Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1948, p. 6

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fhok six the acion free ihess news and yievs of llalua ttunsjlnfelreat llaltok ifobmn twtltli miwllng auutslullnk humvrx v iiuiiiiivmi llallim bikler i calf uil mitwr atlitwll ml tivlllum ham mjrfllnu hll al hi riii vf llnlrtthayii ivafaurar till vwllv n yvwilni wmk iv i iillinl hum nl lliluiilnu hml lwti imivlilml y iiwim f i in imintv imilxi lti lraiwpiil i imtl imikmil ll rlmltiil llu- ntfiilal jmliron utiprmf uiilllili ol hi ontario akrluillinnl iii1bi anil tittruo punnat houtiln hpui- ninn i i in illurl i 111 nwnuli u lili h wm tiuniilliwsml li auil oilliiriil lmjnviiiallw i 1 v intel u ivmatisi thai i i iwi well known hiismlir of 1 nomnn tvntnrlo liml won llu il awar i among tin nilullu ami ioo tlo mwilh mlllni ii nunilhr of tln mlllon hokiiln oilf ln uns ii nil ill numlum show linllitii win- prwwntml lo llu two ulnrtnrt li v o llnnlim of nnrnl lit un rrvulili nl thi- hall on tluh llu- urobinmmi nii c v- r i ion riiiiia llu llnlton otuh in tlinii inihi ilirt ai mliliwi l i i v mitnnui nmmlim lirflor of tliinflim lnrn alllnton mr mroiuue in r moat inteivstlnk nnil praitltal ailttrofiu tuilllniil many of tin niv- filnj anit llvr imk prmtlux fil jflw frf r otrtuifttm thlwm followed b a rtluiiaslon mrlol led hy mori nuuliim of thnafton fterm th intomnllonalh famou tttder and show man a r wood- by or milton nhl plvnihil the thanks of iii imm- iinlhprlnb in all who hnil onlrlluilid lo tlio aucccoi of ihi- i nine lumli r- ved h a i-ommllti- of indli s undi r thi rorennrshlp of mpv v j lawrence hroukhl to n iimi uiaion one- of llymost inltremlnk nnrt aunttful vtnlh nr siiihh h the hnltln t lub hrplin tvliu tornib rraildnl ny atrlrultural office when the farm home k equip pl wltb runnlnc wntr nnd n com plete plumblri stm wnn imo of a steerage dlhjil stcm 1 oc escnr tlic approved method i mplu 4ank of which ihore are tua itms nnmi 1 two jinm- cr nnd the lnkle recptncle typo rhc two chnmhtr tpp b pnrtlcu- inrly odnplwl lo modlum nnd larce infltallatlona such n lnrff homes with more ihnn u peopli chook liohjiltnk and othr public liutltu tuuu in unseu enured dlstrcta for tho wrnpe fnrm home the sing chamber type l quite sntlnfnctor altj la much simpler lo conatruct and also is contjdernbly cheaper porlabjo wooden forms or molds for building this cement tank have 6n built b uie department of- axricultural erelneerlnk at the o ac and are available on loan free of charge nt the agricultu ral office milton win re full de tails or the construction nnd in stallation of a complete sntom la also aallabe on request lurnl llmihtuno will iw ntni all of whli h to prow hint while vivnito nn ouuundlllif conlrlbuloli la onlnllo auiliillluiv thore nm nlwnyy now mihl nu outing up nml wnltliiu lo b nolviwl do you lay lv hoqiu thlm nmhorf i mttfth- ana harwllrf t cuhii h nn llu glinl illlijoill ol hikdmwii iranaai tlonu in lunula niivi mini li iliiiiit not null if mill ul iii pu ii i lillw in insli ou iiiiiv be imiti aled in the ml mintiiuih of pnimi nl by ilieiium otte la almply hint thin meuiiiil ilmhliu mmi to umiiii i am inn loo nun it i iihii hi loin piihui 1 iui nioi1 uoplo jou ilouhtliih know w lull a in mini ho lu1 leili oi ri nilpla hi i iiiim in foil hun ni found if tlu nn hill in mil nolle in your linnk tup pji iiienl on a uilslnlil luiiue ami um i mill it y xiil hiiiii in i nun a n iivilpt tliiu proiiu ling you oii inn iijo thli dm mtvlng iimi nliiii b op nil g in nciount at tin lot ill hunk of monlrenl liuimli wlllhun olnytort the ninoiigi l nml hl staff will wel limit hie opportunity to lie in lp fill wasittimr work min anvstill fltr jinichiiks ajfaif smwi liod doublftj juijdfa td yields have ben more thnn doubled it kanins tests of the use of ddt according to r- i throckmorton director of tho kansas experimental stntlon as n onurio alfalfa seed telds hove leen declinirt ui the state for several jear the climate and latdt of polllnatlnc insects have vpen get ting tno blame but the head of the deiiartment of onto- moloio kapwih stnte college nbserod that leaf hoppers and plant bujr wre fehhnk on the al falfa buds ard causing them to drop in test in1 ror with odt in sulphur to control tjit hoppers and liucs one f u id whi dusted with 33 ihiumls of 10 p4i- cent dd 1 in sul jihur duit h r acrt aluut a k h ftrt th plants came into bloom tlie untrtnted area produced 13 kundav of clean itl setnl pi i am hvr- tho mated art a it lded xt pthj ndn 1 r vui t hi esi em nebra aka th ue of imv1 duit the cut- tin bak of thi alfalfa to delay bloomlnk and the importation of horn b h it suited in a inord bruklni teld one lnrk ranctur who optinte 220h atris is n port ed to hii tnated a 150 m re field of alfilfa and thin nioviri in 600 colon s of bee just vhti tht blosmuns win conintni on lh resulting sm1 crop was tin heav iest hi ttr birotluecd running m than wh ihs per iiire ihat souniu lik the sort f ild sonu m our nunwin in hilton and 1 uwst t k t bark around hmuvti s tmthlrt tint i ven in r important thm simm soitiru in llnlton at the moment is to jr a good trtnd of alfalfa lust todn your report r visited i new jtand if alfalfa in a field on one of our het trafalgar farm and the al falfa wak ltkl to say the least while there was a aood catch the piits are xplrtily short a yellow- lah fttpea in colour and the lower leave are already dropping oft we wonder if it u the daflclencv of lime in any vwt soil samples have been taken and we antici pate that at aepucatlw of agricul- lw lit xlng in the face of all the evl deme thnt theie ih oil u nun ii work to go round rut there nt indltatlons of a growing impntl mie with ruih misconceptions in the present nogotlntlons in the un ited maes between the publishers nnd the international topograph l nl union there ls n suggejitlon that one of the most hoary of thfe uitnmt mlght have to go by tin lutnul poit venr ago in their t ffort to spetii the dt livery of m wipapers publlsln n agreed to hat wns known as the bogua rule 1 hu rule pro lded that newspapers could mcept plates or mats from anotbt i paper to enable tht pnw rs ti combine their efforts in the inteiest of grenter speed but one tht urgent need was over nnd the papers we it on the street all this material hnd to be mt in eacrurthe nevi spnpl ra using ir rin n without it ttr imxlng ser ed n single useful purpose the type was ntntn dlstributtd this make woik rule was populnru and rea stnnbl know n as dend horse toi nothing can be dtntlm thnn nn t ffort expended to no useful end lhls idea thnt has lived for fort enrs stems from the fixed bellet that if anjone ihortcun an operat ion he nbs a worker it is ono of un reistns for added cost thnt hi neflts no one whin arlcw right invent his cotton spinning machine in 17b0 dire results to labor were prophe sied doubtless for the time some w orkeis i t re inconvenienced b the change for all changes whet htr good or bad involve certain dis locations in england of that day thin were 7 000 persons engaged in tin production of textiles it wns just twenty seven years later that a full parllamentry tnqulrv wns made into the industry just twenty stven years remember but the inquiry disclosed tho fact that arkw rights machine far from rob bing the worker of his job had in creased the number of workers in olved in un industry from 7 901 lo 3j0 0oo or a little belter than 100 per cent fcxpobtb oaqv illffher dollar alm of metal woodpulp fish now print and farm implement featured canadian ex ports tn kriebrtiary acoordlng to tlirt yinanhal poat export roae i0t over ha aahie 104t month to sj0h mjlllotut of wrtitch mil mu- llorta or 4a went to tha united sltatee a amallor rtjrur than the exmptlonally hltzh figure for jan uary but almoat 40 brtev than in kehriiary hut ihtaiijan 1ia mil aaiia i vt r tiufiul miillo lluwll ih ihtt imliwd you mhotild and mtks tn hill niotti than mlllloiih wortti a t ai lu iv iih pin l of in i i nm palgn to imluhtn nut n yj0 mil linn tiuih- derii ii with iimnla r poi ih 1 hit i innm lal pout mull ih a llralllan kn n luoad it nf hlmk viii h ty as lompared uith tin long lnf india ami t y- 1 in vailetli h lite jiade lw uolni to lu lnvlttd tti tample it nt the inli inatliinal lnnl 1 nil u nl loioiito mii u fun u ihu will he the flwt time lttall linn ninth nn w rlnui t ffoi t to en tei the canadian marki t wlih jiim lit w food piodurt and the flrnt tlmt she has hnd xiiffli lent rotluc- tlon to vvariant the tffoit nairtlhkfl tullmkiv nature hi not to he dlamiirajr by the bewuderlnfl problwn of manklikl despite trouble almoit overywhore tn this narrowine worlddo8nltpvnwtfoodahart nes in n inige part or the world dea plto famlnn and dunater and ths droftilful human mst of the vv u nr nature bns jimt nhout bal anced ita budttet sir john b orr slatea that the net population in crease for the world since the outbreak of the war was better than 100000000 j t11 lp head optometrist eycfl exnminod sclentificftlly iiearino aid natterieh quick repairs to glahflefl hlnoculnrfl fiejd glnssch etc ss st geortes hq phone 1520 guelph bit sd veara tin sunday school a lrfmon hdntoav jtini- j vhihatl iv phi mm klimr diihui htl lie it known un- 10 t h king that wo will not hi i vt thy godm not woiuhlp tlm goldt n iniaui wbli h thou hunt uh up han i ih i i sin 1 1 si i inn l i 7 i i ih fl 10 kxpomltloh i an idotntioiik pmn laniatliui i i 7 nrtluti iiadnejir nuuh an tninui of itohl with tin idi a of unhylnu all illilm i in nm bj tin wuihii lp of hlnihi if it whu a wit uitl i on 1 1 pi ion bill one win h t uleru in ills t n hitvi i nplt d fi nm linn lo linn as iil llu tasi of tin unutri hi u i un n toi pntltli al rjftaniis lo not hihltnii to ui nlltflin lo dm un i tin ii t tliiu it rails hit i itin wllh tin pndli tliins of lllhln iiiiiphii that ir tht i nut djiyii and pni th iiliulv in i hi piilihl of trlbu intlmi nun will wnihhlp the in ar mil ion of tallin who will ruh ovei tin in ui v 1 i 111 1 jo in ihe tlmi or nt bin hadimzar mm it was a faithful i ninaut of lows who would not how to tin linoj i ev n tliouuh i in ulnu i om innrdnl i liy vv r llkt mo n ilib ii jt llu sottlni wan n itrimif fi ant a holiday initial mimic and dinmutlt dluplny 1 hi pi oph wine ainukjuul tounlhui fui llui cul ihtallnti i hey wio reuluuntid it flluilpllni ilfnfiif r llul utter li tiie htketts tht appearance tf many towns is mnrrtd b the habit which some of their people have of throwing small articles of paper on tho stnht or uldewallcs this jfives ail impit salon of dixnnur and lack of neatness some people seeiq to think that if tiny buy wimtthlnj in a paptt bat oi wrapjmr they i if tiitltltd to throw the baa or wrapptr into the strett 1 l y tan makt a contrib to tlu appeal unces of their home town if the would throw such hits of pnipcr into a proper recept at u or take it home and dispose of it where it is not open to vlev a lommunitv v he re thk habit of taking prop r tan of utter la ob- w reti maki a an excellent appear- antt und its poople should be lomphmt nttsi on this careful way of handling nfus4 makejlfour selection of new wallpaper rami the largest stock in western ontario irioed to uuit everyone v youll find it at chapples bookstore iih wyndhum st fludph angus krnnkdi proprlitor aboit uons iu nallv ri i n t know when a bit of news will come in handy pr alt xnnder kemp of west cen tr il africa iliscov i rinl that pen iitlin along with its other lnnunv- i nble idvantirps was a rry ef- fiitii prottttlon ukalnat the more tin i it ntal advantages of being bl- ttn or mauled by a lion we pbj- tin holtd that information among uiose hems that wo are least llkelx to ntmd tli en virtually within one wtck two ontario kids on two separate occasions in their instinc tive capacity for being in the wixing filart got themselves a bit mussed up by a circus hon it just goes to show that all education hat its usee 2 uiurdilp tin itiin on llu plan of uura ftlniiiltnih ouslv nt tin kings eimimnml whoevi i would not w nrshbp l ho imai would be tint ir to a fit i fur unt lh musli nlluitil and the furmim terrified i hiih llu pi o pi i wen led into fnl m um ship nnd tin judgmi nt thnt nwnlted it itev 22 11 ii loyally mid binvtry of ihne si ivanls of fod 1 1 18 ni but hadneruir was not moved in i nl for what in i niihidenul the i nn oil in was nngiy biiaum tin v flirt not worship wny godh llu inuik vvhlth i jiiivc set up a km at dt nl of it hiouh zeal is this t burnt u r ii is always at tin hntnm of 7i al for ourhi ivi s j n ml not i il for fiod thnt liads t i i i melons pf rst cut ions shadint h mt- tali art abi dot j o n hnw an oporlunlt to show tin mclnl thev an madi of v oim di nt i to ml nn a n dlsolw tlli two tn ni inn hadm vat and dlsobt dleno to ni but hadm jlt nn ans n literal furnntl of flrt they stood the list tin in vt r film hi d not fnltcrrd 2 mm 1 12 matt lfi 2i who is thai od thnt shall th liver you out of my hnnds tries the fur ious vfbut hudr e ar lie will pel the nnswei to that question that otl is ithovjih dt fylng mini is not jirt ivx 2 2 kl 18 vs 2 ki 10 l 17 i in y jtatl no m ed to answer v ib hoeausf dtul him m if would answer a trui child anil st rvnnt never nt t ds to nnsvv t r the slanders of his enemies lust ltt him qulltl wait upor od god will answer in du hint mild his nnswi r will he won tl rful it is a beautiful faith that tiicm hi brews displayed in their t aim confide nt e in cod that hi will bring tvtrvthing out all right vol ui ii tin ir words v 17 their trust was wholl in their oel i hey win no mntrh fon ne hue hadm m but thhr fiod was moit than n match far him god is nbh nnd will diilvir th ise who vrn and tiust him he may rot k t p us out of tin fit r furnace but he will tie with us in it nnvi i hrlnj us triumphantly out of it i w hit hr through the sam eioor by whth wt entind oi b the door m ttio other sldi that opens up in lit eternnl glorv what tht st brave pnrn nddrdisvrr s t wi ri not suie thnt thty would t nm oul of the furr act nllve but tlnv vn re suro the wen to be i deliver d from nohue hntinezznrs iane and now i r ih due ri spect whhh tliest dauntless men paid to th it king wwked as in uas u wot thy of note nntl imitation con t nipt fir t in autheirlty is not i i mark of true falui luti 8 9 it in h 1 1 ki 2 17 rn weii n t absolute l tvrtain thnt i w nil si thm from suffer ing but thtv wen c rtuin that the i v uld ob hi- wort v 1h thnt i w is mi livnltv 1 ohe j iki or- 1 v iu n he shields us from th miff ilnj invohid in otmhllinte is i ilu not to ot i him at all but that is ih w i in wheh rmn hi 111 dmul kuthfulnt v b 10 oanit i was nisei put under svi i t st his w isdom h nl wor him is it t w tr with tlil king nnd h enemlts wwe jealous of it itiev kni w thit tin would onl snare hun imhiius of his iiivwt rvlnfl t fa tti in d sei thev contrived a j tuir that if anone in the king i dom should ask any pitltion of nnv od or mar for to dns he should i east into n dm of mom vs 4- lj hut daniel eontinueel hk wor- j ship of od as hiretofeari he was tnst into the d n of lieins but cod was with him and the latter t nd of daub 1 wns greater than j before it is by such ex in mi ties that men leurn the true worth oi faith ir cod heb 11 32 12 2 nrhtino timh i he wskm now eomlnh hi ar a linn of bnut i nte real to lovers at mil ufe as iihmmj ar tin day wtieri th bims tite luillitlng the hltli iiohiu w tilth will ihi tho honiea of their young plrnr la a thought of tnmance hihiui tlitwoe tibmln and out tiffettloii of the birds for their imilij and their t hlldrmi la ihfiimlitu o ww i he pallunt lab om of iiirent hlrdu tut they dig up wot unt and hugs to fill the tnotitlia of thali ofvupihigs nra nun of hi inifd hetiiillful phltina in nature many hueu ahnw wimilmful skill in the way they build their uoatu and kiiitu ellulay n remarkhhle in niiih i in the way tlmy oiknial t in he htiiiu h iloliotikn for in htatu i ate mild lo liulld their in him in the gniu nnd then to iteip iiloiuc under the grans when tiny have the in ut and rlsa from a dlffi lent itput nn that tlinlr mot imi i will not reveal tho lot a i ion of the m hi one diian suvm thnt lie iked iim n boy tie in a meadow tlmt wim full of holmlliikw find in hunt id in that meadow ngnln and again rm hull in da but was nevor able in find om ihm iitiuo it had boim ko t h vei ly coital d w z thihhiairjljninrd 1hh m r- bracken ukai kfrratk and enkkai inhuuano mortgage loans arranged ltlrete4iijillv of mutual ufe auwurmice u im dancing huttonville park wednkhiiay kvkninrj modkunaihkm saturday evknint al kiiiin t omint arihaction liert niosi unel liis 16 pieei orrlirhtra hatiiilllay evening june lhli your vote for the outerome of this election will determine the future course of this province for many years to covne quite apart from any political considerations you have before you two entirely different points of view the progressive conservative party believes that this province has unequalled opportunities for development provided that our great resources ore put to work under plans for the future which will provide the eltctric power and other requirements for the greatest period of expansion we have ever known our opponents do not believe that these opportunities for expansion exist it is their nghlnndtheir duty to express their own opinion about our future they have done so they do not bclit vt in our great programme of development they have acted accordingly and will continue to do so you know the record of the government and the many things it has done to ad vance tht interests of all our people you know the tremendous programme of develop ment which we have approved and which will go into effect if we receive your support on june the 7th wc believe that is the way to assure employment in the years ahead on the otlu r side you have a static point of view which thinks that all this development should be deferred until the threat of uncmployrmnt which they ore constantly pre dicting is actually upon us developments of this kind take years to complete and the best way to maintain employment in the future is to provide the power and other resources which are needed to keep employment at a high level that is the point of view we ask you to support i do wish to emphnhizeone unusual feature of this election the communists in this province relatively small in numbers are highly organized they are supporting the ccf i recognize that the leaders of the ccf party have disavowed this support the fact remains however that in every riding except two where there are comfflttmstandidocswnowere lastlegislature thecommunist voc large or small is going to the support of c c f candidates this may be un fortunate for the ccf and may be against the wishes of that party it isapparent however that the policies of the ccf party find sufficient acceptance with the com munists to gain their support no matter how worthy any individual ccf candidate may be you have only one way of making sure that your vote is not going to be joined with a communist vote it should be remembered that tn every country where communism has come to power including russia it came originally through an alignment with the socialist party in thatcountry you may think the danger is still far away here in canada only a few years ago they thought it was very far away in those countries which have been brought under communist slavery within the past three years the time to end the threat of communism is while we are still strong and free not when freedom hangs in the balance and we face one last desperate decision this is not just an ordinary election with democracy threatened all over the world as it is today this is an opportunity for the people of ontario to show by their vote that they really believe in the right to vote naturally i hope that you will support the candidate of our party in your riding no matter how you vote however may i urge every one of you to exercise your franchise so that we demonstrate to ourselves and to those living in less fortunate lands that we really know the value of our freedom never has this province advanced so greatly as it has under the progressive policies of the present government our programme for the future provides for still greater de velopment in the years ahead with the great opportunities which are before us i hope you will give us an overwhelming mandate to keep ontario strong through the years ahead progressive conservative on monday june 7th published by the ontario i conaervatlw asotiatlaa

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