Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1948, p. 6

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paok six the acton free press llirithoay may j7th 1048 lr news and views of llaltaa rum tatmwi rralt uid vcfum wmi man appointed announrohipnt haft jum twwn marie by co uie hon thou i kennnly ontario hlnutim of aail- oultur of tho appointment f ilany o of oakvlllo itolll bull i1niiimu am an iknt hiokt welo triple x ft nrtlon kllttr hon nf ii ii klnif wnll known iui- j a a hn flalilnu inimhi nvntlnueii noy 4utwwur of oukvllle wnt thf tlimiulil of rimntbua piwipla ilovvn in jiaru of th whlpimuit turn in thlu hjutrt wlildi itua boon which imhutoil 4 01 s otlui toiii in pnpulai in all airt u limpl fkhoil aililltlnn to tliu tuobull hiiiillon- iuiik ixfmo ih dn of hutor id whnl li ftlmy riiklnn will i h uun illmltlvw u opl a rnlltttll luim to till on ida ruturn anil 101111 flnnv niiimna by varloua wo mlultt uo on lutlnu aclilovi niiitta uf otbii llalloti brnilira hut our uuui k llmltiit an will liavo to commit nurailvta by aikltb who imld halton iliiln t imvu top inluti ilia himiiiuii should piiao cumin- mi uji i kinnklln ikipillar and will rox of brantforl n prtilt mil hunlmk ii veectable fleldman to ftorve the gravnm nloni the north ahortf of w ijike ontario from toronto to flrour hamilton tin crowem in this arvn ta tan felt the need of auch n alln 1 i i zanee and in yean the trnl 1 xplmentnl fan on mi nurlln full and ve n wrln mim stl oroufr aamallon baa made tl mil ihh year mpir fluent requeata for an euenalon ubh- no in r hon in st anil mwtahlea wo 0o nllwl state t he wnrnhik tfen land that a an under- s-nlr- mr thi will eoncein ate of tho ontario arleultural the oiuiri 1 e poueaalve n oolle mr pont two aum- lpm f i-n- pt mz under m ii dnvla domlnhn unit of tomatoe wo underatand houlcuuurlm inter one or two i hat agricultural uepreaentat v more year under o wlkum t wblelock lecently nttondod ue norfolk cold stora plant 1 meein a gue ph jln- slnteo however for aomo yena live pinna were luaat weekly he haa iwen cnkn in fruit farm- report on the mentioned l on 11 own farm near biant will be aent waahlnkton for in ford wheil h- sperlalld in frulla corporation in the us da warn- ld poatoea and nlao en in ln s rvlre to ottawa 0 ko palh- the markctlnb of aomo of tho crp oloclat in canada and to other tina area acrlcultural offlelala p tlcularly intended rhroubl of the ontario department of a- medium of rad and proa riculture have for the pnat two or b pj ormed of three year been in aearch of an tho ailvlanhlllty of fun nyp- ovperlence1 practical erower for plleatlona etc dr j d mae tht position ah the rrhwe in ljcllan pauolo at the ontario halton will dellrhled to learn agricultural colle will be in tht their nitteal are finally to 1 charge of the service for central bar fruit kbltaal iiaiuaih nrmlr arhieve notmvaiuty rearda in the inat issue of the holsteln frlealnn journal snoabnll sylxla bauty hrej nnd owned b morley t watson nnd sons of panlley la tun uh t in mu ipntcvl that this new service will jeet under way sometime in july i ederatinrt of aferleuiture tlana hiid day for jmie 10th i he annunl joint field dn of the halton fidiialion of acrliullur eremtruli j un j of 20 vw lbs milk tsr 771 j hihluu d fo the tec atlonjl as n four fti i- v n satunln juno 1mh slnti- it s hatlktincton fat nt n ytnrs r ncc yoni old she was nn honor uit producer a 1th ifi r ibi milk t9 fi4fi ins fat ts now a kcd kcnl ppiwluct r 7 lactations total of lin ik7 lhs milk t8 t 116 lhs fat all on 2 and with 1 inrtatlons in tho 10s da division in tho last ksuo of thi hontoln journal utio uas tin m tond high cow on js out of 111 tows nhirt- cd slio was not toslod ni a two and three ai old but it is anln onteal nt 14 oari afac unill lnco froshonlnc on feb 1 1 has produced to thi t ml if april 5 11 j lhs milk her stable mate i ita abhelcork colnnlba now 17 ears of ajje has produced in tl lactatons 106 202 lbq of milk 1109 lhs fat all on 2x un 1 ettn since freshening on nov atj latt hai iollort out 9 410 lbs milk to ft dilation sttutar at n mi ot- imk in id in the aurimllural office milton on i huisdn t venlnjj init it was annouted that tj halton rural publn st lutls hnd epressed a disiu t participate in the intoi- si hool soflball tournament i he sc hoots will h uituped into is tt nnii and six dlamoiuts wlll be pit wind foi hit bin ent ulilch was won a jeat apo b the team nprtstntlnc nos 1 nnd r nnssa- naweva the prorrnmwlll nlio include an inter township soft ball touituinitnl a soft ball gatm he- t w ot n i he teat hers of north and south halton ns well ns n program of nuts for the ho nnd girls llnllon junior fnrmers will also runoit the rountv field day at the mime timt and we understand from l pr sidt nt cameion wilson of uu the ond of ajiri whlrji is reall 1 halton lunlois that soft ball tt nms of botli ims and kir ns well as om mblevempnt for a 17 year oli cow an all breeders will arree still another cow bred by mr wntion which is now in tho 10 km lb class u snow twill svlvtn alcartra hal ton hontoln brootlers will recall her ns the grand oinmplon cow at the halton holstein show in l ljtter that- fall she was sold in iho alltauadhnn holstein sale whet a she brought ns we recall omethlne otrlfi0i which was quite a prli e in those dnjs and as a matter or fact still is for most of us all lhiee tows were slrei b mitt bit v bnnostlne fnne in the tlulr top alhletos will be stlecttd to tnmpoto in tho junior farmer b leld ia at ouelph tin fndn lime 25th 1 lie piognini at i owvllle is st in dull d to ret under wa it 10 a in whuh indicate a bus du for all torn ei nod pick f oi tea iiiniits on 4a and siiatiia mo ks i lie dutch uast indu s to boll i he kt to the povsib llt of redutt- sjmu ivsue of lu lournal is listed j um in xoa pikls n jiar ucar idtnl toltilla beauty another cow in the w alson herd which as nifthimlu pmmlnont amoituf whit ti wr primitive device uiumi in place of fluhlumiku ralletl koiuw i iioju uori were made of atom hi on e ii lume and plituroa of them himhv urtuivii or holds in thill tenteih lytpaunllv ho that n fuh lino toiild ive pin tlirouui hum the bait would i ompltrtolv hhit thlu devli e when tho flab woulcl uwallow the bait thu device would urn ni ivwu tin flxh h mil let and hold htm neurt one of ihts4 uotuen a retle of tho atono age was rtlk oerotl in frams and is about hiwwt onr oltt i ally california incliaiu uiu d hooks made out of shell and pjute indians uwed the ftplne of a t actus as n htuik sticb rellu of the pre historic past nhow how the ancient i pttopleu wetu able to think out wnu to obtain their food and tell i of the long hours of toll which tin y spent in mnklur tlulr irtml tlve instruments it is to be suppocd that ancient peoples flshiml inrrelj to obtain food hut nipdouht it anvt uiem pleasure wjkvm big one was lifted out of tho wntor probably they hnd moments of disappointment when they lifted a biff one out but with bin powerful motions he win nhle to wrlffa blmelf free and drop to tho water ngaln it la n grand sport nnd many millions of people feel happ when h the sui idav school lesmni ullsoxi mai 10 ibih your plumbing needs attended to promptly complete rathrooms installed no job too small john c alder temporary phone from 0 am to fl pan 115 stanlilnc by oni s xnvimons fioldin ioki- dnntol juopimmi in iiir hem i that he would mu defile hlmhotr vlth th klngh ilnlntles nor with tho wine which he drank dim 1 h i tssnn lest hun 1 h jo i vipoilllon 1 daniel u nobli putpoue h13 iho ilook of daniel is one of tjie most i markahle and inutructlvo immiics in the lllble it has be eo well oiid that v man h m thorough lllble sludint who ih ignoiant of daniel oi w iiom httidv of it has litm n shallow daniel purimud in his heal i tliat he would not defile himself this the k to daniels lift ttnd tiie secret of hlx power nnd sihiiki daniel had n sound heart and m tils whole life wax noun iptoi 1 jti i hi real puipoui of a mans hi ait ioiih what the man ts it u thlu that cod looks nt u for 0 7 i uke 1g 15 ihtiecan lie no kteadlntw of life and alllon without titeadfantneh of purpose ac 11 2 daniels puiflwiao was flved and unnltorabte cany i no it out involved arent dally sacrifice and pel ii but hero dnnb i utnod and iod htootl by him daniels purpotu wns a good tint in itself not to defile hlmsolf i tic finns nu at and wine were very nirce- ahhi o the palate mucji more atin cable than puke but tiny bad lmiyiirrt tntjn- fprlfh iinnh llh- pai ikoii with od itlvt n wlttdom dnnb i oiitlnucd lie hnd md nih inu iialllli u what wan tin st i i or it juo j tv i llrrbox banking is at your srrvuv if oii find uihnir the hank if montr al lot onvenlat wlllluui inyton loull mnmigrr invlten y to cjo voui biinklnu iul inekumtp mall m r ilter ivou hankinu will rilleve jou of tin woiry of keep lug large sums of money in your hom ami yew ii lie liuiihlud it iw mut h ou tan hnvi by mti adlly de positing small amounts that might otjii rwlfu be npent tniunlly i ask isftflavton tt explain this i ulniple metliod or banking you tan fm waul mii passlumik w ith youi unvlnri i hi of m will bring it iv intlatc and leturn it prompt i v on ii find a luiient v count tnvi nit nl fm paylnr bills ami ki i ping join tiiioiinth ktralghl jin e cuslu d your t he m s betnmo net ipts i he it of m also noils money oifli rs and drnfth by mall looks after invostmuith nnd is fflnd lo supply helpful bualntwi infoi matlnn when you need it all thitvo ii of m services inn sav you t line ikii her atid extra m uu y wrlti today to mr clav too foi f nit in r dot ill i about tin m or iw tiei si iii diop in for a chat if v i u can of course you mun to play sf when eyetight ts concerned but you cant olwayt be expected to know place your trust in us because we ore optometrists of many years experience we recommend and fit canadas foremost classes corectnr the lenses fo- maxunura eye comfort cecil a carr savao optical ooucuji su trl 10h guelph- onl corectal lenses 6ovfftese united states dollars al lowed for pleasure travel are limited to 1 50 per perton for the 1 2 months i between nov 1 5 1 947 and nov 15 1948 a form h permit ob acte paragon to froihoa4iva ail j molhvmuiort nwrkets l ir m to nt inlrltw canadian cro cti had ilttiitl with a prominent ear old on 2 in the 30o day i llfr im of n u inch i import division produced 1706b iba of milk c firm if java and su- j and oh lbs fat sdu was in sixth m lt lonu mlu iu lm mlr phce imnng the 115 t nvs listed k m a blk vvav wn ni t our longrntulntlons art ittnd fon mi if tlu it if not ed to morle watson the popular j ihl r ni l mm h liinu of a prm fleldmun and salts a nt for the ulu tt online to tlu indian llntton elub tlu n cortb listed whithti oi not tt is from tlusi indlt u that he not onk has a two sourr s will in ported d mhxi hi rd on hk 100 ncn farm but nns on u factor uu pol tl that hi is a top herdsman ind fd- t t s tntr a u this i as well ai a good sales agent n tho t tlf p n agnrwala f i the halton club it pnseniing his firm who offues halton holstein rroedeis will m i in ckutta new delhi nko hi interested to learn tint i nndin 1 ngland md new ork down at ornjmar karm owned and c it i operated bv eddie meagher tho 11 i fattois tending to increase cost three daughters of montlc rk of tea laid down in canada aa well i tu en otr 70 iba v r dn and all nit doing better than their dams vm though two of the dams nre among the highest rcctrci daught trs of armnc sl annus pathfind er levtra another daughter of i irngon s due to freshen in july o the m n lit of milord in to be sold at the national sale at oak ille on ms 3ut this belfer is out of ottawa pabst duchass tv c a nj lb dnuuhter of montvit abbtktrk posih pabst ikxtra we wondir how high in the four fiuix this helftr will sell j stlu another halton ii ltstcin tirxetler who has be n in iht linn light of late is harold bingham ji son of georgetown ihtu henl sue cltnnfton rag apple mono gram tht grind thamplon at the brant ford championship show last fall uns recently bought by al- l turtstagg of oaklllo and htppetl to argentine wo are not permit ted to dkulge the sale price but it was well up in the four figure monogram at the time of shipment weighed jso0 lbs in the same ahlnment was glen aft on hk apple alert the allcanadian two year old thli past year alert was i bought and exported to chlleby dtnl he told canadian grocer high transportation expenses in india f intnasetl plantation costs an internal tax of uc which is charg- cd on to exports t s about the same in olon 1 1 contrar to what many think i tia is not the biggest export jtim in india it is exceeded by jute and jute goodn exports of which j are iipproimately 500 million a iat i onlv about orielxth of oreen- 1 nut a area is free of glaciers l bhahhsl 2 good dancing to good music on a good ftjoqu park paviijon acton kvv saturday ntfiht reueshmentra requiredby anyone takmg out of canada more than 10 us or more than a total of 25 in canadian and united states funds special allowances of united states funds for strict ly business travel may be secured but applications must be accompanied by certificates from employers applications for u s funds for travel for health or educational reasons must be made on special forms obtainable at banks thu coufion if given for the outdance of fh pubitc and fo hep avotd poxsibi cwnbarrassnwij af borter pojnfs lifl rotdcm achjuibc cmtrolafulto ttiwi ms at ion to false godi nnd dnnlel would kt o hlmsi if free fiom nil t oniilliini e with devil worship dcut u ih pa 10g 28 ml 1 1 c oi it 1821 28 11 he would hi ahsoluti ly t lenn fiom any fiart ni rslup with the whole miserable business what a i son daah 1 glvln us in llils day of ins going world con form uy he was in babylon and w oulel not do as i he habylonlnnu did lit hist nothing hv his unwav- ei ing fidelity to od no one oer dots i in hi 11 dnnlel wnti not iiiioinii md ascrtlvo in ills fmt 1 tl dun was no paiade of bit t onsi it ntiousness ht rtqui stt d of tht prune of the tunutbs that he might not ih file himself he wns vi r modi st mil touittoui in tnk ing his stand most nun who ai iinlunung in tluli lo ilty to gotl iinlhkvvoulp4dlil4ulliy uioiil phnrlsjikal paiadi of theli fidelity to onscliiu how stldom it is that a spolh ss puntanlsm nnd swul if iivin lblent ss go hand in bund if wt ire taitful to pleah toil we ma safely leave in his hands tht matlir of our jileoslng nu n v whin a mans ways ph is llu i tud i make th even his i nemlt- to bt at piuie with him prov lfi 7 ibis truth u illustiattd hen in qjinlel it wns also illustratikl in joseph gen 19 21 a 7 10 til i ira 7 27 jh nthtmlah neh 1 1 l 2 1 and it is illustiatcd tvivry dny all w need to do is to phase god lroe thy si iants i 1m seech thoc it n d is this suggestion wiis born of faith danitl had enough con- f idt nt ni his religion to have it put to a pricthal test his wls- tl ini i- tin wisdni th it eorritth fiom ahov i las 1 17 ii hlininh reward of dankl s i d ih 11 jl d inlt 1 s f ill h w ts n t dis iphlnt 1 tin ir i hint nam t ijn n- t i fm i and fittir in fl sh thnn ill ih hildi n whl h d d ent th poititn of th kings m it som til i st m thi an nruununt for i k t ihl di i it k in nigu m nl for obtviht ind se king to i ph i klihj j i d ut 2h 1 ii in v it 1 me wisd m is g ft th j jo j 1 ki 1 1j jm i tl 1 chron 1 10 1j job 2 s prov j g llu is true of wi tl mi in all its form but it is pi 1 1 nurw ntl true of the wisdom that is of perennial worth pbe condit ns upon which god bestows wisdom are 1 unwaeilng obed ient to ills will jno 11 15 ifi i jfi j prat r jas 1 5 7 col 1 i v i thestudyof the word ps illoohlon 110 it through ttls spirit that wisdom is gien kuke jl 15 ac fi id daniet hid wu- dom gktn to him in all xlslons and driams this wns because he had an especial work tt i form in tlu purposes of god ind in os- pi c i il plact to fill in tht plan of oi tt illust rites the principle tint i h ld in tht church today thit i whilt ihtrt is one spirit there are ditrs ties of gifts ministrations w ikingi nnl manlft stations and i that the st if same spirit divideth 1 in i i li one si t rall o en as he will tl car 12 i 11 thtrt is wis- i i d mi through the spirit for ever fc j t tntd of god but it- mnnlrematlma r euiind entirely upon the soer- i tlkn will of the hol spirit nnd tho v i woik to which god cnlh us their loiiit to god has paid where did those israelites who hnd comprom- ised stand itteamed three ears bat k ts if daniel nnd his friends had sjiciiflced everything but in reullt thej hnd gained everything i it alwns come out that way i how who oru loval toda will mand wme day 1m fore a greater king than nebuchadnezzar earth born wisdom will nvwer btar com i w 91 the quality tea salada orange pekoe 71 when spring housecleaning ikint put aside puhnlttme that can he reiiphoustehei our new pnltlrni nnd colors nnd expert workman ship will make lliem better than new v tor the btst in cheiterfied iiipholsterin phone 87 acton 7 duy nervlce no wadtlng kuity kolynuiitm urruiirfnl it iipuiinmi nn ita uphalatairfatg au4 mow iwwtkilli lbi l in is mnntlw lo ly jack sudekmann of john dick and son for sale by e e barr stewart eli jo it eltjorr bros carr6txs ltd dont try to save too much it may sound like uniuual advice froni a bank bui ita based on our experience with tkooaanda of depoaitors and we think vouu aprr it wnaible tke iimple necretof nating u regularity deposit money regularly and leave it t lie re until you have the amount you want for some pec i fie purpoae if on the other hand vou trv to ar more than you ran afford it become not only a burden but an impossibility yon find you have to mum one or two deposit vou find yourself drawing out vour savin for some current ueetl decide on a sum you can afford make your deposits regularly and oy saving the bank of nova scotia i a w haydon manager acton ont

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