Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1948, p. 2

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page two the acton free press tiiimsday june 3rd 1948 yr ftithmtr1 fvery tliuriuley il aclao irtlirlo auttioiel ae iftoml elaee mall wpehtment otuwm cnpiee suikcrlrtion hatestjm xr veer la venie unlte1 suui je ejultbtnat muffle cotolee ti- bath uld em tw eiulreeaea ehoum lie lifve i wlter change ol eddreae u reoueeled aivertsin rateso eppucallna em slvert in variuua eolutiiii beedliilre atduub every precaution will de take 1 avoid ertvw ihe pre freae icnpll ajvelrtletng itt lie col umi fid trie tlhilerelemllitir that ll will bot oe ium oe any error in any adverllaeuent nubllahed hereunder unleae a proof of euch edvertleenieril la requeued in writing liy ihe advertlerr hud re turned to the fret rreee bualueaa nlflc duly elan ed ty itie advertlaer end vellh euch error or cor teecune plelnly holed id writing hereon end in that rate if any error ao noted la not corrected tiy toe rree rreee ita liability ahall not exceed euch a faroportloei ot the entire coat of euch gdvertleerdeni ee kite apace occupied hy the noted error ware to the whole apace occupied hy euch advertisement g amop dilis editor tpi epiioneiv- kdleorla and miialncie okice ij that the public should have that information if he doesnt know the cost it is obviously uri- wise to make the promise before he docs and as for iiiakink promises unit arc not koni to be kept thats a kind of horseplay th we can do without 1 public men imiy well ask the sitiny tlnnu from citizens when they jo pounding on k ernment doors demanding this nnd that vir tually everything that lohbyists pressure groups reformers and others wont from gov- trnments costs money the general public is the cow to bo milked for hint money only cow actually these election promises cannot be carried out without costing the taxpayer mon ey concludes the post and in sonic cases vnst sums of money seeds for crops sold by grade its your privikjre next monday the electors of ontario will go to the polls to select the government that will represent them until they arc called upon to sclcctanothcr it-is-the-duly-of-every-citizrrr- entitlcd to vote to exercise their franchise sit- tliifflsiftviiitu complaining about all parties will not help the situation complaining after tb government has been chosen will do vou no good either the democratic way is to get out next mon day and make your choice dont wait for some one or some party worker to come and take you to the polls unless ou are crippled or too ill to get there otherwise its time for toll over 21 to be canadians and its a rare opportunity that all have to be able to do their oun think ing and make free choice la municipal pro- mncial and dominion affairs we need careful administration governments spend our mon ey make our laus ley our taxes nnd con trol a great part of jour every da life make our provincial choice on monday and lav aside all personal nnd selfish interests and cast your ballot as 6u think best for the in who write uniform ijiwo uniform regulations governing liquor ad vertising m all canadian provinces may be written next september in the meantime the liquor commissioner in each province will be reporting to his own government the results of a special meeting held in winnipeg last week nnd will be seeking instructions on how far he may go in september in committing his govern ment a winnipeg meeting called at the in stigation of ontnnos liquor commissioner william gricsinger was devoted exclusively td a discussion of liquor advertising while the provinces cannot agree on most subjects it seems they can get together on the liquorquestion instcadofpromotirtg mooyr- ation in the use of intoxicating beverages and instead ot giving ancdiiciitional campaign for when the lint seed control ant was passed by the dominion 1orllament in 1903 the central thought la drafting this act eras the control of they sale of any seed which mlbht be detrimental to nsrlculturer while many of the principle laid down in tha orlfjlre- nl act have proved sound the de velopment of fnanai and ejapee- tnlly it production and tuetrlbut- nrnrrttt irm seed have necessitated oc- cajrlonnl revisions a new seed control act wan peaeexl jgu mn in the 1923 revision the name waul changed to the seeds act it wan revised in ms and the act pass ed in that year is now in force it l administered by plant prod ucts dmnlori dominion depart ment of agriculture cnnada la the only country in the world whleh has developed a system of marketlno practically nil farm t product under tzrade namea por example bnttn la marketed under grade and theae branca are well known and ac cented with confidence in all coun tries ebb are marketed under grade and the eotuumer u now ao confident of getting an edible cbb when he buys by grade that he eats more egg per capita than in any other country a number of other examples could be given nnd it is in line with this general principle that most farm garden nnd lawn seeds are marketed un der grade name canadians can buy seeds by xrndc vulhasiurance lhot they v111 get what they order choice farm for sale 110 acres approximately wellington county natur ally drained branch of speed river runs full length on border of farm hnck house large barn hydro equipped crop included price 8 km will nlso sell as n going con cern with impkhiuits and live stuck for appointment to view contact k l wright plume 95 realtor acton au4 iimanitil inculninfl inhltuancr business directory medical dr w g c kenneyv sbyaiclaua atnd surcob isukmw tp dr j a mcnlvea ofllce in symon dlock mill sl acton ofrlre- ihonn reaedencw st lborut 1b rishinc is an excuse lower consumption the winnipeg meeting dis cusses how far they dare to go in allowing the liquor interests to promote the sale of intoxi cating beverages and the meeting was called nt the instigation of ontarios liquor com missioncr william gnesinger adverting makes greater salts and the provjnees get together to see how tar they can rrln t sundays nftei sunda l isthonl or ucckdns from ordinnry go without shocking public sentiment too scj or cn nn ollu b bioolts iiro for little boys ot- htrs such ns stroillnr lovers mnkc ixrnslnniil use of little brooks but their emotions me not always cen- u ied on tie brook for itself nlor e little bos hold the brooks by tht pies4 iptive rlkht of comlnr jen- erntion afttr kenerntlon on sat- have coke itnixk sz s7r n in carrolls much ontarios drink bill is growing enough i without any advertising promotion but then i lei u a whole vote ftt c peuple uf ontario and canada ns vote as vou like but dont fail to everyone must be a gcorjre at the risk of becoming monotonous we again dare to discuss the swimming pool pros pect for acton at the time of writing this ar ticle meetings have been held with two groups and by discussion much information has been gleaned the final test comes tonight thurs day when the committee report to a meeting of all citizens in acton town hall it is quite evident that the swimming pool proiect in acton isnt going to be u case of let ting george do it if evervone isn t a george there isnt going to be a swimming pool and its going to take all of tht citizens past and pre sent to put this proieu across without any mor tgage on the future generation most groups are willing to assume a lair shareprovidej thev have the asswrnnse that all other groups will some across with their share- that s whv we snv from the individual stand point tonights meeting is iriieiul aeton can do the proieet it everv aetoiiian pusent anj past lends a hand overtaxed ctir owner aside itoin the oisiiiner tt h no luu r and lohateo thele sii tuthi lllilldot the i iv so ueioi thin tin niiitoiisi unties llu imiiikiii lull ill lives dueet md itnllllst irt idd id including the popet shm o tin le v v p n i tin velllsu w lu it lus hollilli ttu tvelle ttiotonst i i iiv pus 111 1 1 on the perition of his ti i i uh veil til in lu olu httes in pe i sunn iikonu t i ihat is i ti e iik mien- i id to plue iii ijl i hikw pien i i i nil iv evul i1u lit ieht in w despti ilu lundeii ot t i hum tile cuil idl iii lljotir illdusttv is ahle to sli ev trv eilr it e in tuin out and thinks to usiinui intej savings tiom the war period when motor ears and in uiv other noimil sonsunui goods were unobtainable theie ire still surtkitnt buv ers wilting with ssh or s edit to tike the ells as last as thev some oil the isselllhlv bile but there is no guaiantee th it tm hippv eondittun ean last it is easv and shear to eolket hun dreds ot millions in motor ind gas nvis enerv vear but that temptation sould lead us into trouble holnln time to junx across the ltiook or teeter across it on i r j j ii li lining trei or j t n foot wet oi i sou can never satisfy the brewers and distillers fni u rarnpell op suim j no matter what the cost to the oung life ot or tih or build ambitious dnmsj canada xho isgoinr to write uniform laws of nt buts or ih in the sand by i o i- i ulriftwikx firt citinr burned wtln- lquor adnertsn for all canada certainly not is ur pnv em1 of run the people of the provinces who are never ask- nnk nnd bidinp and firhtink nnd i d an eprcssion the pressure is on by the llirc brcuets nnd distillers umif bos still find linn lo inn to hie brook in spite of or- i anitd spoil nnl hit mov it s nnd i the fjenornl midway atmo6pht of modern lu ink tlu i ome h i mim brooks have proved too hard for iilhtion to orkftnizt ttpt uhtn streams run rirht throiirb a town- nnd even then they some times break loose the brook shutiits day june 6th to those who think of sickness in terms ol tht periodic headache or the seasonal indispo sition ot a cold there is a whole world un known to them it is the world of close and lengthv confinement where folk who for onelpjtn with its soil too poor for cul tuntion nnd iti trees to strnjinh for tut ting lemalns a secret miiii- k plnce fairly safe from adults onl now in enrly may do the adults come in nry confcudernble numbers but these men who move with nst attempts at silence alonj the brook are merely prt tending to 1 adults their reels nnd tnper- td lines and fnney tied files nit iiitnpl nated ext uses for uielikin tat k with pondeiout dirnlty to the t lub the are supposed to hnvi oulkrowr the brook world of link li s he 1nnud iknl reason or another must view the world through the eyes of others there remains for the shut- in the newspaper the radio the personal visit ation these three and the greatest of these is theptrsonal visit the setting apart therefore of the first sun day of june annually by the shutins day association when the invitation to visit at least two folk who are ill is given to us is of more than ordinary significance not that one should ftt1 he has discharged his full obligation by such observance one sunday in a ear it is but a token of our recognition and rem em hnin ot the shutin at all tmus 1i ai is k vs than 10 tars old w hilt laffa is mention ti in the ho k f joshua editorial notes lltilii the vote hols on moiui t it i in i hi s ml th tt the lectors uere intliutued b or irot l the imp iign jitnt thtrmntrthnf rosr brrrir- itttrcs ctrr wr gt i- n tis in j stiiubtirus uid i grind nui nth liking t c i thing mtu onsuu i it on dilllin i ii i l is tilt kt u11hik lit lid l iiki its i mid uuk eent tun t m ill 1 i lu iluiin i iiiniuh v iluijir ind tit h lul i s n mond t itfjienynu f liaow qlomt-u-wr- fo rnquir about tonlit lmt they are ddicatrlyhnted and give three big advantaoen t nr un uti oil the i n oun ui 1 1 i let nvi thut ther urtt r h v ur rv s r i 1 un- 11 ttn vi i ni 1 u m it w i ting to luajjr sonu v md d itt u 11 us thn ttu r goernnunt will it n js highut tuloit ut huiinu ehiibk tor the old ige t n sum v t c hi ird nothing hut pi i m s s siiue wi u i n i miung in in ind ttu fist w is ti m i in in n mud lrur itinc 1 nroivto pilue ottuers u ir iki ins inu btsii dismissed for brutal tn anient of t pi soiur hut little is sud ol ttu liquor proh km uhuh illegedt eiustd the prisoner to be moknt wtun arrested ind thus forcing the pol jti id use strenuous methods in subduing him u pmr uir tiiiti rn iwithrir mrrptrnnn vvr rfcommend and fil tone- lite lrn cecil cvrh n4o tptlral h pouli im 1i hih uelph ont lels know coot of election ivumbven every tune a politician promises anv thing he should be called upon to say what it uill cost maintains the financial post if he intends to carry out his promise it is entirely appropriate ln iw ot the fut th it tt is estim ited 45 per went ot the serious motor accidents have alcohol is a contributors cause it s a wonder that sifet slogans and drive careful bulletins uouldn t lav off the mechanical defects and give attention to the human frailities of highway traffic electric welding poktaable eijuument ww etui wfld rlthrr t our shop or on jour own prrmi- ra i- irctrir and aret icij wrlttliie no joh too big or too ajulill vmlerhon tm- ing shop main street arton near highway garage r6mar coffee jello puddings 217 tomato soupcu jt 19 vs juice ksta salmon to ox t1h dandee tea 37c 73c applesauce r2 t 25e peaiitbittei hzrz jc sm6hetti ice pridi or riaoaju sweet hid oe sun jie dekut li h peas t 16c laox tjh aylhh ob iiuets eed utted cherries aylmxk inoestsiho carrots jewel blended hhshorteningxir van camps 29 9c pork and beans lc jolly good fitted dates 1 x9c ko 1 white cahadiax honey s 35e javex lc x3c btkawbeeey aj erm ha vbctih ttc-0v- 6imcei ale x le itls 25c deroatt satae heinz 7 vami rtnil ibiralua hani l c heimt u titurir bans tmfc iihi oooka ipaohetti x ms ukuix ctdxb ob whits uvi veastablb ioup lit bath size camay llo jonxftoiri olo oot 9 wax tse i7 kreh hh- 1w n vs lb itnh spinach kjr ilonda sizi- 21 oranes i- size 300 lemons i7 sri bran flakes wila san oafglee x s5c cloeoute cnipits xe iistamt aiis t 3c rant emvuttes mw too clo tomatoes u lynn valley eas x iv s7 tomato juice arun tvi ia creamed sucab t keixooos obo vur ii si society doo food x 7 aylmeb lima beans t bbookpielb cheese t m 15c 25c 35c 30c im d a garrett khysleiaaut and 8ureeeal frederick street acton formtrly dr nelsons off lea office phone 238 iceiddenca 3is iknta1 dr a j buchanan otatal sureai office ilthmsn ijlock m1u st office hours 9 am to 6 pju xray gas telephone 148 dr george a sirrs dctital surgeon mill st comer frederick acted office hours 9 00 a m to 330 pju telephone 19 h wilson doctor of curapdnaetla klmuotbwslet bell telephone building acton phono 303 hours 10 n m to 8 pjn ijkjaij- c r u acton barvister x ssllelter nouury puuiek offles 2 fbonr rrsldauea 181 langdon aylsworth barristers solicitors eta offices acton cooper building it m iclnlr- ajnworth b a acton phones offlrei ilivl resldetvsa tu ioiktcmn cirpkory i hcatre biff phoii hu lever hoskin tluirterfnd arrountants successor to iknkinh v hardy i un metropolitnn bide ii victoria st loronto elc 9111 vetkr1nauv b i oung vs bvsc v rtrrinury surejeon nrrin bnwkvillr ontario ihcinc milton 1 lfir1 f g oakes vs bvsc i rtrrinar kurceon of fin und itcsdeice knox ava alton ilmne 110 ci1telxaneou4 johnstone ruiiley victor b kumlcy funeral home heated ambulaeass stiin ihe community for 45 yenr imhiih 10 ntrht or day i w1lioughby farm i agfncy ijii kisi si olllll accniy in canada iliad olfnc ki nt biiik lorontc hij town htprist ntatlve tom hruson ihonet jrorgelown 332e treurs iuide luycouh ijnes i o i iiis i i- a h acton i n liislit salnjf rime ijlmtliounil i 1 i in it if a tn 9 iti a lit -h-l- i t m rt p m u i in i 11 11 i in rmttmitind i l li pin ii pm i mi i ks p m 1 n s ii t v j i nnl t ih hol- i ii 1 s u i h is nl i md hull t i ir i is ii iidays kiia s v ii wtiowl t mil r1 linn lmtlhtuml 1 i m t t sundii 5 55 m 1 i n 7 in p m sunday only m in m h ixuii suiulmy h i r 1 1 ri t mil 17 iim iil mr u tjrti town 10 ii pm rt bound i 1 idi monday 1 17 am m ultv mil ijift ii m dally x- i ii sunirtn h47 am d m p jh ii im saturdnv only 13flpm sundi on 8 41 am itafttop h 1 r nt ulnh of pt saturday nnd suadn bl pm 1 w tpatterson ro speelallsl la eye bmamlhsllia ohjaspua i os wvnbiiam 8t ouklp11 aiu completely equipped offles below usher shoe star

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