Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1948, p. 1

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v ht jvrfn sttt ress seven tyrourth ycnr no u acton ontario thursday august 12th imh liht home print piires six cent those who had part in actons biggest project likt continued this vck of those who have pledged ihe first 521500 o acton community swimming pool want to finish first phnc of 10000 thi month cnn- vawtors still working we egret thnt inst week wo were unable to print the complete hst of the who mnde up the first 5 245 00 raised for acton community swimming pool the lui wan arranged alphabetically wo act type of it right up until the last minute nnd only renchod the end of the db when wc were forced to blurt the press rolling to get the free preen in the mulls before 6 oclock thlb week we complete this list every enre has has been used to mnkc it nccurnto but mistake will happen and if ouch occur they will be promptk ratified if we or the committee are notified tflu ulut th qa ynlttce held a midnight session with a little over hnh the nmourt of the first phase of 10000 raised some careful scrutiny was ne cessary to see that not one con tributor wan minted the can vassers were given added namos nnd are now making calls if you can increase your pledge please notify your canvasser or the com mittee as soon as possible re member you need not mnke your entire contribution now your pledge will enable the committee to go ahead with the plans and complete be other two canvass es of the business men and manu facturers if wo want a swimming pool next season we have to say so now with dollars here are some mote of those who are making n pool possible continued from last ueek acton players to attend baseball school this year lamberthilts w edding in united church uofckwood elllqtt t elliott p a edwards g elliott s eurlnger j fnblan h former h n fed irk p ficldu g fields w s frank urn w freuler h fryer k ftolster d fettcrley j 1 fetterle p finln w j footitt a e footltt r footitt w ford a gibbons c gibbons g gibbons f glhhops j c gibbons n glnccl n gordon h gould w j grahnm w 1 grlese d h grlndell e guenther r gamble a corvals a glbsnr b culenpie g c greer j f greer 1 m greer v grot i m j glass n grahnm a giahiuu gibbons i hall w hnssnrd i- 1 havdon a helvvlg v h hevernn v 1 hill f a holhngir holmes i hhiu m hniuvwvll j hooshln 1 hough m r hufnagel i hun t m harris h hants i hiani c k henderson v hlggins j hun re it hollow u a husband s holnus f i holnus i holme m hubble s hunter f ilotwdilev ilarrop e e holme j in it lis j it jaglello m johnson h johnsor u jones f w 5 01 10 00 5 00 1 00 10 hi acton athletic club will spon sor the nttontinncc of three juv enile acton players nt the baseball school nt thomesvllle from aug ust 23rd to 271 h tho three plny- on chosen are harry lnwnon john mownt nnd harold town- ley jtlils school in arranged by the pittsburgh pirate of the nat ional bnsehall league and the players attending will have the benefit of professional coaching nnd training for tho four days ttounotlieworld fxvkk an attractive redhnlred eng lish woman mrs morrowtait is at present attempting a record flight nround the world she is flying n singleengine chrtelea supeiace according to he ow statement mrs mrowtaft wants to fly round the world in a singleengine plane because it is about the only thing that haint been done yet according to present plans she has reached winnipeg from the far east on august 0 where her aircraft was on a display for that day aiter that she will fly to montreal where her plane will be on dis play from august 11 to 14 sh will then return to britain via reykjavik a very prettv wcddlnj wns solemnly d in the rorkwood unit ed church beautifully decorated with llllei and gladioli when mar gnreb dolllna hilts dnughtoi of mri alice hilts became the bride of harvey knox lnmhert son of mr nnd mrs nelson lnmbert of acton the reverend j w oliver offlcinted nnd the bride was given in mnnlnge by her uncle mnor j a urquhnrt of toronto flie bride was charming gown ed in white satin fashioned with hustle back and n long train uor flngertlp veil was caught to n halo headdress and she carried n cascade of white roses mrs h wnildjngton mntron of honor nnd nunt of the bride wore a pretty gown oft rose faconne crepe with matching gloves nnd henddrcfs she carried n nosegay of carnations rones nnd cornflow ers miss may hlts was junior bfidcsmnld in a gown of blue satin nndnet with matching henddresi and mittens her nosegay was of carnations rosea and cornflowers little miss donn bruce ns flower girl looked very pretty in a white new substation for acton at cost of 50000 will handle additional 2000 horsepower for acton industries h acton public utilities commis sion met in regular session on tuesdny evening chairman c m hansen presided with reeve f t mccutcheon and j r mcarthur being present j a new adding machine was pur- chased by t tic commission to re place the one which hns been in use in the office for the past ten i years this mnchlne was second hand when purchased and it was not fenslble to repair the new i machine k made bv burrows and dellw ry s expected in five months a letter from the esquesing council requested that the com mission install three street lights on the crescent these were to be tnstnllcd at places designated by the road superintendent of es- iiuesing tow nship a let t er w as rend from the h e p c of ontario stating tho would bi installing n new substntion in acton near beard- 1 5 00 more co nnd wool combing 1000 of a cnpncltv of 2 000 kva the 5 00 summed cost of this station is 10 00 50 000 j 5 00 supenntendent v llson reported that work was progressing on th lebuilding of tht power lines or vu tonn aenue he nlso reported that tnt re w ere sune 1s2 flat rate w nter r ih 500 25 00 10 x 20 00 10 on 10 00 10 00 10 on 10 00 10 of 10 00 10 00 10 00 1200 10 00 500 15 00 10 00 jo 00 1000 10 00 10 00 25 00 10 00 5 00 1 00 20 10 1 01 1 v dress nnd n nosegay of summer flowers the groom wns at tended by donald hilts brother of the bride nnd ushers were mr louis hllti mr hector lambert nnd mr mnl colm wnddlngton of preston cousin of the bride tlie brides mother received in a gray figured mesh with white accessories nnd a corsage oi roses and enrnntions the grooms mother nsslsted wearing flowered silk jersey with black accessories nnd n corsage of roses nnd enrnn- ttons mr george dny played the wedding music and mr john rockwood sang because during the signing of the register the reception was held at para dise garden decorated for the oc casion the brides tnble was cen tred by n threetiered wedding enke for the honeymoon trip to points north the bride chose mist blue crepe with a white coat and matching accessories congrntu- intlons were received from van couver nnd deal kent england old bos and girls i u ml for swimming pool four hnve been heard from and sent along help and fine lettera the vnnwyckwvauden wedimnc at anglican church in ujklph with holldnys getting over and a job stmta be done we nre hear ing from the alioh old bojs and glils ami their contributions to the swimming pool for acton before r s cst clnyton fryer loft for n lonely port on bnffln island for his dutlec with the roy al cnnndlnn mounted police he left n 10 unit to be used for tho swimming pool fund clnyton wont be getting any mnll for sometime nnd wont know how the fund is coming along nnd likely when he visits home ngnln the pool will be a reality that is if everyone feels like he docs about it then we had another lettr from nn old acton boy mr c a g mntthews were just going to paa on the letter for you nnd tell j white tlnrllnll mid hydrnngc ih c oral d st inli li k s anglican church for the mairlagf of lor- othv m daughter of mr and mrs 1 hormis w wnrden to mr frank a van wyck acton son nnd mn howard vnn wyck 1 london with lit w de v a hunt officiating the wedding music wns p lived bv mrs e e hawker md he soloist wns mr murray h mc- phall of campbellvnio given in mnrrlnge by her father the bride wore a graceful gon of white slipper satin madf on prince lines nnd a small over- skirt of the same matcrinl tht henddress wns n dutch hat of white ince nnd she cnirlod a cas cade of deep red roses and babys breath miss mny wnrden ulster of the bride was bridesmaid nnd wore a gown simllnr to that of the bride in ice blue brocaded taffetn she carried tohannn hill roses play oil series is tied between acton andmilton quantity clerk heres n prettv card with n lovelv sentiment to the onlv girl i ever ithed customer good ill tnke twelve of them british rnilwnjs are inviting ev- pression of public opinion nbout color combinations for conches nnd locomotives winn we hope chuck wont mind us using this letter it brings back to us some boyhood recollections too maybe some other old ho- will liave recollections when they read it august 9 1sm8 denr arlof during the pnst few weeks i hnve rend in the free press with much interest of the proposed swimming pool for acton nnd my thoughts hnvo instinctively guru bnck mnny years to the old swim mlng hole nt hendersons pond where i first went swimming with trump gurney bill kennej frank havill tnn ritchie frnl niu ed mnddock and others i nlso remember the feeling of accomplishment when i first kwnm ncross fnlry lnke but the ril uirlll possibly came when i was able to swim to the dam in both swimming holes i an also mall near drowning ac cidents which were kept vi ijuiet in those days the new swimming pool shoul 1 prove a real boon to the young sters of this generation sincerely chu k old roys and girls swimming pool fund pieviousu acknowledged 520 00 clnyton fryer rcmp 10 00 c a g mntthews toronto 10 0 total- 10 00 chief harrop resigns as the municipal officer mr5 m m cuelph ck at mfetino su ton institute nin monthly meeting of the atton womens institute was held at the home of mrs robert van norman tlie roll call viu ans wered by my favourite- pirku iitlpe the motlo was read by mrs wllderspln the title lwlng tell it well and your goods will sell mr f anderson gave n rending the guest speaker mrs millar of guelph wns introduced by mrs lnntz mrs millar told nbout her trip to british columbln which wns very interesting mrs e ijimbert gave n demorwt ration on how to mnke n lovely cushion top ihe meeting closed with the in ringing of blessed be the tie that rhe groom was attended by mr l h nds an enjoyable half hour tack blow of acton after ihe reception which wns held in the home of the bride paronllthomiipjajoft onairiiu wns spent over the tea cups tor trip on their return will reside in acton they new illustrations now available fall advertising tiik hummrr kvenino mull the summer evening is for the majority of people a time of rest and recreation there is some thing refreshing in nature j quiet soene as the trees wnve their acton won scond came on saturday by score of 169 game ijwt nirht wns post poned when grounds wore occupied third game on saturday in acton sleeping remit v woke up last saturday awokt with a hang that could he heard all over halton county after a long long sleep that envcloed the lntter stnges of the srhedute and threat med to prolong indefinitely into plnyoff contests she arose with a vigor nnd smote the first object in hffr orbit with n jg- defeat were referring to acton ints of course who inst saturday p m downed miltons diamond ciew by the forementloned count nnd evened off tho best of five series nt ono gnme apiece how could they miss in fine fettle from go to blow led hy doughty lome masters prac tically perfect day at the plate mwtf riflii ny les striking t rror in opposing pitchers hearts nnd n handful of bobbles contributed by the in vaders the locals were rarely in trouble as they hounded nround the bags like adjustable clock- in the rush of holldnys we neg lected to tell ndvertlsers in the free press thnt the new illustrat ions for fnll advertising are now td c the dny with n song of available they hnve the lntesi i glory fnll fashions nnd hints for fnll ad so the day seems to he ending vertlslng there are some senei a period of quiet peace as of promotional advertising for cer people look up nt the fading twl- green branches in a gentle hrece work striking up an nqunlntance- ihe rhythm fthelr motion is n w lhrip visiting hurlers pleasing nnd restful picture sun- the trio for thirteen set skies pnlnt their bright hues mu wn milton found it difficult upon the henvens nnil they seem tnln businesses but every merrh- nnt will find some splendidlllus- iratlons in this service bnck to school tnbor dny nnd autumn hints all have fine illustrations its avnilnhle to nil local ndvertls ers nt no extrn chnrge the onl stipulation is thnt you select your illustrations for ihe current week not inter thnn 4 0 on monday if there is a holiday in the week 1- lustratlons must be selected before saturday noon light nnd the brightening star- feeling of rest comes over the hu man spirit nnd something snys thnt nil is well royal canadian air force recruiting results gratifying new otlicials named by ihe eramosa council results of recruiting for the royal cnnndinn air force reg to fill vacancies catuted bj rehictiation grnnta made to neighboring faint tho council for the low nship of eramosa met in the town hall rockwood on tuesday august ular during the past year have j 0 p m th stop homr6 n bn over been very gratifying nccordlng j members present and reeve d i ij to collect ten from junior law- son in- the start position and inter don ryder who it seems is grmlu nlly nizumlng inst years potential on the hlh first marshnll then gervais nnd flnnlly dick clements mount ed the hill in nn effort to soothe the home clubs bats but twelv hits and ten free passes sufficed acton nnd they steadily chalked up an imposing number of runs thnt seemed impossible to over- hnul two big innings the fourth and seventh saw nine of the acton runs scored a towering double by lome masters diminutive acton third sneker cleared loaded hnses in the top hnlf of the fourth en suing runs were counted when footitt touted nnother two-maa- ter with two aboard in the seventh off two bingles two wnlks and n pitched ball wound acton went all out for four runs mnsukt the home club s hfty council appoint collector ot gorbajre but does not ac cept tender for cameron st sidewalk grant 4 to fair made problem of two lawn mowers dincuhbed main street crossing again mowers which had been ordered in ihlcukhjon iland bylaw ne had been used nnd tht tiie corner of mill and wilbur streets the streets nnd wuls committee were to give this mat ter attention council discussed nt some lenglh the pavment foi two power lawn to a recent rcaf nnnouncement there are however almost 1 000 vnenncies in groundcrew trades to be filled beforo the air force will be up to its present authorized strength of 12 000 a recent inovntlon ih the en listment in the technical trades of nppllcnnts with one ycnr loss than junior matriculation ap plicants for the trades of armour er elect rlclnn aero airframe mechanic radio or radar operat ors and technicians to mention onlv n few upon successfully passing their medical examination are enlisted in the rcaf res- ulor and then sent to the aca demic schoo1 nt aylmer ontario applicants for groundcrew rrny in the chnlr i lne centre fieldwall in the second- owing to 111 health mr wm j i round rules allowed only a pinkney submitted his resignation rtouble to mnut mends ngnln ns school attendance officer in the venth he pli one to the the resignation wns accepted fento nnd tnib time u went for a nnd mr thos d mccutcheon wm lrl nppointel ns school attendance i errors were plentiful d brush officer and clements in right and left having been appointed clerk mufled uhnl ppored to nnd thito becoming disqualified ca cntches but play wasnt an n member of the suburban guelph high school board mr frank dny submitted his resigna tion ns the council appointee to that board the resignation was a cot pted and mr fred dulfleld was appointed to the suburban guelph high school tyoard tor 104k and 1949 no action wns taken on u re- c a 10 00 heaters in st rv lie in acton nt 10 01 pifsent using 11j hp of energv 10 iki sujmi mt ndimit lnrntwrt i t 101k1 potted that jmrt of the new roof 10 00 had been instiilltnl n the pump- lotxi my station uu work at prest ut 10h in ing held up for nnlls 5 00 the service is to be installed 10 00 in the ijndsav flour mill is a 500 1 ihe supplies for this work 10 mi hav e b t n ordered and w ork is 10 im it proo eri as the pipe nrrivts 10 ml 1 he follow ing accounts w ere 10 to p isstsl f pavment 1 hi llvdro iriiartnirnl 10 00 h hfpc of ontario 61 1 id hi mi h ai hern eltitru 110 10h htghwnv lnratjt 55 76 huh alton fixh- prlfcs 3 50 10 00 i im s r kiarney coi p 19s5 jiihllims a iiessorns ltd 9311 10h pmkarvl klutm ct 304 ji lothi nortlurn kits trie co 9 3j r oi iiapn 1 ihils of canada mi ltd 4 bo ai up 1 industrlil prodis fitno loht mirs cotton product 1500 i t 1 tt cash 10 1 1 k hi 00 jsj8 51 uttwohi t part in ml im ntptum mil its limlttd swwi 1 too milton hardware 1 0t 1 1 0 vfm tliompstwi 4 00 10 00 alton publk i til com 50 97 13 ih tptun metirs limlttd 56 48 s 0 drummond mconll a co ltd 675 u vt georgetown lbr co ltd 102 00 10 00 approved councillors f puuson a mi- isjiat and w j mt lx im and ueputvketne vvi coon were present last nonr vhn alton oiim il nu t in august t sioh and htcvc f i mcutiheoi pre- sided attouiits weit paistil for j i- m nt s as follows hell itlrph co swmi s 5 tl 1 t in puhl i til m rvins 2 months 465 95 count v rule u tl is 1j laielph merluti ads rx tenders 14 l alton vrvt prfss tdv and pi intmg 15 09 i u canadiiui champ on milton adv iv tenders 1 00 1- r mklin pit ss printing d nntures 11 5 mcswain motorsvtruik rt p rs jlin lilbot h ird supple- is 95 iliomjimin motor- u truik 15 8s i r m it kenzie son supplies 155 t 9 dr f oikes dem roving dogs t 00 1 t tt nnings vacation pji st imps 5 79 itnn publ i i tiitit re fidot r 60 ih 1- hinop pstagt t ti t 71 c f leithirluid siilmti rs fies etc 155 jt lt nn dale r annexation ut wartime housing 25 00 stewart elliott grovel 400 00 continued on page flrt 7813 75 1 mr r mceachern requeued a 8968 drain to take surface water from rdervd from w d talbot h id pot been accepted payment on both mowtrs wns defeired mevsrs k johnston nnd c b swaikhammer on beimlf of acton fall fair ieouested the annual rant a motion was passtd mnv ing tht usual grant t pie fair rt juvsentativti also aketl c ounc 11 regarding tji i barge for hvdro at tlie fair w hli h vvas mui h larger than in previous years tin commission had rt fe led thfl rt present at ives 10 the coiinul tht chnrgi in ac- ton was niudi largei than in nth tr i ntres vheie fairs were hi id it was asketi if tt permant nt in stallation iuld le mmli xi tlu expense would ntt he mi urn d ich vear council ar etl to give tlu m utei consideration and tht r prest nt itic ttianked count u giant of 25 was nwidt t the fnn fall 1air i mi mull n ttndertsl fr litrig snhwalks on oinnnm stit et foi 570 h nut mt hiding h till ihe tend r was not n 1 1 pi d and count il w ill nth uv r to arrnngt for tht woik h the town w rkniin lmilits wit nctlvid fur tht lolltxu of gaibage for j hi m ir riumsj were five tendt rs for tht woik count il aitepted the tt nder of din milellan at j 000 per tar from sept 1st 191h to aug ust 3mt 1949 this hi the prtsent ottllec toi and approximately the same rate the reeve rend a letter from municipal ofilcer k harrop stat- continued on page four should hnve at least three year3 f for refund of 1917 taxes on high school or compensating pkpertv thnt hnd changed owner- iullnn experience in a trade p uring that year clowly related to the one in which i neighboring fall they wish to enlist exucaf t klllrs mnu as f tradesmen nre enlisted in their kus 1500 at ton 10 00 former trade with their former rin 510 00 grouping provided vacancies exist l m hnml ot the treasurer nnd in that particular trade new domestic heating test apparatus collet tor was examined and ac- i cvpti d on motion of messrs cox and ruthtiford and ordtn d to tx diposiied with thi ittt rr sjif kt eping an insurance poltcv on thi entirely confined to sack a nffat double kill wns excutd on mil tons end while jack wnterhouso gnthered in a formidable drive for acton action wus thrilling on the bags ns both clubs dared lengthy runs decisions were continually being called on all bases some argu ments resulted but were nmlcnbly settled miltons strongest frame was the fourth when four of thslr runs counted it was in that in ning law son faltered on the hill and subsequently replneed by ry der big gun of acton s attack wan iorne masters with four hits two of them doubles plus a walk in six trip meinnson with i four for six accounted for milton s dex terity at the plate it wnn a wiird encounter when a foui storied scientific appar- farmt r s shid for 50o0owilh lh in urms of thepieyuu ntus 40 feet high designed to en- 1 he lramosa mutual rirt in sure hat domtstlc heating ap- surunce co was ixamlned and pliant 1 1 grv e t heir maximum ef- nt ctptt d fuitmy is now complete nt the n ieptu t of tht school at- ovtrnnnt fuel research sta- tendjince off iter was nail and m tlon greenwich london called tiptttl n motion of messrs bin uie calorimeter building tt is ham and hutihmson the only one of its kind in the i he treasurtr was authorized world its main fmture is a bat- to pav hvdro and telephone nc- tery of four calorimeter cabinets mints as tht y became due each about the nverngtt ilie of j n a living room made of 210 copper tjuut and plvwood panels every one is ronto a the advisjihliv of tht a t nsitie heat detect ing instru- nntinuarue of it lief ftr former nunt heating appllnmes of every isidents of the township now kind aie instaut d in the cabinets liv mg n toronto game wild thrw played a inge pitt in the milton loss i oakville rounxd orgetwn 15 1 in the first uimi of thi hal- ton count int b utk v knlck- mg rolypi ly harry corner it for 19 tilts the oaku with i urner on the mound mudi it the most die- i mv dtftat vtt influtitl n tht i iapermakt ra moran ctorg it ailed isirly an 1 de clerk was trutructd to in- h 1 itelef authorit es in to- r nt in t of tht gamt p ii k i o x it n j 0 0 1 9 10 5 i tton i ml tit 1 5 j 1 4 0 ir perfurmant e tested un- ttkini unditiont dlsns- uti ii f ft tt m tht w ilk hour n iiiik md m tvtry i omer of the rihim is automatit allv retsorded on nn inst rui u nt weighty matter ni ititin was taken on a r ipx fur jisslstantsi in ditching en pi u itt propertv 1 he application of thi ditches and watt ittiursi a t was suggested pn citrk waj lnslruittd to mi k tht approval of the depnrt- ment of highways tt an arrange the old man neglected to asaftt ment whereby the county gravel iiis wife out of the street car i contractor holmnn construction john she said you are not co would deliver jooo yards of so gallant as when ypu were a gravel on township roads at 69c boy i per yard no he replied and you are accounts passed amounted to not so buoyant as when you wer 1090 40 and council adjourned a gaj i to september 7th at 710 barn dance at claude plckua farm seventh lir 1 mil north of hornby tuesday aug 17th moderns ire orchest u ad mission 50c btl

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