Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1948, p. 6

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page six the acton free press thursday julv 13th ims hpruf lit ln i p half a mlllon mora hoc wwe market in the rirl five and half month or thw yr than last tli increaw u roeral in all pro- v lnc a4nmrmitl the kfcwvm prophet wv wrong amt kroembr the wall urn frill trat the hotf bluing irs shot and everyone urn sellnfc mws avid going out of business what reall did happen een the most opltmlitle estimate worn vhkn rxrni consukrs uan iwt thy woi ftimii lw my people hh thy clod my cwl uuth 1 is jfwun text uuth 1 ifiltt j jrt 4 1417 imposition 1 ttuths love for naomi 1 k1h uuth the heiolne of thr story iiml one of the most beautiful women of the om testament wat a moahlten by hlhh ich 2 2fi the monhltes were not orly heat hen hut under a special lum deut ceeded prices went up and th j a vet uuth wan vlnme of hog marketed fooled farmers packers and government authorities as a matter of fact more hogs wen marketed by tur e mb lsl hln iin superlsing grade or 1 ive sitwk products federal dtvit of atirhiitture recently slat ancestress of lemis christ mntt 1 li f t he mnn she married was the ron of n woman who had than were expected by jul bw a hnilot lite purpose of thw story in the hist on of israel is to show how god even under the old dislocation was no reepoctor of person ac ll 11 35 in somo ed thin big increase are expected reaper is ttut h was ver like yy for lul august and septemlver ovt r the same three months of last ar i1n est is eje ted to inirki t j1 more hop than last ii ind the east about v less 1 t limited imrease for the fur timt root tit b fur the west is t ttul foi th i nsi jo making an i i ii pi miiii turn for canada oir tin some p riod of neirl the itrttish huron situation harwlll wr 1 hot a hang earv max he we bacon foi hut tin she ear hu pvs from the w jir e raised mon this ear than m llton pounds tin mother of tesus iuke 1 2fi- 10 1 tills story belongs to tho time of the judges v 1 from it we get n more pleasant view of the time of the tudgoq than that whiih we et from the book of lodges naomi is ri turr ing to hei peo pie and thu hut reai hed the dlv iding line mwun mail ami uid- ah i hri e iimis did naomi urge in r dnughttri in law to ietirn to tin ii lioniisus s 11 1j it waa not that slit did no dcstrethelr oiupn hut she sought their gun there seemed to lw nothing for them to kim in going on with hei 2 i he om daughter in i iw lelurtantu forsok her the other chne to her i 1 1 it 11- lustiates hat place in our exper noienl to ttulh i b taek upon ithlh n luv for ottnih on of lha ihmittet imdlvea u loving nat- ulvm lit fotiuiklllu tbe kotd u lovtt foi uiom who are in tho woild llul while until lovml ortalt fch lovl nitoml more cf matt 10 t7 no love it any human huu will dtnw ttwy from jonuk tho oho who rvnlly hw htm 3 oor t m orah wm irot fr fnmt the kltiudom tif mk lj mi but ah dhl not eutet it naitnil wolill not have them o ulth her ulhout fti 1 l stuutlnu the cod iuke u tfi hut li h t to naomi won one of the moat luuiutlful timt ev ei fell from human lips vm lit 17 ii khowa what pure love eicuted in thohe rude duyii it llluhtrln wonderfully what our ntthude uhuuld im toward him whom wo love hupremcly uuth meant v- erv word of it and lived up to it do we when ve nay it to jeiun if we live na we ought and mnr- ifest the life of our god we will draw men from the love of him uuth wait really making a choice of jehovah ch 2 12 quito likely the life of mnjilon her husband had hai something to do with r more real heroism of faith was shown in the action or ruth tlnii in the daring exploits recorded in judges i lie truest heroism today is di upland by the self sacrificing arts of tender women ir home llf and nol b the wart tors ruth did not stop to ask where nautili was joltig whilht rsoever it might be tdt would mo nui mo ithould w uo with ju tjno i3t 3d it paid uuth mihi it will pay us the lumt- hlnl hut in uullimlolo would u witfi to ittlth tltnii tha tinmat pulitee in mul imh ante naomi wax tlteie tef imitl i jm ritrutw poph whoiild ih oil i irtiopld chtuta jod our lwl whrt chlut dlex we klmuld dl unl j i m we uhoutd in bttrlod ihi with mini wi love v 17 nf itom i hut w tin no imtyoml uuth in her words to naomi for we not orly dh and ar hurled in i mm but al so rlw with film kph 2 ii fol l h itulh would think of nothlnu ih tuiarallng them but death ev en death will not h pirate uw from ctirlml f horn h ih til j cor tl h u v phil 1 j1 naomi haw the whole heii edited of ruuiii lov ami ftneptcd it chrlut will oc- i ept sin h tmi from u and no oth- nnitain ntniixi t iiohmbm nbxt veak a i ttvud hoiuuiu program for lh i luolhii yar haa juit atj an ioiiihhi by ihtt mlnutor of hlth at the tlbiw of laat yarm ruta ih i llnl expenditure it wah aatlm- hltd that him anhual rata of oort- hlitiitlon would fall to 141000 hotibotf after the prnwmt month ii imjiow inlfiide4l to maintain tha prmttlt rate of i0 mk houwu a month until die oid of the yr riot piovulotiat proa nun or 2o0tkk hniikeu for i imp iiiih immoi deldd upon in itdatloti to the prohabla hupiilleh of mo ft timber irvwr vtmt wm the bicon qnoti bargalntvl for lo4fl b britain and canala in the first five montlus of 1wp can ada hid alnvidv shipped iv mil- 1 u wen wp lmv to d lion pounds of bacon and had carl i wl to home nnd friond in june another 10 million pounds a crythinfc and go on with 1 christ or to turn our hacks on readv for shipment that leaves ainroimntel ah million pounds to be shipped in the remaining 7 months it is however much too earlv to get undulj excited our good canadian bacon isn t ffoir to be dumped into the ocean too man factors point tho other way a virv serious food shortage tuu exists in the world our beef quota to britain isn t beinc filled part of the mone britain allocated for our beef ma be switched to pur- chnsi additional hacin the mar shall plat for feeding europe will hkel effect our bacon situation it seems quite probable that can adian beef will soon go to the un ited stiut at increased prices if this txxurs bef puees will rise and pork puces will lw in greater de mand bv cinadian housewives to replact hightr priced beef uuw gaod 1roctms with ii a in ljt uevsk favoured bv gtod weather tse latter part of list week good pro gress hn- btvn made with the hay sonu of the earlier tut hay vas prettv h idl w inhered and as a nntttr of fit vimo of it un t very muih eitir thnr bedding the latt i iut however has been brought in in good condition but is ntlur too m ituro to make th- lest quality bv the time tlus up- inars in print some of the winter whtat w 11 be in stock in g reral tu wheat is a bulkj irop ind will t itw i lot of lianiiltng it i always d int mil to intimate iclds be- fort the crop is in the ban but sonu fitlvl ve hive bet n in look hkt ti or 50 hu rojie othir are iv mt l n mu but tht iv trage f r t count v sliould wat jo ou- chnst and go back to tho world and loved ones ruths attitude of love that left all to go with naomi illurrntes what our attitude to ward jesus should be from the worldly standpoint orpah seemed to make the wiser choice but ruth gained the most when we become chrieians we may suffer the loss of all thmgs but we gain more than we lose phil 3 3 horn s 18 ruth had no more chanco to go back naomi based her final pollock and campbells manufacturer of mich grade memorials memorial rngraving 62 water su north galt telephone zms ii a redeemei klimman foe ruth 2 20 a m17 in the providence of god ruth u brought to know boar noamla husbands kinsman if h j l kin- ding fnvoiu in the slgjit of boa7 ruths rutuie i lrhiircd v 20 it in ing the inw of israel that thr near st kinsman should continue the famllv hue and boa being the in t in mitt i but one he is willing- i should thin nntst kinsman be tinw illing to assume tin reiponi hihiv i in li st is maile at tie i ih h 1 1 lot ind boa tnkei uuth to hi his wlfi a son is hoi n r urn d olml tin father of iine tin rath r or i ivld i i 17 1 hf i n if n stinr donu sti i pi oih tt m s th ginialtiv of nnviit in whosi tin est r li w and gentile aie in auliiihighmt iiuff jiliinldfliifu jl s jfoll optometrist 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses fitted only tour jimmy linn already dim over nd that being u man has a etliib ruurket value if you hafv pin to he militated among n hit of femalea it wan he found giwd hu tlm v4 to go up to one of the ovi i niimiwnus tittle glrln on his street and ioik wlnnlnglv did you i mother give you that npplij and then followed up thin turlt in- liodtifilon hy the giailriun hiiugaa- lloti if youll give it to me ill play with you lust how or when this commor- inl man a ion enteied on soma daiket phiixf li not explained but tivi vein old marlon coming in n un play on afternoon hod a it i rlous cxjin anion moth- i in uild fur teacher i si tlini ir at tan t say homuthlng tin nhoiit i pm on w thoiildn t i aiivlhlm at all is that right unit in r i mulhisr agreed i wi ii mid mailim in that poultry and eggs wanted imionk milton lw for imur vricth triton poultry products sec tin tinder and gererous re gard for the honoi of the dead and the grai lous ran in stowi d on i wnlnw mi n sti inger neither of which is abh to return the kind- m sh duke 11 11 but the spin tiia i and all important lennn is that the ioid ieu is our god our oipiliirtirg redeemer mk 10 l he is the boa of the church which is his bride purchased with his own blood nph 5 2032 1 pet 1 17 18 rev 10 7d as ruth must have owed her obligat ions to boa 7 so we who are the lords redeemed ones need to roc- ogniie our debt to him aa boz called witnesses to what he did no christ haa appointed ui hu wit nesses ac l 8 further the whole incident of ruth and boaz is filled with proyoi and prau so is the relationship of the christian to hte redeemer jno 14 1315 kph 6 18 rev 5 810 ho l any ref n m e in the future ounr ilmmy down the street to a faint wife prnds a many as i lioiirm n dny in the kltehcp no wonder she ls inslstlnc on good klli hen fn mtles wanted dead stock htrllkst cash 1iucks iiiims 7 ik fmli ittl h x c ich 11 s2 y per cwt all a ci or j ri t i sic an j on liti jn i 1 oll ht itlt 21iiu darling 0co ltd ti fiil if worry makes you blue let want ads see you thru sunnyside beach toronto free stage show nightly 800 pjw dancing sea breeze 900 pjn sunnyside pool open daily free parking- for 3000 can picnic areas available or out oftown visitors for renervatiorw call la 0157 mr van evert t urm iu r itu 1 si l 1 11 kl 1 uui u t w t in 1 i t i t i t i f tt w t j1 i in or f inns otju it tki ill rtl u s t hi ttmc proh t m jpp ir ntlv t u id ind i hi ui w ivk m our ui bnr c n- tis m ike it just about miosibje to compete with industr fot ub- oui u wivider if some oi the pimiu generation will lv to ee two vjitlts working in agrvutt are sui h a situation would eem to point to it 1 11 higher prices and how our urban consumer tould howl hlbstttitk txtt jite io provide south afiu in ugrt culture with a steady supply of native fibre for bags deecan hemp or w lid hoii hock ls b4nje ffrown xpirimentall the first crop of sou acreu has been harvested and factorv for extracting the fibre is at readv under construction jtftm s se 3 rfxy m announcing an increase in subscription price yearly subs 250 in advance i ut to aiim itrmiiiil our control unl whiih tlicif i no point in finiiihtatinu it i nitrain to iut n a tli ul rit urn jiini- ol tin i ice im tin- prrini in- riilf ill 1 ler will lir to 2it jut ill 1111 toi j i month- u i iri t i n tin- iinal adilitioikil i lkiri- ol 0c tor -uh-tri- tion- to the i nitnl statr- will pnnail on tin niw rati w r iiojh tliiti will hi a priri limlliii anil that no tuitlicr inrra-i- will lf niii arv single copies now 6c the priri ol injili ropir- purrliaril oir tin new- counter- anil at our office i- now single copies 6c each he per op 1 lie lat t liinir that a nickel ivoulil lm i- mne hut were till ellm well helow cliocolate bar- anil pop effective today the new uhcri prion price like all ot hei that hae heen leieil ijoe- into elicit 1111- iiieiliatek ml renewal- arc in ailxaiiee c trul -uh-criher- will appreciate the iact- that have made thi- increae nece ar anil ooperate lullv in meetiii the preent -it- natioii e ilelamil makiiijr the move a- lonj i poihle the acton free press now 250 per year single copies 6c

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