Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1948, p. 3

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thursday july 8th ims of interest to women weeds a farmers constant problem moat things dspand ujjoo th point of view of tha beholder and aom of tha flowering wsads can be attractive on aomeooe las farm but to the practical farmer however attractive tha flows and however euphooloua theirilama foxtail shepherds puree tumbling mustard they are only hlndancea which create a con- ataht problem to efficient product lorn one of the 1ason that weed remain ao great a problem despite the developmert of new and more powerful weed killer aay g a elliott associate chief of the plant lroducta laboratory ser vices dominion department of agriculture la that ao many are put hack in the soil t properly cleaned seed borne weeds are so prolific in seed production that relatively clean fields can be come badly contaminated in two or three year if the weeds are al lowed to go to seed or if poorly cleaned crop seed is sown a klrgle plant of wild mustard atlnkweed pigweed foxtail or campion produces about 10000 to 30 000 seeds shepherds purse about 80000 and tumbling mustard a m a l50fl000 attd- ao imconnolcloun nro thei iwrta that their presence is not readily noticed electric welding portable equipment we can weld either at our shop or on jour own premis es electric and acetylene welding no job toobig or too small anderson weld ing shop main street aoton near highway garage hello homemakersl every year we are submerged with queries on canning vegetable our epmoa la too limited to describe each of the various method of processing sterilising is successfully done in pressure earner therefore we emphasise this method many homemakera have a pressure sauce pan which will maintain the desir ed pressure but only two or three lars can be processed at one time as for the pressure canner it will hold six to eight jarjrbut you need a large element to provide even heat a constant pressure la nec essary so the cartier cannot be set aside for even a minute to cool tho filled utensil by placing it in wntor or in a cold place is wrong it should bo loft to cool gradually otherwise juices will be suctioned from the jars precautions fob process- jno vbgktaitlks 1 guy a now btlff bottle brush make your selection of new wallpaper from the largest stock in western ontario priced to suit everyone youll find it at chappies bookstore us wjndham st gnelph angd8 kknnkdy proprietor m tmnw ti fit yum j examine jars and lids for nicks nrd crocks ns thoso cannot keep n perfect seal 2 scrub sonlors thoroughly in hot ronpy wntor ulnso in chlor inated water and then in hot di inking water two tnhloseioons of chloride of lime to about throe quni li of water 1 tent jnri for keal half fill ultli water put proper sized rub ber i ing and lid in place senl and invert this method does not ap ply to vacuum typo if tho glass top locks slightly or the jiu tr another one 4 jnra may bo rtmvontently sterilized in the oven place empty jarswlth only tho glass lid in iplnco on n pan in tho ovon and heat to 225 degrees using lower element turned on plnco on a dry cloth ns each one is being fil led 5 fresh vegetables should bo gathered and canned the same day for sure pick over and discard any with blemishes fi wash in a collnnder or sieve plunging them in largo quantities of fresh water 7 prepare thovoaotnbles as for table cooking that is pod peas string bearo sort spinach otc 8 a hot pack method for vege tables is recommended to set col- our covorlng tho vegetables with hot water and bringing to a boll is bufflcient for small pieces im mediately to provent loss of flav our and vitamins fill ono jar ut a time to within tt an inch of the top one half a teaspoon of salt is allowed for each plot than add some of the hot liquid to fill the jar dip the blade of a scalded knife around the inside of tho fil led scaler to remove air pockets and prevent shrinkage now seal tightly then turn the screw band back the distance of tho length of thumb with springtop sealers fasten large ball in place the vac uum scalers should bo tightened firmly 0 a rack or grate should be placed in the pressure earner and the jars arranged an inch apart pour about two inches of hot wat er in and fasten tho lid securely 10 the canner should be brought to the desired temperature as quickly as possible time the processing period exactly as soon as the pressure is indicated the electric element may then be switched to medium if pint jars are used when the processing is finished movo the canner off the hot element and let it cool until there la no hissing sound when you try tho potcock at wro re move tho cover tilting it forward ao thnt tho steam escapes in tho opposite direction 11 lift out tho jars with a llft- el complete the tionl screwing metal bands tightly or spruvg the short ball into place 12 placo filled seniors on a folded nowspnpor or board 3 or 4 inches apart to cool whon cold carefully invert to test for lcakago the vncuum scalors are tested by tniwlng with a ringing sound if proporly sealed 4 write pretrow the a free press 1 page thrjeb chronicles ot ginger farm nw written specially for the asian free pr owendouns p clark the recent heavy rains have been a great hindrance to the hay ing but they have been grand for the grain crops gardens and strawberries i am also hoping the aburdant moisture will likewise uu meanplonty of wild raspberries l and heres hoping i get a little itrrnsox to the editor apton free preu deaf sir your editorial of june 34th re- pentyt what has been handed out li crltlcum of tho ccf batty nine ltrlkt itnrtod that the party cannot offer the average canadian freedom to develop hlfl own indi vidual initiative td live hla own life to make hi own future w and then you ua the word vegtment- ntlon i thought it had gone out uet sometime i worker if when compulsory ycducatlon wu intro- duced oppose of that great ben efit pitied tha poor regimented children 4pl to inarch to achool time to go picking night now v the organization of the people am still paddling around in arlou themelvc apart from a cot kinds of paint in splto of tntf fact i government art knowing that they that my alitor is staying with un but uho doos not mind bin co she is still recuperatlrg from a recent lllneiu her idea of a holiday la not godding about but rest nnd or that she la rottlna plenty just n much ns sho will take want socialism take the many cooperative kyosptallsatlon or ganization that are springing up nil over oftarlo these are social istlc movements they spring from tho people thomselvos the ccf is not like the two old partlew i nm having my first experience v dominated by a few date on labolu nnd faster to onch jar store them in n cool dnrk plnco pressure timetable ioi pint seniors aspnr 10 ihq pressure 10 mlns nouns 10 lbs pressure 35 mlns corn 15 lly pressure 30 mlns drfmifl 15 lbi pressure 55 mini ivns 10 lbi pressure 45 mlns pumpkin 15 lbs pressure 03 mlns canadas weekly editor with roller painting and you know how it is whon you ore attempt ing something you havent dono before you nnturnlly feol a llttltf nervous nnd know that n cor to in nmount of concentrntlon li absol utely nocobjmry woll tho othur day i hnd my pnlnt mixed op in tho trny nnd hnd doro my first roll atrmui tho coiiujk when i heard tho alt yondr pflidtomy mini wblsk hnvlnr kitten nnd if o where i hurried down it while they are in power the bank ors inburnncc companies brew- eiy owners nrd nil of the five per cent of the population who count their income ir tens of thousands of dollarfl have to be satisfied bo- fore tho work of common john citizen enn bo nttqpdcd to the ccf tparty does not offer knther it shares proulnoo ox cock showid mint it know tlila yours just add one cup of milk or water to campbells cake mix stir and bake enjoy frwdi homemade cake always lifht tender and delicious try lit cflmpbclij cake mix visit our modern showroom opp fire hall inlaid junolfcum 8 carded street guelph ont kubakb and mastic ti1jw waijlnnlfcs hsiallrd in kltebmis bathroom lasllwatya star omees kta truoou sanders vr kent or work dm keating tile co ulovd ib sucamno formerly guelph flooring service lbon tuw oueom after hours uu the ccf or sulfa tkeatment von foinjinood uni whlhlty nil rlfjht alttlng on tlu dining loom ruir still iilnintlvo- l mew inn olivlousl her tlmo hnd imif hnstu i found n laiki hov nindc n nnft hod for her j mil put thi ikit and whisky ho su- i in limlmral foi llioion hind i lm hiulc kite hiui stovn she lr of amorlcnn foullirood llos in sci mill li sittli down nil lltht so j distruitlon or comiplpto storll i i ut hnck to my pnlntlnft two ahenti0n farmers wo are paying tho highest prevailing prices for daad or crippled farm animals horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immedlato service laing cartage opettatino for gordon young limited phone guelpb 8sm dancing stanley park erin every yfednesday evening debonnatoes orchestr every friday evening modernaires orchestilv editors of canacln i weekly newflpnpom numborlne name 820 from the dljjby courier in nova otin to the indy mlth chronicle on vnncouver island have beer tnklne n look nt thenmolvea in n noilyielonsexl nntlonnl film bd short the home town paipor the i eekly iclectod to represent the proup is tho vornon bc news and if all the 820 editors f hold the place in the community ci edited in the film to vernors younjy editor mr trunk harris they may indeed feel duly reassur ed nnd flnttored those who dine to the romartlc concept of n weekly editor as a rouehnnrttoujrh character in a frontier community a typo that survives strictly in western mov ies will bo dlsappolntod the smnlltowr editor today plays a role far more important than merely deciding who is to he lynched he is a citizen of his community and his nation well ac quainted with civic affairs who knows practically overybody in town by hli first name and family tree his responsibility lr fact is re- cordlnp in type the heartbeats of his community vernons editor mr harris the film sugecsts binds tho entire community and the sur rounding district together with a thin web of information oplnlor and report he makes hu paper ns much a part of the town as the chinese fruit vendor the commun ity band the old men playing chec kers in the park the lacrosse game the npple picker tho bus iness man on a fishlrg trip he is n close friend not only of tho may or but of the boys in the barber shop who tenr his editorials to pieces every week but tfrthe weekly editor keeps his finger on the towns pulse he is no longer a gossip dispenser he records comments scolds and amu ses on mntters such as citlzershlp for new canadians town iplannlng the indian rpopulatlon the schools his editorials are aimed directly at his readers individually and col lectively the modern canadian wetekly newspaper editor has come a lorg wn from the characters dreamed up mnn yean nco with him he has brought his paper which speaks each week to more thnn r 000 000 million canadians moie swaths ncross tin nnd ther tippy set up futious nnr- klnu fiom the hnck poirh down i wi nt njinln it was the baker knock in k at the front door who hnd rnused the disturbance- baker- nnd tippy having been nttended to i went upstairs once moto but then after i hnd been rpnlnting u little while i remembered whisky wiu she nil right or did the hnk- i ei nnd uie balking disturb her i hnd to find out but when i got to the kitchen lo nnd behold j vvhlskv hnd dor the nnlshlng not i knew she couldnt have got outside so i started searching tho i house i looked in all tho rooms i under the bods in the cupboards down in the rellnr any plnco nt nil thnt i thought n cnt might intlon of nil infected mnterlnl iniluie to destro or sterilize such material ienes it a sure source of futuie lelnfoction i in- newer method nf treatment h sulfn drugs neither destroys nor steilllytb but leaves tlic spore lr fee led blood to he cleaned out by the bees themselves and prompts the question what be comes of it in the course of recent experi ments nt ottawa sny c b good- erlinm dominion apiarist domin ion dept of agriculture n number of colonies were lnnoculnted witii amerii an foulbrood spores and ijulckly beenmo infected wlthlr- n few weeks nearly all of tho brood lr some of the colonies was dead those colonies were then fed sul- fatjilazoie at the rate of gram choose ns a deiwery room andl l f n0w wliexljja tnxer new mechanical tiller for striall gardens works without avles or tlris reports the financial post etghtfour pound machine tarries is h p gasoline englrc oer a set of u ntosplki3 or prongs mount ed coaxfally two long centre prongs move the tiller forward shorter outward iprongs revolve at faster speed churning up soli maker claims that machine plows disc harrows and pulverizes in one operation to depth of 3lnchos to 6lrchoi by setting lover act- ion of rotor is unified so that cul tivator enn move across lawns or drlvewns without turning up soil illed her nnd once i thought i heard her answer i called again yes i did hear her but where hunting through the house agalr i noticed the hall closet was not completely closed could that be her hideout i said to myself and wilted at the thought now our hnll closet doesnt quite equal that of fibber mcgee but neither is it as clutter- free as it might be it is a closet that runi under the stairs you know the kind i menn the farther bnck you get the less head room you hnve and there sure enough right at the very back was whisky not on nnythirg soft mind you but on top of two pairs of quilting frames- between which a kitten had been born and dropped to the floor i clambered out from the dark recesses of tho cupboardbut not i without giving my head a good hard crack on tho projecting stair and i said never a word imagine a man under similar clrcumstar- ces tills time i took the box to whisky instead of whisky to the box rescuing the kitten i put cnt nnd kitten in the box nnd car ried them out to the woodshed after that we both got on with our respective jobs finished my cell ing nnd whisky produced three more kittens the kittens were all right but i think my celling v as a little more patchy thnn it should hnve been after all i was pairt- mg under difficulties don t ydi think so wbll there are five loads of hay in the barn and since the rain held off during the weekend it looks ns i if there might be quite a bit going ir toda bob b using the plek- up on the hayfork so there are nu horses for me to drive im not omplnining we nie back to our eight hour dnv eight hours before noon and eight afterwards i am stretching it i bit but not very much after the hnv was in and the chores done saturdnv night partner went out with the mower ard tut until 915 it was tool for him nnd the horses too and i think lie enjoyed it and the othei day bob remarked i inn t siv wh anyone on a farm should worry about going awnv for i holldav during the summer that depends upon how mucn pleasure ou get out of yout work doesnt if nnd healthy brood began to appear while the dead brood was being removed a specially designed trnp wn placed in front of or of the colonies with the hope of catching some of tho debris thrown out by the bees in n few days small specks of material were found on the floor of the trap those were carefully collected and submitted to the dominion bacter iological laboratory for micro scopic examination this examin ation showed the specks to consist of masses of spores of am e hear foul brood as there are hundreds of millions of spores in a single larval scale the possibilities for relnfectlon from the ground in front of a badly infected colony that is being treated with sulfa lb very real snores of american foulbrood remain alive and vlrul- lent for manv years and are among the most resistant bacterial sporej known bees gathering moisture from spore infected ground have nn excellent opportunity of collect ing some of these spores and thus infecting every colonv in the neighbourhood wmr bracken reai- estate and general insurance moirtgtfgg arranged iteprctinlntive of mutual life assurance co ltd sanding floors finishing linoleum mstic tile rubber 126r call milton 436vt reverse the charges clement mountain during the past season uo had tlte reputation on one of the largest live poultry buyers for the american market we achieved this outstanding rating only through your marvellous patronage and faith in our solicitation our object in future an in the past will be to bring to you the highest market prices free pick up phone collect daytime ask for valley produce after 6 pjw phone 130 valley produce arthur ont vacation iim ii xontarios lakeland youll tnjoy going by bus the dlt of im australian race luirw l- ivln force with four tuki- and tuo battles of mom dally j north bay uarrie 1165 515 huntsvllle 1025 subject to change harold wile phone 58

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