Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1948, p. 4

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page pour the acton free press iriultsday jul 22rd 1943 district news various itvmh concerning activities in communities nearbywhcre many of our readero are interested everton mr hniw kuiii fritids nnil nt mr and ffimlh nre mi nnd mis wnlfoi omlinf oitinuhlo v isimi ni tke home of mws knte iteed on undn mr and mis ted tent in nnd rnts visited ulth mr nnd mm mmd huntvr and fnmll cnlns- lll on sunday mks knh tth ntterded the funei il of n skhsrlnlnw in ar thur in- week nnd lemuined wifh lelnt iws for a few dai mr and mrs alf botes spent a i diipli of da with ihelr ion nnd dniikht rlnlnw mr nnd mis ijum holes and fnmil mi and mis klgln drown nnd fnmlh ospriiir sltcil rocenll with mr nnd mrs harold vvilchf tnd fam ly mr and mrs itoherl ration cuelph i lied on siindm with mr md mi albeit alton sinvjm imtois wimi mr and mis iiaim hamilton wvre mr nrul mis alf couiihk and mr nnd mrs v alexnnder miss i nun pnrkra cuelph spent the w ock end at tlio home ofhr-pnrtihml-nnil-mrsqmnr- pnrker mis lils hint k lotitrned home from the jioiitat on mondnv where she has been on fined with n broken nrm her sitter mrs suter is looking after her mr nnd mrs arnold wilson virlted reeenilv with the latter pnrents mr and mrs alf boles limeitouse campbellviije iwiimous way to llaihe uevksnue mr x d million wni h niton to i he womenh mlwdonnry ko- lily nnd the ihdleu aid of davids chimli on wodhetulnv nf- lernnnn nt crawfoid ilnki thero i he niototikt alreadv vlrtlm- c j lid by an evcewlve loud f tnx- ntlnn is nppaverrtly in for nn ex tra tiimmhik state a financial mi hnroh knrn nt tended the monioeknrn wedding in montronl inst snturdny where he was kioomsmnr utile judy inhnson in holldny- ini with her aunt mrs mrklnley nt inkei rim eon oonkint illations to rut li mr- hilde who pnssi d with honoutslui grnde ii piano with the tlnvnl crtn- sitvntorv of muslr toronto she w an a pupil of miss d keelnn former 1 of eoietown mis i t wilson nnd tedds spent the woelcord with telnlivc at kott kile nnd buffalo kn not ton is holdnlng in tor onto hev it davidson ondu h-dter- s v it es at umehnuse li esh tei inn him h last unda afterroon and will do so nn tulv 2 also mr and mrs a w bentor nnd sons v islied mr and mri w cnenlees nt oimpbelu llle on siindnv ve extend snipnthv to mrs j i campbell nnd hit slslers on the death or iheh brother will s ott of noival rerent lsllnr included minn1 mrs normbirlof wiv n rhort iniblnesn uitnon wheie mrs tihih mepjuill president nf tin w mr mnol the meeting with n poem looking abend i he demotions uere taken by mm a mstey nrd mrs b d mil lion aftei the usual business w am taken ore of the boll call wis answered by using service ns the text word i immediately following was the 1ndies aid meeting wheji the i btisideni mrs t k mnhon jire- sifted mrs tlslej and miss 1 mt ihail wei appointed a flower iomniilee fni this month also the rxeclltive wiic appointed to sue i i t plan for the i a to he h id in s pti mbei to el in ate lli jikh aniieisai of this oigania- lion mis a 1 mooi aid mts m holier is wiie in hat k of 1 be following gam s malla ling ipiug walei imli lh patdi widest irln ijlsh wiishei worn in i he ptetliest and funniest old rnshinaed hal wmn h dlt f i enl memhei s i jie follow lrg nielveil pilis mis m mt phnll mis it i lllolt mrs bent h mrs c hobei ts mks nornm blown mis s cnlins mrs f ilnn mrsr j mepball a er bountiful supper wni on- joved about f ort v indies nnd fifteen children the wen flier wni nrifpntthe nl nrv ldenlthe wni irrigation can also fortilixr fnrmeri in some pntts of cnn- nda either iwrnuse it is essential or becnuse it is extra profitable for some crops irrigate their lard their chief purpose naturnlly is to surppl water to the thlrstj soil during the dr months of the car actunll a second purpose may bo achioved for the water contain- minerals in soutlan thnt have some value as fertilizers the irrigation water used in the oknnognn valley of british col umbia for example has been the subject of investigation for its for- tillt value nt the dominion ex perimental station summer and bc snya j c wilcox who is in cjtarjrc of the plant nutrition lab oratory of the three nutrient el ements tested so for phosphorus potassium and calcium the last two are present in the water in appreciable amounts phosphorus occurs in small quantities onl in samples of water obtained from all the chief irrigation systems in the okanogan the amounts of phosphorus wer equivalent to only 01 to 30 lbs of 18 per cent superphosphate per acre foot of water the average was nround 05 pound this would mean that if three fot of water were applied to the lartl each year it would be the equivalent of only nttout 1 5 pounds of superphos- tphote an acre with potassium it is somewhat different the amounts found were equivalent to 5 to 26 pounds of muriate per acre foot of water the average was around 10 lbs a grower using three feet of water n year would thus appt enough potash to equal about 30 lbs por acre annuall ihu should be a dlstinct help in mair mining pie potassium content of the soil the storj with calcium is even bolter the lime content of the vwiusr rangvd from 37 to 366 lbs come wnrm nndnll bnd n plensnnt nftenvoon nt the picnic mrs tames robertson wns hostess in the blair y w atlxl- llnrv or thursday evening after the business pnit wns over the programme for t be w m r meet ing n august wns planned mtss montienl with the knrnn mr nnd mrs con campbell nrl miss i in of brnmpton with the kougblev s the inw cblldien of brampton with the cishjs mr nrd mrs ted monow nnd iinfne with mrs ijine on sundny- mr and mrs ernest polking- nia k rend nn interesting nrtlclo home of mlnnesoth usa mrs frnm tnf c tidings so many polklrghouse nnd mis winifred wnltlng nnd willing to hear polklnghorne of swansea with untten hv mlm m k anderson mks inens nnd mrs cnle on mon- 0 british oulnrn mrs robertson rin rend pnrt vf ruth buehnnnn mrs johnson of willowdnle with s mv mother the roll cntf the rosters nnd mks bamsbottom nnswered by using the word i thanks the hostess served dainty ospringe refreshments there were won present ttr i mks einle crtlrns hns nccfpted m austin mocu rhoon uho w1 amflr hn- hm a pntlcnt in toronto i nnrt bnnrd w mr hospital for tho pnsl throo wcokn sohpj of amenhot w 1 lo hom lmt mr nrt mr nobrrt in nr1 wtnlnyflln improved mr tho mo which hnvo bn i audr mnn so prevelnnt ir the community u y post wlltm inl speed traps anil lienernl police per petition m l again growing lankly partli ulnrly piilminous is the suburban munl- ipullty which uptn out to njieed- trnp tourist and city commuteni ibis is not defendlrg exeeisive speed it i n i omplnlnt ngnl tht misuse of author to lini what amounts to extm taxai n in a ver dubious method which is siisieptlble to mnn dmoi n i- ing abuses piopeil located and tlnu 1 traf- mi ilkbls ilo a fin bett i jo u onliolliui speed thllll the ited 1 1 jui system lllisr- the po o ul auction sle milk im ilelferu 4t rn alvi i tirli ilgh miluing machine llu ioader i he imdimsiiiietl have to v d m it uellons from john iiaiu to sell l puhllt aiiilton at tils inn i or 1 1 con 7 iwp or nel- on j miles flue west mala st milton on tl hm j1iia j7 in tiik kvkninti at 7 t in h k lite follow illk caiim 1 jeisey cow full how bred ngiilii 1 durhnm cow nirrnow ruedagnin 7irotsreir cow full flow bnd ngnln 1 ayi- ok who kjhtrnh recently a lnlwir roltitlpna man slaterl thnt w a general rule he jiad found union leader reason able enough in wgotlntlons tin communlftts were different he thought whenever agreement wii reached on it vital 1 suite they teased to be interested nnd would turn to othet obstructionist tnrtioi 1 his is oit bin for bernard shaw anil hi i mu for revo- itillotllsts foitthero is nt a ted man who listers to reiuion is uu i lb tiik offick and yakl of tiik georgetown lumber co acton will ir clotted july 24 aug 3 for holidays time takes a tumble m l uattrrdrffl mih igiiin 1 hoist el n cow llrst alf full flow hied aialu 1 oilrhnm llelfer bred 1 part jersey lletfer 1 ein old i pai i i tin barn nnil hereford heifers 1 eai ohl 4 i wist spring llelfei calves heifers vatelnnted 1 part purtinm sleeis aliit lmm lbs 2 bull cnlves 1 imrham bull iks- 2 york sows due within 1 nmnt h 2 yot k sow s bred i months 1 york sow lued 1 month t reg berk hog 2 enrs old 1 codeshutt milking machine 2 un it 1 hay iwiader l teims casji settlement with clirk ever in g of snle no reserve ns the jiropiletor hns tost his barn nnd buildings in r rtmvnt fire nnd has rro nccom modatlon tor his stock iiindluy lllaaotr auctioneers lately are at inst fading out frlenck messrs harold russell and of mr eriytt currlc 0nrrl0 k ill be sorry to lenrn ho in still wlmnm c she fti imirovlni fouowlrt n very hoi iun- foot with an m eraseoi s of mmlto confined to bod with n honrt con dition but whh for him a speedy recovery mr robert hunter spent sev eral days last week with relatives at erin mr and mrs victor beamutfi and family spent last week holl- doylrr up north mrs whaley and elizabeth anne of kitchener ml doreen cooke of quctph and mrs thomas henderson of paisley block vis ited la week wjth mrs mary cooke hydro has beer turned on at the home of mr john beamish ment the ueelterd at wasnira beach mr art mrs a t moore and fnmllv were sunday jruests with mr and mrs gordon crow at pus- llnch friends of mr thos allan arc sorry to hear he suffered from a heart attack on sunday mr and mrs william roberta spent the weekend with relatives in toronto mr and mrs arthur markle of mlllsrrove were wtfekerd iruests of mr and mrs georeo infrlls mr and mrs barocus of nla- pira falls ny mr and mrs several from here attended the ptzvtrv c nernl of the late bert andorwr lk s 3t a ci i rtnv wuh mr mra t det at acton sincere nn fnmiy funeral on saturda sympathy is extended to the family in the loss of their father mrs s grundy of guelph is vlsltlnr at the home of her son nnd fnmll mr and mrs george grundy mr and mrs- d g robertson i ard brian mrs g sunter and mrs d stewart lilted sunday evenlnjt with mr and mrs henry tnckson mosboro friends of mr newton barber w 111 be sorry to learn he la ill at the home of his brother edwin at itwrlon mrs wilfrid awreys many friends w ill be pleased to learn around j00 pounds thus a ffrower usinj three feet of water would uppl about ftxl imumls of lime an nually inder ueh ilrcumstarces mr and mrs rov himflfv itr xisitink with friends at grimsby i mr george anderson waa a sunda kuebt of mr and mrs little likelihood of his toil i i1 iniei and family at ever- llteie is wt lumuiik shrl of tmlcium as a phint nuttient vav- to kkkf dogs lltom siiriibh klowers ard lvrulu in the front baixlen and ornamental plints on fruit poithes and the corner posts of porxhes ma be protected from and against damage by dogs and cats b the simple use of a dilute nicotine pra hie tairay is harm- le but its smell u ver offensive to tats and doan evei when ap- pliihl io thinly that persons are un aware of its presence the nirnx evaporates and should be renewed after rain in food ton 1 lp head optometrist eyes examined scientifically hearing aid batteries quick repairs to glasseo binoculars field glasses etc si st gearcea 8a phone 1529 guelph est u tear clearing auction sale of tractor tractor imple ments farm impucmknta ujvruhmrriu tooih iiouse- iioij effkoth home antiq ues canadas fas 1 1 s i pi ane one hour olid 1h minima flyinc time waa nl ishrd from the tram- continental fliulit nconl rrccntly whan a new pri stun zed north stir skyline r of 1 mnicnnada air llnm flailirxl acrotui the 2tmg nnlei from vancouver to montreal in juit alx hour and g2 nunuto to tct a new mark the nw north star ihown hi upv r plmio spanned the dis tance i hi iv crane altitude of 30000 ft i ind ipeed of 313 mi perhoitr with no discomfort to the 20 paueneri and crew of eix in the lower photo rero in t ruction m in titer c u hour ronkrattilitei capt- herlwrt w sraknni 1 c a flight operations dim lor who pilo ted the plane al front lift is ii j symington k c m 1 c a presiflent who with mr howe wai a hri- ikmtr flicht at rmht rear is capt tca flight drvdopinrnt who actel at cocapt i a hitler dicne permitted 40000 i posthumoui morrlojres betweer slain sweothenrta th dead soldiers steel helmet rliresentlng him a the teremofy 1hek of natvral ftrces tarden wtvk gives n picture ol the uid that people et trom the fori en of nature the sun shines on the karden a ad is stimulating plart ifrowth by its warmth and enerj- unless one lives in a dry climate or suffers from exceptibn- al drought one can feel confident that naturt will wnd her rain on weather spraying every 3 weeltithe thlrst plants one may have u sufficient the name of the to do mime uateriru if naturo la material u nicotine aulphato and slow nhout her rain but the idea it may be boueht at any seed or is suiestcd that the forces of druit store the tray li prepaid nature are on the whole helpful b mlxlrff onehalf teaapoonful of nnd friendly j the nicotine with one gallon of it is an incourajjlnb thought water which make tha mixture arone enough for all ordinary drcumttancea the british navy u fiuttlni bet- tar baths in its aid pa thnt nature la working with us to luvompjlah uattful ireaultsl as nature hevp the cardan to ffrow so natun whmi likely to provide hunmn life with the strength audi power to meet its difficulties twilight races grand valley wed- july 28 due to two other race the followtua day aftor july s3 thia pavtarram an- nounoad for the zsrd will b raced on july ts four big races extra tmulag and wairuic ayasem hex iiugiies lho undofkned auctuiroers lmv rocelnd instructions from k ii walker ti soil by public auction at his rnrm lot nine concession 3 s os on walkers line nelson rwnshtp half wny between queen ellznbcth and no 2 hlrh- wny or friday july so nt 1 p m hahm rmpllmknjs mc- cormlckdoorlnir trnctor on steel wit in excellent mechanjcnl shape cockshutt lynctor plow twmfurrow drnk cultivator two sections mccormick cjrnln biml- mnsspyharris groin drill 13- liole mower 5hrt cut stei wheel truck wokon uny hnke hny ilnck ivolurrow wnlklnp plow slnrlelurrow ltidlnu plow threedrum steel holler cream separator iso lbs bench sepa rator ntmct new market wa- kon lw cutters wheel cul tivator root pulpcj knnnlna mill hardie sprnylnr machine with motor brircs strntton motor blacksmith force and vice onrhorse slelrh grlnd- stonp store scnles 240 lbs 3jft kxtenslon ladder oil drum cnsollne carx over 10 rt 31 cable three bunches oedar shingles huectllc kenrer blow torch hnnd snws cross cut saws hammers tonh feed noves quantity poultry equip ment larce quantity of scran iron holfskhou mois walnut sideboard ivo quebte cok stoves lonre clrculatlnr heater silendln conriitlor number of stoe pipes some new two coal oil stoves with ovens quebec heater 1 bedroom coal oil heaters klrht kal fish aquar ium wnlnut drop leat table lare sl7p kltclxn wall clock mimllrlne chest oil lamps a number of wooden herts several spikil beds i dressers- 4 wash stands ooklnole board marble i mantle tf ft wnlnut hldh back couch oak ninlnu hoom kxtcr- slor table fi chnlrs to nvatcj half ilozom small knrt tahlos- ivll orrnn arm chairs 3 gold seal congoleum several small conjjoleum sterl old chairs several hocklnk chairs different stvles a numlhr of toilet sets some complete klsrhtdav clock chime two lare old pine tables three lamte pine cupboards several small pine tables several large size canpet uuirs hooked mats runners camp cot cole- mar lantern sevvrnl roose leath er ticks and pillows chandelier i double humer coleman gas llijhf i 384s rifle douhle barrel shot gun si hlfle several oil pnlnt- i incs nnd odd pictures three ljinterns inrce pln flour bin two law n mowers 1 extra larre cut ijiundrv betich- wrlnuer ijirite copper tar k with lid- odd dishes fruit sealers crocks 1 eld wooden churnr clothes horse- ironing board cash settlement with clerk i dav of sale no reserve hid as farm sold nnd proprietor is klvlnu i up farmlnr hlrilev anil klliott auctioneers phone erin or milton herlmrt alton clerk i notice to high school pupils of esquesing and nass townships a survey is being made of the north townships of halton esquesing and nassagavvcya to ascertain the number of pupils who will be attending high school in the north halton district commencing with the fall term in sep tember special courses in addition to the regulur academic courses agriculture shop practice and household science will he offered at the milton school and a commercial course at the acton school transportation it is necessary that the board be informed as soon as possible of the num ber of pupils the names the lots and concessions of where the pupils reside so that bus routes mu be mapped out before the re- opening of school contact secretary now parents and pupils are requested to contact the secretary at once giving names of pupils addresses grade subjects desired and school which pupil will be attending it will be to the advantage of all if this receives immediate at- write or phone a d sproat secretary phone 39 milton ont ja

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