Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1948, p. 8

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pack eight the acton free press tthuilhioay july 13th ims notices of blrtha marrlav and tfeatha r lnaartil la ima column without chare in wmorlani nctlca 50c nnd m wr tin additional for poalry qard of thanlcf goc horn thomson mr nd mra jtai thojtwon nr hnppy to announce tho arrival of their daughter judith fcllmboth at the guelph onornl honpltnl on svidny july oth mauciiment mr niul mrs enrl mjirchment- coorietown wlldi to announce tho birth of their on ni the nurnlng home cuelph street acton on wednes day july 16th n little brother for carol hjorette mr and mm lorette nee merle mccutcheon guelph street acton arethappy to announce tho arrival at a baby daughter yvonne marie at the nursing home guelph st actor on monday july 12 ims mother and babe fine married mckaywilson on saturday july 3 1048 by tho rov l pickering hazel a wilton r n daughter of mr and mm chan w wilson acton to ro bert w mckay ma toronto dtaod anderson herbert v bert formerly of acton nnd toron to suddenly in oakvllte onu on tuesday july 13 herbert v- anderson husband of tttfti flbituorq iid uui twill i cr of hcfisniitd beryl m gcorfio keown george ard and harold all of toronto and ada mrs carle davis oakvh- c resting at the funeral home of s 9 russell and son dunn st at the lake oakvlllc un til friday morning then at the johnstone and rumley funeral home acton service on sat urday afternoon at 2 oclock interment evexton cemetery in memoriam ty1br in loving memory of edward tyler who poised away july 11 huti in his fiftieth year for ever in our hearts the family simpson- in loving memory of our dear son and brother pte harold 1- simpson k ko c who died of wounds in france july lf 13u age 21 years aj long as we live we will horor hi mime in raemorj we see him just the same still in our hearts he is living yet we inwd him too tlearlj to voi forge u sadly missed by motlier dad helen nnd lome i lesiik in loving memory of oui dear aunt hazel leslie who passed nwuy july 18 1917 i sweet memoiiei will linger for- e ei time ran not charge them its true veins that ma come cannot sever our lining remembrance of ou lm mgl remembered doroih diuirn june jaequelin lwim joan and gordon mary catharine millar at tho fine old age of ninety- four years mnry cntinrino miliar pjikscd away on juno 3011 nt tlio home of hor on walter lambert ru 3 acton born in erin tm n daughter of the into chnrlcti lnmlwrt and kllza crlpjw ploneom of this district mm millar jiad spent most of her life liv arton nnd dlhlrlct her husband prvdeeoaed her feoverol yenra ngo jnd one son walter lambert rvnrema mr millar attended the united church and rev louis pickering conducted the funeral wrvlce on saturday afternoon friends from preston richmond hill toronto guolph and acton attended tho wervice interment was made in fftlrvlew cemetery tho pallbear ers were messrs frank holmes jas morrison a johnson e paa- ren f johnson flower rearers were stanley crlpps earl lambert emmorson crlpps frank tripp floral tribute that also bore testimony of watcem were from the following family mr and mru frank tripp preston mr nnd mrs f hepburn miss m morrow guelph mr and mrs p kalno guelph mr and mrs j e tripp preston mr and mrs nel son lambert employees of mason krlt mr nnd mrs f holmes nnd family mr nnd mrs e crlpps of guelphrmr nndmrj prtt kenny toronto neighbors i leslie in loving memory of i m dear w ife 1 laze eluabeth leslie who quired nwu jul is idit i she had a dun r smtli a pleasant way a helping hand to all she knew se wis so kind so gene i oils and true on eniih she nobl did her best unit hei jesui jieaenl ret alwas lemenibered b her his- hind ieai lesli1 in loing memory of our dear histei i lael lesl v w ho pnvd hum jul lb 1917 jleiiirmtiiii is a golden cliain ivath ti irs io bieik but all in ain to have to low rwui then to pait is the giiiiist muiw of one i heart the eais ma wine out many ullllgs iiui these n wipe out never tbe menioi ot uuse hupp uus when we wile nil toeihei sadly in ss d h sisjeis rid tmthips ii law spaajsriiltia lit civic holuiaj is two weeks from monda the dlstiict missed the hea j ruin that weiv expenerced in ninn plaees over the weekend the subscription price to the frth tre u now jj 50 pr oar in ailyuiuh iuui single cojiies ore j vh euch a rhubarb plant in the garden at the douglas store at spesde has leaves on it thai measure 3s feet in dumeter it is a fine large fcpeclmen miss marian mcdougall tlie following obituary appeared in the lucknow sentlrel of last week and will be rend with inter est by many friends hero who came to know miss mcdougnll here a few years ago the mission board of the presbyterian church refused nn application for service for the foreign field this- mat tered little ns a more complete dedication of this life to the cause of christ was hardly possible wherever her work as a teacher took her marian mncdougnll was active in church work irj the choir sunday school young peoples society nnd missionary causes born in kinloss township she obtained her eni ly education nt the second school even at nn early age her dally kindnesses made a lasting impression on her schoolmates she continued her studies in lucknow continuation school while residing with g h smith a she helped her friends with their problems her life work was made clear to her after at tending noith bay normal school she taught in golden valley for five jfors further mud at strat ford nnimal school resulted in a position in culross township from thee she came to lucknow iubhi- school her eight jcars of eeellent teaching endeared her to oung and old and the influence of hei consecrated living on the child en under her car never be measured she also served bref- 1 on the public school stafs in spiingfield and acton miss maidougall passed aw a at the manse on tuesday morning june jnth she had been intu- all ill foi some lime but her gal- knit sp ni made everv moment i wer t in her preserue a blessing to hei assoiintts she deepl ap- i pifiiated the many kindnesses of hei f nemls during hei illness suiviving aj e two ssteis mj s i r ii muponald ikathlnnei nnd mis i ier campbell etta of liu know and one luother mr oi don machougall of windsor ilso thlee hafsisteis i eli mis kiimcuv hoiothv mis lvi- cioej and fi edi mis leon- aid mm lanes and her stepmot hei mis john macliuigiill the fuiieiil service was held n ihuisdav julv 1st in the luck now pieshvteuan chun h at hue 0 i hnk tonduitrtl hv jtev john andeison ha m t aid bar alton assisted hv rev c d lo loimeilv of gdden vallej miss 1 ulu warner of the at ton public si ho i saff sang hod hath not d mtev ii p maepon- ilistorical indian burial pit now 5baingt5xlored huron indian ivonos in large rtumlm were dug from n burial pit nt it silo not far weil of mid land ontario by workers from the koynl chvtnrlo museum of ar chaeology last summer this sum mer tho excavations arc being con tinued nnd are of such scientific import nnco that tho diggers will camp on tho site itself this os suary wherein so many indians were laid nt tho periodic feast of the dead is proving of exceptional importance li enriching ontario history discovered ivy mrs frank wd- ley of islington about 3 years j this huron burial ground is be lieved to be the one described in great detail by father brcbuf the martyr in thfc jesuit relat ions of 1616 and which was spon sored by tho indian village of os- sosanc thcr existing nearby brc- bcuf saw this ossuary in actual use it is hoped that tho current excavations and research involved will identify the slto beyond doubt one of the first of such huron sites to be so authenticated under tho leadership of mr kenneth e kldd deputykeeper of the ethnological collection nt the royol ontario museum eight keen workers including high school and university students ore carrying on tho exploratory work says mr kldd much will bo learned not only about- huron l lf gjtft11 huron physique urth now very little has been known of the phy sical anthropology of those people but the abundant human remains will provide a good body of mat erial for the study of this aspect of their culture and condition there is on immense display of indlnr- remains clay pipes pottery fragments beads and other relics from museumsponsored exenvnf- ions in ontario always on view nt the royal ontario museum the progressive town towns are often urged to be progressive and to keep up with modern ideas the question may be asked as to what a town has to do in order to be rated as pro gressive the spirit of progress might be defined as a desire to keop up with modern times and to keep making improvements in so far as thpse may be practical considering the resources nnd size of tjie community new projects might be suggested that would be admirable for a community if they could be afforded but which would be too costly for many communit ies good practical judgment soys that people should not be satisfied with things just as they were in the old das and should be look ing for gains and improvements that ue reasonably within their reach transcanada air lincis inaugural presidents of three major newspaper associations in cnnada wcro among the party which made the proinaugural flight marking tho in troduction of tcas 40passonger north star nhrrnft in he trans continental service on june 1st loft to right they nro h l garner president of the cnnadnn dnlly newspaper association nnd publisher of the peterborough examiner wnltor a thompson cb e director or public relations transcanada air lines and tho canadian national railways r a giles presdont of the canadian weekly newspapers afeufoclatlan and publisher of the ln chute que watchman and col vic tor si f ton president of the canadian preus and president of tlu win nipeg free press heglnn leaderpost and the saskatoon stnrphoenlx tca photo for sale new 5- room hiuoco cottage and garage all convetiicnccfl fully insulated large lot full base ment oil heated tiled kitchen immediate iohs- ofiolon 520000 g mangeus ior food cirater attention will bo given in the production of mangels for huniui consumption in germany u here n process which removes tlie hitter tnsle and pungent bmell nt the mangel has heon developed rie loot jias a higher calorific iild per acie than either potatoes or turnips nnd the foliage can be us for silage thus int leasing the crop value ihnut 1035 per cert the treated mangels may be usei is vegetables pioeesslng into luu nialade or into flour sultnbl lot blending with wheat flour in i he irukution of ii to j5 per cent ii lli of 1 lllsonbuig presided at the olin ortaixixg jobs new fibkk txotll after eight jears of research in the use of groundnut fibres in th manufacture of cloth a factory has been opened ln scotland the fibre la blended with wool and it produce a cloth called ardll which ii ullable for various kind of clothing draft and other tex tile good as oimg people approach the ilose of their school and college terms lunj of them arc looking foi emphnment for the summer a ghul min are finimhlng their education and will be rend to go to ink pemiarently some ran th sk ng what the can do to give a favourable impress on as they look for jobs a goni or excellent record in their school or college work goes n long vvav to lelp them when they have done their study tasks well it is a sign they will go well ui whatever they undertake the work they have done in any form er jobs they held will also help them the young neoplo of today give a very favourable impression as they look for work and one can believe they will all find good op portunities vics photography service iiims dkvkloiki emaiukmkntn m aiik loor to lioor portraits 1ieturra taken at weddings social gathering ktc vic bristow photographer phone 177k debts collected there la a reason who so many people are sending us theft accounts for collection thebt days it is the grand results which follow serd in our list of slow debts today and receive one of our monthly cheque u hundreds of others are olng keixy aiken ouiaiws okftmt firm ot oalletan ojttangevtlljc ont phone 66 acton 10 reward will be paid foi information leading to the arrest and conviction of any pcruon found breaking street utrhts this action in necessuiry to slop the lirenkinc of the street lichls which ha rone beyond control in the village of acton acton public utilities commission field day and garden party nassagaweya presbyterian church thurs july 29 tom hamilton comedian nick brown acrordlanist jean mcieoij sinter okoiujk ijudivw mfteiciun jack avrb piunikt admission 50c children under 12 free the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc ailvirtliiilricnti iimlur thin hinillnif mr cnnh with order up to 25 wnnlu addltlaiinl wnrila 1c ur word if rnuli tlmu not nr- cotiipiihy the nilvfrlliainiiit minimum fliuruo 50c nnd 1c per woid addltlnnnl for each word over 25 kulitr lnkertlon 25c for hale van kauk itcd clnvfr nnd al falfa liny in flidd 10 ilrnlda plmntf 2i11w i lixjil kariwlno pram in koud condition mm n price imiorc 2u2m kolt haik small umpire rnn- c with oil liurncr mm k mc- culchcor mill street foil saik man ccm hlcy- clc in rood condition john pear son col v clnrkp ihone 9ilrl3 mlltnr voll saib double iiou on iirock avenue rcntiwl one sldo ot her iilde is occupied by owner mr 1 h taylor 7 pigs e woelm old 1 dark red purebred nhorlhorn bull ngo 12 monom apply george wnllactf ii h 4 ilockwood phono blr 15 foit saik 2u whippet selan in k condition five good tlror new bnttery thooo mlleii 250 ranh john mclenn brock aven ue acton ont koh sai1- we hnve n nunnt- ity of jjood top soil nt modernte prlceq alwi wind rrnvel nnd llll delivered i cnbin irnller for sale stew elliott 17r5 or it it 4 acton b kpksak anowlquaeia rooms nrd bathhtiilltn citjibonrdi t-rtctsrt-artrfiii- st t1fetbjrfov brctj- pnncy oien fir inipectlon sat nnd sunday apply to a lolahmsn po box 9 acton rogbhs majestic 5tubo mnntel radio nearly nenv electric mcclary coal heater nenv it atty electric wnsher cooper over hauled coal oil move five burners oven attached new j c crlpps r it 2 acton koil sa1e- 1 m minneapolis tractor new 1 international liny tedder 1 knrmall ii tractor with power cultivator 1 w d 1 trac tor or rubber with manure ionder 1 gem fican milk cooler 1 motor cycle 5ft deeilnir mower used iked tractor disc used ifurrow tinclor plow 1 used cultivator 2 used 2furrow tractor plows 1 massey tractor on rubber lights and starter 1 1017 kaiser sedan car 5000 mileage kord and ket- klison cultivators and tardem illsrs for immedlnte dehveiy good slock of kord nnd ferguson plow shan- 1 10ik willys jeep 1 used uelival cieam sepaiator 1 iisid allsleel i hresher lmvlo- 1 win tractor on ruhhei 1020 intci national or stel applv thus e llewsun geurgeton i2w 11 wanted waniei cherry plikers for llaitley orchards apply to william sheppard siene si acton 32 wan i ed iogal stenographer permanent poulllon apply diclc and dick mlltor ontario wanted to purchnse pullctii eight weeks to laying pure breed or hybrid crosses advise nge number nnd price apply twoddi chick hntcherles limited rcrnu ontnrlo 5itf salhsmkn wanibd- be in dependent make real money sell ing from door to door 200 guar- nrteed ilto products splendid vncnnt territories in your neigh borhood one month trlnl with ab solutely no risks write for de tails ilto 5110 st hubert mont real 42 forwent for rent gnrage apply u starkmnr room to rer t for one or twe girls or men phone 2801 garage for rent central location apply box 11 free press koh rent three roomtlth cr unfurnished or partly furnlsh- ei i sjjjtnhje forcouple with jut clf apply box to frftff midland georgian bay small housekeeping cottngti for 2s ipeople ji5 and up hydro flhlrtr hnthlng roy salisbury penetanz ii r 1 miscellaneous slkndoit tablets are eftec- llve 2 weeks supply jl 12f weeks 55 at haxtis drug store going to b c we will ans wer your inquiries regarding trades wages housing property and went her semi 100 m o to information servke 06 s gios- vennr vnncouver b c skinny men vviengn7n 5 to 15 lbs new pep too 1ry famous ostrc loon 1 ablets to double result new healthy flesh new ngor now gel acquainted sie only 5l all druggists ii loitured by constipalinn i v proven lril-a-iive- fanious herbal ni dbine used su- essfulh for l wars brings re lief flllkl fonts up hvei kejs hovi is ie tut nstores gnrl health kemajiie ikaring auction sale lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials choice no 1 iirvaufnst bacon lb 60c butter 1st crade creamery 70c lb back bacon smoked corneal 7c lb 69c lb fltesh sausage per lb 40c red brand beef lined exclusively of iiorskiioii ii itvmiie shop eliipmrnt kt i he rnitergrnd have nteiml instrm lions from 1 w iiariskiikk to sell h public aiktlor at his home mill st acton on satihdw 11 ly 17th i ii is at 2iki oclock the following hoi seiioiil hkhhcts-huf- ft kitchen ihinet uminetle hedsleol aiirl spi ings studio couth springs 2 minors koor lamp i pining room chairs kitchen chnr small i able hoik ing hail clothes horse dshes kitchen itersils s ihrs quarts apd pints washing machine jub and palls electric toaster irm hum i plate 1 small range shop iqiiipmeni 1 set or hint ksmith s lues t pipe thread ers pipe cutter picpe ice 1 pipe wlcnc hes iom cuttet pump suckers clincis ic-iiii- is chink and i irills snv- bioa i ich 2 hi in h vices none h ruicli r ar cl motoi hp ci inker sni 12 eh me lei i in rl sius squ r s ruins sm vit iliac s llll- planes i mi i ham mer iluis ulr lutlc lies chisels inels hols n ills etc slum is llo- rake clou ii h i oil sel lease i i rms cash iiimhkv ai iiiioi i 1 ann line els robt r hamilton oimomitkist will he at dr g a sirrs oftice irsllo al il st tilth omilete eyesight seiixice auction sale ciiartlni auction sale jf rtrirt ref ful i u i rtiiitti h il tstfl iiiimn mas mt iif 1 is- ir m toi fi it trr inrl fum imjiltninis hus hurst hij ktjiin anrl fm nilui it th pnjirh tnr firm uljiin n the illik f i rin f ihursihiy july 11 1j ikm k no iv i the farm is wm intnulir- ir nit w k s mjmi nm man hn imt prop hinrllc a klllolt mackenzie meum i iii sin w tin- hit oi ht miii i ni f r u- pi hi i tmii w oull h- iiiti sit j sum kiiiik ii i i t kttlt ii hi ri i r- vt idit hth ip mil h im- i- lid f it t nusu ti and illtiflil ffri t m i nh i 1- i h mstill i z this jk fi in variuus dis ns vi mints in slu i-t- of is i- i j i si- f m v unit in tnd s iiiii mi w if i h or tan houih it i i- all rilr cinisv p r i- imi i tn ik u hvmniniini l ol a iiln- i hlm mill ion- mill j li i ii mi pu i iu uir in so i i if th h il i nixl adults alik nn i hivltls kts iom t fori i hi nn i- i i im u vicil us th- u kl dtnji at arton i irk iim ii sponshtj h th ys miii j ii mac kknzif a fcun buy the bet it costs no more useglasaifieds r or profit proclamation civic iioijoay in mnjpuanrt witii tho custom which has pr milled for mnny- mondav atjgtiht ind will he ohsprol ns n ovtc holi day for 1ih and i hereby firoclnim that day as a civic holldny for acton and riipct fully nhiueit tjint all our cltlzonx ohwrvc it as such k j mcctrixili0on heeve hchvfi offlist town hall acton july mth itmti j ca ter1ng hanthets weddings icnics etc no gntherlnk too small or too largo all inquiries itecelvo prompt attention coles church st- arton

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