Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1948, p. 9

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thursday june 3rd 1048 the acton free press political discover in h mnnbltdoj category of newt ik tho report from rogliia of a trecnt speech delivered ry jacob hen no n ccv member for lost mouftaln in tho snukntrhj wan xwofinlnturo mr bonuon hiu actually darod to criticize his party finding thorn ots than jwsrfrct on mruny points hi dootovt like t li system of party dlieclpllm which apparently rslucw tht ulatui of m la to that of rubber idfcmpft he rffwimt like tho txtrnvntcanctf of the ccf ttdij onumorth budget h docan t like and thl may k the most unkind cut of nil the kovornmont s kplurlnu on wh inl arvlcett vhtt ccf dirt not invont kpend ing on koclnl wrviro which nr mmotsc the common devloeg foi bribing the taxpayer with tin r own wioney hut they hnve nlwiivs acted ftb if they had n monopoly of virtue and lovlnjekindnciw to wards their followman their chief way of proving i hi in to take money from smmt of their follow men hoping that not too many of them belortr to the ccf and ftpread it around among others jiopng that few of the beneflclar lea are uberal or conservative novkmr bemaon hns bluntly told his colleagues that when the cov- errtrnont finds it hns to cut these social services it will nlto find lt- mlf unpopular it is a discovery that otlier polltlcans have modi in the past the gratitude of oie lectorate for apparent beneylts is less certnln than their resentment at the log of anything they hnve been taught to consider as their h ght the-printod-avord- your eyes for better and more comfortable vision consult r m bell renistered optometrist phone 22rl2 ern acteen topics wrwilt i iiitiyi well the long nntldpatetl po guln prom last friday brought to nr ftti n hlgljly sucrpfl san we will mnke nn attempt to ev plnln ih prom as one attending would wp it on entering the door ou pay the unnll ndmlfwinn pftki on to the front or the magnificent pengulr club entrance illuminated by a gr en floodlight anil lgn your nnme 1n uie guest log deugned and pmdueod by tlenn brnleln iienlly n work of art the gtil re ceives a dance program and you pawl through the rtitrnnre to be wok omed by the mayor and the reeve that brirgs to an end th process of entrance the gym floor and tht orchestia are the next thing that mwl our cm and enra we wjll reserve further comment on the orchestra an i simply say for the price they were paid they were very tnndequnie in fat t we might even say thev ruined a well planted evening to continue the gym floor was dot orated with black and whit dreamers around the walls and at ong the celling the orchestra provided the music for rinni till 10 to whrr the mayor and reeve mnde a very flttlrc presentation to mr and mrs t cray for as sihtancc in building up the club tsports ejpjj came jianwyck hi mliyol i pri5k7wl hrgrel mi their l nvlng town and presen ed lohnnv with n love 1 silver hglutr and mrs cray with n bentltltiil bo qiiet of flowers mi tonr iomerville was the olden irl of the 1048 pi ngum prom and rec ued n gold com pact an e h jnnj buff t lunch was ser id of yindw ictus i nke punch and othci morwls following the intermission the oicbestrn finished off pun the tening with nmsi t for danc- inj siimmi r jobs the new sw imm inj ip ml and a multitude of other it m imn jip for consideration tin uifk hut so do nmlnations and the torn up for more con suit minor so wt 11 just ghi n brie f lomrmnt on the second topic men horn d tin new swimming pool is in its m nnri it co ntion it will hen fit utrjone in aeton and a lot from outside as will it ls not just a topic for old tr ptople s consideration but il should hold a monopoly on teen age topics ns well which is precis h wh wi have prtsented this sub- j 1 1 a swimming jmol for acton le n agtrs ard that is jou no one has twin calud on yet to give an financial or that type of support but it is still probable they will hen the are ilnce teenagers don t hne nrr consltunible sum to donate w h could tht ac teeners rtu band together and mnkt a con sid robh sum ko the swimming ami in alton will he truly a com munit projict tliink it otr hv ii yijch lnst snt ui day s unmet in tin halton counlj i eague could in ar indhntlon of indlvldunl sttength of the r spective luht in whut liromlse to lw a clos race for fin al load ruhip of nmftt n garni sc herluie milton ren wid theii determination to hnd the lnsj b downing onkvilh while atton won theii first game of two staits from reorgetow n pretnt standing mlltor in lt plnce by virtue of 2 consecutive vietorkh ovei last sem estei s ontario champs acton and oakvlile shnre the second runj with a win and n defeat resrjiettue lv and eorgctown are sole c 1 lai ocupnnts with 2 lossis chalk d up against thm lnst week we hnd our slgt nls mled and reported torgeiown defeating oakvlile on openlr g dny at tbe port lown ibis week its an apology qnk milt sank ttorgr town 7 5 on tin dii in question opcnirg day in acton was a corded little fanfare tans attend ed in large numb rs how i to kw what they anlltipatid would bt a tijht fisticl affair between two ttndtloiml 1lviis since it wan a ompniatively as win for thi liu ta1n the ottkamk of tomorrow h ah aur itiitllfc- any lav that appfks to what o m i o nti juih i in n d in his own ffurt ik a tax impose d on lnitlu tlve and dm lug und vision low ver great oi mall the vlslor oi tin darlnl nin u thr arc still liialltiis thai nun n wants lo whom may the uwnrris more ju t ly inmi thon to the mm who have taincil them not ihhum they in jo ii mte of pa hut hiauu they off 1 1 n quolltv cf hi iv in whin ever w diwounn these and justify ii ixptdlinij wi ai laving human piognss and human piognvt irvolvis vi i oie v liu vision that iransfornud tv ipi i at oi of a mum ii hk t li shop into ih hi adrjf a fabulous mito- motut i mpire and in liter tally ininid him as fabulous a foitine just wasnt a thaiuv it wiisn t fnvouiitlsm or any pnultat advan tagc of birth or foitunt howcvii on nifi aigtu jigalr si ixicptlonnl nwniits this must lie ndmtttd at 1 must ix admitted in the grunt majority of siuh ase the tarn r of the foil une stinted from senile h with no advantages outside hlrvi- i if no advantages that were not imuall ojh n lo nn otln i individ uai hnd henry ord remained in ills hicyc i all op io on would li tve trudged him hii profits no on would hnve thought of him ns a aplinllm oi chalhngid his right to push bis business as far as in i i ould 1 hi woild would have lucn i satisfied uinl u had his lights and jmvmoreutm4wwoi4e lvw u 1 1-alm- he n inim asurnhlv pooitr iilcin iliat lln wisn clina pointed eorgetown an vvoefullj veak on tho mound in fact thtv haven l a hurlei capable of lasting nine frnmi s with one e ci pi ion siottli intti rson hut and th s is official siottu is ri t rnd from ptnvlng on satuidavs h a job nh wi vild a jul pei haps a cjuiek switch witji the hockey executivi would put iatuison ir a position to plnv on sjuurdavs i mph jmni is n spi unlrv of 1 heirs im sndivis slants had wh i sal stuki mils on hi mi h ul ms whit uniforniiil vlstiois i luru i n batters wh ffc d at his off rings tli most of w horn sue c umht d to a she r tin p that math the m aji ir ludii inns 1 hat is all i t om an ail lit t it lapni ex baiksli p an ihquisiuon from hramrdon he knot kt d tint e itas i t ague rs at d proved to lx tluir bt t 1m i at the phrtf j 1 he se litslult does mil rpsumi until satuida in oakvlile but liu i luvtmiies opi n on h rlda t igh lit n against milton hist t mi liampmns and it is thvlous that nspirants for the team should ths jia i fait 1 powt rful ball club whin vou take into i onsidi lalloa i all tht e spirit m i most of them j have had lohnnv is guldirj a p w iintiiuy ln i out all the rtlfftrtmih h twnn man and man must imxi tins limltatior it will level awav i all ihe adv inlagis tliat csciptlonal mi n tiring to the world mnbe w wi old in mert mailv ttpial foi what incentive would inniiln n make old me n to tlrtam drtam and vountg men to sit v sums if men ieall want the ri mot ot t n or that pi mne d esisli nt i who ts the matt r with ih piisons and pi nltinllnn s sun now he n it is a m in so safe ot so eipjal with i i ikhlhii i i m n kt i to i and pi dec til he is li him d at i ft tl i inl in d ami nsliu t l ill u lit n lo use and when lo i o i mil what tt tl in lui i a lint hit sstcm ciiks not i hue tl mt a w h s tin ems iui i n i ii id of new t ill l pi i h h vide emrile jin nl ntl hai v hunn fi in whieh car iiinn atfn i v ui ili mu i s ll st ikl 1 1 v i id more bread for the world i maiisyharrlt combines enable one man in day lo harveil wheal for 55000 loaves va more food ll ovailobu lor ih world today whan itt naad ll datparate becauia canodion farmari with only o two thirdi incraaia in numbert ovar 1900 ora rjrowinq v tima 01 much gram producing 2i tlm 01 much milk faadlnp twlca 01 mony cattla ond 2i timet at many hogi raiting 5 timat at many ehicliani bacauia lhay ora providing jhg nnri vpnrllngjotlmatrnwualtwltaal- ortd 10 tlmai at much flour farmart ara doing it bacauia individually thay produca mora today than in 1 900 but l meant hard wohc and thara it no hardar working group of peopta in the world than tha canadian farmart but hard work alona would not ba anough to occomptnh tuch ratulti thay do if byjaconlblnalion of hard work and modam machinery typical of tha 0at afflclancy incraaung machinery of the farm today n the self- ivopauad combine plcturad above which matteyharrii firit introduced in 1939 with hi mocwne ona man can cut and threth anough wheat in one day to make 55000 loaves i bread modem farm machinery hat increaied the productive capacity of canadian arjrl- uftufe to where irprovidet an abundant mrplm for the needt of lho in olhfr landt and makei an important contribution to canadat great export trads similarly matiey harm machine are helping to increaie farm production h 72 eounlnei of 6 conlinenti masseyharris company limited eifabfiiw 1847 innlpeg brandon regina saikatoon swih currant yorkton calgary edmonton vancouver toronto montreal moncton xkszfet cleaners pickup and delivery service phone 272 fob the best in dry cleaning 111 ukul ih m this icim npiunst what 1 nh uill in touh oos tion iiu visit our modern showroom 8 garden stwt ihelph ont opp fire hall itntnfn ami mastk tilks inlaid linoleiih waix teles inotejlrd in kiuixmih lutlirooiim ilailvw ston orlore etc i 1xvor handells i or lit nt or w ork done keating tile e0 uvtlmt e keatunig iiinuik tutlph flihillng ix r co ihon j11iiw ikiji1 aftrj- hour r5bm during the past tiilmin had i lie reputation a one of llie largest live poultry buyers for the american market wo nrlueed tin- mitstaiuliiil rating onlv through our manellouh putronate and faith in our solicitation our object in future as in the past uill be to brim to ou the hijrhet market pneen 1 1 hbf pick lpi phone collect dyyt1me vsk fok alle trodlce uter b 1m phone 130 valley produce arthur ont ai tein park k humming with nc timtj iikiiin htr nikht in the wttk tt is divotiel to wme prnrti ml uv riii baseball diamond con side re 1 etnt of tht nest in ontario is gradual itkainlrk some of us lost prciie to morrow night the juvenilis optn against miltti on snturdn morning under tht ikiiin of bill hollow n tht small fr sw mi into lutl action nt uuln i iht tlurt s dare ng to tju hltinj ihvthms of btib mnrtin and his i jun ntenl ort ik stia asll tniit d tjiu mux and this l- just a tint softball will bo tern mt m iril an tla now and th swmimii ih ol rumiis a no entrt in und tins fine rommuritv r lav ui d vt tin mor tot i k it itkitl t t i ui m m hem v i l 1 i w i i 1 i nt m t it a lit i ii j i i hii i w i w ll 11 1 s i i i s i ii sn ii r mu ml sti ii j ti lit r i vi i s it il i n s i k s t i i w i i h riis bisitall i w and i ill i in i i k k ii i i i fl nn i locks both an crv iu qui l i i i m s n i i i i i i i t n i w tl it t i ttil is i i w v ish m u w t rt t us m 1 1 t i i 1 i t i ii r t 1 i x ii i i lit i o i k 1 11 itk 1 ii its 1 1 i on tow n t h i in 4 i m t n i i ii in j demonstration of essotane gas ranges sat june 5 630 pm 1 0 pm imtltun ill ujs kiiint n 11 khint niu t iis hrit i n h is jnrf t d t t w rid s f t tut i in fi r i id mhicks it jr i t nrwy wis sji w n c tin ust tmu it tu ilntish lidusjili h nr lilminh im llie v ii til st is tut l tin i mi- mule it s a n l e r st f pm ion tnjin itinn it is nuhthi ir dinnneicr r fttt lor v and weikhs nl 5ei lb its t t lath s art half an nth in si and its hrnkt hors kiwer is lurfqu alt nt to modirt 15 to 40 lip tnjint a remarkable feature of this inline is that althouah its r atural futl k ditvel oil it will run on ttnthlnjr tial burns with continuous flame petrol pjir- fln or tvtn old candle endi advantages at a glance iiintiuit hrat inilih fuutrr i till raiiiji if hiot eontrtil it iui fuuill- iml mkt i r- from inivuritirt ll i ttniiith mlvf ui t rli ixirivt rs or aut nuath innitiiiri nut itmsoimmis riiir uwvs tht same k la onl for what u ur i otowil on tlir nirttr it onmuiit unbulhik fifl upp ttr not otfimtrd outr luir hrtmilt or kwt oiortacrs- ulirir ure autonmtir ir s men tlon t ntr jour home iiimjuntfthl inavtllatlem im4trd aftrr rntirrly b imiwrul oil umltesd by imperial oil ltd representative at our store cii tol rmorkfokmh i free s ivth itoomftl m omiiete lixumtin ivuhtlvl oil ltd kssrtne s t ostr cts nlille lo am one in halton ounl and immediate icinilj mxiroa irir kange from ms0 la lmiu tor iiimlcu iminiplrtr with uutoma4- u ntrii ajihr pqrrhiieril an pay ment plaji 10 tleim halttne an wnajl montltly inslaimeate talbot hardware vcton t phone 76 mn m

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