte nnd thce is verification in the ncrent which has nc voi been lost in more thnn 10 yenrs residence in cnnnda my home wis i nenr the famous inchcnpe rock a jfanl meetlnfi of acton council where the fnlhcr of robei l stev- nnd school bonrd was held on thurs- lenson built the lighthouse sli wnl- ciay eening with all the members of iter scott often enme to inchcnpe council nnd school bonrd present j kim k to visit with tjic lighthouse the meeting was held to discuss tho builder and to find mnteiial for his i rob i em of securing additional room books for public school pupils before he came to canada mr chief harrop reported regnrdlng the wallace spent some yenrs in y m c a garbage dump it was suggested n t mining in dundee a year after the bulldoze he used to mnke n roadway northwest rebellion he was appointed and more space for dumping irvstruc- ymca worker in winnipeg he lions were issued to get the mnchlne j attended mnnltobn university and to mnke the rood council and school btoardconfer oh new school room dnanimouh approval given ihe- plan and debentures to re i km led luurmui chapman tatluixuul tiu- peed for more room for the pupils at acton public school later wns ginduntcd from mcmnstcr university similar qrenke replaced gervols on the rubber in the ninth inning when the lefthnnder wns in difficulty man aging to curb the otomsmnsh acton nttnek both earns muffed countless op portunities to further the digits as is exemplified by the number left on the traffic circuit eleven plnyers re- tod until tnincd the sack on the county town s mndr sumup while seventeen never rench- the court concurred in the chiefs e home for the acton squad a11 in request addng that should the ncc- all regnrdless of criticism the- tilt cssar papers arrive the jail sentence con o p f w term a lot has been crowded into the yenrs since may n 1807 when he was ordnined a minister in the old bloor street baptist church his pas torates have included nlso st thomas wcstoh belleville stoufmlle bar- ne ottawa coaticook que he at- n trn vi j tributes his ereotness and briskne assessed 0 for being n vqgmnt nnd j lnh y 22 p ca to actorpripj- school during the term there were w hpn ft mrrc stripmnki of dmp j there nre 57 now wanting to start in the kindergarten doss when schoil i hat 52 enn the en- 1f0 and dur- in ine isinnergnrien c lass r i reopens and not more i be taken in the new clnsi n rollment now stands nt w creating a disturbance on brant st mny n chief leo j smith said ac cused had gone through 200 in two weeks spending most of his money on liquor he said he was an 111 mnn nnd proceedings had begun to have bm deported hark to scotland he nlso nfked that he be held in cus- nrrnngement hnd been there were i 21 nonresident pupils in the various h grades from which monthly fees of rnw ub n nlnphrnern an1 hf 2 per pupil were collected meant us to use it commented mr planw nnd specifications were sub- wallace when i sang in the mr- mitted by vnngiles nnd jones for a master qunrtel in my student days i temporary building nt the southenst f ould hold a note much longer than corner of the present school but not the otherfcbwnuwmcnow theuert el inched to the prfsent building fl of deep breathing would be 22 x 32 fed insidi with a if ft melting nnd prcrvid flor 1 7vt r tor1 puplk irttolohe mnjntprinnrt5ct- lalsagam jiivldtlf u cement purs and heated hy spnee f7- f 1 u i ial nn r i t old fashioned costumes at halton w i annual following is the softball league schedule drawn up inst week mon day and mursdnv are softball game nights in ai ton pnrk it s n fix team le igue e sugpest ou c up rfor tnture reference thrnugnur thr seiimiu first ifauf mondax max baxters xi kach- lilts thursxlnx max 2 canadian wool xs tuinerx dnii n mondax june 2 rachlms s for ces thursdnx lune 5- baxters vs can adian wool mondax june forces xs tnnner itnlon thursday june 12 canadian wool vs force x monday june lfi tnnnerx union i rflfhllns thursday june 10 forces xs ba- tors v xi mondax june j3 rnchllns xs can adian wool tburdax june w baxters s imn nery union seeond half mondax june 3ivraehlins xs bax ters thursday july 3 tannery union i v canadian wool i monday julx 7 forces x rnchlins mtursday julx 10 canadian wool vs baxters monday july 14 tannery union vs force i thursday jub 17 jorcei vs can adian wool mondax julx 21 rachlins xt tan nery union thursday july 24 baxters vb for- i ce monday julx vs rachlins thursday julx vs baxters j last named team in each game i tbe home team ik aters t i vi hen pc imanent j 1m nrrangel if these local contr ic- i i tors were giic n the construction ibex i would have the building fe nd fo e cupanc v when sc ht ol reojm neri i hv ntto suhmitti d an tstimnte cf tic i cost i after be iring of the problem cojri- cil unanimouslx lassc d a n solution pioxidlng for issuing de4wnturcs for s for building nnd equipment for r 10 years commodniion tan f i ti i ti l e british mood keiief i he ojuneils nnd ommittee of nnssngnwc y a township w isli to thank all those who roniributed sogeneroun- ly lo the british flood relief camp aign in all 79 enrtons of foocj nnd cloth ing wjrivsent and a total of 292 00 was subscribed the iplrlt of tym pitilix flhdunhe rstahdingwasexldenl the rate of 2i per cent 1 ik department of education would enervw he re pay in grants it wns understood co i per cent of the cost over a three yeir jteriod nnd the board agreed to pass ia resolution covering the return of i this capital inxestment the plans i are to submitted for aoproxal of 1 the- inspector nnd department of ed ucation and tenders called for the work as soonm mmsible teamwork is a method of product ion even more productlxe thnn mach ines may meeting of inited cjuttch yvms 1 at mrs u w agars coming events announrrmroti i f urtlmn coo rri of other fvrnii undrr lhi irtadin art hargrd io per me iih minimum chars ior mmy innoumrnifnl of jot 2k oanadian wool 31 tannery union splendour of llah century ooatumes leatured the halton womens institute annual meeting held in milton recently the above group pf ladles pre tinted a replica of a first w i meeting ever held in hal too oi the program were discussion groups interspersed with humor recipes solo und rvadingh the two ladies in the frtmt row proudly holding sllxer troys were adjudged the best dressed women in a fashion paradeheld during the program included in the picture are mrs frank broyn liroehouse mrs walter ferrter campbellxille mrs qlebert mcdowell hornby mrs f a featberston nelson lvlra george fox palermo mrs a j smet hurst limchouw mrs joseph howard toronto evelyn pelleterio aah mrs clifford tasker milton mrs c freure georgetown mrs w j jrobertaon milton mrs william hignetl palevmo mrs frank quinlan compbellville mrs delbert downs hornby mra guy duuell hqmby mrs j f reid campbeli- xllle mrs it l davidson acton mrs nelson anderson dublin mr george black campbetlvllle mrs frankstark milton mrs george barthay drumquin mrs fed anderwin acton mrs j f wilds art oil mrs j k malum campbellvllle mrs max featherston nelson mrs franr rine- hnrt nassagnweyn mrs walter cooper burlington spectator photo bx rcas pearn j the regular business meeting of- the duk of devonshire chapter the viomans missionary society of 1 6 d e will meet at mrs r n the united church was held at the bairrts home bower ave tuesday i home of mrs l agar on tuesday june 3rd i with mrs r l johnson presiding in the absence of the president the united church w a are hold- tbe devotional period was taken by ing a baking sale and tea on may 31st i mrs r trotohnaton and the study in the sunday school room 35 book by mrs n h wilson assisted group 13 bx miss dryon mrs lambert mrs i broun mrs mcdonald and mrs i celebrate july 1st in georgetown cleave supply committee reported park with branch 120 canadian a bales ready packed to be taken to legion afternoon and evening miltoa the ladies were provided sports garden party cervieemena i with materia and are sewing for the presentation watch for details aid to china relief the temperance portion was conducted by mra j i the halton male choir proudly symon one of the very faithful and j presents rex battle celebrated planlit i efficient members mra n h wilson j and producer of singing stan of to ts moving to guejph members all morrow in a olnt concert to b held j wish her every success in her naw in st pauls united church milton home and surroundings and in view j monday june 9 at 8 13 pm dst of this being the last meeting mrs- wilson will attend mrs agar served a very dainty lunch and a social time was enjoyed by alt in attendance rev a w foabury closad the meet ing with prayer ticket may y purchased at the door or by writing to j u led with secretary treasurer of halton male choir admiasion 50c and 75c pro ceeds in aid of philanthropic project i 172

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