Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1948, p. 6

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park six tub acton puih ikhss i iiuilsiay july 32ixi 1m8 the sunday school lesson x nitnoavjiiia a sackikiciai wuetivsnil iln tvxl a filnnil lovlh hi mil tlmiw ifiw 1717 kvpnullkin t frltiuhl of lnnntjinn vl onvlil ft 14 thiv k juwlhlii2 lnuulrlv iwrnitlfiil in tin- miitunl love of tmmllmn nml onvlil tlio wordly imonhlh of tin- tun vito ovuiu- tu innntlmn wntt hilr apmrtfil to tin- tlirnni- of lsrni1 la 111 tin- ililwl i homi ulilk vol ii qultf last nltflit of m if lull nmhltlnn nnd ivn iwmmmiiii niflntiroi in iiih lovo for i lir ollior itinntlimt iom ii mm hi rih hi imn koul vi 1 17 ih 11 mil nt tlin porll of his llfi ioimiii him ftom i in ilil miri i f il w ilolnu this hi uluiitnrll n- 110111111 it ills im n iispli j1ii11t11- to ihi tlimni ihnlil on lilw pint hltkr- 1 limn nliil llii iliitlh of lonn thnn jilthnukh lhi ilinlli hrnriil his uo lo tin ihioni- 1 j xmii 1 17 j7i in siuiimih this hsson the otpti xi mnvrw ninklrtprit wllh rniifll lnlil hail iimii wi filh snfi iii nnlolh snul 1lil wnt hint 1 olnpiinlih to tnkr lilm hut tin- slilt nf lliwt hnd cnmi uimn 1 liim nml hliulcnvil tham fiom lauvlni mil sj hlonil thlrt itislnti thon mil him lf hail luoi humbled ch 10 m 1hnm iminu tv u1ikat 1kijm utile need for davids fleeing llou vlil iii- llrlila thnl lln i v tuntll tilt wy hi ill hlirown liwnlil wliirii ul mthhliri tlt ulrtllt u ui i utlll hi mlllttllsh lllllltll hill wliiv ihml linn kivhi i illtll hu irm km llmvt mwcllt kiiim nlota lo vtloiui ami mplrwliil niiniit llw klmllm without luuliinliik ii 01 nil hi khirilnu ilonilu imkt ahmliiun tin tluy piuoi tlinimlnu i in- lolollix or tlila lnji- s entry hie uinnilli of imiun liuiw llll ili- in i hi- uliuilo ami uolil l ui then tun lo u0i1i tlunlll willi here ami thiii 11 llllli lati n of uiriimi so faint nml et li-il- tmiitliiva tin liiw ol iiltuhln hnlmlllli to fii it u01i1i riiat llfl iui mill imi limnrl thisi lilllu lun casll in ts moiillor ii u mil imiii1 lliivlil lint i homlll iih liiul itioiikhl 1i10 klilll xl lirs for nil isral iv m lima tlinn was a man of uimilli iltl as uill a iiolih kiliilnsllv in- ih 11i hli kinoroultv timnnl inil 1111 tor liikl xpmnu out of ilia iltivlunnltiol nillivl to hli fatliir hl own joy iii blllllj lohnsiili vhloiv thnnmli llnvlit lnr tin tlmi ln ini saul wa jwrmiailoil iv fl but ihi mntiiumin 1ii1i not lant llln ii anil hntriml wiro too iwin 10 in- imianintl iniiionu liy nnsnn news mid views hi- imivkl of i1u vilitlir wiiint iii 1m mow iii full hwliitf ih u- mh m iii im jtihvy hrxl wthit vvrlliil ywuu iiv nnlhlimtthl rii iuirliitf f tin nlxlwtn finldt vnliitvu in tin llitllmi w hum win- tor wluuit mtih nmithihwl ly lliilhtn ilttp mmtvimont ahhu uiih rtnililml hut atiu by uny abmuiwi of ivrth ilimity tli dutttiu ftu in ttkj ilulit ondrnt- unts iim ivicmvimi h mr alnoihht an nu fillmn lul w k mhmknn vaiim uiiiii v 1h jitil m iuiiih kiiiiunn viirltly d hi moii hiv inl m t wnl- hitn i us limn vtnlrt m mnn llh will nmlh mtltii v11i lt i i mh a m shiwnoil kiinim n m11 v mm h7 mil v 1 1uaiim onkllli vmhr 1 iii htita 7lli lt mh win i h l 11 immiili iii hl nrnrc hv hlh 1 ii wlllimim xuliuii vjuilijju l jilmtj his th- iiiiiknu t plots hi fiuh t till htvtlsll flllllrl viih implihml l aji ulluiiil itivjimiilntlv i v wlillhmk thin wkk th ihrcshtnj of tin lumplrit ant mm- putnltiin of tin ylilcla per aero will hi maitf b tho field huuhniulry ivpartmonl nt tho o a c 1 in fin in mi mmtiltiy luly llli id i in p in ii u iinlli lpnlnl imt or 1 mrlta-lli- lltiil of tlu kluld lliulwimliy lmhmin t uui o a will 111 iii llttnluliilkn to loilll ii hit iiumimmiiu nu iih in vdh-t- uu nf uitlh mid lmtliy whlrli liiihi- ln1 lllf hllhm mil of tllm iwwi4 ilkvi hilklnu vrtiuttt mm woll aw wmiu nf the irliri mini tjirovon iu hiiii1iikm at tlu miiiit tlinn ii vihii will un iiiiuli to thii w j cnwiui fnmi pmuily clnu aiimlin lot uli lliii of liuoulnu wlmro a tiat vkiui ui i mi wimmim in mm wnx iiiitly iiuuln ijluimat tiutt with j- ip it inin flolilu imvn nliin luuoi iiukii oh tin farnim nf iliuvy niipm amiiujovi i k kiml if hnliiby iilld w m ilkmknil nf i ii iiniiii tin pi out urn will nl in include million plrliirih of iiuilrtiltituil in- 11 i it l hlili will bo h roonfml liiiiiitli tlm ntuitihv of h h llmilhi liikhni niimoiiul kllm url opiiatoi fu ilnlton fwin the uvhth nfshut f v plnro of wvurit kucii ns ho hurt in naloth cl jft l ct pa u 1 jonathiin it k tru was a true and powerful friend but it had iusmi better for ilavld bad he leaned on the arm of tlod than on nn arm of flesh jonathan covenanted to rind out for david just what tils fath er nt t it ude tow nrd him mlcht be jle uns to tellilm the exact lactji whether the were good or evil jltya often ue ee moral or anlrltunl rwrll confront inj those to whom we profess to uy friends and vet do not warn them at first jonnthnn iwtd been very duifldent that hk father plotted no mil t ji but dnld had khoui him that he might be mis taken hvldenth jonathan s con fidence in his father mis not ver deep it k an nppallink thing w in n a father s charm tcer is tn h mint even his own ton a sab of so t lustful a i ntuie as jona tbnn is forced to dktrust him ii sautu fn anil hatred of david 10 11 davids grt at achievement rais ed him at once to a high position in the estimation of saul and in the nrmv ch 18 2 but it did not turn davids head he acted with remarkable modesty 1818 23 he conducted himself ulth great vvlidom and perfectly obey ed all sauls orders though hrf kneu that he had been himself deflutelv appointed to the chief leadership of ihrael tl8 5 he wjjited ldv time though saul was at firt disposed to fput david jowvard lui onvy was soon nrous- d 18 g8 the instance recorded here was not the first time that snul sought to kill david 18 10- 12 17 23 20 saul had been the idol of the people 11 11 12 and it is hard to give up such a place to another without a pang of jealousy even among christians ienlouv i not alt u but it is a noxious and rankgrow ing mod and should he torn up at its first njppenrance the amjill man tanpot forgive the great man for being groat saul whimpered like a small child iie had not even serie en ough to keep his chagrin to him self iiij 8 cod had told him that lie hh chosen a better man than hlnim if to lie king in his place ir n n id uk jt ulcus heart jumped at oiue to tin contluslon that david was this better man of i whom god had sjhiken jo id he as fillim with rage it see the kingdom slipping fiom his hands li the- ih ttir ds he had not desired the kingdom for himself i u 1 ji now lie would not givi it up in the historv of siul wi mt ti tragedv of a mu1 the sum st i in all its essential fi mus ms bhii iipeated again an 1 u nu kiom the da that n ml ml tlu mum i extolltnk david atkivt himself there w is no jh ut noi jov for siiul he nevci hntkt d tt divui without a fet 1 uij i nv v uui h he i hen- i koiih mi ig in irvi lotisk mtlful in loiithnis unself sh love foi divid he km w that davldj sut iess u un his 1kss of throne but t n tin iss he delightt d in i lnid and sought tu sit lmvul- lifi jonathans un- s fis love ithik all the more b uit f over ngaum the back- lmiitul of s ml s persistent env ind i ni d j iii iul heuk ned i nt th vone i t jonathans i i it took coufagefas well a self- uiitirice on jonathan part to pak gihul of david unto his father uh 20 xs33 the envious luait inunts etr one an ervmv thut p iks well of the object of 1u idle hut in this ease jona- thiui t argument for david was uiuuifcweruble and his words to ward suul had imen very good u in tlm vmm of ullluun mahh- ur llv w tke tdwtujdp t khd in u county af uiiiuiiwt far mer dnmjunl the credllnrs of william mc- arthui late of the township of krln in the count of wellington karmer dpcenswl who died on or about the 4th day of may 11mh and all others havtrg claims against hu estate are hereby notified to send by post prepaid or otherwise to deliver to messrs ijingdon and aylsworth torgetowp ontario solicitors for the undersigned kx- ecutors of the katate of the maid william mearthur farmer dec eased on or before the first day of september in4h their names ad- d review descriptions nnd full par- lirutars of their claims nnd the nature or the securities if any held hv them nrd thnt immedlnte- iv after the first day of september 1m8 the kvecutors will proceed t distribute the estate of the said dei eased amongst the parties en titled thereto hnvlng regard only to the clnlms nf whhh the hxecu- tois shall then have notice dnted this 7th day of july 1018 nell mearthur hector mearthur hxccutnra ilv lingdon anil aylsworth their solicitors georgetown ontario three hluh compotllorh on uie nd- yield i uliluailucaj field j debts collected there is a reason who au many people are sending us their recounts for collection the days it is the grand results which follow serd in your list of slow debts today and receive one of our monthly cheques as hundreds of others are doing keija aiken oanufaka okfaot firm of ooueetars make your selection of new wallpaper the largest stock in western ontario ivioed to suit everyone youll find it at chapples bookstore 12 ujndhain st guelpb angus kennedy proprietor will represent hnlton in the inlor- cnunty comiwihlon sjionsored by the maple ieaf milling comfliany at the koyal wlr ter fair flans to orgnnle n slmlar so bu winter wheat club in italtpn foi the liuhlu s4nson are now undor wa in older to lie eligible com- jutltoih must sow a minimum of five nerea nnd the sed must be in the i ase of dawsons golden chaff ell her registered no 1 or flrwt crop seed grown from registered no 1 or commivrclal no 1 cornuh mlfi ir trephination for the differ ent e in standard demanded be tween the two vniletles we would mint out that there is as vet no registered or certified ornell vki available in canada ibe variety is however being carefull selec ted and purified at the present time at the ontario agrii ultural olligi and in he course of n eai oi two it is amitlpaled that both elite and ngistered seed of this vailetv will be avallnhle ihe variety cornell fsv is very mipuliu with glowers and millets ahki knim a milling standpoint it is a soft white whent with the necvsnrv tiualities w hit h go to wards the nmnufiiltuiv tf gooi past r f lou r from n growom viewpoint it is it ported to be nt hast the etjunl in yield to lheold standby daw sons olden chaff etjunlly ns ttrong ir the straw and more resistant to loose smut incidentally halton growers- in terested in the 50 bus winter wheat competition for the com ing yeai ijiould contact the agri cultural office at milton for fur ther details vanwyck ci e a n e r s pickup and- delivery seci trie of winter wheat riaaa in our lolumn of two weeks ago it was suggested that 175 wn likely to be the price for winter wheat at local mlllv sine that time the price has moved up to the sj00 mark which will be cheering nous to those with wheat oaat cash crop while no definite price had betn established for eed wheat at the time this column was in ing prepared we anticipate thnt commercial no 1 daw sons will w ii at 50c ovei the milling price for registered no 1 dawsom and t ommerclal no l cornell 595 it should bt borne in mind by those w ho are plat ning to sell seed w heat that in orderto command the sug gested premium over milling pine a one pound sample should be foru aided to the ilant iro- i dmts divimon sfi collit i street toronto in oidtr to stture ji grade md germination test this ser- viii ikts 7 wlmh should ac- i tump inv ui smplt fmp improvement atso lation to i s 1 leld meeting hilton ftrnusj s will it intt resl- sl in the rtpluated iriily test v tl is vimltus of oats nu bu ll lni down by dmglu luin i i in currie home t um two milis north ui hunbv in tin 7th i i ne t i sijuesmg in onh r m piovih an iioiiunitv ikr tho- mi ii st if to s th plojs ti ii 1 lo i ii tip iniproveuki t awikmlnu juis ii ranged for in tvtiuii i t nu ting to hi- held i tie c unit attention farmers we nro laying the luuhent prevailing price for dead or trlpplod farm anlmalx horses cattle hogs loliphont- contd for immediate sorvlce laing cartage oikuatinu for gordon younfl um1ted wll quslph 33si phone 272 for the best in dry cleaning mtipon fulling iindej a imrinue or lilt- tlnu m m t on used foiu hlirlurs in mi nttimit lo bait the georgetown intel niimllati when they liiindml the loitils a 17 lo 2 drithhlrif dur ing n hovnn inning affair up at the iuiuj i own iiimi mill ii i day after- hoon mi ami mru i mb hie and joan weie tiedh nl thn wedillng of mih mlimejt granildautfliter on junu ufllllrft thn carollni stral mihhioii hamilton wher shlrluy soliel daiighlei of mr aiul mrs riedei it k itooth beijinie the bride of mi hnhivil ferrler mn iwwi sou of mrs mori limn and thn late mi i mitonn moi rlhoir of mill- giuve mr and mix h ii coulson of lowvllle iieaihiml juneau capital i uy of ahitkn on fur o fhh en loilte foi while hoi se yukon i ei 1 1 im y and lepnrl lino miniiy wiiiuhm ihtoiighoiit the trip liiitlni win it ir foniiimilon with iiriinlellliu ot ihi mlltnll an mi gul until i way yesterday nllltlli lot c riddel ll teniov it g i iii ddeiable earth lowering i he nu fat inside the b ahadlnn hnniplnu skinny men women gain 5 lbs b mwf pub wat vtew nmt mmmiw tari iuinf tmt k l i la iiuu nw grt hillilt irr uiiuiua iwmi iuio i lou to hw j1m i ii iauiwu uu tfi uif a u rtmaaut were adding more long distance fines alt the time tonti iiihtanck itrwmarfl lnmiiir tliunnvornnd thn numlur of ciiiih ui hiiii incriuuiiiik tlimih homo cnlln 111u dnlnyil iniint nro put uirotiklt whilu you hold thn lino wa am milling mora cnliliw and hwitchlmiiirdn jtwt mi fiiht tut ixuuiihln to mnko ionk oiittiinca sorvico ovon hmmmlior thoao ndditionn plun urutfton tochnicnl im- imivuiiibitlh ana part srf uui umluni iairvioa- posiuntof hi tlio iowohi powiiblo coal the bell telephone company or canada we hope to l km the big ces am be back the job tl esd vy mohn yuglstsnl the acton free press

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