Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1948, p. 3

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f phursd ay june 3rd 1348 the acton free press of interest to women mutjunh iioosino rflubw c9kkatb new tlecoro tho numlwr of new pormanont ioui built in britain during mar tuu feet up a frotih record 20357 won completed which is 3500 more thr the previous best mon thly achievement in december last thlu icood newfl 1m ducloed inof ficial return published recently of those new homos 18800 wore constructed in england and wal with 1500 in scotland figure ir- cludc the rebuilding of houses de stroyed durlrg the war in addit ion to this record number of perm anent dwellinks more than 3200 temporary houses wore also finish ed in march because a london ontario mans method of amoving ids in laws was putting pest killer in tholr butter the law annoyed him with a ninemonth jail aenbenoe far ipronspi weekly serrlo a all your dry olmiwhig 1phdt cuuttd in window each monday ob hiome 1s aoton cards may be secured at coopers clothing store or from driver master dry cleaners joe woods bowl gw hello homemnkcrn showor gifts can brlnjj pleasure to nil concerned when they bespeak apodal thoukhtfulncsa one way lo select a frlft which is just what the bride wanted is to choou from the com- monplnce rcesltles w use ev- ory day you can add a surprise el ement to n clothespin hag by fill ing it with commercially prepared parknjfcs of quick cooking foods a flower pot cease to be juat a flower pot when it dons an apron with garden ncdoasarlea fifloveo trowel aeeda etc stuck in the poc kets a pair of oven mttu will hold n fow companior items such tongs big fork and mixing spoons then too bottles of splcs beeohie n kitchen decoration when they are housed in a gaily colour ed box or rack if the party is an informal one the hostess may wlah to decorate a place for the gueat-of-iionour- jfry uilng some of the gifts a nlnthftfrmpfr flrrnm s 135h clothes horse festooned with crcp pnper as a trellis makes a good im itative rose arbor after the presentation of gifts the gntherlng of the clar may wteh to piny cards enjoy a singsong piny records make a brides book or sew for the bride this is the time for you to put the finishing touches on the refreshments a fruit naiad or a j olio vegetable salnd and a cheese tray with ac companiments of rye crisp bis cuits cheeie sticks ard molba tout with small cakes and coffee nre favourites pmracrfon hajlad 1 pkg lemon flavored jelly powder h4 cups holllng wat er 4 tsp salt v tap wor- cestshlre sauce 4 thsps lemon juice 1 cup shredded cabbage 1 pimento chopped cup khredded rnw carrots lettuce watercress mayonnaise dissolve jelly powder in boiling water or nra directed on the pack age add salt worcestshlre sauce lemon juice and chill until slightly thickened add cabbage plmcrto and carrots chill in refrigerator until firm unmold on lettuce and serve with gnrnlsh of watercreaa nnd mayonnaise yield g servings quick tomato astfc 1 can condensed tomato soup water 2 lips or ion juice 154 tbsps granulated golatlne w cup cold water heat tom nithanftqtii vote as you like su1rvotei roy w goodwin phone acton 40rg attention farmers we un paying the highest prevailing prices for dead or crippled farm animals horses cattle- hogs telephone collect for immediate service laing cartage operating for gordon young ltmttcd ibon gaalpasm nmount of water add oolort juice soak gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes add hot mixture to soak ed gelatine and dissolve mix thoroughly and pour into oiled or moistened individual molds or or large mold chill in refrigerator until set yield 6 servings swedish pastry a cup butter cup brown sugar 1 egg jolk slightly beaten 1 cup sifted flour 1 egg whuto aflighuy bteatero j chopped nub raspberry jam cream butter add sugar grod- unlly crenming well add slightly beaten egg yolk and blend stir in flour nnd comblre form into small balls dip in egg white then in chopped nuts make a small dent in the top of each ball place nnd bake for 5 minutes remove in a moderate oven of 350 degrees from oven press into dent to make 4t deeper using upum ox other blunt utensil return to oven and continue baking for 15 minutes iv chronicles ot ginger farm writi hodly for i tfc acton kr krm f gwknnovjtnk i clamor my men folk have been very busy thii wwk reseeding our spring crop one field had to be wofcked all over again nnd the en tire field resou n another field was reseeded just where the show- irg of green shool wan thin nnd hare most farmers nre doing the snme thing it is discouraging of course but then it is just nn exper ience that farmers hnve to tnk every so often and if the craps come along nil right in the end i nm sure there will be very little complaining of course sorno farm em with lighter soil mnnnged to get their grnir in nnd growing before the rnin came tlieir fields nro really looking splendid another big chnnge took plnce this week pnrtner turned the cows out to pasture the dnto wn mny 27 cbc please note the dnte might interest vour dairy ex ports you would think cows would be gloriously content their first dnv out on the grass wouldn t vou but no i altec thefirst hour which time they in turn chased ojher or n1niinrr olfann tractors can originate fire with the more general use on fnrmujbf tract om trucks nnd gns- ollne driven machinery care is needed to ee that this type of equipment does tvot beeomo u pot ential source of farm flren spanking before the 1m7 con vention of the mutual rjre under writer astoclntlnn of ontario the companies of which carry about 75 por cent of all fire insurance on agricultural property in ont nrlo mr c w cnskey solicitor to the ontario fire mnrshalvt of fit e emphnslzed the posalble fire dnnger from fnrm tractors nnd truckt point inf out that nuto motlc enrlnoers hao designed trucks nnd tractors so that the least possible flro hazard exists so long ns the equipment ls kept in good running order mr cnskov snld that most fires originating from pnsolinedriven vehicles cin im traced to one of the following poor mnlntonnnce the impoit nnt itrms are mufflers gasoline lins carburetors nnd the ignition svs em trouble rnrcly enmos suddenly nnd there nre usualu warnings of defects which can b detectwl in advnnce improper refueling and impei feet storage small qunn titles of gnsoline if required should be enrried in safety cans only and motor should be stopped mnnlfold nnd muffler be renonnhl cool nnd no smoking while tnnk ls being iillcd flcl when spring housecleaning dointt put aside furniture that can be reitpholstered our ntw patterns and colore and expert workman ship will make them better than ne g for the best in chtstirfitd re uphalstenng longor remove from oven and im- medmtek fill hollows with jam prvk ooooanut macaroons 2 egg whites 2 cup granul- nted sugar tsp salt h tsp nnilln cup dntes chopped 1 cup firely shredded cocoanut beat egg whites until stiff but not dry bent in sugnr gradually add salt anilln nnd red coloring to tint fold in chopped dates and cocoanut drop by teospoonfuls on to wellgreased baking sheet bake in a ilow otn of j75 degrees urtil dr on the surface or from 20 to 30 minutes to tem macar oons lift one from the uheet with spatula and let stand for few minutes if it holds its shape the tnllre pan ma be removed from the otn remove macaroons from i he baking sheet with a spatula whllt still warm iousij at the fresh green grasu nrter that tliey bejmn to bawl some of them remembered their offspring in the barn so they bawled to get back into the stable others bawled because they were thirsty they dldn t need to be thirsty there is plenty of fresh mnnirg wnter in the creek but it isn t what they hnve been used to so like spoilt children they tried hauling to see if the could get what tht wnnted that wny but that kind of thing doesnt work with cows so well as it does with children thnt is some children mill other cows were neither thlr- st nor overburdened with a mot her complex they just bawled be cause the others bawled nrd ut- unll the ones thnt have nothing to bawl about nre the ones tlial bawl the loudest cows nre not so v ry different from the human riee nft njl theyjl i h ligitimate object of gov ernment is to do for a community or people w hatever they need to hai done but cannot do at all or i innnot do so wtll for themselves in uillr separate and individual ca- paiitus in all that the people can individually do as well for them- slvs the govlrnnunt ought not to in erf i n abraham lincoln uction sale noi shiiiu n ttm iif kir phone 87 acton 7 dav service riuu ntrntm urrujirrj if dirhl on rr upholstrtof nru lumitirtluto i p to is months to llajr jvck sudermnn op john dick and son no waiting notice poultry men m e are pu me to da 41c per doz for grade a large white eggs 31c per pound for heavy dressed fowl halton poultry products phone 1 muton lh undtrsipned hi no ived in sti ui ions fr m iiauic smith lo m ii bj 1 uhlk auction n his rt s- nirnre oak st milton oi hatl kdk jrt 5th iimminink at 1 10 j in tdb t tin t dluwuik imtunh k om su it consisting of iatlf uut t lhtna cubine und u c mawn studio couilus 1 alnuutt rnw ok iiona chairs j lib i ir i iblts uettril kadto li- i- insl i iosli small iallei i h r i u ihlhi mat hint in ex t jn nt s i ii kit h n suite in t n mi jiui rr tn ns sting of fx tt isi m i nl h 4 ch irs and cabl net ami l halt kiu h n lnblnet odd t ha rs imvernl kiti hen h trs fl vir i imps stttl lied a st nnirs iid mailrxvu 2 quibee ii at i nresstt and w ash stand i to m itt h t ns trii stove tiok stovi with rt sroir and nter tank iltatir thjuippml lth silent it low oil bumn odd tabus jew l su ktmsler wot r pln cup i loir 1 some flat w ire no of 1 pi tun- quant t of sviler ir lui ttdir thett full of beddng an t tn n mostl new never us tvt ijiie quantit nf choice chi- ra of id pishes cotiktng l slls pots inri pans garden tools 1 1 rerrni cash settlement with clerk on da of sale no hewnre as the proprietor has sold h house hivdlky and kljjott v randall clerk auctlonen b472 hnsn t it been rrand to hnve n little warm weather it has even h tn warm er ough outside so i have at lost mannged to pull a few woods out of the flower beds wbili worklrg i hac nlso been hud watching iam year i said how i wished i had n nnlly good bird book nnd one of my renders wrote me telling me the book i should g t acting upon his ad vne i bought birtls of canadn bv i a pavener nnd found it to bt exactly what i netded given tht opportunity for close obsor- v it ton idtr tification of the var ious birds is a simple matter with this book to guide you yesterday tht re wtrt a pnir of birds on the inwn slate grty black cap nn 1 chestnut undertnil tht were very interesting to watch nnd my book infvrmed me thi v weie cat birds i hat sami tvening l heird a love 1 little songster nt the batk of the houst evfry so often he mimwl to sa jerry bob jer rybob i couldrm see him but i sat quietly and wntihcd pre- s ntl he flew dcai n to the cloth- tlint and to mv dttight i saw it w is ont of my littlt rat birds hk mate was nnswering from a dlst nut so perhaps thty ait nesting not too far away how strangt it is ui it vm itht r t inditiotjv bad for curtain tjims t f growth is good for others i his i old wit spring for instance s bad for irops semis just eatl i igtit for fruit trees but pei 1 h ip i shouldn t mntrulize- i am judging tnly ly our ou n kai i it i imi md i hi rrus hit tns wen loidei w nh blossom and rt look ts if in blossom hns stt i hivt tiop full lospet ttnl he bar v st ipplt it too w is a solid mav f bl im but it ti too enriv rt i s t uhiu on n suits u t 11 iun 7 is fciitiiv vir i los mi vt tht re stttiis to im vil little i m it mi nt n tht iir pt i n ill iny ne ould i ivt qiv hi who would till nn vv lu rt 1 ull k t k us 1 elslri n fiitrit it ot t mry 1 im n t m n ins uv v i iould nevtr b t l brib rv i vot us i lt i in i iu nut infiui i ed b t its ion i r nu tu t kirtv nirds im i pirt u hv the rik ut f x hirst mi u krw wlm rt it is don t vou salada accumulations of dust oil and rombiistlhemnterlal a innrt- nf grain passing the muffler too close mny tnke fire straw or chaff mny blow to accumulate on the engine clog the radiator pile up on the muffler build up around the tractor or truck to provide direct eontnet with heated pnrfe or get clow enough for sparks to irnlte poor judgment in operating the equipment or unexyiected accident tractors nnd trucki being driv en in nnd around farm buildings should be handled with the same care nnd good judgment given to driving n enr on n crowded highway the slightest neddent 4f burning gasoline is involved tan rnuse a distnmrous fire nkw pmncitle in taxation it is reported thnt a winnipeg tnxl driver has been assessed ten percent more than his returned in eomi bv the income tnx depart ment or the grounds that he re ported no income from tips and thnt a department investigation hnd determined thnt ten per cent represented n reasonable tiptot il for thi district in which he did business apart from nny questior of whether or not the cabbie hnd in fact lamed so much the idea thnt the income tax department may thus arbitrarily decide how a per son s income should be and thin tax on thnt imaginary sum u star tling nils year for the purpuai of leathering informatior nn ottawa department has sent out question naires to be filled in by farm own ers the filling out of thebe forms is not compulsory nnd the lnfor mation sought ls such inconsequ- ertlnl stuff as the siau of the barn ami other sheds the number of ht ns he keeps the size of his herd of cow a and so on in vnw of this winnipeg cab drivers case might not such ques tions bt the forerunmr of an nxbi- ti n v taxation scheme for fnrm- tis will thi prtitdtnl establish t i tint the departmirt may dt ide how much ii citizen should be i anng artii then tax on that who can t i when the story may end skill of the photographer ts of mui h murp imjwirtance than the camera in taking good picture annoiincement change in timegtacble june departmental grade xiii upper school examinations algebra and english composition the minister of education for ontario announces that the grade xiii examination- in algebra and english composition originally scheduled for june 14th will bk written instead on friday june tlth no ex aminations will be written on monday june 14th the revised time table for all candidates roads as follows jjthday june ilth 9 00 1 1 30 a m algebra i 30 4 00 p m english composition specialists in warm air heating air conditioning eavestroughng and plumbing our aim is to give service to our customers and instal only the very best equipment at the lowest possible prices we handle only the bestt b f murfin sheot metal works plumbing heating eavesuvhifftiksg eorgotown phone 138w i toil tiik iiiijhtkn an island iuhj sanct1 k hu k uil f ravhilm off tht milt of pembrokeshire wales h is bi n bought b brit a n s kovnl siciet for u4 protection of blrtl rlvsl lin w hi h lutt an an a about 1 acrts is thi home of be- j twetn m and umii thousand wiln of kaniuts whith rt there ench summer the trend b to flun and edit the j action before televising rather i than show it direct i hear premier george drew discuss the provincial election june 7 fnda june ith 10 f 11 00 p m hl740 toronto vote progressive conservative june 7 m fci fcv i run fi hriviiodab i i r

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