Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1948, p. 1

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wht jictit sttt ftss seventyfourth year no i acton ontario thursday july 1st l48 piuhi homeprint pages pivo cents acton slips to second place by 92 loss igir missed turn plowed into the railway bank when h lost contiol of his enr tarlv monday morning aldnn hig- oakvile won on saturday brdau wont owr the jr lawhon ttdieve on pitching dutkfl absorbing n 92 defont nt tho hand of onkville intermedlntes acton on countered their worst de feat of the current season inst sat urdtiy nt the park hero and ns n result slid tx the second rung of the league ladder onkville climb ed into sole possession of first place a ipottltlon they hnve been seeking since they lost two consec utive earned nt tho sensons outset league standing is prnctlcnlly n facsimile of last semester ns tho clubs swing into tho inst hnlf of the fifteen same schedule acton mnde things tough for oaks until the eighth frnme but eubstltutlonn for regular players out with various complnlnts were mot adequate nn oaks exploded for four hits nnd four runs in the top hstt missing tram the local line 1 i ww t rt erhouye gib nnd mol jordnn up until that ipolnt in the eighth ac ton held the invaders down to 42 another run in the 9th gnve onk vllle their ninth nnd final run to stimulate their hurling staff the triple a club brought harrv lawson southpaw ace of the juv eniles up from juvenile ranks to baffle oaks from the rubber lnw son delivered as if he nnd played intermediate ball since he flrti donnod a monkev suit hut oaks got through to him in the eighth and fjremnn snyder wns delegnt ed to relievo for his first perform nnce in nn intermediate jersey the kid from the juveniles wns to use nn understatement promising if more support had been forthcom ing from his mntos he might easily hnve kept oaks off the sheet ten hits were km n shed from the offer ings of both lnwson nnd snyder onkville nominated devnn to hurl the route for them restrict ing acton to seven blngles chris speyers neu nddition reported v from the queen citv stldpm jot into trouble nfter tho fourth in ing during w hlch ac ton scond their second nnd inst tnlly the counted in the third for their other singleton in tho second the locnls boarded three men but n cool per formnnee in the plnchcb sned dt van from nny further trouble he issued three passes in those tw o frames in which the triple a scored both of uhlch later came home at the plnte llndsnv set n tills terlng goo pnee to sjtnrk acton oaks divided their hits nmongst one another the locnls lacked the nctxssnrv punch ta drive home seventeen men left on the sacks the in vnders wen hotter with seven men left stranded bobbles b the acton in nnd out queen st crossing of the cnr missed the plnnklng nnd travelled over the rnlls nnd ploughedinto the embankment twelve feet from the street crossing neither the driver or nny of the three pnsscn gers were severely injured with him wore his sister miss ruple hlggins nnd lylc clnrk and his sister miss rthel clnrk the group were returning to brestnu from a trip to plcton in mead of following tho highway at the jurn into young street hlg glns drove right down queen st marks indlcnted he attempted to stop his car but he failed to gnln control the nccldent happened ntvout 2 n m mondny damage to the enr is estimated nt between 100 nnd 500 one of the henvy rails wns bent by the impact and railway ties were moved several inches constable cecil glhhons lnv stignted opening ceremonies of i j alton health unit wedding at church in umehouse a very pretty wedding wns ol- emnlzed by rev hodgson of ingle wood when margaret jane ond dnughter of mr nnd mrs sidney kirkpntrick ctf 1j medio use and john russell son of mr nnd mrs russell foster of cheltenham were married in llmehouse prts- bvterian church on saturday june 11th the bride was lovely in white net nnd satin with fish till trim ming hnlo headdress with n short veil nnd carried a bouquet of led rase s she was nttended by misses veinn speens nnd peggy willett who wore green nnd yeliow em hroldered not with sntin trimmed hnlo hnts to mntch nnd each car ried nn old fashioned nosegay the residence of former gaol governors recent ly remodelled wns the scene of opening ceremony in milton saturday nlternoon over 12 guests from different pnrts r the province included officials from the ontnrln depnrtmont of health ns well ns directors from other henlth unlls in the photograph on the right are shown members of the stnff of tho iknllh unit rrnnt row frpm the left miss dorothy snndorson miss sarah cnmeron public health nuisis dr lames m mather director ml fa jcnnett llhspie supervisor of nurse miss audrey m anderson public hinlth nurse back row j a powell snnitnry inspector miss marion hlgginson public hi nlth nurs r m campbell snnltnry inspector mrs annn srott mncnnbb secretnry wns not prscnt warn th photograph wns tnken photo on the tight shows prctlyiifte anne father daughter of dr mathe r presenting mrs mary s pottit with otficialopeningsatiirday haltoncountyhealthllnit many officials of proxince and county on hand and visitors see the arrangements made for operation of unit re modelled residence makes nn ideal place for the work beautiful flowtr gnrdt ns dott ing tht spm ious lawns afforded a epic tun squt setting for tin off tl il opt ning of tht hnlton count v nh h allli i nit h rt last fcnturdny nf brother mr jim foster nnd mes si jns kirkpatrick nnd llod foster en ushers mrs 7 e roughuv wns el tht orgnn and mrs e knrn sang bt cause during tht signing of ttu rt gister a nc pt ion followed nt the home of the bridet parents wnere the bridt t mother recelven rear ing grev printed jerse with grey and bint k accessories nnd n cor- snge of red roses the griom s mother nlso received in plaid je r- m with hlnck crepe one ptec cos- tumi whit i nccesiorifs nnd weir ing swtet ceas before lenv ing for her honey moon tht bride donned n grey gub- ardlnt suit with white accessories nnd wore n corsnge of sweetheart lovb nnd sweet pens prior to thtlr depnrturx for tht north tht oung couple vijittd he brides ngt d grnndpnrents mr and he congratulated those responsible for the new orgnniitlnn i am sure this meivement will go a long wnv townrd caring for the henlth of the people in the county miss moote director of public lit nlth nursing recalled the flrtt meeting buck in 1944 to consider such a henlth program mrs ptttlt called dr mather dirtctoi nnd numbers of his stnff to the spt nkt i s stand to introduce t m h of the m to those nttendlng tie ttitmmv biicfl dr mather tii inked mrs ptttlt nnd the com mute t fen the ir nss stnnct sine t the i nit was oignnied inst sep he also welcomed the quests and ti rutois from other similar units nttt neiing during tht program mrs pc tti w is pre s nit d with a beautiful i houquct hv little ann mnthtr to orgnnize this service we of thi daughter of the director department of health eongratul mrs poitit mrs t m mnthm it i n official from the ontnr o depart mtnt of health memht rs of the mtlunl profession directors tf units of other counties nnd n hom of fiunds ni tended the ctrtmanv nnd ten at tlie residence of formi r irnors which adjoins tht ins tone count buildings wliile hnlton is not uie fust baiuk of acton and georgetown at waterloo tattoo field contributed to the veteran bus morton brother norm in the infield nnd held dow n the second bns spot defeat mrs ins stnndish at stewarttown joint d who wtre unnble to nttend y the wtdduil with w horn shf 1 ft her bouquet on thtlr return tht cou- it wns his first npptnrnnce since i vvl11 1ke nt stewnrttown 104g usts were present from lm leslie the visitors blond centre dsn cheltenham brampton el- fleldr made bewrnl shotfitrlng ivrn st glen williams catches in contrast to the acton i iih i un nd umehouse outfield who contlnunllv lost tht i agate in the sun box score 101 200 041 001 100 000 0 10 onkville acton uneujm acton masters b n morton lb w wnterhouse if lindsay t footitt cf k rder ss roblnsoi rf r morton 2b lawson p until hui snyder p in 8th oakvllle cillnm lb i aoguav b dovlson lb mnrke c m pol lock rf if leslie cf blnkelock if k pollock rf tuck 3b devon p umpires ilmmls and go i fit in for i some boy and girl 4 decided b vote ate the officinls of the countj into one of the most important fields of public service declared dr r g i struthcrs director of the division of public health when he gfficnll opened the hnlton countv health unit dr strut hers performed this dut in the absence of the hon russel 1 kellv minister of health vuho had planned to be present for tht ce re monv i i he dtpartmt nt tins fc r thi past 25 v oars looked forw nr d to t in dav w hen this serv ice w ould be availablt to both rurrl and urban centrts alike and we wtre nl aware thafl hal ton count i ountil could be relied upon to i institute this service dr stru hi rs said adding that the town ships bad air nd been providing dtntnl treatment to tht children of their municipalities praising th ceimpiictntss of tht r- modelled residence dr struthcrs added the haltonunit wns ideally fii i girl nnd mrs dr stevenson poured tea vi hile ladles of knox presbyterian church strvesd lunch dublin rolks hold picnic at s h websters tarm about fi people gathered on the pncious grounds nt s h webstt r s en fridnv tunc 2 for duhlin sihool and communitv pirn c soccer races nnd soft ball were completed before lunch after the lunch senior and juniors joined lop the i nnd plaved softhill un til dark fvt i vonn reejiorted t l c d time and pltntv of oat follow nj is the result of the con banck competing from acton and vorm town on saturday nt ihe watirho mustcal festival en countered stiff opposition and w hilt the made n good showing did not br ng home the trophies ns on fhtcvmus occasions lve hand in the intermediate class for those under 21 years nf ale t omju toil with 1 lit follow inc re- ults london police boy s club band oj points inc isedl bnnd k7 dunitas r1 acton boys and irl s band h2 and wnddlngton school hamilton 70 points m e t inu such hnv eomjmtlton from c itv nnd larct town linnets band i mast r cliarle mason nnd hk tciv s and cjrl s have no reason te i tie disc ciurngtd i he iorne scots band of teiigetown played in a higher e lass this vtar known as the open c lass in tills group london tecii meal cenc e rt bnnd scored 91 ipts brantfeird memoilnl concert band imij i i int stots ho omadian national hallways employe s stratford st and 22nd reconnais unn band of windsor 844 points here too it wilt bt noted bnndmn te r i rrejtt and hii band were against ntv competition and mndt i gooti showing bandmaster martin boundy of tht l nrion bands won three firsts in thief different classes 2 5 and knox garden party provided fine entertainment on fr dnv evening the choir f knox hurch held nn oldfashioned garth n party in the park 11 nl went he r conditions the natural imiiuiv if tlie settlng nnd a fine pnigram addewl up to an enjoyable nnd successful event 1 he highlight of the program was thf ii li pipers bnnd from onlt under the ellrectlon of pipe mnjor ward iouls mnmpacy n r- cent arrival from belgium d light ed the audience with hk nccordlnn and mrs mlghtnn at fergus gnve some fine elocutionnry numbers little nancv cordon of toronto n verv accomplished dancer who wns accompanied by pipemajor forbes nf cnlt won much ncrlnlm with her numbers nnd lovely cos tumes ihe barbershop qunrtette composed of messrs chns kirknoss fenl hansen norman bnird nnd ce mussel le blendeel their voices in vines of long ngo nttired he- fittiniv nnd adorned with generous moustnehes the hnystnek qunrtette eom- fincxvlrnr1irr1 dluyir 7 inndsborough j black and ceo h ountnln were nlso in harmoniz ing garb nnd with guitar mandolin violin nnd piano contributed old- tim music which was much nppre- oated as were vocal solos by mr dubv and mr fountain mr c ijindshorough gave a very fine cornet rendition of tlie holy city nnd mr ceo mussel le excelled himself as the sargennt major his own share of the applause wns won hv rev cnpt j m and erson who in his cnpnclty as en- it rtniner nlwnys captivates his nudience acrompnnists for the evening were messrs t d hansen nnd ch is inndsborough nnd mr h r parker wns a very efficient m est r of ce remonies hie rt f resh- me nt ixwith proved to bt n very popular r ire at nnti wns a v r ap- p e c table f ic tor in the finnnrml tic t ss t f t lie event county council has tour in simcoe county visit 400 acre farm and 3e reforewtrntion projeobtt over 100 in group winding around hill and vale through fertile agricultural lands nnd flnnlly picking their wny through dense forests nearly twentyfive members nnd officials of hnlton county council tourod through simcoe county on tue- dny of inst week to inspect the s mcoe county s nchlevomenta in her agricultural reforest ration nnd conservation programs the tour plnnnod by tho war dens of hnlton peel nnd simcoe counties attracted over 100 coun cil members county nnd ontario departmental officinls including this correspondent who were nm- azed and thrilled nt the immensity of simcoe s projects the outing wns packed with valunbe infor mation ns well ns the soclnl visits between membon of tho 2 coun- cllk memhenlnfpeelanrihfllton pretty june wedding at home of editor saturday afternoon miss anderson speaker at meeting imnnockhurn wi nc tkburn ban what tluy turn a first in con tt st for tht thildren and her k how n bov nd girl ran win that j tionoi in ttu new communitv swimming pool when it is com i le ltd in ac ton park ith v iv 10 lnvt st d and iwild 1 subs rtu rs the v w ill rett iv tw vdt fiu- the ihipulat bo an 1 i it i ular voung nuvs i h tn v ml kirl who si un tht most v us will in tht on v to arn th i jj t to f i t divi inti tin iuioi on ft i il 1 1 mug in addition uh will rxsut a fint new buth- nj nit an i a im n ticket i cki irntlm duiiiik tht ii vt t ng t ouixins i onk w ht n tin total i u 1 ui two el n tt t v me unit ri tit n m r tv ni i t di t ills will x ivtii 1 nt r tithti frt m vour tal hi r hv luhllc notke dik is ju t th pr hminarv annount me nt but some venn ixiv ami girl is co ing to b vt rv prom in nt w hen tht pool opuih ask about it work for it it s going to be a big day the fortylner is a new tea j in the lives of the young people rose rich yellow outtjde and vivid when acton oqicns its new bwim- red inild mlng pool i examine a workable public henlth unit nnd this unit ls so handy to source of study nt loronto con somt imiv oi j irl from atton and dueling he said the hnlton un t district is going to win a distnction would rtceivt the fullest cooper that will go down in history the i atlon from tht dtpartnmnt at lommlttet in t liarge havt nrrnngtd que n t park cirls 7 years nnd under ruth mt isaac lacque line surbey boys 7 ytais and underbruce k rmlt hepburn situated for thie department to t 1 onrs nnd undtrmilbn send students in public health to n hllnmson mane hepburn 0 years and under albert united church picnic held at home of school superintendent mary s pettlt reeve mi otitic of th women instllut w n held nt the home of mrs ii jollev with nmt numbers and flvi visit oi pre s nt arrangements w i i ni ide for the pic nli to bt held in th pnrk mrs curd n and mis tolhv were ktttd to nirnnji th program cutsts speaker whs mus vnd r nn who giivt a vtrv inttntinu talk on mlvslonatv work in brit jsh culm a a delightful luiuh was served bv mrs jolle v and her ns sutants afttr lunth mks 1 war- nt r sang coming tlirough the rvc and believe me if nil thoe endearing young charms 1 1 lit t v iii uoli mil u lu il 11 111 n tu n mrs nelson and chairwoman of the committee st t up by hnlton coun iv council was in t barge of the it ix monv in her address of wtl home to tmsmanv gut sts sht prnlsed tht worfespf her ctnimit tee as well as the cantvouncll for the ir tooquratlon in father m th tnt health lnit orfcaniz hon in tht provino die w ardt n detune it u avt piiimii mrs pettlt s untiring tf firts nod oiimaton wirk ii hivlru the i ublk he ilth strvit rj m ji in halt n i mh r tht tapibk jui tamv of tt din c tcx or muthei ind his st iff i am sure t will h in uiuiu ihlied niu t stating u viars ja t it sun i to ih th it tht tntt iks tunl j art o i um w nu rt important than tht phvmioj will ning if i ihlld i i skut p s i for hnlton m ittd howtvtr we are pit used that day has long gone and to d iv it is impottant the htalth of tlie child is exiual tu that if the intel kttual being we are all one hundred per ctnt behind this unit snld dr a c bremer president of the bov robert ceorge brown cirls 11 yenrs nnd undtr dai hara mnrshnll bovs 11 vtnrs nnd under matt mhot billy hepburn bovs and cirls 11 yenrs nnd un- tk r matt flllot tevmmy ritchie bovs nnd cirls it venrs and un d r ray wt bst r allan fjierby it iesjil sinjlt kirls miss n krant t rna wt lxte r i singh- bovs boh adams bud winer married men im adams bill mc phthtran tied vi k rice bud wikstr bill i i m ilrm lack marshall ilarvtv s el w ii nit vv rate bill m i drin vll in milsnic bruct m i hi imin n ll hi pburn and i n mi is ii tidj i ki k nj slms mian mi isnn i uu m i mui on lr i r in lhm i lltrl v mel- 1 i w ii im on n i fiti it in bud tb st m i b h adams fui nc uh i nr an 1 mian lit rju 1 i t fridnv nfte rnoon scholars ttmiieis ind frit nils of acton unl itcachuith sunelav school held an i nje vahh i cnic nt the home of the sut e rinttnclent mr m nellts ft at urt d w e rt t he onte sts ind races and a bountiful and delight ful pk nu supper following art tiit w inne rs of tht various contt st miss j an harrls- class john mi arthur douglas bnird mrs cleaves class peter mt i eon w avnt hetrlc miss r thel franklin s c ass nanc v mclean dlnne bainl miss dc rothy simmons class bttty mae lambert carol fet terly mr j mcceachlt s clas- fm meitn bnmur bohhie brown mrs mow its class john lim bt rt uav id cull n mrs pickerings class lt rt ne ur 1 mr picktrins t liish rcnnii i ikttn eul iliri iighirnit m mr kinrt id and bettv mae 1 im nit 1 m hn n and joan oak k v h i tut lkmsi rat lf and pnimirsnn bat r i t iston and iav d ul m s ck race- chris e ijimb i re st v k u i- mm rson t n ild s uttu r i ii i ieir nt ro i ind i d nn rid mr hi br tlsh govtrnmtnt has ask t t canada s participation in a food growing j hip lo cope with a threat of wtrld food shortage within tht nt t t n venrs i i i t k i mt race m n 1 s or i ihe tt div re lav ran i k and mrs south r i late race mr m m marv mi t am n ills a caviar industry has been esta- inlton county medltal society ns bimul in north bay and jean hams mr j m and i- thel i- runklln 1 nn race mrs rinnk i 111 home of mr ind mrs a dills cton artisticallv ltcorattd with v nk re es snaimlraons ind laij haske ts of pink nnd white peonies was the setting for the i pre ttv weddini on snturdiv of irancts mznbith dills ba onlv daughte i of mr and mrs arlnf dills to clarence rod rick pmss r ba eldtr son of mr nnd mrs w pi osser of kirkland lake the re v 1ouls piakewing pa rftirmctt tht ce n mony tht wedd ng mus j it wasnlivid bv mr frank daley of i oronto c tv n in marrtap bv her fa the r tjit built wore a gown of tradit rn al wlutf sitin fashioned on prin e e ss 1 in s with a sweet heart nc k- hn ind long tight sleeve s soft shurinv added hp interest to tlie mniv flaring skirt unclothe front j in i f tlie moulded boditivvas nt i u td with pearl b iding in i scolh ed eltsign at ro s tht shoul dt r in i el wn t a s at tlie wut line int rtip e 11 fell from hlr i swe i he art headdrt ss of tulle 11- lusu n ii r cascade bouijuet was f white and p nk rost s and suph an tt mrs john wrav as mat ic n of honour wort a hvnclnth hint chiffon and lace town with squurt net kluu mould d bodicv and full skirt pink mittens nnd pink picture hat nnd enrned a as cade of i allsman roses and daisies j hit troonismnn wns mr william proshcr of kirkland lake brother of the tvtoom i at the reception immediately following the ceremony for the 70 guests present the brides mother nteived in u floor it ngth gown of elovt grt y i re pt with a corsage of swe the art nes galardia and strich feather th grooms moth er assisting chotx a floor length kwn of aqua faille with corsage of sw it the art roses aqua galardia and ostrlc h fiatht r r i tht widdlng trip to hall burton the brid donned an aqua ilk en pt dress white flonntl slortk tx nt white baku hat red suesdi shoe s and bag and corviie of gardenias un i rid and room served in tht it c it during the war and an kraduitts of ctiria col kg t nivxrsitv of toronto ind ontario coiiim if i- due at on they will it at hum to thtlr friends in han tr afti r stpttminr tht flist win it tiu room will be a mem ber t f the ii gh school stnff uests attended from kirkland ijike ulstir pa clinton loropto hamilton ch org town and acton councils heartily appreciated the efforts of their hosts making the day one long to b remembered under threatening skies the group left milton shortly after eight o clock and were met by a second bus with members of the peel county council nt the inter section of hlghwnys 7 at 10 trav elling via brampton bolton pat- grave the two groups wended their way to clerlnfton fnrma the home of j j f mccngue one of the largest breeders of holme in cattle in the dominion while entertain- hy mr mc cngue he explnined the fnrm con sisted of 450 ncre s of land on which were raised 25 cattle and a larje fox ranc h tv ry mt mbtr wns imnpessed at 11k- imrmniity of the industry on this farm which tmplov d twelve men it wns here mr mccngue said thatcqvs were miked thie rimes daily from the clennfton farm where the hnlton and peel gioups wre joined by a third gioup containing membeis of kimcie coifnty coun cil the pnrty proceeded to all iton nnd thence to cnmp bordnn where they wcjjs oscorte d hy military police tliiough the cnmp on arrival at the de partmental tree sh d plant at angus the finrty wvis entertained to a dinner provided hy the essn women s in stitute t t simpson uie oldest county clerk in the province cholrman at the dinner welcomed both hnl ton nnd peel groups nddin that warden ctorge cleave of halton was the first to mention a light seeing tour of simcoe county inst fnll fmully plnns were made and with the luzustnnce of i c mar- rlt t of t he dc part mtnt of lands and forests the tour was irrang- ed feu- june 15th the speaker expl lined that sim- ci e had over 10 00o acres plant- under the reforcstration program which included over 10 million treka besides the dnlry fruit and agricultural industrv onlv recently tobacco grorwlng was proving a marked success in thtir county warden ceorte cleave extended the appreciation of council to the hosts for the welcome recelwd by the 4fi members of the simcoe continued on pae fle coming events ai no ncfmmli i mccl ml cn fia or other rvrnli un if r l l hcadinn chrjiil to ccnti l hnr with rniotra im hjf uy nnomrfnrnii o jut l more than jj00 000 xk in vva mined in the yukon gold a south african bird th social weaver builds a multiple nevt to house groups of its apartment minded families campaign for funds for atfon community swimming pool opns july 5th i ctwp i meeting sunday nlch i ow n hall at 7 30 p m not a new religion but the gosjtel of christ which is the power of cod unto salvation barn dance at claude plckt r arm 5enth lire 1 t ml north c f hurnby iuiltv uly th modernalres orchestra ad mission 50c btf oapringt wt nnd la will hold their annual garden party at al- v in fishers fnrm on monday tvining july 5th high class en- titnlnrnent by clair rouse con ceit co adultb 50t children 15c a men ting of the lotholckrs of i uiie house cemetery will bo hold in the church wednesday evening july 7th at 830 pm dst ev eryone having any intereat in thd cemetery u earnestly requeitead to attend r-

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