Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1948, p. 5

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thursday july 15th ims the acton free press paqc mm mr jack teryce spent therk- nd at the rerryman hqme mr and mn don tlyrfar aim rralldaylns at wasaga beach mtaa mada huff vklted tn arton during the weekem mia shlrly klllimt spent the weekend with friends in taranto mr david wcnardsori of tor onto u visiting trlanda in acton mr jas n tayor of ilondon calltd on acton friend thi wmk mr chaa klrknesa and cath- hoa are holidaying at braee- bridg mr and mra o a dili and david dill pnt th weekend iti tvroio mr and mra a m mepherson spent several day last week with friend ir toronto mu may cunningham of mon treal vuted her mend mia jtrarj- eea kenney uat week mr jo otoonnetl acton ha returned hom from christie street lloapltal toronto mr and mr holand ranuhaw of detroit mich visited acton relative durlr- the weak mr r bean rvark betty and cwen have left for an extended vult in nohhem ontario mia helen mainprise u nouif frean waaa beach where aha spent a week of her vacation mlaae margaret garvin and hannah wallace spent the week- nd with friend in kitchener mr and mn jmieph kentnar spent a few day lut week with the latter sister iri bowmanvlll mr and mr r ulton and del aine of toronto were visitor at the home of mtj harry burn lait week mr and mra norman becker sheila and bobby of durham vis ited last week with acton rel ative mis doreen steele returned home on wednesday after holi daying at constance bay with mr and mrv j it hate and susan recent visitor at the home of mr john c dennis were mr and mr william mcnabb of guelph and mr and mr fred u- tinder ti guelph township mr and mrs fred llamlltin kay axd bobble of guelph and mr and mra wm hamilton centre inn apent sunday with mr and mr earl 1ambert mr and mrs norman small and barhnrn of nlnunra fnlls returned home inst veck after spading a holiday nt the home of mrs smnlls mother mr u m mc donald mr nnil mrv ken mcklnnon mrs k e v rr man nnd georc- tnn apent n punint wtt k end nt unuetiride ni d bnsllle mr ivrrvmnn who has 1mm n imlhlini 1 iamijii on ljiki- of ilnw returned drain- ith them mr and mrs v moounsh of pnlmerstun mr and mrs cllf christ lo merle and nle of ouelph mr ami mrs clarene martin mr and mrs charlie maitln of llanmer were lsltora oils past week with mr utl tmrs jnnu- wilds vnttrb rurnirrb of sanaa acton ontario fcarv kjovu ricftsbuna aftwutee parsonage bower avenue kunday july lhth 1u4h 1 1 v am common worahlp 11 10 am nureery class and be ginner 1 to 0 year 1u15 prrt the church school worship directed by the minister combined kvenlrg service- in the park with ai ton band you are welcoma irrabirftrriati otrjurch lu flliutaha knox catowuxi aoton hv x m akaleraett tuu ma sunday julajglb 11 m baptismal service 1j15 ern sunday school 7pm combined service they that wait upon thu lord shall renew their strength- tuptw shurtij v aorti suv ouam at gowk atlaueui sunday july lhth 1048 1010 a m sunday school 1110 am personal chrlalanlty sat july 17th 110 nm congre gational picnic at the home of walter fryer 2nd line l xibdcj uliurrri ajsgliean keotwr euv w o luaten ha sunday july lbth 1848 hth sunday after trinity 1115 am morning prayer 11 coatea layrearter aldsrshot 11 15 a m uegltners class 7pm combined service in the park this church welcome visitor semmtttg miir chumi kfayukiji aaxfeaa and lujuut otmrkb sunday july lhth ltub comblid sorwce in the park with actor band swifl sorvlth foniminrlnc at 7 30 pm i projirnm of mwjc hy the band at h pm notice to creditors in th fetal or william mahh- ur lat nv tk townaltlp of ertii in uw uinly rf uvhuntftan itii cavdltors or william mc- arlhur into of tho lmnhlp of krln in tht count of whiinirton fnrmtt lmnyi who dltnl on or nwut the 1th dnv of may 1imh and nil oiiiors haxlic olnlmt ncnlnst hts ostnto nrt hereby notlfltd to sonri h piist propald or otherwise to dellxer to messrs lnhjdon and aynw ort h niriotown ontario ollcitors for the unrtersicnrd ex- octitom of the kstate of thi said wllllnm mrarthur rnnripr dec- osn1 on or befotv the first day of sptemlnr im their nnmoi ad- lrevsi tbs i iptlons nnd full par- tmilurs of their clnlnv nnd the nit ure of the n urttles it nny held h them nrt hint immedlatc- l nfter hie fhst d of septombor 1ms t he kex uturs will prooood t distribute the estnte of the uild id ensed nnionkt the pnrtleohr tlileil thereto hn inp record only to he i inlrm of which the kxecu- tuin slnll then hne notice lilted this 7th dt of julv imh neil mrarthur llt tor mt artiiur kxeeutora h i indon nnd aliworth lh ir llcltors neoretow n ontnrlo worij iromictlon wool itt in 194h although wool production la down again this year in cauda nnd in the united slate reporta from moat other alieepralslng countries indicate that pasture and feed haye been favourable and wool iuroductlon may aluw an up swing in australia after four year of declining production the total wool crop may reach a billion tvound new zealand farmer are likely tn clip more wool in the tuihson hsghnnlng july 1 than they did in the previous season a little more wool is expected in moat south ameilcan countries uruguay la recovering from the 1041 drought better world phcia for wool ha brought the argen tine the chief wool producing country in south america crop back to about halfabllllon pounds sou ui arlca turkey and india expect increases in 1048 and other asiatic countries about the earn as in 1b4t moat european countries report some increase for the fourth year in succession with the exception of belgium klre greece holland and chechoslovakia world production for 1048 la tlmated at 3830 million pound about 100 million pound or nearly 1 per cent more than in 1047 acton club activities iy wm somervlll of ilslly- bury was n visitor at the weekly luncheon of the llotary club of arton on tuesday noon again mnny of the detail in connection with the llotary pair were deait with ami president amos masou annoutunvl plana for speaker at the next luncheon meetings members of the rlub agreed to sell tickets for the baseball game on monday lietween artnn and feigns as a tokerj of apprectatlon of the servlree of the acton int- enhodlates which made theu fair a splendid auccea some of tho chili canvasser reportml on their work on the swimming pool pro ject j engagements human progress it has been maintained by some in periods of ardent history that ine tooiwwas f a that human society was losing some of its farmer merit state ment have been quoteid from an cient author expressing these thoughts that the world of their time had deteriorated from what it wa previously thore may be some in our time who feel that the world is slipping and going down hill they may say that tho splendid advaroe in science and countless fields of knowledge and development are moro than offset by terrible war and various orrors yet the world seems n far bettor place to live in than it wm in nnclent times and modern life hna brought countless wonderful development promot ing human wolfnre nnd happiness thortwns nn old iuehtlon about how long it would tnko a frog to climb out of a well if he climbed four feet in the daytime and fell hnek two nt night humanity la a llttlo like that frog it has been through two grent war which were a terrible setback but on tho whole it is gnlrlng and tsorutantly emerging into grontex light and know ledge mr ulda merkley of uiuaa wishes to amiounre the engage ment of her daughter theun pearl to llobert john jnklnon son of mrs 11 jenklnson of georgetown the marriage to take place on saturday july 34th in carmen united church toronto ijcirtdkk twk inwstkmtrl of kutltainh school dokjobucn esquehiig rale slrihk al 37 and school kates oilier item al special and kearulaf meting held hcoently 1 m like playing football beat in their leisure time with cycllr next ttil is revealed in a report mad to the minister of education by the central advisory council which has just been published by the stationery office a question naire wa sent to representative schools to discover the trend of childrens interest in britain the glrkv interest ranged over a somewhat wider field than those of the boys most children liked rending although the majority go to movies onco a week very few gavo thl a their favourite occu pation about half of those queat- tloned kept pel and 50 of those claimed to caro for them tbem- solve wt patterson ro hpnalut in rye kxmiaaiua ortbaptut ids wynuiiam st queltil phone liei completely equipped ocflcei below maher shoe store summer times tea time acton rr1e is honored by show kr at krklaam lake tho follow inn hem of iih il interest npihmred on situn1n in the lail news of ktrkl md i ike mrs clarence 1rnvi r nee mivs frnnee iilu of arioi wai the guest of honivr nt a kltilun show er nutinia v lul s evenitit fch- on b eight kit kl md iake bivt hosttsevs were t s1 imos c lut k in whost home the shower was clven f cirlumld m o llrien t ha is m wright e i butt w koherts and f whltl as mrs itvm r entered the llvingroni rhe w nret ttd with a wedding m rt h plnexl b mrs v kenr mrs provser was es- eorted to n throne mi di from u larce wlikr chair decorated with pink nnd whte ribbon nnd flow- i era- the bono id guest was pros- cntinl w it h a corsage of sjirlng flowers b little carol vuck laughter of the home hosteo the aormct table wa deorutexi with pink and white finers pink lupine and ionies similar color scheme wei observed ir the room decoration mrs irossr sr poured ten gifts nl- presented to young mrs prtvvser b carol tuck wre brought into the room in an old- fashioned tvpe covered wtigon de- coratod in pink and w hlte crepe paper and carriik a just mar ried ugi on the lutt k a pair of old shoe also was part of the uaffors decorations auction sale 1n kltl ok hoi sfiioul iirnititkk i he unrtermkned lme ricelvidi in liut llitils from 1i ih xh imiivin in sll b auition h the i cricullurul hall rlin on stiiu kvi july 17 uinniortitnjr nt h pm i the follow ink i ihitirttfld suite u ine iitl lllui rinuhihl in w ilnut ni w 11mm ilnllrol 1- lev t lie kaillo lledriom iili immpleie ith vnnlt nnd tjilffonetr thk wji- m w in 194s u ilnut imlsh oteifill dimrn aj piece s1 of dkies quetiec kill ll- n slim n lot of stoe htpe 1 oionmlive t ustr o washing ma- i une m in ljs lloliolnt fc1- i tru iron westinchouu turr ot liiwir hot llnt kefrlii- r nor hrldne limp slncer sew- i tn mirhine cablet klectrlc kmdlo i- nil inhle inilsnr 15 i jewel wrist watch in cood cor- illtlon llllows pillow case hlankets window airtnins kit- ilien thiir- lei pots kettles pots pins hrushes llnxims lea kettles voffis percolator pallh kiums torks sphins ttc ihims fash it time of sale o uiservo as the lroprietor is ci ini up house keeping this is tlrst class furniture new in lj4s i we hae no hesitation lr reconi- 1 menillnr it to those interested hinwky 6 isljjotr r auctlonmrs phone krln or milton fter the llnlsh of this sale we have a real nue offering of furni ture houmhoid effects electric kooila clm ks lnu n mow era i etc which has been contributed in the people of the commurtty hrlm what joll have to schi please juie u in the hnll by 7 make it right now that summer h here ten hot or iced ih the drink mrnil people nro turning t hut although the formula for grnwl ten ih iih old iih the lulbi und na simple an a h many people htill do not know how to make n tiutty hrew if you follow them uuttrtu tionn tart fully yii hhould hjivo no further dittn ult preheat tlie teapt nit a hu re tine tea hpnon fill of tui totuuh lejilupful of water which miint le frenh and n all uuhngk add ono touhptxmful of tea for the i hteep five mintitt h anil pn sto youre ready for the n frenlung hip t o kit p the teaptit warm grandma uacd u ten coz lt htill a gootl idea a mclal moetlna of katjumln couni ii whm hold mnitdmy nvenhiu june iwih with nil memlmtm prn- ent itftftvo c k clav pnutdml nvtur thh mtmttlnu a hylhw whh read ttiul pauwd in add uthunl kwllimi 13 and ik tn thn okihiiiiu towwihlrp hchoof ai4a co mu ii lwfcunctlnrfld tlin pur- rljhbw from walter leawkon of lot no 41 at a prlro of tako mul ho rjptwl tlh nlytir of kin yd dvy for yvn for thn hullmln nn thu tot ilia rsjftilar mirtlnir of council vvrni hfld nn motiday nlttht july wfth deputy hev gorge curilp cotithillnrn itmrift iiilht oalg held and wllfrvd nird wore prmttt itfrev otwirge k c1eav priddtt a latfttr from toronto oenaral iloupllal was read itv tp1y to a tftlter from thn towntthlp rfu- inu llahlluy for a vatlirnt a deputation of ratepayer ad- iilteui the council huisdng petition ask in if that a 10 mil speed limit 1m enforced ptualnjf their propartlea council agreed to look into the posalblllty of same ond eiiqulre regardlnb havlre utreat iltfhts lnt ailed hy the hy- drocom ml union accounts passed included the following wm iouth tllw 2l 00 hkpc brampton 10 31 acton iuhun utlllttei 915 00 ilell tale- phono co 5 oh hydro cors- town 73 so province of hajkat- chewan charity 30 00 canadian oreral insurance premium 5 00 ilnwoa nnd nelwin on account of hall h0flt7 on account of gar- nu ax1 17 tni hludd balance of at count 313103 were pawied moved hy hlrd hcoruttd hy cur rle thnt tlila count ii accept mr a w inntnnj rho4ue of 175 00 rehnte of one montlih salary ow ing to lllntui in the family car llfml moved hy curt le mh ondiwi by itlrd that thla courcll petition arton public ijuutleu commit ion o irstnll 3 stmt lluhta on deard- moro creacont to bo initnlted unler the auperyfitlon f the xload suimrlntendont carried i1ie hyinw to nmotia thn ton- hhlp for 104h wnh rend and parsed thd tnx rate for 1048 was lot at 17 mlllu and school section rates will ho extra when struck another bylaw wan paaitod pro viding for the distribution of in tercut net rulrt from the railway donuj fund to the various school ncctlons xskunk frasts on turtlrsejrps driving along the rnui way at long point ijike krle nt dusk a torot to ninnteui naturalist atop- h 1 hk i nx to wiit eh n- turtle 20 feet away in a sand pocket sol emnly tittfiiding to her egglaying function dlree my behind her u handsome skunk nwnlted the din ner gong with philosophic pat- u nee uie gong did rot sound during the intrusion hy liumnn ey- lint neitlng the pmeenclosod sard pocket cnrofully the natural- lit nturnid an hour intrr tur- tie nnel ikunk alike hnel depnrtel an hioken egg shells were the cnl relies to t ii of the skunk s f nst on stjli t ly fresh eggs on the snme iong point trip the oh- servor found turtle espeelnlly nunierouv snnpping turtles nnd ihittel turtles were set n painletl mnp and li landings turtles nr d onl the soft shell spin ies failed to join the pnrode on the anndy lieiu ii s thf r is n fns inntlnc elispla of turtles of ontnrlo wltn- in tin itoj il ontur o museum and it wn from a study of that exhibit that tin observer m ntloned found the idt r tlflcntjnn of thepeclea he miw muili simplifliil it lb not un usuul to flnel iih many oh 30 or 40 eggs in thi rudlmentarv nert of a tin tie vodtif oiujaniationm irgtwiliiillnnu wlmair purpoiui li to provide tialmln and vrdv nieut und tereitlon for tflru bmi luiyu perform u itervlctf of very hluh vnlue it lu a vtry flno thing fur the young folkw when they ln- ioiiih ititmniattnl lr yuch uroupit nnd join and wk with them they gnln the oppirltwilty to dt- velnp uielr hwers und tunmhipllsli lnwmirliiiit nu it iliey form frleudnhlp with the young popw wluitu i hey meet in thwt acuvlue and they imvn no end of fun and erjoyment in the pleniuint llf of thewe irutinlajttlotrui ihy boon intiirohttod in ideau of tmtrlotlam and ellueiuhlp and rvllehm ami whkallim riiinir ambition fa atl- mulathl to make the hid u of their powerm ami nifortun1tlfl and doftm of opprntunlty aro opened to largtr hchlevement heating m yetl are twuniuun uu inaialuueh ef a hnum till fall ewler hew aftld bl euaatveiaaud w km o ib irtil we have same blertf at the eu ktrlee if yeu hurry j e memtullen hepreaatiuuve juiumt funttvroi air cndlbnlnb me ihonk flfl acton 1000 for your protection in cahk ok hlcknesfl oh aocidfent up to 500 tor hi ajebntsm or aeemwt to to entlra mat of hcaiplu rmm mud bitl no sudfted dally llaalt aa to what you ahall tmy tot itoaplui atcmmaju- jlorrfltc fjsftafrl fit haalalvs a septa tank in normal use ioum le eared once a ear serve it iced with the thirmomittr in the 80 h md t h tin ich nothimtmiite hkt ii long tinkling glanh of uttl t i to ollt t dilution t juisedtivtweltmj ice you hhould malu tin breu dtuibh itnngih twing mire ofiourh t um boiling venter and ntit p for ti v immitih i ill till glahwew with cuimm or inirihil lie md rour in fnvthlv ntet jut tea itie n mtrjinei win n mjilring atld hn grinulitttl mig ir to tusle in fori pouring th uni or liiigiir rup ft runnis arnish with t kin hiih of h moo add a apriff til mint if nu like and there it i an uwl drink to delight tuuultite built and opera i eel in accord ance vtth government regulations all steel iocken meat ivocehhinir eoonnniue hnt a celd storajr iorker now phone 48 j hockwood ckolec tut to accommodation puhlle hemiprivato private thu tcoo way als be arrued agajfiat the coat of the aervteeti of a rertarl sraduatc nume in th howe if taapttal izatlon la not nafwanjy otw gtnr- oun beriefitsi up iosoo tot each accident or lllneaa to pay doe- torh bllla and aureeoiu feea you chootia your own doctor your entire bill paid leas the nfat 1000 delay may be dangerous iocai representative john w chapman x mcdonald luvd acton ont miitiiai iienkfit health an accidknt aasoc- iation listen to jim hunter dally h 00 a m 0 10 p m cfrb nlirhtly 7 and 9 matinee saturday 1 pju- cooler irwide than out air conditioned knjoy the show in comfort friday saturday hik double feature program umtrats- mtt a acooi z i ijk1mh1 in llll i 1 1 mondav tuksday july 19th 20lh a man or violence a woman or scorn wkdnkkdai thursday july 2it 22nd hkturnim r ivipuivr request 77ie joson sttory

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