Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1948, p. 2

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pace 1w a the acton free press tjruitsday august 19th 194 blje arton jffrr ftoaa obluha every thurwlay ht aetow oourlo autborlacd fcefd cuu tll 0i lcfrthrct otuwv subscription rates- pr u fcj- vum uaitod suie s nuitlol sibku cwki c ftoih old fcd taw bvddrtfifc hliould b advertising satrsow ttfctu- hpd e given in vri6 colum ldlnc r ahwcmlr precaution will b utn void n tt utmlnumlia that if wtlt ot b um tot kny wrror ui sy hjvcrtucmcat obujd hanetuder tool ft proof of ch fcdrt lavement i rtynmej la writing by tlu bdvertlr mi rw- turned thrf fr ftcm kti otttc dhily klirti- j fcy tb hdvtlm ij with kttcb ww ear- rtion plainly noted i writing thereon knd it that cu u kay error o noted u not eorrectoj by tfc rn wm im liability kl not mmi proportion of tw tlrv coat of kttcb ndvertuommt ut tm iipavoa ocettpkjl by tu noted terror bear to tkw wbom ipim occupied by kuch frdvarrtlawawent a attlop buxs editor tklwhowes- eduorui kttd buii of he iyj keaucncn mi luue visible return it appears to us that in travelling the high ways of ontario this year never was so little gtvetttrie moi8ristfdthevbiotirror iaeatiedupon loasstmie whe one-considers- that license fees are on theame and that added to this the ontario government collects 10 cents on every gallotfof gasoline or one- quarter ofthejkholecostofattthat goes in for fuel it would seem that ith such revenue the department of highways could give at least an adequate maintenance of present roadways even if no new constrution is undertaken in years when the taxes were much less thanat present one would see crews at work on maintenance on most every road this sum mer they are conspicuous by their absence repair work of any consequence drags on not for one season but for two or three as an ex ample the replacing of the bridge at tansley on the dundas highway has been so slow that the present arrangement of single line traffic is permanent we suppose the excuse would be shortages but there seems no shortages in the big buildings being erected in toronto on king street an accounting of receipts and expenditures of the highway department would prove inter esting if it was made understandable and trans lated into terms of how much is collected from motorists and how little is given in return how much time is devoted to planning and how little to actual work on no 25 highway the sur veyors are still looking for the eighth year and the banks have been sodded on no 10 near brampton repairs necessitated by winter dam age arc being made in august these nre ex amples close at home they can be duplicated all over ontario a unique family journal not many newspapers can mark such an an niversary as did the bowmanville statesman last week for seventy years this outstanding weekly newspaper has been under the manage ment of the james family it was purchased in 1878 by m a james who was succeeded in 1919 by his sons norman and george james the partnership of the- two sons was interrupt ed by the death of norman in 1929 his son john m james after concluding his military career in world war 2 assumed the partner ship two years ago founded in 1854 the statesman has had but four editors but during the years the journal has absorbed several papers in bowmanville and the district- evidence of splendid community service of the family news paper is to be found in the number of awards the bowmanville statesman has won in news paper competitions the james family have been successful in the weekly newspaper field and the third generation is today carrying on the splendid taditions of giving the community the best in newspaper service vte join with other editors jn wishing many more years of guidance of the newspaper ut bowmanville with the james family not in the ihiblic welfare to those who like to see orderly conduct of affairs and know full well that government ownership of public affairs is not as efficient or as reliable as private direction the decision of the australian courts in declaring the pro posed nationalization of the hanks as uncon stitutional will come as welcome news until nationalization of any business proves more efficient than present day examples it would be well to call a halt for examination of these funny money schemes such as proposed by aus tralia and formerly experimented with unsuc cessfully in albertu the australian courts in ruling the govern ments proposed nationalization of commercial banking unconstitutional held the legislation to be contrary to n section of the constitution which says that trade- between the states shall be absolutely free commenting on the judgment robert rae president of the canadian bankers association said while the constitutional relationship in regard to australian banking is not on all fours with canada no doubt the essential principle on which the judgment was based is common to both countries this is that government- own ership of commercial banking jeopardizes its present impartiality and potentially interferes with freedom of commerce that principle ap plies equally to canada once bank credits accommodation is made subject to sterling or direction based on political consideration 6f a party in power or even opened to that possibil ity freedom of commerce or of any kind of trade is beyond all effective guarantee avail ability of bank credit does not now depend oven the slightest degree on political credit or social doctrine it never should in australia too there was a manifest beat of political intrusions into the money affairs of the private individual this fear became so potent that the socialist government actually sought to allay it by writ ing a provision into the proposed legislation my information is that it quite signally failed to raise the hardheaded depositors and bor rowers of australia nalsftnaholidayb-on-mowtay- geiebrateallnationalholidays on -mondays- urges the financial post which states circul ating among canadian trade associations is a resolution calling upon the dominion govern ment to have all national holidays celebrated on a monday this is a sound suggestion and it should be heeded the present hit or miss system when empire day or dominion day may come in the middle of the week has really nothing to commend it there is little historic significance about the tyctual datesjwc use now aside from the very considerable dislocation for industry and business when a national holi day falls in the middle of the week there is n most important human factor added to the weekend the extra day gives a real break and a chance to get away from routine to the aver age worker and his family coming in the mid- le of the week it is merely a day when one stays nrqund home rather than going to the office or plain iroiraifoir recollections ot aclon lfoi back in 1898 taken from th imtja of tb fwte vrmm tf august jbth iftm acton pupils nro evidently stud- louit every pupil from this placo who wroto nt thtf fltgtnd second foim oxnmlnatlona atgebfgetown hikii school nnd gublphcollerlate institute wa ktledefisfuv were proud of our young men nnd maid ens the present tkteaonn peel af hemlock baric is now being shipped lwsro in large quantities and mes- ara benrdmore nnd co bark gang and teams arc busily enjtar- ed in handlingit ve f v nllzo how much hemlock bark our iblff tanneries use they grind an average of f cords every work ing day equal to four nnd onc- slxtii cars per dsy the country bchools reopned on monday with teachers and pup ils in excellent spirits after the summer holidays the store nnd contents of mr murray crawford campbclivlue were destroyed by fhre on satur- dny lost married mclelljvn mcdonald in ehn on wednesday 10th uf auruht dan- mclellnn toronto t o mptvfcotmhtr mkpiw c j mcdonald esq back in 1928 from the lunr rfcr free prts of thursday animt s 1928 short on courtesy a breakdown of early figures ofii survey of american tourist opinion of canadian motorists manner and habits being conducted by research reveals that only 56 of american visitors give canadian drivers a good rating for courtesy on the road only 22 say cana dian drivers are fairly courteous and 6 declare canadian motorists are downright discourteous the balance had no comment to make the huge influx of american touristmotor ists have no higher opinion of canadians as safe drivers than they have of their motor ing manners those interviewed in the first weeks of the survey gave this unflattering opinion for the record only 452 of ame ricans interviewed said canadians are good in safe driving ability only 22 said cana dians were a fair risk as drivers and 90 thought canadian drivers were definitely dangerous the safety habits of pedestrians in ontario were rated good by 40 of the americans interviewed fair by 272- and poor by 116 two particularly bad canadian driv ing habits were scored straddling traffic lanes failing to give signals before turns both are held by motorists everywhere to denote lack of driving consideration new com from the locnl hardens is now on the family menu mr john walters formerly of acton won the prize for being the oldest mnn nt the georgetown business mens picnic inst week mr walters is 90 years of are a social evening in the united church on mon wns in honor of mr nnd mrs rtobert scott nnd miss lnurn nnd mr nnd mrs c g hen derson nnd fnmlly who are remov ing from acton presentations were mnde during the evening vu1i1 jioss of toronto formerly of acton was a member of the argonnut eight rowing teiun which represented cnnndn at the olym pic gnmes nt amsterdam the first reunion of the dobble clan wns held nt blue spring park inst snturdny there were 125 pre sent representing 41 families des cendants of the inte andrew dob- hie who came from scotlnnd in 1812 nnd settled nt the scoten block it is plnnned to hold the event next year y married baxtermow ai at the united church acton on saturday august 18th luk by the rtev c l poole bd olive m iy eldest daughter of mr nnd mrs 1 a mciwul aclon to mr lnw- renee henry bnxter of chntham son of mrs h k baxter nnd the hire mr baxter of hnmllton milton editorial notes friends lcnrned with reprct tiiis week of the sudden passing of rev mr j n nell mr nell wns for many years minister of the hornby ashgrove and bethel churches lie is survived by his wife nnd children pink nnd white roses nnd fern decorated st georges church lowvllle on jufy 2th for dxa marriage of alice evelyn daugh ter of mr nnd mrs goo e stokes to mnrtin alexnnder sny der son of mr and mrs a d snyder of hnmllton rev j g i hodder officiated the resignation of d a mason ns chief of police wns accepted by i council to take effect immediately the clerk was instructedmo con tact exsgt d 1- canirf of han- ilton who had mnde application i for the position- canadian cham pion howikk license numbers on curs thejeduys show those of our neighbours from the united states sometimes in greater numbers than those from ontario ill kinndfathti of one canad ian politician may he turning in ins khivo if he knows how his fume is being overshadowed by the acts of his grandson one seeoniuform pupil in a rec ent history txunit nation answer ing a tiuestion abouttho family compact produced the following nnswer the family compact is an nr- time now to get ready for acton fair plan your exhibits get ready to tuke purt in this hl s fine community showwindow of agriculture of the district meat give aid t familu those witji la rse wm r bracken real estate and general insurance mortgage loans arranged representative of mutual life assurance co ltd visit oar modern showroom 8 carded street gublph ont opp fire hall rvmieb utd mastic wje8 inlaid utnoucvm waixnus luum la kltcjmia hathroom hallway ftutvm omom he mjoob sanders kfer itont r viritbim keating tile co mjjovd k kkattno formerly gueljtfi flobriag service ptene sslew guelph artor hoar ud specialists in wamvairheating otrcottoorrrottog eavestroughng and plumbing our aim is to give service to our customers and instal only the very best equipment at the lowest possible prices we handle only the best b f murfin sheet metal works plumbing heating eaveutroujrhlne georgetown phone i38w business directory medical dr w g c kenney iphyslobul and 8araoa succoiror to dr j a mcnlvca office in symon block mill st acton offlf ibona is k ut iphom l dr d a garrett thyislaa aud burteaa frederick street acton formerly dr nelxonn office office phone 238 residence dental dr a j buchanan imata 8oea office lelkhman mock mill 8- offlce hours 9 am to 8 pju xray telephone 148 dr george a sirrs deatal 8urb mill st comer frederick aetoa of flea hours 900 am to 430 telephone 19 l woson deetr ef cufeptactle kletonfeput bell telephone building acton phone 303 houri6mrl8pm ltcoai c f leatherland ba acton tytttimur a sollelter notary pah- oftlea 12 phone retuettmlaa langdon aylsworth banrtaten solfcltar eta offices acton cooper building r mnclntyrc aylsworth b a acton off lee 215iv georgetown tbonee reildenae j1kj gregory theatre big phone 8hw lever hoskin chartered aeeeuntanta successors to jenkins hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 41 victoria st toronto ele 9j31 our long distance switchboards are growing bigger the number of long distance calls is at an niltime high and still going higher though home calls are delayed moat are put through while you hold the line more cables and switchboards are being added just as fast as possible to make long distance service even speedier these additions plus unseen technical improve ments nre part of our continuing program to provide the best telephone service at the lowest possible cost veterinary b d young vs bvsc veterinary surgeon office brookville ontario plume milton mfirt f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary surgeon office anil residence knox ava arinn phone 130 miscellaneous johnstone rumley victor b rtumley funeral home heated ambulanea serving the community for 45 years phone 30 nlffht or day willoughby farm agency largest oldest agency in canada head office kent bldg tdronu georgetown representative phone georgetown 32w travellers guide gray coach lines the bell telephone company of canada were an impatient lot otpcop1cnomjbircr did the liberals elect a new leader until some were urging that mr st laurent take over im mediately seems hard to realize thut the canadian national exhihition opens in a week and that school reopening will follow just a week or so later summer is almost over coaches leave acton daylight saving t1m atiil nmb74l am hsgajn 11 hi am iioti pm 441 pm j m pm auti pm tflosti pm wretbouiu tu siratfortll0il am 1z44 qjm 259 pm 5 19 pm 724 pm x9m pm y 1134 pm to london 1044 a m 2il pm a529 pm 724 pm b914 pm a except sundays nnd holidays- b sundayund holiday u saturday sundny and holidays- x to kitchener daily to stratford sunday and holidays y- to kltehonn only railways canadian national standard time kmat bound dally except sundays 555 tin 94h am 710 pm sunday only h19 p m daily except sunday flyer at ceuruetoivn 637 pm duily klyer at georijeiown 1011 pm westbound daily except monday 1 17 am monday only 1209 am daily ex- pt sunday h47 am c so pj sunny side beach toronto kree stage show nightly 800 pjn dancing sea breeze 903 pjn sunnyside pool open daily fvee parking for 5000 cars picnic areas available for outoftown visitors for reservations call la 0357 mr van even t h p ni nnturrinv only 1 3fl inn ftuiitliiy only si3llriv7 lautop klyr lit cuilph xctfpt saturday nut sunday g10 pm wt patterson r0 spnlalut in eye elanilaatiaa orttwptlat 103 wvndiiam mt ouelh iboiui iat comploicly equifpul ohieaa uelow maher shoe storv

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