Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1948, p. 6

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roa arx the acton free press thursday july bth ims the sunday school lesson sunday july ii ims a good workman golden tx wubhw thy hand flndeth to do dn tt with thy rnlcht bccl 10 chron 1 s lmmh mestt ex si lll a exposition t god 0u of jel 51 13 fiultlr h tabemacl required rd skilled workmen th plan of lu construction had been rvl- d to moses ch m to ml en the minute fwulu a to material the were to work on and the fin ished work a provldd it vas a tvo o work for whlth moam had not been trained neither hud n of th israelite they were laborers in brick and keeper of herd ard nock th slav char acter of th israelite did not ftt them to work in una linen choice wood precious metal and valuable jevwls whn they left europe th terror stricken egyptians load ed them ulth gifts and jewels evl- tlenth to placate what would b to them the ancer of israels cod ex 1j isv but these wre valu ables with whlrh they had no tklll in tho making conseoueitly the buildlnc of the tabernacle required spcelnlh endowed vinrkmeh tie first of llirv l beulel it li significant that this workman was miiw i namf itix v in rr khnw find unnnlerlif of the mn wisdom for th work unto which god would call him ac is 1 3 ahoilab had a capacity for con struction both h and beaalel wars ivan ability to aatact work man and to dva thom direction in the special work god wantad don v e ex 33 soss in all of this not that god la revealed a th sovereign com mander and employer of mankind gen 3 81 skill in th common arti and employment w the gift of god not only l ho th b- towsr of th original gift but lie u the only one who can ahow u the bt mprdvement of our facul ties when men take their nat ural aptitude and devot them to unholy ambition to purely aec- ular vocation without thought of god and ma be ao employ them that thej aarve satan more than cod they are ulnner in their work and for such will invite the judg ment of cod iii an enduring work for god j chron 1 is thi verse ahou the taxing val ue of uork done as unto the lord and not to men hundred of year after betalel and ahollah had fln- uhed their uork the fruit of their labor is still a service to god and to the people of another day it was still a guide unto men to seek and find the lord let us so live anil labor prov 17 t in s3 rl we are beset on all ldos ulth i troubles emnnattng from lack of agreement beiueon employers and workers capital and labor we mod some of the ndice gken in jour golden tevt whatever thy judges in labob distutb should canadian jludges aery on conrlllatlon boards in labor dis putes if they do ao doe it tend lo bring the judiciary irto disre pute the queatlon haa been dla- tuaaed frankly in parliament and answers to a financial poet quaat- tonnnalre reveal a fairly even div ision of pubic opinion on the aub- ject some hold that judges by reason of their training and their impartial offlc are ideally qual ified to serve on such board otts- ers argue that auch duties leave judges open to criticism from those whom their awards do not please and thus may tend to impair the reputation of the bench in general- some suggested that retired judgea night be eligible for eoneulatlor laska others suggtmted lawyers as possessing many of the same qualifications as judges onlv the female momjultoo bite t hmw i do i u wi hi might frrt i ini if the work- your eyes for better and more comfortable vision consult r m bell iteuibteufj optombtritlt phone 22rl2 erin news and views of llmltoa krarm knisreat passing o k j meagher hhaolu llalte llelsleln mtrnlty the anrjouncement of the pass ing of e j meagher of graymar earm trafalgar twp in thur- day july 1st shocked his wide eli de of friends in helton compar atively few of his fellow holsteln breeder had known of hht recent illness hi herd of graymar hol- iitelns under hi personal super vision had in recert year won in ternational recognition a one of the tbp holsteln herd on the con tinent animal bred at graymar farm by eddie meagher have not only won champlorhlip award at the halton county holsteln show hut also haye established canadian championship records of product ion iuh quiet unassuming manner and his genorous and actlvo co- oportttlor with all halton holsteln club activities had won for him a host of frlerda in halton to whom hu passing markavnrtraglc loss rxr hervick8 bkndbbed oelllng on winter wheat removed in ense some of our readers mis sed the announcement in the dnlly prt- b the canndlnn wheat bd ill w ultlu i iiuotntlon ftom im h w licit is a it was rather in the manner of newly appointed subalterrj ap- thiarlng before the co that e b jiilllffe and five of his elected ccf candidate were paraded be fore the toronto labour council recently and told what was ex pected of them having accepted the organized support of th on tario federation of labour dlu a 100 000 campaign fund then was nohing else they could do and so the incumbent were bombarded with mandatory sug- gesttonti out of which it became clear that mr jolllffe ha made autflclont room in hi oct driver seat to accomodate senior union officials hence vanishes the ccf claim to be a representative party a claim which the election result show the farmer never reallybe- lloved aryway if the ccf ever obtain power in ontario mr joll lffe might still the loudspeaker but the record would be put on by the union bosses 1 horo i no report that the cce lender complained at the presence of communist delegate to the mooting doaplte hi repudiation of communism and all it work tharo thoy wero and they were his supporters a communist a a macleod put it ir a poat-olect- lon radio addrosa without our unity at the poll tllo ccf would never hnvo wyinelcvon seat in the ioulslnturo from the toronto ar ea mr jolllffe is now an honor- t v om m salada tea outstanding quality delicious flavour poultry and eggs wanted phone milton lw for belt- pricai halton poultry products although he uas n workman he r urn such in h worthx of cod election for n sedfic task in thli wn god calls nien tud women for speclil dutiev he mlhd ahrnm gn 1c li mi k t i glil eon i n 1 r 11 111 imuel 1 vim 3 1- 1 mm is je ir i ilteil hu dcf mitlj q lno 1 1 411 jt si ins hs r tin iv nids ou- s knous our ii iheh 4 1 li 21 l gol is mil tk i i tntur of me il i s in nor il kn u tint there in an i- i t il nt in i m which di r iniimihl iould d th wi k needed to bt dont hoi rrn micnismsl h in the ele t it n of belizel m do not know but th e wiuid he mnn matt n 5si iu his chosen becnuse h mi 1 nbt in the hand and umhr th i wer of gol to be such a m irkinn ss would lie pleasing un- t h m he become the kuperir- tend n of tlie construction the ult i of the tabernacle was trans mute 1 from god through moses to him all the capacities resident in him to do ecelknt work requir ing choice capacities for the finest art were laid hold of bj god un der the enrlchlnp enduement of cods spirit he became a true mas ter morkmnr this is the divine plan orkmen are also servants of god in fact the are first of rll hi sen ants 2 tim 2 21 matt 6 v eph g 59 jas 5 9 beimel wos the grandson of url a jewish tradition savs that url was the husband of miriam moses bister and the same one that assis ted aaron in holding ur the arms of moses ex 17 1012 if so it would illustrate the power of spiri tual example and tralnlrs in child ren and grandchildren good con- acientlous workmen are usually roodl parents who instil rever- erce and obedience to god in their children what great talents the lord can sanctify in children which come out of godly homes eph 6 141 ii ahoilab is called 611 ahoilab was of the tribe or dan an obscure people but not so much ao that god could not call one of their number there is no respect of persons with god ac 10 t 1 cor 1 26 27 he was how ever of such character and faith that i od could call him for a spec ial task in ahoilab also god put wisdom that is there being tal ent in the man and the heart of the man being wholly devoted to god he is made the recipient of special man has the right spirit he will loe his work nnd haw pr de in his nccompkhment becnuse ho is clien the opportunlu to tpivss himself through his tnsk if the nipliti has the prop r consider- i itlin for li s mpliis nnd is let hit d in the ilcsir t 1 so tin woik nun m h s sh ip tin a iks in his ffk itn fiir tr itnu nt is ti w rkinj i mdit on and silu for l i libonr is w irtln of his hire i uke 10 l if mutual trust ind li m t i lit ins ir siujit no sh ill hnie t in fir t w ud sohlnj tu thomi prohlmis i skinny men women gain 51045 lbs gat new pen vim vigor w vr piants now help agrktitl re thinks to tlie d m lopmet t of the threi ammonium nitrite plum in canada for the mmufnr ore of ovnlosivcs during the war sjnu idooo tons of this matt rial is row lulnr made nnnualli nt these plants for fertilizer purposes sns s peart plant products dlvl- sior dominion department of ag riculture it is bronulnr in form nnd each granule is coated with a moisture resisting substance so that the product will remain dry nnd of satisfactory mechnnlcnl condition for fertilizer use it has virtually replaced nitrate of soda in canada far tw i pr n clpnl reasons first it enrtains about 33 per cent of nitrogen as compared with 16 per rent in nitrate of soda one half of t le 33 per cent i in nitrate form to that there is actually as much nitrate nitrogen in ammonium r urate as in nitrate of soda in addition the ammojrilum nitrate supplies 16 per cent of ammonia nitrogen which further enhances its value second the cost per unit of nitrogen is usually much lower which from the farmers standpoint m very important lrdeed during the fertilizer year ended june 30 1947 some 28000 tons of ammonium nitrate was used in canada for fertilizer purposes about 22000 tons was used a an ingredient of mixed fertilizers and about 6 000 tons for singlo aripll catior on orchards and for aide dressing vegetable crops during the same year onl about 300 tons of nitrate of soda was used in canada as against several thousand tons per ear before the war ii fell u nin n m lij nn ui iwhk no i n ttnttal boflj 1 11 ir ll vrkly lwn pull uhh- 11 wuiiidi ol it w 1 in mm wu mw ooum llln tnjors kir ii 1 kimiiimuftuiitliiiulm imwlljus 1 linn 111 jl 1u ln iwl 1bh n io rwt flr i f rluihivu ni im nil nt on b boni iii arrll ill m i fv 11 w lit 1 utwllr rtnilrilihu 1p url 1 irl ic 11 llf rr i r nil li t r n re r cuamivg no pickup during holidays july 12 to 17 inclusive august 2 to 17 inclusive master dry cleaners joe woods ment in inakrlnn ontnilo winter wlilfu policy far t he i rop eur mmminis lulv 1st 1018 the nvlinm nt lis tiuod that the jirki t i 1 tn k of tnrlo wlntt i lu nt i an be remov mi niul thli ut ion hih bt iffictlvp ns of today tin t rhtolnlh of luni 1 lu prl i nt 1 rensui p ivnu nt of eifilit ii nts per buslitl i dlsrontlnuod with tho rtiiiovnl of tin price nil mn 1 lii m nn that tho price of onlui o w irkr in nt will no fr e l i find its own hil nftu prevail nif tonditlons sim t thi aho inn uinci ment was ksiied alt cpoi t lesetilctlona hat bit n u nuned ami wheat is iitiliitl quoiwl nrnurtl the si 75 ni irk it luus been it ported to uh tint undtr ibe fai shall plan e- rn t ts from paitlclpatlnr countries must not slii aho the american prut and nt the present time am- itiean wintei whent flour is ell- ln in the west indies at tho equi valent pi ue of 175 per bushel ir iw ork we cannot vouch for th authentlelt of the above state j ment but it was secured from a re- hibl source if correct it would appeal to more or less eitabll h i set price based on the price of j american winter wheat which puce does seem to be out of lino with that of hard ipring whet which is selling across the line at sj 10 per bushel be dont do this tom lit lenses adsorb harmful rays and slara becaumtheyarcdellcately tinted thy blend with ths complexion nd at ths aama time keep annoyuu and harmful glare from your eye ask us about tons lit l cecil a garb savac optica 8 douglas st gudph onl tel 1091 ksjjmsvv jgt i v y v rav thk old and the new in flying llevkn years in aviation it ii a far cry from the planes used when transcanada air lines first beaut operation i 1 w to the hue 40passeager pressurtsed north atar wuch offklslly entered trsns- jatlaaaul service on june i when tca becaa transeontmental opera- tlooj i apru im9 the lotkherd 10asienar shown below was sut- irlaat l meet traffie demands air tri ha krowa to tuch an extent his pas ll year that th lojk- hl havi rplt4 with the rfsrirftauiri uittrzfo irtf4mafcttte writ shouerj utthr or lays hajing opamtlotu dunnk the past two or three weeks little or no progress has been made in the handling of hal ton s hn crop the frequent showers while spoiling some hny and delaying the progress if farm work have improved bprlng grain prospects materially winter wheat looks like a bumper crop although some fields are beginr- ing to lodge in the fruit and vegetable auct ions of halton prospect are also very promising as usunl the big gest headache is lock of experienc ed or even rpartlallv experienced farm labour while the consumer is bemoaning the high coat of many farm products form revenue is still too low to compare with in dustry in the labour marked hal ton k one of tho very few counties in ontario where the federal gov ernment haji failed to establish on emploment service conscqucnt- lj the job of attempting to cope with uie demand for farm labour has as in former cars beet left on the dodrstcp of the agricul tural office at milton in a brief inlervh w with the agricultural j rt presentotlve we learned that whih a few westerner harvester i a fi w brltbh immigrants some hollunders a few more european dp and nome holiday workers from loronto haw been sexund tin di nmnd far voted those se- turwl whuh tot ils irourd 0 from ill suni s i g buy sell rent lost found iw tox high irld solwan coniast i lu ontaiio crop imnrovenunt a itiat in in o op ration with vuuirj mill ltd nnd toronto mmatoni ltd u iponsnrlnc a hili lild soy ikun contest en- trl rlono on july 12thirorjlir lo iuallf it u nocojify fortwch lmntiitnnt t havi uttetnft five ucrs a total of 100 in 8 ipruos is offiunl in this district rhonj lnttintd can secure further de tails and entry forms from tho at rliultunit office in milton a urt all teunim afire wtl- low i i fr mi holoirne to dover because tin dover fire department was better equipped lo put out tho flro the shortest line between 2 points hti f1 i 1 1 he classified ads -in- the free press phone 174 acton 0nt m

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