Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1948, p. 8

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page eight the acton free press thursday july lit uhlj m1cm ml dlrtfea urru id bmlbi rm iartl la thu oajuma wllboal tr i klcmortan notlea jae nt i tddltjoaal for poetry card toe pr tin di 4 amiii married noutonmcklnnkytqulotly in toronto on saturday juno 26th at 2 30 the marriage took plneo of w h norton nnd anno ie mcklnnoy mr and mr nor ton nro reiddlng nt suvorcreek prossiciwdills on saturday june kith 11mh by rev louis pickering nt tho homo of the bride parents mr nnd mrs g arlof dill kredohek strtol ac ton france ifitlznheth dills ba to mr clarence rodrtck prosser ba older son of mr nnd mrs william proier klrklnnd iako ont died graham at the guejph genrrnl hospital on thursday june 24th 1048 elizabeth ellon grnhom dear sister of marthn mrs a armstrong of acton millar at the home of her son walter lambert rr 3 acton mary catharine millar widow of wm millar in her 95th yenr heating at tho johnstone ana jlumlcy funeral home acton un til saturday when funeral service will be held nt 2 30 interment in fnlrvlew cemetery acton gauds of thanks mr bill holmes wishes to thank jrlcndfl and neighbors for the cards flowers and other kindness uiown jilm while in hospital they were indeed appreciated i wish to thank the many nclgh- tjorsnndfri en dsforthelrkindet em lllhofts in the guelpti gchernt hospital mrs john ughtle the family of the late miss e e graham appreciate deeply the kindness that was shown while she was in the hospital nnd the symp athy extended at the time of her death thoco -many- kindly- acts will always be gratefully rememb ered pbituarq robert a drbw fulton many friend attended funeral services for tho late robert a drew fulton on tuesday junv 22nd nt his home rr no 2 rock- wood with burlnl in eden mill cemetery rev plckeraglll of ebentzor united church conducted tho ser viced nsmstcd by members of thu choir he is burvlved by ono brother stanley nnd two sisters annie at homo and mr chas norrlsh of guelph tito pallbearers wore chos las- by alex near victor watson jas gilbertkon john mtlno nnd harlan wilson flower benrers were a m mc- phersqn freeman wkon ken neth watson rocs gordon and wnllnce and joe lasby elizabeth ellen graham resident of aclon for over fifty yenrs nnd n highly esteemed clt- l7n miss elinbeth ellen grnhnm rpnssod away on thursdoy last in guelph genernl hospital born in erin village she wnn n daughter of the into snmucl nnd ann grn- ham miss graham was n mvmber of the baptist church nnd one of its most faithful nnd untiring sup- pnrffnq in nil itq nmtvltie vr many yenrs im was n faithful lontf baptist following a aervica at tho into residence at 2 oclock conducted by tho rev w r btich- nnnn in rnvcnna united church the funeral wim held to union cemetery in thornbury on tu- day palltienrom were stanley algar and henry crlppa acton henry welsh harry rnwllngu nnd well ington knox of duncan frlendj were prevlent from acton toms- town toronto dtboro booton istrlietton rail inn fad and uur- rounding territory says no immediate likelihood of slump in next six months poison ivy can spoil the picnic t andmi plenty of moisture for rood growth these days roads about town were much improved by the use of the rond malntnlner tottrorrow is n big day in acton the rotary fair will be the attraction four boys from acton high school left ths morning for a ten day cadet cnmp nt iffiperwnsh miss dorothy pnllant has been successful in her second year ex aminations in her course in occu- juit lonal therapy we join with other friencls in congratulations to this acton student a daughter of mr and mrs m pallant the annual picnic of the friendly circle was held in the sunday school of the church on june 22 1918 a delicious supper was served a guessing contest was won by vera bean games nd fun followed and were enjojed by all answers the phone when no onets home it will no longer be necessary to sit nround the house waiting for the telephone to ring in case you miss an important call re porta hardware nnd metal 4 electrical denier a british manufacturer has come up with n new gadget that answers the phone npologlz- i- for our not being home takes flown any message thats given and relays uie message to you when you arrive home the new devloe has three swit ches explains the hardware busi ness paper one for recording orie to rewind and one for reproduc tion when the switches are set the telephones ring starts it run ning it announces this is the residence of soandso any mes- wig for him will be recorded and neroduocd on his return wheres the realism in tins part of the budget the muchpublicized realism of mr abbotts recent budget cert- jilnlj doesnt show up in 1u fall- tire to correct glaring iniquities n the matter of certain excise and ale tnves observes the drug mer- i hnndising rthe sales tax is removed com plete from scores of fnncy pack aged food delencles while such nec- vsities ns dentifrices antiseptic month washes shaving creams buh powder etc continue to pay not onl the si- sales tax but the 1t wartime imposed excise tax iis well sas the drug business publication the industry the trade and the public fall to see the realism of that particular aspect of the budget removal of tbls tax could produce worthwhile savings to fomlllos almost at one thats more that can be promised as a re sult of tax removal from many of those packaged food items member of tfie choir and gave freely of her time nnd talent she had a talent for art nnd in earlier years did some painting both on canvas nnd fine chlnn nnd taught nrt to many students in acton surviving io one sister mrs mar tha armstrong who la also in poor henlth another sister mrs james mcintosh was on older resident of acton nnd passed nwny a few yenrs ago the funeral was held on satur day afternoon with service nt the johnstone rumloy funeral home where many friends- gnth- orodintrlbutw toollfto that was exemplary nnd in sympathy with those who had been bereaved the service was in chnrge of rev c j r gower who wns assisted by rev w h wnhooe n former pns- tor interment wni in erin cemetery the pall benrers wvre messrs fred west hugh reld fred coles wm coopcr alex orr nnd chester plnnk mrs john welsh the communities of duncan euphrasia nnd colllngwood town ships were shocked wben they learned that mrs john welsh of euphrasia township had passed awa saturday evening in the gen- eml and marine hospital colhng- uood in her 42nd year deeensed whs born in eramosn twp n daugh ter of mrs cripps acton and the late edwin cripps who passed on in september last the young couple were married in george town 12 years ago and moved to the grooms farm one nnd a half mili west of duncan where the family hnve since resided the late mrs welsh had enjoed good health until two weeks be fore her demlse and her sudden passing is a great shock to relnt- ies and friends alike besides the husband four sons and three daughters clara eddie norma and norman ronald and donald isabel there are four brothers algor stanley cerll and henry all residing in the vicinity of acton and three sisters thue mns jns mnclntyre toronto ed na mrs maurice welsh toms- town and rota mrs chas linc oln toronto in religion decensed was a life- b t huston editor of canadian grocer told the annual convention of the canadian wholesale grocers association there nro many signs on the horizon to indicate there is no immediate chance for any pro nounced slump in prices or busi ness generally in the next six months here are some of editor hust ons reasons 1 wngcs are more than likely to remain nt their presenltlgh levels nnd in many industries will be higher employment ls pretty well nt its peak 2 farmers are obtaining top rprlces for everything they have to sell except perhaps wheat which in likely to advance in august to 2 per bushe from nt present 37ilcfundlnk by ottawa of two years- enfordwr jrfv during the wnrtotal to approxi mate 230 millions and the inter est accumulations to about 250 millions 4 capital expenditures on ipnrt of private citizens industry and government tototnl 2800000000 highest in canadas history an increase of 17 per cent over 1047 5 consumnntlon of european recovery plan which may mean purchases in cannda of perhaps upwards of a billion dollars and the obtaining of the much prized american dollars by means of the transactions picnic time can sometime be poison ivy time so it 1 well to im able to recognize this plant al though it generally grow ft n trailing vine or ns h number of separate plants forming patciumtof varying thickness and size it may climb a tree or telegraph polo for a considerable height it leaves me m ranged nltornntely on the woody stem with wtch leaf bearing thiee lenflelu which mny vary in m shape color or in outline but will always lie in threes clutom of greenishyellow fruits above tho sle of umsb develop on poison ivy in some locations nnd these fruits gradually turn white poison ivy is the only common plant in can ada having txlfollnc leaves and a white fruit the rash which can prove si distressing to many people te caus ed by coming into contnet with the nonvolatile sticky substance which in on the plant this sub- itanre may remain nctlve on glov es tools shoes nnd picnic baskets for months dogs cats or even smoke from burning poison ivy can transmit the suhstnnce the best preventntlve measure is to learn to recognize poison ivy nnd not to iplcnle or sit nenr it if poison ivy does come in contact with the skirt wnsh immediately with laundry soap preferably in jha-iifm- water wash lugwit ji-eo- too much interference 6 development of the leduc oil fields in alberta at a heavy ex penditure to mean retailing in ca nnda largo sums of money that would be spent elsewhere for oil 7 possibility of tho british pound being devalued on washing tons instructions nnd after our own dollar this would increase tourist trader united states tour ists now to be permitted to take hack 100 worth of merchandise dutfree if they spend 12 days in canada as against 100 in the past depnrtmentbf trade and commerce in expanding not only our export trnde but yorld trade in general ns indicated by the geneva agreement nnd the ca nadian int trade fmr 9 our growing population new families greater economic de mands of some vnluc if soap and water nre not available small patches or isolated plants in gnrdens or around summer cottages enn best bo removed by digging them out but as the plant has nn extensive root system thoroughness is essen tial giovoi nnd clothlngshould be worn which can be thoroughly washed or dry cleaned more ex tensive infestations when not among plants or shrubs which might nlso be killed are best trented with chemicals such chemical methods are outlined in n pamphlet poison ivy nnd its erad ication which may be obtained from the domlnon dept of abrl- culture ottawa tly imph xjir rutltds even if we liked and ngrved with the government theory uint it ran handle our money much bot- tisr than we do ourwelve wo would lw reluctant to udmlt that the change of handlers made much dif ference to tho consideration of inflntlon or deflation there nra so many more factors involved thai the individual one thnt con cerns the amount of free mony that the government lu wat lulled to pormlt um to hjhiid for ourselves one such item ls that wages were up 1h millions in february 1917 as compared with the same month of the preceding yoar nnd thnt wages and price increase re sulted in n gross national produc tion 13 higher for the year 197 than for the preceding year knowing these facts apd realizing thnt he ih no better off there is a i emitting wave of discontent a- mong all workers a feeling that w orklng isnt worth while when 11 doen nothing for you tho in evitable result is slowdowns cither lns a policy or an individual prac tice or another wave of wage de mands either situation adversely effects the general wellbeing of the cltlen either represents dls- oignnzatlon discontent lower production higher costs nnd all which we were supposedly protect ing on i selves one reason for this is the effec tive and astute policy of govern ment in turning businessmen nnd cieculli cs inlqtax collectors they the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc advertisement under this holding ac cosh with order up to 25 words additional word lc per word if cauh doew not c company the advertisement mlnjmuni charge soc and lc per word additional for each word over 23 subsequent ihtctlunui 5c for sale for sale hay in meld john allan it it i phone ihirli tok sale i1 dodge sedan apply to harry short iii ird line for sale white ash lumber planks 2xi 2xh 2x10 nnd binder tongues phone miknn 164r3 a w allen 12 wanted work wanted liaby sit ting or washing phone 222r wanted to purchase pullets eight weeks to laying puro brood or hybrid crosse advise ago number and price apply twoddlo chirk hatcheries limited fergus ontnrlo for sale double house on hroi k avenue rented ono side ot her side is occupied by owner mr j 11 taylor lost ijist thursday morning in front of post office or in a store ilng of a car key pilot insurance tag finder plenu leave at free pi ess office for sale gurney colli or lai ge wood range with warming clost and copper reservoir blnck anil white honsonnble apply mrs hns allan acton still time to get urny chicks some started pullets nonsoxed real bnrgnlns at the jqicclal sum mer prces immediate delivery contact us geo t brown rr 1 noi val 51 s tenders wanted lendorn will be received by the undersigned for tho laying of npproxlmntely 1500 s ft of cement sidewalk 4 inches deep in the corporation of artnn tenders to be in by july 7th at 5 pm the iftwmt or any tender not necessarily accepted specification may be had upon application j mcgenchle clerk for rent nine for low wages they and not the government nre supposedly responsible for high prices- no amount of nrgumetvt will convince the worker thnt what he receives in his pay envelope is not the total of what his employer ls nctually paying him whatever hs-know- ledge of tho facts that is the j direction of his thinking nnd thnt direction is in our opinion more inflntonnry in effect than would be the buing of satlbflcd workers on n market adequately supplied by the products of thejr work house for sale comfort able hroomcd brick house con veniences insulated heavy wiring hot air furnnce centrally located on largo lot good garden and benring fruit trees apply box 40 w ij for sale new five room ool- tnge fully insulated hardwood living room tile in kitchen built in cupbnnrds 3 piece built in bath heavy wiring garage immedlnte possession contnet j e mcmul- len bower ave acton 503 canadas recent i ntcrria u onal trade fnlr in toronto was the fiist ever held on this continent press officer retires fred james who for several years past has been chief press officer dominion department of agriculture retired on superannua tion on june 8th mr james was presented with a portable typewriter by his col leagues in the department nt a reception given in his honor milk production lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials schneiders crispy crust lard lb 22c january nnd februnry milk pro duction in canada declined 3 per cent in 1918 as compared with the first two months of 1917 less milk was used for creamery but- ur and for fluid milk but great er ousntlties were processed into ice cream dairy butter and fluid cream butter 1st grade creamery 70c lb schneiders heaver brand bacon- side 63c lb back 7 ieameal 09c lb fresh bolcmjna ii 29c red brand beef buy the best cued exclusively it costs no more mgcuetqi aletua school is out and the holi day season is started again some of the factories nre closing down for n week or 4wo but tv usual wc nrc-stag- gerlng our holidays so ns to lemnln open nt nil times for our convenience have you perchance walked past put mill lately mill street is not the only place thnt is hnvlng its face lifted it is surprising what a differ ence a coat of pnint can make did our i oof leak through the rans this week with the holidays here it would bo a good tme to npply n new i oof we hnve a good stock of asphalt shingles in 210 lb thiee in one nnd 125 lb v- lock most colors see you enjoying yoursejf at the rotary fnlr j b mackenzie son midijvnd georgian bay housekeeping cabins for 24 fwx- ple fishing bathing boating h salisbury r r 1 penelong 312 lost nnd pound i-ost- pair glasses dark plastic rim in brown lent her case re ward george holloway acton miscellaneous li hi t will be closed saturday july 3rd so no work please h g turner rr 2 acton blankets we exchange blnnkets nnd motor hugs for wool rags and cotton rags commis sion paid on club ordern write flesherlon woolen mills flesher- ton ont 12 now in operation rockwood frigid iockers main st hockwood lacker rentals meat processing all steel lockers store your strawberries in this modern plant containers available at the plant phone 4hj tortured by constipation try piiven frui a t famous herbal medicine useduc- essfully for 45 years brings lief ipulekly tones up liver kcu bowels active restores good heilth reliable the rural buiujing re pairman otrpon toting all kind rooting chimneys hullt repaired hlnvk laying mem lnthing house loathing nnd nil general re pairs no job tm small all work done satlsfar tory h a deforest elgin st acton ont phono j55j own your business join the lending cnmpnny of home ser- vlre in canada iot your effort deteimlne oiir income very little rnpltal needed if you hnve travel ling equipment here is your chance to use it with hnfit write for full details familex lfioo delorlmler montreal ic5 robt r haiiiilton optometrist dr g a sirrs office tuesday july 13th complete evealoht service school problems modernized teacher now elmer if 3 men can rut 3 acres in 3 dayr how many men would it take to cut 50 acres in one day elmer one teacher teacher dont be funny elmer hon do you make that out elmkit well teacher one man can cut 50 acres in a day if he han a masseyharris combine teacher i mast hear more about this ill telephone 100 georgetown at once nnd let jim taylor k me all the details tractor service taylopt farm implements catering kanqtlets weddings picnics etc no gathering too small or too larce all inquiries receive prompt attention e coles church st- aclon attention farmers and gaudfnkrs how mnny acren do you work to feed your horses that rould be turned into prplit with n waterloo garden tractor ploughing discing scuffling mow ing spraying viwlng wood ate sold for 108 00 nnd up j e mcmullen fiowrr ave acton 50s farnworth memorials monumrnta at mndrrmt 111 w cemetery lettering flora ltd at omrutry utelpii ont e p head optometrist even examined scientifically i ie a juno aid batteries quick kepairs to ilajjieh kinocularn field glaisch etc mst gixr si phone 1529 guelph brf u ytlh miss allan reg chiropodist trau tost allmrnu oar- rlr llcht cmfohjuilr arch- r of leather ar fttl u pr ferrrd 27 arthur st gubiph phone 1300j loading excavating grading all grades sund grnel and fill contracts f g mellor phone 202 acton i

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