paqb eight the acton free press rliolfdxy june 170i ims mmlcm l births maffuaa hj mtb st lamvtavd lv thu column without hrs in klrmnrlam nollcvtf st nt mmr un ftildltuw lor tmtry cnu i llmaka sm born skiijjnc mr nnrt mr h skllllne main st acton an nounce the birth of their daugh ter at th nurslnffllomn guelph street acton on thursday juno 17th 194s n sltor for mary and bill breen mr hil mm k uln nee irene jordan ilit 4 acton are nanny to announce tho birth ot their daughter at the nurstna horn guelph street acton on wednesday juno 16th 108 mother and baby tine ik you own a hammer7 mahkied tracyfryer at die home of the bride parents on saturday june 13th 188 allien phyllu only daughter of mr and mrs alfred fryer acton to john macdonald tracy son or mr and mrs y b tracy of toronto in mkmoriam l eljjott in loving memory of a dear father roland elliot who passed away june isth 1m2 you are not forgotten father dear nor ever ahall you be as long as life and memory last we shall remember thee sadly mlticd by hla daughter margaret elliott in loving memory of our father who passed away june isth 1m3 however lone our uvea may last whatever lands we view whatever joy or brief be oura jjurjia alwayi think of you always remembered by mr and mrs george fountain irnontyj elliott in loving memory of a dear husband and father roland arthur elliott who passed away june- 15th 1w2 down the lane ofmemorles the light is never dim until the stars forget to shine well always remember him sadly missed toy his wife- margaret sons and daughter nellie sister edith allan in loving memory of a dear mother mrs wm allan who nnsedawny june 15th 1942 also a dear vnthmuwm allan who passed nway june 29th 1945 the years ma wipe out mnny things but this they wipe out never the memory of those happy dnyn when we were all together ever rememberd by the family tttidtfiai next holiday will bo domlnj loifday just two weeks from to day straw berries nre comina on the market now and will soon bo nt their best three of the rrnln elevators at lindsays flour mills are nearing completion some road grading and dust laying would be appreciated on all roads about town good progress is being made in remodelling the old gregory theatre for two new modern stor- walls are completed on the new blow foundr in acton and the steel i expected thts wek along with the electric crane to complete the building no 25 between acton and mil ton is halng its nnnual coat ot oil thu week driving in this sec tion will be better next week when the mate rut soaks in a bit ord has been rwmed thnt mr c hansen who left inst thurs- ln b plane has arrived in nor- wn he will spend a few weeks visiting relatives in his birthplace befort r turning r plane armaiui uraidu and ltu arbic both m siuhishful in their first enr ilivni iuie at tin oac tn 4uelph hoth llete ion pupils took gkd standing ami we join other liuinls in oitgi itulations hie warner and swaawy com pany tho bltf cleveland ohio machine tools manufacturer is nottml for its finely developed pub lic relations policy and 1u ho he ot newspaper advertisement export ing tho working of th privatto n- terprlsd ytm has attracted fav- ouiable comment right across tho continent on of itw more potent messages ntltlod a you own a hammer youre a capitalist reads as follows you tpald money for it the hammer bcaut yoy can- drive more nails with it in n day and drive them bettor thnn you can with a rock or the heel of your ahoe you saved money and invest ed it in the hammer because with the hammer you could produce more your time would be more productive that is more valuable thats what capital is and that to what it la for now suppose you hire a man to do repairs around your house if he drives nails with a rock he wont get much repairing done in a day so you cant afford to pay him much so you provide him with your hammer he drives more nails and drives them stralghter he gets a lot more repairing done so you can afford to pay him more thats exactly how capital works in industry millions of peo ple save some of their money in stead of spending it all on them selves they pool their savings and buy a factory and machines workers use the machines to pro- fnnnmnrennd gnmavniinvvpft worth more but they must produce enough to pay their own higher wages and a small wage to the owners of the machine what is known as profit otherwise why should savers in vent in machines with no return they would spend their money like everyone else and workers would have to go back to driving nails with rocks and the low wages which that sort of production pays tlinfs why workers should be juit as mucji interested in maklnp a profit for their company as in making higher wages for themsel ves no profits no wages work and livb long it appear from insurance atm- ustlcs that work isnt as hard oa the workers ai we ax aomellmaa asked toy believe the life expec tancy of the industrial population of the united states which cant vary much from what we might reasonably expect in ac cording to the metropolitan die insurance company in 1w7 reach ed c6u years that la a gala of one years expectancy of life over 1946 it la 20 years more than you would have had a right to expect in 191112 quite obvi ously we are not working ousv nelves to death jljl in senttle the law says ou can not board astreet car with gold fish unless you arc sure the will lie still auction sale uiant toads diet li pi oli i th ir bee lvioiiii s from kiant mfgar nne toads queensland vustrulm bt e farnu is have imn advisd bv the i hep of agiu ultuie to put tin ir h s on takt at hast two feet high r to uimiuit netting b irru rs nmml the apiarus the guilt to is whuh m- isu up to t or t liuus lon ind fom to tive iiutus in breadth visit the hlv es towartl iighifall and with the aid of their hmg tonguei lip up ihvs troni the hive entrance konutinus tating immireds at on m al uivsecti ot one to id showed tint its siomuh held 3iv bees iikitains umm drrlltil rte lmst winter was the best llrl- aln has evei known from the point- of view of national health dur- i ing jaiuarj kebiuaryand march usually thi worst throe months ot the ear the general dean rate was ui lowcut ever recorded j in englaiidvand wales the pro- vislnmal ftgure was 12 3 pet 1000 j of population 1 1 of iiolsehoij flunitttre ett the uadcrslgned have received nisti ui tions from v mrs p l penny to sell bv public auction at the isuner of queen and charles st milton on stiiuay jlnk 194r at 130 o clock the following beatt washing machine new in 1947 spartan mantel radio with i lecord plavir and recoids nn u f refrigirator lorge si re- i tenth overhauled elect ru hang- ette smnll premier duplex vat u- u m with ntt lohments j klettrlc lions lleitilt poiustv fleet ru fl or and wall iamns j studio ioiu h s in new ionditlon s ttee with j hairs and font tool to ni u u iju irter t ut onk ilnlng it nun ftenion table and 6 chairs in miti h tipiei e hnakfist suite i- vti i trtmiic 1 u chest ie llov fr t km m axmlnstei i u tokvtoe with nst rvoir and winning fin f odd uoi kejs stnluv labe ass top cot- 1 lb t tm tables kit in n 1 imi ind 4 n ilrs 2 congmum u- j itedrimim uugs 2 tv k i inis tltb fihitnms und awnnj u si lb and stand 0ld itihs lit ure imki r j 1 hi imn lit i niinkts troitug ho ir 1 i th s lri i ndroti co n i ti- i h ibv fi ni with t iteran if i n- r itihv iot rihv ilk r l i i h meii hooks se tiers 1 t fins mlveiw ire fruit tn i l i urn- 1 fruit o id pish t pi furniture is in ep tionim i tondition most tif it b tu in in ihi p ist two ais pi us tish sttelennat with i- ik n piv d tile iiervn as the pnipnet n is 1 icin t iw n hindi- ind klhort uctlneers i mil ill c x k aclon club activities tin regular dinner moetlna of aetonttotary club was held at the yma on tueeday at 1213 president aiiim mason presided and all committees reported that everything was in order for the rotary fair july 1st tom jones and g ir go mason two now mem- lers were inductee by prank oakotr and welcomed to the club auction sale ot rkat ucstatn vatu ktock imlucmknlh ktlhiyitdttk etc the undersigned have received instructions from jah h tak7wk1x to sell by auction at hla farm sit uated on the 7th line erin twp half mile south of hlllsburgh on wkdnkhday j1unk ssrd 19is commencing at one oclock dst thu following horses and harness team of grade pcrcheron geldings afed set ot backhand team har ness collnrs and odd harness cows durham cow due july 1st hereford cow milking well bred in march hereford cow milking well white cow milking well hereford cow milking well lirn due in july polled angus heifer bred april 19th young cttlepolled angus yoarllng steer 2 hereford year ling heifers 2 fall calves 3 spring pallfed calves pigs 8 chunks about 175 lbt cement equipment if not previously sold set of culvert tile forms 10 inches to 24 inches with extra rings cement brick mn chine with extra boards poultry and equipment 17 barred rock pullets 1 year old rooster 170 11week old bar red rock owrkoreu 20 11weck old barred rock pullets colony house 10x12 colony house 7x10 queen oh brooder mother nat ure brooder 120 egg incubator fountains feeder crntei implements ihc mower 5 ft cut with oil bath 10 ft dump rake spring tooth culti vator 13 teeth m h 11 hoe seed drill mh 11 hoe seed drill good for repairs 11 pinto inthrow dlic t section heavy harrow 3 sec tion light harrows ihc walk ing scuffler cllne fanning mill with bagger steel front stone boat pig crate eurekn pulper single furrow riding plow rub ber tired farm wngon with box steel tired wagon bench sleirhi hnv rack hand cutting box 2 drum steel land roller no 21 fleurv walking plow no 7 m h walking plow sheep rack 3 hp gns engine on truck wheel bar row renfrew separator churn milk pails lantern etc louisi ana evnporntor 3 steel pnn- 250 fire bricks nnd grates 175 spiles and snp palis 100 gat storage tank 150 gal storage tank onk barrel with tap bee equipment if not pre vlouilv sold 10 colonies of italian bees in wintering cases 125 stan dard supers with dnlwn combs 10 shallow supers with drawn combs a number of queen exclu ders o a c honey strainer 5 ton capacity a capping press 2 frame reversible extractor furniture which is the property of mrs harriet tarzwell will be offered for sale nt about 2 30 oclock bedroom suite com plete dining room extension table hnlf dozen chairs side board cane bottom chairs kit chen chairs- rocking chairs stu dio couch chesterfield nnd chnlr- singer sewing machine smnll tables stands drop leaf tnble linoleum bxlfl linoleum lfixlfi tnpimxv rug hooked mnts writing desk chest of drawers wash stands dressers tollot ets picture mirrors radio p fleet ric hot plate 2 burner wlc- kless stove smoothing irons cab inet grand pinno antique bed antique rocker clothes horja finishes mops brooms wash b boiler flour bin cooklnc utens ils of all kinds plates cups and 9uicts pisbes dont send to for goods unless you hove onl comultsd your rwtorett cutton office the import of cortaut good 1 now prohibited in order to conterve our us findi if the article you with to buy it cwi this prohibited hit it will not bf allowed lo enter canada even though you havr pold for it dont be disappointed be tort ordering good- from the us or other countries comulf your rwort cwtom office or writ 1 chtarimv lfcm1 fwrtl dwfaui twmfhml hi ffatukl otttw t magna carta day and church service sunday june 20 1948 acton park auspices acton branch 107 canadian legion british t ljtariiti a association and acton boys and girls band other legion branches school children and patriotic organzta- tions will take part in the parade and all are invited to attend parade will form up at 215 pm school children will assemble at pork entrance and other organizations on knox avenue parade will move of at 2 30 pm special speaker hmajor rev e brillinger guelph les duby pres albert mills sec lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials butter 1st grade creamery 69c lb schneiders bacon side 63c lb back 75c lb peameal g9c lb red brand beef used exclusively uu the best it costs no more the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc advertisement under this hendlng rc cosh with 6rdr up to u5 words additional words 1c per word if cauli do not ac company the iidvortuemrnt minimum chars w- and lc per witd additional for each word over 23 subseuent insertions 5rvr fott hale vail salp fiwvh phone 101 evenings hh ycle for kalk flat bottom boat mx4 oarrt and oar locks phono wantkd wanted to rlrrcaraja in filra loratlnn udy to fre press office for haik uv2h puntlor smlan al ondltlmi apply ray conn fjeorgetown ont for sale double cottage vesrmt pousfmwlnn one wide early july mm j d smith wanted immediately nretaker for falrvlnw cmittiy afton apply v b rum ley wanted nmall home utatfr best cash price would consider furrlture box 1 fre prewi 4a4b for hale a makuty harris drum hay loader in ttwnl eondltlon john r snrowl r ft a acton phone 197r2 for sale a comfortahcf six roomed house garage and stable 4 ncriu good garden will in good location on moln st north early imhsemsilon arranged box 32 free preia for sale double bed spring nnd mattress inrge hizp childs rot blue baby buggy all in good con dition apply mrs h hunter phone 2htj for sale new five room cot tage fully insulated hardwood living room tile in kitchen built in cupboards 3 piece bulltinhain heavy wiring garage immedlnte noasefislon contact j e- mc mul len bowfr ave acton 503 nouan rem aaijt3 plex in fliood condition extra lot gnrage good location fiart posss- rlbn i month non flood area on no y highway apply f l kennedy 104 queen st east brampton clearing auction sale in erin township wcfliffrraircn oradk not btbtn cattijc uvkktock impijcmkntm hohflkiloln mtfects ete oiiaiv an mii rqtnp- vfnt 75 nu nt onts ml bin f vtnnt n bus of rurkwhiat v pli iw compoltf the iiqnnl llm- f mill firm rnuvpnunt lirh n- forks itmi huk otr iikm fiaip t tio m iv mil pi lie tin folimk lll bi off r 1 f sulijut to n rt- r- lkl rnrrl 1 tho firmstmd rm- t itnioi 100 ii n molt 01 loss uith ilom 10 i toi of i ultuitoil 1 mil imuiui pituri t tnish innil with i inl mil in ol itutf ire ilv nt l- n it il f m ik- iii nip ph firm v ii w tt- r il villi il ml t io l spiinc rk rials on ttn pr nui whi h oiilt h ntiliiil for trtut pontls t il i nut k ill mo from 1 mil t it th- lti k f thi turn on ttio piomrt l i t n i omf rt- l j tout iw lliij iiiuim with mho stm iou i mil t 10 xi bink h rn s gifts for i fathers day m we hac manv rather dav jift sujjttons from j mhnli ou mi elect the gift ou think m ill please dad ions pipls and smoker supplies poker chips plimng m wards toikt sets taun chairs- uahcr handkerchief- j v indies and chocolates flashlights hedlamps prtirc art j h 5 photo frames hocd tie sets braces garters nicits hose unjirucir tits swunniin trunks uork oviiln shimng supplies tk m the undernlgnel has received instruction from john roino to sell by public auction nt the farm lot 5 con 3 twp of erin situated on 3rd line 4 miles n it acton on ittmay slltnk 2fith l4fl commonclng nt 1 00 ovlok dst the following i iolstein cows sn ed brook pnnsy cerben -15010t- born dec rth 1939 bred by w h norrls bel wood ontario due in september willowbournc ttnn plelje -517005- horn jnn 91 h hied b j m donnldson streesvillc ont due in september wlllow- bournje bnrhara pletje -itfrjfi- horn jul 20th 1912 bred b j m donnldson stretsville ont holstein cow 1 years old fresh june 5th with cnlf at font vac cinated 2 holsiein cowi 3 years old due nbout time ot uile vac cinated holstein cow 7 yenm old due in sept holstein cou 7 -yenr- old due in august fi well grown holstein hclwr- pnsture bred in mnv vnccinated jersey heifer durham heifer fresh with calf nt foot registered shorthorn cow with calf ot foot registered shorthorn cow due about time of sale part holiteln nnd ayrshire cow due in august herd sire pionoer iodge sovereign -a1p7927- horn october 29tji 19lfi bred by alex mcklnne jr brampton ont- sire selling peach sovereign dam pioneer iodge duchess am females hred to herd sire pios 20 weanling pig horsfs and h rness bnv mare 10 ear old good in nil har ness ba horse 13 enr old gool in nil hnrnev ore colt 3 venri old st of dnuhe harness 1 horse rollai s implement- micormh k denng prop lb id hnv leader nw in li frst a wotid movt- er ti ft ut mass hnrrlhlnd r t ft cut cokhutt j frornw plnw mnvsev harris walking plow fleurv no jl walk ng plow lset tlcn harrow- culti vator stuffier farm wnunn nm fleet nc fencer sloop sleighs stewart hand power clipper barrels wheel barrow and uiunl line tf smnll farm tnok ho si hoi d effects llv- w anted lalorrs to work au inndmajpers at wartime houslnbt ftoe hour apply 8 mlddlmon at wartime llouslntf acton for hale used wettlnalioua eleitrir range oven and 4 bur ners priced cheap mrs robt kerr phone 41 rs acton wanted to purchase pullt all ngeb from eight weeks to lay ing nreedn wanted white leg horn h barred rocks new hamp- hhlres light sussex good prices paid apply tweddle chick hat cheries limited fergui on tar o 47r misceuneous notice weeds on all prrmrty within the munlonalty should be jut or otherwlu destroyed within nrennulng week e e harrop municipal officer 50-2- indigestion headaches norv- s i vkutva tives famoui herbal medicine used successfully for 45 years brings relief quickly tones ur liver keeps bowels nrtlve re- ktores good henlui reliable opportunity fast irrowlnu company iias opening in your dis trict for energetic and ambitious pernor splendid opportunity for aggressive individual excellent onrnlntg nssured with future sec urity nnd independence apply blue brand product h 7227 alex andra montrenl own your business join the lending company of home ser vice rn cnnada it your effort determine our income very little capital needed if you havi travel ling equipment here is your chnnre to use it with benefit write for ftill details famtlex lfiofl delorlmler montrenl 465 attention farmers and- fakpkners how many aerei do ou work to feed ynur horses that ould be turned into profit with a wnterloo nrden tractor ploughing discing scuffling mow ing sprnvlng sawing wood etc sold for moron nnd up j e mrmuiion bou r r av v acton 50- idir read this inwant d hnlr removed initnnti from face arms leg with flnsr- hair remoter harmless leaves skin soft nnd smooth you cant lose money promptly refunded if hnlr grows hack after ird mpplin- tion with no questions asked com plete treatment 2 postpaid cods poslage extra kafkx proditts hvpt m box 22 station b montreal -qu- epnt it r u d vt nri miss auan reg chiropodist trrats foot altiurnu car ries light comfortable arch- ps of leather or steal us prt- frred 27 art1utr st guelph phone 1s90i u thu is pirliiulirh k od siiu- u i n itti i p i ed ro ui pint the iii itui id i iinn the pi t urestue v 11 f hllshu h v s irm w ould milt mvom w i shine to co in rot tr ut r poultrv farming linis n jmm i nt ot purch im piin on d i of h ile bilim w hen jnississmn is gi n p ii- 1 j im 10 f con 7 frn i ttninr lot with some imn land hilince roott cethr spruce rtc lln ri is i itmd trout stre ini run nine through the piopertv terms 10 r cent of purchns price on d iv of silo halanee when possess ion is given terms on chattels cnsh on dn of snle no nrtlce to he removed until settled for no reserve as the owner li giving up tarmlng con- lngsb w i will hae a refresh ment booth i hlndley and elliojt auctioneers iphone erin or milton shirts hirt- y uus itoxed tie and ii vndkerchief sets 19c to s9c mkss miras shirts s1m t 265 menu itne ql hose a fine asmirtment priced from cc to 115 rathing trl nks pure wool each 215 lens poio shirts and sweat shirth assorted colors 100 sljio 1x ter rnm and ni good as new djiiiv puts mr liners glt itnts itenfr- w i md pw i washing m iih ne with wringir n go d as new dn ing poom suiti cinslst ng o ruf f t i terimun labl f ch r- kc n st withlirl fens n 1 ltd id hn l imp iinps i in t ins will ni inv nht r iru t ntinit r lis t in it n terms ash on lv of uilr mackenzie vew4 summer enme afttn- all with the nnnunl coatlnk of the sec- i nnd line thprc nro few com- i plnints of the weather but what nbout the dusty mads of acton llntt about n little invest ment thnt will pny twice mnrl dividends for j32 50- ou inn put 2 of krnnuuitmj rnrkunol in the nttlr of a hou ju3j tills will pa off in more comfort durlnc the summer hent nnd nrtunl cash mom snid in our winter fuel hills it is even worth lining an 0enlnk into jour ntln spn e if one isn t already hi ie svie miu on saturday nltfhta it the weeklv dances spon- miri il h tin- s mens club in on i irk imlllon j ii mtuuensie and 1 im is fir ii is miii mens vtilijmc shorts fine to ik siuxial aswirtment if slmnu tlrs b curric koil nluis 3v r 1 for si 00 s our fine selct on of mens shamnir nnd toilet sf7ts rtc tic stic mens shwint soai in wooden itoul each xm r9c mens ijcathkr m ai jts kc to uir ml u li a floyd smith i jeweler j j wtfdlts- iiikkh i jrwrltltl i lahintons 5c to 1 store villi ol j nrnn brim clerks i j mih street hmiimauimmh acton lalmmmhhhmiimalalmmiimalmmhmmalalhai loading excavating grading all drades sand grind nnd fill contracts f g mellor phone 302 acton i ikiiii ont farnworth memorials monuments at moderate rice cemetery lettering rlara iu- at genuitary jleuii ont