Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1948, p. 8

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paok eight the acton free press thursday july tth ims katacaa at bart marrlaaaa aaal daatka hi la thia colaaw wltfcaat aaaraa la afaaaorlaai nolle se aat ht jr una additional lor poatrr garda a4 laaafca fja bqbn coles mr and mr clarence cole are hafipy to announc th birth of a aon johr bruce at guelph qenaral hospital tueaday july 6th ims both nne oorry mr and mr gorry nee p wyatt of london england 41 mcdonald blvd acton are very happy to annourxe the birth of their daughter maureen joyce at the nursing home guelph st acton on july 2nd both doing fine lazenbv mr and mra thou laxenby irene shlngler of bar nlnghameng 19 mason blvd lacton are happy to announce the aafe arrival of their aon robert g g at the nursing home guelph st acton on july 2nd mother and aon doing fine matuued johnsonnorr1e at st george cnusxsh of england georgetown on saturday june 26th ims marlon louise only daughter of mr and mrs ste phen norrle georgetown to frederick earle johnson son of mr and mrs robertxslohn aor acton 0hed skeuling at the hospital for sick children on thursday june 17th 1940 elizabeth jane dearly loved infant daughter of harold and dorothy skllllng and dear baby sister or rosemary and b1h int mettoluam krantz in lovlrg memory of norma kreaitz who died july 9th 1943 take her in thine arms dear lord and ever let her be a messenger of love between our hearts and thee remembered by grandparents and mother euros or thanks f the cards and caus and many kindnesses shown to me at the time of ard since the accident are in deed appreciated alex rom i wish to thank all th kind friends and neighbors who sent me cards flowers and treats during my recent illness and especially the slaters and nurses of st josephs hospital guelph and dr kemvey mrs desmond orourkc mr and mtrs jas liongjtreet and family extend their athcerc thanks to their friends and neigh bors for the beautiful floral tri butes and kindness shown them during their recent sad bereave ment uv the death of their little son and brother george dbituorql clayton geo longstreet the sympathy of tho commun ity is extended to mr and mrs james longstreet and family in their recent boreavemont in the death of their little son george who passed nway tuesday jure 29th lr his 5th year tho ultle fellow had boen flrat taken 111 just about a year ago and spent some time in the- sick childrens hoaplt al where- ho underwent a serious operation he is survived by his pnrents four brothers and seven sisters the funeral took place from the family residence lot s cor 8 erin township on friday after noon when rev o r fllndall con ducted the service beautiful floral tributes wero from the parents brothers and sisters mason knit acton wool combing actor staff of longs confectionery georgetown mer rlam family spears family wright family mrs d j sin clair and family marshall and frank smith families mr and mrs russel hillock mrs long- streets parents and family mr and mrs val armbuster nnd fam ily flower bearers were clarence allar- clorcnco armbuster billy and douglas lawr joan graham and yvonne meenory pall bearers wero gray mcrr- 4uv- al ian and clarence hilton interment was at blairs cemet ery bclfountain in the family plot greeneturner wedding saturday at st albana acton fhvra the strawberry crop is about over and it has bw fair yield vegetables from the home gardens are assisting these days in the family budgets the campaign for actoircora- munlty swimming pool is now on meet your canvasser with a smile and do your best to assure a new pool for the sweltering days of next summer the banks on the highway cuts mad last year between mlltoc u acton are being sodded sur veyors hmve been at work lay ing out the section from speyslde to acton but no start has been mad in construction twilight harness races july 13 futitiatf cifhih at 5 30 pm grand opening featuring tbe greatest matched race this year in canada between the canadian champion trotter billy stout t7 ouned by frank plaunt of brentford celia lee tu owned by hon w earle kowe of newton robiqson and dorothy biggar 1m owned by clarence lock- hart of colllngwood per a purse of lmaa winner take all owner to drite 3 heats also free for all trot pr pace 2 24 trot or pace 3 year old and 2 28 clan trot or pce free parking meal and llaarealinvnits on aratuko beulaic privilege lots of seating grand valley driving club rex hughes race secretary a very pretty wedding was sol emnized at st albany church acton on saturday july 3rd at 2 30 pm when bella althea the seoord oldest daughter of mr and mrs h g turner rr 2 acton became the bride of reginald bert ram greene of montreal tho bride was given away by her fat her and mr arthur gordon of montreal was best man rev w g luxton ba officiated the bride looked beautiful in ii gown of ivory satin cut in prirccus rtylo with aweuirt neckline long train and matching veil she wore on amethyst pendant an heirloom of her grandmother and caitfed la bouquet lof iioe red roses she was attended by her three sisters lillian as maid of honor wearing mauve edith and barbara in pink and blue with large picture hats to match each carried a posey of anthlrrtnlum and fern the brides mother looked charming in black and pale blue with accessories to match and corsage of plrk roses while the grooms mother chose green gown with black accessories and a cor sage of iplnk carnations norman tumor and ernest loveday ushered during the signing of the register lillian turner sang o promlso me after the oeremor the guests nearly seventy in number return ed to a reception on the lawn nt the home of the brides parents where luncheon was served with the assistance of friends of the family later the young couple left for toronto er route to muskoka dist rict where they will spend helr honeymoon juid upon return ire will ike in montreal the out-of- town guests were from montreal hnmllton north bn nnd cnrieton plnce the brignaixwhite wedding saturday in toronto church in klnsswayalnhihton united church toronto with xtev dr w c lock hart oflmclntlntf tho mnr- ilajfo took plnce or saturday of atlcfen joan daughter of mr and mrs j ernest white to mr dour- lax lawrence brltcnnll hamilton turn of mr and mm xi l brlgnntl of toronto and grandson of mr and mr jametf h hoed actor mm william belittle wn ut the ojrkttn tho bride jlven in marrlasr by her father wore a period town of ivory parchment taffeta with fit ted bodice and front panel out line with antique ivory cord and gathered skirt ending in a circular tialr her flowers warejtt cascade of gardenia and white carnations ml as hole n dun lop maid of honor and mia glenna fletcher fcrldt-h- mald wer gow alike in unt pink faille taffeta and carried rocejzays of pink rosea and laven der i hi mr xlobert bhgnall wan groomsman and the u rivers wero mr robert booth and mr ernest near the reception was at the old mill following a trip to montreal and quebec mr and mrs brlgnall will reside in hamilton the johnstonnorrie wedding at church in georgetown decorated with peonies snap dragons tuiri fern st ggonrei church of england georg was a lovely milling for th wed ding on saturday june 26th of marlon louise norrle only daugh ter of mr and mrs stephen nor rle and frederick earle johnson son of mr and mrs robert john son of acton archdeacon w g o thompson officiated given in marriage by her father the bride wore white satin with a long train trimmed with seed pearls her headdress was of plaited velvet with a long em broidered veil she carried a cas cade bouquet of red races with long white satin streamers t3c bridal attendants were miss georglna mitchell maid of honor miss helen johnwm sister of the groom junior bridesmaid miss thclma lnppln and helen shel- bourne the maid of honor wore floral pink taffeta with accessories to match the bridesmaids were gowned lr pink and blue taffeta with mntchlng headdress and glo ves all the attendants carried baskets of roses and orange blos soms the flower girl was bar bara allen cousin of the bride wearing pink nylon sheer and car ried a basket of sweet peas the bridal party posies came from the brides parents garden the bast mar was burness van fleet of acton and ushers were gordon inglls gilbert jordan and george johnson brother of the groom mrs w f bradley played the wedding music the grooma gift to the bride was a strand string of pink pearls to the best man a gold tie pin and clasp set and for bridesmaids a china cup and sauc er the ushers received wallets at a reception at llmehouse memorial hall for 60 guests the brides mother received in an ae quo mesh gown with white acces sories and corsage of yellow roses the grooms mother assisted wearing yellow figured crepe dress with white accessories nnd cor sage of white rosen the brides table was decorated with pink streamers pink rosea and sweet pens and a three tier wedding enke the happy couple returned to the brides home in georgetown where she changed to a suit of soft blue wool with grey acces sories n corsnge of red rosea they are horeymoonlng at floral park lnke couchichlng nnd upon re- turn will reside in georgetown knox ladies aid mect at home of mrs w x hall the june meeting of knox lad les aid was held at tho home of mrs w j hall brock ave the president mrs f mccutcheon pre siding mr 19 oordlner was lr charge of tbe devotional part fol lowing tho roportu ami genernl buxlncb th meeting closed with the lorda prayer an enjoyable program had been prepared with the following num bers a reading on the value of prayer was giver- by mra a j buchaftan misrt bella roszell fav oured with a solo back of the cloud the sun is always shining a reading by mr grindell the ladles aid mrs ritchie conduc ted a contest on kitchen necessit ies and mrt mccutcheon one or house plants and perennials these were won by mrs go somerville and mb m somerville a delightful social time won en- joyed when mrs geo ritchie was assisted by her group of mrs a a smith mrs grindell mrs wm mcleod and mrs s cord in er in serving refreshments mrs carl hansen offered her home for the next meeting and mrs r l dav idson expressed the appreciation to the hostess and all who had jj- tletod farixworth memorials r iffmumnl ut modrratn rrlma tembtetiy lettering klorav atd at cvmaiery otieijii ont e p head optometrist eyes examined scientifically lauuaxa mo batteries quick repairs to glim hi binocular field glafiaea etc m st gorv ba phone ims guelph st u ya the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc advorllbominils under this heading 3c cash with order up to 25 words additional words lc per word if cash does not ac company tho wlvortlsemcnt minimum charge 80c and lc per word additional for each word ovor 23 subsequent insertlons- for sale for saye porlorblo electric rocordor phono 13flw for sale winft pram in rood condition mrs n prlco phoro 292m yok sale rock nnd stono for cesspools etc phono 47r6 a j mclsaac 2gu vov sale now porfcctlon coal qll stovo with ovon attached phono 271 for sale pigs 10 weeks old apply gordoiv hume milton phono ls6rl4 b for sale 35 standard coach v8 iprlco j235 h thorarlnson church streot forsaleflie luxe modol 7 cu ft 23 cycle refrigerator apply klolor co erin phono 2srv for saile 39 bulck stfdar in good condition new onglno job and attery frank rompn main st acton for sale four bags of pota toes price 2 per bag j j hen derson r r 1 acton phone lg4r5 milton thanks tc the rotary club of acton desire to publicly thank all the organizations individuals and all who assisted in so many ways in making the first annual rotary fair such a splendid success without this wholehearted support by the whole community success could not have been achieved and to one and all the blub snys heartily thank you when financial details are complete a statement will be published the funds will be placed in a separate ac count any administered by the club for community ser vice work in aoton r 7 he rotary club of acton lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials butter 1st grade creamery 70c lb maple leaf brand bacon side back peameal 65c lb 75elb 69c lb fresh sausage per lb 40c red brand beef uscvl exclusively bu the best it costs no more school problems modernized teacher now elmer if 3 men can cut 3 acres in 3 das how many men uould it take to cut 50 acres in one da elmer one teacher teacher dont be funny elmer ho do ou make that out elmer well teacher one man can cut 50 acres in a day if he has a masseyharris combine teacher i muxt hear more about this ill telephone 100 georgetown at once and let jim talor cue me all the details jtractor service taylor farm implements for sale white ash lumber planks 2x0 2x8 2x10 and binder tongues phone milton 184rl3 a w allen 13 or sale 1 childs junior brown iron bed nnd mattress in good condition mrs george fryer mnin street for sale mttnfs ccm bi cycle in good condition john penrson co l f clarke phone 90rl2 milton b nofrce russells beauty par lor will be closed for the bnlance of the summer season jessie landsborough for sale double house on brock avenue rented one side ot her side is occuplod by ownor mr j h taylor for sale two hound pups six weeks old from good hunting stock tom elliott acton ort apply after 6 30 p m wanted wanted salesgirl wanted full tlmo apply pallants clothing store wanted second hand dolf cnrrloge and tricycle in good order piiono 80 actor wanted cherry plckors for hartley orchards apply to william sheppord sceno st acton 32 wanted farm in the vicin ity of acton must be well drained state price and location and par ticulars to box 20 free presst wanted to eight weeks to lay or hybrid crosses number and price apply twed chick hatchorlos limit ontario chick hatcheries limited fergus slk salesmen wanted be in dependent mnke real money sell ing from door to door 200 guar anteed jito products splendid vacant territories in your neigh borhood one month trial with ab solutely no risks write for de tails jito 5130 st hubert mont real 42 lost and found ijos july int in acton park- is and dia- 1 sunburst broach pearli ii ii fcitaanor basrtty phone 108 for sale sod cedar ralls dry cedor or softwood also 22 sprlnglleld automatic rllle and a good ibhlng rod nnd reel reason able walter porty acton for sale beautiful new 4- roomed houcc all conveniences with hot water and furnace on arthur sureet ready or occu pancy apply a lelshman or box 9 p o for sale we have a quant ity of good top soil at moderate prices also sand gravel and till delivered 1 cabin trailer for sale stew eillott 47r5 or r r 4 acton b still time to get bray chicks some started pullets nonsexed real bargains at the special sum mer prices immediate delivery contact us geo c brown r r 1 norval for sale in giood location new house six rooms and bath tile and hardwood floors fireplace hot air furnace builtin cupboards price 7800 terms nrrarged ap ply box 1 free press for sale a quantity of feed grain and one choice hoisteln hei fer due to freshen soon 1 single furrow mnssey hnrrir riding plow 1 international mouer 5 ft cut apply h j brown crewsons cor ner for sale new live room cot tage fully insulated hardwood living room tile in kitchen built in cupboards 3 piece built in bath heavy wiring garage immediate posseisloh contact j e mcmul- lcn bower ave acton 503 for sale- 1 four room house with 1 piece both tenanted 1 new fi room house complete bath hard wood itonr fir trim builtin cup- honrds full basement large lot nice location possession arranged frank uomph main st acton for sale formal h tractor with cultlntor w4 mel trortor wtlh manure ionrier massry trac tor on rubtwr 1020 intemotlorull hnrwtt ivnrtor on steel used allsteel rhresliei new minnea polis mnllne wntcrloo trnctor ied 3furrow tractor plow ce ment mixer used ftror gem milk cooler lhft jurtson fertil izer broadcaster shallow wel lrssure ssem liarlev david son motrin rle lm7 knler siyl- nn nenrl new hrrstone bicycle lse 1 1 disc drill international innriem dlsi- 7lt nearl nw ford k rnuson cultivators plosss and d scr for immedlnte dellver also iood sum k yort fergusor plow shares on hand i om mew son phone uw georgetown b 1oit saik 1 mlnneorwiilk mn- lire i nu tor new 1 hell itv rhr sher m w international has jddm i rjirnuill h mecormlck ii rnc 1 niclur with power cultl ntor 1 u 1- mi 1 rnetiir on rub- h r with mnnuie loorh r 1 rurmall mtlormwk inwtor with mow er nil ilow 1 mrinntl ck doting ui i nu lor new with one 7 foot mcormlk powti mowi r fnew i i cem d can l ik ooler 1 used dump hoke indlnn motonsrle model 74 with middle nnks uudds seat new hat ters 5 it deerlrg mower used ised rraetor disc used i furrow iraetor plow 1 used cultivator used furrow irortor plows 1 masscv lyactor on rubber lights and stnrter 1 1947 kaiser sedan car 5000 mileage ford and fer guson cultivators nnd tandem discs for immediate delivery good slock of ford and ferguson plow shares 1 11m8 willys jeep 1 used delaval cream separator 1 wood deep frees unit apply tho e hewson georgetown phone 332 found saept containing car penters tools and cementing toohc on speyslde crossroad june 26th apply w l mcdonald lot 12 fourth line esqueslng phor georgetown 91rl3 miscellaneous slcndor tablets are effective 2 weeks supply 1 12 weeks 5 at coopers drug store 7ow2 no corns no cnllouses will b your song if you us xlayds corn solve right along 50c at boxtera drug store blankets we exchange- blankets nnd motor rugs for wool rags nnd cotton rags commis sion paid on club orders write flcbherton woolen mills flesher- ton ont 12 liver upset feel squeamish try proven fruit a tives famous herbal medicine used suc cessfully for 45 years brings re lief quickly tones up liver keeps bowels active restores health reliable good attention fajimehs an1 gardeners how many acre do you work to few your horse thnt could be turned into profit with a waterloo garden tractor ploughing discing scuffling mow ing sprnylng sawing wood ate sold for 198 00 nnd up j k mcmullon bower ave acton 50s ladies read this unwonted hair removed instantly from face arms legs with fluti hair remover harmless leaves skin soft and smooth you cant lose money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third appli cation with no questions asked complete treatment 2 poatpald- icods postage extra kapex product dent 286 box 22 statlor b montreal que the carnpaiffr for th swlmmlns oiu wadlnff pobl in full itwina now is the tim to fflv it n rcnl piuh by giving or pledg ing renl chunks of nony tor the children of acton were tryinc to do our bit to brikhtrn up the town with tin nppllcntlon of red paint on our storage aheds how about ou r prpfcy wt hav a t omplito stock of paint for our convenience well you dancins t the aclon pnrk pavilion to the ki and music of bob martjn orchfbtn on snturday nlgnti don t foruct that all profit derived from these dancei ar spr t on the youngsters of at ion b the yi mens club j b mackenzie bon catering hanqlets weddings picnics etc no catherlng too small or too large all inquiries receive prompt attention e coles church st- aettvn v

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