Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1948, p. 4

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paok roim the actorlfhek press thtlthiay july iflui 94b district news varlnu item coiuvrtilntf arllvlllim in mtnitmlllt nearby wlwrt many of our htmtlrr hi luurtwtwl ralunafal a prntallut linltl in tltn hhii i thuraiuy iilutit fw mr ami miajjhuriimu vh tuwt n ooilri mllijih in hiviwf of thlr rntl lumrlauy flip hav mr kllmtall hiltsl a vlialrmai hiul lh vrttamm ronslulml of sulo mn mukl imtit murlol ami llun iiiiu a 1vi f tjiillars ml iu mps y mr kwnny m kw tuno solo mruhl rhnmrw haaillnu mr m kcry mr kllndau then tkl the brld am iroom to roni to the fnt mw mctcnry rtwil an dtru and a prwitttton wu mad of ii bountiful chirk a haml- painted fouling tahl anil tiatli towtla they both mada very hi- tins replies all joined in ulnglim tor they- are jolly good rv iowa lunch wan served and th remainder of tha evenlns wm piit in dancing to music by mr and mr john mcknery and bit- lie mni ilarhara soper ii ataylna with her nleoe mra robt mc knery the balllnatad mission circle wi held lait friday evenlnjr at the home of mlu norma mcklch- tit a g at tendance tha meeting wai opened wlthlha lead- r mr richard shortllt the prayer and devotional was taken by mlat lydla snow and an inter esting topic read by mlu jean sinclair the watch tower wai given by mri elwood snow bus- tneu was diecuaed and plam ware made for the mkalon clrclo to hold a bazaar sometime in november the meetlnk was brought to a close with the circle prayer mim norma mcklcknla gave a bird contest which was enjoyed by all then a dainty lunch was served by the hostess rockwood under the auspices of the local bowline club and the kockwood junior band a street dance on main st last wednesday evening was well patronized with douglas humes orchestra providing the music a booth at saunders bake shop was well attended where hamburgs chocolate bars drinks wore duxuu-of- ttiolantoorowd kept up until after 1 qjn and the evening uas plenty cool enough for other to be sitting n round on the sidewalk traffic was directed by way of guelph street to and from the highway west of the village during last week mr duncan mclntyre evangelist as well ai cofounder former president and now honorary president of for ward with christ movement eon- ducted services in the town hall mrs mclntyre also assisted with piano aceordian along with the nanist as well ns taking part in vocal numbers and duets with the pianist another landmark will soon dis appear on the highway corner main and alma streets which mr onrnet potty is having pulled low n the former residence and tailor shop of the late john innes w ho carried on buslneass in the hivs and 90s in the village as well as for a time where a- b roots hardware store is at present gar net pottys new gnrage and ser vice station is getting up high and above steel sash windows messrs hunt ami kountnln are busy with the work some of our townsfolk are away on holidays dr and mrs waller and family away to kingston dis trict with dr bryan looking after his practice mmeiiousk hmvnt vlellorn include mr and mra w 1 newton and mr hutlmilahd of harris with mw j n niiwiiii on mun- day mr altoluion and mr and mr kxllh itnluxm and children of liulph and mlu illaiuho itoluuin itn of lodnionton mra kerr or llraiiilon maiiltoha and mr illi kills of lianrgelnwi willi mr and mr llnughley utile carols latin of oaorge- town with h mortons mr y ahallmurno of toronto and mr wilfred llruwti and baby uon of wwton with mr and mr win shelhourne mr jo icdwaint of toronto with the cllshya mr and mr herbert sinclair ard children of hamilton and mr and mra w patterson and family with mr and mr a c patter son mr and mrs paul spltier it brealau bmliuidagarde sturm of toronto with thtf spltxtr conkratulatlons to mr jack noble and his bride formerly mlsa bcrlha fryer whaj were mar ried in st george church clear gotown njwf a group of wi ladles catered for the nobbvfryer wedding receptlor on saturday the schnella of aldorwood vis ited the bergs recently and fran cis u remaining for her holiday everton weekend and sunday visitors nt the home of mr and mrs j p benham were mhsea muriel and barbara benham mr and mrs w vannorman mr and mra don van normaiv mr and mrs jack sinclair and son mr and mrs c mcgurn and daughter all of guelph miss marilyn black and mastor keith black spent a few days with miss lola black mr and mrs ted jestln and pntuy attended the milne rcunlor on sunday held at mr and mrs j milnes at eden mill weekend visitors with mlu k reed were mr and mrs wilfred stlnson and twin sons of toronto mr ard mrs fred murray of gulhfmvlsltedorrfrldny with mr and mrs w head mrs john thlley nnd son are home from italy on n visit and are visiting with her mother mrs huntet mr and mra arnold wilson visited recently with mr and mrs alf boles mr and mrs dick grill mr and teddy fouivtnin spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs chas fountain and iamlly sunday visitors with mr and mrs harvey jestln were mr nnd mrs duncan mcdougnll nnd mrs elton rae nnd son brian erin friertjs xt miss iola black are sorry to hear of her misfortune in falling nnd breuking her arm ail wish her a speedy recovery nassagaweya sa no 7 don mclean passed with hon ors hs entrance examinations martin davenport a pupil of mrs gaudy acton passed with first clash honours liv grade three of the hoal conservatory of mus- at guelph members of the w ms of nas- sagnweyn presbyterlnn church at tended the meeting held nt the home of mr and mrs thomas amos moffat tuesday evening mr j h gibh of the koyil during the owning mrs uoyd hank mrs gibb and daughters al- crawford gave a description of so left sunday for midland and their trip through st petersburg district for two weeks with mem- 1 id miami last janunry nnd feb lamlmikixvimj mr hiui mi hrmhk uulnun cii- imltilutml nt it ohiiur oi hunitiy in liiuunii of mr kiunk whoullliun on tint meuiiloii of liur hlrthdy mho wtw lilt ithiplulll of 41 wilut watch from littr fiitlly mr hiwi mr- tiummu iuuii on- teiluliuil tin- lvutkillluoit ittiillnii tit their homo nt mutulay about rt wetti pitttutut o dlnu in thu chilutut hall mr mul mr- own go mtukeu nioved front thnlr unn to tlivr hotui on the omtlhli ituail luul weok illie cumphtillvlllu wi plcitu wuu heui ut iruwfoimu laka mi woiimikituy afttmuum wlti m pro- afler u whnrt buulnuiu mrlod planu nittdt for a gurdoii party in atigiut wore ftdoptel mn ivmuui murtlr mrs itobt klllott and mm gttorgd ingll nut- dueled ivmtiuts prlw wlnnora wore iueky draw mra robert inglu cuttjum imn mra walter feivler heat ctwiteat mra 1 lardy purdy kuruy iph for irandnuil- mi mrs v wheellhan lueky upxit for matrona mra molvu hiuul uick cup mra william ruck mr allan mocallum held a pic ric for no 10 school children last week which was enjoyad by lt u is leaving and tlv pupils presnt- ed htm with a plaid wool auto rtiff mr and mra e lundqulst of mask parents of mra rob- txrtson and three sons are spending a week with dr and mrs robert son mr and mn m o wei tor- mrallkarvey cavulsoirid mr and mra ami re y david 10 ii of hamilton were sunday guosty at hie home of mr and mra rolwrt menziea mr and mrs john woodcock nnd girls of new jersey usa ure holidaying nt tho home of miss j held while attending the veterin ary convention nt the oa c lr guelph mn wnllnce king and joan en tertained the grace mission band on saturday nfternoon the pres ident norma brown opened the meetlrg with prayer by vlrglnln mitchell tho scripture lesson was rend by the president tho fol lowing members then took part in the program recitation by jonn cramp tho junior story their own missionary was read by mnrllyn moore tho topic jon nnhon from the study book was rend by mrs king after tho of- erlng was received nnd dedicated the birthday sorg was sung for mrs linn the roll call was an swered by gifts for the bnle the meeting was closed with pryf byjoan king a short time was spent in games on the lnwn win ners were beverley roberts glor ia purdy mnrlan creenlees and ruth roberts a very delicious luncb or- tho lawn wns served by the hostess assisted by some of tho ladies and everyone had a good time thero were twentytwo present mr and mrs tommy mitchell newly weds hnve taken up resi dence on the farm owned by mr nnd mis lnngslnff of toronto misses dcltn vanslckle ard joy thin wvkv hall arlon drops two rhuhh i imtlltliod ft oin titgti ottt the pinto white mhii tyler hutul- iimi hut j mate oihiivh tn mimuo it i ik ailun oio jm 1111 7 u 2 oakvlllo jm tyu am 1730 1 tkvllkafl41um mj oaummlti hu tolelxua if wiilhuiu e caitar hi m piilloek p k palhtrk ih llhilulnru if liruv rf ltalu of acton 11 jordan if w wator- hnium ef mawaton tu it rydttr w lluduiiy tit u mtikttr a ah j wat- mitmiko lib allun ih itohlriwui rf amlorwm c snydur p lumplnu n four lilt reutiictlnn nn acton intnrmndlatiu george towns nitwost imfmrt u umtlipaw name of morun hold arlon score less last night in front of a record crowd nt thf civil it valley diam ond scoring two runs at thhr 111- itlal attwnpt lr- iu first frame wu mufflrlent for innrgetown to clinch the affair 30 kiim hnyder giving up five mea- ur hits liunled a sparkling ame and with one exception was in the drivers seat the length rut two scratch hits that never left the in field one a huntlater proved to be tin wlnring touch a deflect- tlon off andy ritchies hat and tha hunt by glhuon scored after ever ett wilson hatting in nkeanup and kent storey pushed them home- acton after leaving two man on hack or- two occasions made a bid furruiwlnuietopuafof ur7ut when chuck kchultls plnehliutlng for snyder single rod ryder substituting as runner stole both second and third with two out norm morton smashed a scream ing drive into left field that look ed to be a sure jilt but scotue pat- erson or left lawn made a boot- top catch in story book fashion re tiring the side nnd ualvnglng tho game in the opinion of fans it was a good game as n rule fans arent easy to pleavc especially when the home aide is on the short end however they were first to admit thnt on the eirllrg fielding chore they exhibited it was georgetowns polkh thnt spelled victory mornn had a little too much hap on the sphere inst night for the locnls to threaten seriously off tho record georgetown and acton are plnylng elnssler hnsobnll when pitted ngnlntt one nnother than the remniring tenms in the loop this incldently was george towns fourth entry in the win col umn they hnve two previous ties acton to date hnve won five tied one and lost hvm clayton dude lindsay billed n nn extra attraction rendered his grandstand role exceedingly well inst eve his portrnynl of the hlggest name in bnsehnll wns n hit to georgetown fnns in fine voice dude urged tenmmntes to rewl- ly hit thnt pltchor from his stance nt the base conchs clrclo on third when nomlnnted to pinch hit lr- the sixth our hero wns reluctant hut nfter n powwow with various home offirinls in his gesticulating fashion decided to slnm n home run amid the confusion raised by oral dnys at wasaga beach last ok snu t earl hisstnn natives lindsay snla and mrs william vanslckle spent i flmo o hp mounfl njm y you i guessed it struck out his ego wasnt damngcii fortunately nnd he wns observed signing nuto- graphs at games end i veteran andy ritchie gave n gold mono i performance at third through his cle- hpt corner the y on knipronih tly jiwph ijli aiiiitml theli im every iirohnhllllv that butler will lw eniuldrnh1y snnrr thlm enmliig wirier than ii witm lht no diitibl wo thh govwl old uotioful jpuhlle will wall to iiirii hohvoit and diunand a snapakiuit jiint nn wh did ihhl yiir wall ufa noiiklder ihhi yar ahil hnw muoh bond our wltah jiuntlng did us irile wtt gatlierml in kwm dlatrl- liulniu of butter ami provd that taking one year with mrinlhrtliu pro him lihdnl dmw much lo lr- eraiuut pticeh the real raaaon h- ing an inmiftlhenry of eowri huh we hud otirtulvem 11 lime and rath er congratulated ourselves thai dchpilo th ohvlnuu facts the stir hnd hmn imneflhnl- tiio business of detrtandlnff ttrnpegnhls jihs its duadvantagmi it tends to warr jwnpla sgslnst permitting ihenuidv to lie found in places where a urapegoat m to lu indlinited tlitv way it works out is this the gentleman- who went through thi mudslltiguig of iftmt winter and all the other trad ers who had observed it arant anxious for a repeat performance so that they are going irto tha butter market very modestly if at all normally they would step in as substantial buyers when pro ducts are plentiful storing them against the time when they are scarce eulte admittedly for pro fit you didnt tfxpect of course that they were going to keep but ter for you for six months and take all the chances of wastage and of iwmsrnleit prteeatlutfrtotte goodfhiom the very probable reiult of all this is that we people who insist or having something even if it is scarce will be bidding against one another and that means that somebody is going to be almost compelled to take a profit far itfts in excess of those for which we pilloried men a year ago its our human way hut wouldnt it he smarter to forget the witches and let the men who know how to bal ance the market bain nee it to our profit ns well as their owr organization and proorkss the organizations of a commun ity are great forces working for progress their educational and religious activities are wonderful forces for good the organizations present interesting events and fea tures and agreeable social life they provide attractive recreat ions flno opportunities for youth and their varied programs make life interesting lr the community ho thnt people enjoy the town and nre hnppy in their locations business and community devel opment and improvement organlz- ntlons perform services of high vnluc lr- canadian cities and towns they hnve been great fac tors in the advance of countless communities good ndginiors the june meeting of st johns wa was held at the home of mrs it cnrhert with the president mrs e dnvenport iprosding the meeting was ojiened with for georgetown prayer from the living message by vr work at tl the president scripture lesson 1 hnmo club pulled a double pin was road by mrs carbert roll acton in the ihiid luii wns answered by six members i box score sec mrs brlttun gave report that actor- fk0 000 00 4 1 our ball hnd reached its demnat- georgetown lhx1 000 2 5 2 ion in the best of condition flow- j summarystnke outs by mor- vr nnd fruit report was given by 1 a 7 by snyder i first on halls mrs deforest off snyder 1 off mornn i double an opeji discussion was held for georgetown i left on base our afternoon tea nnd the ludes b orgetnwn by acton 7 dou- culai1m no ilckul during hoijdayh aiicuht 2 in 0 indus master dry cleaners joe wood e p head opiometrist kyex examined hrltrtutlaily neun am tutram ouifijk hkiaiks to daaw itinoculara hew jumm etc m m kmtva prrone ibm i guelph um vaan nicholson kelly phone milton how now u the time to get your prtt a wood pewr and iimms iuiwlni only a fw left wk juht rkckivki our vwktt dltllji rihhell drah ueatty syhtems hay f iiilly cliiitis shfifh a -kwg- e lams- why grow thirsty pause and refresh whnt does a person hnve to do to bo considered n good neighbor in former times in many country towns mnny people naaulred n re putation ns good neighbours by do ing such things as nursing people when they were sick perhaps cut ting up n woodpile or tnking enre of the cows when the owner wns laid up friendly services still show thnt n rporson has a big henrt one sign of belrg n good nelgh- ikir thnt is highly valued in these timei is nn effort to keep ones home plnce in good condition to keep bulklings looking well and the grounds in attractive cordjt- ion a plnccso kept is nn asset in a neighborhood and it makes the places near it more valuable uarttmt a nj ordtru a tit for it eithtr vay loth trajemarki mean the samt tktu authorized bottler of cocacola under contract with cocncola ltd orangeviixe rottlim works orankellle phone 13tw members of his family mr und mrs douglas patterson mlv vera thatcher returntnl home during the weekend from muskokn dstnet mr atul mrs joe hauler of klt- chone da t tinv liniate and temperature chnngtnl were isitors in town sun- n summerllke nfter leaving home i she smko of two of the highlight- voted each member would donate j and any church member that would cart to give would be great ly appreciated tho ladies are working for the fall bazaar mrs h odder gave a reading church work in the arctic from the ore her description- of trees famlly bok whch was wvy lnt and birds wns very vividly collocllons wero then lak on and the mooting clostd with members repeating the prayer the ilostess served ii dainty lunh uui mhlul half hour vmis spnt 1 nary follng iiif one could nppnciato her fooling of impatience nt the length and distance before tlffr spyr congratulations to cuinildates in being the impression of wealth recent entrance examinations on- ili1 i living of the people of 1 thiih- in village ard towns i iu wa places mentioned and the failed j grandeur of the white house in lkacticai judgment hies ceorgetown 1 cole i georgetown ritchie 3b gibson 2h wilson cf cole c patterson if siore ss ctiaplir if wlie lb i moran p acton masters lb morton lb mnsils ss j wateihouso jh w watertiousc cf g jordan if rob- inson rf lindsjiy rf in kth and- 1 ej son c snjder p schult s pinch hit for snyder in 7th i cmpire whit eman kkxiu au exports j during april evjjmrts of united kingdom cars nnd commercial ve- i hides broke nil previous records i and beat the governments end of enr target rate with overseas shipments of more than 23300 cars 1 an increxso of oer i200 oer the maivh figure and tu0t truckaamttt practical judgment is a highlv with the steady warm weather washington thnt they visited on valuable qunlit and the question several have tnon in hortop mil- i their return tna be nskel as to how it enn be dam lor a cooling off plans were made for the bale developed it seenus to be very mr max putnam again conduc- and a motion pnsod thnt we aim helpful in developing it if people tod srlivs at the proshtonan or llft niemtershlp this fall wa human contacts if they busc nearly 800 more than in churcji sunday morning as ulll of t immness mrs arnold i ot mnny persons in work and mnrch n figure of 1 300 cars ns contributing a f selection mnrxhnll gave a paptv that was husmess and social life if they ex- isi rise of almost 40- over the which was much approbated hv fnjoyvd mrs wufretl kennedy change ideas wth the ptople they kebru ir volume its if an all tlm the congregatlop thanked all who took part in the meet and with friends nnd neigh- ivwu wllut r ovik1 mooting and the hostess who ser- houis if uiey talk over questions ln apnl wh ovt jjtoooooo soybeans ueruue uaulev d lovely lunch tp nil induct and work and daily life nka a xl firget rite of l y t mt tl 7 rtff ftnd 5ilmmhm that of commercial 11 dredge are the two newly elec- policy they are likely to develop vehicles was eise n irrtmi the first shipment of an 800000 iwi klders of nassagnwevn pres- kn1 judgment about life and af- r mrar iwor e arrangement has loft hmerlnn church tales i wu 1 1 r riti of j18w000 munch for the united state the mm arthur davenrt visited they hear nil sides of many li auiomobu a spivialist at toronto on thurs- muestlons and are likely to form established a world lead topping l 1 th judjnnentjthe last known monthly figures of nutritlonnl value of tho barley us 1 in mnklng beer will we replaced v by hplments ofoybans to the i homo at moffat but little jlmmlo american zone of occupation r with ids grandparents here dy ku is very valuable in tnelr occupatthe uija tmarch by more than ms and community life i t00 unitm be 0 35 fl thomson bros farm si pplies acton phone 256r for best resl iis try- our purina clloxs mix feeds the hialitv in the bai weed killer bug killer salt bindertwine custom spraying 3e eet

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