Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1948, p. 2

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page two the acton free press tlrullsday aiwi ulti j 018 ulillaticj kvcfy ttuiralev at aciom ontario aiillibrlard ea aecott i claae wail loal ohlca department ottawa suhscuiition atrsis tier year lo aj vine united malee joe ennltldnal single cftnlee ac llotli nil and nw aimrciaal elioul i b ktvctt wlirn change of addreae la refcueated ai1vi btiinc xaths on application nl aa given in verloue column hcadlnge although every precaution ailll be taken lo avoid error the pree lveae accept advcrtleing in ita col urnna on th nnderatanding thit it vlll not be liable or any error in any edvertleentent publlahed hereunder unuee la proof of much advertlacntent la teouaftctl in writing by the advertlaer and r turnwklo the prel rreaa butlnaee office duty elg ed bjuefie advertlfter and with tuch error or cor rectlolvr plainly noted a writing thereon and in that eaae if any error ao noted t not corrected by the free weea ita liability ahall not aaeeed auch a proportion of the entire coat of auch advertlaement aa the apace occupied by the noted error bear to the whole apace occupied by iuch advertlaement c aklof dills editor tflehiones- ttdltorlal and bualneae office iy4 realdcnce 131 knowledge and understanding last week the liberal party chose a new leader to replace hon w l mackenzie king who has so successfully led that great party for thirty years his successor hon louis st laurent cannot hope to come near his record of public service since he is a much older man at the time he assumes office mr king had a splendid background and kadentiirprefatnlbn lor the pbsrttonthat no doubt contributed largely to his success his ability to select able men to assist him and his sharing of the responsibilities with these able men has without a doubt also been a contribut ing factor in his long and successful career in public life and his leadership of canada through many of its most difficult years we noted with interest hie enthusiasm of the young liberals as reported at the conven tion youth is always impatient at the slow progress that appears to be made they want a shorter cut they have read much and may be inclined to theorize that time is wasted by older and more experienced leaders we note that it was a 22yearold rhodes scholar from mcgill who led the young group to demands for more definte action we need the spirit and vision of young men and women if we are to advance but we need too the experience of scholars of the road of life ns well as rhodes scholars if wi are to progress safely and avoid the pitfalls and setbacks that inexperience may run into scholars of nil kinds are needed but mixed with experience to gm canad the best guidance hon v l mackenzie king has served canada and canadians utll his successor has a difficult task onl time sa ill tell hod he measures up in his work agriculture industry science art travel education all the things that nmke up cana dian progress will be portrayed as never before we dont cover as niuqh territory at the ex m a day us we nstimo buf we alwajs imd it interesting and educational tcttinj eye opened ciglit times in the past four years accord ing to the financial post canadians have been asked how they feel about private vs government ownership of basic industries in 1044 opinion was pretty evenly divided 4a favored private ownership 30 said half and half fl didnt know these were the first results of the contin uing study of public attitudes toward canadian business and industry conducted by elhott- haynes their survey is based on 7000 per sonal interviews with a representative cross- section of the adult population with the war over people wanted to get back to running their own affairs opinion polls showed that out of every 100 canadians 60 believe in complete private ownership of business and industry 25 come out for govern ment control 0 say part and part and ii havent made up their minds given another year of continued high taxes increased costs of products and shortages of material and we predict 90 per cent of the canadian will want to manage their own af fairs tn preference to having the government and its conseq retinue of inspectors and officials make wage deductions ana eioic pan of the take back again a little experience will show most canadians that they do best when they handle their own wages and buy their own needs fiftythroe nations one voiee with all eyes on berlin it is heartening to read of the gigantic relief operation car ried out by great britain and the united states as one of our canadian dailies puts it it is a display of solidarity strength and pur pose but everybody knows that such an airlift cannot be mantained indefinitely and the question still remains what can we do about berlin the obvious answer is plenty what we can do about berlin outside berlin may prove to be the answer to berlin itself this is the answer to defeatism on the home front industrial teamwork and national unity within the democracies and among the de mocracies could prove a most persuasive voice in the affairs of germany if fifty three nations spoke as one voice instead of fift three different voices would russia listen this is the signifigance of the world assembly foh moral re armament now convening nt cnux switzerland attended by fifty three nations if the tree demoenei s learns there to speak viith one inspired oice uould that oice be heard- if the find an ideologh that unites them will the be bet ter able tb meet a united ideolog thit urns to diide and conquer rheni czjorr3 recollections ol acton rziorrro1cdl back in 1jmmj til aukuftt nth iftftft i he tuw pnvemont wnn tnnucur- iitttl lust frltlny without n rc- monj mr gooitkp stovel ims opono a mioomnklnu nnd rcpnlrinu builncna in acton i ho wlcli ulnt of mill st contin ue to vo the current tjjplc of evn vorsnuon on tikwdny evening last week n runnwny nccldonti occurred on the silver creek hill which was tllsnstroun in ita results mrs j p mullen of acton wna driving down the lull when another rig follow ing her ran owny anil in the des cent ran into her burgy knocked her out nnd the fall rendered her unconscious mr a t brflfwti li away on vac ation and will spend a couple of weeks with friends at hnrrlston teefiwntcr and other points west mr j c metthcwtt returned home friday evening from a two wcclcj wheeling trip mnklng prcs- cott kingston and ottawa princi pal objective points he reports a very enjoyable butlng mr robt vvannbrouch wna first ttt cflwaft hh ul umtmo y he finished last saturday at council meeting monday ev ening it was expected that action would be taken to advance the electric light movement a step but no uuch move wni mndc anilthe matter rests in obeyance for another period back in 1928 front th imua of tb free krem of tttunday atiffutt it ims the brickwork of mr chas parkers new residence on young street is woll advanced dr j a unduy son of n f undsai has opened a dental office tn the royal bank building in toronto the acton girls ball team mode two out oif town trips last week they played in guelph and won 355 in the gome with kit chener they lost by one run mr nnd mn robert robertson of cartw right mnnltohn hae re turned home nfur a two months iiit with relatives here a fnrouilt tea wns hf id nt the hom- of mrs malcolm mclean for mrs c c hendirsnn and mrs r niolt who nix rtmo ng fiom i ov n units b t h at ballin i id mi suml i iul ith ls to mi and mis art h me 1 nt r n i uilitt i nun l- n a l i ph s h s it il i lit 1 h t n t dnosd i umst lth is purm i limn 1 bunt ih1k uil ol dtl m nun n njlt d t w us drinking more and more it mn huc been hot ututhir but is more probubk tlu result of the promotion of suks effort und the opening of more outlets hntecr the reason the bureau of statistics reported that production oi beer in cinada juniped during last june the monthh output v it 17skxkk gallons compared uith 1s2801kk in max md 1s270 tkhj gallons m june lm7 lor the first hall ol the car output totau led sftoholhh gallons ti 440 ikk gallons high tr than the output lor the lirm si mniths if lust ear 78t4mhh the control part is not us an more when speaking ot ontario s polie ot s ik of beer the results art p irth shoun in the iuvs paper he dimes o minders after drunken bruv is ueelde nts md broke n homes 1 he et t is high foi the revenue soured real unudmn kent thit gie it annu il ctnt that m ikes lo ronto the nituu lot thousinds ot is tots ho arc neer disappointed the i inudi in n monil i- xhibition is bi oke d to run th s c it in in ugust j to stpttmtui 11 e e been it lending tor more eirs rh m we m eiiumei ate und et e idm t to i thrill utd keen in ticputiou the teiit this u ni the more th m lort others ui hue seen lord and ljd k untl itten m 11 be here to oflui lit at the ojeiitng 1 he welsh luirds b md dircst trom hnt un w ill thrill the throng throughout 1 he huge nu gr uul stand will siai thousmds dul to witness eoniinuous pi ittorm perform into ineludmg nightl fireworks olstn md johnson stage and radio funmjvers headline the pi it form attractions the great annual marathon swim will again grip tptctators along the water front but the exhibits spreading over acres of floor space under sheltering roofs will pro vide the lasting impressions of the whole show v commumu coworlur the function ind role of the weekl news piper in addition to presenting news and edi tonal guidincc sax s the swify current sun is alvwus to guc strong support lo campaigns und project- which will benefit the communitx to those things which hue national significance and imph responsibilities inxolung the citi zens of the st ite as a whole with all this is coupled m obligation to maintain its own kel ol respeet ibilit so thit its intlueiice max in some incisure letix itc the lorccs which c rtir to the mor il ind religious needs ot ihe mem hers ol the communitx- ot ill races md ereeds md ot ill soei il standings kditoki vl notks ust thlee weeks until i lubition time md the lot ll t ills ft how imilledl ltel 1 c lis r id i os md jewellefx went down md s ips oils md some nietin went up ihe b il uitc is alu is hud ti determ nt these dus aetordmg t m eminent united st itts nud ito we iring l hell elluses l m u to h ut t ik ot tluse bulges known i i ort ir mon in j ino ttit bring on dxspepsii the iikjuo ret omnieiids suspenders or brues is the ire tlell libelled m ivbe less in the iroilser- po ets would help prtxellt the telltre bulge ir tha slntulder dl ig a list ot ten things to remember it we would be successful in lite his been gixen bx irshall i itld the are as follows the value of time the success of perstxerinee the pleasure ot working the dignnx of simpticitx the wort of a character the power ot kindness th influence of example the obligation of dut the wisdom of economy and the virtue ot patience debts collected i mi it is i reason who jjo minx i oplt are sending u tin i a ounts fir collection th d ix b it the grand it suits which follow st r 1 m xiur list of blow 1 h s t ill nut reetlvl oiu ur m nthlv cheques ai untiredi of others are dolnu kki1a a lkh curuuu nidrst hrni of collector ukillk ont e p head optometrist encb kxamincd scientifically iicaiuno aid batteries quick repairs to laujes binoculaa field cigswo etc u st ooarpi sajpa phone 1529 guelph bat m yaauw hot katiii- it iifi i v ll uifl whuh khii kttlllk tris f i imi stukinj ui tht frtm i onipn lint i t is a new kilclu- u t vm r i ik nmuiil post tl i rf r u iiop ur tin- iiiutr n it ikiiim uf neh tra an i tht will lidt vn and out ta lis i ni ikt rs i i ni i i i ts ni dt x id t n ln i tlunk ahdm iht iounti it im n is n th it i do about h attention farmers v are phylum the hlhrit prvnlllntt tlcca for dlad or rrlppltnl farm anlmali horses cattle hogs i tti phone collect for immediate srvlc laing cartage ukratinf roil gordon vowno ijm1teu speciausts in wakm ajjr heating air conefttioning eavestroughng and plumbing our aim is to give service to our customers and instal only the very best equipment at the lowest possible prices we handle only the best bfmurfin sheet metal works plumbing healing eavefttroutwrur georgetown phone 138w olw kist special puoccas peas 2 31c lynn vallcy rahtlctt pears 1 29c libuyh dclr bkun beans 19c chipso mwliretiaii oxydol 14c35c8c no advance in pbick spig and span e bpecial ubbvb pttlpleid mustard 3 25c jewel blinded shortening is 41c lvnh valley sweet wblte corn 14c cakh0lls iiomoaehued b0uab peanutbutter 37c welchs fiu grape juice 31c 59c h0mt8ebbat fube lime juice 40c iieimz abb0bted juhiob and baby foods 3 25c alxlabeh iob obxah ui freez easy 2 t3c fob rihe washable ivory soap 11c 18c a i uli tascy foe cool db1nki strawbtrrits t 3e fieshies 5c llattt deo wheat2 75e jars m os m m hdlal jab rings j mi 13c i hjl id certo xsc cbysuls lie itlfalt alavoktle spices loe h r c1l otatc lousiness directory meixcail dk w g c kenney lhyaiclu emit hursoon fsucvfasr lo dr j a mcniveea office in symon dlock mill st aclon fflr ihonr ib reaildnnao choreika hi ibona iso dr d a gaifrjett l iuid hoibvom krfhlwlpk street acton formerly dr ncuon s off icav office phono 18 healtlenc 34 kntai dr a j buchanan rrttaj rurau office ielbhrnnn block mill st office tlourav 9 am to 6 pta xray telephone 118 dr george a sirrs duiul 8urtfn mill st corner frodorlck aclan office houra 9 00 a m to 3j0 njaa telephone 19 l wilson daeier f cuitwamle kcieetivtlaciraiaut bell telephone building acton phone 303 hours 10 a m to 8 pjn uegal waai a cnocouati sauce t 27e jtrry tiiocuu cuke mix treat itrfy t1iocuiatc jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi cleieil1e l0v1i r owiuu inmoiia 6e for bav wax coe f3uc mustard i jt 35e5e super suds 37e 70 romar coffee ix 5xe jelly pawaitn 2 vv i7e serviettes dog midgets ve s hum uiie iivnwvs kt lb ontario i toklnc onions i lbs tlikxrm vlknci rnl- size 28r frereh cantejoupcti ilunui com vlerv special weekend pricex tm auaalc tuuatxm peantmunrtm o jam ai anal toalato soup a zte uotues raavkua a coffee fcje auakdi ucaxth food s izi- nt 16c 25c 28c c f leatherland b a acton bautisur solicitor netauy ptabhae offue2 phone beaadettm lt langdon aylsworth bauruurs sajulur kte offices acton cooper building tl mnclntyr ayliworth 0 a acton ptueuo oftleaa zisw reidvea zl georeetown gregory theatre big- phone 88w lever hoskin chaurtasred aceaubtaaafo9 successors to jenkins e iiabdv 1105 metropolitan bids 11 victoria st toronto ele 9131 vetekxvaby b d young v s 8 v sc veterinary sureeon offir- brookvilu ontario phont millon llfirl i f g oakfs v s b v sc i vrtrrlnar surffron offic i und h s itiui knox ave a in i h n 1 10 mist h lwkll s johnstone a iujmiey i tor ij 1 limit y i unrrtt home llriitil vnihul s iiril tin immiinty for 45 us 1 h n ll n iit r tl ly wiliolfub rkm agfnc 1 irj si s n it st n n canad html oil c k nt lil 1 loronto 4 rj t w n 1 ns it itlt tn ll i hrwn ihtim kirkctuwn ssw maelietv uiue r loch lines l ou his 1 h 1 cion mllkht saving rimo rjuetlmiiiiitl it ll i in t 11a in h r n m 1 li a in h m 1 tl p m u il in s i m lift 0 i m t htlhuiul i si hi ii 1 111 11 ii hi lev 44 r in i in i j p m i 1 p m m l i in 11 u pm 1 i i t ii m 1 1 i in 5m i i i in 7 1 p in bj ix i 1- i t sun 1 i ii i 11 ilitl iya- i mn i iru 11 lid is i s itui i i sun 1 i hi 1 h lldayi s 1 kit 1 i i 1 1 i sir it irtl mill 1 l i l 1 ill t ls i i kil hi n r n u1lu vs 1i tionl st in 1 ir 1 llnu kautmuiul i i at sun li 5 55 i m i is it in i m iunjay only s i i i lik f i it sunday 1- it i t t 17 l m i- it y r un 10 11 ml ftlmiuiit 1 i t m n 1 i 1 1 a m m t 1 1 fl t in da h ex- i t siit 1 t s 1 n in t 0pm 11 m situnu qnl 1 ui pm s it t i u h 11 a m facitop h i it i tj h i a i i sturday i i i 1 1 1 i in m wt patterson ro hfvmuuut in eye examlnatlea ortbeptut 103 wvnuiiam by oueltu phone ztm completely equapped offices below maher shoe stom

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