Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1948, p. 1

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k wht seventythird ycarno 47 tff acton ontahio thursday may 27th 1048 eikht homeprint iugcs five cents 980061 credit holiday crash on i i i mill street with id hydro bill cars hit head on lmlsl i cat s rowcl a holiday crash occurred on j mill strop on mnndny evening j vji i ii f kb cnr driven hy narmnn wiil- laijrest credit in history nws w nolil of acion mot hydro here new equip- homion nonr tin- frodorick st merit to provide for i corner it is uild tho car driven i i by wnllnce was on the wroric side j of the road nnd hcadlnp for tho acton public utilities com wm ncllls nttemp- ted 1o avoid n crash wallace came bock on the rond it 1b also said 194s annual ymca display klon mt in regular aeotn on tuotday evening chairman c m i huwn ldri with reeve p he wn inco rwiu woavlnr niok j mocutcheor nnkl j- r mncar- in trnw1 wcnt 111 st thur being present a letter was read from the h e p c of ontario explaining the plan for changing from 25 to go cycle for the waterworks depart ment the local commission pnys onethird of tho coat and tho rest is assumed by the hepc orw aim superintendent lambert was lr- i social tournament structed to order 25 water meters for installation in the new build ings being erected in acton this summer it was reported thnt the gate the nellla enr received the most damage to rndlntor nnd front brill constable grant allan investigated the nccldcnt- tennis club starts season with oil i l lnii lending lo h sp property hnd beer- broken beyond tournaments nnd winners were r the me blow nnd aumon the tennis season wns officially opencd at the acton lnwn bowluir nnd tennis club inst wednesday mny 19 sixteen iiilnvrra inokpneulnthc km asked lol attend meeting in ymca tonight elite hnd been twisted and bent ffi mt krndley and snm brun- as though hit hy n car or truck nb runners up a half dozen a new gate was to be purchased tennis balls were presented ris 1st superintendent lambert wns to prl make arrangements with mr d refreshments were borved nfter- h lindsay for he supplying of wards in the club house by the hid- wnter service to hi mill property the tennis committee to extra help wns to be secured which everyone wns indebted for enjoyable evening ahove nre some of the pictures from the 101k acton ym ca annual display in the arena last thursday evening uppor left shows the nursery group of bunnies upper right is the young men s group which put on a very effective display called silver stntuarv while the lower centre shows the three survivors in the king of the mat struggle free pies- photos on tuesday nlght represent n- t ves of acton industries licit the presentation of the committee on the acton swimming pool offered suggestions and joined in a round table conference of the project at a meeting in acton ymca at which a dills presided the suggestions nnd information of tho commit lee are being complied it n complete report to bo present ed to the general meeting next i i tonight thursdn invitations have been sent to over km rrtnll business men in actor to sit on a j similar conference of the project and hear the ivport and offer sitg- jgestlons on mondny may 31st i representatives of the various or- iganlalluns of actor have been ln- vited lo meet with the committee i to discuss 1he project repres entation at these meetings will have a hearing on the reiort to he handed in on monday night there wns a fine gnthering and dls- cussior information regarding atftmrbr mi oprrn ga mer h rhodes speaker icepr jtwtr oilier pools costs sizes locution and other items were on the ng- uteett at milton heights tillitaj ymca annual display shows finejmreclion all gmuwf comimud present good ivagrum in acton arena all groups of acton chlhlren par ticipated in the nnnunl dlsplny last thursday night ofacton ymca vthien the ys mens club have iheir dunce floor installed tho ar ena mnkes mi ideal place for thin event there wils a good ntlond- nnee parents friends and children nnd under die direction of tho m of c mr r parker the event went off with precision and rent circuit fanfare nnd of course ymca dir ectorjohnny gray was in lite back ground throughout the show the nursery class hnd the bun- nle in their songs gnmes etc un der the direction of mrs gray the junior girls gave an exercise and drill thnt was cotorful and precise the intermediate boys showed the toughening part in the king of the mnm hhhd the intermediate and senior i the junior iwiys some hilarious re lay races a gtotijp of high school girls under mr a orr pie sen ted in indian club drill silver statuaiy was the title for an assisting group of young men from georgetown who gave u seiles or artistic nni enllstic poses dep ctlng vnriotr groups they were very effective and well dono i interspersing the events a couplo of clowns trorn wesl end ymca added to the cncus touch with i ihvlr arts i the girls luniliting and pyra mid group was it diiplny of good training and flue physical condit ion and floor hockey by the sen ior hoys li ought out the splilt of j competition and some reminder of winter sihrt tiic senior gii is scandnnnvlan folk dance number was very pretty girl operator when needed for the inbtnllntlor of long water services superintendent wilson reported on the changing of power lines athphtjal nenr the mill and mnln streets navhij ta i hedkal district a inrger transformer wns in australia to be installed nenr thbi district to i help carry the power lond from the news published nt the thirteenth power bill of the j adelaide australia gives nn inter- hepc wns presented nnd show- estlng nccount with pictures of ed n credit of 0fl0flfl in favor of miss pnt kenne a seventeen yenr the actoncommlsslnn the de- old telephone echnnge ojerntor years edltioh of the triple a hasc- tnlls are as follows cost of power wlio saved the st francis xnvlers j hall club that is hardly an ns- purehased 1301fi15 shnre of op- athcdrnl from destruction by fire sumption but rather an established crating and fixed charges orpern- when she visited the cathedral to fact after viewing the onenlrg ithrrwntntnnnrm nnri ndmiiijstra- prny she found flames sweeptn j mimi at milton on monday after- in milton by 84 score locals will need to kraih up to cope with youthful crowd from county town george town here on saturday for opening game in acton the task at hand defending tl ontario intermediate crown tin so decslvely won last yenr ls ing to be an arduous one for tli go- live exjienscs s1021713 interest the east side of the building she 13haw provision for renewnls j dragged a hose from the courtyard 2988 01 provision for contingep- gniden nnd extinguished the blaze cles and obsolescence 10087 jl provision for sinking fund 3125 77 total 5116361 induct cost of power to companies lis3 17 tot al cost iif power m6k0 07 am- odnt of accounts rendered nt in terim rates fi4fll 07 leaving i credit of 980061 tills is the lnr gest credit in the history of acton j publicity hints ithout nld miss kenney wns born in acton a daughter of mr nnd mrs ed- w nrd kenney residents here for several ears she is a niece of mr patrick kenney of acton 1 hydro given at meeting a new bluingninehlne for tht neejviock w i office was discussed nt this meet- j ng but no action- wns taken the list or arrears was checked and final notices were to be sent to all those in nrrenrs the following accounts were pn- sed for payment hydro dcuartnient bell telephone services he pc power can ijne mnterlals supf pnrkard elcc supplies cg e supplies line a cabl accevs sup snngamo co uppltes can westlnghouse sujip fthlernl wire and cable supplies mncdonald electric supp f terry postage mr h palmer expiess a transput sn5t mr tools rtf can a tin supplies wavruorkn uepartmrnt j b maiketwie x- an s130 llennett antt wtighi 13 si it- mrs gordon leslie was hostess lo greenock wjl on mn 19 when 16 members 5 visitors were pres ent with the pres mrs a mc- keown in charge of the meeting scripture wns rend by mrs c mckeown the motto was taken 1132 v mrs j d bell our school 477901 teacher it us make the plnce 1133 fiftyfifty for woman current ev- 320 00 cuts by mrs c allen the bus- 16 19 mess part took the form of a dus- 20 30 cussion about raising the mem- 30 01 lnusjilp fees to s0c n yenr it wns 275 00 thought best to let them remain noon which miltom won hy 81 although they smnshed eight hits off the starting milton hurlcr marshall by name the triple a number of ducks stranded on the bases lacking that additional pol ish to bring them over the plate miltons youthful club were retic ent about leaving players on the sacks and timely hitting coupled with some very fleet base running gave them the necessary edge dude lindsay nnd owen mosaics back in acton livery ngnln sup- piled the heavy bat lw power far rol fouiul the locals who were in there trying until nil wns over but it wasnt enough stover of milton slammed out two triples nnd along with bllnco had ippriere n tight hnrd- er incident ly in his saturday morning at 945 in park ior hoys 11 lo 15 inder the sponsorship of acton athletic association the buys from ii to lf vears of age are to he gien an opportunity to form a sandlot league and play organized games every saturday bill holl ow ay wellknown hocke and base- hall player for many eais tr ac ton lias taken on the job nficoach- ing then- w ill he n double header every niiirniy nwrnlhg in arhm imrk in tins snndlot league on saturday morning nt 915 nil the hoys intetestcd are invited to he prcmnt at tlie park when teams will in- chosen and the eason star ted that a quarter to ten on satuiday ma l9lh in the park mrs foi all los 11 lo 15 ears the ccf candidate for hnllon ed adnmson nn present at a meeting held in milton heights schikil on friday may lmst a el liott was in the chair nnd the guest speaker was ii rhodes of the canadian congrtss of 1 a hour mr rhodes explained to an inter- est hi nudlence how kabour repre- sentatves were received by col drew when they presented their an mini hrif to the government ed adamson nddrcsmd the meet ing briefly he said the first con- sideiation of a ccf government wns to have hospital and medical care for everjone hi sy itees wi ettects ofeicers at golden wedding anniversary of rl johnstons couple have spent half century in acton and district many friends called over jtut fihiids and i datives look advantage of the opportunity on monda to call on mr and mrs linhard i johnston at their home on wlbur street and offer nm- niiulahonn im li me occasion ul wncal meetint more bonds of camphellville bank thfir fiftieui wedding anniversary and to wish that they will enjoy many more happy years together many messages of congratulations wei e i eceived all of them cher ished hut especially the one from his excellency and viscountess alexander from rideau hall ot tawa mrs j c smith of wln- the minutes of the lni is eonvexed congratuln- tlons hy wire rchnrd i johnston and vlrena the may meeting of busj bees wi which was also the nnnunl meeting was held at the jiome of alf allan the mil call wa i answered hy handing in hnzanr ar- tides and givinlg two reasons why i i like canada last meeting wei e rend and mrs coxe gave nnnunl trensury report s21i7h was ears receipts nrd of j ii were married at klncnr- this 77 66 wns tient in donntlons im nflv v k ov utv mrs stnn robinson gnve tiu good i mckay the young couple settled almost 15000 in antl securities wns found in guelph part of the juotof a200000 first acton holdup of the bnnk of novn scotia uniform pondering on the posslbll- ty of benning them lapprlerre up ngnlnst some renl- ly tough opposition in tliese mil ton kids proved he wns capable of the faith entrusted in him he struck out ten batters allowing only right hits three or four of the scratch variety mnrshall re- iw at present it wius decided to i mnined only seven innings grenke 21410 buy some cups and a hot plate to 1132 use- in the school for social even- 16 00 nigs members of the institute are 12 00 haing it sale of house plants and replaced him when it looked as if acton were touching him too often a fai r crowd a 1 1 ended t he fix ture which had the benefit of ideal weather ctjtirgeiow n will resume jui schcedule sniunli itii i he locals heie i i i of them cloi ol pete said iiw holit skkl khl ed ret overetl ll the si mis ibii minjmrr of labor spiaktt at an acton meet in hon chniles daley mmktci of ijtuir for ontaiio wan the clfet pnker last thursday evening nt a meeting in acton town hall oj die pivgnssivednservntive as- mclation mr stan hall member for halt on also addressed the gathering mr ted txhr was chairman ior the meet ng prior to the meeting the acton ros band provuleil a ptogram of mus ical nunttusrs 383 ttlhei articles in the fall to raise funds jl 25 mis b johnston the secietar iffd it repoit tiom the time our 72 62 institute was organised oiu inks k to mii jos whitjiam acton for pi luting our fpro- mimes foi the eai 1 lb msle nnd mis kht mis ll hdd were appoin- itfs lo imertd the annual id on june j mrs w hal- s it mimosa w i as guest atmon lift ihieemen on ixtse nnd gave a er interesting fi led tt ixnuit in tin- second frame jhi on publicity giving a num- an alert infield saw that no one bei of helpful hints for reports ied off the two hit it was siievsiiik the fact to be sure nnd in the second thnt milton tlod it spll names cornctly and put first i sttiver tripled blind walked mav meetincw ok name tr in ilia 1 of those taking antl the both tventunlly reached p u t and trv to make our ivpttrt home four runs off three hits as mteiestlng for ihiise distant as a walk and nn error put milton tl dele hitlj tie spaker acton liulttien milton i olf i walk and two hits acton gleaned tw o runs in the first fmie morion and masales scor- i i t on iimkivs hard drive in i the bottom half acton pulled off j i itouhle pi iv to ctusii an attempt i cheer report anld mrs j j ken nedy the publicity report nnd mm stolen bonds oicnr eocker the quilt making re port- mrs c e dnvenport gnve n report on the cooperative nwd- iraiservire andnskedthemembers to have their hospitalization- fees in by mny 20th it wns decided to vote for a conference as cooper ative progrnmme nt the district annual mrs mclcnn mrs dav enport and mrs slnnj robinson were chosen delegates to tho dis trict annual mrs allan rend a mothers day poem mrs allen kept the chair for el ection of the following officers president mrs peter mclean v ice- pres mrs j j kcnned svtrvas mrs stan robinson distnct director mrs c e dav- enpurt hianch directors mis linv 1indsay and mrs elmer cox auditors are mrs w kennedy aid of the limt is be- i mis john frank so far some of at cornipbellvllle nenrly n venr affo interest coupons clipped o date on most of the bonds led pohce to believe that they hnd been plnced only a short time ago in the vac ant lot where they were found a feu weeks ago n large quan tity of bonds were discovered on a bridge in montreal a hnmll- tor loy ploying on a lot found a cache of lknds securities nnd wnr savings certificates stuffed into a piece of an old inner tube- they are dfflnltely from ciimp- helh i lie oi at least a large por- assistnnt in- walter hag- on the farm or the first line in and well ptesetiteil as wns also thd item rjmt on by the junior inter mediate nnd senior glils under thi captitn of the family waltz i there was another circus sid i to the event when the in termed late boys presented their four- ring circus a group of four differ ent attractions all piesented nt the same time the young moni group and high school boys con cluded the dlsplny with some ad vanced tumbling and vaulting box drill it wns n display that all enjoyed and hrought nn apnro- clntlon of the fine work tho y ksquesing nnd fnrmed liere with i is oln ln acton music was sup- tlh eld up in cash was found nfter of a suspect m a tour- ar hand ton shortly af- i oboery hank in campbellv ille was halton coop medical amt ices croup secret it rv mis c e dav- eiimut hume econoni cs mrs ir- vln intle social welfm- mrs roy linvlsav citlsenshtp mr s coxe publhty mrs j j kennedv july 12 1947 h tliree j canadian industries and agrlcul- men vtn had pit ntod their faces as disguises a fourth ritnn dn li the dners sent during th st half of the third stovers eond ti iple nnd bllncos doubl arktnt the rally counting singletons twice in tlie hannockbitrn w- i at mrs w ruszells hie ma meeting of the ban- nockburn womens institute was held at the home of mrs w ros- ell arrangements were made store fronts tiioigiit more imih1rt t4i1n hx3t11e clinin store executlyes nnd inde pendent retailers consider store fronts the most important single subject for improvement when a store li modernlied according to hardware and metal und electri cal dealer dartmcnt store ex ecutives on the other hand would place storo fronts fourth on the hat store fixtures first well as those present kivp re poit brief report meetings prom- pitv ami dmt w rite reports weie nad by sihtreas and adop ted everv meeting thnt is taken foi gt tinted headings h mis t mccutch- eon miss elva pearen a contest ikius plants and perennials bv mrs e patterson and was won by mi t ihdge- a a visitor mrs- a d hrtdges of rg in with rusk off ni error and victoria b c a former resident stan faxs single of kiln summary triples stover 2 acton masters 3b morton if 5 mrs a thompson on behalf of ulinco doubles bllnco undsny s if mosaics ss llndsnj c wi thanked mrs bnllentynt i masales double plas 1 acton l fifth and senth acton drew to j for the district annual at ebenes- withm twtj of the locals but again t church a loveh heave to home plate av- i pltps weie made for making a cited what might have developed j bab s htyette the meeting end- mto a crucial situation added in- d with a lovely lunch served h hemsley and mrs a d f in the eighth was gvwi i mrs liovell anda social half hour we were pleased to have when blinco tripled later pull- j wils spent tore mrs c e davenport iiis- toiieal resitirh mrs j j ken nedy the new president mrs mdonn then took the chair and the meet ing cltsm mrs kentnedy moved a vote of appreciation to mrs a1- len for her effort of the past venr to make the busy bees wi a suc cess mrs coxe ns past sec trens was also given thnnks for intereit and work of the post yenr mrs mclaan thanked mrs allen for the use of her home and hospitnlitv thirteen members several child ren and n number of guests attend ed his meeting th 1unch was serxetl by the hastes- ami her nsslstnnts ivmlnion day skirti in acton july 1st morning to night dir ection acton rotary club plan now for july 1st in acton snvder lo masales mosaics to al len strikeouts marshall 4 lnp- plerre 10 grvnke j walks mar shall 7 grenke 0 eappierre 8 rhe acton 200 010 1004 h2 milton 024 000 03x 8 8 0 foot it t rf hallan lb robinson rf lappnerre p milton husk hsty evans 2b s fay lb k clement stover cf marshall p 7 grenjjuv p bllnco rf c fay c mclanson b umpire whltenu base ump ire dave bru4 iirjtain to rkchitt skiii- ki workfks mtom away success until twenty years ago w hen they enme to acton where they have been esteemed residents mnnlc over holtof toronto received the guests with her pn- rents and mis roy johnston nnd mis j c matthews welcomed the callers little virenn johnston nnd meile overbid attended the door nnd madeline ulrica was in chmge of the guest register mr robert sly gave piano selections i dui ing the day pouring tea during the nfler- 1 noon and evening wife mrs ke leroionk mrs f s blow l iukerlng mrs l k hamelln mrs emest near and mrs a l bridges those assist ng mrs or i w ell johnston in si vlng th kueis vi ere marv peltifer marg net mow loce ilessji null ein mur e rlston mis john nl- ill til mrs hai r murray and mr s pis adamson mar y beau tiful flowers and plants det mated the lionie most of t frn the gifts f the golden wedding event among t he guests fi om nut of i ui tttending were dr and mrs howard hamelln and famil of ot tawa mr and mrs lome hain- elli and fanwly of toronto mr and mrs elwell hamelln nnd fitm- ilv mr and mis w e hamelln mrs ernest near mrs john east- eibimk mr and mrs m c over- holt and family mr and mrs j smith all of tojonto mm r j smith hamilton mrs a d bridges of victoria dc mm e mcmnhon of new york mrs geo ieslie gudpji mrs dyer nnd itoy itimkwomt mr and mrs peter dick brnmptor mr and mrs t l leslie georgetown mr dean lesllp mr and mrs gus ramshaw and r and mrs t g ramshaw mitton mr and mrs john mcphnll iimpbcllville mr and mm cecil nellis kramosa mr arid mrs e pearen and miss elva erin pllel hy mr ii arblc with his amplifying system during the display mr john greerpresldentof acton board of directors briefly addressed the nudlence thanking them for their splendid support and urging all to hack the ymca in their pro gram for the young people of ajc- ton and district jinior farmers give misceijjneous i shower to couple mrs 1 on thursday evening mny 20th the members of acton junior far mers and their friends met in i june school to give ralph mc- keowr and eleanor mcdougnll a netta vihnneou- shower kerwln mcphnll chairman for t he evening opened the program w ith canada followed by solos ah alton reading bv jean har- n slus h italph thompson and liativ stewart duets b frerldle tion and bill somervillf nnd a solo h mr william mcdorjld rhe addicvi siii read hy donalda sw ter and thevoung couple re ceived n host of gifts i kleanor and italph made very fitting replies and best wishes were extended by meiurs chns mc- kim n r l iavids4in gordon lesfie and chnx binnle nnd all joined in lnglmfor they are jdly gtuml fellows lunch was served ond a short period of dancing was enjoyed badguessers britnln is offtrlnj cihs this cnr in loomm skills workirs tram iihroad tlu- will b riven work the democracies have been no- in mining utlle mnkinn nnd aj- toriouijy bad ffueasen whea it ruultur certain unskilleul artli- coram to deddlnj the probabuiuei nn will also be accepted for train- 1 of peace or war wav nolaaed coming event- anni r urlin n rt or oihrr krnr nn hi iiriltnu ff cliaruril i cr rr linr with minimum rh- r any nnnuncrmrnta l inu this s revealed in the report of tho intarnatlonalj manpower conference held in rome earlier this year which was published by ills majestys stationery office out twice and we may mlu out asaln but at least the third time we oughtnt to be caught oauoot- ed one of the troubleswlth us la that we dont want to wwate a lot dominion day sports in acton july lit morning tonlgfit dir ection acton rotary club plan now for july jit in acton barn dance claude pickett bam 7th une lu mile torth of hornby tuesday june 1st mod- ernaires orchestra admission 50c see display ajl elsewhere in paper-

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