Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1948, p. 8

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paox eight the acton free press tiioiuuuy may arth lu nmlem ol births kisrrla am dmiiib mr lasottil ihh column without jmrff 1m mmnrlm nolle toe nt pt mr otlltltml for olry coru 4 ivortfca bm horn jlompllt mr and mr ollhort romphf ni imiyllla niu ar happy tftjlttnnurce the birth of thalr anavat clutilath clrtnral hutpltn mi alfloy may 351 h imrf fillaida mv timl mm n j jbralrfrt nro happy to annnunrt i ho arrival nf thtilr tlaughur undo teniine on wtvtnotiday mity mill huh nt si towptis jlnanltnl oiiolph flhituorq httpmnin mr and mm h h burn hu 4 a el on wui to an- twumee tin hlrth nf their aor llinmnfi ajlon nt jho nursing homo cuolph street on mny 201 h motlver ftiwl imhe dotaif well moiuiow mr and mr tack morrow oar uptown hi plead ed lo announce tht arrival of their daughter linda nn mny 23rd 104h at th nurnlhtf homo tturltih stttwt ahor mother arid bah dntntf mno mien coopkil suddenly nt his lata reiddnoe howor avenue aeton on wediveuday may imtti 1wh kredwmrk conjwr nelnved hm band of martha monro heating nt tho johnston a kumley funeral homo arton urui jvidav afternoon where funprnl norvlrc will ho hold nt 2 30 ocloek intormont falrvlow omotory artnn in mkmoniam anderson in loving momorv of our niece connie anderson who dlod mny 2sth imi there li n pine rot far from horo ff dour bweet fin worn are lnld upon nor breast placed thoro hv those who loo her bout alwavw remembered hv aunt helen uncle til oh nnhh and carry hamilton ontnrlo 1antz in loving memory nf lorls dnuuhter of ceorge nnil berth n ijtnt who passed nwn mny 25 11vjh not till ho loom ih kllent and tho shuttles cease to fv will cod roll back tho cuitnln and rovonl tho ronton whv tho dnrk thrends nre as needful in tho wenvers skillful hands as the threads of gold nnd sluer in tho pattern lie has plnnnod tulnglv remembered hv n ents sisters nnd brother jr w johnson a resident of ororuretown idnee last mimmer k william johnson died suddmly ht his homo horo nn sntiirdwy mny lkth mr johtvioti had moved how from hullfnx rtfter his rotlrtmtiont mm mnrltlmw mnna tor of i hw northern kleetilo co purohnlnu william mrnahy houtie on icdlth htioot horn lll knuland 70 voaia htf ho htm ivoeu a momlum of tho no- them kloetrlo oruhnlntlnn foi 17 yoaiu firm servlnjr ulth the flni in monti enl calvary nnd toronto knllmtlnu from toronto with the 1h0 smrlamnna natlallon in or- vtnl oversea uu n field qtaymautoi in the firm oroat war afur uta war ho waa in puhlhlty work wltn tin flim in montreal ho fort fiolnu to halifax ho wnjg prominent in halifax oommunlty life and wai a pnut proildent of halifax hotary club pnut prelrtent of ilia nova scotia konnel club member of fh andrewff masonic loduo jmnor- niv mimher of the ttupiemi ininn- rll of the an ami ash nnd life member of the telephone ilnnonn of america acadian ampler he unu qtreuldtrnt of the halifax cuil- inir cutu diirtnc the war ho wan a member of the eoiuetown un ited church mi lohnuon ih mirvlved by 4iih wife the foimer kna peaiuii of alton one dnuuhtor noimn wife of wlnff cmdrw h slaploy of ottawa anil a uranddntiuhtor pn- meln caitns of thanks mr w 1 ould npproclnted the rnlln nrriendji and uioaawjl wen rartu nnd pnrcoln while he wns fatlent in sunmhrnoke huspltnl in spite of cloudy tklos the 24th was a delightful bolldaj ooorgvtown won fixim onk- vllle on saturdny by 74 in the op- onlna unrne a week from monday is elect ion day nnd like tho wewthcr tt a slow warm up wttrltls well underway on iho conerslon f the old creioi- the atre irlo two modern stores the building will be enlarged and now modern stoic fnnt installed at the wiekl met ting o the acton rotnt club on iiesda mr j u hostun spoke on vocational erlee and mr harold baxter ad- drosmhl the gioup gling kotar li- forniatlon art hdeaeon w 1 o thomphnii 1 1 inducted tiie funernl servloo on mondav from the mccluro tuni-i- nl honb with interment being made in greenwood comet eiy geo- igetown pnllbeaieiii weie j a men pminn innieh godlet k j n- wild tf acton sam maekonl mowal moore of nnllimifnd and k h swaklianit i jimii getow n llm- old eden mills 1jcahin1 auction sale kjvm hltxlk tuaotim tiiiucmiiintl matlltnk 1iiain kldkkiiitfjt kl ik4th kin lth linilerrilulltd llliu rveelvrtl tnuirui ilanu fiom uiauijk1 oakkh in url hv puhlle tturllmi nil lnl u cnn l littllliwh rinyjlutltp ullllht- d nn ll llluhutiv h nillih kitfct nf liueiili 1 mllin nmlli of hock- mwvf on yukmiav jklnk ut u4h 1 1 fnllnwliiir innirly nniiifly iioiisks wnll miiuiitd iviiin m nnil 111 viiiiu ttlil unoll 111 nil imi 1hhu 1jik1 ihy 1ws lllliik ciw i vfiuu old iliii iilinlll llhie nf 1h lr blue vm mmim nhl 111 full flow llllll inn mil hint inw ft jfiim ild in full flnu hikh mli itnnn ii ln fifxlt apill lul ulltl mlf jit foot iinv cow m vimiim old in full flow in eil mnnh llli iv inw 7 yr old dim iiini lmli inrl 1lniirorrl cim ft yenlm old due llllv nlll uev ln r yiinu old nillklim writ hrid inn jmit llnd llelftn hied april 111 li yiilinu cnttlii sleoi iduilll hot dm 1 nienrn nlimil 100 win- lei ilviii youiiii lf knd tnlf nlxllil too ilia iteululeied wluirl- linrn hull iwiin april 71 li limfl inwd hv tlmnuuiii slfwnr uilidpli onl sw1nk yoik sow iiifd mnrrli llllll vnik sow with hi ininu hlip iemlv in wnn nt limn of mile ynlli sim ullli 7 vnllllk lilttd ht utile ynunu ynl k sow dim illlv o h riirltly clinnkii nlioiit 17s dm lhimniv nnd kqihmint 2j llvlirld clili keim in wiika nlil olnnv iiiiiihih hvin nnd hhtll l llnltl shelliin 2 llloiuter stnven ieedeih ele iiahniss svt nf llreeehlnif renin llmnem slniile set heavy 11m itiau collnm i hull ivipit tie uluun khi jiuhlitl kill wlitiit tmi lllixhelu of lleiivy mlx- eil tirnln fid lliihhfu f hnrlfv jiitajivuiiilviim ftenbiilks for paintings tendvrn lor puintinu the exterior of the llldi school nt milton nnd ioiiik whntever kiuiu i iiecotoniry will he leceiveil hy the uiidraliiel until june iril all work to he completed hofore seplemher i ht huh the lowest nr liny tender not necehhiirily accepted ior iiciiiiih upply to the secieluiy a i siltoat keeretry noiili 1 1 u 1 ton llijih school olktrlct llourd c k hiiliinon hns lieet np- ihiiitftnl mnniiier of tlu how rile- i v l miklu of cuelph spl the lioil w n v ik mi win clllieilson spent a iliis wllh hoi mslei mis 1 a kllhil nnil mi- rillnt in milton reeenlh mi nnd mis ilnnilil tnloi if lliiffalo weie i et ei i vmtori lnlhe imnie of mi nnil mm itobt tlor ihwlik jiii lo mr imilj siewiul iaison who weie qlilell m in it il in ihe home of mi tint mis i llrinklow mrs uooke nnd oirohn of kll- i lielifl lsltttl in uie hnllle of ml nnil mis i w kiood mi anil mis w i urmlle nnd mim nnl of keruus weie vltsltnis in ihe home of mi- anna inulmin leielith mi and mrs don mrlhall mid llllle son of sudbury spent last wek in ihe home of the foi mex i pmeiils mi nnd mrs c a mc- lhnll ml ampmrs hen field of tur in lo lslied in the home of mr and mrs john milne inst week mrs heeet of ennotvllle vis- lied over last week with her sis- 11 mis t a in and mr in rle isllois reiinlh in the jionu of mi and mrs ii milnlosh wiie mi nnd mrs krnllk 1 oxell of tor- onlo mi ale melilosh of monl- leal and llss altken of jlinh klx- er onl mis i hennle of inelph visited iwer the holidnx with hei dniiuh- tei and soninlaw mi and mrs it lowrle mr- mil miv ieorie wilklit and tnk of thesle anil mr keunelli mr melxiuknll w lio resigned mr kohinson assumed tiis new tiull last wtvk meniliis of hie iniud lumli fnendl ill tie enjoned a showlni of moln jili tuns on suili sub- jeils as tin iioxiil kimih s isii ti south afilui ihe puuies were shown b mi 11 lilean nullie inch si mill and ihe cnth- eilni asstnibled htlei at the home of mis i lo ihlson win luiuh was seist willi mi adali date of uoik- woihi a studint at vlctorin col- lege lias been awarded the hi benjamin v wnll memorial schol arship in ilassis b the unlversllv of olllfornl i tlie lnlelsll of lor unto nntniuiucd mstertln lhe sihiilarslili one of vweial inlted sinus aw arils won b uniisrslt i m students and citulunles is valued hkelv pin ins mi md mrs john mi-ai- v ne mis w vurne and f imitlv of liilllo isileil o ihe wnkend wili mr and mrs eniil i homas miss loan frank of assicawea s nl the weekend willi mis li uiin mi lid mrs kimk i mini i na i nulls and mi mnnsell i-nwri- f 1 ikniw spent th holldav wk eiilin the home ol iheir jia rrnis mr nnd mrs 1 i low rle miss madeline killlllkton iv iu ipli visited with her sisler mrs ldw it walson and mr watson oi i the wis kei d i- uy mimiev hauls 102 i ti ni- lor fully etiimiied with lluhls starter nn rublier with landed i ires in perfei i eonilltlnn mw in into tnikhhutt jfillow tinitor plow new in lots mnssiv llnirls hind er 7fl ml mecumlik tverlllk iinitill llnnble lllse new iii 11m7 mnsuiv mm lis hav iindet tiih- sell or set lion orau mariow liealh new mnt1 v linn is iii inch thnp- pei as jood as new mnlllll forest cialn sepnlaliil si iii equipped willi feeilel ih ft m nlll elevnlnl elinff blowei in w iii iln nnd iih kood as new 1 iw1 ft hell m ii ii ft oil halh mowel m ii side ile- llielv i id i and hake dump linke ml ft hell otic shult mnllllie sjueadei no 4 miitiri llnrils ll lllsi- ferllller and drain lirlll sehon llaiimi massiw llalrls i7lintli clllllvat- nl sleel i mid llnllel wnlklllu iliw lohn d j flu low hld- llli ilow id llale illleinatlorjil nisi suiffler hilll plow turnip snwei jhow foi ii fiiltlwitor riinnlu mdljpoulhjlluliueiim wnion ikiv ilnnd powei fllirieis siiuks llilbbei llred all sleel waiion with hnikln henrlncs in w in 1017 iiw farm wauon sloop sioikiih ulfl hnv folk hope jllnvrolks lfi fl flnt llnv ilai li clillii tiunlji plllper sap 1an snp palls and spiles suirni ketlle horsepower ileitrle motor nnd nil smnll nrlliles used on n welletuliiiiiil farm lioitsriioiii coons viuiik ileetili fream seiurntor neark new moffat ileetrli- fonklnij itnnke phllivi lie illle ueetlle itefrlkfinlnr new in 1017 in pei fitt inndltlon j rout lies ultlenu fooklnu rnnue quelwe ilentei stewart warner fnblnel tleelrir itndlo uphnnrds hedstonds pnlts ete auitinneers note if von need ksmmi etiillpment tin nut fall to nt- lend this snle all implements nre as ktioil ns new nnil ihe live stork me in hood eondltlon there will in no reseive ns fnrm is sold nnd ow ner must klve powesslnn at nnre sale will be held nt 100 orlnrk i m shnip tsrnis fash noitilnk to be re- ruoied until settletl for tlav nf snle william a hirson albert ctav clerk allelloneei pluftii cuelph 7i1w choice farm for sale 111 iicies njipioxiiiiiitely wellinetun county nut ll nlly druined hriinch of speed kiver rutin full lenjitli nn horder of tiiiin uritk house urre ham hydio equipped oop included prae 14000 will ill so hell uh ii itoln con cern with implements mid live stoik lor appointment to view contact k l wright ilmne i5 aiih itattltftr inanfkj inflhlllntl inhthlanfk acinn dancing in claude pickett barn 7th ijne i milph north of llnnihy tuesday june 1 st modkunaiukh oltciikhtita modem mid old lime diiikiiii tool i look kl i ui slimi nl hoolll admission mir the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc ailvelllnoiiieiilit midtil thin heuilllm ihe uttmh willi orrhiv llii lo j1 wolds adillltiniiil wolds le mi- wold if tttili nut ue ipnny tlie liilvtiitlsniueiit mliiniiiini luit tine iiiul in i wonljiddllliiinil fin eiieh wind ovti jtl luluniiiitiiit liimrttlrti von halh fou maik f iiiili it hulldliutlols with ptml hlittl fiuiitiiu i lin win fllpps imlolni ii 41- ioh mali llllilnit itnnn sllltn iii uoil iiiiitlllliin wlllthtl rtiiistii llllll mli i lstldle iii mm ii lllvtl it lit mali i null lollies linn pules llnd wiiudrtil tillln iilltleli llolluhlllll tin nt wollljiltluh illltl inti fmiiiion i aelnn iviii it a 1 1 iii bus huikwheal fll fin seetl mell mnwil 1 till mil j lltiw stllffltl wheel hull 1 i tone itiiikwoiid phone ikil i foit sai i model ll wlllln en mnel mlfive with itmeivnlr alsn itlllllh lllkelii unit jllism llolll aiuid onillt lin w waldle ml mannii lllvd foi1 saii leu lliiolil itilll 111 irk hiiiisk link llalilwuiid flnnr lliiviilixhniltls mnl wtiloi- lltiillnu svnlelll in ehi eilunt i nndltlilll fl- ettlle hot wlllel ililllel hofl wlllel cuinii lnike ilinnllnit ihlillllt itoiiin i hi ui well finished sun hnnm lien mid minde lloiim mullet n llnlh itnuin hniise lleiiii- tlfullv tttt iii iiliil tin nullum and niiimteit nu ctunei ud with nleelv inndsiapeil 11 minds elielnseil willi a slnlli wall allplv iiihi offlie hnynn llj wanikii w w iwuwa nliiill lmki ills loin alliin tkltl i wan ikii tlil dininu room wmk apply lloiiiliitim intel at tun wanikii i li umilty li t oh lib l fll lum uliu uiind iviiiilltliln plniiif chmiiiuin offlie in aelnn i i t ill- nrriit ii mile litis ift t llhtl ufflie i wan ikit siilitiifiiipliirshl itlmv iiiiilieil at mini uuoil wt mv pleiisanl wniklnu isindlllnns pitld liolliliivs aiiply in wrlllni or pel still in ihe mhiim mllllhustl ottl llsliilf llllllletl itiyimplihl onl 412 wan i i li io pun base piillnlu nil tit ii finni eluhl weeks ti lav iuf ii i wnlitttl while au liinlin halt ed hoiks new llmnp- nhliiii llujil mllsstis ituul pi it us paid apply pwtdtllt ciikk llai- ihtlllit limited leluus llllailri 17 h wantiil teiideis will ha r- iilvid bv the undiiisluiind until mav list for palntlui italinoek- bllin bliiinl iii mil 11 ksus lni lowest nr nnv tlutar not in lewsalllv lllirtiltd apply clir- fin ii coles it ii j ailnn plme 101 l wanifli iieiut old nnd dluhl- ti i a t horns ft of elinrue hlltltrly imltn lo i hi ontario stock yards bulletin juirim wally ford tvry imndmj morning hamilton 1100- 4iiml 7 1a am lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials bacon hiikakfast hack kamkai ntic ih 7oc lb flfvc lb butter ihi hadi cheameky 70c lb i i i nailer miihmv tinrtui on lubber iii ail liileinalliinal tin lor ui 11 miihsev tnuttir huh wllhs sin una wnuuii illh wlllvs ion ll b ii ll in li minplh ii v wanhlnif mm bluet fji iniiiiidlnle tlellverv lletl inweijiwn mimn wnnds lleep ll ft f villi wniuln lllnp iii liiobls iltdjival ilfsslire svs ttm intel linllunal ini kail lai u i llsftl fin 111111 nt w manlid itiidln ciilllviiloit rm foul anil fold iflellstlli tiiiiiiiin mvdro sinoph lot liutl ami iiinl lf l inistni true i us ih 111 inlt imilloniil tliitnhei willi new tilneddfi it- am win k llnrsii wnoils i i til cilnilfr 1 vt le turn 11 wsill ibniie llvv ciollteltiwii h iioiuliiltni iliiv 3ioiim in at ton lulv 1st murnliik lo nlirbt illi it hun at inn htilmv flub iiati now fiu inlv 1st in ai ton out we do the rest m linllr ui- vltf 7 itavs n wffk iliitntstlf an- iniiil se i view mihckmtankoiih lawn mowiiiim nlinillenid by a nun blntt hiillle as tin fni fnry itsttu f i tiuuiliin mill u i tinstlfint- ivis macuukfjeateutd lyetdi jround oc hiunburn stenk odc schnciderh criiipycruml ijird 24c ryetih mnde og lb sai1sae ooc dnmcmtic shorteninu cohir- kancy itisd saijvion 38c lb tin red brand beef till iii hi loll wl i k 1 l viim in- fiu ynt ih iiiiik lln opi nlr v ihmc al mm ai inn iarlc iiv llllnli wan nil i e rfnl mid tie itall inh kit by play- lnr al mlltnti now 1 1n win to w al her in heir how ih yum luitllnu nv- etne on he un niilal jm nl in ly you ll have ro liouhln if you t quip your houw wltli vilon l lie new pliihtl hi reen ii doi h not lukt djw nlor rot nt hliilih we will im- klad to make n ri nt for you or mjpply tjie material if you en- joy wo i kln in thi evenlnu we tin vi- a few wellmade vomhtnailon dotra tn rtnrk hich wi ll hie joti at one of the many niietlrkh to be hi id r- ktrdlnk hi swimmlak ihi i 11 miuuritzlr mill km aki voii a virilm of imi iiv piovni rittirr a i fc fihiimi lieituil mi illi ine ilheil uu a tilullv fni yenin filllluh m- i f iiiiil tiinih iuji liver k ep iiihm in in i ivi- l iiim u ut in 111 f iiaiiii ollrut i iiniit khhi kiowlnr niiipaiiv 1mh opinlti in yoin tin mill tnt iiliti jit iimtillpoik pi i hoi iplemllil oppa tiinlly foi m re ive hut vidiinl i in mini i mutual a miihi wllli fnlnie hit it j ii v and liid p ml ih e apply mini liiand iloduifi 7i7 au-x- iiihimi monln nl tvl iouk itlmni ss loir hi itiilln inonn of home tur v li r iii nnarla 11 your ffort liii imiiih oui liiumi very llltl- apllal ih idi d it von hiivi trnvel- iiiil npiiimit hi i 1ft your ham i lo it wil h twneflt will- foi full ditallj kamihkx liirfi 1 ii loi linli r monlial 4fl ladiks kkam tiiih hawaii il halt nmovi d inntnntly from fine itririh uu with plajil llnlr itemover hnrnilei uavi hkm imfi and kinooth you cant lose money irornptly refunded if ah yftmh hm k afler third ofih mi ion with no uostlnn fckd coniplete treatment z ioatald iiodi iohtnue extra kuiwx lrdtirt iepl 2w5 uox 22 station u montreal qun itu the iktit unod kxclufluely it cohih no more tei nt suhx plus fav tuition mi dale will work toward his m a and ph decrees next er miss allan rjxj chiropodist trtt foot allmenu oar- tie lifht conifortaiile arrh- m or leather or tteal us prt- 27 arthur st guelph phone 139u stim shout ius shoring s of oils nnd fats et w orld rixiuirenu nts are to continue thiough lts and lnittt1 foi some ears to tvme j in 1vit evjmits of olu and fats were onl auut 3 million metric tons ag iinst pnwar exports of 5 million metric tons kxports from ill pr n ijuii prtwlucink countries i with the exception of north amer- u i and the plullipines were lea t than piewar the most serious de- i lines being in lnnehurln nnl indtn 1 hough exports in 19is nre es- timated nt 3 9 million metiic urn it still leaves u serious gnp between world supplies nnd world require- i ments hie countries which will suffer most from this scarcity are nnturnll those which normally import heavily and thou whose domestic production has deeltned drastically s opening ball game satur may 29th al 1 pm i iis- acro prk georgetown vs acton acton hoys hand oienihm ceremonies come out and chew the 1917 champions on for 1918 farnworth memorials mfiniinifnfs at mtideratr irirett i mli 1 iy litllkinr kltira ittl ut inrlnry i kirii cist j a floyd smith jeweler vat 1ieh fiofkh jkw kikkv qui bee iri ft west ileuii ont i robt r haniilton oimometitlst will lie at dr g a sirrs office ttemday even june ml fomiijctk kvehioiit service g every 5 saturday night s 5 luin maktiv z am i iih oiuiikhtha s clay ioit yoiiit uanctnc j illasiihk at ihk ii 5 iark pavilion m 0 acton z ithhiiaiimfcsra z mlfttion sale hoi shioii it hmll uk kl i or iii rmrii 1 hi mtri n i it urn iiwcm sminr i ii i itjohi a i n i is s i t u ih s milton sati iua jink sui fni ii rn tag nl 1 ttn ijsi t f t ho ing i ning kkjin suit- torimstine of lalfl fluff t t inn f 41 hi net and o ti his j sluliii u he 1 bimoil ni a j owusioruil tioir j ld- iar i ahh 1 kletn liodln i otl iisle j small i a hi i h i ij- uaiitiing madnne in x- cll- nt u kltrhin suit la irmm anrl gr en fffisintng of fx- tmslon inhlf i cmir and ihl- w aim hair kltrtu n cvihinet r old hi r svrnil kltrhn hiir khvr ijimp 2 sleoi iimu spring- and mnmrvvs j qubc ih it rs irsst nnd wnnhstand to rniuh i- 1 trie stov cook mc with rsnoir and water link hintir nuipt lh silent flo dil ilurntr cmdinols jew- s f fmhit llnt r im cup- hoard some flat ware no of phliip- qunnf t ofsealem le ij fdar 1iet full of beddlnjc and im n mostly nw nrr ua- cd iirg quantity of choice oil- ra fidd dlnhes co king illn- 1k pots and pans garden tools tr terms cash settlement with clerk on day of sale no iteneji ns th proprietor has od h s hous minolkv arul efjjott w rtnndnll clerk auctioneer b472 li

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