Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1948, p. 4

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paqk four the acton free press tiiuiuidav july 1m im district news varioiu iimm concentln actsvlut in communities nearby where many of our heaven are inlerealed ballinafad mr irvlh la in the hospital un dergoing treatment a shower um held in the hall last wednesday night- fur moh iwitier in honor of her apnroach- itik marriage when she wan pres ented with a net of dlshea ami all- ver ware v are- aorry to report little ceorg longlreel li quite iii again a picnic was hebl at peacock school when woodalde itlue moun tain and lvaeock all joined and had a full afternoon of baseball and raw kveryone had a real enjovahle time mrs shorllll has been re-engag- ed as teacher for peacock achool and mlsa shirley wood for lllue mountain haying has started again nvjiorts are just a fair crop straw herrtea are at their and orv a real good crop anil lumt rockwood on sunday rev john wan coo ducted farewell servlcea at the un- itod chutfch wednesday evimlruz a presentation and social evening brief programme- and mr ghaa it harris at chairman the chair man apoke briefly in regard to the nature of the gathering mra frank stout led in community alnelng headings by mkws helen bayne and joan stout wexo en- jojed a violin selection by mra d ward and a selection by a quar tette messrs frank da john a uttle chas ii harris and frank moor address by mr frank dav with presentation following when kcv and mrs wan were ret-lp- lents of o wvrvlng trny from mr iuchard harris and address by mr john a little and presentation to mrs ward of a bouquet of caru- alotin bv ellen iioskiiig and iheijue bv mr rov cordon to hev j ward mr ward replied briefly on l lilf of himself and mrs wan following the presentation ill idjt urned to the snndn school room where refreshments were sorvi i in the indies of the church ind i sot ml time cnjocd lol lowing wivks of activity in con tuition with the new refrlgir- ithm iiul told storage plant the plan w us ohried siturdnv nioin- ing foi lnshhtlon h the puhlu mr teotg dav k to be tongru- ulated in the new uudcttiklng fur kockwood ami tommutlt mu- fearl hamilton la in charge of the grooturla hie interior u well fin ished with new shelves good light ing and tile floor the refrigerat ion room us ki pt at a low temper- ntutv the annual convention of the ei imosn sunday school aisockt- on is bet lit held toda at speed- a de w it it afternoon and evening st vsionv some of the recent weekend and undav visitor mr nd mra oeanw cook and son donald mr and mrs robert a 13 1 chan all of ineland mr and mrs e j eck el of h imilton mrs jas hlllla f and mrs earl richardson of luelph with mr john rchardson mr and mrs claicnee henderson on the tux ision of father i day mr ko dav of toronto also fpuit i recent weekend at his horn in town hie smpath of the community k tt ruled to mrs w cardincr in tlu pismiig of her sister mrs ang us mopherson at her home n cri eff f idiix evtning in her slit car fun ra1 on onda ai private at her late home with service in kno ivvsmtenin hurch ind in teiment in crieh cemeterj i he oung folks of it johns church joined in with st albans church act im in a ipanie saturdaj afttrnoon it alton alt luid an enj mt time togetht r rev and t md arv leivmg this week fttr tin ir new home it hohio n wheie mr ml will ih supphtng for i r with uu etui of the st ho i ir the sunimer holidtvs ire just u ound the ctirntm lntramv v uu n it ion this week it ko kwood puhl t school mr ind mrs- fred div f him llton ire up for the holid i nassagaweya m h na t cmiuralulatlia to maater george nderaon uion ithlalnlnu i school kntranre atandlnif on erin win plnkney ijii jl sth one weal caledui han a threrfaeio field of rye atandliiu n an uvra of alw feet vi local illuoiu meaara o i mundell and o a 1eltiji iiul their iotlaue and content ui the vicinity f llayavllle laat ktlday when a lealdent in the vicinity ran amurk uiul broke wlndwa and furniture in lila awn cottaite and aet fire ti the olher completely dearoylnir it llelatlva and frlenda were rss sssss moiulay and ihteaday mra arthur davenport haa re turned from the hnapltal to the 11mh while vlalllnsf wllii frlonda in loronto hlmwir to a new ivruarn j dau of the rhl david graham of lat and formeily of ibblnftton bacamn tor the danee hnnnmrwl by the itiuy ueei wj and hokl ut nrookvllle hall lant tuetulay even ing was not the ktuccetu the laduu horww for necaua of its punpotu- to ajutlkt halton nacreatlon tark at ijwvvllte a much larger mimbei of intoivtttfml people were evtpecl- w however appreciation waa eu- prepd to thnae attending weeknd guttata of mr arul mr stan ttohlnsnn were mra mary parker mrs mobsl workman and mian jean workman sault st marie and mr margaret rohln- hm of ancaatex friday evening other nueat were mr uoliert pew tresa hornby mr and mra gor don tloblmuin mr emenmn uob- liuuui mr and mra david oldx ttironto mr and mra ken pew- u hfu f m mcn pewtreta and family of mil ton to meet those visiting from sault ste marie and ancaiter a thoroughly enjoyable day was experienced by thoae attending the halt on federation of agriculture picnic on saturday nf halton rec reation park the beauty of this place in its natural formation hn to be seen to hefully appreciated master george anderson of no 7 won in his class in foot race campbellville the w m of st david s chuuh held their annual quilting on rhupsdnv june jlth tvo qullti wen quilted for the wms one ftu- the hlnir yw and one quilt and two tlb quilts for the mission hand at the noon bout the presi dent mrs n mephall conducted a short husiiioss metmiru the tnas iner s rs port wiw given by mrs m moore 1 lie ilhrarv s cntar the hilde of a ijoyd iimiix of klumiwul ailvorato limehouse congratulations t o thelhia nrown ami euanor splter puplli nf mltu jean iluddell at s s no l and lo shlrlej uurt pupil of mrs harold rarher at stt no ifi alt nf whom received their entratic without writing departmental ex- amlnatlona visitors with mrs ijine and the h nortonn on sunday included mm ted morrow and elaine mr anil mm c cmhh mr and mm rupnikarnnd children the ijmebouse w i aterlng tommlttee cutennl fir the john- sonnorrle wedding rmeptlon in llmehouue memorial hall on slat- tit dny mr and mrs f t wilson and teddy an siwrndlng their holidays with relatives at niagara falla fort erie and ottawa ss no 0 defeated si no 10 1 11 j in n fierce kofthall game on monday annlversvir wervl es were held at ijmehouwe prenbytorlan churom on hine 17th rev k i phlnn of knot cjuirth milton was guest preacher in the morning eorge- town presbyterlnn clutrth choir wen in t liarge of the mush renrt- crmg an untht in and mlvs ath tliompson sang a solo ileq tills house a quartette of misses i htiihlell and kean and messr- i mav and clarke ions assist tl in the e nlng apt it v and i son of atton pieaihed to a well hlli t liuiih he was aitouimn- it d liv ins t hon ollijitu with an mks f j mephall read n letter um anil a qua telle number hv at know h dging a pai eel of books and mag izimv sent tt frontier cidlege it was din ided to have the hllv mcellng with the ladles aid at cr iw ford s ijke i he mett- ing wns ckisid with praver by the president there wen sixteen ladies for dinner and twentythne for supper mrs sophia patterson aged 92 ears spent a weeks vacation at the home of hei son pen v ham niond at iluffalo mr and mrs robert i nkmg are the proud giandpanmts of a grand son born to mr ami mrs oral inklng of toronto mrs inklng was formerlv mlvs beat i us mt croat h of edmonton campbellvllle guests nt the war renparr wediling in st james anglican church cuelph on sat- untnv wen mrs wm bousefleld grindmother of the groom mr lohn campbell and gertrude mr and mrs howson lush mrs will j i im hurren grandmother of the groom mr and mrs robert hur- 1 ren and harold mr and mrs r lnk ng also mrs fred peters of cleveland mum crawford of grnvenhurst is spending his summer aeatlon with mr and mrs e d mahon of this village mrs rows mm hell donna and f spent last we k in hamilton v isiting nl itives dr and mrs williams toronto were sund i guems of mr ind mis h ird puniv mr ind mrs how son lush an 1 famllv w sunday guets of mr ind mrs a t moon md ftmilj friends of mrs tohn how n i will he pleaseti to know she is home from the hospital we wish i iter a hhsiv rwowrj mr and mrs c a elsley ire bolldivlng at tiieir cottage at was- agi reach i friends of mra w o mors an ofctcaias honored messrs wm rurion ei mussel 1 mil mks s isohl aiuh rsm ml bella rosit ii rev i s if of nu val interim mod i utoi k is in i h it gt of the t v ning si i v it e i he wms heltl a u ial meet ing at hit home of mts harvey i norton on 1 hursdav vs nlng when mlvs nellie andeisitn missionarv on furlough from lit itlsh culnni w is guest sm akei ttie twt nty- one lmlles prt sent lnard a try in spliational i ilk on missonar work mrs knb willi mis wis soloist and nfi shmeuts wsrt ser ved at the t lost mis wilt iiul m w hv i wlli y vi ihtl mr and mis a c patter son m siind ii i etend sv nifljatjij to the light fannlv who left for r rk- lt v muhigan mondiv m rn rig to ittnd the fun ril of her mother mi s sviwei by ospringe through the ktndm ss of mrs papple who hirtensl i spt ial bus the i hihlren of the lotal si hool en joved a 1 iv s outing at the oac tuelph last thursd iy durlag firm ind home week i miss furtin winter of oust c sm nt the etk end wdth mr ard mrs w j tackson sincere svmpath k extended to mrs geoige crund in the sudilen pwsing of her brother mr cooper it ii imilton last monda j frnnds of mr austin micutch- eon will bt stirr to hear he is i patient it the toronto western iioipuii when he is undergoing tiisitments mers douglas robertson of uelrph and kenneth robortam of oakville spent the weekend with their painnts mr and mrs d c robertson fnends of mr erntt curne see much prorehri in northern ontario onri of die aiunprlatlttg hlgldlghtu of last weak tmrthbru lour- by nihihi ir tht cwna otlario- qulunt lilvuliml wan their vuil lo tint xi btrs mill and head osto uiu of liulclarkkratichi umltl at nw uskeard ttu punt itf w- i ktuiwlwigt to im tna largtwl and mmt numlarn of uu kind in canada and oiii of the finest on th4 noith american omttlnaht tiihowna ivarty many of whom were bnteihihuul at a golf club dame the pnwlouu night arrived at the lltll clarkfrancis plant on saturday morning whare lhy weiv given a typical north iotinlry welcome by ijwi hill unlal pre sident ami foundar of tiie firm a condtnled tour through this noithern ontario plant revihd many interesting phiinett tp the miuu pniduetlnn of klli him units and ajus qiglneerel hous vul- tors were lufornud that tho comp any is currently ongageit in large hi ale housing ivrojects in ottawa trent on atut peterborough ano- thei pro jm t of recent interest was the supplying of all mill work iiued in the construction of suunyhtonk hiupllal on the outhkhu of tor onto remarking on the tdini tage of lumlvcr owna memlwrs werf am- aid whsn they saw the hto kplloa estlmatih to contain 7 million hd feet in the iiiiicnnrk fram is yard the bug hammerhead ciane wllh fu foot iwmni lifts 5 ton pllea ivnsily visitors were told other f fro th mentlura went cut log macjilnas used to cut parts for pivmiglnoei ed housis ttiese remarkable tlmo- savlng mathlnes were dehjgned hy i en hill nml built in hill-claik- fiant is shojah guides advlntd tjie vltdtlng nwo- papetmen that 2fwm tars of lumber are handled annually nt the new ijskeanl plant while the chief hiiutsh of lumlwr supply an the distritts of hound ttmmlns northwestern queljec british col umbia and u s mountain states 1 he t nmpnny maintains large hiamhei nt noranda ilmmlna sudbury klrklaud iak ilourla- maque and wholefuite offices in to ron to and vancouver in addition to tin ir own manufai tured lumtutr piodints this comqian is a whole- sile ilisiihlllki fot uiikst ptmllltts known to th huilillng tinih s following hi it tout of tiie hill link fanmli plant the cwna in mlh i s hum li waiting buses and m h whlski d away to the fnc- lorv of hie t amidinn sjd nt cmp i oi hum 1 mill d lot n d just out- sul of nt w iiskeul afli r this i mil it sting usit th paity ion tin it t ik i im i hut whimo hi wi i olfltial gtusts of tin i own of new i iski irt at in inlonnal dm i ht id lahle ru sis in lud d mr md mrs sam curry da ton i wm haihvhui i mm i hun au vitliig minor of cobalt a i i-y- tle mavor of hiilehury r a gilts 1 prtsldi nt of the cwna iwi hill president of hill clark prim is iltd ceill roml presi- il nl tf the ontaiio qui 1mm dhls ion cwna mil mrs bond mr and mis lohn sumhler mr sumbler is mtoi of ni w uskwud and was liost to memlmis tl the cwna gi up it the diniiei during the iftoinotn nit nib rs of tbe pin i wire gut sis of the on- t ii in north ind rallwav on a nils from i ni igami wli irf l bi u kl md and rs turn mi tubers wm outskjken m their praise of norttu in hospitality and assurer ther luts tlin would ix back ospringe f ougritululntui to joye clitul- iii who wied kwcmid with himhra in her fii kit your at acton iliuh sldiaol ulau to mulnolm lltfb who was thin wllh find ih hnn- on at tin wvt and to kotinoth itolmtrlson who ieclvhl hu uihr ntiitili ulathm with hoturi at um gcvi mr david hlowart fddle and aleu vultud on saluiday with mr austin mccutrhihtn who u a tt- limt at tonmto western htmplui and who is progressing favorably with iroalmtmt the i holt of tint lotal prihy- lerlau chunli uudm the dlreilion of mis r suntei tire busy prar- iftiiuwrfrtl miimlc for tjie annlv jmaty sarvii as nejt ttit aiutffraoii guettl suiaker meashrs nr very prevalent in the community ns most of ha hi hool ihlldten aisi uffeued mr geoige anderson aei outran led mr and mra alvtn micuteh- eon of guelph to toronto on sun day whetl they visited mr austin mrcutrhenn lhe comhltkmt pit nlc of cedar- vale ami the local school was held ion friday afternoon in the whool grounds wllh- a fair nttondani e um es and hall games were enjoy ed under the direction of tjie two tear her mihj currle aiul mrs bapple siindwlrhes like ookltht and he ream were urved in ab undant o to end a pleasant after ii ion the national film dojird shownd several pictures al tho nchool tlda presentation enrhd the siiied of xt sumlay uv f ai ion la to im htf marlon sim lair ii writing the en trance exams at erin mr detiemont of hamilton pent the wtikend with mr and mrs i igln drown and family free estimate gladly given at acton auto body for iiody and kkndkh wthtk oh iaintlnt cakh thiickm btc acetylene muuung irompt oturteoua sorvico main hi aclort home jrown arai rows hest rams whether hlue raaa la sown for mature or nlrflelit pluyuiouiul or iimiler the aicil thrown in can uilii l the him aiiy offli lala of lh rmmlnluii di mii linuiil of arlrul- luro i he ijipiirlnwnl hilnta out that ns oinnrlii kmn itlui tiiin si eil is hellei ailnpliil llinii imimrted m nit lo finmlijiii oil mid i llmati ii should lie pnririil in the inter- sls if tin inuiitliui iiinntny muni i usimll priiiluies noiiisli of mil si il in innt tin- iliinu ill de in mil mill l i liui ii sin plus fur i w t i ii two iv s of bill 1 ihh giown in lln hoiiiiiiinii in in idn ind h ri til i k um imida typ is xi mil in 11 in tin niagara p ninsiil i u ik 1 1 iv i ij e itnnu il pin im hon ov i i liny at period i in islimahd jjuotmi pounds i v ful is m ingn di nt in pustun t ut f ii liwn grass niktutes it is h si ml w to drv siiidv n oi shalhiw snls in iliusi ji iris of tin dominion wlnre the maila tytjn i neither donilii int n ir native the depai i nn u itiommi nd sowing tht k n tut kv t pt ki ntut ky blue grass is pnwluiid heilly in ntiinrohasi it l itiv r vjiiii v there se d pin j dm ti in on a mimercial tmisis u n lalivi l n w but wmld be great ij i ii ruled if ptodiiitsrs were assured of i ilonn sli mat k t thtt would jiistif the epi nse if buvlng har sting inrl pro ci ssing cqulpmi nt b mm the drabm ss of austerlt br tain envisages i national festl il in ri that will turn the wh island into one vait axhi- hition of u hivement f r ill the woi m to se hot weather holidays thi lininid weather isnt any better for ns than it i- for the farmers haying the printing rollers swell and break up the inks wont set properly the maeliines are damp and rust and the jinotpe mat- dont respond quiekly for iiolidxys n earlier ptililieation ioreed out manv tiling- that we would have liked lo inelude lull lien we are anwu hot or cold iiolid y or otherwise the acton free press our i loine town newspaper miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rotary fair in acton park i be sorry to learn he suffered wn- to hear she is 111 and we wish u heart ottnik on tuesday and hus her a speeds recoverv h ivi i mint itiree dominion department or aricsiltura afflcalb received tha honomn decree of doctor of laws et a special convocation of thei ltnlwiiity of saskatchewan on june oth 1948 tjie officials hon ored for their contributions to a rlcultur are k w neat by dlr- ectiu of scletice service j f booth associate director market ing svrtlce and head of the ec onomics division and j k carigle xonunlon botaniat spied recovery mr and mrs murray mahon and mr and mrs georss thomas are spending a wfcek at oawtordvi luke friendi of mr robert memles iwi the mountain are sonry to hear he ls back in the hospital in ham ilton about 85 attended the currle reunion at the home of mr and mrs oeorfce currle near hornhs on saturdnv after the supper been ordered to bed for b his physician mr ceorce u itobertson return ed to sudbury on sunday after imo weekb vacation at the home of his parents mr and mra georf robertson congratulations to arfcne fuh- er anil marjone chester who pas- sshi their luntrnnce on their years work juv arthur harris and boby piuld who arc stayin with her the first occupying power in hour races and election of officers i mother at grimsby for the were conducted all went to the mer wxre home on sundav dance at claude picketts barn to end an enjoyable day tjie senate finally has passed cennany the romans stayed 300 the bill exempting estate of leu years than 50000 from death duties jtr and mn jim moore of ac ton mr and mrs velt and daujfh- j ter of sudbury visited on monday lth mr e and miss ada currle i mr and mrs elgin drown and daughter visited with friends in alt n sunday tmflmmifabafflswkiiui thursday july 1 st morning afternoon evening

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