Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1948, p. 7

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thursday july 22nd 1m8 the action fhee press iaoe seven for sale new 5- room stucco cottage ami garage all conveniences fully insulated large lot full base ment oil heated tiled idtdhen immediate pom- easion i20000 j el mcmullen phone 6fi acton woods electrical farm equipment exelulv to in thli tmttrlet milking machines milk coolers cream separators electric water heaters electric feed grinders and rollers half ton steel trablkrs commercial or individual cement mixers etc sale and service l your door at no extra oou quick deliver roy w goodwin phone acton 40r0 real estate insurance invest in tin buonnc of royhood buy shoris in the alton iiwlmnilnjj tifn1piifrd trrtftpm7totwrrhwlni riturn f l wright wilbur st phone 95 tsports j camera salldiilfloors finishing linoleum mastic tile rubber call 426 milton 4w reverse the charges clement mountain ont wheat we hove an expirt outlit for n limitid qunntity of sound millinr wheat lit highest mnrkit price phone for prices coop twini has u reputation for quaht wc huvi tons of it get yours now see us for the latest pricts on whole and chopped oats and barley trade our wheat coop balanced seeds farm supplies a few tons of heading hard coal briquette on hund the cooperative is yours patronize it milton district cooperative phone 127 milton durinjr the past season we had the reputation as one of the largest live poultry buyers for the american market we achieved this outstanding rating only through our marvellous patronage and faith in our solicitalion our object in future asin the past will be to bring to ou tin highest market prices frle pick up phone collect daytime ask for valley produce after 6 pjm phone 130 valley produce arthur ont lly ii ol t kmi1jc a uiiii llivon n hull uibh hindle hnruu n delluiie thread hihi ledn iiidy luitt fit lift to benevolently hhille on your behalf or to ant unkind klaneei timl bilnu ensuing team of pernor thin tneiler the old linl hnu had nnlhmir hut wmr counti nnnee for oiur ivoyii who fta- lntilly mlree to the diamond with marhlne llk preelulon on two oc- rjmlonu or week to absorb their weekly trouncing earn wwk live riowd tlmt ordinarily would practically leave aeittln room non ex intent grown twvllonhly thinner in unltf of pungent caustic treat ment tin nun tn their direction the remnnnja of n once proud rluh stubbornly refue to throw in the sponge jv once idolized ontario title fee in much like the tower of i on dor upon their town avolrd upols ut lih t nnd nun li too ht nvy in tn nip inmiu upon injury under the slintri of reei nt defents ii rgtin i xa it t u fi 2 v in ovi r t in in in nn thlhillon tilt on mondnv ii li j foinnr at tor tnnk lighting the wav loom i in wih ni di ep dnrk tin hti j iiriiyh i h n suddt nlv tin 1nnilii tjit rluh is infuml with mw life hi will lo uln ret hint 11 11 v powu wud it against kerens only v te outturn tr ti i v nod 1 tit k gnngh i t nnd tils sm t ping side nrm hut some m midline of last t rm luis in t n found it will ritjum n m w ex di lopmi n1 muhim art dnt ss has made it onl n slu ii of whnt it ftimrl ttns i he plaj offs art tn t dtiiiki ttmn with tht lr nt ia additions are dnnkt roils mil tin pm k aitineh and oakvllh still uie cream of tin i rop alon mi kotng to win nore gnmes win hack the rortfldt nre and poist that mmkid their pla last year strive lo r turn tin muk tmhkmntlr of ontnrlo stijot mm to arton i milt tin la hi snlurdav found it pltnl tonsil to smilsh nnv hits off j loin mivni s offerings i u vnted from limntle tanks to pltik tin i at ant its in a ih pitel mount staff mnwut for six fram s had mill on in d ilow if w ith it cinid hm id yiji dim tin tihth nr d i his aim virtiiall itfusttl to htst nn lotiki r i hat was tjn turning p mil in tin iranx sdnvillor hiir- r ijiw st in alianll atti mpti d to st m iht att it k of the lnvndrs hut tt was of no oiisjui me 1 ptrnint is ivjntlitl in n nituatlon hk hit for koirik so at km mi fejt ri as a r suit afttr tin tni milton s r nkt iir d ku rush ml lutt k to tht it jmme iwillwatk to aid tin county i own juvtnihs against hud cor- bttt h oakville crew much to corlwtts dlimn tiny plnytd the rtmumlnt inning of the affair in juwnile ioks 1 wiunt the only ont uurjirlsed bj tht rtixnt rullr k allow inc players to comp te in boui int and juvtnile rompnnj at acton last wednesday milton pushed the locals rltftt out of tho running with the same two plny- t tin thu llivup althouk ac- ton have two games yet to be ploy- d in the schedule it is solely for i the purpose of propriety that these kiunts nit to bt played j johnny oy nnd doc sirrs are to he commended for the inliret uiej took in llw juvmllei this ytiirs vllil hod more moxic and fiklit tlian pnvious clubs of juv enile eroup halllrtrfrom this vllle if additional lime had been avail able ii mlkilt hnvi been n dlffer- nt siorj as it lb they wire onk villi s nemesis i in uivviidouk i villi somehow but found milton u harder nut to cruek stronee as it mm mi oukvilli hiul little troubk dlspusiiik of millon onkville and mill on will lontist the piuoib willi ottkviile favored cnorrr recolleclions ol aclon c back in ijfoth th ihmih f the frei ir tvi thurmuy july vi imum several furmtm of thlw vkliilty have tlwli wheat all rut a rom- mini tomplnlnt u that tlnlr barm me too himill to holil the t rop i hi wireoivhnuuu to ho pint ed nt the head nf the urnv of tho late w ii stotey alton ih rnm- pleti d at tin nun hie yard of mr j ii hamilton urd u ono of the mout attrarllve monuments over turned nut from a uolph yard at n hpedal mitlny of council munlrtpnl officer ifibiim wim np4wdnted overseer to jumrmtend the lay ins of the new ivermunent pwvi men t iik pr rontiai t with u iph pnvlr a company mr ulltt hi oil city enuilieei fot fuelph wmh in town sat unlay mil prepand the levlls fot tlienew uimanent pavi nvnt on mill si net ni w n hith nth i outlnui to hi t ih in atlon mt ihnnuih unmll- ton of ft rus n movt d his family tn ii from that towr and inti ndi shot tly to mil a n hiiii m in i haliman miiiniv of tin sin ts ml walks ommlltth tins lod tettth q w 1 1 um mm nitomikla tititijiim ntwui alton vtn with u heore of h ii mr a v mann and mevou mnmi hnttlniw have been thu find fat met m of tlilu ih unim to eoni- iiwine their win at hnrvturt mi samuel wluutttx wlioee form lu nlmiut two mill u wum of ahon i iimi liu hmti ami loatentu when it iwiim mtrut k by lluhlulnu ituit frl day mtvi nlnu about a tloi u of the momheru of the milton lnrl club paid the at ton cluh a vihh oh wtkbtmuiity iiflt rnonn and mu nt u mtmt enjoy able time mi l mihikman tarttl twr- atlouh tlilu we u n enlatuhiu iml improvluu hu mturo on mill htiimt fotmerly ouupud by mi kean nnd i owe ii itev v r wme dd illhhop of the methodlut 1 pint opal mturrji for india for tie phut forty yaw wim a irueiil nt mooreeroft on hun- day iwhtn maitiikavs at loionto to mr nnd mih stanley mntltunvu a hoi ihko ml ami y al htm hoim dt vu lib lliu lramoua on monday i uly kllh ih ilemy laniim hash v in iiik yflh year iiaiklton voiilt kjakktifh at tills miimih hill till ll uhoiih w havi iidiitly htiinied from tin kiial fon m fins lii our own im inie a jtiint hullitlu ismmim it hy tin iniliihlilal atildinl pnviiillon ansni intliii i hjh hilly apt nrpi ntrytn7 in tia i iik tin jouml mom u i aki d into iln t nt ie of ihi m w mail inti on mill stni t jk1 miiui li iii mimi on 1 llh iul david si ion i s n if iln inti ii ter merik k d ij i ills i roin the luair nf ihr i ree ir of thuruw jul h ihoh tttnm7tre is i ootl w in 1 1n i urn is iiomi ink ot at play ai ton s uttt of nssi- sun nt ft i the timing i ai has hi i n strut k it ih mduuii liil dullut ih ndi istui s pniid is w rv pp tihtt as n bnthlnr plan in st tlav a tils a si f a painful nattiri i affittlrg tht his of iiumbi r if oiuik inlth pasltiiin in lbs imalltv iln ois hit unit in flanml the im halls hndly swoil en and tin pupils nlarii tl a mini im r iiff i li d hnvi lost tin slrkt f i inn tt anil irt tun or two i ises tt inn hrrami totalis tilintl i livn t nt p istaj is an adv mil ii soot to ht mijovtd b ana li in it t1 r w i iti rs i t titlnv mnltiilm mt i in s in f tin st li h hi k ut ten tins i n fall win al in fiv i nt i half in ins with a i rost and uood li ml i thawn ia two iihm mi mi i in i son i inn us i his lit at s iln tttord i in in w 1 1 mi nt avi nn nt iiimpli ti tl last niftht it will opt n ti on public next wiik mi sms john id nni v im and r i k vn n w n attend d tin st ssuin f the r ind koin a k ai am as fit ltjul s from walkei 1 oiim no 1j7 last un k at loronio a kik of swlndh rs nn trnvi 1- ilnj the dlsirlt t inlmln iltithorlty fiom tin slat to i xnmlnt wrt lis 1 in txamlni the wuter through a mttrnsopi aiut flrd all kinds of bnrterla cholera nnd typhoi 1 kirms ami jm rmlt th farnitr to kink through tin rnl t your eyes 1r hi hi r and mori omiortab1i vision consui t it m bell itriilstfltkil oitlaiktitihi lhoni22rl2 i nn visit oar modern showroom h cardvn hlreel tiuklvii ont opp fire mall inlaid unoijcum itlllllikh iuul mahtk tiijcm vvaii tiijcm ihauuieil in klbdmilm llihroomri lllfwya nlofwt offtne kto fuhm handelth inr kent or work uoo kflatlnt thjb co ijvu k kkat1no rollimrly luoluli kloorlllk kervlee imuiue uww ovtciall ahw hoor uui when spring housecleaning dont put a8idk furnitork that can ims rfrupholfrrtmfcn our new putterim and colorit and evperl workman- alnp will make tliem better than new tor the bint in chebterfled reupholterlii phone 87 acton 7 tluyhci-cker- no waiting vjiuy hiyiuiita urriuie4l if detlnvd on leuuhulrh mad new luuterllelilntlp la 12 montlm to iy jack hudermann ff jfhn dick and sfn -l- j it i floyd smith i jeweler in in sim i wi si tlkmh tnt holidays from july 24th to august 3rd our shop will hi ilosld to nivi our iniployns a well dimrvid holiday hi handik fnly tick i1fst b f murfin mikkt mctal wflrks ilumliini henlinc icavenlrouihhiir tiwiruelown ihone k1hw i whtre of ttiurw tiny ste tin mt njik ne that always will ik found in n droij of wat r i ht frightened former is ndvupd to apply trtuln rt nit dits which the fakirs vll ut a hih price i he remedy proves to bv a lit cl ilain nnt back in 1928 pollock and campbell maaufactur of high grade memorials mfmok1al engraving 62 hater st north galt telephone iw8 i rom thr ituie of thr i r irrtt of thurkdu jul g itiih wool prut s tins lummi r rant fiom jit to 2mt as rt ported by ih c atiadian u opi tain i w out i tn t i s a n t raff it top has math his appt arnnc t on this st t tmr of no 7 hi i hi five m i ttdwa tast of town i torm ik h k k lo in rtnal ihiw on 1 u sdav a s ndu al lit adt i b mr i st mun k stnittd drillinj i m rations u his pioptrtv lit j a happy beginning i ont nassjtk ivt t foi optometrist 7 douglas street guelpu eyes examined glasses fitted is and o 1 il 1 1 ulsii tv t v i if j a t i it u ns hiind jmunevtd to hills innh and hid u n 1 j 1 1 mtit f m mi mil mis k moon w ho n i nth movt d tin r iur uik il tvtuin tin primnttdl u mi on with a ft untain jhii in 1 pent il ft t died mevjl r y n at itodirvillt sask on luisdiiv jul 17 1ujm john i mtyuts n in hi 75th tar phaltson at htr burnt willow st ret t a ton on wtdntwiuy july 25 1928 sarah lu rutin brown widow or tht lati j 13 it urkon in iir h7t h year front tlw luuc of th ivr lru c thursday aucut tad iks ac tun and guelph played a ball game in the park saturday after- ll mvtr loo lule to tirt muviii money rt ulirlv but it in ver tiwi arlv iiher mlriv ulmtint iui hunl ai ronni jii1 not u ftu ltrp r jo monal fortune nwi tin l r i xit nt to lulnth of thrift at iur tl curlv in lift sin li torh iiin- liivt li it iiilm vi hi n u jij t ial in il arin for n nlv iiioih t tin t in t iii iv i m v or lo i ak iittvatltapr of a liiifint i opport unit it a wurm and liippv ft i imi to lntw lhal tht mmiry will im tlnrt w lit 11 sou lirrd ll 1 lirre i no belli r lutw to ptart havuifr than riptil ntrw the bank of nova scotia

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