Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1948, p. 7

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tmursday july 1st ims the acton free press page sevsn newspaper editors in northern tour last week y npmenutlver of the ontnrtoquoboc division or thf cnnndlnn weeklv newnpnper association phntojtrnphw nt new ijkonrri when their northern tour uns highlighted by n visit to the huge woodworkinjr pliint of hiloinrkfnnik llmlted l the bnekrounci is the head office of the firm whoce genial prenldent len hill enn be seen eleven from the rlrht in the fiont roa auction sale of iioustchoua wmxvrvnk ktc the undnxlencd have received instructions from o it mtownijow to ten by public auction nt hli residence moffat township of naasaaawpya on katurday july 3rd 7in the following coffleld electric washer nang- ette electric mantel radio el ectric iron piano in excellent condition singer sewing machine drophead dining room suite including table combined buket and china cabinet and g chain chesterfield and 2 chairs tbjifateh bookcase wardrobe odd itock- ere camp bed iron bed nreier and waahitand 4 odd waahstand and dressers 2 toilet sets com mode stool chemical toilet kitchen table and 4 chairs to match small odd wasbstajid kitchen cabinet nnd tnble to match kltdhen rango conl nr wood with roftcrvolr nnd warming closet oil healer oil lumps 4 odd small tables kitchen stool some cooking utensils seniors odd dishes etc termcnih settlement with clerk day of sole no reserve ns the proprietor has sold his home hindley s elliott 42b auctioneers l mcmillan clerk vanwyck eaners ci pickup and delivery service phone 272 for the best in dry cleaning wlmywtbhibiihuin to umiuf akaut tanali lmui j jwutolimiiitoj anil slva thum ma aavantaaas tonelite cuts oft the danger ous ultraviolet rays that other wise reach your eyes tone late admits all other rays useful to vision toot lite adds to your appear ance because its delicate tints blend with your completion w mcaansmsul anal ci tone lite loasas cecil a cask savage optical s dauglaa st- tel 1091 guelph ont sports camera tors abjwt nmasa itecmht the intev i made full im of lefty lawam here last saturday in n lend leas nkreement struck up between th two acton clubs according to a reliable viurce the juvenile man agement ngreod that lawson should hurl four frames to relieve news and views of ilolton fair inuret snm snyder from the tedious dut it he hns bopie this fienson but klvathem nn inch nnd theyll take n mile lnwn vins on the rubber for hunt innlntm nnd probably unuu hne sone the route if he had more fleldlnc support its o question now uho will finish the form with his service statistics confirm thnt n holelnone recently mnde b nn acton mnn hns odds of 8 720 to 1 of bolns a success milton ore still sllpplnc in the int race after setlinj n torrid pace nt the seasons start oakville nre in sole possession of first place nfter the comedj of exrors com mitted here inst saturday in clement went her hns postponed ju- enile fixtures of inte georpe- townt withdrawal from juvenile ranks crented a vacuum in the schedule georgetown herald sns dude lindsnv was the best plnyer on their team when they niions player nrnlnst acton his pegs to project arrirultuvul frtl dy at new reervntlaiuj parte attracted iae attafeidance tfietfiirci annual field dny or i lie hnlton federation of agriculture uns held nt the new recreational grounds near lowvllle on satur day june 19th between 1500 nnd 2000 were in nttendnnce from nil sections of hnlton 33ic new recxeationol croundi proved nn ideal bettlns for thr hip event the grounds ccommiufe under the chnirmnnship of w j robertson nnd performed wondeis with the aid of heavy maintainors from the townships of nelson and i rnfnlgnr and the county of hnl ton a new foot hridc jind hi en erected over the 12 mile rreek u hit h mows through tlie pronttj an excellent booth had bten built nnd here the indies of the dublin w i sered lunches nnd i frevi- ments throughout the da while much development work still re mains to be done an excellent start has been mnde when mm- pteted this n w recrtatiunnl rent re will be one of the finest in ontario president paul fisher of the hal ton ft deration of agriculture of ficially declnred the pink open nnd in his brief remarks solicited the support of individuals and orgnn- f hnlton in complelnp the which hns been so wel no 1 nnsnagnweyn eliminated t he i lornbyashgrove nine t he munns combines trimmed bells unbrook nosed out campbell vi lie and nnssngnweyn a nnd cleaned up on nnssajtnweyn no fi third round no 1 nnssin- weyn eliminnted a 8 9 nnd 10 of tnifnlgnr the munns pnlermo meiton combines whltewnshci the 8 nnd 1 es ueql nnd ti n gnwoyns is nnd 5s trimmed un- in the semlflnnls the munns combines eliminnted no 1 nassa- kawejn which brournt them into the finals ncninst nnssnrnweyn 4 and 5 who ns indicated previously won the chnmpionshlp nnd theie- hv the milton mlllln g troph junior farnirr kvents boy 100 yards 1st w sutton pnlermo 2nd harold hobs in of acton second inspired that onkvllle started allnn nicholwm of bur hnve installed floodlights and nr llngton also spoke briefly ind iv inaugurating floodlight baseball in ended congratulations to all who hnlton county first gnme is on had cooperated to date 1st glen- jnd lean dominion day under the lights oakville a new treat is in store for the mnnv baseball fans of oakv ille and the district floodlight base ball is eomlng to town it will be plned for the first time in hnlton count v nt victoria park on the evening of dominion day onkvllles superb new house of entertainment the century then- txe said to be second- to- none on the continent in modernltv of des ign oiptned its doors to th public last thursdnv night william cnrd nlneteennr eld son of william card of oakville was i bt vctim of a fatal accident which occurred near glen toe on- tai 10 on tuesdnv morning h e ouih with a companion mm st phonias was stiuck bj i freight train and both wvre killed tueir mangled bodies found bes tli the tracks v ciumjuc for one thousand dol lars for the building fund of th new oakville and trafalgar meni rial hospitnl was prestned to t m dunwhd chairman o the hospital s hoard of govemos o tht oakville lions club on friday t vt ning rt tordstar dont send to for goods unless you hove fint comulfed your nearest custom office the import of certain goods is now prohibited tn order to comtwrve our u s fund if the article you wiih to buy i on thi prohibited hit it will not be allowed to enter canada even though you have paid for it dont be disappointed before ordering good from the us oromwr countries consult your nrarc customs office or write cmfhtt lat cwtitl dmiia dmtbm it hukc oltku ll however to return to the field dnv weather conditions were ideal and the big progrnm of soft ball tournaments field nnd track events kept the squads of officials on their toes throughout the dnv boys nnd girls representing 31 hnlton rural public school- part icipated in the soft ball tourna- nurrt for milton milling trophy which incidentally was won for the etond year in succession by nas- sagnwevn 1 nnd 5 a total if s d amonds had been inld out nnd the action and nvnlrv was terrific th bos and girls even got their tench- erb enthubed to tlie point tl it south hnlton tenchers challenge d thost of the north and the trim med them too in the inter townshup soft ball tournamt m teams were enter d from nasmignwevn nt 1 son nd iiafalgiir 1 he nnon bos had a bit more class and therein won th milton dim rut coop trophy palermo junior farmers nofd out acton juniors b a score of 9 to 8 and will represent hnlton in tht western ontario junior farm er field da at guelph acton jun ior homemakers evened thing up in ehminat ng palt rmo girls b a st on of is to 17 hit su t taw for oldtst and voungem on the grounds wtr i warded as fallows eldt st lariv i mrs h undsnv of acton- 77 lid st gentleninn resulted in a tie between geo a nnd tha w bell of nelson nnd cnmpb llxille nspectiveh who are both js rs oung and itjll with more pttp than i tlje majont of men jo ar ounger hie oungt st child on tht grounds was erna ttiompsn 1 utks old daughter of mr and mrs gordon i hoiipson of i ow v tie the uult of the dav program was us foijows inter puhlu silool ofthml lournament first round ij 1 s c hool eliminated ib pr if i v tht tombi u s from munns p im r- m and mutun dt vitetl fh m- r dt cedar springs nine linbrook ihsined up on 1 and t fcmus r campln llville w on the delio over oial the fouis and five- from nassigaweva won a iig it game from bronte and no si nnssjigaweva in a htavv hltig game got the detlsion over 1j mil n lstuesing secxuid hound lhe team r m noh i 8 9 nnt 10 trafalgo- nos ed out 7 8 and 9 nasuignwuva girls 75 ynrds 1st joan somer- vllle acton jnd mildred lucas palermo boys running broad jump 1st w sutton palermo 2nd don mil ton norval girls hunning broad lump 1st mitdied lutns palermo 2nd joan srnnivr ille acton boys running high jump 1st jim donne norvnl jnd fv fe som- eivllle acton girls running high jump 1st agnc s vanvliet norvnl 2nd gla dys ruddell norvnl boys shot put 1st fvfe somt- vllle acton jnd harold kubsnn acton girls softball throw na coulson pnlermo patterson palermo boys mile 1st w sutton of palermo 2nd don milton norvnl girls interclub relny 1st pnl- 1 1 mo 2nd at ton acton club won the special for the greatest number of entries bok and girlu rootk girls 7 years and under 1st june patterson jnd mnrlon les lie 3rd glorin purdy boys 7 years and under 1st kenneth richardson 2nd bill gar diner 3rd stewnrt king girls 8 nnd 9 yenrs 1st helen synott jnd mnrjone pnrchem 3rd mnne mercure boys 8 nnd 9 vearv 1st jamie cunningham jnd geo grnyby girls 10 nnd 11 yenrs 1st ednft nicholson jnd kntherine fmse r 3rd shliley merryweather bovs 10 nnd 11 ears 1st ross auckland jnd david nairn 3rd grant stark girls 11 yenis 1st eilene ontes jnd irene grnm 3rd pais pal- lister boys 11 tars and under im john pntleison jnd gtrrj evans ird bill walkins boys over 13 1st gt o anderson 2rni george bentltv 3rd john jen- sc n j5ooc recollections ol acton rni i back in 1898 ivani tlu iwux of th vr i vi thumulny jftuj so irftfl iiw- prlncipnl t t moore nent u tlnss of luilf a kcoie of taiulldale ti the examinations nt georgetown this week tin y nie nn follow b nie wnllnce lennlc gurney bt rtha sivelght clhra cobban fdlth nleklln ortrude barry kvn pei lyman hat tie moore frank moore nnd thou hender son permanent pnvements nre to be inaugurate in acton by the lnylng of a sample block on mill street between john nnd llgln street ijim saturdays exciting base ball match gave acton another victory of 82 over hcipeler ac- on players wereubentty cf j ago 3b mills ss e ryder 2b f ryder c ollcott p hnrwood lb holmeii rt mcintosh if fire etimpletely tlentroyetl the entire two floors of the lbbage planing mill yesterdny nnd the tannery of counelllor frnncls ad joining nt the hond of water st i he messrs benrdrnbre hnve leased for a term of years the inrge residence of mm robert lit- te7iil uu a41uhft the temporary residence of mem bers of the firm nnd their fnmilies who mny from time to time be in town back in 1928 burlington jerold john mccai thy in his sixth year only mm cf mr and mrs lerold mecnrth wni instnnt- 1 killtd on the dundas highway opposite his homt at nelson village shortly after 8 30 wednesday morn ing b fore nn nxs mbl including low nspt pple and tht burlington and district junior community band mav or norman craig last wednesdnv ev ning of fit inlly op tried the appeal for unds for the junior hand the numbers of tht high s hool staf and their wivts ht id a picnic p irty on mondav afternoon dur ing the outing miss frances duck and miss andrint mac farlane were rtiipitnts of gifts in honor of tht ii approaching mirragxs mrs i m bitts and mr floss junke ixk vt dpai ting gifts kun ltrrurn ft 11 two-tar- old dnughntr of mr and mrs i 1 11 palermo died on i uesdny in oakville tempoiarv honptn during a tonsil operation nctording to u statement issued b dr w m kllk- inson coroner gazelle 1 he dutch government has tnk- n over the late exkniser will iam s palace at doom in which be found winttunry when he fled ger- miuiy 30 year ago from the ittaun of the iiee iveiv of thurulay july stb 1028 the swimming hole hns been n populai place these last few days five hundred nppl lent ions were received for the position of teacher of ss no 18 trnfalgnr mr a f crlijips has disponed of his trucking nnd expitss delivery business to mr fied mooutt neon acton ladles baseball team de feated brampton nnd cooksvllle teams at the dominion day sports at georgetown a reunion of the simpson nnd fletcher families wns held nt the simpson homestead lot jo con 3 nassngaweyn to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of set tling nnssagaweya twp descend ants of the fnmilies nnd of other enily settlers and present residents were invited making n crowd of nhout l people in all iiki swalkilamtll at his home at lim house on wednesday july 7th lj8 dnvid swnckhnmer jn hts 81 th year listth t tht ontario stock yards bulletin utrmt wallv ford 9vry tututmy meruimg iiamjiton 900 ciimi- 71s ajo wanted deap stock uiiaiest cash prices horses 7 00 cucli cattle 8 00 each hori 2 00 pef cwt all according to size and condition vml coixkot ciaijt vt3 darling co ltd suectwwrh to fal unm coop balanced feeds whole and chopped chains miujfkeds oiixake and concentrates spray material and dusts for vegabli and fruit chormor power and hand lawn mowcm poultry tonics and mcdlcinea founu and feedesa all hz of hope forks shovel hofl hardware tools etc for a futit ciohh wiring job phone for estimated raliufnri nnaranlffa patronize the coop its your business milt district cooperativ pnonel27 miltort durinr- thp pimt ucaon we hnd the reputation an one of the largest live poultry buyers for the american market we achieved thiw outstanding rating only through your mnrvelloufl patronage and faith in our solicitation our object in future as in the past will be to bring to you the highest market prices free pick up phone collect daytime ask for valley produce after g pjw phone 130 valley produce arthur ont sunnyside beach toronto free stage show nightly 800 pjn dancing sea itlleeze 900 pjn sunn hide pool open daily iyee parking for 5000 cam picnic areas available lor outoftown visitors for reservations call la 0357 mr van evera western canada y0u11 enjoy coiiic tv ms mirs n cow tomhft nip tx inclnm9 winnipeg regina calgary vancouver 4575 5705 7710 89 35 subject to change harold wiles phone 58

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