Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1948, p. 3

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thursday may 37th 1948 the acton free press s page tjhrek msiorn clajlvks vouno dehorning cattle u nn unpleas ant job and the older the animal the harder it is both for the animal nbd the owner but it can be done efficiently and with little discom fort if caltatlc potaji u used on the emit within a jew days of blrthv-a- nmall quantity of cauitlc either in paste or ktlck applied to the horn button will do tht- trick without further attention to prevent un necessary apreadlng and burning of the skin apply n little vasellno or greac around the cnubtlc thu method of dehorning calves is not only practicable on a farm with few cat tb but it has been used on rnncliu where several hundred cm ives arrive each spring a dote wntch on the breeding herd js kept during the calving season and the rider carries the dehorning tpaste or stick with him m appll it to every calf he locates on the range jt s jim optometrist 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses fitted oakvtlle itiow will be u nomlnnllon and jwivjbly nn lodlon for u mayor of onkvlllo to fill thevaeancy cre ated by tho death of the- into mnor alfred whltakor cordon perdue of the oakvllle hotary club forraer district kov ernor was elected canadutn dlr- eclor of rotary international at the 1048 convention held at rio de jnnorlo brazil uifci week frederick bcthley of toronto n bricklayers apprentice was inst antly killed on sunday when un fell from the top of the 185foot chimney at the plant of porro- knameu davla street north of the cnr tradul member and adherents of munn wesley and sheridan church of the trafalgar united church circuit together with for mer membern and filends and club attended the service jt members of the trafalgar hunt munna church on sunday after noon when tribute was paid and n memorial garden dedicated to the memory of the into rev herb ert s loverlne who died 18 months ngo nftor serving the trafalgar circuit ai minister for twelve years record star electric welding portable equipment vv can weld eltber at our shop or oh your own prmls- m eleetrle and aeetylaue woldlnjc no job too big or toa small anderson weld ing shop main st root acton near highway garage milton vanwyck cleaners pickup and delivery service phone 272 for the best in dry cleaning many hockey fans anil winter nport enthusiasts eagerly waiting for winter to roll around again would be surprised to ceo tho in- terlpr of the milton arena this week workmen navo decn np- plng and tearing out the dressing -kbmjctow-ahtrscoctmytrp-ttw- layer of sand covering tho lc surface in preparation for the new artificial ice installations against a background of carna tions snap dragons and spring flowers in all saints anglican church milton heights the mar riage of helen lorena mcmullen daughter of mr mid mrs r mc mullen of milton heights to rob ert john coatcs son of mr and mrs r coatos of milton was per formed by rev g hodder among the g63 men and women to graduate at the 107th annual convocation at queens university kingston inst saturday was a mil ton boy ronald a galbralth who received the degree of bachelor of applied science in mechanical en gineering chnrles clublnc 18 hnd a nar row escape from serious injury on tuesdnj morning when ho slipped and felllntotithopflierntthc mtl- ton brick co he wns burled in clny for some time and torches were used to free him cnnadlan chnmpton chronicles ot ginger farm lii written btmtdally for foe acton kva frea owknoournk p cljutkk fshs in spite of rain and lack of sun shine tho iprlng crop hou finally got itself growing patchy of courw bare spots here and there that will need remmhllng but at ill a lot better tlinn we epected un- fortunntelj there are quite a fow farmers around hero who havent finished seeding even yet and jomc through lack of hovp who never oven started if that ajate of nffnlrs hi general in ontario then tho probl for a plontirul crop are not too promising on this farm however one crop looks aa if it might produce a good harvest and that is our crop of spring calves six of them and all boys i thought i had better any boya because you know there are some folk who havo an idea it is highly improper for a lady to speak of bulls why ill never understand but then i guess i am juut a woman i should have said there wort six calves there are five now one of them was a blue baby and had to be put out of its misery did you know it was pos- fiihlnfnr n rnf ho ti hluo-bhy7- farewell to ndy clarke the cbca wellloved neigh bourly ncw llroad carter diet in hit caih year it wa a now experience for us siirhnlnvnly hgmlfl yt lm was soon quite evident there was something radically wrong with it the other five calves are doing fine so there should be so mo good veal chops and steaks on the mar ket in about six to eight weeks from now there may be some half grown chickens nround here by that time too we hnd a man in here yester day looking for orders according to what he inld a lot of farm peo ple like ourselves felt that chick en cost too much to raise this venr the price of eggs and chick ens being too cheap in proportion to the price of feed probnblv you folk who have to bu eggs and chickens will just nbout hit the roof at my saying tho prke is too low but dont forget farmers don t get what you pay nni nn thing like i and there is much we c nn do about it a fni- mei with even a hundred hens your eyes for better and more comfortable vision consult r m bell registered optometrist phone 22rl2 ern radio listener in tho rural com munities of ontario and quebec hne lost a good friend in tho death of andy clarke the cbci nolgh- iwirly news hrondcflrter for mote ijinn olght years in ill lieultli for unie time andy died nt his home in york mills on may 19tlt after n henrt attack he has left be hind a legion of good neighbors nm n place thnt wtll be iinwl to nil two llbteneri who dedicated n little poem to him and ent it in to the grnvenhurst banner a few un ngo dubbed him tho mnyoi of the little plnees nnd tin name stuck in appreciation ol his broadcasts nnd visits andy wn in fact mndc honorary mayor of numerous ontario towns and vill ages and was the guest of honoi nt many fnlrs nnd rcunlons al though he was unable to make his nondenst on the undny before his death ho was confidently look ing forward to n trip he was to hove mnile this week to thomburj andiew david clnrke wus born on july 13th 1882 in grimsby the son of tho late george and mrs clnrke his father wan a wrfl- known butchdr nnd veterinary sui- geon his uncle was william f clnlkc reeve of grimsby und county council rrntnlatlvv for ioultry for eurorls to represent halton ifa a w4 ft pr deans a liberal candidate many yearte after a few months i hlfih school andy began working as a grocery salesman and then ns t shipping clerk he also worked at a power plant in niagara falls n y before determining to make a career in tho newspaper world he obtained a job ns a cub reporter on the old toronto world then moved to the london advertiser to become editor of their district page lain on he joined the toronto olohe staing for 16 years 13 of thtm a news edltoi it was nt tho globe lhnt andy mnde his in itial broadcast in 192g bccomlnr the first mnn in can n da to broad cast news of the dny direct from n newspaper newsroom after he hnd left the newspaper fit id for private work the cbc i asktxl him to do a radio progiam similar to a homely column he had been writing for the globe tins was the beginning of hb popular neighborly news broadcasts stnro the fall of 1047 more than a qunrtei of a million pounds of canadian dresuwl poultry havo been iwught hv importers in bel glum and switzerland in the 1st three months of 1im8 alone two carlondit have gone to switzerland and one to belgium about one hundred thouuind pounds in all this in a small fraction of the i oven million pounds of drevied nnd five million poundj of live poultiy shlrppod to the united states duilng tho same quarter of lie year but it all helps to koop the market strong and now the dominion department of agrlcul- ure reports thnt an exporting plant which has shipped poultry to swit zerland hn new orders for larger quantities than it can fill much of this poultry shipped to continental ruio7ets evlscerntod nnd indivldunll wrnpped some of it in collophnne it hn been ar riving in nttrnctlve condition lis the rerpoal orders indicate auction sale in acton or iiouhriioij krrkcrs hie undersigned has received instructions from e e iiarrop to sell by public auction nt his residence bowei ave and wilbur st acton on satinriday may 29 commencing at tin pm dst the following 1 chcslcrllcld suite f i couch nnh nilfairs 1 vnny chfllrs 1 phonoln cabinet radio 1 cabinet grand plnno nnd bench subject i n iio gets too many eggs to dispose of direct to consumers unions he haa a maiket stall and we cant all do thnt as foi chlckons thcie were so many inst fall that formers who djdn t hnje private customers had diffitulty in selling them at nil i he butchers were overstocked with them- there wete chkkens everywhere the market wns absol ute gutted with them if vou vnnt to know the reason think back to nn drive vou took through the country the inst few venrs remember ou passed farm after farm where not too far from of tt big ones might be the other buildings there was al for he wns nn ardent flsh- broodor house perhaps two oi he nnd lxt hla llno j three lulor ihex were dizens o manj of the lakes and rivers of range- shelters scattered through- ontauo nnd quebec in the cnrib- out pasture nnd stubble fields and bum llfr nnssnu in the strnita urn kms chickens everywhere i if nort wherevesr he vou lookthl lhe ropuscntod a lot riuuu nmo on h travels andv clnrk is survived hv his widow the former viola dickens for more than eight yenra andv s kindly and slightly husky voice has in en heard in thousands of homes on sunday mornings tpaintrng a picture of the weeks events in what he always called those lm- poitant centres thnt lie outside the big cities lie broadcast neighborly news 125 timls nnd also did 179 broad casts to british listeners through the cbc international service since january had been broad casting on saturdnys on behalf of hit blue crow- hospital plan around thls time of jear andv s neighborly news often gave hints throw rugn 1 icather hassock 1 set 20 volumes books of know ledge in cabinet 1 chesterlletd cncl table 2 small tables j smokers stands 1 metal smoker 2 slnndlng lnmps l table innvps 1 vacuum cleaner 1 buffet 1 dining room extension table g dining room chairs 1 writing tnble 1 congoloum rug 1 hall tree 1 wicker fern stand 1 double bed 1 inner spring mn- tiess 1 cotton rilled fxnurrn 1 dtss r with full length mlriot 2 wnsh stands 1 to let set 1 single red 1 cotton filled mat tress 1 dresser t trunks 1 cnmp cot 1 chest of drawers 1 dresser clock 1 cook stov 1 rnngetto 1 kitchen cnblnet 1 roll top desk 1 ire bo 1 div bod 1 kitchen stool 1 renttv washer stnnd nnrl tubs l trnnlng board 1 kitchen table nnd oinlrs t tl eetrlr irons 1 j nw n mower 2 rocklne- chnlrs vernndnh furni ture cirii ons dishes ttlnnlls clnsswnre nnd other nrllrle ton mrmetoits tn mention tmms cnh no reserve w coles clerk tn2 roy iiindley auctioneer dancing huttonville park einesia evening modernairs stlriy een1nal klhn comim attraction bert nioi and hi 16 piece orchestra svt111uay evening june 19th of work but ns lung as thev tould be i nisi d nt a fair profit that wus ill nrhl not counting the labour lot louist on i fiirn thnt isn t considered u all but when tin i inn gin ot piofit is si small as to l ilnuist in gllk hi tt is reasonable i to espttt tin fnimer to keep right j on r ilsing i hie ke ns so th t is ya hv wt ue bluing oui tiiiikt is h ilf j kiown buving jut tlu number of i pulltts wt tin house imt no cok- t i els at all i right now i am sitt rig with pid mil pencil in the cab of the tylck i up hit sun ii utiiiill shining in i thiit aie bank of billowv wlute t itunls all over the sk in lietwinn the cloud there ore stret- t hes of turtjuois blue a sk 1 1 delight the eve of an artist lhe mountain is lovel ttiis morning pnrit in shade partl sun flecked over various sh ides of green birds are flitting bac k nnd forth and liu re is an eocnsionnl butterfly i hi sun the wind vtrv damp our tulips are rn full bloem but we can harcilv see them for el tudellons before i can do an thing in the garden ft will be a fert st of weeds now i must go in and get this tvped mavbt i portable tihwmur wiuldn t b sut h i bad idea ecr that thev tosi mone hisdiughlei mink iberesi clark re s ding in montreil md his son i itdeikk ind grand urghter dhru of l notice re collccrion of garbage notice ih hereby rivcn uuit commencing monday may 11 si 191h collection of ciihiakc will be made each week on mondays and fridays citizcim ore requested to cooperate and have garbage net out on these dnyn each week htartimj the last day of thih month acton municipal council ouftfoy lliriino sauiov t i s said tiirkatkning c a- ulvs slloktuif jst is bright and warm but 1 brit s columbia fisheimen fear i lot of their cnte h is going xo ioss the border now that the cm export froen silmon to the us accsirduig ta canadian grxker ottawa has been finding it tough to cortect the situitlon caused bv reduction of us tariff against the canadian raw fish the business pnrer jjild t ihus the problems of b c con ner s remain unset tied the us agreed to admit it on jc lb duty basis against 2f formerly since packers there have been obtaining nbout 25 more for their product than b c canners they can afford to pav m tis for their raw mater ial some kinds of raw salmon can not be ent south but nil the fish ermen have to do is freeze anv of them ami thev mav cros the bor dor lntil the situation is corrected ttn re mav be a shortage leave acton lavijoiit saving time to london to toronto 1038 oju 2j50 pm d13 pm 733 pm d8j8 pjn a ilailj ex sun agll am d746 ajn 91g ajn 1151 ajn 206 pm il sun mid hal r sut sun hal 416 pm 62g pjn 906 pm el 111 pm r lall ftx hun i hal bus connections at guelph rxr owen sound am t toronto for montreal ottawa and north hay fakes are low iialirax 56a winnipbc 4575 qukhec 26ji recilna 5705 st john 1310 camjuo 7710 cll mlterkd husks tor priv vte pviities at uw r atis round trip tax included tickelx and information at j ii holi wiles phone 58 attention farmers we art pacing the- highest prevailing prices for dmd or crippled farm animals horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immediate service laing cartage operating rok gordon vouno uuoivd ptwvu oulpk ss4 just now the mill irnved and i had to take time to uok through i the pajhr but there ire parts of it that are so jumbled as to be un intelligible methlnks the globe and mail pi inters or t tiesetters 01 whttever the call themselves must hue teen on a binge when thev did thntviiteup about die j woman tht won the ruby nebb i awarx perhaps some of ou saw it it would make a good jumb led won contest mr editor vou should take heart it is worse tiian iinythlng the cton free preus ever did and i believe me thats im ing a lot dvnce to bob mjitin and i os olichestoa park pwilion acton every saturday niglit ueyiteshmenra ii hear premier george drew discuss the provincial election june 7 iyida ma 2th 810 900 pm chlr7l0 toronto tuesda juno iwt 1010 1100 pjncrl7 10 toronto rnda june i th 1011 1100 pm cbu740 toronto vote progressive conservative june 7 ililn j tw iu iitt ciitwj mywoiji

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