Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1948, p. 3

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thursday jut1t 15th 1948 the act6n free press page of interest to women mtbcxous mvrruc kesvorjeu guw but one nutyfourthjotf an inch thick form predoua bot tle on view at the royal ontario museum tta body la the alae of a grapefruit its heck beveral ln- ches long u very awder it u not only a fine example of 16th century european glain but has unique historical inteirwct brought aero the atlantic presumably from france carried in a canoe and over forest trails by the jeault fniaalonarlea of three hundred year aaro it evertually reached forte ste marie near midland oi arlo not far from the scene of the martyrdom of brebeuf and lale- mont in 1941 nrchaeologlftt from the muicum unearthed the ahat- tored hits of the bottle along with other relic expert workmen of the name institution undertook the restoratlon of the bottle from the fragments nnd the seemingly im- posulblo tnsk lina heen well don the i bowl vanwyck cleaners pickup and delivery service phone 272 pob the best in dfcy cleaning hollo homnmiktm to llvo in the vicinity of a commercial frve- lne lockcf or to own a homo fri- er k a crnt convenience more over 11 mcami your family will bo able to enjoy troth dcllcloui frulta and vegetable out of soaion without lrnln on the family bud get you will find that freezing fruit is far nlmcor uian canning and la ever oalcr than freezing vceotnblca dy organizing tlio work before starting a quantity of fruit can be propnred packaged nrvl stored in the freezer within a ouplc of hours oi tain varieties of tin lollow- ir k fruits are excellent when froz en blueberries cherries jjooiw beiries lmckleberrloa raapberrloa stiawbenles thubarb peacros nrd fi uit juices we will mention pletillinu later made with fall nrlellfs i it ls wise to select par- tkulnr nrieliey since ymc tjpes m unl mi uj fivexhik not tluiti eilnn smnisliczltg er seed fruit blackberries and bint k raspberries varifttkh of kkij1t heoom- menued fob fheezino unspbenies cuthbcrt vlldni sour cherries early richmond montmorency currants black and ked strawberries van rouge jooaebcrrles i poornur chief graphs concord niagara cayu ga ijndly and hungarian peaches elbcrta vedette valiant and velfreze a delicious cool drink dfcwehoitsi male ta mutchy a utuol white kmtf hl pur into ato aim whh cracked le add sugar and ismon to tatt salada tt e a dancing stanley park erin evein edmsi kyfaing lktolres oluhkstrv eiin ruidw e ii modi k urks okuixtka pjuttw claude grmhde duke fairpond pacific washington nnd italian prune s1ws in nuciaurnfl pwtt little equipment u needed all you require arc two large mbdng bowlt two trays funnel clean towels measuring cup and poont electric iron and cardboard uhlild 1 purchase cartons with a cello- phane llrlng oi heavy waxed coating j harvest fully mntured nnd film fruit of the variety recommend ed for freezing sort the fruit to remove nny blemishes or over ripe piece t piepnrex lo pauiae fruit lm- medlntelywiflpi it been soil- i wash frutft in r1 water with ns mm hamlllns an pissiblo drain oifl trays hnwl with pper towelling or tloth pit or peel surhfmltn ni rhffr- riis nnd pencliei cut oi crush tnilllt dojjred r a altexnntlr layers of fruit and sifted suar rljrht into tho contajnei known ns th dry know how much fruit the con tainers hold then estimate the amount of sucar icqulred for each contnlnor for example in the case of strawberrioa uxlng 4 pourtis 12 cups of pre- pared fruit to 1 pound 2 clips ocsugnr to container holding 2 cups of fiult would require a cup sugar b a thin syrup is often pour ed over fruit to within v4 inch of top of cartonia to make sy rup add 1v4 cups warm water to 1 cup sugar stir to dissolve and chill this u sufflclmu for 2 pint cartons add 1 up of lemon jutcc to the above for poaches and pears to ptvvert discoloration make ture place of fruit are covered with oyrup o fruit for pie fllllng may be packed without sugar or syr up but we prerer sugar method 6 before sealing the package try to exclude as much air as pos sible if the liner can be heat scaled use n warm iron to press the ends quickly fold liner then close carton isabel with black ciuyon 7 keep packaged fruit in tie t lt trie refrigerator until all cartons aie ready then take to the looker m an insulated box take a tip 1 rhubarb is the one fruit that requires scalding dip n sieve ontnining 1 quart diced rhu barb into boiling water for one minute then dash into cold waiei for two minuteb drair ind pjitk j pit sour cherries before freez ing otherwise they are apt to hie a hitter flavour a cherry pit tt r is a handy gadget to add ii our stmx of iprescn tng ut nsik i un ak tin forte of wash watw fniin i t tp with jour hanti or ls uv i prn lit clean water- in it tan 1 honiem i l iunm 1 for fillin i u ions in hi mule b mttlng i in i i nt if t tin can ttul i wii int i shape kmy i chronicles ol i ginger farm i -wm- written hpdally tor tka afstokl kree ircwe if this column heemn somewhat wild and wandering this week put it dowrj to the heat or humidity or something because there is cer tainly plenty of both and i feel an if i had it all i just fool that way eveai though i know im wrong because parinorjunt come in from the hnyfleld and he looks like n walking grease spot why don t wo ropy the white folk living in troplenl countries and linve n ulofl- ta duilrg the heat of the dav come to think of it that wouldnt do either not in hnylng time htf- nuee ns soon ns tho heat hubsldo the dew t omen up and anyone who hnu worked in n hnyfleld knows whnt hnv is like to hnndle ir the dew is on it thnt is the fnrmei s main nigumrnt ngnlnsl da light savirg time well in hctw en mopping mj lnow i nm cairlng on a thrt u iv figjil with the robins and starllngt the then les are ripe and we an all dntet mined to do each other out of a picking as soon as he stai lings romo down fo a fud tin nih u fi uni win ill 1 gal nowhere nrtl i he commotion mint ensues it- irnits my attention and thon i g out and scnie the robins away or i try to the dont si are very nstly my catbirds have dlinpp aied when my sister was here we hunt ed around until we found where they hnd their nest ir a mac bush by the front door we didnt touch it of course but i nm wondoring if the birds wore so annoyed at oqr discovery of their hideout that they decided to take up quartern elsewhere lucky little birds they don t have to worry about the housing shortage mr catbird probnbly says to mrs catb rd look my dear this mac bush seems like a very good place fur our ncw home suppose we build here mrs catbird agrees so they go to work and they hulld just like that no worry no fuss no permit needed they dont have to worr about plum bers carpertors or bricklayers and how much nn hour they charge- and when their home is finished they don t even hove to mortgage to worry about oh for the life of a bird true it might be a shot t one a prowling cat might add finis lo a promising career even in the middle of a joyous song coming events enst theii shad ows tie fore thls mornir g dob walked in with a binder ennvas to he fkeci so it looks as if he is thinking it won t be long before the wheat is readv to cut but i am allow ih1 a dav or two of grac so that i wont have to touch thnt awful cum is in this tertlfic heat when i have a binder canvas to deal with i alwavs do ns much re- pilr woik as i can on the sewlrg machine nnd in thf time i get through disentangling the stiii fiom tin sewing machine and mv- silf from the slats i am hardlv tit to live with for about an hour lhil is about the onl time i siv to nivself and mean il oh wh did i ivii minv a farmer i nm to think of it i lor t kn w ulmh i dlshk iiioi mendinj i mi i mv is oi p t ling hard ooil- t v o we il fond if dev mi i s in this f i mil v lint t nn v i if till ii m li vllllsh mt 1 hut in prv ir business now or btmin later by jftmbnph usies ftuuedffe if huttlnnh is ready to stand on its ownfqt therj the ora of pros perity that canada is now facing may be lasting if wo are cojitanfc only to take advantage of the ben efits that the world recovery pro gramme drops in our laps it is prosperity that may not last the temptation is undoubtedly there reaenlly the mlnvsur of trade nrd commerce mr c d howe announced in the iiouse that the fur open n recovery programme as it nffeets canada might make de mands for a variety of goods to a total of ir00 million of mils total lomo 250 million hns nlreadv boon appropriate and oftor all those contracts had been fulfilled it was estimated that canada would still have available dienil grains 215 million coarse gralrs 251 millions ment 71 millions timber 01 millions al uminum 1r millions fresh fruit h millions ngiliukiirnl mnch lnct 1 1 millions all theee would ome under tho kuropenn itec overv programme nnd would bring us n nuhnlnntlnt measure of immdllnte prosperity put mr howe pointed out thnt in nny lorg time look this vvns not ns encour aging as it might nppear there was im assurnnce of repent busl- npr w hele the cnstomei did not puiihase but was supplied at th discretion and thr determination iftinnutt agnnrv nnr nnrv other dr homemade cake reaftymixed gimpbcllj cake mix u 3 hi cuocolaltf coiimh smci lis hi i ft mi l h if visit fhe maritimes youll enjoy going by bus n 1 the ill t n i i i ihl i t i okay 1 coach f a i s b i low sound tttlp tax imctubso st john su10 halifax j56s5 syi1nev k445 subject i change iivrold wiles- phone 58 n t ti ut h iu i ii i in nip r ii ght v i i hi i uni t li i turn n ru i ippv h i n s 1 ii in i i ill u 1 irs until sf 1 1 nd mi tli it si ml 1 push ijh n ind et in hit h uis m 1 up i i ink i oi in r so m mv d gj i ifr ii 1 si vrnis hut i think i p ji l- the worm ow irti i iwi km w i h oltit i ning 11 i it wis out pat t it ulai sharp 1 1 ip i thumb i n uu of us th night lhuut tippv until wt he i 1 i liiier nois going on ind llppv n finding a door she tuuhi puh open milvisl the prohh in tiv lashpg i tuoiikh the tre n netting m th siinroom demr we wanl this healw ive t hre ik hut oh dear lufore the griin is tut even uu ihieat of i st rm niakts us s afraid something w 11 t uue ilung ind flattt r ttte crops hot water is a hnnd thing to have if it s not too hot on the h imbj it fevls as if it u boll- ing which it i tn t if it gets up over 14 degrees mantis and it is in meeting thes mint t he canadian exporter ren- sonnhly might be assure1 of n con tinuing business this typo of business would not be financed by tho furdi of the rconomlc co-op- enitlon administration but would bo n deal between principals and would bo financed from the re- souices of the invportlng countries i he hazard involved might per haps mnke such exports leas at tractive but they would have the advnntnge of being part of what might be a continuing and expand ing export programme nkw fibre clotii when spring housecleaning dont put aside pcjrnrnjhe that can he reupholstered our new patterns nnd colors and expert workman- slnp will make them better than new tor the best in chesterfied reupholbterinj phone 87 acton 7 dn service no waiting fiisj ameiits arranged if desired on reuphalstatttig and new brsterllt hb up la li montha to pay jack kijdermann of john dick and son after eight years of resenrch in the use of groundnut fibres in the mnnufact ure of cloth a factory has been opened in scotland the i fibre is blended with wool nnd it produces a cloth called ardil which is suitable for various kinds of clothing drapes and other tex tile good coop saijanced fkedft always fresh mixed here in milton whole ind chopped gruinb concentrates poultry alldicines feed hoppers and fountains car of oyster shill just arrived get a supply now and save car uf 212b fertilizer in this is going up in price get yours now to arrive july 15th car of brewers grains this is the off season prices are lower get a supply now phone your order wc deliver when car arrives ontario wheat wanted gh our prtow fuxmrn vow la th time to ihilu a buafauaa utmt tsu owm be a cooperatob milton district cooperative phone 127 milton modern harvesters excursion to help canadian farmers a new era in harvesting started by masseyharris combines trainloadv of money harm comb ne rolling acroii the country to the cjion farm ng areas are a common light nowadays thoy have replaced ibe once farm bar annuul harvest ef v excursiom which brought thousands of harvest hands to the prairies modern mechanical harvesters like the massey harris self propelled combines have brought many advantages to gram growers with them crops can be harvested with the minimum of mapual labor a great moneysaving feature when m tims bice these experienced farm help is in short supply and wagetates are high massey harris self propelled combines speed up harvesting one man can cut and thresh 50 acres and upwards in a day operating costs are low too with a selfpropelled one motor supplies power to propel and operate the machine there is no expense for twin or stoolong and the combine has done away with the work worry and expense of threshing tine the demand for combines indicates the trend towards modem mechanical harvesting from factories with capacity increased greatly more and more masseyharris combines are beuig built to help canadian farmers harvest their crops easier quicker and at less cost masseyharris company limited winnipeg brandon renins satkutoon swln current yorkton cakjwy edmonton vancouver toronto montreal moncton 4 r

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