Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1948, p. 7

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thursday july 8th 1948 the acton free press page seven wonvsmomrohiinn britain haa built a ayixlktoton electron accelerating machine which produce 30000000voit x- raya one of theas machlnea the forwrunner of a machine ten tlmee greater haa already gone to the unlverauy of glasgow for uae in fundamental reaearch in miruiar phyatoa othera are being built to enable the medical reaearch coun cil of britain to experiment with the 30000000volt xraya which are ao penetrating that they should troika it boasible to treat m tumours at present toot easily accessible to external radi ation pollock and campbell high grade memorials memorial engraving 82 wafer st north galt vklkniomb tats a floyd smith jeweler na -mrweut- isquebeyr street wet guelph ont jt g jfoush optometrist 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses fitted georgetown erin mrs mlllicent bell or brampton an employee of smith and stone t suffered slight injuries to her back and neck in a truckbus colli sion on main street north bram pton last thursday bight rav aaxander calder m- of norwich has had a call extended to him by the congcagauona of knox and llmehouse presbyter- ian churches and it is expected that ha will take over his new pas torate here in september mr robert bruyr who was spending a few weeks m canada wax a visitor last week with his uncle and aunt mr and mrs a g h bruyns he was enroute to quebec city where he will sail for holland as a member of the ad ministrative staff aboard a dutch ship taking a party of canadian and american students for sum mer tours in europe or tuesday evening june xbd verdun rebeksh lodge no 184 held its closing meeting for the summer months at this meeting sister pearl lulloo the newly ap pointed district deputy prerident of centre district no 23 of toron to had her commission read by suter edna cleave along with sis ter vivian arnold accompanied slater ulllco to st catharires the day she received her commission sister alleen bradley noble grsnd presented sister ullico with a white satin evening bag with the best wishes of the lodge members herald thirtytwo pupils tried their en trance at erin oni mordny und iuekday of this week the village council hove uot ibc permission fo tharodl aolarwflyll a iclpal affairs to go ahead with the hew municipal building the farewell service of rev 5 w pattlson was conducted lnerln united church on sunday cvcrink jure 26th and a large congregation gathered to hear the parting words of a very rtne mlhlster an accident one mile west o erin reuiltnl in n total of 500 damages to twtf vehicles or wed- esday afternoon of inst week a car driven by harold sargent erin twp while travelling on the 7th line utruck a car driven by robert mccutcheon of erin advocate oakvtlle vanwyck cleaners pickup and delivery service phone 272 fob the best in dry cleaning ottangeisignof dodder danger dodder is a parasitic plant that is causing extensive damage it canada to alfalfa clover ard flax crops though it does not attack grasses or cereals the dodder species have nttraetcd much atten tion lately because they have shown every indication that they may become serious pests if given any chance to spread says w h wright chief seed analyst plant products division domlrfon de partment of agriculture the twining stems of dodder are orange to orangeyellow in color which makes them fairly easy to locate in a field once located the plant should be destroyed at once and the find reported to the near est weed insgpctor or office of the plant products divlsior although it is not too difficult to locate the mature plant when n dodder seed germinates it is very thin and thronduke and hard to find in a field if the seedling is not close enough to a host plant a plant to which it can cllrg and from which it can draw nourlah- m it will soon die but if a host plant u close enough the threadlike seedling will soon twist itself around the plants stem when this happens the dodder los es its connectlor with the ground and produces little suckerlike structures which penetrate the outer walls of the host into the tissue which carries the sap it is on the sap that the dodder lives once dodder plants become es tablished they grow very rapidly spreading from plant to plant one dodder seed will produce a plant which will cover quite a large area often two or three yards or more charles v hlllmer mayor of oakvllle last year was put back into that office by the voters last thursday in the civic byelection made recessary by the death if mayor alfred whlttaker in may mr george wilkes who gradu ated in forestry trom the univers ity of toronto this summer sailed on tuesday for norway to gain further experience a ship came sailing into onk- vllles enlarged and deepened harbour on saturday nfternoor the name of the vessel was the s bayanna of charlotte ny nnd she carried ajargo of vir conl for hlllmers fuel and ice sports luy cawerat- nih cargo since the enlargment of the hnrbour flocked about 3 o clock in the afternoor and sailed several hours later when the loading was completed record star share and share alike real estate insurance omce closed until july 19th invest in the buoanc of boyhood buy shares in the acton swimming tank and wading pool for xorthhiic returns ml f l wright wilbur st phone 95 by jeeepu lister rutledge it has always been our convict- ion that the benefits of industry nre much more evenly distributed than many people permit them selves to believe if that were omewhnt more generally believed it would be a happier nrd less con tentlous world many of the pre judices that disturb us spring from an inability to interpret n balance sheet properly lets take a look at one of the latest that of the steel company of canada just as a case in point last year this company had n net profit of a little better than five nrd a half million dollars in stock market parlance this repre sented 57 73 per share on the company s issued stock but con trary to the belief of us uninform ed the stockholders dldn t get that much those people who put their mone into the undertaking and took a chance received consider ably less thnn half that amour t and so to speak left the remainder in the kitty the average share holder 90 per cent of them can adian owns 88 shares and re ceived for them an annual rent of j64 not too much surely for providing the money to make the profit possible out of the gross profits of course the goernmert has already taken just short of 5 million or almost as much as the net profits while directors and by it cole- niamono ulbcokd the umpire ills eyes glued on the plntc nnd approaching runner hurtling dowr the third base lino tensed the big backstops attent ion was rlvetted on a fielders throw rtic sphere come in fast llunner started to slide catcher lind the ball wiw pivoting to tag the runner before the iprojectlng spike could reach home a cloud of dust erupted like some giant fnuntair screening the play from practical view attention was foc- ussed on the umpire as he leaned forward in the hsae an awkward silence ensued punctuated only by the gnsps of onlookers slowly nt first and then resolutely the ump moved hln hands back and forth rhythmntlcnlty parallel to the sol signifying the runner was safe a jubilant roar from the home teams bench dejectedly tho cat cher muttered unlntclllgtblo tpro- tests then it camel from the visitors bench the mnnager sooth ed rushed on the diamond and milton in tin mitrwe of knox prcwby- ti rlnn church hev e phlnn un it d in marriage lots laurone itiuk daughter of mr and mrs wllbert kukk nnd lome marshall vims ron of mix fannie evans nd the lnlf alfred evans occupying the only vacant prop erty in tho down town buslnou uua on main street miss joan hurt of toronto opend the mil ton snni k liar lruit thursday even ing on saturday the deftcendant and their fnmllle of john howson n native of england who emi grated to thin country in 3831 and i pitied on a farm on the eighth line north of hornby held a vry enjoyable afternoon picnic nt tho home of mr and mrs russell case formerly tho jamleson farm adjoin ing the town on martin street mrs e harrop was hostess for the june meeting of the john mil ton chapter iode and among the sixty guests and members were the mothers of the pupils receiving prizes a very pleasing feature was the presentation of prizes giv en by the chapter to seven pupils in grade eight of the milton pub lic school carwdlan champion burlington at the regular meeting of the town council on friday evening a launched a vigorous body slam at i request wiu received from a tor- the startled umpire it conrected ono n a pnrkmj bedlam reigned nuking what regulations governed wednesdays juvcnllo thriller be tween acton and oakvllle in which a well known sports promoter at tacked the umpire in protest of his ruling at home plate it was an the old ikntlng rink property on tcteirrsnct m e the lynn lnborntorlowlrhcd to use it for business purposes as the property in question is in a restricted aria the matter was turned over to cr it o bin chairman of the industrial insidious aonuu that could hardly committee for further lnventlgnt- be attributed to the hent of the ion momcrt experienced baseball i on wednesday evening last the mentors deplore such methods of boy nnd girls community bond protest and this man has had con- pnraclcd or brant street locust sldernblc experience at the helm street nnd hurd avenue after of various clubs recently he was which collectors visitelthe home bathed in the public spotlight to solicit donations for the pur- through the daily press for his nd- j chase of uniforms nnd inntruments mlrnble work nmongst oakvllle h i he collectors were well received small fry tribute wan payed to nnd the band will be out again to- hls sportsmanship nnd all round night nnd will continue ench weri- proficlency nt training plnyers of rcsdny night until the job is com the future in most lavish terms pletcd the praise was iprobobly merited the plgott construction co ltd he is a conch of the first order i hamilton hnvc been awarded the but nccordlrg to baseballs bible contract for building the new sep- he hns violated a commandment i nrntt school on the bell property that incurs an extremely wrathful on brnnt st work was common penalty when flagrantly flouted iced on the new fourroom school on monday morring and it is to the assault uns entirely unpro- expected thnt the building will voked umpire footitt called the bt completed for the fall school piny as he saw it corbett nrrmrl term tno new shhool will relieve point was wime 20 feet from the some of tho congestion in the pub- scene of action and in no position llc hools ns it is estimated that to argue or any decision the ump- round 100 children will attend ire might be called to make yet h ntu school gazette he considered it a grevlous in j fringement on his ability as n mentor if the runner was called safe so much so he felt entitled to throw n body punch nt footitt wanted j dead stock highest cash prices horses 7 00 each cattle 8 00 each hogs 2 00 per cwt all according to size and condition caix ooixkot galt tllu darling co ltd succbors to faleo lirog coop balanced feeds always fresh mixed here in milton whole and chopped grains concentrates poultry medicines feed hoppers and fountains car or oyster shell just arrived and save get a supply now car of 2120 fertilizer in this is going up in price get yours now to arrive july i5thcar of brewers grains this is the off season prices are lower get a supply now phone your order we deliver when car arrives ontario what wanud gt our prices ivrner now u ike tlmo to bolbnttssatifisss-uutriftnr-owir- hk a coorekatob milton district cooperative phone 127 milton if footitt had been m an ugly frnrm of mind he undoubtedly could have made consequerces ev- n more gainful than a tongue lathing suspension would hnve hi en more in order but he shrug ged it off ns nn example of poor automatic transmission cars mak irfvets runaway car fniy to install device locks nutos hdrnullc brakes after dri ver has brought vehicle to full stop according to the flnnnclnl poit he can for example tnke his foot off the brake when wait ing for stop light car won t roll tlthtr golrg up hill or doun and it won t creep ns is common with sportsmnnship acton won the nf fair 1110 and it was the content ion of manager corbett and his ir wi device is fully automatic requires no change in driving hahits management had sharxd jtt one motley crew lnnt the wpre v1c specialists in warm air heating air conditioning eavestroughncand plumbing our aim is to give service to our customers and instnl only the very best equipment at the lowest possible prices we handle only the best charaa b f murfin sheet metal works plumbing heating eftveatroushliig eorjretown phone 138w of n coalition set up between acion factions 1 and a third per cent of these gross profits again hardly too much for the direction thnt used capital to make profits the rest in tht knt vvint into dipreclntlon nnd reserv es now let us look at it from the other angle the angle of what the actual producer got out of it he got wages and salaries of 24 04g 114 or almost fke times the total profits he got grndunted holidas with paj that added an item for the ear of 750 13 a pension plan tntirel financed by the com pnn into which went nnolner nj tht domlnlor da gnmt awav 800000 that might otherwise hnvt lu mliu n tarm u helr bem betr added profit a sickness nnd of tht sensor on saturday a word to the wise it might be ipmplar to prosecute in a enst such as tills it could hnpipcn ngain nnd under less fa ourable circumstarccs a sequel to this offn i would bt more in its own stamping grounds nt ob a head tiunrttrs- sam agaix intermed ntt s nfttr tos sunnyside beach toronto free stage show nightly 800 pjn dancing sea rreeze 900 pjn sunnhide p00j open dailj parkins for 5000 cars picnic art is available for out of town visitors for reservations call la 0357 mr van evera hospitality in your hands benefit plnn of which the compnm now pn s nbout gs- another tharm of 31g3klh dut what of the big ium for depreciation and reseris well in tht past ten years 46 060 000 with another 13 450000 this jear has jone into plnnt expans on nnd improxemer ts now who benefits the capitalist yes his 3 00 p r last w hen the blank td a astly imprnwd eorgctnwr club 1 0 it was a far cry from thursdny dt mis m w hlch bill watt rhous smanhed a lonj drive oer the riht fifld wall wilh two nun ort thnt suiuld hai betn ndequntf to lnnt milton handil instead tht lom aain pnnilpnll btcnuse er r rs writ plentiful against i share become by that much the r tin locuk wnt out mlr us r 1 inmi and cagt n i more safe the worker vts in that time hla wages hae grown 0 above the 1039 level he has more protection more mmurlt in h s job and more comfort in it the bst tvidence is that 41 of those empioed have been with the com- pan for ovtr ten vear that a what happened here we wonder dm it happen in other plants e think that the irstnncts might change but not the policy induvr knows that its workers nro lt prt m i r asiet wither rise imk ixmstriax production britalr industrial production in april reached the new post war peak of 134 1946 equals 100 ns measured by the london and cam- brlge economic service index this figure compares with 123 in feb ruary and 114 in march a decline due to the easter holidays mi rton with iptlulinr words ring in n thtir tars- a fine an error i iw rtvult on1 oni mlstue and t f rjivinhu sam sndtr nttthd i ii s ut out this tt rni hurlin t i t t i ball oi i njt t un titmin u tit r it t nus sufft rttl at tht i und f tt iai n t rs last w intt r tht ltius hum hall club art slated tn i 1 v i home and honi txhlbltl n i v th thi tripu a crew soon lt o of i ton b last jtar slurs art n tht ilub strength m ptttr chnubun and jack kentner bcth n w tinplovtd in fergus fergus jut rut afftllattd witii the oda but art in lory gregg s weiurr ontario baseball association in addition to fruit and u an gar oo the australian aborigines eat snakes ants and caterpillars first road diesel in canada canadun railway roouva power eatettd a w pbas tli the delhrtry w tb canadian nations railways of two tripla unit 4500 h p diesel electric road locomotiws tbm naw toad ttaut will operate initially over canadian national uaes m freight service between toronto and montr and otfdally inspected by r c vausbsa cm g chairman and pmident n b walton cb e esccuuim vk- president members of the board of directors and other company officers

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