Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1948, p. 5

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thursday june 3rd 1948 the acton fjee fress miss gram lanlz detroit spent the week end at her home here mr and mr h e sutcllffe and bill detroit are spondlns a week with friefri here mm cordon mckay or toronto l visiting her mother mrs e a wanabroueh this week miss clair hillock of tororito visited over the week end with mfi sayers nnd mis gibbons mr georjje jlvtulrn of aurora nont the jserkend with hl par- it mr and mra fred jlwrliw mr and mr lynn dawiion and children of chicago m vlidtcd with mr and mrs harvey walters but week mr wllllnm malnprlxc is 111 nl ho ruivlph general hospital and all wish hltr an early return to bond health mrs caldwell attended the hamilton united church confer- once at mcmturter university in hamilton last week friends rejrret to learn that mrs amos mason is 111 and a patient in guelph general hospital all wish her a prompt recovery mr w h clayton manager ol the bank of montreal is a natlcnt swrehwi lnttrb quinrrl of cjanaaa aotoa otttario rkv luoifl fitmmxxna parsonage bower avenue sunday june tth 1m8 2nd sunday after trinity 1100 am the hour of common worship 1 11 10 conitreealloy of the child ren of the church 12 is rm church school in sea- church decorated with lilacs 7 00 pm the evening sonde the old sonin the old message- a welcome to all acton takes georgetown in baseball saturday continued from page one x j paok rtvm allans tingle wore jftft on olattam knox church acton rflv x m audtmatn ba mo kkur in st joacphs hospital hamilton ah wish hlni o prompt recovery mr and mrs d u hutcbson of gait and mis clnlre hillock of toronto spent tho wekcnd with mns p sayoth church and prd- rlck streets mrs cnlducll attended the wed- dtnc of her brand ruhow caldwell kerr nnd miugnret rlcjinrdson rn at st clcmitj arllcan church saturday in toronto corp f w bowob waa her for the weekend mm bowon nnd family returrtnl home with him after a holldny with her paronto mr and mrs john lambert rev- and mrs o u fllndail of bnllinnfnd attended the graduation vxjorcjsm nt toronto gcnwal hokpltnl lost thursday night nt which mlfts warda rutledre was one of the trmduatlnc nurse uniuy junh fith 104b 11 00 sum morning service 1215 pm- sunday school and bible class 7 00 ptn evening service they that wait upon thu lord shall renew their strength acton rv c4ia fct gowwt htobur sunday june fill thfj tttso ajw 2juay school 1130 am oods favour with- 1 j 10 pm communion 8 00 p m thursday bypu and bible study report of b yp u convention ftt albaa a ccfyurrb ahc11au r rav w o luxtan mr f i wright president ol snnlph ron faf boa i attending n directors meeting at klngstor of the ontario association of real estate boards he went boat and enjoyed the thous and island cruise visitors at the home of mr and mr ed hufnapel on sunday were mr and mrs gordon pearson du i- dalk mr nnd mrs root reld aud miss linda shvlbournc mr and mrs j lone mr and mrs j a held nil of toronto and mr and mrs allnn samuel arthur sunday june 6th 1048 second sunday after trinity 0 00 n m sunday school 11 is a m hol communion nnd rerinnorv on is 7 00 p m evening prayer this church welcomes visitors two mantel- nnd footltt and allan bunt touiksirip klfmttliu the visitor tlgfft threat wns iwhlmllitte in on plnyer ajachl a jnpcnnuck catcher ho wns the most corjnurfent of itf in four trips he smiuhod out throe hits to pare georefctown everett wlloon with n two for four rnn up two gents from baxter labs led the triple a nt bnt mnnters with three hits lit four tihpi hod a field dny at tiho evpenie of gibson who looked unconvrnrtnhle in the first plnce pee wee showed him prrsonnll where the ilvowern ran aj rohlnton made n itnrtllnir climb when he nrntched three infe itltji out of 5 ti ips errors plned n hie pnrt in the papermnkers lots four bobbles were tabbed on rtt nu the levljcer acton went errorless geoi jelown looked st rtmu on de fense when they nettled down t he tnnk eon frori 1 1 iijj t hem jfroomlnfc art nddltlonnt mound-s- men would strengthen their cnuic nsldernbly r h e aoton 000 122 00- 7 12 0 geirgetwn 002 000 000 j 8 4 umflirei whltemnn nnd mninles baucdct srimlcr ajid llndsay-r- w n tp mttre gibson spence nnd ajnrhl wtr nlnr pit ndei i slng plt- liettgtoso ii 1eorjjelown stoiey as norton 2h if glliwm fl 2h wilson cf scott rf wiley lb ajachl c tho rnton lb dillon if sperce p aouin mamers 1h j watlot- jvouie 2b masnles si footltt ef allnn lb rohlriton rf 5nyder p seventh lindsay c tordnn it morton lb when putting nails into a plaster wall place n small piece of adhes ive tape on the wall first then drive the nail through it thla will holp ire vent plaster cincklng and linking tape van tw removed i i nfterwnrds i engagements mr and mm g arlof dills ac ton announce the encasement of their onh dnurhter frances eliza beth to mr oarer ce rodrlrk proa- cr b a or ktrklnnd lake the mnrringe to take place at their home in acton 3une 26th it nvt news one of the bulletins issued bj industrlnl accident prevention as sociations this month to industry in ontario points out that nccld- pnt prevention kj t news the bulletin states that it is not new when n saw guard saves a mans hand but that it k newt when the hund is lost that it k not news when safet cocci es save an ee but it is news when an eye k lost that it is not news when a man roes to the first aid room for n minor i ut or strntch nnd pre vents infection but that it u news when infection dev and n per- notice the prefildent and direc tors of the halton union farmers mutual fire insur- nnce company wish to an- nounce to its patrons and ot hers interested that mr c b swackhamor of rjv 2 actou has boon appointed as their njent for the territory form erly covered by the late fran cis brydon nunentciisabllltv or a death re sults finallv ttu bulletin states it isn t newcwhtn tie stairs in a plant are kept fiev ot obstruction but it ls news when bomeone trips oir somethink on the stairs and brxwiks a 1 k or arm v armim adlcntt ibc is raoe aoainht toie 17 farmers have combined with enfiineers to undertake a big rec lamation scheme on the east coast of britain w ihich will wlr 1400 acres of new arable land from the sea in a race against time and ude thev have set themselves the task of budding- n sea wall 5 mll- i long in 17 week the whole ucctss of this farming adventure depends on completing the wall in time to prevert the high equtn oc tal tdes next september from flooding the land to be declaimed the scheme is toeing larried out ir lincolnshire on the north coast of the wash at present the land is a desolate stretch of salt marsh hhlcltds covered by tne sea to a depth ofvavcral feet at high tide ach spring art autumn our favored irresponsibles ry joseph lister rutldjss som e tlmtes it appaar that standing on ones own feat has be come an unprofitable virtue wet seem to have replaced the belief in the rugged quautlti of selfre liance that built this country with a aentlintaulaawmivtqnhsljh ineffectual the improvident and strong government tt l i sho b auredallliin campaign gets warm at halton nominations continued from page one ing the old ago pensions roforej trntlon nnd conservation program increnso workmen s comperatlntt nnd to include farmors in the workmen comvdiumtlon scheme dr deans paid tribute to his op- ponents adding he held nothing qleisoral ngnlnnt them only they belonged to the wrong party rhrouftrhout hw nddtess he humor- oiihly chldcd col drew and his government adding hydro wns a flimsy excuse to lnll nn election tor he in id thlh was to he nn elect ion on the hydio uefltlon but now it turns out to be n promlslr nmpnlgn in one port of the pro- vim e he promises n univorhlty in nnnther ho will build bridges nnd in another munklpnl giants i nm sony he did not come to unlton for it is hard to say whnt ho would have promised us he declnrod dr dennn told his nudlenco sev eral importnnt items were pledged by his party i hey included in- tieofllrk the old ago pensions to 10 a moot h nnd decrennlng the nge limit to ears not ollect n provincial income lax asnlst hospital without nriutante from the nmusemert n field institute two weeks vncntlon with pny for industrlnl workers nnd to arm i at young fntnitfih to set up their own fa mis muwi c i lnll as he paid tubute to his op- pone r tn he said it wns the third time he was iplnting his name be- foie the electois of unlton and vvns proud to be n member of i government under the lender col the hon deoige drew i here is not n bigger or strong er mnn in ontario thnn premh r col the hor toorge i he spenkei could hardly be henrd am idst imios nnd npplause many threw questions at mr hall through the din settling down to a normal meet ing mr hall explained to a quest ioner thnt the ontnrlo stockyards tendered more service to the peo ple at lens cost thnn hntl previously been done under prlvnte ownership and again he wns forced to almost stop as he pralsod the stnnd of his lender in renderin av n i a n d never iwten a vole taken in halton and you people have not asked for it jin couriered t ho praised premier brew for taking the members in to his rionfl- dence regarding all mil he said they were put beforo tlm council nnd dlscuhsed in council before they were ipikented to the house he alno read figures which ap peared in the local paper stating facts about the increased grants made by tho drew governmori to halton county adding there wero many other bllh nldlng the pro gress of the provlmo nlrto passed by the government hf was proud to represent when mr hall spoke hla full 10 minutes the chairmnn nskod if quest loners hntl hrtlnent itoms they wished other candidates to nnswet as no further questions weie mnde the meeting closed with tin national anthem by boos and youll ado it arjnh kit by euxabatn ardent it tha parfect partner to trav fhtad wltti nqulut ellzobatlt ardan eissnltau for lovluvu the ardinstt kit auuret you of baouty wkwvr you oo 5 bttttk browti of rd coopers drug store or even more benefits than accrue to the man who standi on hits own foot and boars his own responsib ilities let ut consider two such oppos ite tn men both let us say tmrn about 4000 one u aside annually 500 in savings and in vests another 500 in insurance protection he has 3000 remain ing out of which to pay for tax es living coats and pleasures ttia other man confident that tho im personal force that he calls the government will assume his ob- llgatlona saves nothing and as sures nothing he has 4000 to spend yet they are taxed equal ly a sort of bonusslng of irrespon sibility recent l mr murra cotter ill president or the toronto labor council unwittingly took the arg ument a step farther in chall enging the increased cost of ser vice of the consumers gas com pany an increase made necessary no the company overs by a 470- 000 payroll increase in the ast vear mr cotterill said that any increase was inexcusable so ions as one cent of profit was going to private shareholders we do not intend to debate the merits of this specific cose wo mention it only because of its bearing on the case of our provident man h must invest his savings some where it might be in consumers has stock though the particular stock doesnt mntter for if mr cotterllls argument applies at all it must applv to nil stocks the provident mnn then is further handicapped by having his savings depreciated now if his investment cant earn a profit why should he or anyone assume the risk thal ln- vestment involves yet if no one invests how do industries finance their continued operation if they don t of course both of our men are out of jobs but here ngnln there is i dlffen nt e i he i on begins only a little sooner than he had anticipated his policy of leaning on someone else dut the independent man sees his whole program of life go by the board aavlngs eaten up insurance lost or devalued yes we cant help bellelng that we are loading the dlcr against the man who wants to stand on his own feet flia dress again for britain uuus it hs been nnouned that for the first time since the beginning of the war the brigade of guards will again wenr full traditional dress for ceremonial occasions the first big event nt which the color- ful and picturesque uniforms will gladly once again be on view to the pub- continuing he ok plained the drew government had ndt added yurthei taxation on the people other thnn the gasollrt and am usement tax when that field was vacated by the federal govern nn nt adding thnt 4 million amer- uan enrs enme to ontario lost year he naked the audience if it was not fnlr to assess them the 3 cents or half cent n mile a it am ounted to for the ue of the best hlghwns in the world chniging that there must be communists in tho ranks of the liberals as they hnd already stolen some of thciplankn from tho ccf brought cries of shame from some qunrters of the nudlenco dr mar tin ngnln called for order as mr hall invited some of the hecklers to the platform to make their lit tle speech if there aie not then keep quiet he cried no person offered to go to the platform n in vited referring to beer parlours mr hnll stated the drew goverrjuent nevei ordered them as he was in terrupted by allan clements may i sa something upon invitation he proceeded to the tlntform nnd took hu place bt side the spenkers i will only take a minute and then i ii get down he said as the ihairman allowed hlhvto proceed sirce you broughw up i would like to know whykpyare still building beer parlours nlktor- onto when i ran t get enough material to build nt the present time i don t see wh they are nl- jo build places like thnt w lit n we cannot get the mnteiials i tame to town todaj for cement and louldrlget any however 1 found some and cime here to the nueting over 10 pt ople came to my home in the country from mll- inn seeking a place to rent and live i just tan t understand it im not n lommunlstim a darr good cnnndi m and w ould fight igain for cannda but vou seem t i cill i dlsntibfled canadian a communist t hat all i hive to sw is he ret ned from the plat form i as the speiker p rot ceded to in form his audience that bv openirg crnkt til bars the drinking of hard liquor had been curtailed 50 000 n the first eleven months mrs c k stevenson rose to question wh if the government hid curtailed the dr nking of hard liquor had it not presented the fig- ura giving the amount of beer and w ine that had been consumed in the same perod mr hall statist that had he had the figures with him he would pfetaiit- uic but tfa gov ernment hnd not increased tho practical ways of weed killing hxperlmenls begun in 1017 at the dominion nxperlmentnl farms nt brandnr mnn nnd swift cur rent snsk have been cnrrhkl to the point thnt indicates there is a definite future for 2 4d ns n prac tical menrs of tontrolllng certain weeds in grain rrops nnd flax ttnllufni tory results liavtf boon obtalred through the application of 2 ld solutions in volumes of watei as low as three or four gal lons per acre this development mennii thnt 2 is practical for lis- on large ntds nhd the succmd achieved when this chemical is lls popularity because 2 4d is selective in its nctlnn it in vnlunble in tlw dest ruction of susceptible weeda during the crop sensor but its uso alio suggests limitations in its use as a substitute for tillage in tho tintrol of weeds in general fho cost of applying 2 4d will be itv the neighbourhood of 175 per nt t in 194h or 00 cents for the chemical nnd 85 cents for mnchlnery nnd labour ploughing on the average costs 1 40 per acrs onewnylng 85 cents nnd cultlvnt- ing 70 rents other thnn ln stand ing crop it ik cheaper to use till age implements to kill weeds nnd j 1 d should be ctirsiriered mainly as a uj ful supplement rather than as n substitute for good till age practices not all weeds hy any means lanbcklllod with 24d common mustard nnd ntlrvkwied enn readily be kttlrri p l rwcdtly kusslnn thistle with difficulty while cnnndn thistle nnd sow-thu- tocnn be killed to the ground but heavy applications ate fecesanry to kill the roota wild buckwheat cockles and blue lettuce are prac tically real st ant giossch and wild oats are definitely resistant low pressure boom spraying is being widely adopted spray rigs ore ntow simple nnd relntlvely cheap but machines powering 30 to 40 foot booms are necessary for targe acreages because the spray ing season at the best is short spraylrn with 240 for the con trol of weeds in grnln seeded down to grass nnd clover is not recom mended because of posslblo ser ious injury to the young grasses or clover a gospel meeting wim be held in tjie town hall sunday june 6th 730 pm jospei- hymns no collection a hearty invitation extended to all wherefore he is nhle to same thorn to the uttermost that heh 7 tome unto fjod by him 25 acton hat june 4th 5th tw sltaw nltklly 7 m fm lonunuatss saiufday holidays frau tm matliuwi satanlay aad holiday at t dm monday matliim at t pm hint hihkday monday kimtlon rmulta will h announaftd duhas th the inherent vice of capitalism is the urquul shailnjc of blessings the inherent virtue of socialism k the equal eharlnk of miseries winston churchill 1 he nearest approach to immor tality on oarth is a roernmffnt tmivnu jamei byrnes also 3 r wild irish techncoioa 16 songs i sunnyside beach toronto free stage show nightly 800 pjn dancing sea breeze 900 pjn sunnstde potil open iail free porkino for 5000 cars picnic areas available for out oftown visitors for rehcrvationh call ii 0357 mr van evern lie will ik at the trotiplng of the i public iiousei in halton ho ex- colours on juno 10 the kinds i plained that a municipality rouost- blrthtlay wlion this ceremony was inn a referendum on closins houses reviewed last ear the guards would bo able to do so by making wore ordlnurj battlodicss the pror petitions rbero is your name on voters list for bisection information telephone 128 acton liber l cmpig tie durters mill st vcton vote uberal vote deans x l

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