Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1948, p. 3

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thursday may 20th 1948 the acton free press your plumbing needs attended to promptly complete bathrooms installed no job too small john calder from 9 mwu to 0 pm 145 burlington optometrint 7 douglas street gueiph eyes examined glasses fitted make your selection of new wallpape barry luh had tho honor of winning the junior 2 mile race held on the mcmastor university grounds on saturday he defeat ed a inrgc field in the excellent time of 13 minute nnd 10 seconds uov russell w obrien mini ster of trinity united church who recently prenchod in the norfolk st united church guelph has re ceived nn invitation to becom minister of the church fied good ram win named pres ident of tho burlington lions club for the coming year nt tho- regular meeting of tho club held at the brnnt inn on monday evening w hr n off icei s for tlio various of fice s were received major norrnnn crnlg has receiv ed word that a railway ciossing slg- nnl wtll have to be inntnlled over the cnr tracks on baldwin st as there is not n clear enough view of th tracks to moot with the approval of the board of rail way commissioners granting the ciossing ai this point gazette chronicles ol ginger farm igwj wriltrn rprcjmlly lor th ann flvta wcm owendounr i cxarkk news and views of llalioti flum internet erin a sudden glorni pass d over the community on thursday mav g when lome david oldest son of lohn nnd beryl teeter panned aua enrouto to the sick chlld- ien8 hospital dave oilman will bring moving pictures to erin in the immediate rufllre tlio a few minutes ago i decided it uas high time i started in on this week s column before settling down to write however i made one more trip to the henhouse to pick up the eggs that did it once outside it seemed to me little hort of a crlmi to shut myself up in the house again especially when i heard ongblrds pouring forth an sctasy of melod then whv go in the house i asked myself all ou will see in there is urt- flntshed work on certainly won t hear nn birds so here i nm on the lee side of the woodshed it lielng too cold out 1n fhe open- nnd although i have n pencil in my hand i also have tho field glnsses by my side nnd already i have found one of m little songsters he is perched on the very tojp of n ery tnll oitk tree too far away for me td nee what kind of bird he is except that he is dark with a longlsh bill but i an he king you know as i sit here with the beauty of song and scenery allphelr nnnuni nronnfumr y frrl snlhnnkfnl for picrw win be mo- our canadian wllnrci dorn t seats will bo comfortaiile s soumu 1ko n pnrad0 but atn th wunaayu ttff vfn lv i real tau halton juniors active hnlton junior fnrmi rs have had a busy and successful year not content to rest on their laurels the j are now completing plans to stage n junior farmei plowing match and also their annual live stock judging competitions and achievement day their plow ing match 1 1 to lie held on tho farm of clelicrt mcdowell ilorn- bv on sntuidny ma 20th their match is mpen to nil hnlton jun iors under jfi nrs of ape and tlulr prize list include classes for tlie beglntiers as well ns for the mnie experienced both with tinc- inrs and walking plows if pre sent plans materialize ue under stand from president cnmei on wilson that fred timbers chnm p on tractor plowmnn is likely to be present to give n demonstration on setting a plow nnd also in rplow- ing a i idge fntrles should be mad to the agricultural office milton nnd those icqulring assis tance in locntlng tennis or trnc tors nre requested to contact jack mnrchment hornby wm lnwson milton or douglas currl george town saturtlny tune 5th is the dot for another hlg nnnuni event for hnlton- juniors nnmely that of live htock judging rnmnrmitlnn nnd nylilmmrtntifln anticipation to this annual days outing new suit ror coecldloti control one of the noww and more pow erful sulpha compounds now being used for controlling cocddlosis in poultry floikk is sufcplinmethnilno i hose who have had experlenc with this diug during the past year or ro claim it is the most effective lemisly ye discovered for thin dl- as which nnnunllv takes a heavy toll in mnnj flocks we under stand flint this drug is now avnll- abl in both powder nnd liquid form from the mnjority of practic ing veterinailnns nnd fpharmaclqts drugs uunllv serve a single pur pose sulnhnmethnxlnt hns tho i nit distinction of serving 2 pur poses besides being effective ng ainst the various species of coccld in it is also effective against an entir l diffeient disease namely fowl choir i a which is a bacterial di sense willi new drugs contln u illv he nn discovered nnd incom ing available it is not surprising that the average invmnn ik inclined to in i omo confused it is therefore will to keep in mind that those iltugs all do a definite job fur- thermote they have definite limit ations nnd must he properly used consequent ly 1 wise to follow dnectlons carefullv for tluse drugs nn ostlv i oakville in order to keep pnee with a rnpldlv growing clientele the pat r beamy an nim mudim- ied its premises nnd added the 4ata4 oqu o a a todnte fixtures dr f m deans ndreksed the monthlv meeting of the whlteoak chapter iode on thursday at uie home of mrs f pullon wn son ave ho spoke in behalf of the t k d cioss dental survey major alfred whltaker of oak vllte dit d earlv mondnv morning in oakville tern porn rv hospital his death was th r suit of n heart it tack for sorm months he hns not h tn tn the hi si of henlth but hid 1 en able in carrv on his bus mess and official duties oakville paid lilhute to its sis t r lommunitj of cl irkson on fri el i tvtning when two clarlcon iiicih s wen pn sent d with the oakville i ions cluh nnnuni iw irl of mi rlt for outstanding sim vice to the community the two i ulies to ieceiv this honor were mrs lrit gooderhnm and mrs r now is the time to start on coop grow mash untircnll bnlnnccd feed to economic illv build a pro- ductne layer coiklnlrntcs imiiifeeds minerils ovster shell and grit whole and chopped grains and teed we will bal- aike your rr nn to our sptcificationb poultry find rirdn stipplie lavn mowers and culmators see us for eij3ctoicai wiring satisfaction guaranteed estimates rladly given tiiln is vour bliinksfl milton district cooperative that noi- rrom the largest stock in western ontario priced to suit everyone itoull find it at chappies bookstore 135 wyndham st guislnh angus kennedy proprietor the latest typo many people are looking forward to this much needed entertainment on tuesday afternoon may 11 the students of erin continuation school were privileged to hear an address b lieut raymond smith of the royal canadian navy it rnx s first visit to the school while tho young men judge ten cjiyives of llveslock and later give oral reasons for their placing on phone 127 miltml graduated in 1938 was since hi he rect iv t d nn enthusiastic w el come fiom cverone a new hammond euctr c organ was dedicated with very approp riate nnd impressive services at the church of christ dusciples u hillsburgh on sundnv advocate visit our modern showroom we appreciate our lovely spring if it were not for the cold winter dns that preceded it- browning wiites oh to jte in engl nnd now that aprils thore nnd of course it would hehjfcrd to match the hi nut v of an english spring wlth- the woods thick v canpeted vvjith bluebells primroses nnd shv frng and j rant v ioi ts but in canada we have more contrast one week our i trios nnd shiubs tie apparently nil awards nnd pn sentnt but llfeh ss nnd one hears on in ikuisioml robin or the chn tiling of spairows ind starllnes i lit n come a few wirm das and tin so m ch uiks so suddenlv as to t aim st unbclii enble it is linn one mis it as i see it now m ipl buds bursting into tightly uilcd r ddish iirow n leaves cher r ti cm- and w ild plum suddenk whit with bloom itkin dang 8 carden street guelph ont opp fire hau ritrrfr and mastif tiles inlaid linoleum uall tiles inatalled in kltrhnw rathrooms itellumjh stores ofttaes etc itjoor sanders for rent or work dane flume i340u keating tile co lloyd e keating tformerlv guelph floorlruj service ouelpii aftor hours ss9m jfi ij4ah five of those classes the voung lassies will exhibit clothing and rooking which thy have made in connection with the projects con ducted during the past enr nnd also stage demonstrntions this interesting programme will bo held in the milton town hall nnd is in former venrs the afternoon pi ogi immi is open to the phllc ihe announcement of the of prl- 7i s w iii be held in the evening ihls vi ai two championship trips w 11 in awnided to tin voting lad les and one to the voting nun oral juniors fleet new officers th nnnuil nil oting of norval lunior formers w is held nt the horn of tn wilson on tuesdnv tvening of last weok the elect ion of officers for the coming 12 1 unu xioni tiuj iroi aiwiioplaimnnt4irphuu4ml ofollow vellnw gr en lips on the spru iaijm willows drest d in that light fc ttu rv foliage p culinr onlv t j willows and the fields how green the w heat n pleasing con trast tojhe brown of t fres scampers aur favourite pxmy ho 1- mr attrttctive morr nimfortaue than rw brforr in a new moeeaiia di krrp your feel ool und ronifortahle all summer long with pau- of sunun utnprr ou diiplaj at our itirr pallants clothing store mill st acton sown spring grain fields where the seed even now still lies dormant and the pastures golden decked with succulent dandelion bloom spilling over to the darker colored clover fields until recently mlng led with the melody of the birds there was the heav drone of trac tors reminding one of the old and the new nature ageless as time itself compared with the modern methods of man in other words -powej- machinery it is also quite obviounlv the muting season just now a jealous lockrobin was putting to rout nn amorous starling who was tr to force his unwelcome attentions upon a lad robin the sparrows also seem to object to triangle love affairs ah what is that i hear i think it was an oriole but mnbe i m mistaken it seems l little earlv vet but there is no mistake about those two little birds on th clothesline the axe dehnltel barn swallows suih slim graceful little biids 1 hie fore going was written two dns ago now a not in r week end has eome and gom and with it i rain thunderstorms and still more rain but thank goodness it is a little warmer wnrm enough so that tht spring grain has at last begun to make n showing how it will come along is anvhod s lwss but we do hom the fields will not have to be ro mttied acmejndav i was rending lhe snake wi a bonk i have been i cvillegt wanting to n ad fm wnu time it givis one t onsidi tablt food for thought but it lsn t i actl ttie tvjm of book one should hoost w hen iht w at in r an 1 the world in n r m l 1 1 ui ire all in som kind of a snakt pit but w hen the sun shines igaui it will all s m i difft r at si i uiu on sun do iur job pnsidtnt neil van vliet vlc pnsident eraser mcnnbh secre tnrv tohn mcclure 1 rensurer doughus sun le directors ward brow ni idge ceo wilson nnd how son ruddell junior institute president betty van vliet vice pnsident lessle wingfleld sec i reasurer isabel currle dlrect- ois fleanor stark mae wing fleld nnd betty brownrldjje a pleasing feature of tho norval juniors progrnmme was their an nual church service held in the norval united church on sunday may oth dr archer wallace of maple was the guest minister of the evening and npedless to add delighted the large congregation in attendance p bourne founders ot the clark- soa communitv centre busy cen tre fifsoctnlnnd cultural activit ies for n large district record stni izontatseed fi mcc lias agreed to suppl 590 metilc tons 2t million pounds of mangel and sugar beet seed valulmi at 46 500 to the british and american zones of cermany houteln hreedrru plan twilijrht rrn meet in r hal ton holsteln breeders ore holding a tv illght barn meeting at the farm of harry hajs tra falgai on wednesdav evening mav 2th in addition toajudgl ing competition j j e mccague and mori butchi rs of the inter- nniionnlly famous qlenafton farms at a i list on win address the me ting we understand from v i j lawrence secretary of the hal- ton club that prof geo f ralth- b and deo drcnnan will also cun tribute to the outstanding prog ramme which has been arranged i vanwyck cleaners pickup and v delivery service phone 272 for the best in dry cleaning gativutoy may 22 boh madin ind hid oicjtesita pleufimtf jo fyou plttuuh at tu panjt pavilion actcut gouf satwiday alifjd tv p m admission s0l refreshment h v rnmfnt si lihrt rxr inkntions h l n ttml kinkdm government i pi in- to tstabluh i ioth r ilion for sit v invent ns the development of th inviiiiim- bill r intid by th dvi r i tit nt in the ii u- of li k rets nt prop s ti r ii a n it ion il hi m nth lvi i ipnint v- ui or iti n ippointed b th bo ird of lrtuii wuh tirrowtiig powe is of jjt million ihe fumtionb of tin ionjkrton iiulude the develop ment of invent ions resulting from public res art h and the taking over and exploitation of discover ies which tan find no commercl il backing or are being wojrted jemy ujul holt4n rrnsleru to hold joint field day ut guelph i hnlton holsteln and jersev bre- eiders under the leadership of their respective eluh prsidnts namely c f puket and wm davits will journt v to tin ontario agrlcul saturda june uth when uitv jo n with the peel hoist t m and je rv bi eiders in staging thir big annual field dn j itik popular vent vv hit h n irmal- iv attr u ts iwik to fourteen i hinilml his i ogratnini whuh pr nidis m mt hung of int ri si fir nil nn nib rs ol the f im iv durin th m rning ctmiduetil tours aie i ih in id to tin i i rim ntil plot- dair bai n and long term lasiures poultxv dept firm in it turn iv tpaitmnt reimi h lists ind mat don ild iivstitute iolliw nj lunch a guest- tht o i t h v wjll b nddn sued bv k hi k miu pnsidfnt of om dft sl cl ftte lb ift rnhn piogiamnn w un dei stand will inc lu l 1 ve stoc k ju ikiok i imp tin ns a p u uf of t olli k livst k k ui 1 i spori u gr mini for voung and old in uiu f it s i hie dav s pr gramme fill d with wmii thing of inter st and ihuational n alue for all and aft r in armg the comments of sonii of thos who ninki thi nn- i uunl pilgrimage we are not sur pnjd to ltam that many folk both rural and urban in addition to actual breeder look forward with hear premier george drew discuss the provincial eleqion june 7 iridix mu 2sllii80 pm chu7i0 toronto rtiixdat jum- lhl 10ui 1100 p m 111710 toronto i ridu june 1th 10 15 1100 p nit 111710 toronto vote progressive conservative june 7

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