Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1947, p. 6

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pmom sdc- the acton preb press touhsdat may mus mtt therell always bte an england i f cvkdl ttf haying recently returned from a three rnoathar trip to old enund and in view of the present britkh flood hell campaifcn drive oerhapdi r few words rotrt an eye vltne of current condition ui the old land might be interesting tuvt of nil do not net the idea that knglnrid is down and joul not by n lon ahot she iti undoubtedly down and wry much no btjnrdrtmtrrtjrnr out ihe hume dotfgod fortitude an j detcrmimiclon thnt rnrrlsd the- jwsoole through tdx ima of terrible war will yet nurmnuht their mnn dlrtlculllm nnd thw winter they wore het on till sides with difrlcullle find fuivatlom tliat would r make us hero in canada shudder lo oven think of tht la if wo really drive it genuine thought however you edit think and read all about it hut unleut you have act ually seen and lived among them you cannot hav the fain taut idea of the hardship privations and duutter these undaunted little wanders have had to putupwufclhu laatwhuar cc and they will have to put up with for many months to come this lattt winter was tltc coldest and tvmt you think theaa people need- httle hlp on ua over here w who are living in comparative lnxuryj on top of all tiieae major tksaastera the uncomplaining people have been living for aevmi years and still are on a monotonous diet of skimping aus- terhy- dkh 4hat would look ilk starvation to us lucky ones over here here are a few of tbe basic rations per week per peraoq- 2 o dheeae 1 tf 3 o bacon 1 ox cooking fat lard 5 ox butter nd margsrlno romblned and the large amount of twentyheight cent worth our money rf rnrat this is not the ration fftr on day hut for seven days after putting up with this tiufctmrltj diet for mvwi yoars jhoy have had to fnc this dlmastrooh winter with the cold uvbw and floods never warm never fully fed owing to the floods many of those patient long buffering people wlthoutelothoa bidding warmth and are half starved in the bargain these are the same people that sbcod up practically alone for one full year agalnalthfi might of hitler and uusaollnl theae ar the people who stood up hgalnst the bombings nightly the flying bombs doodle bugs and thev2 rockets and they arc not complaining jjprtn tw andrnuchaa key taedbelp of any d thay would nevev ask for help i certainly feel that this british en or hedtfrorrii was judnh hut that th source and beauty of the peoples life was in th presence of the word and law of the lurd rom 11 23 3 even a re vival which cod graciously bestows by the holy spirit and which changes the downward trend in agnation can bestoppcd jbyjthevblnglorlouai prjde of man vs 1g 17 most werwlnter for y l pjbot reluf smpalgn is worthy of thermometer went down to aero and i below in several pavta of tho country this is most unusual normally in the south of england snow will oc casionally come and perhaps last twa or three days and then it will be mild for a week or two jllblal winter the heavy froits came the middle of january rind then the heavy snow falls one after another and there was no let up for eight or nine week roads became blocked with higher- snow drifts than i nave ever seen here in canada rnilrbadf were jiow hound and one week durinctlte seri ous fuel jthortnge there were 10 ofti cars of ronl on sidings unable to be rot at for the snow conntnl shipping from the tynealde in the north lo london in the south wns hole up for days towing to the toxrlhle unles ni hllzznrds prncticallj nil the lxmdon power houses depend on this uahoi ne conl for theh fuel this en used a most wrious shortage of eleetreltv untl pas nnd power marl to ot turnnd off for days this threw two nnd n quarter million men ut of work for three ot four weeks ns well ns rnuslns verioui inconvenlcnre lo ihe house- u ives tlie cry went out for more pro duction of conl hut thousands of hi miners were unable to get to the mines thtose nt the piis ond the ones thnt were ahle to get there responded ibl to the urgent call for more pro duction thlborubitaviukluout i ho really peculiar chn met eristics of the british when thlngu ore really tough and nt 1 heir w orst that is the time when lhe arc always right tlierc with thelr shouldex to the wheel ii is indeed n fact hint the british as a nation are nt thdr best only when a real crisis ktjfian them and it u then ihnt their the greatest response and support ov- for gwan to oty appal in cahada the need la urgent the cause is just my week by k j deaciiman tliere una been taw abawt he- price of chocolate bars they sell now at 8c each 5c wns the prewnr pi ice man people are angr about il the annual report of rowntreo nnd company limited british manu facturers of chocolate products is n rather interesting story it shows how cosn have risen a two ounce hlock of plain choco late stntes the report hod in 1939 in ingredient cost of 3fl7s per cwt the new 1947 ingredient price wdl be 115s per cwt an increase of 96 is per cwt all other costs including wages salaries packing materials delivering selling and administration weie 51 9s per cwl jp 1939 and 54 7s mrruuln j317ojijnxrease pf only 2 8s per cwl that small increase in cludes the effect of considerable ic- ductionn in distribution cost thu senijitionol increase in the price of cocon nnd the great increae in the price of sugar will cause the 2 oz hlock of chocolate to be spldlater spiritual and moral decline grlov ous burdens tuid been imposed by aksyrla whltrh dominated judah this stat of affairs had been for- bold by the prophet isaiah 20 8 7 israel had depart the lord the people turned the idolatry ftndcutoma jromjthekast tolerated paganism in the land prac ticed by the remnants of population israel flld to subdue previously restrained gained control isa 2 6- 8 the prophets isaiah and mlcah carried on consistent witness again t national sins isa 6 9 10 mlc 3 1- 4 but the people continued to depart farther from the lord as soon as he came to the throne hedeklah instituted reforms he wpened and cleansed the temple t2 chron 28 24 restored the service and purged the priesthood he revlv- thls yenr at fult 1u pei cent abovl the prewar price now let me speak to rational men i nnd women the can then cone this itory to their children they ought to know what happened the raw materials are produced in the tropical countries of the world the war stlm- ululed d6mfthi chiw0tfftefiwehrscnr in huge quantities to the- soldiers so the price of cocoa beans from whch thocolafe is made and the price of ottier raw materials which enter into the making of chocolates went up the price of chocolate bars rose and in addition ihe government imposed- a o c tax o l sterllng qualities show up mow this shortage of coal due in the main part to the transportation difficulties cause untold hardships in 1iie homes no home in britain was warm at an time last winter one in fifteen thousand homes have steam or central hooting and these tould not obtain tin nocessnrj fuel ninetelght per cent of the honvs i the locni merci wlu si thee rtill hnvr the oki fashioned open flre- i hocolote bars for 8c ixad nothing place uhlch onl delivers about 15 whatever to do with the price in- ier nt of the hea to the room the c neither had hjc ujuilesnkr rest gwsln7rrnyntphenlmtfc i fl- n thr mini thn during this fuel crisis which u i ansu u in thc tlllrd irakrap during the most severe weather many 1 thls stor whcn materials more people had no heat nt all of any des- han double in price we have to po iription for as long as four days and man for th nished product onl hnd a small gis ring with the what cnn begone about it there joa onl asnllahle fur n few hours per ls lute tml cnn lu done lt lu to cooon and heat water for s n which can be remedied unh b time hlglier prices will re duce demand thii will affect the hot water bottles this is not juit heanjn for i una a guest for mam das in one home that had to lixe under these conditions for fur da vs i ruv of raw matennls ttie one cent ta alight be removed but the go rn- in rnftarrlrrp mono the cost of gov eroment has alst gone up een insons the salm lades waited w1 if t ho tax were emoved it would hne to lw lniposid in some other i lw mt hir bn rsng pru jf a time stores in i tin don such as peter hob- i m the salm lades waited llp the tax were i ustomers with no hunt in the gt ore it certamlv uuked strange to ha n lad in a fur ccat tome up to n person mid ask is there nnthing 1 cnn sluma you fentunll the thaw mnn with it the most dumstrous floods ei know n in knglami the thames vallev wo flootled fr miles and be- tweon iondon and oiester it was just like t sen v irarucall ttie whole nortli inst of england was inundated and tlm exteiuled from peterborough to north of ork a dittaiue of one hundred and twentflve miles in the t own of selhv ttie water ws si fint place s then are some who will a tint the profits of the manufacturer could ut hut the producer in a time of es faces a real problem it of high demand naturally he desires to sell as much as possible i the volume of raw materials on band j has to be quite large a sharp drop deep in the rets hundreds of uiouminds of iu res of thetlnetf frri lmibj were inun dated and tbe were still in thnt con dition nt the ejid of march to cap u all just nt this woeful time the sprang udli arrlvod on tlie east coast whlsh made the rivers that were tr- ing to run the water off usjeis for these tide which were nbnormiilh high madt thi rivers baik up and m made things ewn worst the winter uvu in farm stink w is tit uurt 1 vort 000 sheep tens of thou- tands of caitle tdrtuniht and untold numbbs of hogs and chickens etc on top of all that the lnnd will not be fit for seeding until too latv for thin mason on top f all that ngnn we hajt tu hunk of th tuv of doth wdtunk furmtun nnd c thint hnt h it iuinml no t k tin s tetl- ding or furniture tan b bought wlth- ihit w nevi r ending coupons or ioints mmi a tie or hundkcri hief call- for i coupon or nnnt in price means n loss on stocks in hniul in other words shrinkage in imentor values this means a heavy lo to manufacturers if period of deflation takes place it means a sharp lontrmtion in bus- i in mi tneae questions me con ujner iwis the final word he in the nti determines price toda it may lu iti niaiket bulthe consum er s turn will come all this lb quite i l ar to those who remember the past and look forward to the future i quote again from thr report i have previouslv cited it shows that the manufacturer understands and would like to tee a thanjre in condit ion- hut there i little he can ho about lt subs intinllv eight ears of sell- ei murk t conditions have m ide lie- ioveinnunt lndutrv nnd the uniors alike uiutei rate thc dev4lsttlng s lent hv r of tht ctuisumi r to a so of buving even with shortages vv iven iru es et twvond reas n ih future is in the hands of the u sinner the sunday school lesson kunday jfllnv tmt facing national perils gomen text for thus aald the lord cd the holy one of israel jn returning and fest shall ye bo saved in quietness and in confidence shall b your strength isa 30 15 leas on text 2 kl 19 57 3237 20 1213 timo 71q b c placo j jerusalem exposition both matt ll 38 30 hefc 4 ix 13 hexektsais only raply apas m simple confession wtdch revealad ml folly there is nothing imong my treasures that i have not showad them v x he never aaa to have thought of bringing bis visitors to isaiah who would hava gtvan tttam the word ot cod 40 15 2531 inalah pronounced a verdict against hexeklah and judah va 17 is all the treasures and judaha sons would he enrried into babylon in v 19 we learn hat lleacklah repented wnd humsiled himself but the mischief was irrevocable as vome evil is jer 27 ai 22 ban 1 37 the jesaons to he learned from this are 1 sltt is cumulative whtm it is not restrain- wl inviting judgment hob g 4 1 fudihjdellverod jn 2 ppe th from assyria 10 o7 3237 worlds glory nnd goods is dlsplottslng hezeklah became king of judah in t gwl hezeklahs vcret pride succwislon to his unprincipled father displaced fils folth in cod sevnl asa he inherited a rwlm buffering times cods plan was not that bnb- rom great deterioration lnjusllcc ty should learn how splendidly rich terjra cotfa building operations are going ori in full force at present mr r ellwood is creeling an up- todate house on cedar brae ave mr tl clancy of cuelph a former resident of terra ootta ls making in up4odate fish pond on his property chron 12 5 in preparation for his leslie icam had a ver success revolt against wria he mtd fui w with neighboring nations especially t carpentefs are busily engaged egpt an aillanco which israol con- huilding a summfr cottage on mr demned isa 30 13 davidge s credit flats hoeekiahs opportunity to revolt a number of our citizens nttended ngninat assyria domination came in thc funeral of the late mrs w t 710 bc sennacherib successor to i mcpherson on monday afternoon the sargun cruel kind of assyrln sent late mrs mcphersoo was at one lime large army to besiege jerusalem 2 n former highly respected rcsldont of kl 18 17 degrading demands were i terra cotta we all join in extending made upon judah s king he appenljour sympathy to the bereaved hus- ed to isaiah who bade him refuse th demand and predicted that sennach erib would m tidings v 7 nnd return to his own land the dofene of the city would be jehovahs charge heartened by this nssurahro hczekiah dolled thc invaders im mediately they- prepared for the ns- sjiuu hut that night the angel of tho lord went out and smote the bsrnp of the assyrians 185 000 dying in the night sosennnchcrib depart ed and the siege was lifted upon nis return the assyrian king was assass- inttliuthyhlg min one v 7 hand nnd fnmih the nvsessor was making his toundi here last week 1 rutlcdgc liave home here on several definite 1csxns are in this record 1 thnt nn king or ruler who seeks to flo right will have the favor and blessing ot god ps 114 15 deut 33 29 eph 1 3 2 blasphemous rulers nre headed for doom isa 37 7 2 thes 1 8 rev g15j7j3ithejord ot thc iord is sent to guide both ruler nnd people isa 11 j9 4 natlonil salvatfcm is the work of god pa 124 126 u hczekiah s fatal boasting 20 1217 it was hczekiah s spirit of worldl pri thnt led him to display the wealth of jerusalem nnd its temple to berodachhaladan emissary of the ktnprof babvlon tvs 12 11 thit nation had formerlv been under a svria 2 ki 17 24 it was now grow the ttowur nnd coveting the land- of egvpt since hczekiah was an al- 1 of pharoah he was a potential en emy of babvlon foolishly he dis played his glories to his visitors and they carried back a rich report which added to the covetousness of their king the trouble with hczekiah was his foolish pride isaiah the prophet examines the king after the visitors had left for home the one who had so often comforted the king now had to re- provejiim thc wbrd of god does your eyes for better and more comfortable vision consult r m bell i registered optometrist 4 i phone 22rl2 erin ou an t nk hoj of a renlc- i mini b imu htm an automobili cloning tor prompt weekly hervtee on all lour drj iranlnx also tontge of all winter garments lt t k1 iv window eac1i mondav or v iuone 103 acton master dry cleaners joe uoods mr nnd mrs w moved to their nev main street mr nn m moor nnd family 1 ave moved into mr w t rut ledge s farm here on the town line mi nnd mrs stodnrd nnd farmlv it union have moved to mr george les lies fifty acre farm on the town line formerly known ns the stringer homestead you cant afford ir quite aphohtcrad to mbtr wtu added variety of materials dick the upholsterer phone 8 1 om t tw w 11 1 n iluif a duro ifestbytest coat letts to operate because duro s excusiva features cimit greatar toftenmg capacity and rerciieratinb facdities ht krtaalty costc u11 to operate a duro your first cost with duro 11 really an imest- ment paving dividends not only in betteniivinp but in reduced soap liitts longer life for washable clothes sheets towels elimination of col repairs to your heating plant reduced fuel bills for domes- -tic- 1 yet duro softeners re tat expensive there is a duro price and size to fit ytur budget seeyrrar local plumbing confractor today and jearn how easy it is faryv to cnov duro toftened water in ytur home priced ab low as ssv m pod m3hdom canada sp pumps an l 0 h d 0 h duro wsttr iohtmrt art aiacfrincnca from fi fin est material ohtatntable giving lugk quality performance with longlroubltfr service rs limited 0nta i 0 moo yeaftsof progress as latf as 1 794wooden moldboards mere hewn from tree trunks and when the first castiron plows were made farmers believed that the cast iron poisoned the land then came lighter weight steel plows soon plows were being made in factories at much lower cost than they could be made by the local blacksmith since 1847 when the first massey plant started producing plaws and other farm implements machine methods have almost completely re placed hand labor on the farm plowing requires more power than aayotheeafmperanmtoday0 thousands of farms in canada and tb rougho ulthe-woxluvalamey-tfarris- j plows drawn by powerful massey- harris tractors speed across the fields enabling the farmer to plow twice thc acreage he formerly plowed with a four horse outfit and masseyharns mowers bind ers combines and other machine handlecropsmorc speedily than would have been thought possible a hundred years ago the past century has been one of steady axpansionfor the masseyharns industy to the farmer it has brought happy tejeasc from much of the back- breaking la bo reconnected with farm work c52s

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