Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1948, p. 7

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thursday august 10th 1948 the acton free press page sevkn ontario stock yards bulletin jirut wallv rom hamilton mvotmol tl j rokr hamilton optometrist of gueuh will be at dr g a sirrs oftice compute kneauuif miss allan reg chiropodist tnta foot allnmau oll- tum uahc mokforaaale mi af lthv r ua jur- frd 27 artitob st guelph phone 1390j erin g chronicles oi ginger farm kiw- written bproially tor tht action prre fru owendounc p claltkk uumnr has it unit tlie now mun- icrml hulullhg ik to coat approxim ately 20000 mr maurice vincent calornn awe east york died in toronto general hnspltnl on saturday from injuries auffrl in a car crash near belfountaln n wwk bko ixor husband and rrlcrid nlso in the car were killed blatantly the county road known a the aeventh line erin townahlp has been k a heavy coat of tar lllrc jusl olu wor and crushed tone from balllnn- of nln nmi yi whnt nc tad to hluabursh work com- to cown j wmk wt wcre menced last thurrfay on no 34 wlth lh woh hlehway a gueph hly limit from i frl and thla road will receive a heavy not 0ml we werc f sti twrfrahlnk all that lmchoavcn forbid anticipation wan enough each day aa it dawned we expect ed tliq threshers each day aa it closed the machine still had not foil far east as erin advocate burlington vics photography service mums idevjxomho jojlarflemknts hade door to door portrait ptetarm taken at wcjjlnc smui ofclhahnfca kta vic bristow photographer phone 277r make your selection of new wallpaper fbom the largest stock in western ontario priced to suit eveiyone youll find it at chappies bookstore isa wyndhmm st gulpb asovb kennedy proprietor through the wvpruon of lh w two town council in ftnntlrtk them af h puttie- ready mid lot locked back of carolina appte uum w made street t emerald cecnt the p were baked hnd ex rtt bread loel ablation for the burllnb- irtld and ul no thmuen ton girl guide and brownie without a rofrkemtor n lot of have plan in view for a new fofui mut have been poll t propod buldlitff however about one o clock on due to the ure increase ln friday they finally appeared ami membership in theee two move- h imn o hum mchta it is imptfulv they have wo were topkthreihln half our a permanent bulldm in which whp th half hay been to hold their weekly mtln t tho 1 at the regular luncheon of the our mon had already loaded two uons club held at the brant inn n before the machine arrlv- on monday ewnlnjc report on worc oon out ln p the recent carnival were preeffnt- 1 ld nnd ho mcn rkln like ed and they allowed that it was trojans filllne them up partner ffnnnrth- n w1nrr f ho w bulldu lottdit olonk wlululo nienqbootltlnrqsj tho nreatest take ever at n 11 on s carnival in burlington manson mune treasur of the carnival reported the rrow tnke as 10- w13 76 as compared with 10 790 37 ln 1047 a new all time hlh expenses v ere illjthtly higher in 10ls thnn in 1017 and the net proceeda were 148 as eompared with c220 in 1047 gaxette beyond our means a study of 700 buinei es tablishments b the bank of can ada shows that in 191g taxes paid by these flrmi were 45 per cent of their net profits as njrnlnst 18 per cent in 19w if it be argued sajs the ottnwa journal that the firms thus taxed nevertheless secured a fair profit the answer is that thev were only able to secure such profit under war and postwar condltlona of volume production and sales nnd that no kunrnntee can exist of such vol ume continuing cnnndn w as built up by risk capital b men ho hnd the courage to adventure buoved by hope of reward if n time should come when hope will no longer jumifv rik w ith enterprise nnd initiative destroved nnd with our people w ho posses capital con- tint to bo coupon cutters the future of this count rv will be dark fmked our error in gov ernment todnv is that we seem to be putting the cart before the luuse building superstructures w ithout foundations tnxing into extinction the production we re quire to pav for costlv commit ment a to put it simplv we ore living bevond our means cutting our coat beond our financial cloth threatening to kill tho goose w ith the provertinl golden ogg suih a policv mav go on for a time it cant go on lndeflnltel for a nal on as for an individual the da comes when the moi t- gngc has to be palcl idlewild is tho pastoral name of the 4 000acre alrtort ixcently dedicated in new york a dlicious cool drink mrwchom mbim 10 xediy o utuol white mil hoi pew into olatto fllld whh cracked u aim tuger end umftn to tatta salada sj1 tea too comfortable johnny was driv ing n nelghhor s team nnothei man was tying twigs and bob was loading them on to his truck ah fast as they were filled aid that believe me was pretty fast of course there were nlso pitch- era out in tho field there wasnt n hitch the whole nfternoon- tho mnchlne wns never running idle at any time nor did it stop al though there wai a time or two when it coughed pretty bndjy bv sixthirty the job waa done nnd there on the trucks wns n nice lot of wheat already to be shipped the return from which will help us over another winter nnd to a new start in the pring then of course came supper fifteen hot tired nnd hungr men whom wore glad to fit i m le- turn for the work thev had done i didn t know how i was goin to seat them all but that little problem solved itself as the pitch ers came in ahead of the elm is so we finished up b serving the supjhm in rela s afli r cleelv and i hift hnd a hiu to ent out big job of washing dishes began but as nil jobs do finallv come to an end and nimmhirtv saw the i ml of a vis i 11 finish h the nd of n jm rfect d iv fo whnt could bi moii pt i u 1 1 tlnm to luni a good grade of w he it roadv for sale wheat that hid ne vtr been flaltt ne ti in the fie id bv storms nor st i iouslv damaged bv rain w lule standing in tin stoetk es it was surotv the till of a pei ft t da and were t mix t ha n k f ul f oi a good t rop we still have two mon thresh ings ahead of us one for the ret of the wheal the other ur oui spring crops which i suppose will bo light and he it s hoping the v are both jierfcn t davs sports i camera hy ii ou ft ns cant fntwom the actions p acton intjt in this topayturvv playoff htruttgle thty twice have committed ihemnelves to the mer cy of the coda twit were nnd com pletely foreottthi how to play bni- iwth on botli tiee oeeaslonji thev wore lohdlni by nubmnntlnl flejures when they appeared to loe all in terest in tho game mid become nf flitted with errorttlal tiiriiit ok tax4 hlelngh on thee utile inmi hart fool ly with hwk f tat iviulglnk down n dimy lnn with no thought or rutun pain vout our nni ami only fnt to absorb the national debt ulttlt man with cares uo few we ve a lot of faith in you guard rneti merry whkthwl tune you are hpt to tviswl them koon have your fun now while you can soon youll lie a barefoot man kuoirr way to udft lost saturday acton hud the game sewed up ns they entered the fourth ivnmc what with n i2 lend nnd n vivid memory of n humiliating defeat they hnnded milton the previous week fnnu as sumed it wns only a co of how many runs matt tylor nnd his blue sox would chnlk up just how wrong they were wns aptly demonstrated in that frame the infield collnpsed completely nnd 7 milton runs crossed home pinto on the ufrength of three hits three threadbare scratch hits that should never have reached the in itial sack tktn the his week but threshing has not onlv matter of interest toda v uohnnv the oung inl w ho ha worked for us and has made this his home for over seven j ears departe d for points un- known he and his brother and another lad decided to tr their lut k in the hnrve st fie ids out west we shall mist johnnv but w think it a sphndld thing for him to see a hit mon of canada i while he still has the chante i and he will probablv se pknt as the thiet bov s jirt gojn b t ir johnnv s t ai marshalls offering over the right field wall the first circuit smash of the year for footltt incident ally as a result the score was tied 09 tho preposterous amount of eighteen run was scored in 1 eomplole innings base hll rol led off acton hats like a water- khcddlng duck from thence but thev failed to account for any rum john mow nt commiioned t o relieve snder who bore the brunt of the infield comedy of errors hurled n pretty brand of ball he had milton tied up in every dept but the finnl frame found an old milton veteran wielding his stick in a glimmer of baseball of the ire war vintage a four master bv the vet was followed hv anothe- based on a queer code of ground rules the second one hurtled into the maple tiee in deep right field anil according to ground rules lnld down before the game should have onlv ik en a double how e v er aftci its impact with the tree the bull bounced into tlu crowd both officials ruled another two b is wtre foitluoming in view of the frt ak sh tours of un spheie a ton protest d his t sion it had iln same ffe t as conversing with a stone wall timmis and white- man failed to observe an similar itv between the two v u u points constmjuentlv oivaiss blow went for a home run it irked mn tuns to think that the invaders had the final word i kortunatelv last wednesdns rhu barb wns not usee as an ephitet b anv except a few of the more rab d fans who viewed the postponement of the previous gnme as dlreetlv u levant to tho fact a juvenile piny off tixtuie was slated twixt oak- llle aii milton the same eve the policv of using int plnvers in juv en i lo a h-br-ackt-h- ns roplaconnjnlj for thir weak pcints has been teinsisittit this semester at county i own it required little thought to nsstuinto them two points and to rogard tht e xcus emanating from milton of a grandiose garden pnrtv to he nothing e ise thnn a fuce i a canadian farmer notwl for his rtrenuut nnd nlso for tils unas suming wltmlom was atked how he mnnijjted to lift such heavy welghtel he answered i am nnturnlly strong hut a manrl might be an strong an on ox and yet strain his back lifting a com paratively light weight if ho lifts the wrong wny dont lift with your liack uft with you leg by bonding your knees and keep your back ns straight ns possible without st mining to do so that le keep your back a vertical as posidble to the ground when lift ing and dont show off if you find you cannot honve a sack or anything else unaided onto your shoulders get someone to give a i hand if the weight to bc lifted ft too heavy to carry nlone dont have false juido get help there is a limit in everyone to the amount of strain the muscles will stnnd especially on our back and the way to lift k to lift with t milton district cooperative phone 127 mdton coop alancj3 feeds whole chopped grains now is the time to order fertiliser for fall wheat fall wriesboufcht at market fncei use the coop its yovrs for sale one slightly used mulkey elevator for bales bags etc one new holland bate loader never been used iiirlg nri thrn elovntoru e p head optometrist eyes examined scientifically iikaring aid batteries quick repairs to glasses binoculars field glasses etc bs si omrgea sq phone 1529 guelph est it year during the past meaaon we had th reptitatkn as one of the largest live poultry buyers for the merican market we ac thlw outstan rating only through your marvcllouh patronage and faith in our sollcilauoii our object in future as in the past will be to bring to you the highest market prices free pick up phone collect daytime ask for valley produce after 6 pm phone 130 valley produce arthur ont coke easy to take home in handy carton prwarprice 2t wartime taxes orders lit you pay 3gt plus deposit 2i per bottlb we fiom ou iuujhte and the u n stint that she t ver cht rful other waneunr i nu in she hkis foil william m oph in it and writes in at counts of th place- hiii visit d mn has even wanted dead stock highest cash prices hordes 7 00 ciuh cuttle 8 00 each hors 2 00 per cwt all anonling to size and condition calx xlxjmr oalt s1lj darling co ltd succeawrh to falco bww mi t someone who tomes from the plici where jjaugiiter was born oiaplin on tht sakute hew on pi iirie natuiallv w are w uhlng stu wtiuld gel tumie whih i u k is bin but tht tmlv wa she could do it m hti off time would be to t onit bv air and that i found upon inquirv would cost the small sum of j 1 think that e x- pn vmttn wt so often ue free as the mi rntsis a little revision don l ou oi thus it i up ptvse the air is still fret it i- tnivtllng thinuih it thit hurts the pocket kik nd thai it minds nit c ii itl it is just nnut half ami ait too in she will ih t ik ing to the air agtltn wt sttmeii t i hae oodli s ef t mt rtt first but now w have to figure things pretiv ttosilv to get in all we want to ilti t icm lx txixtts to w eiuite an expert at the milking before niu goes horn although she sn that every time the gte to the barn jane her long suffering oowlotvks around at her with n palneel exproijjon as i muui an to wiv what jou here ftcahv i win shouldn t thev he hot und the cxuini acton officialdom that is io subordinate an intormed- j late game under the pr ti xt of at- j te ndmg a garden partv is certamlv not t ru kt t hut when it is used as a front to obscure nn entlrel dlffeitnt move a pungent odor iris sw huh im ludi s among a var- h t of ijit i snu iu an unmlslak- tbh f sh erne i hen with start- i ng mdoi aft i r siunii s e i j t unit r milton annoii e hev i- t- ndi d t skip st dnit i s k urn i i ist nihtt whu h k pi u tl a ik an admits m of th pitviuin u t k e i in tit n sinix onofhet juv rule tixtuo is ntheeluled tn tf it date t i h it juru tun lot al manng- nii nt n irlv bu w a fu vu tl us tht infi i md it lung ir ist i w ill tut ur ih 1 n last night mi s w ir r 1 1 n tti uie 1mh dl tl t n ti le a t h imp inris pt r- h ih tid tl it s ri n as tll n unin is wnttt n n m nd lav w t n t a it in l t i rovno stu lit t t tl win the s ru i nl dl n r ihk f a lrei ik 1 i in uni m of thi- st rib tl t i ul t n oe u f ni shed with i a 1 1 on i w inn r onk fort u n e h is smll 1 in th opposll 1 dire i tio 1 motorists don t forget the gold en rule of safety drive as vou would have otheti dnv kemem her lt otheis ou are uie other ft how anthorled bottler of cocncola under contract with coca cola ltd orangeville bottling works orantjeviu phone 137w

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