Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1948, p. 3

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thursday august 12th 1948 the acton free press page thrkb of interest to women rfl avoid wdi hem range tha wlso txwlltxyniati know low valuabl green feed u as ft upplement to hens ration but tho grazing area for poultry ahould bo reasonably dry when laying hens are allowed to graze in aogy yards or to drink from stagnant pools they lay dark yolk and tho eggs may even bo otfriavor another risk of wot grultiz 1 that tho birds soil their feathers and feet carrying mud back to the neat a muddy nest can only be tho result of dirty egg shell jt s jiolum i optotothst 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses fitted vanwyck cleaners pickup and delivery service phone 272 for the best in dry cleaning catering banquets weddings picnics etc no gathering too small or too large all inquiries receive prompt attention e coles church st- acton the bowl r hello homcmnkers the sky 1b the limit when our folk tal about a picnic and i often wish u woro literary no when n tribe of ants attack tho lunch and mc but n picnic in no picnic if vou try to servo a three cowrie mtfal in the pnrk plain fare such as hearty sandwiches and wilad- burgers with whole fruit and cookie in convenient handout this type of lrformnl outdoor meal creates a carefree attitude for the day takka tcp 1 pmvtdb manjslajed nnndwlofica or chopped or minced ingredi ents salmon egg cucumber ground meat relish spread creamed cheese or various comblnntlonn 2 small rnw tomatoes hard- cooked eggs trimmed radkhei and cucumber wedges go well with plain buttered bread and a tlnypackago of salt and pepper 3 for a special lawr picnic cold cook 1 chlcloen and tossed green aalnd with soft rolls will please your guests 4 it it easy to take along chilled fruit juice in one thermos and either cold milk or flavoured tea in another 5 those who use the park tables require a paper clalh paper tplates serviettes paper cups and spooons 6 leave the park area as you would like to nee it on your return requested recites mrs j m asks for a baked egg plnnt recipe answer eoo rlant with ciieese dice n medium sized onion 1 green popper from v hlch the seeds hnve been removed and 4 siloes of hnoon add 2 tablespoons of flour nnd stir until browned slowlv add j cupfuls tomato juice season with salt nnd pepper nnd cook until smooth nrd thick p irt nnd dice 1 medium sized egg plant put half the dice jg plnnt into n greased baking dish add tomato snuce nnd gt table mkture and a layer of grnted t lu est add remainder of gg plnnt nnd then the rest of tomato snuce top w ith grated ihitm nnd bake in electric oven at mk degs for lva hours mis m t requests ingredients for a tnsty potnto salad ansu er potato salad medl unitized new potatoes 1 medium onion minced tsp celery seed 1 tsp salt 2 taps sugar tsp pepper 2 tbsps chopped sweet pickle vt cup garlic french dresslkg 1w cups diced celery 1 cups thinly sliced radishes vj cup mayon naise cook potatoes peel nrd cut into fairly small cube add onion celery uxftl salt pepper plcklo and french dressing chill in electric rcfrlgtor and then add celery radishes and mayonnaise yield 8 servings miss j h asks what to add to raspberries and soda water for n good fruit drink raspklekry punch l cups raspberry juice j cup lemor juice 1 cup orange juice 2 tbapa grated orange rind w cup sugar 1 quart car bonated water combine all ingredients except enrbonated water put in con tainer and covor ughtlr- zzztoll stand in elec r f rievcral hours traln add car bonated water 4d pour over chipped or cubed l yield 2 quarts mrs h j asks for refrigerator j frozen fruit desserts wu66 cas ranges designed for use with essotane if vou f tllwilvh longed tl limlll with ctt a glenming modi rn rnntc hen your tluinc nowavnilublo tit titroumlined minlels are well known ninkw of gun rangmi sp4miall built for utt wttlt kttjutlttne ltvov light auto tuutually no amoke tw noot lias cooking uelean quick loss trouble econonueul too til tit cajtut6m macs impirial oilssotancuiyiittd muimuutmlvtstllv 1 iunv hahk 7 tf fua birrln bathsrtal cm ltoium ft cttttfdb stnsrt 1baxuita x quu yav i vouu llk to know mnr ahsut rantim kuw wu n whlkaut or oja hob y tfhiuc sp uluritmua iwaum vkich ulb all 1 i lulrsi cream using evaporated milk answer marblk cream 12 servings 3 cups evaporated milk 1 con sweetened condensed milk 1 cuj cold coffee beverage 1 tsp vantlln extract tbspu boiling water 4 tbapa milk chill evaporated milk in freez ing tray until fine ice crystals begin to form around the edges turn into bowl and whip until milk peaks fold into sweetened condensed milk which has been combined vith coffee vanllln and salt pour into freezing trays with temperature corlrol at cold- tst setting and freeze until qulto firm stirring every 10 mias meanwhile melt choeolntc in jiun pan or boiling water add boihng unti i nnd ntdk and stir until smooth cool but do not thill pour in uiir lnjtr over top of iiil tpjitl fiitn cream re turn to electrk refrigerator and frt ezt until firm enough to serve or stir tiotolnte into quite firm ennm in stnnks or mnrbled of i f ex i tlu n freeze until firm chronicles ol ginger farm wrltun 8pcully for tlu acton ft kra a owicniwvijne p oijlhkk the heart of entcrprize iif i nm in tfrnve dnngev of belnc uerlously spoilt my visitor says you go on with your writing ill look ntter the dishes so here i nm sitting nt my desk ready to give the high ugh in of tho week while from the kitchen corner the sound of dishes being rattled dishes which i nctunliyam not wnshlng altogether it lins been quite a week trying to work in i bit of gnddlng along wttn the pickling and canning and that isnt just ns vtuty ns it might be but wo mnnnged it after nil we dont want our visitor to go hack to england without seeing something of canada other than our hundred acres one- day wo went to ouolph did n hit of shopping in tho morning so cicely could see wlint our can adian stores have to offer nnd then nfttr n restnurnnt lunch wo went up to the colloge nnd gnvo most of the buildings n quick once over including the vetcrlnnry college liatuiiot vlsitcfl ngforcr iroly woh very nvournbly lm- homemade cake readymixed kly jaifh usur rutltdjc our irovemmtnt at oltawn that u suppioa to represent tin mv jorlly of us and to reflect our ma jority opinion is dbmpivolntlng us i he majority of us still bold to our own theory of fre dom there are othors who dont hut we are still the majority nnd our government holds power ifor that reason our theory includes the freedom to work to earn nnd to profit and the right to enjoy nil three ihnt is nlso the thodry of the government tiint represents us when it in not confuting itself ulth pollclos nnd met hola with which we cannot sympnthlze iwcnuse they seem to lie undermining this belief we believe tho mnjorlty of ua that if we nre nllowed to use our abilities and to retain n reasonable measure of imvflt from our skills wo will make the most of our- sidvet both as individuals and ns n people the government that represents us is nlso supposed to belli ve thnt incentive will do more for us as a nation than soft cod dling or official interference yet in a dozen ways it has removed oils incentive thnt la the beating honrt of our system there isnt much henrtjn n business where all the profits thnt might he used for development or protection or bo- tet aside to be used as adventure cnpltnl in some undertaking of to morrow nre siphoned off for others to use how long will bus qlfopbcllj cake mix 3flwmt chocolattf gotblm hv mami hmm ua aaatu essotane gives the hottest flame frozen fruit desserts offer a new nnd interesting vnrlntlon for the dinner tnble they have the light fluffj texture of ice cream nnd contnln the full fresh flnvor of our cnnndlnn fruit if taste panel re ncllons in uie laboratory nro an indication of public opinion frozen trult desserts should increase rap idly in popularity the ingredients are simply pure- ed frozen fruits sugar gelatine and sometimes a am nil amount of water the processing procedure is much the wimc ns ice cream the- ingredients are thoroughly mixed before placing in the usual paddle ice cream freezer when soft frozen the mixture is placed in the subzero freezer room and w hen solidly frozen is ready for eating or storage preliminary investigations and development are still being ton- dutted nt the division of horticul ture central experimental farm ottnwn says w h phillips these include the use of various individ ual fruits and hit nds sueh uch- nkal details ns the control of over run increase in volume b bent ingt using different stabilizers and preparation nnttumu ure also be ing tried out it is prouahle thtt the etiuip- ment nquirel will pnsent gent rtil househod processing from the ri it turn of mvtrnl tommerilal pntt srs lumtwr it u likely thnt frozi n fruit dt sserts will b on wtu at many ntall stores dur ing thi coming season khutuirh is one fruit which makes a ver appetizing produet uecnuse of itt low cst ami nbumlant supply frozen rhubarb dessett should readily gain popular t a pamphlet has been prepared by dr mary mcarthur dlvilon of horticulture central experi mental farm covering preliminary investigations which is available upon request presweitwllh our0 a c tliougnt the buildings were gool the grounds nicely inld out nnd very well cared for once she remark ed of course it lu nil very new isn t if thnt of course is n com parison one always copies up ag ainst with visitors from the old country canadas oldest buildings are admittedly new as compared with the historic abbeys churches castles an1 cathedrals in brltnln many of them dating back to the eleventh century and many still remain intact in spite of hitler and his blltzkrelg even the old bar gate in much bombed southamp ton still stands unscathed the scenic grounds nt tho guclph iteformntory were very much admired for one reason be cause inhour which might other wise have been wnsted had been put to good use and surely some thing worthwhile would penetrate to the inner being of men who woiked on such a ginnd piece of crt ative work another plnee of lntiistto us was the guelph ro man catholic church n benu tiful stxuctuit mnjestlc lm prtsslvt how could it bo other- 1m siiuittd ns it is upon a high hill overlooking the city to which nil iyts must turn li respective of n ligious belkfs another dny we went to hamil ton nnd of course there the rock caitlt ns was the mnln nttractlon we had nnothor friend with us that day nnd how i enjoyed seeing both my friends enjoy themselves wnndering here nnd there among the gardens one of them said she would be quite happy to stay there nil day however there was something else i wanted thorn to see so we went on to the city par ked the cor on a side street no pesky parking meters for me and then visited hnmlltons justly fnm ous gift shop there we feajt- ed our eyes on nil kinds of beau tiful imported china it pleased cicely immensely as she puts it i don t think people in england would mind using cracked cups and utility dishes nearly so much if they could only see forthem- selvt s this wonderful display of flnt china proof heond doubt tht old england enn still make and deliver the goods even in this cha otic postwar world we hear ro much about our experts but this is the first time i hnve really set n what is being made both in china ami in dress goods somehow it uis me new hope for tlu future wt ii i can hear tin kittens be ing talked to so that nunns the dishes nr finished and the kit t ns are n w t njov ine a lus lous nu al of bread nntl w ai m milk i lu hnvt separate ith ntitu now nnd re pond more or less to tlu nanus of matthew mark martha and mary whisky is a vtrj gtod mot hi r she knows t actly wht re site wnnts to take tlu rn andw h sometimes i op tn the kitchin door and in walks s hlsk with the four kittens trailing behind her matthew is alwuys in the lend wbile martha brings up t hi rt ar the way v hlsk trails her offspring around remlmu me r much of dals and het pups in biondie ii is funnv to see them going through a small hpace by the woodsheml door and alwa in single file nesif retnln its spirit of ndventuro and enterphcs wliwnnbltheexht ment of success is removed from it or how long will there be n spirit of adventure anil progress in n people where the old nre told that they will be tooked after pro vided they do little to look after themselves how long will wo progress while the men in the fac tories are denying the production so urgently needed because their overtime pay is largely drained off in income tax payments or the fnrmer is telling himself that all the sweat nnd weariness in futile for the same reason how can we make n grent nntlon using as tooln citizens whose first concern is to keep within n wnge bracket i veryone knows thnt canada has nkumed vast obllgntlons that must be met nnd thnt we nre glad to met t hut we have had plenty of time tt learn thnt you dont give nnyone n shot in the arm by telling him he k incompetent to manage his own nffnlrs we will i row better nnd mnke more nnd pnv our wnv mmi t nslly by re turning to our belie f that incentive is thi in tit of t nte rpnse sanding floors finishing linoleum mastic tile rubber call 426w milton 436w reverse the charges clement mountain kas clipping lo mike life i nsier for guide n- i rs a finnnt ml post report says flower shears nre being manufac tured whit h hold the blossom fii ml snip it off and keep it from jailing when eut i he shears ue useful in hard togetat places t spi einlly on thorny bushes tax notice1948 municipality of acton third instalment now dae attention is drawn to the payment of 1018 taxes which are now payable in four instalments taxes are payable to the municipal treasurer at the acton public utfljties office inntalments arr our as follows third instaijwent august isth fourth instaijhent oct 15th at i ord n to tin i i ollectlon by law a pcnnltyof pwo p r tht will li lidded on tin amount vt mninlng unpaid after tin i ifte t nth d ty of june until the sixteenth dny of august and nn uldition ol toiirfpir tint on tin mrst instnlnu nt remaining unpitd nft i r tin sixtei nth day of aug this penalty upptles to eaeh uistalnietit in i simil ir m inm r i in ut i ntion of i it p if rs is tl n lid to thi p naltles and ol hi i t inusi s as print t d on tin- n vt rsi siti ut ivny lax not- n and t splained in tlttiul on lvt ry lax bill 1 i iri nou ihii iml p i dile an additional in nolty am pins on the second instilment if not paid on or before august lblh nntl i pi nnlty is itpplitnhh to- third instalment if not paid b august lbtli make iavment nou and take yolr tax notice with voi when making payment- j mcgeacloe galltctor mum m 11itfi i ii at tikat dae yoctt next war savings certificate cw p v ccavij servl my bank if you with to save yourtelf the trouble of trading your visr savings ceniiicates month b month to ottawa as they mature here i a suggestion ilrmtt sll tur x ar savings certificate to your nearest d of m branch tor a very scull charge per ceruticaic we it glad ly take care of all the redemp tion details ior you and if yuu wish credit fhe proceeds to a savings account in your name weighty matteb ihe old man neglected to assist his wife out of the street car john she said you are not so gallant as w hen y ou were a boy no he replied and you are not ko buovunt n wlien you were a gal pollock and campbell maautauhuran t high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water sl nohh galt telephone sms xhii hami elutt it jvnuhlc in blotter form for our tonvtrnicncc piek up i feu at your nearest hot m brjneh bank oi montreal acton branch- w h clayton manager miiiiii kith chiiihi in eveiy w i of life since i i i t

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