Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1948, p. 1

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j wht jvtiiwt sttt ft seventyfourth year no 4 acton ontario thursday july 22nd lmh iirht home print pnijes six cents erin council makes grants at c the july meeting baxter animal picnic friday at waterloo i a downpour of rnln friday af- ternoon did disarrange tho pro- r v r jjrfii krnm nu when three bus loads go konmck engaged lo cut omp nnd tholr imd wsd with power mower j families set out or- n picnic rnln on rodfi ennnot stop the fun utt friday tho second annual picnic of baxter erin township council met on laboratories ltd wad tild at july 5th at hitlsburgh as per nd- j waterloo park it was an ideal jouromert i location even on n rnlny afternoon acton lose to milton 129 here on saturday oiiiv98morc to io on for old hoys girls acton junior 1 farmers picnic at lorne school the follow inn resolutions were moved nnd seconded and passed geo rennlck was engaged to cut weeds on township roads with power mower nt the rate of 175 per hour under tho instruc tions of the jtoad surperlnterxlent the erin totywnahlp junior farmers association was given a grant of 5000 to help carry on the work of the association the federation of agriculture was given the usual grant of 300 the motion of tiie june mcet- livg of council ffrnntlng percy peavoy the sum of 10500 for sheep destroyed by dogs wns re scinded nnd owing to further there was every facility for a tine outing arjd between shower every opportunity wns used there was ice cream for all- more than one prizes for the children rnces nnd contests nnd best of all a fine spirit of a group who enjoy nn outing together the picnic supper was beyond the sand wich nnd enke style there wen hip thick slices of hot ham scall oped point oes pickled eggs salnd pickles pie and coffee milk nnd maybe more but wo stopped nt that these bus loads journeyed home in the evening nnd voted the second annual baxter picnic n grand success juvenile hurlcra did well in all except eighth innings when visitors scored 7 runu mown had locnlft- landing until thfe eighth thfti l u n etku was issued covering the tame accounts were rendered nnd ordered pnld as follows general account 320 00 sheep 1900 relief 124 41 rond 78042fi council adjourned to meet again on tuesday august 3rd at 1 oclock pjn the hassariwworris wedding saturday at home in acton trousseau tea for miss dj morris at acton home a trousseau tea was held nt the residence of mrs e j hnssnrd on the evening of wednesday july 14th in honor of miss dorothe mor ris the bridetobe received with her mother mrs brlnley morris and the brooms mother mrs e j hnssnrd the rooms were taste fully decorated with garden flow ers ipourlng tea were mrs h s thornton of onkville mrs w h clayton assisted by mrs j h boulton mrs johnnie gray mks joan thornton miss vloln waller mrs hon longford mrs monty root nnd mjas retn mcnnbb as sisted the guests wearing floor length dresses in pnstel colore mrs f s blow received in the uvlrg room mrs j l moore and mrs wm thompson were in charge of the luncheon fortitnetellers recite for love a young woman who feared she was losing her husbands affection consulted a fortuneteller after going through her usual mumbo jumbo the seer ndvked get a raw piece of beef cut flat about an inch thick slice nn onion and rub the meat on both sides of it- put or pepper and salt nnd roast it on each side over a red coal fire drop on it three lumps of tout tor and two sprigs of parsley and get him to ent it the young wife did as she was told and the little trick seemed to exert such nn admirable effect on her husband thnt she decided to repeat the performance at reg ular intervals and the man lov ed her ever after us army and navy journal starting raiulv rev j m arderson officiated nt the wedding on saturday july ttof dorothe morris dnughter of mr and mrs brinley morris ac ton nnd kenneth edward hns snrd bon of mr nnd mrs e j hn shard acton the ceremony waa performed nt the home of the grooms parents in front of an nrbour of flowers and evergreen given in marriage by her fath er the bride wns gowned in mcl- lon tulle with bouffant skirt halo hat of blue cornflowers nnd blue matching mittens she carried a crescent bouquet of white carna tions nnd stephanotls the brides maid miss jonr thornton oak- ville wore nllc green nylon net with very full skirt and ruffled apron gathered at back in bustle with matching picture hat of natuml mnt straw her bouquet wns pnle pink cnmntlons mr douglas reed of buffalo ny at tended the groom the reception wns held in the gardcr- with the brides mother receiving in n full length gown of beige silk crepe and lace picture hnt nnd red accessories she wore a corsnge of pink rrises nnd corn flowers the grooms mother assisting wore white with blue ac cessories and corsnge of pink ros es nnd cornflowers the happy couple left nmld n shower of confetti and good wish es for muskokn nrd rouyn que bec the hrlde travelling in a dress of beige silk crepe with pep- lum back motchlng accessories and hnt of red nnd beige she carried n white short le coat and wore a corsage of white carnations nnd stephanotls guests attended from new york buffalo detroit onkville acton and district affording ntrtlght support to john mownta slants nnd in pos session of n 72 lend acton in termediates were considered 0 cinch to enpture their sixth wlr- of the uenson inst saturday here as they went into the eighth in ning but in the top hnlf of the eighth they collnpscd completely under n seven run rally by milton red cnps nnd when the final the norlfryer ilntl n nice letter this week from mrs john fnstcrbrook nee miss bella stephenson row of toronto iitf kivixt w rvwi panpo wil c for for 1c act- whljdinu at st tueoktuftih nn community swimming pool church georgetown i which brings the total to 2p and with 98 more slmllnr letters from st georges anglican church i aclon old boys nnd girls the oh- georgetown was the setting on ijeclive set by one of these will be saturday july 10th for the mar- j reached rlnge of bertha kntjilcen fryer j mrs enslerbrook says it gives only daughter of mr nnd mrs me very grent pleasure to hnve a fred fryer of georgetown nnd i pari in actons inrge project for john walter noble sor- of mr the youih of the home town al and mrs 1ns noble of llmehoue though i have been nway from the the bride wns exquisite in n town for ten years i am still ir- gown of while duchess satin with teiosted and pleased to know hint trnin- her fingertip veil wns aiion is becoming more prosper- caught by n coronet headdress of mis every year wishing the best seed penrls her dress wns trim- j of luck lo all the former friends score wns compiled had n 129 setback for their eighth loss of the current sensor lusty hitting by the invndern fin tvd mown to retire with the bases londed in the eighth harry ijiwson the other member of tho ju mound staff brought up suffered mpt w mcdnlions nnd the oke wjik of fine nylon net hr bouquet wns a cascade of pink ms- es with mniden hair fern nnd bouwnrdin mr hie doublering ceremony wns mr performed by archdeacon w g o thompson during the slgnrv li i wg rrjnr re ptiij to relieve sam snyder went q the ruhlwr in his plnce nnd nl- tempted to turn the tide mis- cues in the infield nnd poorly i lmmanuel karn fielded balls gave utile support cousin of r wns rownv to inwson nrd he also succumbed i in muv n nct over tn love tjie mntror- of jionour mrs of limohousc textile business booms to the visitors barrage both juvenile hurlers strutted impressive stuff thnt experience will add to bill wnterhouse in centre field was taken from the game in the sixth suffering from excessive sun acton are now in t kirtl4liee junior with georgetowwn on tholr heels first inning milton went down three in a row clement grounded out second to first evans groun- ed out mownt to first and stan fny popped out to short masters walked morton walked waterhouse walked lindsay oop- ped to clement masters scored on the throw j wnterhouse fun ned jordon filed out to clement second inniru stover ground ed out second to first grcnke grounded short to first bruh grounded second to first robinson grounded second to first ryder grounded rusk to fav mowat fanred with headdress- of forgetmenot and nylon net nnd rod roses white cnrnntlons nnd mnlder hnlr fern the hrldesmnld miss edna aiken was similarly attired nnd a ho carried a bouquet of red iocs bouvnrdla and mniden hair fern boy st am uris swimming tool hltrmcriptionh nnd mrs d richnnkon 10 john easterbrook 10 tot ill in first week 20 or thursdny evening july 8th hie acton junior fnrmers held qui le a successful picnic in tho lnrnc school grounds kveryone enjoyed a vfrry boun teous lunch of sandwiches enkes and lemnrnde before pnrtlclpntlng in a few gamesof horscrhoe pitch ing and hnehnll nnd races girk up lo f yenrsanne wat- kins j boys up to fi yenrs wayne marshnll girls fi to 9 years gnll dobble marjory mcdonnld boys fi to 0 years bohby mar shall barry stewnrt girls 9 to 14 years helen so- meryllle jean pnlmer boys 9 to 14 years bill wilt- kins bill somervllle i tidies running race betly brit inn joan somervllle lteln race betty britton and ray kverdell mens running race harold robertson bill patterson married ijidies kicking shoe margaiel rohson at dusk the outdoor sports 1 t r bridesmnid miss mnrie fournler cousin of the bride wns dressed in pink nylon net over taffeta wwh matching pink henddress nnd carried n rose- gay of sweet peas herb reid was best man and the ushers were emmnnucl karn and albert fournler the grooms gift to the bride was n complete trn veiling out tit in alligator leather the brides gift to the groom wns a similar outfit the grooms gift to the mnt ronofhonour was gold a nd pearl earings nnd to the brides maids strings of pearls the bos mnn received n wallet and the usheis ties and tie clips about eighty guests sat dowrr wedding july i4th at i1ridetk- home an inch of cedar boughs ir- t or wined with lilies peonies nnd roses mnde a picturesque setting on the inwn tor the wedding on wednesday july 14th of helen irene only dnughter of mr nnd mrs henry jncksor of rr 7 guelph and douglns earl nidus son of mr nnd mrs d g robert son of osprlnge the double ring ceremony wns performed by rev w g charle- ton of erin nnd everton nnd tne wedding music wns played by the brides mint mrs harold mitchell of drumbo the bride giver- in marriage by her father was becomingly attir ed in a street length dress of w hite silk jersey white halo hat shoes and gloves and wore a cor sage of american beauty roses her bridesmaid miss lorrnlne neate of kitchener wore pink silk mffettn with a headdress of tiny pink flowers white glove and shoes and corsnge of ten time roses the groom was attended by his brother kernet h of onk- wnvnjoyert nw by early mansell nellis nnd oniric- i rneher holiday periods start saturday acton industries holidays start this week for mnny actoninns employed in local i industries plnnts closing satur day include wool combing corp- ortion storey glove co force electric products ajnx erglnecrs superior glove works nnd the acton free press mason knitting co closes for the holldny period from july 10th to august 10th nnd baxter labor atories from august 2nd to aug ust lgth roszel family hold reunion on sunday july 18th third inning gorvnls popped to n wedding supper nt the horn out n long double mcphnll singled f the bride a cnblegrnm of con- t mi win rusk singled scoring gervnls i grntulatlons and good wishes from ville little marlene mccreary clement walked as mcphall was whitehaven englnnd was read nipped at third evans popped the brides mother received wear- out to first nnd stnn fay drove i pft green flowered net with a deep fly to left masters ground- white accessories nnd corsage of oil third to first mortor walked roses the grooms mother osslst- waterhouse walked lindsay j e wearing black flowered silk grounded out third to first scor- jersey with black accessores from a very early age a child should be asked to undertake cer tain duties according to health of ficials for exnmple he should be trained to put nway his toys n soon us he is finished playing in this way he will develop a habit of responsibility which will mnk it easy for him to copernte in more import nnt duties as he grows older as few demands as pos sible should be made on the child but parents should make urc that they are carried out cthlldrvn should be t mined to obey but this car th uchued w it hum givuig orders continually no taper next week next issue aug 5th offlcinls in the selling end of textile industry are just about convniced thnt the honeymoon if over as far ns they art concerned hie financial post reports in a survey of the industry first postwar promotional cam paigns are ready for the market management nt the same time is combing through production costs with a new gtenm in its eye not that the industry lg faced with a uharp drop in demand temporary import restriction against us fabrics and alow net of the uk to resume a strong competitive position pa helpd maintain domestic business at rnr ieuk level but from here on each company will have to work a lot harder to keep its proportion ot the consumers spending dollar increasing competition amon domestic firms and from foreign textile firms and abo from an ex panding range of consumer gooda is the bg challenge ahead ing morton j wnterhouse fnn ned fourth inning stover grounds third to first grenke popped to short brush drove n grounder mowat to first jordon grounded gervnis to fay robinson wns safe on gren- kes error ryder walked mownt walked masters walked robinson was nipped at the plate morton fanned filth inrpng gdrvnls fanned mcphall slashed a double rusk went down swing rt clement grounded mownt to first w waterhouse fanned lind say singled j wnterhouse jjrcrl- flced jordan gjourded out to the short stop sixth inning stan fny layed out a double nfter evans ground ill out stover grounded second to first grenke banged out a long triple to score fay brush fanned this was actors big inning counting fie times roblnscn i doubled ryder grounded gervnis to fay mownt walked masters black picture hat nnd corsage of talisman roses guests were pres ent from toronto hamilton limehouse and acton the bride chose for travelling navy blue crepe dress with white accessories they plan a two week motortrip through northern on tario upon their return they will reside in georgetown many enjoyed service in park on sunday evening the sunday evening otper air service last sunday in acton par wns enjoyed by a good congregat ion theiv was plenty of singing of the familiar hymns led by act on boys and girls band under the nlrection of mr charles mason rev louis pickering and rev cnpt j m anderson were in charge of the service what does religion mean to atuirtuatly unknown sjateglc ou was the subject of a brief cousin of the bride nttended the door nt tired in pink silk crepe with flowers in her hnlr at the receipt ion which followed the bride and groom were assist ed in receiving the guests by the brides mother in navy blue dress with white hat and acces sories and corsnge of cream roses and the grooms mother who chose a blue dress white hat nnd accessories nnd corsage of rosea the brides table set with a white cloth and pink streamers was centred with n three tiered wedding cake for cutting the cake the bride used a silver cake knife given as a present to the grooms late grand parents on the occasion of their silver wed ding anriversnry for the honeymoon trip to to ronto and sundrldge the bride donned a printed silk dress with while hat and accessories and carried a blege shortle coat- on their return they will reside in guelph top of tiie world the top of the world is itlll and likel to remnin nn area of vast a reunfor of the roszel family was held nt the home of mr and mrs george fllcox jr r r 1 erin on sunday july 18b a pleasant nf ternoon wns spent by all and a buffet supper wns serv ed on the inwn those present were mr and mrs james brown royal onk michigan mr nnd mrs george roszel mr and mrs david itozel guelph mr and mrs comfort roszel and mnrgnret george town mr nnd mrs thomas rotz kenneth nnd jimmle mrs wlnni- fred roszel mr nnd mrs elmer roszell wayne nnd gnil acton mr and mrs roy hnrdirg and gordon 4th line erin mr and mrs victor harding 3rd mm erin were unable to attend driver has narrow escape alciml crossing truck struck by engine and cars clipped bh freight passed gordon krowles dundai driv er of hntilnge truck hnd a narrow scape from injury tuesday morn ing when the truck he was driv ing wns- in collision with an oast- bourd cnnndinn pnclflc freight train at the anderson crossing short distance west of milton investigating officer provincial constable al iemon said the front of the truck wns in collision with the engine the driver seeing tho emnent crash swung the vehicle to t ho east as each freight enr dipped a portion of the truck the impnet porcod t he t ruck ag ainst the guard mils at that point r the crossing the driver told police ho hung on for dear life hoping nothing serious would happen as the fm fi optid-iunrhm-ttnduip-ogaw-hur- kikesafe wood tbrr will be no usue of tit free rrfwa on jul zutli tlw office will clou junior- row night at pru and not ropn until tuesday ntor- nlnt aiunut inl tit editor and utms will enjoy the an nual tttwapappr holiday in utu period the next iruue of thr rve prett will be on august 5th corfspondtitb and ad- vtrtken will plea make not of thu holiday period ihtato lufrrknks in a recent survey in th unit ed stales it was found that twelve out of thnt 1411 cor numern con- vttei the juality rather h in the sue or price of potatoes it was found that w heji prices of od iuallt potatoes ure high ah ut 12 per cent of the consumen bu i le vi but when prices decline only jo iper cent of the people buy moie when quality is poor df- mund is 44 per cent lower even though prices are down which with sustained high prices more thnr 50 per cent will reduce their swimming i purchases was nddiess b mr anderson folio w- fanned morton ilnglexl scoring a ing the service n number of flre brace w wnterhouse walked as i numbeis were rendered by tin d clements took over the mound j iwuid lindsa wns safe on error ait i centre aril scored on nn error ni w i i the plate j waterhouse fanned i uimthkt 1 seventh inning d clement i in i i e grounded second to first mcphml i icl 1 lof singled rusk fanned clement pop ped out to centre jordor singled lublnson pep ped out to right ryder tinned mowat grounded second to fitst eighth inning milton hit the jackpot here with eleven men tak ing a turn swinging the hickory ujh evans ard fviy single i stover nnd grenke walked brush ami clements sirgled and mc phall grabbed onto a lusty three bagger to clear the bases rusk fanned dement popped to ilrsi stan fa singled again stover went dow swnging seven runs were chnlkedup jordan singled robinson hit to stoer ryder went ilown swing ing mowat grihinded second to first ninth inning mlltor came back strong with grenke singling brush singled as grenke was nipped at second on clemepts wicrlflcc mcphall popped to left rusk was safe on shorts oor it was planned to have a general report from cnmiusera on the act- in community swimming pool campaign for this weeks issue i low e or t be meetlrg arranged for tuesdaj night had to he chan- gwi until thursday tonight so that returns could notko summnr- a f fcompl shlng any possibilities the hon brooke claxtor mlnlster of defence in a recent speech in parliament took the matter into the open frankly admitting that russia wa our only possible and potentially dan- geious enemy he said in substance that not only wns the threat im probable and dktant but even if it arose the only possible nttnek on cariadn would be aimed to divert the nttentlon of the people of thl continent nnd through a panic technique to induce them to direct a disproportionate um- ount id effort into passive locil defence the distaree that must he flown w ould mean that even t dominant air force would not be flame resistant frnme louse may be a little nearer reports the financial post big pennsylvania maker of cooking equipment chem icals and construction materials claims ian improved chemical pressuretreatment for lumber in framing and finishing bulldlngi sas it will give wood greatly in creased ability to check flame de- treated and established chemkal ea and termte attack over wood formulae tieatment is said odnr- les and harmless to lumbers color and pairtahllity five injured in car collisions nrar arton ril back lo the crossing where they found the driver uninjured esiimnlerl damage to the truck was set nt pk jack mainprize has been transferred to the ontario mr nnd mrs harry mnmprize have received word from their son jack who was a member of t he crew of t he a thnhaska t hnt the polio quarantine on the boat has been lifted and he spent last weekend in vancouver and vlo torln he expeots to be trnnsfei- red to the ontario a destroyer and will visit alaska and return ir- septcmher by mil from the west const all nre pleased to learn he is well and that the danger of spread of the disehsa among the ships personnel is oyer new stores plan to move in next month work ii being rushed on the new double store huilding on the site nf trhc- old gregory theatre so that tenants may occupy the new quarters next morth the store on the west side next i-o- vells ment market will be oc cupied by carrolls grocery store who will move from their present store further east on mill strei the east side next to totha repair shop will see a new entrant to acton business the ros ann ladies ready to wear will oc cupy this fine new tore this shop has tertntive plans for open ing on august 27 nnd also plan ning nn exhibition of fashion it the roxy theatre in connection with the opening of their new store ir- acton ued for this issue the task is a big one jt is plan ned to publish the list taf pledges just at soon ns they can be com piled from canviuhcrs returns many are on holidays and th work lj heavier or those left watch tor details dont have the canvassers make over one call for uur pledge save nil the time you can make the pledge as bl n you can if ou dont think our first objective was your best contact your canvasser and raise it hrfoje the flrut hals are tpubllth- ed trategic objective before it wi dest roved despite thu optimistic statement mr clnxton is still i spending more morey on the ur j foice than on any of the piner serlctj and especially on jet planes and others specially de- i signed to meet canadian defence reeds jlr mm drivers couldnt shoo a cow blocking a narrow oregon road a wise woman- motorist knew why she milked the suffering animal after which the grateful cow per mitted traffic to resume the second car collision within a month occurred on sunday eve ning about eight oclock at the corner of first line nnd the acton cnissrond ir kqueiing about a mile west of acton when fre people weie injured cars driven hy john mecallum of bell bros service station milton and wll- i am klgic of orton wvre in the nash mr mccfcllurn sustained lacerations tu the face and neck nnd mrs mecallum suffered badly hruised jegs gordon glb- imns a passengei w ils cut out the left ee and hk wife sus tained painful hruiscv ther baby was the only one in that car to twape injury william klgle ut orion sustained a nasty wound on the left side of his face all the injured were brought to ac ton and created by dr kenney both of the cam were badly damaged by the collision and were taken to mceacherns garage the approach at this intersection is badly obscured and this is the seeortl accident which has hap pened here within the past month our business outlook canadian businessmen headed for holldny resorts ard golf cours es this week with an air of satis faction and optimism about them there would be i few vacation worries this year things looked pretty good for the last half of 1948 reports the ftnanctal poit bnrrlng major international complications the lost six months of 1018 should h the boom con tinue heres the way imooks produc tion for the lust half of the year i will risepit spite of increased i costs pentup demand still un- filled at years end although con tinued high prices may in vimc i cases reduce sales volume wages and prices varied but the trend still up capital expansion sav ings and profits all rising in tune with thu ecoromy coining l4r nt- annnrit i ililir i rhn r- t kitid day nnd gnrdtn party naitmjnwfya frehbyliriar chureh thurvlny july coth tom hamil ton fntertalner hum dune at claudf picketts krm svvcnth dr j miles north of hornby tueaday july u7lh moflernolrefi orchebtra ad mission 50c dtf civic holiday mldnlte dance at parle pavilion acton bob mar- tlna orchutra with vocalut mon day auguit 2nd nt 12 01 om prizes for ladles admlulon 75c

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