Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1948, p. 8

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page eight the acion free press tiiuitfsday july 22ivd 194w trfl lnlrtl in th column without chkrkr n mmnrlm notice see nd loc per linn hdilltlonal lor potrr ckrda of ttmnkrt 30c horn holmfcs mr nnd mr jnck holmok mill street n vory happy to nnnourue the nrrlvnl of their tiecorrt turn nl the nur- ink home cuolph street july aitit 1im a llltje brother for kivm motjier nnd hnby doink well mamuki hassardmouwson sjitlll- lay july 17lh jfmh hy nev j m andernon dorothe daughter of mr nnd mm brlnley morris to kenneth edwnrd younewit non wf mr nnd mm k j hniuuird nil of acton ifn mkmorkam bracken in lovlne memory of n denr wife niul mother ulllnn brncken who pouted nwny july 24th 1045 a light went out of our lives dour mother when you kllpped beyond the bluo but klndress nnd love nnd unecl- iuji thing are the trensured memories wo hiivc of you jovinrty remembered by husbandnndknmlly marshallln ford remem- brnnee mf our only daughter llly who piihed nwny july m tmt whnt would we gie her hnnd to elnsp her pntlent fnce to me to henr her voice to see hr smile at in the dnyn thnt usori to be but tnitw uriim tiny well mfct ngnln and clnnp enrti others hnnds once more in henven thnt hnppy lire ever remembered by mum nd brother ken alio jnek bnrbnrn nnd beverly card of thanks i wish to thnnk the mnny frlendn for their kind inquiries tokens of good cheer flowers enrtut etc re ceived during my stny in the iiob- pltnl all of which were sincerely appreciated murray m coles next issue will be on august 5th there will be no issue of the free press next week the cltfctrlc crane is to be in stalled m the new blow foundry this week and this rowcbt addition to actons industry is expected to pet into operation in the next two weeks a card from miss jenn obrien formerly of acton this week utys she nnd her brother mlchnel are ualtlng southern california nnd will return east through the cnnadlan rockies 11 s aprus citor the national apple institute has estimated the 1948 apple crop in the united states at 101 mil lion bqshels which although about the average of the past five years is nearly 11 million bushels less than in 1947 iflbituorql herbert v anderson 111 nlnc lvbrunry herbert v anderkon died on tuesday nt the rohldcnco of hln dnujeher mrs cnrie dnvltfk 7 itoynoldh st south oiikvlllo with whom ho hud lived for the nam flvo year tjio into mr andprxnn farmed near acton for mnny yonrft nnd bttforo eomlnpf to onkvllln tojlvo with hln dnusrhter lind spent wme time in toronto his wifo prede- eonied him besides mrs davis he is survived hy one dfiughtor mrs georko keown nnd two conn georktf mja harold nil of toronto ho hiho leaven two nis- toro mm p a brown of sudbury nnd mrs robort hancock of de troit nnd n brother hnrold of almont mich the funeral was held nt acton on saturday nt the johnston nnd rumley funeral homo oakvllle record j e mojlurg montrcnl from the montreal- dnllystnr c pjcnnovl the following item of 1 n t orost t o free press renders the into mr mclurr wan the hus- bnrd of annie corry for mnny enrs n resident of acton 1 finest mclurc former vlee- pusidont and irwinnrink director if mcarthurirwln limited mont ronl nnd n one time vlceprenl 7twtht1trttpi sydney n s died june 7th in his 74th year nt hla home i13 vic toria avenue ho was n member of the montronl rotnry club for nine yonrs before ho retired in 1013 born in piorooci hill ont mr mclurjj vftj the son of the into dr james mclurp snult ste mnrle nnd when a young man he joined the cnnndlnn bank of com- motoe inter becoming mannjjet of the lake superior corporation nnd subsequently the mil division of the alpomn steel corporntlon nt aajcq mnrncor on the outbrenk of the flnt world war he joined the 2nd bntnlllon cef nnd went over- sons ns n lieutenant he was wounded and taken prisoner at the secoivd battle of ypros returning to canada in 1919 he become mnn- nnper of the hall flax shlpynrda ltd and held that port until 1924 when ho joined the dominion steel corporntlon ho joined mcarthur- irwla ltd in 1932 nnd remnlned there urtll he retired from nttlvi business in 1943 ho is survived by his wife the foi mor annie allan corry of snult sto mnrle n daughter mrr r o mcgeo of ottawa nnd n son fit lt john e mclurc dfc with the rcaf and at present in encland three grandchildren also survive mr mclurp was a director of the paint ard varnljh association of canada a member of the en gineers club the beoconsfield golf club and on the board of manage rt of st andrews church wcstmount sour note in th chorus toy jouth ijtr ftutlwtrn the provnleri lxllof incommun- lt solldnrlty the ludler thnt the oommunlhth would have uh nrropt without ftrgumont htui 1woti rude ly hhnken a sour note nlmo i of deflnneo li heard in what wna n wolltrnlned chorua no loirer rnn the fervent red volnt to the fact thnt once the blefmlniin of soviet influence flowed over n country it was accepted with ur-l- vsrsnl roijolclng nnd unwaverlnr npprovnl one forvont convert ban censed to approve and to boo eyp to eye with the pollturbo and hnn with more or less doflnltenos nnnoun- ced the intortlon to hoe nn indiv idual row one of sovernl ihlnrfl will undoubtedly result either the oxhubernnt mnrnbnll tito v hi publicly njpolnjie for the defect- ion of the jugoslnv rovernmont and accept the direction of the comlhform which is much more i hnn iho information bureau it wnsrupposed to ho or he will ie- tiro and quite possibly disappear is other individualists hnve disnp- pom evl nnd the soeno will bo made to jupponr pnneful nnd untroubled onco more there is n possibility ton that his defection might bo made to nppwir in n fncesiving fosture ns part of soviet policy possibly on the nssumptlon thnt such chnllcngo would call tito to the more friendly attention of the western powert so thnt ho might seixe llu soviet ns frvattptnto tt rtlsf w hiom of those courses the first would scorn the most probable leaving tito still voluble and vain bu nn ncrenslngly unsound insurnnce i isk it is the most probable be cnuse in suggesting the possibility of even minor result from the wl of moscow ho has provided n rally ing pnlrt about which other reluc tant satellites might possibly gath er already there has been more thnn tnlk of a balkan bloc thnt does not include russln nor hnve hei blcssinjj whntovct developments- niny follow undoubtedly will be prompt for russia with the cold war of berlin nlrendy blowing hot in her face must sense that the defect- lor is timed disastrously for her it is the evidence that the solidar ity of communism with which the russlnn has challenged the world is a bogus coin it ia an indication that llherty is ttlll a more potent rallying cry than nny in the ennuse that would surender free dom to gnln nny other possible good shale processing for oil is being pressed in many countries active vacations the time hns come when a great number of people will coon be erjoylng annual vacation or are already doing so it is an active time for n great number many will take long trips nnd satisfy their desire to visit fam ous scenos and places nnd localities renowned for their beauty cana dians are said to hnve their go ing shoes on most of them love to travel and set places they have read about or which their frlendb hne waited this dsire will car- r man of them far many will be active in favorite hjkirts and pastimes devotees of golf will chaju the little white ball around the links with en- thustnsm and will not be deter- red if they lose several balls in the rough or in some water haz- j ard the tennis courts will by hlghlv popuhu nnd the white i ball will go zjippug over the net t a big part of the da baseball will draw great crowds vast numbers of people will throng the benches und exhibit their skill in swimming and div- mg or practice these arts many will be satisfied just to gel the cool feel of uie water and acquire suntan on uie sand a throng of people will enjoj their caroes motor boata bail boats achts and row boms and find delight in huinipulatmg these charming craft a host of fliihexmen will be pursuing the tfnn swtnunarh and many more luwrts could bu nwntlojed v hlch haw ooimtusu devtoecs the many forms ofj vacation activity divert tho mind from he cam and robeins of dally life peopw return from them refreshed and invigorated i early marketed lambs profitable early birds every now and then one runs against n sober pronouncement that one hopes isnt so the latest disturber is dr fletcher b shirp toronto physician who argues that if you know a mar who js awake while most people are asleep watch htm carefully he mny become one of the worlds groat he documents his state ment by calling to mind that churchill during the war nor mally worked until 3 am and was awake with the birds that toa- cnnlnj could entertain people until oven later without npparert fati gue that wasnt so disturbing as the other fact he mentioned that clemencnu wns accustomed to in canada the number of lambs marketed reaches its lowest level in ma and from then on the vol ume rises to a peak in october says s b williams animal hus bandry division cenral experi mental farm ottawa with this rise in marketings there is a de cline in price and so the early marketed iambs often bring a con siderably higher price in addition lambs can often be marketed be fore the hot dry sensor with 1u poorer pastuie growth and ao the need for supplemental summer pasture is avoided in turn the ewes due to the longer rest per iod enter the winter in much bet- i ter condition than those that have i nursed lambs until the fall i the essentials for an early lamb i maiketirg program are good i heav milking ewes early lambing creep feeding abundant pasture and efficient pnrusite control ewes to produce earl fat lumbal off pasture must be well fed dur- j ing the w intei good quality al falfa ha together with oats at i lambing time make an excellent ration for his purpose i he ewesi should lamb in murch and lambs i car be creep- fed from the time thy are two weeks old they should be started on high quality jieavj ground outs and barley should be added giudually until the nutuie is about fifty per cent of each of these graint permanent pasiuie with n good percentage of clover will provide ample herbage until the hot di weather at which time some supplemental pasture such as oau or aftermath should be avuilable the use of pheco- thluine will keep internal parasite lufchtatior at a low levol if tills procedure is followed prime fat lambs of a dealrable weight tjiould be ready for mark eting at approximately 4 months of age arise at 4 am whicji possibly ac- counted for his being called the tiger i recently some scientists in alas ka got themselves fearfully exut- ed over the fact that one of the worlds few remaining mysteries where a bird known as the bristle- thighed curiew retired to breed was ro longer a mystery to the embarrassment of the curlew it was discovered to bo alaska we dont know whether that rates the bird as ver wise or very simple but taking dr sharps dictum and changing the scene to england and the report of some 200 bird watch ers spread across the land we really got down to biass tacks it has now been established that the cuilew is the original early bird he arises ard bursts into song at precisel 2 5j am 18 minutes ahead of the skjlark now what we would like to ask dr sharp is this wouldnt it be betlt to le abed 18 minutes longer and oe u sklark rather than an embniras- sed bnstletiilghed curlew maple sap hi nrook few bright sui n davs and limited night fiosts combined to make the 1918 season for maple products a pool one the ground wns not froen to an depth und the snow disappeared rapld giowcis rtiohed the sap as beluw normal in sugar content and smuc tunernll was below avtr- 8 ujie ci op expiessed as s rj is estimated at 394 000 gnllois as compared with the 1917 ciop of nearly four million galloiu the 1948 rrop is 13 per cent smaller than the tenyear tiverage j93s47 of 2750000 gallons cross tarm value of the crop is placed at 7- 721000 vor syruj and j2h004k for sugar and other maple prepara tions tenders wanted ivititerx will im r04lvrfl by tlw utuitkilkiitml until turwluy allkilkt loth 1d4r for th rortstnictlori nt u ooilrrrto hkwrnmlk kppkoxltnatly ittoo wj ft on ccunoron blroet aototi ontahc nejfti to bl 4 lnch think timing wnhxl itravrl akwl m inlic of i to i tho lowtut nr any twli mtt ittsftuumily luyplfd oetnlln nuy iw uvruifl on pputhitloni j mnokachik omrk mun af actohi tv sanding floors finishing linoleum mastic tile rubber cau 426w milton 436w reveitse the charges clement mountain 10 reward will lx imld tor infoniuilion liailinc to the arrral nnd conviction of nny perwm found hrenkinp street ijbwk this nction i neoewiar p hie breaking of the street uriiih which hns prone iwyoml control in the villnjc of actort acton iuhlic utilities commission the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc ailvrtlmmnth iiiiiiit thin hotirilhu 15c ciuili willi order up to i5 worl afldltlotitil wurtlh 1c wr word if cakhuofu not c company the mlvirlliieiyunt nilhinumi thnruo 50c nnd lc ptr word additional for each word ovor 25 uln irtktirtlona itir for sale urn sam- teem d plnyer portable oleetrle mioiip llfiw kofi saik- itoek nnd stone tor eoivupoolb etc- imione hifi a j miluine abh fou saik mnsse i larrln ro- eondltloned hinder c lnundon 1liiiin it milton fou saiio ivn wheel llrnller ig inch wheeli apply w uttle it it 2 itiwkwood foit kaie oouhle ilounf on hroi k avnue rentejl one cldo ot- hei nlde li oeenpled by owner mr i 1 1 i nylor wanted waniki lierry plekern for ilnrlli oreharda apply to wlllnri sheppard kieoe nt aelon j2 wantkij lo purchaue pullets elkld weeks to inylng jitire breodw or hybrid rroiwn advlkm nut numtier nnd prleo apply iwidl hick llatcheriei klmltiml kergua ontiuln sltf foit kai1- one itta victor flattery rnillii one colemnn in- lant ilklilinc tins iior bath in exiellenl iiindillon 24 mnson hkd foit saii i leriey cow fresh i inrt ileisev and holsleln cow due to freshen ailr 1 1 ored work inn so w llobbii lilt 2 aeton phone lnrlfi b hill saii lliiijiherili by i i ate in ho at can oils store or dliert trnm tlrower andy fiank ihine i tin ii milton camplii ik llli- it it t lolt i sam- ienernl kleelfle washlnir m mine and frldli nl- musl ihw i plen- i hesterlleid rrmiwhr ri hnff i liill hiiih pin alton 111 lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials schneiders crfapycruat lard lb 22c butter 1st grade creamery 70c lb bacon itrenkfost 65c lb pcameal 69c lb smoked rock 75c lb fresh sausage per lb 40c cohoe fancy red salmon vi lb tin 38c red brand reef -hbed-eseluflively- buy the beat it costs no more foit saik frame liulldlnr 2k i 12 tin ininiivliate removal 2 ivmkshlri- sows i with 7 plus nl i f 1 with h piki at foot a tstmiiklinmi ittll 2 arronr-phin- ui i lolt sam- cednr rrnln cot- iiiri- 2i2h i niumi ami 1 ijiiimv- hafrtith showers haxdwood iniors- thiotikhout builtin tin- boaids llle lloor ir kltrjien and lint h hot ah rurnaie fully in sulated jihiki jonen van clls peel si phone rw foil saik urlok iollmse 21xm 4 roomk nnd i piece bath and shower upfllnlrg rnn he finish ed hardwood floojh hull in cup board llle floor in kltciien and bntb fully irnulated hot air turnnce jswki ionen van cut peel st phlonc 305w cohnfm whkat i will hnve n inrrc quantity of imut leslktaqt cornell wheat for kale anyone wnntlnc ijils ouilnndlnr lunllly for this year plartlnr should reierve the amount requir ed now 00 per bus ornnt cnm- ipbcll campbell fnrm milton ont 2inn b p shopatpallants and save money mens sport shorts short or lon sleeves in the- lot rep 2 25 to 2 95 each 1 q special price mens t shirts 125 value speciul price 89c each mens jerseys and shorts all sizes rep hsc mcti m 69c- mens bathing trunks re 1 i5 each 1 op srcinl price boys camp shoes sizes 1 to 5 rec 1 is u pair special 1 oq prte kou pallants clothing store mill st acton one kni mull a lrnctor one internatlornl hay tedder one fnrmall ii trnctor with power cultivator one w d 4 tractor on rubber with mnnure ixiniler one jem li inn milk crfoler one hnr- leybavldson motor cycle 5ft deerlnr mower used uspd trac tor disc used 3 furrow lyactor plow one used culttvntor iwo used 2 furrow trnctor plows one massey tractor on rubber mirhts nnd stnrler one 1m7 knlser sednn car 5ow mllcaee ford and ferguson cultivators and tan dem discs for immediate delivery hood stock of ford and fcrcukon plow shnres one 1imh willys jeep one used de lnvnl cream scpartor one used all steel thresher 24 x 4v 1020 inter national on steel one used hay ioadcr frcrdferruson 10 nrtl 12 plows tor lmmedlnte delivery one hft ludson brondenster on rubber one international pick up twine hnybnler nearly new apply thos e hewson gconje- t p s32w robt r haniilton optomemust of guelph will be at dr g a sirrs office tuesday affltlnt 10th xmpiete eyesioht heuvice i farnworth memorials monunirntb nt modrrmt cumktehy iirrrtitinr iciora iw ut vemrxmry iikmh ont mam1smkn waniki llr in- tu pentlcnt mnlcc nlil money ll- in from loir o door 200 kur- nrtpd hln pimlurtn splridldl vm lint tcrrllorlch in your moikii- horlukid on month tiuil with nb- solut hy no risk- wrlto for it tnllk- llto 10 si hubert mont- rnnl t2 ittnimits wanikfi erulfrji tni the old t linn of vtrmt- in the municipality of at ion will he reteketl bv the unrterslnnetl unlif aiiriist lltji 1tth tenders shtiulcl he ntldietl to the undermnfd nnd mtiiked larder for cnibikf cnlleetion i lie lowest or liny tendei not netessjirllv iirreptert urhnke hull inhiiile nil refuse whlth k prrperlv wrnppetl nntf plmerl in propel ontnlner nnrl nil rubbish hruih shrubs nsbos tin inns nnrl clnss in pioper orlnln- ds or piojwrlv med i snipped no ontuiner slid 1 1 whkii rnof than sixty ptuindi untl shall tw plat ft i within ten feel of the -lde- uinr id- term of fhe mntrnrf shall tie i oi one yeni fi ofh aukiinf ii wff i shall he the mime nt nt prosent 1 mrf lenchji- clerk for rent oarafje for rent central lot nt ion apply box 31 frco prcsn miniani onrrlnn bny amnll litnisekeeplnk cottneph for 2s ijhtiple ir nnd up hydro flahlrff hiithlnk ufiy snlinbury ponotna h it i mihcelinbous slknrxk tabm7ii nro effect ive 2 wmtkvmiftnly 1j wek- nt cooiierb uruf store you may prosper in u c we- will answer your inquiries re em ployment wnmh buninpra xvouit- ln nnd tllmnte send 3100 mo to information service imi s grosvenor vtint ouver bc nkkd a rkalky ekkkctivc jnxntlve try proven kkuit-a- tivks fnmouh herbfll medicine us ed suctewtfully for 45 yenr brlnga lellef tiultkly tones up liver k corps bowels native restorer rjoort henltb rk1iah1k noik k all stove repairs at tended to ns for i he inst v2 years nev uistinks nnd rnte boxes tor nil makes of stoves direct frorrx foundr it t ustomer kxphtlencwl helpers sen i out on john ksti- nintes kiver queber henur nl- niod new hnrnaln john v sav- iik arthur st at ton hnve you n problem ach- inr bntk sore feet or like ourselves n hiodnche over th price of coal we hove suffirlent irfor- matton to ifive you the price of 21 25 for stove and nut an- thrncitc 19 00 for pea anthra cite so this makes range coie at 16 00 a rood buy tfihn i hn rnlwri thp levpt for the coal miners a ffrent deal in the last few yenrs but ue hope he has finished for the sake of the fuel burners oh well it went to 22 00 alter the lait war bo perhaps thin v111 bo the lost n any case we will rot have nny coal in for two weeks nor do ve expoct suf ficient anthracite coal u sup ply the demand for tho com ing winter see you netting your coal ortu c plttd we hope j b mackenzie son j ii mackenzie a son miss allan reg chiropodist treats foot ailment gfur- rlra ilfht iomfortable areb- em of irathrr or tlel uj pr- frrred t 27 akthur st guelph phone 13wu proclaim tion i ivk- iiou111av 1 in t-ompllarui- wllji tin- lumi uhlih da- privallcil for m my i wins i mondav aikilht jnd i will tm- bscrvfl us n owe hnh- ila tur 1uih ami 1 htnby irtk lauti thin iln as a civic holllu tor t tun arul ritijith ltull riiiutst i tlml all our tltlins ots-rm- it ui surh k j mrflix luiw itiim s oltlr- tnn hull alton july ulli 1mu imumulki ontario stock yards bulletin jumtum mally roht mwiy tuitdsy mtruiag hamilton sm 300 718 ajn

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