Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1948, p. 2

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page two the acton free press thursday may 27th ims 3mjr arfcm 3frp tebb ublialej every tlturtjayjkt acta ontario authtwiltj ae aecemj clam taell llat otike department otuw sunschiitlon uatesfjlaa pr 1 j- viacc united slatee we akddltlonkl single cooiea t been old nluw mldrevtea ahouu u kivci when chans ol amreea la requeeted ydvbimsing kateson application and aa given in varlout cnjumu bending although every precaution will b taken in avoid error tbc fr rvrae acenpte ejeertleine in ua eol- ulnna on tha underatandin that it will bot be liable tor any rtttr in any advartlaenenl pubjiabed hereunder unleaa proof ot auch advertisement ia requested in writing by th advertlacr had re turned to the fret ireae buairieaa office duly eltfvi- ed by the advertlacr and with luch error or cor- rectiona plainly noted in writing thereon and in that caae m any error ao noted is not corrected by the free preen its liability ahall not exceed audi proportion of the ontire coat of bucb advcrtleenieut aa the apace occupied by tha noted error benra to the whole epac occupied by aucb advertisement c ahlof dilis editor telkmiones- editorial and buatneae office 174 fieeldencn iji andy clarke ten oclock came on sunday morning labt and a tribute to the late andy clarke but the voice that so many had come to enjoy recount ing the little things of life that happen in those places that lie outside the cities of ontario and i a i criticism too often however governments are like people who when they have money in their pockets have a tendency to spend it without any regard to debt obligations we hope the fed eral government will set an example for the people iri this respect especially when the levies arc so often called disciplinary actions another thing that the continued high taxa tion brings home is the fact tflflt if governments are ioingtojuppjy increase pensions health and ottver servicss t must come from the pocketbooks of the people weve had many years of rosy promises ofsccurity through government sources in the midst of a provin cial election we are getting the usual promises again it is well to remember that these pledges are only fulfilled hy your contribution in taxes hidden or direct and not always to the best ad vantage mr abbot in his budget has shown that no party ofgroup can provide more services and at the same time reduce taxation it would be well for all to remember that when approaching municipal provincial or dom inion governments for financiairtssistance the budet was disappointing and ve hope it was sobering it appears drastic measures are nec essary to bring home facts r canadas strength any day wctan pick up a newspaper or mag azine and read something about national unity especially when elections arc in the air or when anything arises which urges the attention of the whole country what we need is to bring it down to brass tacks w foa th if p nesday suiroahaed by his grist of weekly news papers and preparing his sunday broadcast we imagine that was the end he wouldtiave liked if given a choice just to quit in the harness there have been many articles written on hfs life and his work our amazement at him was in the fact that in spite of his years in daily newspaper work and searching for scream ing headlines that in the latter years of his life he was able to pick out the newsy little items that make up the grist of the weekly newspaper no horror or murder stories but the birds and the bees fishing yarns trees and hiwers and the things we in the smaller communities find great things of life we like to remember him ire we saw him at conventions with his pipe and surrounded by a group omnends recounting-stones-and-incid- ents how he enjoyed the old boys reunions and his title of mayor of little places we re call too how he confided at one convention the fear that gripped him every time he faced the microphone and yet he carried on searching and recounting the things of personal interest to such a vast majority and got joy in doing a task that he always found difficult miss andy clarke yes thousands of us will he blazed a new trail in broadcasting that we hope will be carried on by some successor who too will find the task a hard one mobseo recollections ot aclon houraloh back in 1898 folh from ukrt lamm of um ipveei of trutnuay may 56 mm they had been at fault there would be less qpud- slinging and more of the patriotism that ouivcfs a point of view or personal advantage but it is imperative that we also realize that it isnt ujst the job of theoliticans it is ours it is the privilege of every canadian to put into his politics a spirit free from prejudice and thought of personal gain to accomplish this we should use every opportunity to create the right spirit in national life without destruc tive and irresponsible criticism help our rep resentatives to put national interest ahead of political expediency and personal advantage without resort to patronage or other abuses practise ourselves in our homes and at our work those same principles which we expect our representatives to practise work for a lead ership of men who base their public policies and personal lives on honesty and faith in god lets look after summer sports uith artificial ice surface in all the arenas in this district georgetown milton guelph the need for such in acton is lessened we can give greater service just now by providing an adequ ate swimming pool for summer pleasure and be good neighbors in inviting these towns to use such summer facilities which they lack and when ice is soft on natural surfaces they can recipro cate in the winter sports its coming on the time of car too when a swimming pool will be a real asset we doubt if the protect can be completed this year but summer time is the time for such construction and this summer is the one to get the work un derway three meetings are being held this week and then the general meeting some time next week can complete the organization and actual work weve been criticized for setting a 25000 objective but it is our firm coiniction that not 1 cent less will do a decent job as a matter of fact we believe this amount uill not provide all the little ctnis that will be found necessarv weve been asked where the swimming pool will be located that in our opinion should be decided upon b the mujorm ot those who pur chase sharev and contribute the funds for the pools erection the important thine in our es timation is to secure the 25 000 fund and when that is assured the other details can be worked out that means 2500 shares at 10 each and it means that most evervone can be a share holder in this communitv proiect incidentalu bowmanville- is raising 50000 for a communitv project bowmanville- popu lation is 424 not quite double that of acton- and their objective ib double ours there are thousands ready to support men who put into action those moral and spiritual convictions which are essential for canadas strength by our own constant adherence to such we can be rallyingpoint for all citizens who want to do their bit our homes will be come an answering force for the community we our families and our friends can supply the teamwork that can pull the nation together not onlv at elccfion time but the year round editorial notes victoria day was a quiet holiday locally but as usual it gave a fine opportunity for catching up on some of the odd jobs about home the ball season traditionally opened on vic toria dav in halton and the summer sport will provide plenty of activity for the fans this county did well last vear and can continue again this vear during the storm about 7 am lust thursday the bnrrt of nelson mclaughlin on the ctrl con nns- mtkaweya was struck by llghtiilng wltlcli wt tire to the building and totally consumed it a monument is on foot on tho part of our local merchant to linve the streets watered during the four summer months com mencing june 1st the mercury registerevl between so nnd 00 degrees on sunday alex waldle esq left samples ol hnrlcy in head and clover in bloom nt thu office yesterday it is reported that d wheellhnn of cnmpbollvlllo made forty thous and dollars by speculating on the chicago wheat market col keen is also reported to have made five thousand dollars by the rise in the price of whent died tost in georgetown on friday 13th of may henry toil counc- lllor back in 1928 from the incur of the free fmi at muhtjmky nuy s iwg to represent halton pr deans 4 liberal candidate uoik on the erection of his jrnr- nse for private lease for car own ers mr lambert will have ac comodation for about ten car n this first buildinr very general and sincere regret will be felt at the announcement that mr and mrs c ejhenderson nnd fnmily are about to leave ac ton the splendid residence of the family hns been sold to the united chuich for their parsonage unst wednesday afternoon the j duke of devonshire chapter of the daughters of the empire held a delightful empire day tea nt the home of the secretary mrs w j gould the occasion was the hear ing of the results of the contests of the puhlic school nnd the pres entation of prize i work has started this week in the chut chill cemetery with n ie to keeping this snored spot j in 1 slate of perpetual care ami suitable condition the last meeting of the term of the lit era r society of the acton continuation school mu held on during the past ftcnjwm we had the reputation as one of the largest live poultry buyers for the american market we achieved thin outstanding rnlinp only through your marvellous patronage and faith in our solicitation our object in future as in the past will be to brine to you the highest market prices free pick up phone collect daytime ask for valley produce after 6 pjvi phone 130 valley produce arthur ont 13 with mac stewart in the mn chair i niki lantz at her home main st nn fnda mn 2 102fl dons mux- i 11 1 beloved daughter of george and bertha lant in her 18th ear speilvooel at the home main 1 st acton on friday mav 25th 1928 ralph vernon infant son of rudolph and elmerna spellvogel aged 15 months incentive and production everyone admits the federal government no less uinn others that increased production of goods ls the only real hope of reducing commodity prices and of sidestep ping inflation but prodgcton is- not increasing to any npp roc i able etent and it is not too difficult to discover why when the work re turn of two days out of tw on thv with a more plentiful suppl of cigars av- nxr required to meet dlfcct ailable uere glad to see that old custom revied of proud fathers handing out the smokes we enjoved one of these free smokes last ueek and add our moving to the neu arnal the ccf is not in faor of abandoning the v ta on gasoline cancelled h the nonunion gmernment after being a u amine tax and traightua nabbed ontu b the drew govern ment thus leaving mr oliver as the onu lead er vuth old fashioned ideas of actualh reducing taxation jniead ot spending mote monev cheslev enterprise it i- recorded that torontos silver rail i0 foot covkrail bar had net profits of 0 xx on a 100 000 investment in nine months and the present pohev is to get more outlets and more prottis the onlv point not vet gained bv the liquor interests is to have beer in the groer stoes and thats being worked on now the liquor business is sure on sit evele mw without anv expression of public feeling on its roliev or even a point in anv partv s platform and indirect taxation the demand j to work harder to provide mor taxes falls on slightly deaf ears 1 human nature being what it k j men tend to gear their effort to what it will produce in returns to 1 themselws no amount of word- j bout the needs nnd benefits if government services can convince a man martfng under what he be- heves is expioprintlonnry taxation that production is his own mlai- in io let him kep more of the leiuin of mis effort very wl might tn incidental of imire it would be necnnjir hint some of he jisnal obligations that he i- been h i to toss into the lap i goemmtnt should tu- reivum- h hnwlf we believe ma iios nien would prefi r to keep t her uwn i u nlngs and ptv their own wax 1 i it rob luhcm clakocv fork amd wit cull smokrn kalmom snej5 loc l iikihtic i date loat cuke c age ramov rare salmon u i9e dew iibt 0b0i0i quality sieve s peas 19c ud sou or 00tb kt salmon t 33c mxdud qdalttt wd olo tomatoes 19c tack m or blue o oold oaliroeota peaches 38e ikbtlw jswpowbers appiesau25 riot jooi x5c in drantic and sobering there was little or no cause for elation in the budget brought down last week for the many who anticipated some relief from the heavy tax ation that is a carry- from the years of war if the money raised for this purpose is to be used to reduce the war debt and other national encumberances there will not be sefre a sirilit hat been in effect for ocr three month- at the john bertram sons co ltd in dundas in a statement last week the man agement gnei two alternatrves the company vavs thev must reopen the plant and resume operations or eventually dismantle the plant and sell the machinery and the company pass out of existence such examples are not uncommon and it isnt necessary to go as far as dundas to get like instances s cuimimg for prompt workly garvler on all v our dry cteanlnc pit card in window each monday ob 1iione 1s acton cartu may be secured at cooper clothlna store or from driver master dry cleaners joe woods uood atird trhdta prunes x 35c ltlltalc juice tsj ilrc ayuiitauurlawit on omoh pickles 35c cheese tr s9c horn it u1lx tumbles ot umitiitter vs x9c ucoiuicki mcotcu mints 43c u off am cm basy cuktnu ground bouab coffee x7c 51c van cajklrs rork and beans 1 mabob illadtatu coffee 59c twfobt fluffs x9c 43c quake cobifukes xx7c fbotect toub woolbbb with moth ded l 33c swim noubkhoud cleanser 2 2se et rob dtbue dreft x9c hsc joathaoh mlt rcubatno glo coat s107 db baaoabitb health dog food r xe basauixxsb uxxkorr om kibbo i lk minus touato ketchup x4c watobb bbbt bajuhjt bvm peas 19 dbtom bucko btdb bacon ri 34c bed seal twebf mixed pickles 57c iducui luoaiimtt spread x5c to hake ruuueb dbihatb freshies 5c atuicl choice mix no tim isc bums caairbeixb touato sobp 2 19 jotxr oaao rmo bates tii 1i crbip krh iailshix hunch bananas ib keen onions asparagus fresh daily 5c 15c 2 bunches j business pirectory medioali dr w g c kenney phyaiokan miha buraooa succetior to dr j a mcnlvxa office in symon block mill st acton olfltfe- phonn la itvalelenos cktrak st pbono is dr d a garrett phyalojeut hnd surafeoev kredwlck street acton formerly dr ncliona ofilos office plione 238 reddeneo 343 dent ax dr a ji buchanan deuiml sureou office leltlimnn block mill 9t office hour 0 a m to 6 tun xitav gas telephone 148 dr george a ilrrs dental surgeon mill st comer frederick aetdu office hours 000 am to 5j0 pja telephone 19 l wilson bsetar ot chlroipimeue elet4otbetrlai bell telephone building acton phono 303 hours 10 am to 8 pm legal c f leatheriand ba aoton urrlitrr ti t3ollelur notary pauw offles 22 pbanm reildebee utt langdon aylsworth rarriatera soilelton ete offices acton cooper bullduls u mnclntyre aylnworth b a- acton phonra offlro isw itesiilenea tint ccoiiielown grtkory tlicntre bis phone 88w lever hoskin chnrtorfvu acoountanu successor to iknkinh hardy 1305 mctropolltnn bide i 1 victorin st toronto elc 9131 veterinary b d young vs bvsc veterinary surgeon office brtktkville ontario phone mlltort mfrt f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary surgeon office and itenhlence knox av ailun phone 130 mlhijeuaneouh johnstone rumly victor b uumley funeral home llelted amblllmi seivlng the community for 45 yeor 4 phone 30 nlffht or dny willoughby farm agency longest oldest acency in canute hcnd office kent bide toronto forjjiioun itepresentatlve tom ilewson phone oeorgotown 3szw toavellers uide cray coach ijnes coachks ikavk acton ialkht snvlng tim kant hound i tl a m t7 ifi n m 9 in a m 1 m a n 2 m p m 1 it p m g 3c m p m rl 1 1 1 p m weftttkiund n ik a jn jj 15 im j5 pm r 1 t pm 7 m p m lh 18 pm ilt p in 11 2h pm i iii irjii suntlis and holt- ds siinlas ami i iitnlu s only pai tn l sundis and holl- duj miiiiiclivh suiu1jis a hohdaym i nl rxipt sunda s railways canadian national standard tim fjufltound iiik imppt sunduys 555 m in a in 7 10 p m sunday only hi pm dailt except sunday k1im at rjt n fi 7 pjn ia 1 fimt at iri 1011 pm rkttmiund dai rrpt monday 1 17 am l monday only lilw nm dally x- fpi sunda 8 47 nm cm pja 7 ii im sniurdny only 113 piw sundaj unl 8 41 ajru ilagatnp vl it nt turlph oxrpt saturday and sunday fi 10 p m wtpatterson ho speelalut in ky kxandtuolma ortbontlm iu wyndiiam oinxru ptumte sim completely equeppad otflea jjelow maher shoe stor

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