pagk six the acton fheu ihkss thihthoay atffmftt all 1948 hohkm w1tihhit tllornm iviuii lowly day- in kummw all iin wo hid wuniod troth and fair kong f bird and hcenl of flivw- ktoated ummuli irv hitlmy air slowly ki rolling through the nvendowa came n mother and her child m they fcpld a tnvelv rotehiinh row log there n mui and mild kagerly t it hi to maiden hewhed to pluck n hlnwuim llut mat ivor stajed tin net ion bv her gentle loving rare 141 me plrk it for you during 11 n hhwim whlrli deceive though tt may 4w fab look on there tit t tun nil beneath ihe leave ah these lenr unelflhh mother umt the mime wheiever we go ii mi they try to ahield their elillil- ren krom the rllghtehj touch or wop the v would give tm onl imh never thorn that klltitf ami mtnart the would keep life fairest flower hlnomlng in each youthful heart kor the know thai all too qiilek- srtirnw on each path rouht frow n pressed niwn an aching forehead kneli miwt wear a thoiny crown so thev give k nil the sweetnejm kre the eareh of iik begin km our nplrttn have been wearied hv the enrtlimw fight with tin winifred onvlson tliu sunluy sojfiool hiinway ajuhkt l4 the farmers dont watf t socialism in the 1014 provincial election n saskatchewan the ccf- party imiutartlfty n e n t poruftr vol iunl monui after four year in office the tame party potted fortyseven per cent of the popular vote and lot dx- tetfn sfrntji in the lortsiature to the liberals intthechles whorelhey hnd kxpoiritlmi i jetemhih lik ened w7i leivinluh iiu7trrylrhi nerv- ant of od xn haled and per- hcculcd no mo nit he tine 1 cod and diwhye iii whole coun sel without differing iwivocumon 2 lliii lia jeiemhih received a menage front rehniah and ilk n faithful mpwienuor had upowen it unto nil the people thin linil been tjinie time nfore jer 21 h ti ii h leiominh wan at thin time in piluon ller 1721 but whrfrt the jewuh leadeih hoaul of it they demanded leiemlah iwnth ctwllemt men and mippoiteih of eiror enrnol enchiiv that i he titith of iod hlioum in hfwiknn to lite people cae ii 2 fi10 rs3w kven today if one muiiks out the truth ntwut the destjuctlve ctltlc- iim and related erioru lolhe com- mim people tie inlnrs upon lilm- neir ii uumtnt of nhuu nnd mla- repiimientntrnn from those who supported i hew errors the mci- snue thai jehovah hnd tvon jo- lemiah for the people was a hlern nnd solemn one but it wan true nrd ii ih better to tell the eople unpleanant truth than pleasant eiror it all came out just ns got anld it would but with the mey- sare of doom jehovah had declar ed n way of esrnpe but it was not wlllinc lo takcavluljilltjioaa nouneiinenls of coming doom up- oie sunort or the well orpnnlzcd 4rade union the kovernment held itn own but it clipped badly in the rural ridings die swing was particularly not- ieenble in the north whore the people wient the mnnopolloa which the government has estab lished in fish fura nnd lumber durinc its four years in office the government did not carry out more than h per cent of its poli cy of socializing all the natural resources of the province nnd aa a result it loot six per cent of the popular vote would it be fair to wi thnt if it had carriod out tweni per cent of its policy it would tinve been wiped off the rnap it vcmt clear that the formers of silskvatchewan who want bet ter pi iocs for their products have no intention of remaining perma nently in the same bed with the labor unions who want high wag es short hours holdnys wltli pay nnd cheap food it is also clear that government niorupolifs even socinlisi govern ment monopolies are just ns ob- noious to i lie peopk m any otli- or kind of motiopol funur it ii in the scene ion i let milk stand on our duoi sep n kuehen table too lon- alter leliveq i ivlnv in re- fneiition rot in milk of food val ue- and hastens sihhnge on tlk impenitent there is always n declaration of a way of escape liui it is a wny of escfl4e that is humilatlng ho humarj pride the princes brought a mostralse hnirc against jeremiah v 4 i f t jiei e wat ever a man who sought the wilfnre of his oople it was jexemlnh many of tills worlds noblest men nnd women have been cast into dungeons duke 119 20 ac lf21 gen inir doubtless mnny more will he before the reign of rlghleous- i r ess romes in but jeiemlnh knew what to do in ttie dungeon he called ujon the name of the jord iam t m55 i lie re wns rui water in dungeon but there was mire and jeremiah found himself sinking in the mire the pit belonged to the son of the kirg v 6 god heard jeieminhs prayer he saved liim thiough an khlop- inn klxdmeleeh had n black skin ch 1323 but he had a w idle heart he seems o have been the whitest man in jerusa lem ebedmelech received on abundant ivwnrd he was deliver ed v lien the city was destroyed uer 19161u the king wai sitting in the gate the place of judgment deut 2119 anjos rih courageous ebedmelecli did not hesitate to aiitisc i lit prin- iii with having done evil his heii t went out in pity townrd hit faithful prophet of god the til was alnad in sure list i ess 1 heie was no more hi end ch 57 21 52 m the vacillating king w ho hail been so ready to leld i the prunes was equally ready lo iclil lo ebedmclech pool pitiable weakling but it was douhltcim god who in munvut to jeiemlnhn pinyei had turned the lientl of i in- king prov 211 hcdmelech dtd evety thing hat lu could to mtnlkler to i he iiim- fiit of jeiemlnh ilf was n ihougtilful leiitlimhenrted mar- a wnithy exmnple for many n mivdern lnullan itinn 1210 la kph itj how many of iim who would itolp ollieu foiuel i he little mlnulriitlomh in their comfort jeiemlnh vviih luoiill up muih innie tendeily out of i he pit than he wiih lowered into ll lto wiiji ut lit n pruoner tint ii emnfoi lahle one and the prison house lumiime hw i in one of power ac 2tw 21 21 2fl 21 121 2hlal ii it wind for inlthfolnokji ih15ih agalr i he wmd of the lord time to jeremiah tills lime it was uol only rdnfli million of the npptonchlng cnpllvlty of jiutnh hut mi nsmitnnro was given unit faithful khmlmclorh would im delivered out of tlw nppioachtug judgment khedmclcrh wiih an klldmlan t giishlte- in tha ter- v ice of king zcdcklnh 1 ms name means hervnit of the king ul- miotigh nonie nutliorltleh think ijint melech 1m o nnme for deity he wa ii gooil aind jtmt mnn when jeiemlnh wan rant into a cistern to die of starvation ho look pity upon him he oblalnrd permission from i he king ro res cue him w 711 ilecausontf his faith the laird promised a safe ehrnm in the destruction of jo- rusalem the times weie difficult apos- for ti uth n justice in t news and views tu mlultun frto inuromt of the iid among ttie corrupt courtiers of the king was a hard lot but ebedmelech did nil ho inuld for the prophet jeremiah ihe result was that god did what wim needid for ebodmclcvh god never forgets his servants kven klntfatocognlze that dan 6ig it is a furl iter indication that ihos who assist provide for nnsj if need be protect gods servant will likewise be taken care of by iord mntt 104912 the char acters which ebedmclech hnd to combat were powerful figures 3h1 9 but gods servant will not be finally frustrated by tuch god has ways of caring for his own gen 151 pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water sl north galt telephone 2048 robt r hamilton optomdntlst ok uiiiii dr g a sirrs oftice tukhuav attilst 10th complete evesigiit seiivice 199flelegatesmibefafanventiotritaf will choose new leader build new party platform on aw a to ele t a new leader of the 1 abend lartv and to build a new jmrtv platform 129u delo- eiite w ult s 10 alternatett will coma here troin all over canada for tho tlurd iiiitional liberal convention u l b id aligns 5 7 the delegate who ote on miott- tiotis put t the floor will in n imihe represent the twelve tudhomi of people of the dominion the delegation w bu b wdl vote will com prise nil latutil m 1 h and men and women who were iaturill ctiudldatet ol i tie 1 ett fiklend elec tion there will he 715 delegates pnipt troin the count itiienciert in tlie nine provitutm mid 715 ulter- tmte the senate will h- repr- nnt4l bv tj provincial repreen- tnuven will total 140 there will ho 12 national and provincial i j bund aawmiation pruhidentm kepnwtui- tation of prov incuil ijtuniliuuwkia- ttonfi will be imprekbive tlure wdl be 27 from womenm luunuiiitionit 27 from voung i jtwrul aww huh lions 51 from univcnotv 1ibeml clulw public and party inuirout of oounu wdl cenur uiton selection at the nuin who will follow ht hon w l mackenzie king an lender of the iateral party and as next prime mmmter of oinitdu tliai cbviioii will u an out-m-the- omn affiur nominations will he uirown oiun mul thero will lx no rtwtrution uh to the numker of people who uiav lie projmumht and i seconded for the twilloting the bauoung itself will take place on tit butt duv ot the convention and will be net impjnnel bv every known devue to uihure that the vote irulv fxpreh the free will of the debgntiin the twillot fornih were pnnt4d two wthkit ago and upon thitr arrival wvtv stored in aafetv vauli by a group of ofli- cuiu of the nnlioniil convention committth just imfore the luillot- iiig is tiue at the convention lhee ballotn will hi tuken from the vault agaui by aeverul ollicuiui of tha conwption cotuuiittuo and i vtt piiuum ii4 inairiii loiluiur im ltd i hi iwmu inning tecent iiiuiiiiin ihe itnl- ih agllcullllival offlie hits plilied aiviuiihlmately ks men oh ilallon fiumi included in hila numliei weie ihlllh ininitgi aiits poiimii velii aim 1 lullandei h west ei u kmm hiuids toionto hnlldnv wiitueri nnd u few displaced juii- nitim finni kuroih fjny r 1 of the latter lnnitfi lieeirplaend lo ilallon hill lo ilhle lepullm agrl- iilluial llepiewntatlvo j 1 whllelock theie have been no loniplalnts iibnul itn men an it innttiu- of fail he slates funn els conliuteil who semifd dvn lepmt fiivmahly both in renpiwt id i heh lype willingness and uhllltv lo wotk anolhet gioup of i ps will tie available the week of atigiiht 2nd and ilallon faiiihis who me in n posit ion to employ year round laliir me ietnled to eoiitm t the agihiillutpal offhe at mlllon rield trap mretlng well atuluhwi ninety fanner fimii nil seetlnrih of ilallon nltended i lie held meet ing singed by ihe ilallon crop improvement asoclnllon on mon day evening lasl the piogiam bl inded a visil to hie farm of w ixlli iiln nr hstuemliiktwhere the grotwp had an oppjiiliinlty of seeing the res- ulis of spraying a held of corn with 2ll foi conl nil of wimmih 2ti being a selective wend killer bad deiuoiislraled lis nhlllty lo kill lambs uaitein pigweed docks and leiard annda thistle but hnd not ontrolled giwisses or wild buckwheat over at the farm of geo gin tie sons on the seventh line of mspieslng tin crowd in spected thn ih vllltetles of outs nnd hurley the h plots had been sown by ijoughim gurile nnd weieln excellent condition hero ii g p mckostle bend of the nlidd hushandr ihpt oac led a most infoi matlve discussion on the mrlmis varieties pi of iiim- mon of ttie iept of illology a gtolph and ken mena light of ween ginss insecticides also fpro- n led a fund of inhumation- per taining to the iiiltiol of weeds 2- lis in parliculai it s healheiington national film ijonni operator for halton jncsellled two itellent illms one on onliol of weeds prepared by the naugalink iiim of klmirn and the ether of the 117 koal wliuer kan p s palmer piesldent uhl gilajuno in iu47 ling ciiiciishim guided iii cnlindfl inttdled ivnnlhu iii 1w7 compar ed with a4fultul til lilltl kyh iii anniiiil hevtew of hie live slock mai uel and mmt trodo imsiied by ihe mnikelhig servbe of the dominion iopnrttnmit of agtlciiltuie oltnwa the dlffeieliee of alninst uglooo s due to increased mnrltlhus hi eiihtern giimida wentirii gstthduw mniliellngs dncllnnd for the your xih a whole but showed slgiih of n cimiebaeu in tie luj full monthaj- mar itnmngm at stockyards were only 7wi7lih u about ml ft prt i ciii nf ihi total top grud ounl- lly wan lower for canada ns a whole ah wern tlfl1 pir cent of the intnl as comparid with a2a4 fjhi cent in umn while hs wer 4ft hi per cent compnrnil with ttlos per m4il in ifmll kow marketings increaued frmi ft 00 per rent in pi hi ijh per real in ifm7 the ilalton iop is i l ii in in foi tin lent veiling pin aoi lalion verv excet- llulton rnk not serimislj njured ind iiiii and hail slashed at ilallon lops on 1 uesdiy aftei- rioun of last w e k while a few fields wen- rtittftliil geneial hie tonus did htltle damage k- iv i lent rogiess has been made vmtti the harvet and the bulk of the giun i op is now in stock yields of wheat upwards of 50 bus have been repui led the spring giain ci op wliiletttit henv taking the county as m whole is neverthe less a good crop coin is a little m1ksk itvllol lvll lis briuft iriii1il for ihe nallonul lalkral ctuvrtitiimi u lw hrld in olluwu titfiinl tit mill drrldc who niium ursrnl itt hon w l murlrnxlr kiim u leader of the luxrul purly ilir priulliik rtiltuting and mlilehing of tbee hullot pupr nrsrmltatnd ilimriul niramirra l iimurr irtlet ion of the ilikuinrnlx which lafrr wrrr trtniamrlrl lo a kiifr ty uult in ottuvtu thrrr to mmiiii until tulrn under guunl to the floor of the thoenliitu for tiae by 1 2 drlrrutea transportod under guard to the coliseum there under the iy of otliciully nppoinunl returning o di cers and ucruunihni the ballota wdl be opened and distributed to tho voting delegate after each vote tlie counting will im done uluo under the eyes of bcrutimts the convention the third which tho liberal party has held since confodrration will bring to ottawa muro tlian 3000 party nu mluiru at the coliseum where mswions will take place there wij im ample accommodation for the public in addition to delegates tho oulcuu program ma follows august 4 lleuutratiou augwt 5 kcgistrution conv vmtion om othcntl addnvm of welcome election of convention othviitls apfmiintment of commit- toes adoption of nilifi of proce dure hhithrh bv reprhentiitiva iatienibi coinmittih mhmioiih august i report from tmn- mitttmtti sphberi by representa tive lltxtals gen inresenti luhinekj election of ncrutinimth und tellers august 7 hejmirts from com mittees speeches by reprenientn- tive libtiils rtiidiug of rule gov erning voting procedure rekirtmg of nominations of ijinoidiites for iurtv leadersliip election of lib eral leudur than average crop of fruit vege- tkibles hay and gram in all sec tions of the count late blight is known to have bioken out on potatoes in dufferln count nnd on tomatoes in the nlagaia distiiit states dr j d miiihii hlan of guelph who is heading up tlie winning service in this set turn of ontano under date if lulv jsth dr maclai hlan suonglj advises glowers to sjira di dust immedintelv unless an ap- plnitimii liai tneii nuide dining the just few davh hordeaus nr one of hi- fied nppets ma be used in jotattxs but lied i uppers only i hollld be used nil tomatoes all no m ound pa i of t he plants nisi in- thoroughlv loveied for loii tion against uile lidght i tu wtathej is wet or there u hi iv v dew j iieat nppliikit- ilis imv weuli tint if the weutll- i linn ho or drv the time be- t eeii tpplliallolis must be u ngtll- eiled itie weatliel at the time thsw is being pitiaud was ideal i foi the spread of ttie lite blight i the follow lug desci iption will help gi oweis io ret ognie late hlight on tomatoes the blight i fust appeals as ureguku blicklsh i gnii water viaked blotcjies on the leaves tlue blotches enlarge i ipidlv and under moist conditions w hitisii mildew giowth may ap peal aroind the sot espicially on the undeiside of the itaf the blight mav spiead rapidly under moist conditions ttie leaves being dcsl roved within a few dav s time the tomato fruit mny become mfet ted at an stmge of growth diseilmd at ens on the fi utt first appeal watersnaked later becom ing dark gieen blotvhed with tirown a whitish mildew giowth mn develop under moist condit ions diseased ft ult lot iiipldly ttghls jieavhs and extra lienvlefl also showed increasi the nvejagn dreiriod weight of nil hogs incietiked from 1ftt2 pounds in mum to 1157 pnitnrfi in 1017 due in iinrt to tlw added nuinbeih of henvlei extra haavliui and sows auvicr a hnifplly man led college pro fessor dellveievl a graduation ad- dreiiij in which he tendered this sage ndvlcu iiemn many of yoti wlir mm ry you to te kind to your wives ho patient wiih l hem when you are going oul together dont worry if yoin wife is not ready tit die nppolnted i line 1 lave n good book nearby head it vvldle you wnlt and gentlemen i njiura you that you will be astonished nt tho amount of itifumntlnn you will nrrjulre what iidcm a hi hie think when she walks into n church aisle altar hymn wm r bracken hkai kstats ani vmmal nhiihanck mortgage loans arrdnged htprrxciiliitlve of mutuiil 11ft ahmiiruncn lo ltd 8ct4tf jfca i6de m salada msm mt j3 unl c3 stai your eyes for bfttfk and morf comfoktablf vision consult r m bell itkdistkkkil oitombtitlst phone 22rl2 erin specialists in waimvfafi ts aik condmoning eavestofmjgiing and v plumbing ouiv aim is to kvc service to our customers and tnstal only the very best equipment at the lowest possible prices wk handlk only the best canahuh cmaftsm b f murfin- plumbing shkct metal works ileatini kavcutrotiefainj irtown cliome 138w greater prosperity in town and country modern masseyharris machines increase output per man and give the farmers greater buying power on saturday night all acron conada th iboppmg control of towns and xmallor cibei aro crowdod with farm automobiles and farm people side by lido with tho town dweller farm people buy all londi of coniumer good from breakfast goods to brood loom rugs from canned goods to cosmetics from raisins to refrigerators time was when farm buying was more limited when farmhouse furnishings were more meagre the change is due directly to the increase in the buying power of farm families the reduction m operating costs and increased output per man effected by modem fqrm machinery gives farm families today more income from their operations in supplying agricul tural products for home ami export markets and more money for both the necessities and luxuries of life greater prosperity for all masseyharris builders of farm implements for over one hundred years hoi contributed in no small measure to this progress through the development of modem laborsaving farm machinery masseyharris company limited ctlablhkmd im7 w winnipeg brandon rgino soikaloon swill currant vorliton calgary edmonton vancouver toronto moatrcal moncton tilbk m